Parking near the elevator: is it possible to store a motorcycle in the entrance?

Unfortunately, motorcycle thefts, especially in urban environments, are quite common.

In fact, under the circumstances, the attackers will not be able to be stopped by either a chain, an installed alarm system, or even the presence of nearby crowded places and random passers-by. In order to understand where to store a motorcycle if there is no garage, you should first decide on the mode of use of the bike. Many motorcyclists use their equipment only during the season, some use it all year round. If you use a motorcycle every day for commuting or for your business activities, it is unlikely that you will be able to spend a lot of time getting to the garage.

Paid parking

The easiest way is to leave your bike in a paid parking lot. Such pleasure will not be expensive, especially if you use these services regularly. Some garage cooperatives or parking lots may even have special sheds where leaving a motorcycle overnight is not only safe, but also convenient, since rain, hail, and sun rays will not damage the paint or seat. The main advantage of this storage method is the presence of security.

The fact is that, unfortunately, there are people who are prone to vandalism, or those who feel satisfaction from damaging other people's property. Whether the criminals were under the influence of alcohol or drugs will hardly make things easier for you. At the same time, the parking lot is usually guarded around the clock with video surveillance installed. Any encroachment on the property will be stopped, otherwise you will be able to file a lawsuit to recover damages due to inadequate security.

Where is the best place to store a motorcycle?

You need to choose a storage location carefully - it should be safe, warm and ventilated. We don’t consider options for storing a motorcycle on the balcony, landing, in the front door, under the mother-in-law’s bed, in a missile warehouse, or in the basement of a nearby store - all this is not serious. Any self-respecting motorcyclist will make every effort to take the best possible care of his equipment. Let's go through the most common storage options and see where it is best to keep a motorcycle.

Garage and alternative storage options

The second way is to purchase a garage . A motorcycle is more than just two wheels, a frame and an engine. You will need somewhere to store several sets of tires, spare parts, somewhere to service and repair your two-wheeled friend.

The more expensive the motorcycle, the greater the damage will be from storing it outdoors in the rain and wind. With a little effort, you can equip your garage and make it convenient for storing motorcycles. If the cost of renting or purchasing a garage really confuses you, you can cooperate with brothers in spirit and organize a joint rental. One garage can easily fit 3-4 motorcycles, which will significantly reduce the cost of storing equipment.

Installing electric or any other heating will allow you to do what you love on cool winter evenings, so as not to get bored, to do what you love and prepare your handsome man for the summer.

Preserving a motorcycle for the winter from A to Z

Preserving a motorcycle for the winter, especially if it is stored in a cold garage, is quite a labor-intensive task - you need to prepare for this in advance. In the absence of warmer storage conditions, attention must be focused on minimizing damage.

It is important to understand that regardless of the type of garage, be it a “box”, “shell” or a DIY motorcycle garage, the safety of the vehicle, in most cases, depends on the level of air moisture and the care provided. Even if there is no heating in the garage, there is no need to give up; the most important thing is dryness and constant air circulation in the room.

primer for plastered walls under putty

The most economical way to “winter hibernate” for a motorcycle is preservation, which involves cleaning, changing oils and creating conditions under which, after frost, you won’t have to change a good half of the insides of the vehicle.

The motorcyclist must understand that the main enemy of his iron horse is moisture, therefore all work is carried out to eliminate it and minimize its effect on the parts.


Another convenient and interesting storage method can be a regular 5-ton container. They are easy to buy in the city, the cost does not exceed 1 thousand USD, and installation will require the services of a crane operator and a trawl. In fact, you can install it anywhere, and you will not be forced to demolish it , since it is not real estate. On the other hand, if there are tensions with local governments, you can always move your property. The container has a convenient height and width; it can be additionally sheathed with wood, install shelves, or even supply electricity to it. By adding a secure lock, you will get a convenient place to store your motorcycle at a very reasonable price.

Many motorcycle dealerships offer such a service as winter storage.

I see the following advantages: – no need to look for a place to winter the bike (you don’t know who to rent a garage from, force apartments, carry and disassemble the bike for spare parts, etc.) – it is always guarded in a warm, dry room, you can come to pet for a visit) - professionals look after it all winter (they charge the battery, carry out repairs if necessary, etc.) - and the cost is not high, from 1200 rubles / month (how much will it cost you to rent a garage, I doubt it will be dry and bright)?

Well, in general, there is something to think about. This year I gave preference to the newly opened salon, they have a huge premises (the money is not like herrings in a barrel) and the price offer in connection with the opening was captivating, well, in general, I made my choice and will spend the winter quietly, waiting for the next season. If anyone is interested, here you can look in more detail about that new place: (I’m not imposing it on anyone, I’m just sharing information)


Preserving a motorcycle for the winter is its complete maintenance, which includes changing the oil, flushing the gas tank, checking all the wires and much more, which will allow you to immediately get on the bike in the spring and start it halfway.

Don’t rush to the garage, first you should go to the store and buy everything you need to process the motorcycle. This:

Let's start with the hottest thing - gasoline! Leaving a motorcycle with a half-empty tank for the winter means dooming it to inevitable corrosion, don’t do that. The motorcycle should be preserved with a filled tank so that condensation does not appear on its walls, causing corrosion.

Need I say that it is better to refuel with high-quality gasoline with the octane number for which the engine is designed? Take the time and money to find proven fuel. If you are not sure about the gasoline that is splashing around in the gas tank, then it is better to drain it completely and fill it with good, high-quality fuel. Since gasoline, like any other hydrocarbons, is unstable and decomposes after some time, and higher fractions quickly evaporate, the shelf life of gasoline at gas stations does not exceed 30 days. What to do? You can add a fuel stabilizer to gasoline or a special additive to clean the fuel system - this can be done right at the gas station, without leaving the cash register, as they say, or rather, from the motorcycle.

Then the motorcycle needs to be washed. Here you can go two ways: do everything yourself in the garage or go to a car wash. Just not contactless! In most cases, they use products with very aggressive alkaline compounds that do not provide a protective coating and do not wash away dirt and hard-to-reach places. This means that it is in them that corrosion will appear. Use products with protective wax for hand washing motorcycles - these shampoos are specially created to ensure that the bike's coating does not deteriorate, does not rust, and remains clean for as long as possible. After a refreshing shower, we wipe the bike dry - everything is like people do.

Now you need to process the main nodes. We lubricate all cables, hinges and handles with engine preservation spray or universal WD-40. Particular attention should be paid to the front fork and lubricate the chrome feathers.

Next we protect the electrical wiring. The main enemies of wiring: sub-zero temperatures (terminals oxidize), humidity and dampness (materials wear out), rodents (gnaw and damage wires). A special spray for treating electrical wiring will protect you from all these problems: it lasts for just six months, and for every firefighter, we spray high-voltage wires with a spray against rodents - the smell will scare them away, not even allowing them to try the wires. Silicone lubricant will protect the rubber from hardening, cracking and aging.

Tire treatment cannot be skipped if you want the rubber to last for a long time: in the winter, be sure to treat it with special foam. The motorcycle's rubber is special, its composition is soft, so that the bike has high grip on the road when turning and leaning. It hardens and dries quickly, so regular silicone will not work here. Tire foam will keep the rubber as soft and wear-resistant. And don’t forget about the tire pressure: it must be reduced to 0.5 atmospheres.

Removing the battery. At this stage, even the most seasoned biker will wipe away a stingy tear: we disconnect the motorcycle from the power supply, that is, we remove the battery. If you do not remove the battery, but simply decide to remove the terminals from it, then treat them with a protective spray to prevent corrosion.

Other transport storage places

Due to the fact that the presence of a motorcycle implies not only the vehicle itself, but also its components, namely spare parts and tires. It is also important to have room for repairs. If you have a high-class two-wheeled friend and store it in the open air, you can incur considerable losses. It is best to purchase a garage or rent one. If funds do not allow you to do this, you can organize a cooperative with familiar motorcyclists. How? By cooperating into a target group, they rent a place to store motorcycles - this will significantly reduce costs. By getting more serious about organizing the location of your bike, you can install heating and equip it for your convenience.

Dear Lawyers, please tell me if it is possible in an apartment of an apartment building

Dear Lawyers, please tell me whether it is possible to store a motorcycle (hereinafter referred to as a vehicle) in an apartment in an apartment building, and where to go if you smell the fuel of a vehicle (a person with asthma became very ill after smelling the fuel of a vehicle)?

Answers to the question:

You cannot store a motorcycle: according to Part 1 of Art. 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Residential premises are intended for the residence of citizens. According to Part 4 of the same article, the use of residential premises is carried out taking into account the rights and legitimate interests of citizens living in this residential premises, neighbors, fire safety requirements, sanitary, hygienic, environmental and other legal requirements, as well as in accordance with the rules for the use of residential premises premises. It is best to contact the owner himself with a complaint, in case he agrees to remove the motorcycle voluntarily. If not, complain to the housing inspector. If there is harm to your health, you can go to court for compensation.

According to fire safety rules, the purpose of a living space cannot be changed (including use as a garage or photo workshop). Try contacting the local police officer.


How to use a motorcycle storage container

Storing a motorcycle in winter

If you don’t have a place to store your steel friend in the winter, then you can confidently consider the option of storing it at home. This way you will be sure that your bike is safe, secure and protected from all unforeseen circumstances. This option is absolutely free, of course, if the area of ​​your own home allows it. The procedure for sending a motorcycle for the winter requires the following preparatory measures:

  1. We wash the bike with plastic shampoo.
  2. We treat metal parts with WD-40.
  3. Spray the tires with silicone spray.
  4. We take out the candles and drop a couple of drops of oil under each one and put them in place.
  5. Be sure to remove the battery and store it in the apartment, but separately. We check the charge from time to time.
  6. Fill a full tank of gasoline. It is important to consider the quality of the fuel - it must be high.
  7. We plug the exhaust pipe. For this purpose, you can use a plastic bag or tape. The latter should not be glued on top of the parts; it will be difficult to remove. Clogging the muffler protects against condensation.
  8. Reduce tire pressure by half.
  9. We install the vehicle on wooden beams.
  10. The leather seat should be treated with a water-repellent shoe spray. It is better not to use polish, as the saddle will become slippery.
  11. It’s good if the bike body can be placed in a case. It is not recommended to use polyethylene for this purpose, as rust appears and the engine suffers.

Experts examined in detail where you can store a motorcycle if you don’t have a garage. If you carefully study the information, there should be no problems with parking your vehicle if you do not have a personal garage.

homelach 01/28/201601/28/2016 Category Miscellaneous Comment.

The motorcycle season in the European part of Russia lasts about six months and ends on the first weekend of October. Fans of “rides” are immersed in nostalgia throughout the winter, which among motorcyclists is called motor toxicosis.

It manifests itself in different ways, but they sing songs about it and write poems. A yearning fan can dress up in motorcycle gear in winter and go for a walk around the city. In order not to part with their iron friends, they are placed in a house, which often causes difficulties: as the hero of one Soviet film noted, our apartments are not very large. publishes a photo history of the illness of those who suffer from motor toxicosis.

Photos: Valery Zaitsev

The last photo is cool. But some others too - just amazing!

Victor from Rzhev, private house, 80 sq.m.

Margo from St. Petersburg, two-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

Alexander from St. Petersburg, three-room apartment, 75 sq.m.

Ekaterina from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

Alexander from Kolpino, two-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

Klimenty from St. Petersburg, three-room apartment, 70 sq.m.

Nikita from St. Petersburg, two-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

See also: Unknown US maneuvering weapon caught on video in Afghanistan

Pavel from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

Stanislav from St. Petersburg, office is located on the island of Little Holland

Alexey from St. Petersburg, private house, 90 sq.m.

Maria from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 40 sq.m.

Evgeniy from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

Igor from Rzhev, private house, 80 sq.m.

Vladimir from St. Petersburg, two-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

Edgar from Cherepovets, three-room apartment, 65 sq.m.

Gray from St. Petersburg, room (used as a garage), 15 sq.m.

Svyatoslav from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

Alexey from St. Petersburg, two-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

Andrey from St. Petersburg, office of the school of foreign languages

Andrey from Kolpino, two-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

Gleb from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

Elena from St. Petersburg, two-room apartment, 55 sq.m.

Galina from Pushkin, room in a student dormitory, 15 sq.m.

Nikolay from Kolpino, two-room apartment, 70 sq.m.

Valery from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

Maxim from St. Petersburg, three-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

Fedor from St. Petersburg, one-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

Anton from St. Petersburg, three-room apartment, 80 sq.m.

See also: Legs and cars - photos of girls

Sergey from St. Petersburg, two-room apartment, 60 sq.m.

Gennady from Kolpino, two-room apartment, 50 sq.m.

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The simplest option in every sense is to chain your iron friend to the bars under the windows of your home. Of course, you will need a good strong chain or a special anti-theft bracket with an alarm, a case, as well as constant supervision of the motorcycle. This will not protect the motorcycle from vandals, bad weather or theft, but if you are lucky, the money saved from paid parking or garage rental will be able to buy new protection for the next season. If, of course, there is still anything left of the motorcycle.

Pros: free, motorcycle is always at hand.

Cons: unsafe; in bad weather it will begin to deteriorate.


An unheated garage is harsh, but better than outside, and your two-wheeled friend will definitely say “thank you!” for a heated garage. In the garage, the motorcycle will no longer be covered with snow and it will not get wet in the rain, however, when stored in a cold room, the spark plugs may turn sour - they should be unscrewed in advance; in a warm garage there will be no such problems. Motorcyclists are a strong community and are used to helping each other and helping out in difficult times. Therefore, many bikers pool together to rent a garage for their car in order to put several bikes there at once: it’s both cheaper and easier.

Pros: under a roof, under lock and key.

Cons: in an unheated garage, even a motorcycle prepared for preservation is not protected from corrosion.

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