A real bastard is a good man on a good motorcycle

The Outlaws MC club dates back to 1935. The first official headquarters was Matilda Bar, located on the famous Route 66. In those days, bikers were heavily restricted by law - the authorities were wary of biker gangs. However, closer to the fifties, the organization received official status.

Over time, Outlaw MC acquired many regional branches, including outside the United States. There is also a chapter in Russia that has been operating for more than fifteen years.


The traditional Outlaws MC logo is a skull with crossed pistons. There are many alternative signs, the most popular of which is a motorcycle with wings emblazoned with the word Outlaw MC in a gothic style. The symbols are embroidered on black shirts or black leather jackets. The basis is a Western-style shirt with white piping. There are no specific requirements for the jacket. Options made by hand are considered more canonical.

In the early sixties, the American Motorcycle Association, which oversees every racing event, banned the use of the phrase "Outlaws" in racing symbols. As a result, the abbreviation OMC was adopted and was used until 1963. At the same time, Outlaws MC were enrolled in the ranks of the "1 percent" club, which also influenced the list of signs used. Over time, the main logo has changed slightly - the skull and piston bones have been enlarged and more detailed.

The club has its own motto, “God forgives, Outlaws don’t,” coined in 1969 by the club’s national president and still used today.

Holivar. History of Runet. Part 2. Counterculture: bastards, marijuana and the Kremlin

Holivar. History of Runet. Part 1. The Beginning: hippies from California, Nosik and the dashing 90s In the late 90s, the monopoly of intellectuals on RuNet was broken. Two young hooligans burst into the kingdom of lab heads and philologists - Konstantin Rykov, nicknamed Jason Foris, and Egor Lavrov, nicknamed Skeletron, creators of the website fuck.ru.

Egor "Skeletron" Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

“Essentially it was a blog in which we wrote about some everyday news, using obscene expressions. We both studied poorly and wrote with errors, the Internet took it so that we had such a trend and the “Albanian” language took off, all these words were written incorrectly, the same Minaev grew out of fuck.ru, he made such an offshoot as Litprom and Udav . Before us, they didn’t swear on the Internet, but we taught the Internet to swear.”

. This article is a transcript of the wonderful film “Holivar” by Andrei Loshak. There are people who save time and love text, there are those who cannot watch videos at work or on the road, but happily read Habr, there are people who are hard of hearing, for whom the audio track is inaccessible or difficult to understand. We decided to transcribe some great content for all of them and you. For those who still prefer video, the link is at the end.

Historical screen.
Be careful - mat. Sergey Minaev. Editor-in-Chief of Esquire magazine.

“This is a shock for a Soviet child, a post-Soviet child, when you can write something using a huge number of idiomatic expressions and you won’t get anything for it, moreover, everyone here is like that. And it was just stunning."

Historical screen. Be careful - mat.

Little-known authors, such as the future writer Minaev, were called on the site by not the most euphonious word, starting with the letter “x”.

Historical screen. Be careful - mat.

Sergey Minaev. Editor-in-Chief of Esquire magazine.

“There were big network figures there, aka “Skeletron” - Jason Foris, there was Twilight of the Gods, there was Linxy - this is the person who later designed the Channel One website. There was Parker, I mean Kononenko, and this whole community, they were such fathers already, they had already written something like that. Sometimes it was very talented, sometimes it was a collection of all sorts of bullshit, but it was so fresh, surprising and cool.”

Historical screen. Be careful - mat.

The fathers of the bastards and the “Albanian” language were not even 18 at that time, the friends went to the same gymnasium, or rather, they even skipped it together. Konstantin Jason Foris Rykov subsequently became a famous media manager.

Skeletron took a different path, moved to Los Angeles and is now developing his own startup in the cannabis industry.

Egor "Skeletron" Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

“Almost like a ‘child’”...

The legalization of marijuana in California has caused a frenzy. On this wave, Lavrov opened a cannabis co-working space on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, and at the same time he is creating a cannabis blockchain.

Egor "Skeletron" Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

“We have a living room here, we have cannabis television running. CCTV is called a channel. He tells all the news about cannabis. You can only smoke outside, but since this is our land, you can.”

- “You can smoke anything”?

“No, you can’t have cigarettes.”

The CEO of Lavrov’s company is his wife and colleague Jessica. In the recent past, she is a model and Miss IOWA 2014.

Jessica Versteeg. CEO of Paragon.

“Egor has so many different talents - he’s great at marketing, and he’s just wildly smart.”

In Beverly Hills, memories from the Russian 90s sound cinematic, apparently due to the proximity of Hollywood. For example, the story of how eighteen-year-old Skeletron could not share the Planet Internet magazine with one of his business partners.

Egor "Skeletron" Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

“I went to complain to my parents, naturally my father had some friends in business at that time, they came for me... People who were called bandits then are probably the mafia now. The meeting took place somewhere on the Moscow River. Yes, arrow. They arrived on ninety-ninth frets, a lot, this man who tried to take the magazine from me was thrown overboard the ship on which we met on the Moscow River, they lifted him up, explained everything, the magazine remained with me, but when I sold it, my dad reminded me, that these people who came for me should be paid a small share, which is what I did. In fact, we were all cripples of that time, we were crippled, over 20 years I absorbed a lot of shit. Jessica influences me, America influences me, I've had arrests here when I didn't behave as I should have. America broke me, for which I am grateful, because I think I have become a better person.”

After fuck.ru, friends got involved in politics. The Internet began to be noticed by the powers that be. Lavrov headed the election headquarters of presidential candidate Umar Dzhabrailov, who ultimately received 0.01% of the vote.

The far-sighted Rykov established cooperation with the Presidential Administration. However, he didn’t stop misbehaving right away.

Egor "Skeletron" Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

And as far as I understand and remember, there was no pornography, just like erotica. There was the site Neznakomka.ru, dating sites, semi-prostitution, dirty traffic, but not really porn. He launched all this traffic on Dni.ru and thus acquired the media. And he converted it, got some political points and followed Putin.

Konstantin Rykov.

“11 million people use the Internet every day. This is an independent environment where its own culture of ownership has already been formed. And in many ways, by the way, it is patriotic. And I have a question, what advice would you give to users of the Russian Internet?

Vladimir Putin.

“I would really like the environment that you are creating to meet the high moral criteria and standards that have always been inherent in our country.”

Sergey Minaev. Editor-in-Chief of Esquire magazine.

When I met Rykov, of course, I was captivated by him, first of all, because he is an absolutely brilliant producer, he knew how to spin the information flow like no one else, well, if we take people there who are now involved in big projects, Vasya Brovko in Rostec, Sasha Kabakov , who was vice president for development of Mail.RU, now I don’t know which FindFace technology made it. They started at Kostya's. Lyosha Verislavsky, who now sits in the Presidential Administration, was the editor-in-chief of the Bourgeois magazine, which was published by Kostya Rykov. Lyosha Zharich, who now sits in the Presidential Administration, also started with Kostya, Maxim Kononenko worked. That is, they are all one way or another, if not chicks of Rykov’s nest, but he gave someone a very powerful start. Kostya, of course, can be called the father of the patriotic movement, because he was the first to start working on large projects for the state on the Internet.

In addition to Dni.ru and the publication Vzglyad, in which some wits like to replace the letter “g” with “b,” Rykov created the portal russia.ru, one of the first resources in the RuNet built on video content.

In 2008, Konstantin Rykov became a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party.

Egor "Skeletron" Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

We began to disagree, argued a lot, we met in person once, maybe 6-7 years ago, in his office, where Putin “hangs”, he always smiled maliciously and did not bring up any serious arguments in defense, of course... I I know very well, he understands everything, but probably money has no smell.

Political strategist Gleb Pavlovsky and his Foundation for Effective Politics (FEP) were the first to explore political budgets in RuNet. These images from the film “Putin’s Witnesses” show that Pavlovsky is one of the key figures in the election headquarters of the future president.

Tatyana Dyachenko, daughter of Boris Yeltsin.

“What % of votes have already been counted? 60%? Can we drink champagne already?

From the budget of the Presidential Administration allocated for the election of Putin, Pavlovsky’s Internet empire was born, which included the sites VVP.ru, Strana.ru, Vesti.ru, Inosmi.ru, and of course Lenta.ru.

Gleb Pavlovsky. Political strategist.

They then settled in our then Internet Department, which was located, funny to say, where Rossiya Segodnya is located today. It was known as the APN (Novosti Press Agency) building. In this building, we gradually expanded and occupied 2 floors. Now I can’t even understand why 2 floors were needed, but 2 floors were simply filled with people.

The Foundation for Effective Politics organized Putin’s first online conference, at which he admitted that he does not use the Internet: “I believe that the Internet is a very promising form of communication, but unfortunately I use it little, due to the fact that now I have many other opportunities , there are many staff members, assistants who give me, as it were, a ready-made result.”

Before the conference, a young FEP employee, Marina Litvinovich, was tasked with telling the president what the Internet is.

Marina Litvinovich. Political strategist, FEP employee in 1996-2002.

“I also remember that I thought for a very long time about how to tell Putin about the Internet, briefly, so that he could understand and what sites to show. Well, in general, I thought that since he means an intelligence officer, a KGB officer, how can I tell him that this is just a large database. Database is a clear term in general, within which you can find anything and showed sites. I remember that I showed several search engines, I showed Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo. There wasn’t much time, but I remember that, in general, he didn’t get into the Internet. I found out many times from different people and found out that no, he didn’t use it, he didn’t understand why. And he said many times later that this was some kind of garbage dump.”

While still in the rank of prime minister, Putin met with representatives of the online community; 2% of the population used the Internet at that time; he did not pose a threat to the authorities.

Egor Shuppe. Venture investor, president of Cityline in 1996-2001.

“There was Tyoma Lebedev, there was Anton Nosik, there were us, there were Telekomov people, there were some Runentov people, Boguslavsky and I don’t remember exactly, exactly Yandex, Seryozha was. The underground task was to explain that we are children, we don’t influence anything, and we should just live, tell something, these are the tasks, these are the tasks... Putin asks us all: “How is it with censorship?” Nose looked at him like that and asked: “Can you prohibit writing the word “pip”, namely x#y, on fences in Russia?

Did he just say that?

“Why are they swearing? Didn’t he ever swear or something? He was sitting far away. He wouldn't have told him anything. There it was important to do the main thing - to convince Putin that we should not be touched for at least 10-15 years. And the funny thing is, he gave his word and kept it for 15 years.”

Gleb Pavlovsky. Political strategist.

“The Kremlin didn’t even know the word Internet for a long time. Voloshin was, Voloshin was the head of the presidential administration in 1999-2003, the first qualified user. And he did not need to be convinced to give money for this; there was complete unanimity on this issue. Then the main person there was Misha Lesin, Mikhail Lesin - Minister of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications in 1994-2004. And there it grew and I found myself in a bad situation, because there were a huge number of people there, but of course there was no profit. But the thing about Misha is that you can never be sure with him whether he is going to pay you or not, regardless of whether there is an agreement or not. And at some point he stopped paying. I lasted 2 months, I almost went bankrupt. I just paid wages to these two floors myself for 2 months. And that’s it, I was forced to close the Internet department. That’s the whole story, because I’m beyond that, beyond that I’m just an ordinary rotten user.”

Strana.ru and Pavlovsky’s other propaganda projects, having lost money from the Presidential Administration, closed, and Lenta.ru, created by Anton Nosik, would become the country’s main Internet publication for a long time.

The Lenta.ru website is a stream of up-to-date information about major events in Russia and abroad. All the latest news, from politics to medicine and sports, is presented in the form of a continuous feed running across the computer screen.

Anton Nosik. Intel Internet Award, 2000.

“Thank you for reading us. Strictly speaking, this production is being carried out for your sake. Thank you very much again."

Galina Timchenko. General Director of the Meduza project, editor-in-chief of Lenta.ru in 2004-2014.

Nosik always said that if you are asked at the Last Judgment what you did, you calmly answer, “I selected those news, without which a person’s life would not be complete, I created an information picture of that day.” We all worked like bastards and he worked too. Scared me many times because I am a precise person and I like to be on time. And so you come at 9 o’clock, you’re sitting working, and suddenly at some point there’s a rustling sound behind you, God, and he turns out to be sleeping sitting there. Well, he was writing something there, fell asleep and woke up, you woke him up. He worked absolutely calmly at night, and the labor code in Lenta was not respected until the very end.”

After 15 years, the editorial office of Lenta will be dispersed on the orders of the Presidential Administration, with whose money it was once created.

- Vladimir Vladimirovich, Vladimir Vladimirovich. - Eh, eh, eh? - Wake up, bad... trouble. - What, what is it? - Let me explain. - Let's. - Uh... - What's there? You are no longer the president. Here.

Gleb Pavlovsky remained a court political strategist for a long time, subject to ridicule from the liberal media, until the Presidential Administration terminated his contract. After his dismissal, Pavlovsky went into opposition. The niche of the main propagandist in RuNet was taken by Konstantin Rykov.

Gleb Pavlovsky. Political strategist.

“Kostya Rykov always proposed some projects, but these projects were, from my point of view, no longer interesting to me, because they were, as they would say now, propaganda. That word wasn't even used back then. So demonstrative, with three-color flags, a lot of things, “Russia forward,” “Roll the thunder of victory,” this style introduced. And then he developed so much that he no longer needed Kostya, now everyone can do it. Fortunately, I left the administration in April 2011, I no longer had anything to do with the future, so... Otherwise, maybe I would have.”

The legendary group fuck.ru had a third member - designer Dmitry Belinsky, known in RuNet as Linxy. Unlike his enterprising accomplices, Linxy did not have a stunning career. The former website designer for Channel One lives in a five-story building in his native Podolsk and collects electric guitars.

- “What’s the level there?” - “Make it louder!” Fuck it."

Dmitry "Linxy" Belinsky. Web Designer.

“Who came up with this? Do not you know! Well it's me. Whoops! I wrote this. These are my words. I did everything. They began to fight among themselves. Foris, Skeletron. It was tough. If they were just bullies, I wanted it to be art. Foris has always been Foris, damn it, this is Kostya Rykov, my beloved one with whom I quarreled because I was throwing away money. Just everything. He cheated me out of money. Here. Didn't pay as much as needed. Well, that is, I didn’t pay at all.

Historical screen. Be careful - mat.

Egor “Skeletron” Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

“Real popularity came when “Linxy” joined us, he made so-called “skins”. We changed the design every month, stealing the design from some well-known news site, be it newsru.com or lenta.ru and fuck.ru looked exactly like these news sites, only the content there was hooligan, ranging from some reviews of political life, using obscene language and ending with reviews of swingers clubs in Moscow. At the same time, you have to understand that Kostya and I were still in school at that time.”

Dmitry "Linxy" Belinsky. Web Designer.

“Yes, we were little boys. What can I say about them? Well, with Skel, yes, I was always friends with everyone, I was friends with Skel, I was friends with Fores.”

In this 2000 video, “Linxy” films Rykov in the newly opened editorial office of Dni.ru, which is promoting this global big project.

- “Tell us a few words... Say... Thank you.”

Dmitry "Linxy" Belinsky. Web Designer.

“Hello, my little tenderness... Rykov is fucking shit. And I love Skela. He's shit, but he's a good fuck. He's good shit, I love Skela. But here you are, the fucking bitch... the fucking fucking thing.”

“Minaev LIVE” program, 2012.

“Konstantin, what do you think will happen to the official government’s propaganda online after the March elections. There will be a lull for 6 years”?

Konstantin Rykov.

“I hope that the attitude will be more serious, more adult and that what is called propaganda today will become a state strategy.”

Anton Nosik repeatedly accused Rykov of organizing persecution of oppositionists online, which did not stop the fathers of the Runet from drinking at the same table on Valentine's Day.

Anton Nosik. The main apostle of the RuNet.

“Well, look, Kostya, are we discussing the fact that no custom-made articles with instructions to kill someone appeared in your View? That there has never been a political order to write lies about a person in order to bring him down? I know the answer."

Konstantin Rykov.

“This question can be asked to any blogger, of course not!”

“I love you so much, it’s amazing to me how you ended up on opposite sides of the barricades.”

Anton Nosik. The main apostle of the RuNet.

“How different? You and I are having a drink at the same table, it’s Valentine’s Day.”

Konstantin Rykov.

“Because some people zig and some don’t.”

Anton Nosik. The main apostle of the RuNet.

“I don’t understand, who isn’t zigging? Yupta!

“Everyone is zigging, absolutely!”

We haven’t heard anything about Rykov’s Internet projects lately, the russia.ru website is closed, and his personal page has not been updated since 2015. They say that Rykov was promoted from the position of the main propagandist in RuNet by Kristina Potupchik, the press secretary of the Nashi movement in 2007-2012.

In the last interview available online, Konstantin looks tired. He lives increasingly in a villa in France, and has refused to communicate with us.

Mediametrics Live program, 2022.

- “So you don’t plan to go into politics”? - “No, under no circumstances, moreover, I dissuade everyone from this.” - "And why? It’s strange, by the way, you’ve always been such a player in the political field.” - “Well, because it’s not cool.” - "Not cool"? - "Absolutely not". - “So power is not cool? What's cool then? - “It’s cool to be yourself.”

Illiterate posts by Linxy and Skeletron on fuck.ru gave rise to the “Albanian” language through the letter “o” and the language of scum through the letter “a”. A phenomenon that went far beyond the online world in the 2000s.

“Big Difference” program, 2007.

After difficult and lengthy attempts to attract readers, the country's main publishing houses translated the following books into Padonkaff slang, Tolstoy's War and Peace:

"Faust" by Goethe:

Chukovsky’s “Tskotukha Fly”:

"Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler:

"The Man Who Laughs" by Victor Hugo:

“Amphibian Man” by Alexander Belyaev:

Podonkovsky language was beautifully called ortho-art. But the matter was not limited to one language; they began to talk about a whole culture of scum.

Stepan Eremin. Owner of the site padonki.org.

“It started when I came up with Huyandex. Well, there was Yandex, it became Huyandex, well, it seems logical. And you enter something, and the output result will be the same as it should be, but only obscenities.”

Historical screen. Be careful - mat.

In 2002, BBDO programmer Stepan Eremin bought the site padonki.org for $100, which, along with udaff.com, became the main scumbag resource. The resource’s famous parties at the Alibi club have gone down in history.

Stepan Eremin. Owner of the site padonki.org.

“Bastards = instantly homophobic, it was part of the ideology just for fun, I just bought padonki.org along with homophobia. This is kind of a laugh, but this whole story was naturally against religion, that is, the fact that now everything is prohibited. What we did at parties, if God forbid we show it now, it will shut everyone down instantly. Well, to the point where we gather a group of 1000 people there, a huge club, everyone is screaming, everyone is having fun and the women there, we seem to have already explained that first we give T-shirts for their boobs. They show everyone, they walk around, one’s boobs are worse than the other, and they seem to burst in and look like this... And then we say, “That’s it, we’ve run out of T-shirts for tits, now only for pussies.” And they burst in and start showing their pussies. And the T-shirts are about to run out for the pussies, and one of them runs in like this, bends over and spreads her buttocks like that. “Well, am I definitely worthy?” Everyone is standing there, 1000 people, everyone is in complete awe. My main line is to have fun, laugh and have fun.”

“In the house of the government of the Russian Federation they have finally taken up the real deal; it is reported that the other day a live woman was fucked there. A video of a simple Soviet worker driving a dick into a woman recently appeared on the country’s messengers.”

“The White House is asleep and legislative initiatives are being implemented in only one window. You are relaxing, and the government is blowing another chimney.”

“Take a closer look, who is fidgeting on the kukan? Teacher, pensioner or state employee?

The fashion for scum has long passed, Stepan has his own IT company, but he still tries to amuse and have fun. I opened a channel on YouTube called KACTAM?, where sexy presenters read the news with obscenities. For some reason there is no advertising on the channel. Stepan has to pay for the fun out of his own pocket.

“The wind is blowing, I’m blowing. Yanita Sukhova is with you and this is the next episode of the non-children’s entertainment channel KACTAM.”

The site padonki.org was visited by 5,000 people, and more than 1,000 came to the parties.

Historical screen. Be careful - mat.

On Stepan’s YouTube channel, each episode receives an average of 300 thousand views, but the fun is gone.

Historical screen. Be careful - mat.

Stepan Eremin. Owner of the site padonki.org.

“I announced 2 competitions, they sent two photos, two! Damn! Well, this is just complete nonsense! There they went to the club, they also paid money for entry, of course, because no one goes to the club, how the world is changing.”

- “Now people are completely lazy”?

- “They got lazy, it seems to me, you know, they’re fucking lazy, I think.”

Yegor Lavrov rarely misbehaves on the Internet, except that he starred with his wife Jessica in this comic video for a song by a Russian rapper. In reality, everything is serious, after an advertising campaign with the participation of such American stars as Snoop dogg and The Game, the marijuana startup of an enterprising couple entered an ICO, managing to raise more than 70 million dollars.

“Me and my friend Jess, we are revolutionizing cannabis, what about cannabis, the whole world. Do you see this light? We are burning. Do you know how we do this? Blockchain and Paragon of course! What kind of children's cap? I clearly need a bigger cap.

Just like 20 years ago, Lavrov drives a Gelendvagen. Only now on white. After a successful ICO, the couple settled in a luxury condominium in downtown Los Angeles, with a rooftop park, a swimming pool and other amenities of civilization. From here, hooligan youth seems as unreal as Hollywood films.

Egor “Skeletron” Lavrov, entrepreneur, co-founder of fuck.ru.

Kostya Rykov and I were having a drink somewhere in Moscow and decided, as Muscovites sometimes do, “let’s go to St. Petersburg.”
And in St. Petersburg to drink. We arrived and wanted to perform some kind of countercultural performance, so to speak, countercultural. And there was an idea, we actually implemented it, we took street prostitutes, took them to the cruiser "Aurora" and invited the sailors, in fact, to make all their desires come true, and in exchange for this we asked to do it all in the captain's cabin and for us to look at it . And in general, everything came true and we went home with a sense of accomplishment and desecration of communist values. Thank you for staying with us. Do you like our articles? Want to see more interesting materials? Support us by placing an order or recommending to friends, 30% discount for Habr users on a unique analogue of entry-level servers that we invented for you:
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About membership

A modern organization has a number of requirements for its participants. The club allows full membership of any citizen if he:

  1. Reached adulthood.
  2. Has a driving category "A".
  3. Traditional sexual orientation.
  4. Knowledgeable about the technical side of motorcycles.
  5. The probationary period has passed.
  6. Recognized the code, traditions and symbols of the motorcycle club.

You can become a member only once; if a participant violates the set of established rules, he is expelled forever. The deadline for checking a future participant is set by the President of the club. However, having demonstrated their best side, the meeting may decide to approve the candidate early. In this case, the process takes place in the presence of the candidate in person.

Bosozoku - Japanese subculture of motorcycle hooligans

Club Rules

The organization's charter is a kind of code of honor:

  1. Membership in an organization should not be a fashion trend for a biker.
  2. Under no circumstances should a participant challenge the movement, the semantic component of the culture and style of the organization.
  3. Motorcycles, the club and its members are an inseparable whole.
  4. A member should not leave his club mates in trouble both on the road and in everyday life.
  5. A biker should not be afraid of anything, as fear on the highway can lead to death.
  6. Also, the participant should not be afraid of death, but he must do everything possible to prevent it.
  7. You need to understand the structure of your motorcycle and be able to repair it yourself.
  8. Continuous improvement of driving and locksmith skills is a must.
  9. One of the participant’s missions is to promote his way of life and educate those who want to take this path.
  10. It is prohibited to treat newcomers in a humiliating or disrespectful manner. The responsibilities of the senior member include providing assistance to beginners.
  11. Bikers do not belong to political movements, just as politicians do not belong to a motorcycle club.
  12. Everything related to the code of honor can only be discussed at general meetings of the organization.
  13. Provoking physical conflicts is prohibited. You can get into a fight only in extreme cases, when it is necessary to defend honor, symbols, a club, life principles or a woman.
  14. A biker must remain himself in any situation and regardless of any conditions. It is forbidden to hide your hobby.
  15. You can't judge another biker and his technique. A person is free to choose a motorcycle based on his taste and capabilities. A personal decision concerning oneself is a law for all participants. Asking a question about choosing a motorcycle is unacceptable.
  16. You should never approach someone else’s equipment unless permission has been obtained. You also cannot sit on or ride someone else’s motorcycle. This is a direct insult to the biker, just like if there were a woman in the place of the bike.
  17. The participant must always have his own motorcycle. However, its absence does not deprive a person of his status as a biker. If a motorcyclist has lost his equipment due to an insurmountable circumstance, he undertakes to obtain a motorcycle at the first opportunity. You cannot ask a member about the lack of equipment. If he wants, he can tell it himself.
  18. This set of rules is the most important law for a member.

A real bastard is a good man on a good motorcycle

I was suggested by the editor-in-chief of Moto magazine to contact “Bastards of Maskva”, to whom I turned in search of contacts with bikers. I was told that the “Bastards” do not really like to get in touch, do not reveal their real names and generally will not talk to just anyone. One of the Moto employees wrote an email to the members of the closed club, after which they gave me the phone number of Tatyana’s girl.

Tatyana, who was interested in why the site was called “Polit.ru” and which politicians it supported, had to be reassured by the fact that if “Pragmatics of Culture” is involved in politics, it is only cultural. Tatyana promised to think about it. A few days later we called and agreed on an interview. True, it was not possible to meet, because, apparently, a real biker spends his whole life traveling. But she gave me the phone number of a man who lives in Chisinau and represents “Bastards of Maldova.” Everything became even more interesting and mysterious.

Leonid Klein talked with the “bastard” Dmitry , who asked to appear in the interview as Taras

Taras, you belong to the “Bastards of Moscow”. Why then are you in Chisinau?

We have an international organization. We are called “Bastards of Maldova”.

What is the meaning of the name and what is the philosophy of your movement?

The name was invented by one of our friends when he looked at how we relax, how we walk, and our behavior. And he kindly said that we are real bastards, precisely through “A”. This is very important, because here is a protest against real scum. We are kind, cheerful people who love to have fun like the last time. If someone from the outside gets into our company, he can no longer forget it: he is hooked and imbued with our movement.

Do I understand correctly that your fun is not aggressive towards the outside world?

If we want to express our joyful emotions, then nothing is holding us back. At the same time, we never infringe on the personal dignity of others. We are tuned to positive emotions.

How many years has the organization existed and are there any formal signs of belonging to bastards?

The club was organized in 2001. In 2003, we began to expand to Ukraine and Moldova. This year the bastards of Uzhgorod have already appeared. We will continue to spread throughout the former Soviet Union. As for formal features, we have our own coat of arms, flag and stripes. Meetings are held twice a year.

Is the motorcycle a key part of your movement?

Certainly. If you don't have a motorcycle, you can't be a jerk.

How are you different from other biker clubs?

We are so fiery that when we come to biker rallies, it is impossible to forget us. We have no aggression. We are a peaceful club.

You say that you are fiery, that you have a lot of energy. Give examples of your incendiary actions.

Well, here you go. Recently we were sad and decided to spend another New Year in April. We dressed up in carnival costumes and rode around Moscow. We did not find any support from the traffic police, they created various obstacles for us, but we kept pushing through and successfully made it to the motorcycle exhibition, which we were actually going to. And in the fall and winter, when it is no longer possible to ride motorcycles, we come to visit each other. Suddenly. We lack communication. And with friends, we are charged with positive energy and can leave again for several weeks and then get together again. Or recently the bastards drove several thousand kilometers across Austria...

To be a member of such a club you need a motorcycle. And to support it, you need to have funds. It turns out that if a person has an insufficient level of income, then he simply will not be able to join the club.

Absolutely right. The motorcycle must be good. We cover 25 - 40 thousand kilometers per year, many motorists do not travel that much. A Soviet-made motorcycle simply cannot withstand such a load. That's why we buy normal imported cars. But we are not interested in what your salary is or what place you occupy in society. The main thing is that you are a good guy.

But a good guy must have the appropriate vehicle. What is the price range for good motorcycles?

A BMW touring motorcycle with music, heated seats and grips costs about 25 thousand euros. Honda “Gold Wing” - 30 thousand euros. Plus tuning. By the way, Honda can be “tuned” indefinitely. Covering a car with film or, in this case, a motorcycle, is generally a wonderful miracle. The minimum price for a decent motorcycle is 15 thousand euros.

Don't you ride a Harley Davidson?

This is an iconic motorcycle, it is a legend. I tried to drive it, but it is not suitable for our roads. But it’s better not to ride on a legend; the legend must be protected.

What can be “improved” in a new imported motorcycle?

You can make leather seats, change the music, install expensive speakers, an amplifier...

Can you really hear anything at high speed?

Well, after 150 km. at one o'clock all you hear is a slight “tsinking” sound, but you know that your favorite song is playing and you can hum it to yourself.

Do you have mandatory membership fees?

No. We collect money for each specific event. For example, for the fourth year in a row, children come to Kostroma and support the local orphanage.

So you are involved in social projects?

We come to Kostroma and throw a party for the orphans, take them on motorcycle rides, give them money to repair the building, and give them gifts. And for the third year now, we have been taking the entire orphanage to the Kremlin for the “Yolka” event. It is no coincidence that we are written with an “A”. We protest against falsehood and lies. Last year, the bastards organized a moto-march for peace and reached Grozny. This is not a political action. We just brought gifts for the children.

You travel a lot. But any trip also costs money...

A member of our movement, of course, must be an accomplished person. If you don’t work and don’t earn money, you won’t be able to lead such a lifestyle.

Do you have any books, movies or music that adequately reflect your lifestyle?

I can’t name films and books, but I have a favorite song: this is the song of friends from “The Bremen Town Musicians” “There is nothing better in the world than wandering with friends around the world...”

How many bastards are there in the CIS?

About forty.

What do assholes do in peaceful life?

If you mean professions, then there is a huge variety here. We are united by a love of motorcycles and travel. We are not a professional community. Scumbags are people of different nationalities and religions. One of our members even organized a “Moto Temple”. He has his own page on the Internet, everyone can go there with their pain and problems...

What would you be interested in if you were born 150 years ago?

Of course, with horses.


Biker slang

BLIN – 1. a wheel without spokes, 2. a person’s face that does not have a definite expression, 3. a commonly used euphemism for an obscene “strong word”

BUCKET - a vehicle - a typical representative of road traffic, as a rule, domestically produced, brought by its owner to the state of a rusty rotten bucket

GRANZABUHATOR - a drinking party with a lot of people and alcohol

WARM THE RUBBER - ride from roadside to side, drunk and drooling

DRISTAMET - this is usually the name for rattling equipment that smokes heavily

IRON ASS or ASS – (iron butt) the official title of a person who has traveled 1000 miles (1680 km) in 24 hours

Zhelezyaka - the affectionate name for the bike

ZAZOPNIK (zhopnik) – passenger in the back seat

SHAG - a new tire with rubber bands sticking out MUTTER TORTILL (pollinate a flowerbed, pull a carrot) - “picking up chicks”, that is, getting to know girls for quick sex

SPLASH - a helmet (not to be confused with a helmet), usually of a military type

PERDUN – a novice motorcyclist who is afraid of dynamics

BULLETER - (motor term) a biker who rushes anywhere at any time “without his head.” As a rule, a very beautiful, but very short life

SAUSAGE – biker competition. You need to bite off a sausage on the go, tied above the track on a string. Usually performed by a BUSHMAN

VOICE - drive slowly, the same as BOTANIZE

HOY - bye, goodbye, goodbye

SUITCASE – a Gazelle car with a leatherette body, usually box-shaped. Box on wheels

(information about slang taken from the Motohram website)

See also on the topic “Informal communities”

Lisa Birger "The Young and the Ugly"

Alexey Mikhailovsky. Phone of mistrust. New youth group pranks its victims over the phone

Mikhail Lurie. Color bombing. (Graffers)

Dmitry Gromov. Lyubera: subculture of the crisis era

Julia Idlis “About poets and poetry”

Ed Mishin: There is no “correct” gay

Julia Idlis. Anti-mainstreamism


A motorcycle club, like any public and subcultural organization, has its own tasks. On the list:

  1. Promoting biker traditions and spending time behind the wheel of a motorcycle. Communication with related motorcycle clubs is welcome.
  2. Carrying out runs, meetings, festivals, weekends and other traditional events.
  3. Spending time servicing, repairing and tuning motorcycles in order to exchange experience in building a motorcycle.
  4. Establishment of cultural, social, scientific, educational and charitable events with the aim of:
  • to form a general culture of the individual and his adaptation to society;
  • forming the basis for obtaining professional motorcycle driving skills;
  • spreading the call for competent and accident-free driving; conducting classes on studying and observing traffic rules;
  • assistance to other participants in road conditions;
  • conducting other activities that are not prohibited by law and are aimed at the development of the organization.

Armon Bletcher - giant biker

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