Wels Trophy - Cruiser for beginners

If you're thinking about buying a Wels Trophy cruiser, think again. This bike looks good in the photo, but in practice it has a lot of shortcomings that even a low price cannot compensate for. Heavy , with a weak motor and numerous assembly flaws, it is quite suitable for the role of the first steel horse for beginners, but a negative experience can completely discourage the desire to ride on two wheels. But not everything is so sad! Trophy 250 (under this name it is known in other countries) also has some advantages, which will be discussed below.


The Wels 250 Trophy looks surprisingly good for such a cheap motorcycle. It doesn’t try to “mow” under the Yamaha XV250 Virago, like a whole horde of other Chinese choppers, and overall it looks very well built. military style worked well for him, as did the harsh matte black color. The only thing that slightly spoils the otherwise balanced appearance is an engine the size of two fists, bashfully hidden deep in the frame.


When the main goal of the designers is not unprecedented quality or impressive performance, but cheapness, you get something like the Trophy 250. This motorcycle is designed by marketers, not engineers, and its main goal is to lure buyers with flashy looks. Alas, it looks much better than it drives... Although many chopper drivers would argue with this statement, subtly hinting that cruisers are designed for relaxed driving, and not for speed records.


Imagine the simplest single-cylinder engine , developed decades ago - this is exactly the power unit installed on the Wels Trophy. The only modernization made by Chinese designers is a small oil cooler, which promotes better engine cooling. It was probably installed because this model was originally developed for countries in Southeast Asia with a hot climate. Engine power is 16.3 hp. , maximum torque is 18 Nm , and, according to the manufacturer, this engine is capable of accelerating the motorcycle to 130 km/h. In practice, the numbers are somewhat different, and a comfortable cruising speed does not exceed 90 km/h . If you are patient and turn the throttle all the way towards you, after some time you can see 110 km/h on the speedometer, provided there is no strong headwind.


The gearbox matches the engine. It has five gears and we'd like to say that, like all simple machines, it works perfectly, but it doesn't. In general, there are no complaints about it, the unit is quite reliable, but it has one unpleasant feature - from time to time, when switching from first to second, it jams, and you have to return to first gear again. To avoid this, you need to shift up gear with more effort.

Chassis and brakes

The simplest tubular frame , sprung by equally simple shock absorbers, two in front and two in rear. The suspension of the Wels Trophy motorcycle is very durable, but weak, and it often breaks on road bumps, especially if you are carrying a passenger. The brakes can make anyone who rides any other bike cry - the front disc brake is not enough to effectively slow down, and the rear drum brake mechanism seems to have two operating modes - “on” and “off”.


All that can be said about it is that it is there. If you've seen the insides of at least one Chinese motorcycle, then you've seen them all. There are no complaints about the quality of the components, but there are some regarding the build quality. After purchasing, it is advisable to carefully grab the dangling wires with clamps, lay them so that they do not rub against the metal parts of the frame, and check the insulation.

Weight and dimensions

Wels Trophy 250cc weighs 170 kg , and this is only dry weight . Cruisers are generally not distinguished by their modest mass, but in this case the bike is too heavy for the weak engine, which accelerates it with obvious difficulty, vibrating mercilessly, since it does not have balancer shafts . But the dimensions of the motorcycle are quite respectable, it is comfortable to sit on, and the classic wide handlebars , which look great, deserve special praise.


Wells Trophy handles tolerably, but nothing more. It lacks the dynamics for sharp maneuvers, and it’s better to forget about overtaking on the highway right away. It takes turns quite confidently, but still in terms of maneuverability this model is inferior to lighter Chinese small-capacity models. Cruisers are designed for leisurely driving on highways, and not for slaloming between cars, so this shortcoming can be forgiven.

Fuel consumption

The engine is capable of running on any gasoline that you want to pour into it. The tank volume is 15 liters , and this is enough for less than 300 km without refueling. Consumption in the combined cycle is 3.5-4 liters , and during long driving at maximum speed it can approach 5 liters. In city traffic jams, according to owner reviews, this figure averages 4.5 liters .

Motorcycle price

Russian dealers offer a motorcycle at a price of about 150 thousand rubles . Used copies are found on sale, but quite rarely, and cost on average 110 thousand or more . When purchasing this model, it is worth keeping in mind the problems with its liquidity - it is not difficult to buy it, but it is not easy to sell it. Few people ride small bikes year after year; most bikers quickly think about switching to something more powerful.

Where can I order and buy

This all-terrain vehicle can be purchased either from an official dealer by pre-order or at a specialized all-terrain vehicle store. The truck comes with a long track, underbody and engine protection. Depending on the site, as well as the availability of goods in a particular warehouse, you will have to wait for a complete package from 2 to 60 days. The price of a new snowmobile ranges from 125 to 150 thousand rubles.

This snowmobile can also be found on ad sites with low mileage. The price will be slightly lower than that of a new one - about 90 - 120 thousand rubles.

Repair and tuning

All budget Chinese motorcycles have the same feature - they are easy to repair and tune, and there are no problems with spare parts. On the other hand, the quality of components is usually not up to par, so the simplicity and low cost of repairs are “compensated” by the frequency with which they are required. However, timely maintenance and careful handling of the bike always help to reduce problems to a minimum.


You can disassemble and reassemble Wels Trophy on your own in a couple of evenings in your own garage. This extremely archaic motorcycle is structurally not far removed from its ancestors of 50 years ago, and there is absolutely nothing complicated about it. But it is worth stocking up on bolts and hexagons, since those that are installed initially are made of low-quality alloy, and when unscrewing they are often damaged.

Spare parts

Through official dealers you can order everything you may need, but they usually only have consumables and other small items in stock. Spare parts are also available on Aliexpress, where they are inexpensive. Much can be found by selection in stores selling spare parts for Chinese motorcycles, since a number of parts are suitable from bikes from other manufacturers.


Most cruisers are customized to some extent by their owners, regardless of their price and model. On the Wells Trophy you can also install everything that is most often installed on cruisers - a windshield, for example, side cases, a trunk and a bunch of chrome. The glass would be pretty much useless though, given that the bike isn't capable of reaching speeds where headwinds become a problem.

Control Features

A standard motorcycle-type steering wheel is used for control. The high windshield, combined with heated grips and mittens, make riding comfortable even in severe frost. The truck is designed for two adults, and the passenger seat has a comfortable backrest. The spacious luggage compartment, which is located under the seat, allows you to take everything you need on a trip.

The new model received an improved rear suspension with a hydraulic shock absorber. Also, the RS Long version has a longer track, which increases the cross-country ability of the track.

Motorcycle modifications

The Wels Trophy 250cc has been produced in the same form for several years now, and it is unlikely that anything will change in the near future. The Chinese usually replace some models with others quite quickly, but why change anything if the model is already popular? even only one color available , matte black, and it looks very good. If options in a different color appeared on sale, they would hardly be in demand - the bike looks so attractive largely thanks to this successful design decision.

ATV manufacturer Wels

The Wels company was founded back in 1996 and produces ATVs and bicycles of excellent quality to this day. Every year they only increase their experience in creating equipment and their customer base.

This company is famous for its price-quality ratio, as evidenced by countless positive reviews from satisfied customers. You can safely buy any ATV from a huge range of equipment, without worrying about having to return the money later.

This company is famous for its price-quality ratio

Advantages and disadvantages

When designing the Wels motorcycle, the main priority was clearly to reduce production costs . This could not but affect the quality, which overall leaves much to be desired. The bike is also not without its positive aspects, which is why people buy it, and quite willingly, because low prices have always been and will be the strongest argument in the fight for buyers’ wallets. This model is suitable for beginner motorcyclists with a limited budget, who are ready to tinker around in the garage from time to time and solve problems that arise. There is even a plus to this - Wells Trophy will help you not only learn how to ride, but also learn how to repair motorcycles.


  • Stylish appearance , solid and attractive.
  • Comfortable seating position , including for tall motorcyclists.
  • Low price for both purchase and further maintenance.
  • Many spare parts are suitable from other Chinese bikes.
  • Good standard equipment - a chandelier, a passenger backrest, driver's platforms and roll bars.


  • too weak for such a mass. The dynamics leave much to be desired.
  • Mediocre brakes . The front brake disc is not enough for effective braking, and the rear drum mechanism is almost useless.
  • Fragile side plastic that shatters into pieces from any fall.
  • Low quality paintwork . The paint scratches easily and peels off quickly, and some elements quickly begin to rust.
  • The transmission occasionally jams when shifting from first to second gear.

Advantages and disadvantages

Potential buyers usually pay initial attention to the advantages of cars, of which Wels has plenty. But it is also worth taking into account some of the disadvantages that occur even if the motorcycle equipment is carefully manufactured.


  • Availability. ATVs from Wels can be purchased in almost any region of Russia;
  • Quality. The equipment has European and Russian quality certificates;
  • Logistics. Low price for delivery and availability of warehouses in major cities of the country;
  • Range. The company provides a truly wide range of models that can satisfy any whim;
  • Equipment. Excellent basic equipment that satisfies any operating conditions.

Potential buyers pay initial attention to the advantages of cars


  • Vibration at speed in rare cases;
  • Some models may have low coating strength;
  • Not all fuel types are suitable.

It should be noted that with careful use and good care, you can safely forget about the disadvantages of the equipment.

Owner reviews

I bought this fiend of the Chinese motorcycle industry on my own, although my friends dissuaded me. I didn’t listen to them, but in vain... So, a list of everything that happened in three months: the fork leaked, the mufflers rusted inside and out, the clutch cable broke, the engine crankcase began to sweat oil, the original chain stretched, the sprockets were eaten, the spokes on the front wheel came loose . During this time I drove less than 3000 km, I drove both on asphalt and on dirt roads. The side plastic can be broken with your fingers. Pros: good exhaust sound, rich and pleasant. The seating position is comfortable, I am 185 cm tall and I sit comfortably, the seats are also excellent. This is where the pros end, the rest is pure cons. Sergey, St. Petersburg.

I like the mot, it’s a little stunted, of course, but I knew what I was buying. But it looks gorgeous, like an adult bike, the iron is strong, the welds are not crooked, everything is assembled normally, although after purchasing the bolts and nuts it is highly advisable to check everything yourself. You need to immediately fill in normal oil instead of what is poured there at the factory or in the showroom, and it would be a good idea to replace the tires, otherwise the original one doesn’t hold up at all on a wet road, although it’s ok on a dry road. It’s quite normal to sit with a short passenger, the second number doesn’t complain, the standard backrest helps out, even though it’s not high. Acceleration is sluggish, especially uphill, sometimes you even have to shift down 1-2 gears, since the revolutions themselves drop, no matter how you twist the gas, especially if the angle of climb is noticeable. Rustam, Krasnoyarsk.

A beautiful chopper in military style, it drives impressively, as it should be for its class and price))) It looks beautiful, people turn around, no one believes that it’s only 250cc until they take a closer look. The motor only gives out the cubic capacity, but the dimensions are quite adult, a tall guy like me can sit comfortably. There were no special problems, just minor things, everything was fixed under warranty. Semyon, Podolsk.


  1. I have been familiar with the Wels ATV Thunder 200 ATV for quite some time. I bought it more than 3 years ago and it is still in use. The mileage on the car is already very high, but this has practically no effect on the condition and reliability. There were, of course, various malfunctions, where would we be without them. The first problems were the electrical wiring, which had poor contacts. The transmission, like the engine, was repaired only once. There were no big problems with the suspension, everything holds up fine, nothing breaks. This ATV really has a lot of advantages. First, I want to note the softness and comfort of the ride, the steering is responsive, the brakes work quickly. Rear-wheel drive handles most of the challenging terrain, but makes everything else easy with all-wheel drive. The plastic is strong enough, of course, it can be broken intentionally.
  2. I recently purchased this ATV. First impressions are quite positive, I liked everything. The model looks very stylish and modern. The technical characteristics are pleasing. The engine has good traction, which is why conquering steep climbs is not a particular problem for this ATV. One day, off-road, my chain couldn’t stand it and it just fell apart. It turned out that it was a factory defect. I replaced it, but I don’t dare give it heavy loads yet. The wheels have excellent grip on the surface, especially with anti-slip chains, making the model suitable for winter use. Although you can use it without chains in winter, it can be very difficult in some places. All-wheel drive works properly. The shock absorbers do not sag, and the suspension itself as a whole is very soft and stable.
  3. An old friend of mine sold it to me. The ATV is quite good, both externally and in terms of technical characteristics. I am a fishing enthusiast and often enjoy just driving around the area. This model became a real helper for me, since I began to use it for transporting goods, since there is a towbar here. In winter I rode in the snow, flew into snowdrifts, but the ATV did not bury itself at all. Just like in the dirt. Off-road driving is excellent, but I still try to avoid such areas whenever possible, since I prefer driving through fields when I can reach higher speeds. I tried to drive onto the asphalt. When starting, it feels as if the wheels are digging into the surface, since the jerk is very powerful, sometimes it’s even difficult to hold on. I didn’t notice any shortcomings, and I had breakdowns extremely rarely, so the car is really very reliable.

Similar models

  • Keeway Superlight 200 . The same cheap and low-power cruiser, similar to the Trophy 250 in most respects.
  • Irbis Garpia 250. A good motorcycle for its price, devoid of any pronounced design flaws.
  • Patron Indigo 250 . Quite a popular model from a brand that has been operating on the Russian market for a long time, inexpensive and cute.


  • Can you find spare parts for it in China? Yes, you can, since this model is assembled from components and parts used in the production of other bikes from a variety of Chinese manufacturers
  • Is it suitable for long-distance driving? Especially if you go with a passenger, for example, to the sea a thousand or two kilometers away? It’s better not to – the design can hardly be called reliable, and the lack of sane dynamics makes it unsuitable for long drives on the highway. Especially with a passenger and cargo.
  • Is there any way to improve the brakes? There is a catastrophic lack of relatives. The most budget-friendly and suitable solution would be to replace standard brake hoses and fittings with reinforced ones. Inexpensive and more or less effective.


In pursuit of style, the Chinese lost sight of the technical component. It can be assumed that the Wels Trophy 250cc was created under conditions of a strictly limited budget, and the cheapest components available on the wholesale market were used. They clearly didn’t skimp on the designers, and the appearance of the bike, albeit completely secondary, turned out to be nice . But sluggish dynamics, a large number of annoying little things and general quality problems spoil the impression of the model as a whole. We are not dissuading anyone from buying, but we cannot help but hint that there are plenty of other options on the market that are no less interesting and of sufficient quality.


Maximum engine power:16.3 HP
Torque:18 Nm
Working volume:250 cm3
Motor type (cylinder arrangement, number of strokes):1-cylinder, 4-stroke, oil cooled
Number of cylinders:1
Number of valves:
Intake type (Injector / Carburetor):
Bore and stroke:
Starting system (Electric starter, kick starter):
Maximum speed in km/h:110 km/h
Cooling system:Oily
Transmission (gearbox):Mechanical 5-speed
Clutch (Dry / Wet):
Drive unit:Chain
Frame:Steel tubular
Suspension (front/rear travel):
Brakes (Front/Rear):
Wheels / Tires / Rubber:
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (Length / Width):
Seat height:
Ground clearance:
Curb weight:
Weight:170 kg
Fuel tank capacity:15 l.
Battery capacity:
Year of release:
Country of Origin:
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