ATV tracks - to improve cross-country ability in winter

Advantages and disadvantages of caterpillars

Transporting cargo with an ATV on a wheeled base becomes impossible or very difficult, so the “iron horses” are preserved for the winter. As was already written above, this happens due to the tread being clogged with snow and there is no traction at all, the equipment begins to slip. In addition, the contact area between the wheel and the roadbed is small - the ATV constantly falls through and weighs down in the snow. For year-round movement on ATVs, caterpillar tracks were invented, thanks to which the ATV can easily move through snowdrifts, swamps and loose soils. At the moment, there are two types of tracks: winter and all-season versions. Inexperienced drivers probably have a question: why use caterpillar tracks in the summer season? This is primarily due to a significant increase in traction power, which allows the drag to transport cargo. The average ATV weighs 400-500 kg.

Due to the small area of ​​the wheels, the pressure of each wheel on the ground fluctuates within 140g/cm2. Due to the larger area of ​​contact with the ground of the caterpillar tracks, the pressure decreases several times. As a result, the ATV does not load up in snowdrifts in winter and has better traction with the ground in summer - power increases. What are the disadvantages of crawler tracks? – first of all, this is increased fuel consumption, because an ATV with tracks weighs much more. Also, we must not forget about the speed; it is rapidly decreasing due to the greater weight of the tracks. When overcoming obstacles, it is necessary to go around various stumps, logs and stones, because it is problematic for the caterpillars to drive onto them. The counter-hanging method will help to overcome such obstacles.

Blitz test of the all-terrain vehicle "Falcon": engine from Corolla, axles from Jimny

Initially, this was supposed to be a serious analytical article about a simple self-taught mechanic who managed to build a unique ATV from scratch. He even managed to organize production and open an assembly branch in Yakutia! That’s where we sent our correspondent, but this Homer, instead of the usual report, wrote an entire “Iliad” with a branching plot. However, what we tell you, read for yourself.

"Right-handed." The Tale of a Siberian mechanic and his steel “Falcon”


Alexey Pozdeev - “Right-handed”, inventor from Siberia Nikolay Alekseev - director of the branch Igor Lesin - happy owner Volodya Popov - humble servant of the pen


When our correspondent Vladimir first saw photographs of the Falcon, he thought it was photoshopped - the rider looked too disproportionate against the background of the ATV. And having taken a closer look, he couldn’t believe his eyes a second time—his native Yakutsk was unmistakably visible in the surrounding landscape.

“...when I first saw the pictures of the Falcon, I thought it was photoshopped”

The phone book was rummaged through, six hands were shaken, and after just three hours Volodya, full of anticipation, went to the show of an all-terrain vehicle with an unknown emblem. Still would! A floating ATV with a Corolla engine and Suzuki Jimny axles already sounds like a real exclusive! And the design of the suspension, they say, has no analogues in the world! Gaza, Volodya, gas...


On the calendar - July 2013. There is a sweet aroma of summer and Sunday in the air. Closer to lunch, the lazy Siberian sun peeked out from under the blanket of clouds, and the streets of the residential area, still wet after yesterday's cyclone, gradually began to fill with its inhabitants. Suddenly, the idyllic picture of children measuring the depths of puddles and grandmothers cooing peacefully nearby was disrupted by the deafening roar of a self-propelled cart that appeared out of nowhere. Firmly clinging to the motorcycle “horns” and clutching the half-dead motor from the Oka between his legs, some eccentric was directing this “karakat” straight into the swamp. A swarm of droplets of water, dirt and everything else that splashed the open wheels was circling above him. The clothes he wears are easier to throw away than to wash. After hitting a small bump in the back, something fell out, it seemed like a battery... However, neither the water at the collar, nor the indignation of passers-by, nor other circumstances embarrassed Alexey Pozdeev in any way. On the contrary, even behind the clay-covered visor one could see the sparkle of his wide smile. After all, the feeling that you are driving something built with your own hands is... indescribable!


“And remember, Volodya,” said the director of the assembly shop, handing over the ignition keys, “this is not an ordinary ATV, you shouldn’t even compare them. It just looks like it, but is structurally much closer to a car. People don't understand this. How can you compare, for example, a saw and a plane? These are completely different things, tell me?!”

“Yes, that’s right, Nikolai Nikolaevich,” Volodya nodded, not really delving into the essence of the dialogue. His thoughts were occupied with only one thing: to quickly get behind the wheel of this miracle!

Controls are simple and clear

To find out how good a hammer is, you need to hammer a nail with it, and to evaluate the qualities of an amphibious ATV... But before going to the river, Volodya decided to first stretch out on the asphalt in order to get a little used to the unfamiliar equipment. Having briefly struck the starter, the engine started quietly and smoothly.

“The engine starts with a key, the instrument panel is based on the principle of reasonable sufficiency, a quartet of “pots” sounds much more melodic than the crackling of one ATV pot,” Vladimir began to take notes in a notebook while the engine was warming up. To be honest, he did not expect to see such a high-quality and, what is also important, aesthetic all-terrain vehicle - homemade and “collective farm” have been synonymous for Yakutians for a long time. Vladimir noted the comfortable fit and easy controls.

Nikolai Alekseev has never had to use an electric winch yet. Even in off-road conditions, the 20-liter gas tank is enough for the eyes. Wheel inflation is carried out using exhaust gases

When maneuvering in a tight space, the rear wheels splashed noisily on the asphalt - the welded rear differential was taking its toll. The hydraulic brake line is routed only to the rear drums, but thanks to the rigid interaxle locking, the torque is also transmitted to the front wheels. The mighty tires turned out to have a lot of resistance as expected - the Sokol was not very willing to coast. In addition, at first the jerking when switching from first to second was a little annoying. But either the automatic machine adapted to Volodya’s driving style, or he finally learned how to operate the gas correctly - in general, after several laps around the workshop, the jerking disappeared.

A powerful engine in combination with an automatic transmission and a shortened main pair in the axles allows you to do without a transfer case with a reduction gear

The movement of self-propelled vehicles on public roads is prohibited, but Volodya did not want to go there. He drove the ATV into a field with swamps and ravines. This turned out to be too easy a task for “Falcon”: he drives himself and doesn’t give a damn. Having climbed the streams up and down, Vladimir began to look for more serious obstacles. Maybe in a sand quarry a quadric without a “lower” will deflate? Alas, soon it became uninteresting for Volodya to play in the sandbox either: “Falcon” drives everywhere as if there was smooth asphalt under its wheels.

The creators of the Falcon tried to make the suspension as simple and durable as possible. In combination with large “soft” wheels, this allows you to fearlessly attack any off-road terrain - where you can’t pull it in, you can try it with acceleration


Days passed. “Gavryusha”—that’s the name Alexey gave his first-born—changed the engine to a more powerful one, built up the frame and finally acquired a more or less finished look. But the beauty of homemade products is that they can be improved endlessly. Along with the off-road skills of Gavryusha, the author’s design talents were also revealed. One day, during the next modernization of the all-terrain vehicle, Alexey had a thought...

All-terrain vehicle "Gavryusha" with an engine from the Oka and a transfer case from the Niva

“What if we try to attach the springs not across (like the Gavryusha) and not along (like the others), but as if at an angle?” “Gavril” was immediately moved to the far corner, other current affairs were postponed, contract spare parts, rolled metal and relevant literature were purchased. After the garage door slammed behind the last courier, it did not open again for the next 72 hours, until Alexei’s friends came to visit him, who had disappeared from all radars.

Photo from the series “Just don’t show this to the Chinese!”

They saw something with splayed halves of springs protruding from the ends of the H-shaped frame. Amid friendly jokes - such as “what were you smoking” and “it’s time to quit mushrooms” (Alexey was also an avid mushroom picker) - axles were mounted on the springs compressed by common efforts. When the engine was installed and the frame was welded, the picture began to become clearer.

Keeping in mind the endless vagaries of Gavryusha, it was decided not to repeat the mistakes of the past and use only Japanese components. The “motor-computer-wires” connection was taken from Toyota Vitz, and the compact lightweight axles were shared by Suzuki Jimny. With the implementation of the transfer of momentum, Alexey did not split hairs. Instead of many cardans and a transfer case, he turned the engine (complete with automatic transmission) 90 degrees and placed it longitudinally, and then simply connected the CV joints to the axle flanges.

Gazelle springs cut in half are attached to the frame. There are no additional rods, levers, or stabilizers in the suspension. On the first copy of 2014, the original silent blocks are still in use, not to mention the springs

Alexey did no less witty with the steering. Instead of a transverse trapezoid rod, he attached a steering rack to the rear of the axle. He cut the spool valve removed from there into the steering shaft, which made it possible, on the one hand, to maintain motorcycle sharpness and ease of control, and on the other, to isolate the steering wheel from impacts from large wheels without an additional damper.

Alexey Pozdeev about the first sea trials: “Construction, of course, is an interesting business, but I really wanted to go for a ride. It was terribly interesting whether this heap of iron would move or not...”

However, the first copy had little in common with the current Falcon. An I-beam frame and a truss made of reinforced seamless pipes are all the result of intensive use in the harshest conditions. Only this regime made it possible to identify weak points and cure all sores. Alexey was so carried away by off-road testing that one day the low-pressure wheels rolled to the starting point of the trophy raid. Moreover, they crossed the finish line first. But before Alyosha had time to open the prize champagne, the organizers - under pressure from other participants - annulled his results and excluded him from the race. “Well, at least the entry fee was returned,” Alexey was not upset.

Alexey Pozdeev during testing of the beta version of "Falcon"

Three years have passed since then. Alexey has already changed his overalls, burnt through by welding, into a suit for the director of the company. His business is going well, orders for the Falcon are booked until the end of 2018. Recently signed a contract with Barnaul tires are a thing of the past. Everything he had dreamed about for so long came true. It would seem that you can rest on your laurels in a cozy office and reap the benefits, but, damn it, the “grinder” sings so sweetly outside the window, the sparks of the welding machine are so inviting that your hands are just itching with the desire to cut and weld something! My head is just full of fresh ideas...


While some drowned their all-terrain vehicle in the swamps at will, 36-year-old jeweler Igor Lesin was forced to drive off the asphalt. In his time, the avid fisherman did enough of the tambourine and shovel dances, falling to his knees with a jack in front of the Japanese off-road icon - the Toyota Prado, and he never understood those who enjoyed it. After purchasing the Falcon, the past seemed like just a bad dream, which was only reminiscent of the scratches left by branches on the paintwork of the clumsy Japanese UAZ.

The question of which all-terrain vehicle to choose did not arise for him. The crisis taught people to count money. Why buy a Chinese “moped” with a meager resource, when at the same price you can buy an amphibious ATV with time-tested Japanese units. By the way, Igor had one of the first “Falcons”. In general, he was happy with everything. But when you are driving a vehicle that is allowed to go everywhere, then each time the distance to the fishing spot increases, and the luggage becomes more and more. One fine day, fishing gear simply no longer fit in the trunk of an ATV. Igor had to buy an optional trailer with a carrying capacity of 800 kg... and a second Falcon for it, with a more powerful 1.5-liter engine.

Igor Lesin

In principle, he is already accustomed to excessive attention from others. Igor learned to automatically tell every second person about “the gallop is eating”, “the gallop is rushing” and “the gallop is standing”. There were also those who considered it their duty to share an authoritative opinion (even if no one asked him, there will probably be such among our commentators): “for that kind of money, there’s no roof, not even a windshield,” “it’s just an ass to carry,” “I would take a tractor.” And here the temptation to answer is great: “Why didn’t you take it? No money left? Why, since he’s so smart?” But why argue with a person who has not experienced all the sensations that a motorcycle seat gives. Moreover, most fishermen are very calm people. After all, they are not catching underwater inhabitants, they are catching zen.


While collecting material for the article, Vladimir came across a video on YouTube where a Falcon and a Yamaha Grizzly 700 met in a head-to-head battle. From the video generously filled with electronic music, little could be understood, but the bulging eyes of the Grizzly against the backdrop of the developed wings of the Falcon looked like a frightened bear cub. However, after the flag waves, the “Japanese”, aggressively digging its wheels into the snow, quickly goes into the lead. The promising “Falcon” turned out to be slow like a falcon and failed the sprint. In the second race, the seconds decided to lengthen the distance. Start. The roar of engines, the flow of snow and once again Yamaha takes the lead. But after just two hundred meters, deep virgin soil cools the ardor of the “mad stool”, and “Falcon” overtakes it... “Become the owner of an uncompromising SUV for only 11,990 rubles. per month...”, the ubiquitous advertisement cut off the video at the most interesting point.

Tires with a primitive pattern demonstrate enviable grip even on ice. At the same time, roll in corners is minimal

Uncompromising SUV - what is this expression anyway? Volodya sincerely considered himself a perfectionist philologist and, at every opportunity, tried to show off this on Facebook. Having organized his thoughts, he continued to write his spontaneous post: “How can an all-wheel drive station wagon be an uncompromising SUV? Any vehicle, any equipment (not just off-road) is, in fact, a set of compromises that designers made under pressure from environmentalists, marketers, lawyers and even housewives...” And then it dawned on him that sometimes, when representatives of the “green” and other colors of the rainbow do not interfere with the designer’s plans, a truly uncompromising all-terrain vehicle is born, capable of delivering from point A to the places where fish bite on an empty hook. When you feel how much the Falcon pushes the boundaries of the ordinary, then where the capabilities of conventional ATVs are exhausted, the fun begins for you.

PS Novosibirsk

They say Alexey locked himself in his workshop again. The flashes of welding do not go out in the windows even on Monday. And at exactly three in the morning, under the cover of darkness, a ghostly monster with six wheels with a rider who smiles from ear to ear rides out from there...

Information for heartless techies (who never read our articles, but only scroll to photos and technical specifications):

Performance characteristics of the Sokol ATV

Volume, cm³9971496
Number of cylinders, cylinder head type4,DOHC4,DOHC
Cylinder diameter/piston stroke, mm69,0/66,782,0/85,0
Torque, kg*m/rpm.9,5/410014,4/4200
Compression ratio10:111:1
Power, hp/rpm70/6000109/6000
Max. speed, km/h 8080
Length/width/height, mm2800/1900/1700
Ground clearance (depending on wheels, mm)380–430
Weight, kg700730

Transmission: hydromechanical automatic 4-speed; Steering: rack and pinion with hydraulic booster; Suspension: dependent, pendulum, on opposite quarter-elliptic springs; Axles: Suzuki Jimny, 5.375 ratio, with mechanical hubs up front from Pilot 54; Tires: tubeless OI-47 (1100 x 420 x 21) with a “transverse” pattern or IP-184 (1100 x 400 x 20), “Christmas tree” pattern. Made by peeling off four layers and cutting the tread. Weight 30–35 kg. Working pressure 0.2 atm; Rims: for tubeless tires with double-sided beadlock manufactured by Pilot 54; Work light: LED, front 2x42 W, rear 2x27 W; Wheel inflation: using exhaust gases; A customs declaration and a passport for the self-propelled vehicle are issued.


Video bonus from Alexey Pozdeev’s channel

Technical specifications, track details

Specifications include length and height of tracks, weight of adapters. The main characteristics also include the area of ​​contact with the ground and the percentage drop in maximum speed. The main parts include gears, rollers and bearings, a guide skid and a stabilizer. Modern production of caterpillars has been put on stream; there are many completely different models. To select individual caterpillar tracks, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • There are winter and all-season versions of tracks on sale. To avoid confusion, before purchasing, pay attention to the special markings that are shown directly on the product. It would also be a good idea to ask the sales consultant what season this or that model is intended for.
  • Track width.
  • There are special tracks that have additional studs installed for even more traction power and traction.


The Polaris SPORTSMAN TOURING 500 ATV showed excellent performance when driving over difficult terrain and rough terrain. The equipment goes over uneven surfaces as smoothly as possible and is able to cope even with very difficult obstacles. All this was achieved through:

  1. High ground clearance of 280 millimeters.
  2. Large wheels with stamped steel rims and tires 25x8-12 at the front and 25x11-12 at the rear.
  3. A powerful winch HD 2500, which is already included in the standard equipment of the ATV.
  4. Improved rear suspension with vertical and horizontal travel.

The Polaris Touring 500 handles well on fairly steep slopes, water and mud obstacles, as well as in forest debris and boulders. Thanks to this, the technique has gained the greatest popularity among fishermen and hunters, since the machine is ideal for these purposes. But still, it should not be ruled out that the model is also used by tourists and lovers of extreme recreation. The standard equipment has front and rear luggage racks that can support loads weighing up to 122 kilograms. A fuel tank with a volume of 15.5 liters is installed, which ensures long-term operation of the ATV without stopping to refuel.

The instrument panel of the model is presented in the form of a digital display. It is equipped with a tachometer, speedometer, odometer, travel mode indicator, hour meter, and battery overheat indicator.

Mounting and installation of tracks

The installation of tracks must be divided into two stages: first, each track is assembled separately, only after which they are mounted on the ATV. This assembly may initially take 2-3 hours, but then it goes faster. For convenience, it is recommended that two people assemble the tracks. As a rule, in order to use the services of a service center for assembly, you need to load the ATV onto a special trailer and then deliver the equipment to specialists. You can independently install the assembled track tracks as follows: the tracks are placed on each side in turn, for which each side is raised with a jack. All track fasteners are connected to the wheel, then the drive gear is attached to the studs. At the final stage, all fasteners are tightened with nuts. We remind you that for comfortable installation of the caterpillar you need several people; simultaneously lifting and clamping 20 kg caterpillars is problematic.

Stels tracks

Stealth tracks for ATVs are a Chinese brand that has established itself as a reliable and high-quality product all over the world. It’s no secret that this manufacturer will seriously compete with famous brands from Canada and other leading countries producing components for quads. This is far from the “China” that ordinary technology enthusiasts are used to encountering. Also, we must not forget about the affordable price compared to other manufacturers of caterpillar tracks. Speaking of the cost of Canadian tracks, this amount will be quite enough to purchase a completely new budget ATV. After purchasing this product, adjusting the track to stealth will not take much time. It is important to initially select the right kit that matches the ATV wheel.

It is worth noting that manufacturers of stealth tracks, which have only good reviews, always provide a guarantee for their products. After watching the video, you can become more familiar with the design features and installation details of this product.

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