Motorcycle Honda NT 700V Deauville 2006 review

You sit like this, choose your next motorcycle, look for MAXIMUM information, feedback, reviews. I sat and thought - if I have a rather rare motorcycle, why not write a reviewer? What if someone gets excited and buys it from me when I decide to sell this miracle =) I just bought it and brought it to the garage

Accordingly, this is my 3rd motorcycle, long agony of choice and blah blah blah... Input data - 180cm tall, 70kg weight, weak muscles, now I’m in my 4th season, before it was the 600th phaser, I only ride in the Moscow region, 80% of the time in Moscow itself . Having just bought a motorcycle, in a group dedicated to it, an entry appeared about a problem with the TPS (Throttle Plate) sensor, at the end of a long text: “Unfortunately, I can’t say 100% that replacing the TPS helped. I sold it. It’s true that when I showed it to customers, I never saw the mistake.” Comparing the name of the person who wrote it with the DCT, I wrote to the author - yes, it was him (at the same time I understood why the motorcycle was a good amount cheaper than the average market price (albeit with ABS)). I've already ridden a couple of thousand after the purchase - until I encountered the problem he described, and in principle the motorcycle behaves well.


1. Cardan! at the beginning of the motorcycle season I changed the oil in it, according to the regulations, change it every 30 thousand, and no more cleaning or lubricating (you get used to the specific sound in 1st gear over time). 2. Built-in side cases . It just so happened that I traveled around Moscow for work (read: traffic jams) and carried with me tools, uniforms, spare parts, a backpack with small things/junk/documents. Unlike the car, I took only the necessary spare parts, but compared to the Phaser, I could take it all away without constantly pulling on the web. 3. Glove compartments under the steering wheel . The left one is locked with a key, there I have a 0.4 bottle of pine forest (square, with a nipple) and a reminder:

The right one opens without a key, where I usually have a lock for the disc and a plate for the step, and for the duration of the trip, a pass to the city (I live in a military town).
Well, it’s very convenient to show your pass without taking off your gloves and move on. Often, when I’m driving in an unfamiliar area, a phone with a navigator is sent there (the headset guides me, yes, but sometimes I need to check where I went in the first place). 4. Wind protection . I live 35 km outside the Moscow Ring Road, of which 15 km is on the highway. I usually drive at a speed of 100, there is no need to close the visor at such speeds (well, unless you listen carefully to something interesting on the radio) (it’s worth noting that I don’t have a windshield), and my legs don’t get any wind. 5. Reliability . The engine is a V-Twin, 12t. interval between oil changes, I’ll take the Honda gearbox here. 6. Brakes . I have a model with ABS (I never had to check how it works), more precisely C-ABS, that is, combined brakes; when you press the front one, there is almost no dive; When you press the rear, the motorcycle squats evenly and brakes confidently. 7. Weight distribution . Very stable at low speeds, you don’t notice the weight behind the wheel at all, and this can play a cruel joke. 8. Consumption . The device itself calculates how many kilometers a liter of gasoline will last you. In my case, the average is 20-22; that is, 4.5-5 liters per hundred. Moreover, if you lower the windshield to the lower position, it will be even a little more economical. Eats 92nd. 9. Passenger . My wife and Drunk Brother didn’t particularly appreciate the difference with the Phaser; I haven’t ridden it as a passenger myself, but the seat itself is wide and the hand grips are normal. 10. Dimensions . What's the most important thing in a traffic jam? So, in the garage we compared the cb900 Hornet, cbf600s, XV1100 Virago and Deville - in terms of mirrors it is equal to the cbf, in terms of the Arcs it is a little wider, and the panniers with stock lids are smaller than the Arcs, that is, in traffic jams the side panniers do not strain at all (the mirrors are gone - you’ll pass by yourself, if something happens, you’ll strike arcs, although this has never happened to me before) 11. Arcs .
While everyone is hearing about the case of arches and DPS, here they are built-in, and moreover, covered with plastic (I call them fins). Notice on the right the black plastic that sticks out more than the boot. You can clearly see this very arch on the right, it is screwed on, not welded


1. Weight . Here the cardan is already a minus. I understand that a tourist must be heavy for stability, but 257 kg for 680 cc... Yes, you don’t feel the weight behind the wheel, but if you suddenly need to turn it around in the parking lot... it’s sad. And in a traffic jam, I try to remember about the weight and not fly too much, because if it starts to fall over, I won’t be able to hold it. (By the way, it’s very easy to put on the center stand) 2. Dynamics . After the Phaser, I was ready to reduce the dynamics, I wanted a reduction, but I had no idea... 257 kg for 65 hp! At first I compared it to the Logan I drove. At traffic lights, a rare car will overtake him, but on the highway, overtaking must be prepared and carried out in a lower gear (otherwise there is barely enough torque, and a truck at 90 km/h on a concrete road takes about 5-6 seconds to overtake (count to yourself to 5, yeah) ). You get used to it and understand that in order for it to move, you need to keep the revs high (hello V-Twin and vibrations!). 3. Rear wheel . Until it’s time to change the rear tire, you don’t really think about it, but with all this body kit, removing the wheel is... not easy. I haven't done it myself yet. 4. American . It seems like a small thing - a tidy device with two scales, wow! Yeah, but I haven’t seen any reviews anywhere about the lack of emergency lights and distant flashers on this particular model among Americans. The blinker is okay, the emergency lights are already more unpleasant, although I’m also already used to it. But in total - BAD. 5. A common problem with pannier locks . It didn’t manifest itself specifically in me, but there are many sufferers in the group. Each lid has 2 latches, and they must latch at the same time, otherwise you won’t close it. (By the way, by inserting and turning the key, you can open both cases; under the left side cover of the case there is a lever for opening the seat). 6. Unpopularity . Yes, the motorcycle is rare, and this attracts attention, but as soon as you need to find out some specific information (and even how to remove all the plastic) - welcome to American forums (although I found an American video about plastic). There is a motorcycle group, they give advice there due to the possibilities, but again, there are not very many people there. 7. Rain . I only got there in the city, that is, traffic jam + traffic lights = all wet. I bought a tourist, but I don't travel. If you drive in the “entered the rain at speed and drove out of the rain without slowing down” mode, maybe everything will be more beautiful, but the problem of the windshield will remain. In my case, it is not native (~10 cm higher), and in the upper position I have to look through it. And through the raindrops settling on it it is very difficult to see. Thank you that my windshield is lowered by hand (without tools or other unscrewing) - I stopped, lowered it as far as possible (without getting off), and drove on. But the drops from it fly smoothly into the slit of the slightly open visor (no one has canceled fogging), and with my balaclava, they fly straight into the mouth. =) 8. Personally, my shortcoming . I can’t reach the ground with my full foot on it, which is fraught with such weight. I tried tightening the rear shock absorber preload to maximum, it helped, but now I can feel every bump

Well, just a few photos (including from Brother’s wedding)

While the review was being written, I had a chance to go, exchange motorcycles and ride the TDM I wanted (though it was 850, but I wanted 900) for about half an hour or even less. When I asked him to describe his feelings a couple of days later, the answer was succinct: “cool bike with a shitty engine.”

Since I meticulously choose an expensive purchase, before buying I looked at other motorcycles of more or less similar concept, a few words about them, why I didn’t take them: 1. Honda DN01, heavier, but without glove compartments and built-in side cases (and if you install side cases trunks, even smaller in volume - goodbye row spacing), larger dimensions. With the same engine, the dynamics with an automatic will be worse (IMHO), but the automatic itself is a plus for me (I'm lazy) 2. Honda CTX700. There is only one glove compartment, with panniers the same as in DN01, the engine is even weaker, the gas tank is smaller, and CHAIN ​​3. Honda NM4 Vultus. There are even more glove compartments, as many as 4! Only two of them are in place of panniers (well, I can’t call the volume of ~5 liters a pannier), the dimensions are larger with the same weight, and all the disadvantages of the CTX700 apply. 4. The Yamaha FJR1300 was considered after the purchase of Deville. I really want more dynamics. It is heavier (the analogues - Honda ST1300 and Kawasaki GTR1400 - are even heavier), with wider panniers, but it has an automatic transmission. If the owners of these devices see this and are indignant, let's meet, exchange motorcycles, and I will correct my opinion in this article and immediately apologize personally in front of you (accordingly, if I understand that I was wrong) I, personally, would happily take the STX (and I almost took it, thanks they didn’t give me a loan), but the engine would be more powerful for it, with the same weight...

The article will be published simultaneously on BikePost (with pictures and beautifully designed) and in the motorcycle group, please indicate the place where you got it from (according to the rules of these resources) if you insert them anywhere.

Review of the Honda NT700V Deauville motorcycle

Here he is... To be honest, I was lucky. I was chasing NT650. (But fortunately it was sold) and chance provided the good fortune to purchase the NT700V. Black, the first version of the injection Deville with a modified engine: a different camshaft, one versus two in the previous engine, and a changed camshaft angle. It feels like the engine has not changed much from the previous version. The torque has increased slightly and become smoother throughout the entire rev range. I didn’t find the expected shot under the top, but quite a few times I caught myself thinking that I could move in gears that weren’t quite appropriate for the situation. The traction on the lows and mids was amazing. The torque is very smooth with !!! 2,200!!!

Yes, there is no such sound as on 4 cylinders, but it captivates with something of its own, the rumbling of the kopeck piece at an average 4,700-6,800. In the first (after a full check of the beast for all sorts of backlashes, the presence of brakes and replacing the front tire, battery) exit into the city, I understand that at 120 km/h a feeling of “a sofa in the living room” appeared, the comfort did not let go until 160, then you can easily reach 190, but turning attention to my “not a young body”, calmness becomes a fundamental factor.

Taxiing: In traffic jams, much calmer than sport. Similar to enduro. Easy, predictable. The width of the panniers in traffic jams doesn’t bother you, if you’ve gotten over your ass with karma, you don’t worry about it anymore. So, the verdict is this: Sport is good, even very good, enduro in its own way.....but... when you become a mature, calm “backbone”, you begin to think about compromise. The desire for dynamic, extreme movement gives way to a feeling of safety and reliability. Moreover, the elements of drive and dynamics remain on this “Tourist”.

It consumes from 5 to 6 liters of 98 ben I fill. Moreover, the piloting style is always different. (Even though I’m an old man, by some standards, it’s a thrill to light things up))). The suspensions are predictable and breakable (I came out of enduro), but as I got used to them they turned out to be very comfortable. The fork is a little soft, I'll change the oil and let you know how it turned out. But the rear one: It has a very important element, which is practically presented everywhere, but in a less convenient form: remote adjustment of stiffness, which is nice when loading at the dacha, and even with the wife. I use it with pleasure.

Brakes: Combined, it’s a pity that without ABS., I liked it very much, especially after the single-disc Transalp, the efficiency of a locomotive! Once I pulled over the brakes and was cleaning my pants))). I stayed on wheels, but with an understanding of the possibilities, so when choosing, pay attention to ABS, a little more expensive, but much safer! It would be better if there was ABS.

The luggage systems are impressive, everything is the same as in the NT650, it’s convenient, together with a 46-liter trunk, there are no equals in any other class. (Golda will of course be ahead, but she is much broader). And the universality of applicability of the device is the most important thing, at least in my opinion.

The wind protection is decent despite the small size of the Burdock, and my first version has only two adjustments. In later versions (from the 10th year), (it is implemented on guides with an electric drive.) I was satisfied only in the upper position, my height is 176 cm. In the lower one, the brain and the helmet put on it ripple mercilessly.)))

Cardan shaft: The reason for parting with Transalp was the purchase of it with a defective drive sprocket, namely the lack of splines on the input shaft. It was simply welded to the shaft. Reliability was at least doubtful. A plan has matured to move away from this weak position altogether. And here it is the cardan! To be honest, it is noisy. I have it on mine at initial speeds. Remember “Ural” or “Dnepr”. This is about the same thing. Others are about the same. The oil change did not produce a significant acoustic sensation. But during operation I did not notice any deterioration. Got used to the howling.

Otherwise, I'm satisfied to the limit. To be honest, I looked at ST. But I’ll probably use it for another year.

To begin with, I’ll just briefly describe the motorcycle. It has a V-twin with ≈65 horses (too lazy to look for it). It drags well from ≈3 to 7.5 thousand, at 2-2.5 you can easily start, i.e. you don’t have to turn the engine. It purrs nicely, I really like it. Drive - cardan (no paralever

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