Is it possible and how can I pass and get a license for a car and a motorcycle at the age of 16?

During the warm season, many two-wheeled vehicles - scooters and mopeds - appear on the roads. Often their drivers are people who do not have a driving permit. This article will help you learn about the traffic rules (traffic rules) on general roads for scooters with a capacity of up to 50cc. Let's consider who can control it, how to cross intersections, what a moped driver can and cannot do.

According to official definitions, a moped is a 2 or 3 wheeled vehicle equipped with an engine with a capacity of up to 50 cc and a maximum speed of 50 km/h. ATVs with similar engine parameters also fall into this category.

At what age can you ride a scooter?

In the constantly changing rules, it is difficult to navigate the permissible minimum age of a person who has the right to drive a vehicle, category M. At the moment, according to the rules, you can ride a scooter or moped after reaching 16 years of age. The cause of many accidents is scooter riders under 16 years old, simply put – children driving!

It is from the age of 16 that you can acquire a category M license. Having a license is a prerequisite for legal driving. Otherwise, you can receive a fine ranging from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, as well as pay for storing the vehicle in a impound lot. A person who transfers a vehicle to a person without a license (most likely, parents) receives a fine of 30 thousand rubles - you must agree, a decent amount.

At what age can you carry a child in the back seat?

In accordance with Article 22 of Government Decree No. 1090, which establishes the Traffic Rules, the following persons can carry passengers on a motorcycle or moped:

  • having a driver's license of the appropriate category
  • having driving experience of more than 2 years

It should be taken into account that the transportation of minor passengers is carried out according to special rules that ensure the maximum level of safety. Article 22 of the traffic rules states that it is prohibited to transport children under 12 years of age on the back seat of a motorcycle.

What is possible and what is not?

For owners of vehicles of category M, there are some prohibitions, as well as mandatory conditions for driving on public roads.

What must a moped driver do?

  • You are only allowed to drive a moped wearing a special protective helmet. The motorcycle helmet must be fastened. The fine for driving without a helmet is 1,000 rubles. By the way, the same fine can be issued for wearing a helmet but not fastening it.
  • By the way, in case of an accident between a car and a scooter, if the driver of the scooter is not wearing a helmet, the driver of the car will not be punished. The reason for this decision will be the lack of a helmet - the scooter rider is to blame for his injuries.

Important! The passenger is not required to wear a helmet (see paragraph 24.8 of the Rules).

  • The transported cargo should not significantly protrude beyond the dimensions of the vehicle or interfere with control.
  • At night, driving is permitted only with working lights. The scooter must have reflective elements.
  • When driving during the day, the vehicle must only move with the low beams or running lights turned on. They should be turned on immediately before driving.

Remember! Remember to turn on the lights when driving during the day. This measure will allow other road users to see you in advance. Thus, you will avoid injuries, danger to health and life, and unnecessary material costs.

  • You need to drive as close as possible to the right edge of the lane.

Do you need rights?

So, to drive a motorcycle, moped and scooter, you need an appropriate driver’s license, which you can obtain when you reach a certain age.

To obtain a license for a motorcycle (moped) you must:

  • obtain a medical certificate allowing you to drive this type of transport
  • take a training course at a driving school (usually the training takes no more than 2 months)
  • pass qualifying exams consisting of certain exercises in a closed area and an exam in real conditions while driving around the city

Qualifying exams are taken by traffic police officers. After successfully passing all tests, the same body issues a driver's license.

In accordance with the traffic rules in force in Russia, it is not necessary to obtain an additional category M if the driver has any other category open (A, A1, B, C, and so on).

Category A, opened by the driver, also allows you to drive vehicles belonging to categories A1 and B1. However, category A1 does not allow you to drive a motorcycle classified as type A.

Read also: Category B1 license is...

Punishment for violations of driving motor vehicles

What is the penalty for driving a motorcycle without a license? In accordance with Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code (CAO), the absence of documents on a motorcyclist, provided they are available in the database, is punishable by a warning or an administrative fine of 500 rubles.

If riding a motorcycle is carried out by a person who does not have an appropriate driver’s license, the fine will be increased to 5,000 - 15,000 rubles (Article 12.7 of the Administrative Code).

If a motorcycle is driven by a person deprived of such a right, then the punishment will be (Article 12.7 of the Administrative Code, Part 2):

  • administrative fine of 30,000 rubles
  • compulsory work for 100-200 hours
  • administrative arrest for up to 15 days

Special punishment is provided for not wearing a helmet while driving. According to Article 12.6 of the Administrative Code, the punishment is a fine of 1,000 rubles.

Driving school for obtaining a motorcycle driver's license

To obtain a driver's license, you must attend a driving school. Now there is a large selection of them. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of practical hours.

Before enrolling in a driving school, you must pass a driver's medical examination and obtain a medical certificate in the prescribed form, including a narcologist and a psychologist.

You also need to collect the following documents:

  • Application for admission to courses (the form is provided at the institution itself or can be downloaded from the school website);
  • A photocopy of the passport in three copies;
  • Medical certificate;
  • Receipt for paid tuition fees and a photocopy of it
  • Two color photos 3.5 x 4.5 without corners

A written agreement must be concluded with the driving school; pay attention to how payment under the agreement is divided: fuel, practical training and theoretical basis. Inquire about the license.

Who is allowed to drive on the side of the road?

Traffic rules for residential areas and courtyards

Clause 9.9 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation prohibits the movement of vehicles (vehicles) along dividing strips and roadsides.

Driving to the side of the road is permitted for them only for stopping and parking (12.1 Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation), on the right side of the road. Stopping and parking on the left side are permitted in populated areas on the following roads:

  • with one lane for each direction without tram tracks in the middle;
  • with one-way traffic (trucks weighing more than 3.5 tons - only stop for loading or unloading).

Vehicles are allowed to drive on the side of the road

  • municipal and road maintenance services;
  • delivering cargo to objects (including retail) located directly at the roadside, if there are no other entrances.

Movement on the side of the road that does not interfere with pedestrians is allowed:

  • cyclists over 14 years old, if there is no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian path or the opportunity to move along them, or along the right edge of the road (clause 24.2, clause 24.6 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations);
  • mopeds (clause 24.7 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations);
  • horse-drawn carts, riding and pack animals (only in one row, possibly to the right), clause 25.2 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.

The paradox of impatience

According to clause 1.2 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, “shoulder” is the outermost part of the road, differing from the roadway in the type of surface or marked with markings 1.2.1 or 1.2.2.
It is along the side of the road that the most impatient drivers try to avoid traffic jams. Often creating a danger for those who are allowed to move along this part of the road (pedestrians, cyclists, etc.).

Trying to return to “their” lane from the side of the road, violators interfere with traffic and further increase congestion. For such maneuvers in violation of traffic rules of the Russian Federation, the “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” dated December 30, 2001 No. 195-FZ provides for punishment ranging from a fine of 1,500 rubles to deprivation of a driver’s license (VU).

Who is not covered by Road Sign 3.5

First of all, owners of scooters and mopeds should not be afraid of violations of this sign, provided that the engine installed on them does not exceed 50 cubic centimeters in volume. There are also restrictions on the maximum speed that such units can develop. This is 50 kilometers per hour.

There are a few other exceptions. Thus, sign 3.5 does not apply to motorcycles serving post offices. In this case, they must be marked with a special sign in the prescribed form.

Vehicles assigned to enterprises and other objects located in the restricted area established by the sign may also drive through the sign.

Finally, motorcycle travel is permitted for people who work or live in the area concerned.

However, in order to avoid disagreements with the traffic police inspector, the driver, in addition to his license, must also have documents confirming his right to the “benefits”.

For example, if we are talking about the transport of an enterprise, then this could be an invoice for goods or a waybill. When it comes to a personal motorcycle, it would be useful to have a passport with a stamp indicating registration in the zone of current restrictions.

Motorcycle passenger age

Age restrictions affect not only motorcycle drivers, but also their passengers. Regardless of the type of vehicle, a passenger over 12 years of age has the right to sit in the back seat. It is strictly prohibited to transport children under this mark, and family ties do not matter.

Not only the age of the passenger matters, but also his height. If it is less than 150 cm, then it is necessary to ensure the safety of the passenger with the help of additional fencing.

The law does not provide for a restriction on the age of a passenger if he is transported in a side trailer (stroller). In this case, it is important to only have a helmet.

Passengers must be transported according to the rules. The length of the seat must allow the carriage of passengers. There must be special footrests, side handles, and a helmet, which must be put on before the start of movement.

How often do pensioners need to obtain a medical certificate?

Once every 10 years. This is regulated by the same Federal Law on Safety, which specifies that a driver’s license must be changed every 10 years. In turn, Order No. 344 prescribes (in paragraph 4) the mandatory receipt of a new certificate when replacing rights.

The 2022 legislation has not established any special conditions, as we wrote above, for older people regarding the age at which they need to undergo a medical examination more often.

Meanwhile, there is still an important subtlety here, which lies in the purpose of obtaining a medical certificate - in the presence of diseases and conditions under which driving is prohibited and which are more common among pensioners than among young people or middle-aged people.

Features of passing the exam

To obtain documents for a scooter, you must pass an exam at the traffic police. Testing proceeds as follows:

  • testing theoretical knowledge;
  • driving skills test.

The theory test consists of testing knowledge of traffic rules and analyzing conflicting practical situations. The exam is conducted in testing mode.

Driving skills testing is carried out in 2 stages:

  • autodrome;
  • locality.

Initially, the candidate must demonstrate his driving skills on a race track. The driver's knowledge is tested when passing artificially created obstacles.

In the second stage, the control of the scooter is tested in testing in a populated area. The candidate's driving skills are assessed by a representative of the traffic police.

If one of the stages of the exam (theoretical or practical) is not passed properly, a second attempt is possible after a week. After two unsuccessful attempts, the next opportunity is provided to the candidate only after a month. Each retake is carried out upon presentation of a payment receipt.

The myth of being able to drive while accompanied by an adult

This is a fake that is being spread by not entirely reliable sources. The reason for this is perhaps the gullibility of young men and women in various types of Internet news.

Proofs are quite easy to find here - it will be surprising for many, but the issue of age and the ability to drive cars in 2022 is not regulated by traffic rules. This is stated in 2 other legal acts:

  • all in the same Federal Law No. 196 On Road Traffic Safety, admission to the right to drive is indicated from 16, 17, 18 or 21 years old for various categories,
  • Government Decree No. 1097 On admission to driving also stipulates age gradations for driving and learning driving.

And in none of these regulations you will find any relaxation in the form of driving without a license at the age of 16, accompanied by an adult with a driver’s license.

Advantages of a scooter

  1. Firstly, it is much more affordable than other means of transportation. Depending on the characteristics, its average price can vary from 25,000 to 75,000 rubles. This aspect will be especially pleasant for parents who want to give a gift to their child. For that kind of money you can buy either a mediocre scooter or an expensive branded bicycle. Any teenager will be happier with this “iron pony” than with a regular bicycle.
  2. Secondly, it is more fuel efficient. The average fuel consumption per 100 km is only about 2 liters. But, of course, this value is applicable only if the scooter is maintained in perfect condition and certain rules are followed when riding. For example, you must not exceed the speed (more than 40 km/h). You can ride a scooter together, but this also has a big impact on fuel consumption. If you follow these simple conditions, the savings compared to a car are enormous.
  3. Another important factor is its ease of operation. Even the smallest child can handle the control system, and its maneuverability and small size make it very convenient for driving in traffic jams. This will be very useful not so much for children, but for young people, who will find it convenient to use a scooter for part-time work.
  4. And, of course, it is worth noting such a factor as its compactness. The weight of an average scooter varies around 40-70 kg, which makes it very convenient in terms of storage. For the winter, you can leave it right in the apartment or, alternatively, in the entrance.

Technical information on scooters and mopeds

In the rules, the concept of a scooter does not exist at all. But a moped is defined as a vehicle with an engine capacity of up to 50 cm3 and a maximum speed of 50 km/h. These features make it possible to combine into one group a whole class of machines that differ in the following technical characteristics:

  • Lightweight frame.
  • Small wheel diameter.
  • Small engine volume.
  • No more than two passes.
  • Low fuel consumption.
  • Difficulties in moving long distances.

The concept of a scooter is understood as a two- or three-wheeled vehicle that is not capable of reaching a speed of more than fifty kilometers per hour on the road. Its engine capacity usually ranges from 50 to 230 cm3, and it can be gasoline or electric (power from 0.25 to 4 kW). A distinctive feature is the seat, which has a design popularly called a “stool”. Mopeds and scooters belong to the “M” category, which in addition to this equipment also includes ATVs.

Mopeds and scooters are used most often within a populated area. This technique is also popular because of its low cost, and also because it allows you to avoid standing in traffic jams for several hours, thanks to its maneuverability. But in addition to easy handling, such transport has its own restrictions on speed and does not allow the transport of cargo.

Practical part of the exam

It is necessary that the motorcycle on which the candidate for a license will demonstrate driving skills to the instructor meets safety requirements. Otherwise, the vehicle will not be allowed to take the exam.

To adapt to the vehicle, the driver is allowed to drive around the site for 2 minutes before the exam, which is not counted in the overall assessment system.

The practical part for motorcyclist candidates consists of several exercises, the order of which is determined by the examiner.

After completing one exercise, the examinee, without turning off the engine, informs the instructor with the light of the headlight that he is ready to perform the next one.

If you fail to complete one exercise, you are given the opportunity to repeat it. If you fail again when repeating, it is considered that the exam has not been passed.

If for some reason the examinee refuses to take the exam before it begins, the examiner will allow him to take the exam on another day.

If you have not passed the theoretical part of the exam, then a retake can be scheduled no earlier than seven days later. The law does not limit the number of theory retakes, but the practical exam can only be taken three times a week, and then a retake can only be scheduled after 30 days.

Please remember that if you fail the practical exam within 6 months, you will have to take the theoretical exam again.

What is prohibited for moped drivers according to traffic regulations?

Since the traffic rules, along with cars, classify a moped as a mechanical vehicle, they are subject to the general regulations contained in clause 2.7 of the traffic rules prohibiting:

  • drunk driving;
  • driving a vehicle when very tired, sick or under the influence of medication, if this reduces concentration;
  • transfer of a moped or scooter to persons belonging to the above categories;
  • stand in organized columns;
  • drink alcohol after an accident before the examination for the degree of intoxication;
  • talk on the phone without a headset, eliminating the need to use your hands;
  • dangerous driving (lack of proper distance between vehicles, sudden braking (except in cases of preventing an accident), failure to comply with the requirements to give way to persons with priority in traffic, etc.).

P.p. 24.7-24.9 Traffic regulations impose additional restrictions on drivers of scooters and mopeds in the form of a ban on certain actions:

  • move on any sections of the roadway (allowed only along its right edge or in a bicycle lane);
  • do not drive a vehicle without using your hands;
  • engage in cargo transportation if the length or width of the cargo extends beyond the boundaries of the moped or scooter by half a meter or more or otherwise interferes with control;
  • carry passengers if the design of the moped or scooter does not allow this;
  • move persons under seven years of age without places equipped for them;
  • make a U-turn or turn left on roads with more than one lane in one direction of travel and on lanes with tram lines;
  • ride with or without a protective helmet;
  • use pedestrian crossings on the same basis as pedestrians;
  • tow vehicles yourself or allow other road users to tow their moped or scooter (except for cases of towing with a trailer specially designed for this purpose).

To summarize, it is worth noting that since a moped is also a mechanical vehicle, the traffic rules for mopeds and scooters are identical to the traffic rules developed for car owners, but with the imposition of additional responsibilities due to the specifics of their design.


To get your scooter license, you'll have to fork out some money. The cost of a moped license consists of several components:

  • payment for medical examination;
  • tuition fees for category M, A or A1;
  • state duties.

There are no uniform tariffs for the first two expense items; they may vary in different institutions. The state duty is paid in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. or 3 thousand rubles depending on the material from which the document will be made (clause 43.1, part 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The total cost will range from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the region and category of rights.

Disadvantages of a scooter

The main disadvantages include the low speed of movement corresponding to the low engine power.
The scooter is designed for urban conditions and travel on normal roads, so it is better not to use it for off-road driving and long trips. Another minor drawback is the lack of presentation of the scooter in older circles. A serious businessman riding a scooter wearing a very funny helmet is a rather ridiculous sight. That is why, as a means of transportation, it is most popular among teenagers and young people. And this factor is quite ambiguous.

Category restrictions

Obtaining the right to drive a moped is limited by the presence of certain diseases that are identified during a medical examination. There are a number of contraindications.

These include:

  • pathological mental disorder;
  • psychological disorder caused by the use of psychotropic medications;
  • absence of an upper or lower limb, fingers;
  • dysfunction of the vestibular analyzer.

Lack of vision concludes the list.
Despite this, there are some acceptable indicators that you can count on to obtain rights. The best eye should see at least 0.6, the worst - 0.2:

  1. Lack of vision in one eye, 0.8 units in the sighted eye.
  2. More than 30 days after ophthalmic surgery.

Vision may improve as a result of operations or exercises, so if the dynamics are positive, you can visit the ophthalmologist again. The data recorded by him will become one of the legal grounds for obtaining the desired access.


A guy who gets behind the wheel of a bike without the appropriate license risks his money. If he is stopped by a traffic police officer, a fine will be issued. The first hit will cost an amount that can reach 15,000 rubles. The second time it increases, maximum – 30,000 rubles. Also, the driver can be imprisoned for 15 days, and his iron friend can be sent to the impound lot.

The certificate must be opened for the appropriate category. If your license is A1, and the bike’s engine capacity is over 125 cc. cm - illegal movement. It is better to take the exam for category A. You are allowed to drive all types of motorcycles.

We must remember our responsibility to other road users and pedestrians. Departure to the city should be carried out when the control has been worked out to the point of automaticity.

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