Is it possible to operate an IZH motorcycle on 92 gasoline?

Such engines are found on motorcycles (although recently four-stroke ones are used more often), chainsaws with a two-stroke engine, gas mowers, some voltage generators, etc. Owners of motorcycles, chainsaws, and gas mowers often wonder why the piston is jammed, or why the compression quickly disappears, that the engine does not start well, starts working intermittently, they remove the cylinder, the piston with large scuffs and crazy output.

I also once asked myself this question, it turned out that the whole issue is the oil with which gasoline is diluted.

There are a lot of special two-stroke oils on sale, I don’t even go near them now, this oil is not suitable for two-stroke engines developing high engine speeds.

Of course, if you have an IZH-Planet, it is a low-revving motorcycle, then you can pour two-stroke oil into gasoline, or be very gentle with your motorcycle, do not give it gas all the way, then two-stroke oil will work, but if you like to give it gas, this oil will quickly ruin the piston two-stroke group.

It seems that the developers of two-stroke oil simply invented it but did not even test it, and oils such as M8, MC20 should not be allowed close to a two-stroke engine if you like to drive, and if you do not give a lot of gas, then these oils can be used.

But they will still very quickly wear out the piston group of a motorcycle, chainsaws, gas mowers, in short, kill a two-stroke.

How to determine if mixing proportions are incorrect

There are a number of indirect signs by which you can determine the discrepancy between the amounts of gasoline and oil when preparing the mixture:

  • formation of contaminants in the float chamber and carburetor channels;
  • significant tar deposits on fuel system elements;
  • oxidation of carburetor walls and decreased elasticity of rubber parts.

Any of these signs indicates the need to adjust the mixing process. By observing the proportions recommended by the manufacturer, you can ensure a long service life of the two-stroke engine, as well as avoid unexpected and sometimes expensive repairs.

Features and principle of operation of the 2t engine

Any owner of a motorcycle should have an understanding of the design of the engine and the principle of its operation. The two-stroke power unit is used not only in motorcycles, but also in other technical devices - gas mowers, trimmers and others. Despite the fact that many models of modern equipment are equipped with four-stroke engines, the two-stroke engine is still widely used. It is easy to operate, convenient to maintain and repair, and is also quite reliable.

The operating cycle of such an engine is carried out in a couple of compression and power strokes as a result of the energy from the ignition of the fuel. Both cycles are carried out during one revolution of the crankshaft. A two-stroke engine does not have the fuel mixture intake phase and the exhaust cycle, characteristic of four-stroke engines. The process of fuel intake and exhaust gas exhaust occurs during the compression and expansion phases.

Thanks to this design feature, the torque and power developed by the engine are increased at the same cubic capacity as a 4-stroke engine. And although the efficiency of a two-stroke power plant is lower compared to a four-stroke one, due to the two-stroke operation of the piston, the engine elements perform fewer movements. Provided that the mating parts of the motor are properly lubricated, it has a fairly long service life and is less susceptible to internal wear.

For a two-stroke to function, it is necessary to turn on the ignition, ensure the fuel supply and crank the engine crankshaft with a starter or kickstarter.

Further operation of the two-stroke engine is carried out according to the following algorithm:

In the process of supplying gasoline mixed with oil, the components of the power unit are lubricated. This distinguishes the lubrication system of a two-stroke engine from the lubrication system of a four-stroke engine, which has a gear pump to supply oil to the area of ​​the mating parts of the engine.

How I found a good motorcycle oil

During my life I have ridden different motorcycles, while I rode Minsk, Voskhod, IZH-Planet, I didn’t even think about oil, the engines worked fine. But when I bought the IZH-PS, after the first good race my piston jammed, I thought about it, there were only problems with the IZH-PS, as long as I don’t give the gas it goes all the way, but as soon as I give it the gas the piston or crankshaft jams. Disappointed in IZH-PS.

In my youth, I was involved in motocross for two years, we had cross-country ChZs, I remember there were no major problems with the piston ones, although they kicked them in the ass, oh so good, I also remember that the smell of smoke from the exhaust was very different from the usual smoke of a motorcycle. But the fool didn’t ask the coach what kind of oil he poured into the gasoline, but I know for sure that in addition to oil, he added castor oil, but since I don’t know exactly the composition of gasoline and oil for a motocross motorcycle, I won’t lie and invent anything.

I bought a cross-country ChZ-250, at first I poured two-stroke oil into the gasoline, but as soon as I gave it in, I felt that the engine was starting to drag (it might jam), I had to let off the gas and switch to moderate engine speeds.

Chance helped, I decided to go fishing on the cross-country ChZ-250, you can drive it off-road, shortening the distance, but I ran out of two-stroke oil, the question arose of what oil to dilute the gasoline with. There was only four-stroke semi-synthetic LUKOIL oil, I decided to dilute the gasoline with this oil, I think I won’t drive it, I’ll get there slowly and won’t harm the engine. But what a surprise I was when the motorcycle engine started running much softer, pulled faster, although I diluted the gasoline with four-stroke semi-synthetic oil, applied gas, beautifully, the engine was flogging and there were no signs of the piston sticking.

By the time I got to the pond, I was squeezing this cross-country ChZ-250 to the maximum, I got great pleasure from the ride, since then I have been diluting gasoline in my motorcycle and chainsaw only with four-stroke semi-synthetic oil, very pleased.

It turns out that four-stroke semi-synthetic oil is the best oil for a two-stroke engine and is cheaper than special two-stroke oil.

If you don’t believe me, check for yourself which is the best oil.

Izh Jupiter 5 where does the engine oil go? | Topic author: Veronica

Nina Stout correctly wrote that to lubricate the engine, oil is mixed with gasoline in a ratio of 1:20. Separately, oil is poured into Vadim’s gearbox. I’ll just clarify a little: in Izh Jupiter 5, oil is poured not from the right side but from the left, not from above but from the side Ilya, and there is no control screw there, there is a dipstick on the mentioned cap. More oil is poured into the flywheel cavity. For filling into the flywheel cavity, there is a screw plug with a slot for a screwdriver on the left half of the engine, near the engine mounting point. You need to put the motorcycle on a flat surface, unscrew this plug and pour Leonid oil into the hole so that the oil is flush with the edge of the Oksana hole.

Konstantin Oil must be mixed into gasoline

Ekaterina Oil is poured into the box from the top right side, on the side on the same side there is a control screw. Oil is not poured into the engine, but mixed with gasoline in a ratio of 1:20. Read the instructions.

Vladislav If you want to pour it into the engine, then try through the muffler

Maria On the left Izh has a rubber piece on the engine and it says Izh you unscrew it and it fills in there

For those who don’t know, I’ll explain what a two-stroke engine is, I won’t go into too much detail, in short, there are no valves in a two-stroke engine; oil is added to gasoline to lubricate the piston and crankshaft.

Such engines are found on motorcycles (although recently four-stroke ones are used more often), chainsaws with a two-stroke engine, gas mowers, some voltage generators, etc. Owners of motorcycles, chainsaws, and gas mowers often wonder why the piston is jammed, or why the compression quickly disappears, that the engine does not start well, starts working intermittently, they remove the cylinder, the piston with large scuffs and crazy output.

I also once asked myself this question, it turned out that the whole issue is the oil with which gasoline is diluted.

There are a lot of special two-stroke oils on sale, I don’t even go near them now, this oil is not suitable for two-stroke engines developing high engine speeds.

Of course, if you have an IZH-Planet, it is a low-revving motorcycle, then you can pour two-stroke oil into gasoline, or be very gentle with your motorcycle, do not give it gas all the way, then two-stroke oil will work, but if you like to give it gas, this oil will quickly ruin the piston two-stroke group.

It seems that the developers of two-stroke oil simply invented it but did not even test it, and oils such as M8, MC20 should not be allowed close to a two-stroke engine if you like to drive, and if you do not give a lot of gas, then these oils can be used.

But they will still very quickly wear out the piston group of a motorcycle, chainsaws, gas mowers, in short, kill a two-stroke.

Why should you mix gasoline and oil?

Not everyone knows how to dilute gasoline for a two-stroke Chinese scooter, and why there is a need to mix gasoline and oil in strictly defined proportions. The fact is that the design features and operating principle of a two-stroke engine do not allow the use of pure gasoline for its operation. Thanks to the oil introduced into the fuel mixture, lubrication is provided and friction in the crank mechanism is reduced.

Mixing oil with gasoline when preparing the fuel mixture is a prerequisite for the normal operation of two-stroke engines.

Diluting gasoline with oil allows you to:

In addition, the use of gasoline mixed with oil in the required percentage allows you to avoid the occurrence of scuffing, which is the reason for repairs. A lack of oil can cause overheating of the elements of the cylinder-piston group and failure of the two-stroke engine.

An increased oil concentration will cause increased wear on the engine due to the formation of a thick layer of carbon deposits. That is why it is important to determine the proportion using the table, which indicates the required amount of oil for different volumes of gasoline.

What oil to dilute gasoline for a motorcycle

Two-stroke engines do not provide for separate filling of lubricant into the engine crankcase.

Strict requirements are imposed on the oil that burns together with the fuel:

The use of low-quality oil for two-stroke engines causes the formation of carbon deposits in the working chamber and a decrease in power.

When deciding on the type of oil, you should follow the recommendations of the equipment manufacturer specified in the operating manual. Preference should be given to branded oils produced by well-known manufacturers. The preferred oil class is API-TB. It is also possible to use oil marked API-TC.

The type of lubricant is selected depending on climatic conditions:

To obtain detailed information about the temperature threshold for use, you should read the information on the oil packaging. Knowing the ratio of fuel and oil required for stable engine operation, as well as the volume of the gas tank, you can easily calculate how much oil is required for a certain period, taking into account the frequency of trips or use of gas-powered tools.

When buying oil for preparing the fuel mixture, you should pay attention to its purpose. This information is indicated on the packaging. Do not use tractor oil or boat lubricant to mix with gasoline to fuel a scooter or motorcycle. Please note that on the branded label of oil for two-stroke engines it must be designated 2T.

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