ATV tracks: some models and technical characteristics

Additional equipment for the ATV

Today, an ATV is usually called an all-terrain vehicle that has four wheels on board. The first such transport appeared in 1970.

It was released by Honda under the name US90. The resulting vehicle inherited practicality and stability from the car, and amazing maneuverability from the motorcycle.

Since the model had large wheels installed with massive lugs, the US90 had very high cross-country ability. Since then, manufacturers began mass-producing ATVs.

Review of crawler tracks for ATVs

Since wheels are not suitable for every load, many ATV owners preserve their vehicles for the winter. This is due to the fact that even deep wheel tread on snow becomes useless, since snow very quickly gets clogged into the wheels, as a result of which the vehicle simply begins to slip.

In addition, the wheels have a small area of ​​contact with the ground, as a result of which the vehicle sinks in the snow and it is impossible to drive through deep snowdrifts.

An ATV on a caterpillar track has increased cross-country ability, due to which it can easily overcome mud, swamps, large snowdrifts and loose sand.

In order to help owners use their favorite ATV all year round, the developers have come up with special caterpillar tracks that have increased cross-country ability.

Today, tracks are manufactured specifically for winter and an all-season version. At first, the question may arise: why use tracks in the summer?

But do not forget that the use of tracks significantly increases the traction power of an ATV . As a result of this, it is possible to transport heavier loads than stated in the documentation. Also, when using tracks, the ability to drag heavy objects significantly increases.

The average weight of an ATV is about 400 kg. Since the wheels have a smaller area of ​​contact with the surface, in this case a pressure of 140 g/cm2 is exerted on the ground by each wheel separately.

When using tracks, the contact area with the surface is much larger than that of a wheel. Thus, the pressure will be at least 3 times less, which allows the ATV to stay on the snow without falling through.

Also, due to the increased area of ​​the tracks, the area of ​​adhesion to the ground increases significantly, which manifests itself in an increase in power . But, as you know, you have to pay for everything.

In our case, due to the fact that the tracks are much heavier than the wheels, there is a huge fuel consumption.

Another disadvantage is that when using tracks, the speed is significantly reduced .

Despite the fact that on flat terrain the tracks significantly increase maneuverability, however, when using tracks, some problems arise in overcoming such obstacles as a fallen tree, stumps and much more, since in this case the rear tracks simply rest against the obstacle. To solve this problem, it is necessary to resort to counter-hanging methods.

There are types of additional equipment that are simply irreplaceable on the farm. A striking example: a trailer for transporting a motorcycle. Types and characteristics in our article.

And in Russia they produce excellent ATVs. See for yourself in our review.

Advantages and disadvantages of an ATV on tracks. ATV/UTV Tracks.

What are we comparing with?

Let's agree right away that we are not comparing an ATV on tracks with a snowmobile. These are completely different equipment, with different purposes and characteristics. A snowmobile is designed to move on snow; by and large, it will travel on any snow if the skis have passed and have not dug up a snowdrift in front of it. A snowmobile, under certain conditions, can move on water. An ATV cannot do this, no matter if it has wheels or tracks. In addition, the speed of a snowmobile is much higher than the speed of an ATV, and fuel consumption is less. Thus, we will compare an ATV with an ATV, this is logical.

Scope of application of ATVs on tracks

This is mainly for utilitarian use. For example, towing a load on a trailer or clearing snow using a mounted scraper. A quad on wheels clears snow well up to a certain point, when there is not a lot of snow and it does not need to be shoveled into a large hill or pushed far, that is, when there is room. The use of tracks when clearing snow allows you to use the scraper as efficiently as possible, clean large areas and even build slides for children to sled :)

Another use of an ATV on tracks is, of course, hunting. The quadric can handle heavy luggage and pull a trailer or sled. At the same time, you should not drive off forest roads onto powder when the snow cover is more than 40 cm. The maximum speed on powder at “full gas” does not exceed 40 km/h, and the variator belt will experience a colossal load and will not last long. And of course, rides not far from home, along fields and roads, in shallow snow, avoiding not completely frozen streams, fallen trees, frozen ground in the form of deep ruts or, conversely, in the form of hills. Why?

Features of operating an ATV on tracks

There is a common belief that caterpillars mean SAT AND GO WHERE YOU WANT, but with certain reservations. So, if there are reservations, then this is far from SAT DOWN AND GO WHERE I WANT...

When moving through the forest, go around trees and logs; driving over a fallen tree of 20 cm in diameter can become an insurmountable obstacle for an ATV on tracks. In this case, the ATV on wheels will not even notice this obstacle. The fact is that when moving a tree, the front caterpillar will successfully overcome it, and the rear caterpillar will begin to burrow UNDER the tree; when moving backwards, now the front caterpillar will try to drive UNDER the tree. There is only one way out of this situation, cut and pull out the tree, but it is frozen into the ground... There are enough examples of this on Youtube.

A clean, flat field, without trees or ravines, can also bring surprises. In the field there are anthills, molehills and simply frozen piles of soil. With some luck, the ATV cheerfully jumps with its front track over the pile, and the back one rests on the ground. The distance between the tracks, as a rule, coincides with the thickness or circumference of the heap, and this frozen ground will have to be chiseled with a sapper shovel, if you have one with you. Without this, you won't move. You can hang on a harmless snow parapet in exactly the same way. An ATV on wheels will cope with the frozen ground much faster, perhaps it will not even notice this obstacle.

No less danger lurks in the frozen deep rut of an ATV on wheels. There are known cases of lying down for 7 hours followed by a search for a tractor. Jerking with the winch led to the CV joint breaking, and after being rescued by the tractor, the caterpillar fell off. The ATV was evacuated the next day with the help of very heavy equipment... An ATV on wheels would most likely have driven along this rut; in extreme cases, a winch would have saved it.

You must be extremely careful when moving on the ice of a frozen stream or lake, since a caterpillar falling through the ice is a real tragedy... The angle of “attack” of the rollers does not allow the caterpillars to get out onto the ice, especially the rear ones. A winch will not help in this situation; most likely you will break and tear out the track with the suspension. You can't do without cutting ice and laying down logs. In this case, most likely, damage will be caused to bumpers and plastic, as well as to health, because everything happens in winter in icy water... By the way, moving on dense crust at the end of winter, under which there is a lot of loose snow, resembles moving on ice, sooner or later the caterpillars will fall under the crust and immediately dig a deep hole...

Advantages of using tracks

Of course, this is the appearance, the ATV on tracks looks brutal. Raising clouds of snow dust around in a light drift in shallow snow, you can take a great video. You can ride along forest paths. But the same thing can be done on wheels. The only indisputable advantage of a caterpillar over a wheel is hard work when the wheel tread grip is not enough. Unfortunately, we are not aware of the other advantages of the quadrogeese.

Disadvantages of caterpillars

A large load on the suspension, as a result of which, as a rule, all wheel bearings, steering rods, ball joints and silent blocks are replaced every spring. High fuel consumption, about three times more than on wheels. For this reason, the gurney is only used around the house or near a gas station. Low speed in deep snow, no more than 40 km/h. Vibrations and “suspension” when driving on a compacted road.

The need for regular monitoring of the condition of the tracks. For example, track tension adjustments should be checked before each ride. It's not difficult and takes a couple of minutes per caterpillar. Otherwise, the caterpillar will most likely fly off. This usually happens when the car is slipping and not in the central square near a car repair shop or tire shop.

Price! The cost of tracks is from 150 to 250 thousand rubles, add spring suspension repairs, gasoline, sick leave, add a little and buy a snowmobile. The weight of an ATV with tracks is more than 400 kg, add your 100 kg and give up your illusions. There are many videos on the Internet in which ATVs on tracks rush through snow-covered fields, raising a beautiful snowstorm around them, but if you search, you will find another video... When installing tracks, you need to remove the protection of the bottom and levers; in the spring you will have to do the opposite operation.

Tips for beginners

Always check track tension. Carry with you a spare variator belt and tools for replacing it. Remember about the increased fuel consumption, gasoline flows like water through your fingers. When pulling the ATV backwards with a winch, be very careful, you can tear out the entire suspension. Don't go into deep snow, this is not a snowmobile. Don't go on the ice! Avoid fallen trees. Always take dry clothes and socks with you. Always take a chainsaw with you. Don't ride alone, find a neighbor or friend with similar equipment.

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The technical characteristics of the tracks include all overall dimensions of the track, side and front overhangs, as well as the mass of adapters.
The most important characteristics that you should first pay attention to will be the contact area (contact with the ground), the increase in ground clearance and the reduction in maximum speed, which is usually indicated as a percentage.

The type of wheels and rollers, the material from which they are made, as well as additional units in the form of gears, hubs and bearings, a stabilizer, and a guide runner are also considered technical characteristics.

Manufacturers often indicate the duration of the initial installation of caterpillar tracks on an ATV, which is very convenient.

Today there is a huge variety of tracks for ATVs. When choosing caterpillar models, you should consider the following nuances:

  • Track kits are available for both winter use and year-round use . To avoid making a mistake when purchasing, they are marked accordingly. So, in winter, depending on or “snow”. While all-season vehicles are marked “4 seasons”;
  • They may be of normal width, or they may have enlarged rear tracks;
  • Some options can be additionally equipped with studs, which further increases traction on the surface.

In order to put your pet on caterpillar tracks, you need to purchase a special kit, which consists of several boxes, where 4 tracks are stored in a disassembled state, one to replace each wheel.

Before you start mounting them on the ATV, you need to completely assemble each track separately, and only then start installing the tracks on the ATV.

According to the manufacturers, at first, it will take about two hours to assemble the entire kit, if there are two people. Over time, assembly can be done much faster.

Since ATVs are often stored outside the city, delivering it to a service center can sometimes be very expensive and problematic, and sometimes it’s simply impossible. In this case, you can use the means at hand and replace the wheels with tracks yourself.

To do this, you need to raise the front or rear part using a jack or winch. Next, remove the wheel and replace the lower bolt with a longer one, which comes with the tracks.

It is very difficult to fit the track drive gear onto the wheel studs . This is due to the fact that the tracks are very heavy, about 20-30 kilograms each. Then it should be secured using special nuts that clamped the wheel itself. When one axis is finished, all actions must be repeated with the remaining axis.

If you are going to transport it on a trailer after installation, you should take into account that after installing the tracks in place, the size of the vehicle increases significantly, both in width and length.

Installation recommendations

After purchasing tracks for ATVs in Moscow, many owners of all-terrain vehicles are faced with the question: install the products themselves or turn to specialists. It is better to entrust the installation, especially the initial one, to specialists. In the absence of personal experience, this will save time, eliminate “incidents” due to incorrect installation and prevent damage to the new spare part, which may require repair after an independent attempt to secure it.

If you still assume that you will install tracks on your ATV yourself, you should know the main rule - complete preliminary assembly is performed before attaching the product to the wheels.

First assembly and installation may take up to 4 hours. In the future the process will go faster. However, it is advisable to contact a specialist for the first time and attend the process in order to know the features of installing tracks in the future.

Popular track models

Since today there is a huge range of tracks for ATVs on the market, I would like to dwell in more detail on the most popular models:

  • According to statistics, one of the best sellers is the truck Tatau, which releases Canadian company Camoplast. They have gained popularity in the market due to their low price, as well as their versatility.

    They can be used on almost any ATV. The only requirements for the car itself are that it has all-wheel drive and an engine capacity of at least 300 cubic centimeters;

  • Considered no less popular Kimpex caterpillars, which apply exclusively on Commander ATVs. Under this brand, the company produces two tracks: WTX - for winter and Trek - all-season.

    A distinctive feature of these tracks is a lightweight alloy, which is not inferior in quality to analogues, but at the same time the weight of the track is significantly lower. The contact area of ​​each track is 1.2 meters. This model has the same width on both the front and rear wheels, which is 29.2 cm;

  • Chinese manufacturers also keep up with their Canadian counterparts STELS tracks . This option proves that Chinese ATV tracks can be used on par with Canadian ones. At the same time, their cost is significantly lower. In this model, the tracks on the rear wheel have a wider track than the front ones.

There are also models on the market in which the front part is not flat, but raised at an angle of 45 degrees. This makes it much easier to overcome obstacles in the form of fallen trees.

Among such models is the X-Gen STS4, in which the frame is made of plastic and aluminum, the width of each track is 29 cm. Its advantages include minor losses in speed, as well as an increase in ground clearance by 12.5 cm.

Stealth Tracks

Among the popular models are Stels tracks for utilitarian ATVs, manufactured by a Russian company. One of the advantages is the cost. Domestic tracks are much cheaper.

They have great maneuverability, and what is important is that the tracks are universal. They can be used both on snow and on sandy embankments or rocky surfaces.

Russian-made Stealth tracks are distinguished by high maneuverability, reliability and safety. Stels tracked modules can seriously compete with American products.

Average prices

If we talk about the cost of tracks for an ATV, first of all, you should clearly understand which manufacturers we are talking about .
For example, a Chinese manufacturer costs significantly less than its Canadian counterpart. If you look at the prices for all products, it becomes clear that Canadian-made tracks cost as much as an entire ATV from a Chinese manufacturer. The track of the previously described X-Gen STS4 costs almost $5,000.

By comparison, the price of ATV tracks from the Chinese manufacturer Kumoto will be approximately $400-500. Thus, in order to “change shoes” for your pet, you should clearly understand what kind of bag you have and what model you have.

Typically, most companies make universal tracks, but you may need specific models from a specific supplier.

Which equipment is equipped with caterpillar tracks right from the factory? Well, of course, a snowmobile. We consider Russian snowmobiles from in our review article.

When using motorcycles, it is very important to be as protected as possible. Read more about motocross equipment: .


It is quite clear that the price of track chains cannot cost 30,000 rubles. and even 60,000 rubles. although, given that the products are sold as a set, the average price for one tracked module is about 70 - 100 rubles.

For a set of tracks for ATVs, the price will average 300,000 - 500,000 rubles. Universal models are produced, but also products manufactured taking into account the characteristics of ATV/UTV ATVs are also on sale.

You can buy tracks for a children's ATV at a lower cost, starting from 150,000 rubles. Prices for adult models are higher than for a tracked module for a child. For example, Stealth tracks for an ATV cost about 350,000 rubles.

You need to buy tracks profitably, so our online store not only offers the lowest prices without affecting the quality of spare parts, but also often holds promotions and also gives discounts to regular customers. Our company provides a manufacturer's warranty of 2 years.

Photo gallery

Crawler-mounted ATVs are not very common, although this type of additional equipment is popular among those who like to travel through difficult terrain. Trucks are a good help for hunters, fishermen and travelers, as well as for residents of the snowy regions of our vast homeland. Let's see what the assembled equipment looks like.

How to make an order

Buy tracks for an ATV, which will turn an all-terrain vehicle into an all-season vehicle that can be an excellent replacement for a snowmobile. Making a purchase is not difficult. After selecting the desired model, it is simply added to the online shopping cart, and then by “entering” it, they begin to place an order, following the steps indicated on the website.

Particular attention should be paid to delivery. Our online store cooperates with a large number of transport companies, so choosing the appropriate delivery method will not be difficult. The product can be delivered throughout Moscow and Russia. Delivery costs will be quoted in advance prior to order completion.

If you encounter any difficulties when purchasing a set of tracks for an ATV, you can contact the online store consultants by phone, who will answer all questions and help you complete the order.

What else should you consider before purchasing a kit?

Manufacturers offer a huge variety of such accessories for ATVs. When choosing a model, consider the following points:

  • Season. There are tracks that are designed specifically for use in winter (marked with the words “winter” or “snow”). There are also tracks on which you can operate an all-terrain vehicle throughout the year; they have o ().
  • Route. Think about what roads you plan to travel on. If you want to increase your grip on the snow surface, take a closer look at models that are equipped with studs. At the same time, for loose snow, a tape with high hooks is better suited. A more universal option is with short hooks, which is designed for use on any type of coating.

The specialists of the motorboat center will help you choose the models that suit your goals and expectations.

To get detailed advice on availability, prices and characteristics, just call +7 (4822) 65-65-03.

The most important technical parameters

Similar accessories are unified in size. Each track has a width, circumference and pitch. Let's take a closer look at them.


Three versions of tracks are common in the world:

  • 380 mm are standard models that are suitable for most devices, including sports and mountain ones.
  • 500 mm - usually focused on heavy utilitarian equipment from some global brands.
  • 600 mm - it is better to ask the seller about the possibility of installing such a kit on your vehicle model.


The parameter is determined by the inner surface of the track. This is the key criterion for choosing a track for the device. 146+ inch tracks are typically purchased for mountain and sport models. And sets with a length of 154+ are for utilitarian transport.


If it is difficult to decide on the width and length of the tracks, take this indicator into account. The most versatile and common pitch types are 2.6 and 2.86 inches. For some models of equipment that are large in size, tracks with pitches of 3 and 3.5 inches are chosen.

Third Party Kits

Camoplast UTV 4S1 track kit

Camoplast UTV 4S1 track kit

Camoplast UTV 4S1 track mechanisms have a steel frame with tracks 32 centimeters wide at the front and 35.5 centimeters at the rear, with a lug height of 2.8 centimeters. The front tracked mechanisms weigh 46.7 kilograms, the rear ones weigh 54.4 kilograms. The surface area of ​​contact with the ground is 6400 square centimeters.

Kimpex Commander WSS4 track kit

Kimpex Commander WSS4

The Kimpex Commander WSS4 tracks have a steel frame with tracks that are 32 centimeters wide at the front and 35.5 centimeters wide at the rear. The height of the lugs in the front is 2.5 centimeters, in the back – 3.3 centimeters. The front tracked mechanisms weigh 41 kilograms, the rear ones weigh 51 kilograms. The surface area of ​​contact with the ground is 6172 square centimeters.

Mattracks M3 Series Track Kit

Mattracks M3

The M3 series track mechanisms have a reinforced suspension, an aluminum frame with 33 centimeter wide tracks, 4.5 centimeter high lugs and a suspension with the ability to change the angle of attack and the track contact area. Each mechanism weighs 65 kilograms. The maximum surface area in contact with the ground is 5547 square centimeters.

Mattracks XT Series Track Kit

Mattracks XT

The XT Series tracks feature an aluminum frame with 28-centimeter-wide tracks, 2.5-centimeter-high track lugs, and variable-angle-of-attack and track-contact-area suspension. Each mechanism weighs 57.6 kilograms. The maximum surface area in contact with the ground is 4358 square centimeters.

Mattracks EZ Series Track Kit

Mattracks EZ

Mattracks EZ Series tracks have a steel frame and 33cm wide tracks with 3.5cm high lugs. Each mechanism weighs 66 kilograms. The surface area of ​​contact with the ground is 6410 square centimeters.

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