Alpha 72 cc moped: why it’s attractive and why it’s worth buying

What gasoline and what oil should I fill my scooter with?

What gasoline and what oil should I fill my scooter with?


Since gasoline in Russia is much dirtier (stuff floats in it), between 92 and 95 you will still have to choose the latter. 95 is significantly cleaner, with fewer impurities and less sediment and other debris. Another important topic is what brand of scooter to fuel it with. Let's say, if the same Hondochka Dio 18 or, say, Artist will drive 92 as if it were their own, then if you fill the same gasoline in a Suzuki Sepia or Adress, then it’s like death. The fact is that Suzuki does not tolerate 92 gasoline at all, only 95 AI. From all this it follows that scooters in Russia need to be filled with only 95 gasoline.

The savings on fuel are negligible, but repairing the scooter will cost a tidy sum. When using low-quality (dirty) gasoline, you risk

: — The gasoline level sensor is clogged (you won’t know how much gasoline is left); — Clogged carburetor: (it will regularly bite the needle, the scooter will pick up speed even if you didn’t turn the throttle. You can only stop by turning off the ignition. Extremely dangerous, creates unpredictable situations on the road.); — There is a big risk of clogging the fuel supply pipe, as a result of which the scooter will not carry you, but you will be the scooter.

By the way, it is better to refuel your scooter only at well-known gas stations. DO NOT refuel the scooter where there is no marking, which company will fill you with gasoline. Most often, unknown gas stations sell low-quality (diluted) gasoline. In the Yaroslavl region, I can recommend refueling at Slavneft stations. TNCs have an eternal problem with a shortage of 95 - it is constantly not there, and when it is there, the question of its quality remains open.

In general, it would be wise to carry a liter of gasoline with you for every fire emergency. This will not be difficult for you, but if something happens, it will come in very handy.

With oils, everything is simpler: the more expensive, the better. The most suitable and highest quality scooter oil is French Motul

. I can't say anything bad about him. The company really keeps its brand. I recommend to everyone. Price – about 250 rubles

8.3 $. Manol brand oil is also quite suitable

, however, it loses somewhat in quality, but if you are not entirely picky, it will also do. Unlike the gourmet Motul, Manol is almost always available in specialized stores. By the way, do not forget that car oil is not suitable for you. Buy oils produced by TNK, Slavneft, etc. I can’t advise, I’ve never tried to fill it, and the price is 50 rubles. somewhat confusing.

Scooters and mopeds require special oil for two-stroke engines (for mopeds, motorcycles, chainsaws

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