A motorcycle as sports equipment – ​​where can you ride it and what is it?

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/ Legal articles on automobile law / Traffic and safety issues / Do I need to register a motocross motorcycle and get a license?

Do I need to register a motocross motorcycle and get a license?

In recent years, cross-bikes have become a very fashionable topic among active young people who are interested in off-road motorcycle trips over rough terrain.

In today's article on Autolegal, we will look at some of the legal nuances associated with the operation of such equipment and answer the question - is a motocross motorcycle a vehicle?

Code of Administrative Offenses

Riding a motorcycle without a license plate on public roads (hereinafter referred to as PDOs) is prohibited! If you have a PTS, you can drive, but if you don’t have a PTS, you can’t drive. But the very concept of sports equipment is not spelled out in the laws. WITHOUT PTS is equipment without documents.

When meeting with traffic police inspectors, you will definitely have problems!

Inspectors can also pull up Article 12.5 - Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which the operation of vehicles is prohibited, or a vehicle on which the identification sign “Disabled” is illegally installed.

For further proceedings, it should be noted that the new reading of the code came into force on January 10, 2022. The fine system has been revised (increasingly).

  • 500-800 rubles for 12.1.
  • 5000 rubles or deprivation of 1-3 for 12.2
  • 500 rubles + impound lot for 12.3
  • if the light is crooked or structurally absent, there are no turn signals or brake lights - imprisonment for 6-12 months with confiscation under 12.5
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