Yamaha 1200 V-max: description, owner reviews, photos

The world first saw the Yamaha 1200 V-max dragster in 1985. The motorcycle, which looks futuristic even after more than 30 years, instantly won millions of hearts and acquired fans all over the planet. Not only its design is outstanding, but also the filling to match it.

Today the Yamaha 1200 V-max is no longer produced, replaced by an updated model. But the well-deserved interest in this bike does not disappear over the years.

Model features

The V-shaped 4-cylinder engine from the XVZ1200 Venture tourist organically fits into the concept of the new bike. The Yamaha 1200 V-max was the first motorcycle in the world to be mass-produced and have such a layout. Essentially a cruiser, the V-max produced 145 horsepower, which even today is impressive. Outstanding dynamic characteristics also played an important role in promoting the bike on the market. Thanks to them, the model almost immediately after the premiere was awarded the title “Motorcycle of the Year” by Cycle Guide.

Other features of the Yamaha 1200 V-max include a steel frame, a 5-speed gearbox, a telescopic fork and a double shock absorber, wheels with a diameter of 18′ and 15′, cast disc brakes, and a cardan. The fuel tank capacity is 15 liters. The equipped motorcycle weighs 280 kg.

This is not the first time that Yamaha has disguised the gas tank under the seat and installed props in its classic place. This technique is also used in this motorcycle. This has a great effect on handling and stability on the highway, because the center of gravity is much lower than that of other models.

Production history overview

In 1985, the premiere and start of serial production of the Yamaha 1200 V-max took place. The model was produced in its original form until 1993. And the changes made this year were not so significant. The fork diameter was increased to reduce wobbling at high speeds, and the braking system was updated. The changes mainly concerned improving the characteristics of the motorcycle, increasing its safety and controllability. Since then, the model was produced until 2007, until it was officially discontinued. It was replaced by the no less legendary and popularly loved Yamaha VMAX 1700.

It’s worth mentioning the model’s main competitor, the Honda CB1300DC. It was designed as a response to Yamaha, but the concept was a failure. Interesting in design and quite decent in terms of technical equipment, the Honda could not outshine the Yamaha 1200 V-max. Although she still acquired a certain number of ardent fans. This model was produced for only 4 years, from 1997 to 2001.

Examples of using the DMIN and DMAX functions in Excel by condition

Example 1. The table contains data about the company’s employees (designed taking into account the requirements for the database). It is necessary to determine:

  1. Minimum and maximum age of a man.
  2. Minimum and maximum age of a woman.
  3. The maximum age of a team member with a last name starting with “B”.

Data table view:

On the same sheet we will create a table of conditions and a table for displaying the found values:

In cell C2 we will place a list with two possible values ​​for the sampling conditions from the database (“M” and “F”).

To find the minimum/maximum age of a man, we use the functions:



Description of the arguments:

  • A10:D18 – range of cells in which the database is located;
  • D1 – cell with the name of the data field in which age information is stored;
  • A1:D2 – range of cells in which the conditions table is located.

In the table of criteria, we set the condition with the value of gender “F” and in a similar way we find the values ​​​​of the minimum/maximum age of a woman:

Let's delete the contents from cell C2, in cell B2 we enter the line ="=B*". To find the maximum age with a specified criterion, use the function:


This entry is redundant, since after removing the value from C2, an automatic calculation will be made taking into account the new criterion in cell D5. However, this function is provided for clarity to demonstrate the possibility of specifying the second argument as a numeric value (in this case, 4 is the fourth column corresponding to the “Age” field). Result:

As a result, we received all the data after sampling with the condition of selecting age from the general database in Excel.

Special purpose

Some believe that the Yamaha V-max 1200, whose characteristics are definitely cruising, is also somewhat reminiscent of a chopper. We can confidently say that there is some similarity, but it cannot be attributed to this class. The landing on it is classic, and not at all chopper, and the comfortable, laconic steering wheel is no match for the ornate horns, which tire the hands of even experienced pilots. And the fork offset is quite small, but what chopper can afford that?

Thanks to its excellent dynamic characteristics, powerful engine, easy handling and impressive suspension, this motorcycle can most likely be classified as a street motorcycle. Standing out favorably in the flow of other traffic, it will easily fit into the high pace of the metropolis with its ubiquitous traffic jams and abundance of traffic lights. You can race it and show off while driving along a busy street at cruising speed. Is it worth choosing the Yamaha V-max 1200 as a long-distance vehicle? Definitely yes, but only on the condition that you come across a sufficient number of gas stations along the way, because its tank is relatively small, and it eats well. Perhaps this is the only caveat. Otherwise, reviews indicate that this vehicle is excellent for long roads.

Additional Information

  • Empty cells, boolean expressions, text, or links are ignored;
  • If the arguments contain cells with an error or text that cannot be converted into a number, the function will throw an error;
  • Function arguments can also be names, arrays, or references that contain numbers;
  • Boolean values ​​and text values ​​of numbers that you enter directly into the argument list are counted;
  • If the argument is an array or a reference, then the function only considers numbers. Empty cells, booleans, or text in an array or link are ignored;
  • If no numeric value is specified in the function arguments, the function will return the value “0” (zero).


If you have just discovered the Yamaha V-max 1200 bike, the technical specifications may surprise you. First of all, this concerns the motor. In appearance, it resembles a classic Harley V-twin, but it has 4 cylinders, not 2. The bike’s calling card is the V-Boost system, which increases engine power by 40% of the nominal. The operating principle of this system was that after 6000 rpm, additional throttle valves open in the intake manifold, connecting the first to the second and third to the fourth cylinders in pairs.

DMAX() function syntax

To use this feature you must:

  • the original table had column headers;
  • the criteria should have been presented in the form of a small table with headings;
  • the headings of the criteria table coincided with the headings of the source table (if the criterion is not specified by a formula).

DMAX(database,field,conditions) Database is a range of cells with logically related data, i.e. table. The top row of the table should contain the headings of all columns. In a Database, rows are called records and columns are called fields. Field is the header of the column in which the maximum value is searched if the condition is met. There are several options for filling out the Field :

  • you can enter a text value that is the name of one of the Database_headers ( source table). The text is indicated in double quotes, for example “Age” or “Harvest”,
  • you can enter a number (without quotes) that specifies the position of the column in the Database : 1 for the first column, 2 for the second, etc.
  • You can enter a reference to the cell that contains the column header.

Conditions - an interval of cells that contains specified conditions (i.e., a table of criteria). The structure of the table with selection criteria for DMAX() is similar to the structure for the Advanced filter and, for example, the BDSUMM() function.

Tuning and customization

Customizers often put their hands on not only what has “congenital” defects, but also on technology that seems flawless. After all, as we know, nothing is ideal in our world. The Yamaha V-max 1200 was no exception. Reviews from owners often say that it has an enormous appetite, and often modifications are primarily concerned with reducing fuel consumption. The oil hose also needs improvement and wears out soon after purchase.

The work of customizers also concerns design. It is worth mentioning that the bike was produced for many years with virtually no external changes. All design updates announced by the manufacturer concerned only the colors. In the hands of a customizer, a motorcycle is often equipped with airbrushing, chrome plating of spare parts, new body kit and accessories. Some people strive to remove “everything unnecessary” from the bike, trying to reduce its considerable weight. Indeed, the Yamaha V-max 1200 weighs a lot. Reviews often describe that it can be difficult to park when the entire mass needs to be supported with your feet. It does not have a reverse gear, like the Gold Wing, for example. This does not affect the handling, and yet some people want the bike to be a little lighter. To do this, the body kit is redesigned, the shape and size of the saddle are modernized.

Lack of function

In the case where no row satisfies the conditions, the DMAX() function will return 0. This can be misleading, because It is not clear whether there are actually rows that satisfy the criterion and the maximum value = 0, or whether there are no rows in the source table that satisfy the criterion.

As shown in the figure above, Parameter3 is not present at all in the source table, but the “maximum” value is 0!

It is better to use the alternative formula =LARGEST(IF(A6:A15=D6,B6:B15;””);1) which returns the error #NUM! in case no row satisfies the criterion.


Terms like “most powerful,” “most beautiful,” and “coolest” come at a price. If you try, even today you can find a new Yamaha 1200 V-max motorcycle from the officials. Its cost, depending on the year of manufacture, will be 15-20 thousand dollars. There are 6-7 thousand copies on the secondary market, but their technical condition and degree of wear raise questions. On average, you can buy a device for $10,000-13,000.

Options for purchasing a motorcycle

Those who want to purchase a high-quality motorcycle with excellent technical characteristics can, of course, try to do it themselves. But why take the risk if it’s better to entrust it to specialists. The Cemeco.ru company takes a very responsible approach to cooperation with foreign partners and always acts in the interests of the client. On the pages of the company’s website you can familiarize yourself with the entire range of motorbikes offered, as well as study the important characteristics of the motorcycle you like. Our consultants will definitely contact the customer and clarify all the details regarding the design of the selected bike, brand, year of manufacture and other details. The company's employees are highly qualified and have extensive experience in the global motorcycle market. We are ready to provide our clients with the following services: • help choose a model; • complete documents correctly; • resolve customs issues; • ensure timely delivery of the motorbike to the client, and resolve many other issues. Our company guarantees the quality of the imported motorcycles and short delivery times from Japan. Another important factor in favor of cooperation with us is the minimal cost of the services and goods provided, unlike other companies. Choose professionals to purchase powerful transport.

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