How to ride a scooter in winter - operating a moped in winter

For getting around big cities, a scooter is an ideal option. It has high maneuverability, low fuel consumption and other advantages over cars. If you don’t want to sit in traffic jams, you can buy a scooter in Moscow and not depend on the road conditions, even in winter.

A scooter always helps out residents of big cities with their constant traffic jams. They, and simply lovers of small, nimble transport, wonder. Is it possible to drive it in winter? The answer to this question is clear. You can drive, but you should take into account some nuances.

Driving any type of vehicle, with the possible exception of tracked vehicles, on a road covered with ice and snow is different from driving on dry asphalt or dirt roads. An engine not designed to operate in low temperature conditions will struggle. Mainly at startup. It will also be uncomfortable for the driver to move in cold conditions. What needs to be done?

  1. Prepare your scooter for the winter season.
  2. Buy equipment for winter driving.
  3. Learn the rules of movement.

Preparing your scooter for winter

This is the first and very important stage.
First, you need to ensure that the scooter operates normally even at sub-zero temperatures, because when the engine is in extreme cold, a variety of consequences can occur, including problems with why the scooter smokes, why it is difficult to start, and so on. So the only advice to improve the performance of the scooter in winter is to insulate the engine. The easiest way is to carry out this procedure yourself; to do this, you just need to find cardboard or make a small cover yourself that will be put on the cylinder (cylinder cover). Thus, such a simple action will prevent cold air from entering the engine. And accordingly, you will not have any difficulties regarding how to start a scooter in winter. But this is not the end of the recommendations for preparing the scooter, and motor oil is next. You may not know, but scooters come with summer and winter oil. Summer motor oil has weak characteristics because it is too thick. And when the oil is used in cold weather, you most likely run the risk that the oil will become even thicker and prevent it from getting into the right places. The only practical advice would be to replace the oil with a less thick one, and then you will not have to worry about its proper operation.

In what cases can you do without chiller preservation?

Chiller preservation is not always necessary, and there are two main reasons why this procedure is not performed. These include the following options:

If your chiller and all its communications are located inside a heated room, and you are sure that the pipe cannot freeze in any place, then you do not need to replace the water. Of course, chiller preservation is not required if it is important to you that the chiller operates year-round. In this case, the system configuration will depend on its location

You can use a chiller-fan coil, but even then a mixture of water and ethylene glycol is run through the pipes, achieving the formation of a non-freezing liquid. Sometimes antifreeze is added to the composition, as well as anti-corrosion solutions, so you don’t have to be afraid of frost, but the work efficiency will decrease, since the thermal conductivity of ordinary water is much higher.

Where and how to store your scooter in winter

Winters in Russia are cold. This is not Japan, where snow rarely falls in much of the country. A Japanese scooter, of course, is a reliable thing, but during winter frosts it is better to preserve it in a warm room, or at least in a garage, where there is no wind or precipitation. A closed loggia or glazed balcony is also an option.

Preparing your scooter for winter starts with cleaning. Parts accessible from the outside without disassembly are washed well. After drying, they are lubricated with oil, preferably from a spray can. The protection will prevent the metal from rusting in humid air, which is especially dangerous when there is no heating in the storage area. If you still have to ride, you need to protect the scooter from the salt that is sprinkled on the roads. It quickly corrodes even stainless steel. Oil should not get on the brake discs - instead of braking, they will slip. But it's worth dripping a little into the ignition and trunk locks. The tank is filled to the top with fuel, which will prevent the steel shell from rusting from the inside. About 50 ml of oil for two-stroke engines is also added to gasoline. After this, the engine is allowed to run for several minutes to allow the oil to penetrate into the engine and fuel supply system.

The battery definitely needs to be brought home. It can only be charged at positive temperatures. An outlet in an unheated garage is not the best option. When storing the scooter, do not load the wheels; place it on the middle stand. But even without load, the rubber can crack. It is treated with a special compound, after washing the tires well. If everything is done correctly, your scooter will not need repairs in the spring. Japanese technology is the most reliable, and in harsh Russian conditions, as a rule, it does not fail.

Winter riding

Those equipment owners who cannot afford to lay up their scooter in winter should replace summer tires with winter tires. Intended for warm weather and light frost, it hardens and easily cracks from impacts. There are all-season tires, but it’s worth buying winter tires with studs. Tire pressure is reduced slightly: by 0.2-0.3 atmospheres. Tires that are not inflated too tightly last better, they have a larger contact area with the road surface, which helps prevent slipping.

Storing a scooter in a warm garage or outside in winter

When storing a moped for the winter in a warm, non-humid room, it is not necessary to carry out all of the above points for preparing and preserving the scooter for the winter. For example, you don’t have to remove the battery, but just disconnect the negative terminal from the scooter and recharge it once a month. We also recommend starting the engine 3-4 times during the winter period and letting it run for 10-20 minutes.

If you do not have the opportunity to leave your horse either in a warm room or in a cold garage, and you are going to store your scooter outside in the winter, then cover it tightly with a tarpaulin cover. Tarpaulin does not allow moisture to pass through, but air does. You should not cover the moped with a film or material that does not allow steam to pass through - condensation will form from the inside and will result in rusting of the metal parts. Of course, everything stated above regarding the proper preparation of the battery, engine and scooter in general for winter when storing the moped in this way must be carried out with double responsibility. But you must understand that it is still not recommended to store a moped in winter in this way.

Following these simple rules for preserving and preparing your scooter for winter will help you enjoy riding a moped during the first warm weather in the spring, rather than having to deal with scooter repairs. Good luck!


Equipment and clothing for winter motorcycle riding

As we discussed above, skiing in winter is dangerous. We must not forget that even if you are riding alone, and there are no other road users, then the motorcycle itself is at least three times your weight. You won't be able to catch it with your foot like a bicycle or stop it abruptly. Accordingly, if the fall is unsuccessful, then this is a fracture. Sometimes not alone

This is why it is extremely important to wear as much protection as possible. Neck protection, armor, helmet and knees

Also, don't forget about motorcycle boots. Only in this form of Viking can one guarantee relative safety. Now about comfort. Be sure to choose the right clothes. It should be warm, windproof and relatively light. It’s better not to hinder your movements. The most difficult thing will be with gloves. After all, thick winter gloves do not allow you to fully control a motorcycle. Ordinary insulated motorcycle gloves will freeze. Therefore, it is definitely worth installing heated grips. Under the helmet you need to wear a balaclava or a mask that covers your face.

Scooter equipment in winter

As we said above, not only the scooter needs insulation, but also you yourself, because it is more important for you not to freeze. In any case, winter equipment differs from the usual one, because it is not only warmer, but also involves slightly different things. A scooter, like other unprotected vehicles, has the same equipment, so the equipment from an ATV or a simple motorcycle will suit you. It must include gloves, which should not only be warm, but also have a grip on the handle. If you want to be fully equipped and have extra funds, you can buy winter gear with heated options. Of course, such things cost a lot, but you will be very comfortable. The equipment also includes a motorcycle helmet, which, by the way, can also be purchased with heating. For ideal warmth, you can equip the scooter itself with heating - the handlebars and the seat. But this is for the most demanding.


If you want the engine to start without any problems in the spring, you will have to remove the battery. While at 25 degrees below zero a fully charged battery has 100% capacity, at 10 degrees below zero its power drops by 30%. Therefore, it is necessary to store the battery in a dry and well-ventilated area where the temperature does not drop below 5 degrees. Manufacturers recommend charging the battery once every 30 days at a charging current of 1/10 of the battery capacity. If using an 8 amp hour battery, you should set the charger to 0.8 amp and charge the battery for 10 hours. Although these days, automatic chargers designed for two-wheelers are widely available in the market, which themselves determine when and with what current to charge the battery.


When explaining to friends what a scooter is, it is best to compare them with a sled equipped with a steering wheel and brakes. Today, all models can be divided into 2 types: for the smallest and older children.

Models of this winter transport can also be considered from the point of view of the material from which it is made.

Plastic - almost all parts are made of this lightweight and durable material (withstands loads of up to 90 kg). They are perfect for winter and visually resemble a snowboard.

Snow scooters on skis - their construction uses metal and plastic. They are equipped with two snow runners, which are located one behind the other and are attached under the main platform.

  • Scooters for downhill skiing and even jumping: in this design there is a short ski in front and a platform behind it.
  • A very popular model is 2 in 1, universal snow scooters, in which, depending on the season, the wheels are replaced with winter runners. This type of transport can be used all year round. The height of the steering wheel in such products is adjustable as desired. If your child is not afraid of speed and is absolutely confident on the ski trail and slopes, then he can even perform tricks with this design. In this case, you need to choose models with reinforcement on the handles to avoid play. For a special effect, this unique vehicle is equipped with wheels with a flickering glow.

We recommend reading: Strollers with a good shock absorber Many models of snow scooters are very light - from 1.5 kilograms. For comparison, an ordinary children's bicycle with 3 wheels begins to “grow” from 5 kilograms. Therefore, it will not be difficult for children to move their device to the desired location. With it you can ride a city bus, go to the subway, and the like.

Accumulator battery

Never turn the starter with the battery until the crankshaft completely stops turning. When the power unit refuses to start instantly, there is no need to try to turn the starter again “waiting for a miracle,” since the charge in the batteries will still come in handy.

For trouble-free starting, you should only use a battery that is in good technical condition. A battery lit through wires may give good results, but it will not provide a reliable start, as when using a battery prepared in advance for a scooter. If the battery has suffered from self-discharge, it will not only not be able to crank the engine, but will also not be able to provide the required voltage to the “brains” (if they are present).


If the battery is really in good condition, but the Chinese scooter cannot start, you should unscrew the installed spark plug and check its condition. If it is not wet, the fuel is most likely causing the problem.

What should a spark plug look like during normal wear?

Before screwing the spark plug back into the engine, you need to check the spark. To do this, insert it into the cap and create contact with ground (frame or engine block) by sharply cranking the crankshaft. You can also use an alternative option in the form of holding the cap with your hand, but it is best for these purposes to use a piece of wire, one end of which is screwed to the power unit block, and the other is brought out to the spark plug thread. If there is no spark, you will have to change it. But if it is present, install it back and try again to resume the operation of the four-stroke engine.

Preparing a moped for use in winter

Firstly, the scooter should be thoroughly washed to remove dirt, just as when storing it in a garage for the winter. Lubricate all moving parts (except the brake disc) with engine oil, and lubricate metal parts with a special anti-corrosion agent. You can read a lot of tips on preparing a scooter for winter in the article about preserving a moped.

Warming the engine for the winter

During the summer, many scooter engines, especially air-cooled ones, overheat. In winter the situation is the opposite. At low temperatures, the moped engine starts poorly, smokes, does not run, and consumes a lot of fuel. Low engine temperature in winter can also cause a decrease in engine life. That is why the engine should be insulated before winter.

How to insulate an engine for the winter. You can insulate the motor with a specially made homemade cover made of fine copper mesh or install cardboard in front of the cylinder. The flow of cold air will decrease and the engine will heat up faster.

Candles for the winter

You should also pay attention to the spark plugs. Cold candles do not heat up well in winter and tend to accumulate oil on them. Instead of those recommended by the instructions, install hot candles with a lower heat rating on your scooter in winter

Carburetor and power system in winter

The power supply system can cause many problems. We recommend filling only high-quality gasoline into the gas tank, since even a small amount of water in the fuel can clog the fuel line or gas tap. Accordingly, gasoline should be filled through a special filter, and the fuel system should be flushed before winter.

Also pay attention to the hoses - at sub-zero temperatures they can crack, which will lead to air leaks and fuel leakage

If you left your moped in the garage for the winter and use a car, then an electric winch will undoubtedly come in handy //

What oil to put in a scooter for the winter

You should not use summer oil in a moped or scooter engine in winter. Thick oil will harden in the cold and will not pass through the channels of the lubrication system. I do not recommend using any oil additives or adding gasoline to the oil, as many motorcyclists do: firstly, this can reduce the service life of the oil seals and the engine as a whole, and secondly, gasoline will quickly evaporate at high temperatures.

What oil viscosity is best for winter. In winter, you should use a thinner motor oil. Of course, synthetics will be better than semi-synthetics.

Which scooter tires are best for winter?

Slippery roads and snow are the main reasons why many people leave their scooter in a cold garage in winter. Summer tires are not intended for winter driving, especially if their tread is worn out. Of course, it’s rare, but you can find winter tires for scooters.

If you are unlucky and did not manage to buy these, then you can put special bracelets or chains for bicycle wheels on the wheel. But we recommend driving them only on packed snow. You can also buy tires for speedway (tread depth up to 28 mm), but it is not recommended to use them outside of special tracks.

What pressure should your tires have in winter? To increase the grip of the tire and the surface in winter, you should reduce the recommended pressure by 0.2-0.3 atm. This is done in order to increase the contact area of ​​the tire with the road.

Equipment for winter riding

It is necessary to take care not only of how to insulate the scooter engine in winter, but also how to insulate yourself. Standard scooter gear will certainly not protect you from frost in winter.

To protect your hands, plastic gloves-covers that are attached to the steering wheel are well suited. You can also install a special electric heated steering wheel. You will learn about such heating in one of our next publications about tuning a scooter with your own hands.

There is special winter clothing for those who like to ride in winter. Suitable equipment for ATVs or snowbikes. The ideal option would be heated equipment - in it you will feel almost like in summer. It would also be a good idea to install electric heated seats for your scooter. To protect the head, special helmets with heated frames and visors are sold. The head is not cold and the glass does not fog up or freeze.

Winter clothes.

Having completed the necessary procedures with the scooter, you should pay attention to the driver’s equipment. Suitable clothing for ATVs or snowbikes

In terms of comfort, equipment with a heater would be ideal. To protect your hands, it is not enough to use ordinary gloves, but it is better to use plastic covers. They are installed on the steering wheel to protect from wind and wetness.

A helmet is very important when driving; it protects the driver’s head in case of an accidental fall. However, ordinary helmets fog up and a person is not protected from the cold. A special heated helmet helps. It heats the frame and face shield.

How to ride? Here are the tips:

  • Do not turn the throttle sharply, this will lead to skidding and falling.
  • Sharp braking causes the scooter to skid off the road.
  • Tilt or sudden turn of the steering wheel will cause you to fall.
  • Maintaining the speed limit will help avoid sudden maneuvers.

Operating a scooter in winter

The scooter is not intended for use in winter. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to prepare it: wash it from hard lumps of dirt and fill the tank full, otherwise the moped will jam while riding, and the gasoline will run out ahead of time, since in winter any equipment consumes more fuel. All moving parts of the scooter, except the brake disc, must be lubricated with engine oil before riding in winter - this will allow you to control the scooter and detect a malfunction in time. There are also special liquids that can be used to protect scooter rubber from corrosion, frost and brittleness. They are usually sold in cans.

Another danger of winter trips around the city is the salt that is sprinkled on the road surface. It corrodes the paint and metal parts of not only scooters, but also cars, and additional wiping and treatment with a solution is necessary to protect against damage.

To ride a scooter steadily in winter, you need to change the tires, since regular tires are not designed for snow and ice, but there are also options for winter tires. The installed tires for difficult driving on snow require a pressure 0.3 atmospheres lower than the summer one. Due to strong temperature changes, rubber constantly changes its density and hardness, which can lead to ruptures of the cylinders. To prevent this situation, you need to use special sprayers and wash the disc before and after each trip.

Interesting points

The topic of how to ride a scooter correctly is very multifaceted. In particular, drivers will find this information useful. Road traffic rules oblige scooter riders to move on the right edge of the roadway or in a special lane for cyclists. There is no prohibition on driving on the side of the road when this does not create obstacles for pedestrians. It should be noted that by establishing the order of scooters moving in one row on the right side of the roadway, this transport was allowed to go around obstacles, for example, in the form of a bus standing at a stop.

For scooters, as well as for other types of transport, it is mandatory to turn on the headlights during the daytime.

One day, after reading motorcycle sites, I found the word “mototoxicosis” And, suddenly feeling like a linguist, I began to thoughtfully investigate the issue.
On the forums the pioneers were moaning: “Oh, where are you, speed, where are the two wheels? Where are you, is it warm? And also: “Where are you, sea?” And there’s something about the wind in your hair.

Sending curses for the winter, So that smoke was probably coming from the keyboard, Everyone prayed, howling along the way, So that some kind of season would come soon.

And then just one Tyumen guy, to whom I promised to visit, said: “Comrade, three years have already passed since you made this promise.

According to the old Russian proverb, The entire term set in it has already expired, So I ask you to answer for the market, Having crossed my threshold with your foot.”

Here we need a small digression: He called for a reason somewhere in the forest, But for the Last Season, for the Seizing of the Season, Which in abbreviation is simply “PPS”.

This is the closing of the season, in a column, on the last day of December, held by the crazy motorcycle club “Dubaser”, not sparing their iron horses.

Everyone dresses up in “Snow Maiden” and “Frost” And, decorating their bikes with tinsel, For many years now, to the delight of all passersby, They have been riding in a cheerful crowd.

And a certain “Pastor” in Tyumen, having completed the season under the same brand, began to “troll”: they say, to carry out such a thing without the founder of the movement is “bad manners”.

I had to leave the club without management, quit my job, postpone repairs, and, having gone to Vladimir to get the stroller, start preparing the equipment for the trip.

From my large “motorcycle fleet” I didn’t mind only the “SIM” scooter. If it runs under a Kamaz on the road or burns out, then to hell with it.

The bit is broken, and the plastic is all covered with tape, it smokes, there is no suspension - everything is dead. The charger also disappears somewhere... In short, it’s time to finish it off.

Of course, the condition is not very good, But it will get to Tyumen anyway, After all, it’s just a “tired” scooter, And not “shit” “killed” by “tourists”.

Since I started not with tourism, but with tinkering with the Urals in garages, I can turn not only the gas handle - I also understand a little about the keys.

The stroller was “fixed” properly, without drawings, by eye, but for centuries. Unfortunately, I had to trim the frame a little, and then increase the traction slightly.

“Field tests” were underway, Then the “jambs” were immediately revealed, The garage was also asking for attention - On the street it was somehow “out of hand.”

And time flowed away through the grinder, the screwdriver and the welding machine, and, as luck would have it, in Moscow there was no smell of the harsh Siberian winter at all.

Therefore, everything was done blindly: “Probably, like this - it will go in the snow, And this way - there will be protection from frost. But to hell with it - there’s no time.”

What time is there - the entire budget has already been wasted. The only money left is for gasoline. Therefore, I’ll get there without spikes, and then we’ll decide something on the spot.

An autumn suit, taken in “working clothes”, And felt boots with a triple toe, An ordinary bad Chinese helmet, Although with heated glass.

In the stroller there are tools and spare parts - Those that fit and managed to buy, a canister, a cable and other “stuff”, so that if anything happens, everything can be solved on the spot.

I’m omitting many details: Where and what kind of person helped me, And the fact that I’m not the only scumbag - 3 crews were aiming for the run:

Their experience, pressing deadlines, as well as motivation, budget. Some were cooled down very quickly, while others “sawed the maped” to the end.

As a result, on the day of the scheduled start, only the “chopper” “Hoosung” left, But after a couple of hundred kilometers He said: “I had such a route in my mouth.”

I urgently secured everything “with duct tape”, darting around the garage like a moth - Alcohol used in repairs eats up a lot of time.

In the end, I left, even if it was a day later, the Maped was purring, and the Moscow Ring Road was already behind me, And even if I left more than an hour in traffic jams - All the joy of the road was ahead.

And now there is space, and the gas is turned off at point-blank range, And I go around the “heavy truck” on the left, Suddenly, bang-bang - my engine is turned off, And I quietly brake the truck.

The cool overtaker, all red with shame, And from behind, the surprised “long-range driver” informs me with his horn in the back: That he misunderstood my maneuver.

Here again - mrrrr: my horse with a trailer came to life, And I, slightly holding my breath, turned off the gas, and again it seemed like I was going, Cursing everyone in the soul of the Chinese in bulk.

As a result, having also stalled a couple of times, I recognized the cause of the poltergeist: It looks like the carburetor master almost guessed the level for me.

In fact, if you turn on the gas, the “glutton” drains the carburetor faster than the fuel comes from the tank, which the fuel pump drives.

Well, I’ll drive 90, pushing behind trucks in the dark, Although the mode of such driving, I admit, is much lower than the “so-so” bar.

And it’s clear that it doesn’t seem like a raspberry, I have to collect all the nasty things from Kamaz trucks, The wind and snow hastened to show me the fury of Russian blizzards.

You can’t see anything, it’s sweeping everywhere, And I, crawling towards the winter cold, Naively thought: “It can’t get any worse.” But, bitch, it only got worse.

Wholesale trucks skid on the uphill slopes, Blocking everything and collecting traffic jams, In some places, merging in strong kisses, “Truckboxes” stand broken.

And I sneak, now 60, then 40, Periodically tearing off the tires in a skid, And in these slippages, watching with surprise My stern in the “oncoming traffic.”

And the heart skips a little at these moments, But releasing the gas straightens the trajectory, But when you need to brake sharply, You mark the territory with bricks.

“Maped” throws, twists, and at the same time you practically don’t see the slowdown. At the last moment, the steering wheel sharply turns to the right, To go into the ditch to avoid a collision.

And on the Chuvash bridge in front of the hill, Uncle in uniform blocked the traffic And, approaching, said: “Well, okay in the summer... Why is this a hobby in winter?!

I myself am a motorcyclist and I say: You definitely won’t crawl up this hill and you yourself will block the traffic for those who are still floating in the “snow-swamp”.

Proving the opposite ardently, I argued, “burning myself out,” And the “Kamazist” said, looking at this: “Let go of the idiot, commander.”

The police broke down: “To hell with you. Go. But I didn't see you. My boss is up there on patrol. Make sure he doesn't offend me."

There is no market: the tachometer is shaking, Touching the red zone with its arrow, And I crawl like a crippled disabled person, Wholesale breaking the laws of physics.

For a short time, pride warmed from within for taking the fun hill by crawling. Then everyone stood for an hour, so that the way was opened by a Kamaz snowplow.

And then the charger died on the phone (as part of the general punishment). This broke my navigation Almost before entering Cheboksary.

The remainder of the battery was somehow enough to call Uncle “TOR” Who, looking at the snowstorm, suspected that I would visit him at this time.

Well, in general, I met him, fed him, put him at ease - The man got bored without communication, And I didn’t have the strength to have a drink with him, For which I now most humbly apologize.

He gave me some chargers and even gave me a cord for my phone, so that he wouldn’t turn off the screen again, having lost power while away from home.

However, Cheboksary didn’t just let me out of their clutches: At the very first gas station I stood up tightly, When they poured gasoline into me in the morning.

The brake sensor is frozen at the ends, And without it the starter won’t turn, This is the protection for scooters, This is such a funny adapter for “dummies”.

While “TOR” was coming to my rescue again, I scattered half a scooter in the snow And directly brought out the wires, To start my cart again.

And again on the road. Snowdrifts ahead. I wanted to go to Tyumen all at once, But “Pastor” sends an SMS, I’m told to stop at “Yoburg”.

“The Master” is waiting there, he will accept this and that, If necessary, he will help with repairs, and then you will go together. Otherwise he himself doesn’t want to. Ile can't.

It’s a small matter - we need to “finish” some two thousand kilometers, and meanwhile snow began to fall, and visibility dropped to three meters.

That’s how I crawled: sometimes you go, sometimes nothing. Either you skid the oncoming traffic again, then you just stupidly steer “in a straight line” and slowly but surely you freeze.

And in Votkinsk, it was all burning with fire, Both I and Yandex got lost together, And when they showed the way to the highway - Almost everyone’s bones were lost along it:

There is a hole in the pit, there is snow - like in the forest, It hits the suspension - your legs fly up, And your spine falls into your underpants. Those who rode a scooter there know.

There has been a bedsore on the fifth point for a long time, And its color is the envy of a baboon, You can’t sit on a chair in a cafe without grimacing, And when you go to bed, you don’t want to lie on your back.

And then the electrician again threw coal into the fire of torment: The light does not “pull” along with the heating, And there is no cure for this.

This is how I drove: either the headlights into the distance illuminated the outlines of the road for me, or you turn them off behind the truck, so that your fingers don’t freeze.

They've thawed out and you can go into battle again - In the light of the headlights, wash your tires while overtaking. Are you frozen? – brake lever again and waiting for the next car.

There are accidents all around and there is no difference - a dented VAZ, a torn Range Rover... In front of the road they are all equal, And there is a bag - someone has probably died.

It's already dawn. Asphalt is a solid skating rink. And it pulls me to sleep - the reaction is not the same, I somehow gape and fly at a speed of two times half a hundred.

And the whole column stood in front, The last one was a station wagon with his family, And I remember in the mirrors his EYES, When I was catching up with the car sideways.

At the last second I left, Almost scratching the car with a mirror, Having pretty much plowed the side of the road, I added a whirlwind of snow to that picture.

And after a long time on my back, I could directly feel the glances from the car: “There are fools on the roads, But if they are them, then who are they?!”

And then there was another incident: I looked, there was some kind of car standing, And next to me was a guy with his hand raised - He was shaking all over, like an aspen tree in the wind.

Everyone flies by: like, “Brother, how can we help you now?” And I have a spare pea coat, all the tools, and some gasoline too,

How would he know? It costs. Here the wheels with a wonderful body slow down, And he has such a mixture on his face - Disappointed, joy.... mutual.

Doubt, surprise - all in one: How will the maped help him in winter? But it still fits: who knows? But what if? Well, it happens, right? But it still can?..

"Petrol?" - “Gasoline!” – he nods in response. I poke him with my hand into the canister: “Take it and pour it!” - he stands there like a fool, still not believing his happiness.

He grabbed it, poured it in, in an absurd hurry, Came back with the money fanned out in his hand: Like, you’re your own savior, count it out, How much is it here from the gas stations in the distance.

Didn't accept payment. He - let’s poke: “No, you can’t do that... Well, how can... I... you...” And I answered: “We need to help. Only “cops” take money for help

You better join us in the flow yourself And, seeing a problem on the sidelines, remember me and stop. Let them also know this theorem.”

I myself learned a lot in the spring, When the car suddenly slowed down, The driver said: “I’m using the bike station,” And he drained three liters of gasoline from the car.”

So, at the very least, somehow, after catching a cold in my ears with a holey helmet, I got to “The Master” and decided: “Immediately some medicine and earplugs!”

The medicine came with a restaurant - Not everyone can afford that: Drink, eat what you want, here’s a garage for you, Here’s Andrey Palych to help you too.

That Andrey Palych is a mannequin chick. Although she’s not alive at all, And some kind of penis is sticking out of her panties, But I’m no longer a bastard like that))

But I'm exhausted - I haven't finished my beer! And this, brothers, is a sure indicator that in the morning Andryusha will be no more to me than a key friend.

“Master” burst in with the new day, As soon as dawn filled the whole city with light: “Get up, dunce, today is the New Year! Tyumen has been waiting for us for a long time with greetings"

While I was going to the local toilet, my strange “alarm clock” broke: I come, and it’s already lying there. And he sleeps! (while I'm suffering, screwed up)

We got ready, in general - be healthy! I replaced my “flip-up” with an “integral”, After all, my folding “ear blower” only gave me hope for otitis media.

Since “Barina” is “maped” many times faster, I took a head start: I started first, After two hundred kilometers, He promised to catch up with “Africa”.

“Derzhak” was weak. It’s difficult to catch up, When you can’t develop the “maximum speed”, In short, I arrived in Tyumen alone, Almost crashing the Maped again into a foreign car.

And here it is – the long-awaited “PPS”. Column in the city - welcome, people, “closure”. Today is the New Year for the whole country, and the bikers have another event.

Today we are closing the “season”, After all, tomorrow is already next year, Forty people gathered in Moscow, In Tyumen, seven were skating in the ice.

On the square they handed out certificates to everyone, Those who passed LJ among the bikers in the summer, The kids were given a free ride, While they were in a joyful spirit.

And then they buzzed into the bar at the car wash, Where someone “Scott” treated everyone to beer, It was fun, easy and carefree, Our team celebrated the New Year.

Then they took me to “Father”, rinsed me in the radon pool, like with a handbag, in short, ran around, and treated me to whatever they could.

On the third day I came to pick up the “maped”, But an unexpected incident changed my plans: I had an attack again, When I hurried to lower the temperature with coffee.

And then everything is standard - a kick to the floor: Quickly call an ambulance for the tramp: I still have to change the bearings in the wheel And I need to go today - just know that.

Doctors' verdict: no ride today. And, in general, it’s high time to get treatment, and, by the way, apparently, the mental hospital has been crying for me for a long time.

Then Oleg arrived “Pharmacist” - a broad positive guy at heart, bought the keys, set them up for the night, brought them, drove them and was not trivial.

In the morning he helped me change the bearing, We went to the tire shop to get studs, It was all in vain - the bearing was still alive, The master refused to take on the studs.

Actually, I had no plans to return back under my own power, but the plane did not fit into my budget, and I went to “get drunk” with the people.

The first day I went to finish the beer that I bought at the Barin restaurant. This time my crew was sent to meet me. In the evening, the “Sasha-coffer” was sent.

After spending the night, I moved to Izhevsk - As expected, mumbled until lunch, First, a delicious “doshirak”, devouring “Hottabych” - in the neighbor’s garage.

He asked to give a souvenir to his friends, the artisans, with greetings, When I meet them in Moscow, Having gained strength after the “rides”.

Then I receive an SMS from Perm: “Go through Tchaikovsky - it’s faster, there are people there too - they’ll show you around and meet you. The road is more interesting, more fun.”

The road is definitely more interesting. It’s as if I entered a free “karting track” - There is no one, you always “fall” sideways, With funny drifts “at an angle”.

I was already sweating - this is “fun”: Rotating the steering wheel like a kayaker with an oar, Sliding on controlled drifts, Flying straight through the snow and darkness.

A man was waiting for me in Tchaikovsky, With a strange “rattle” - “Heroin” In fact, a most positive “brother”, Without any narcotic reasons.

He warmed me up, poured me into the sleep that was to come, Showered, toileted, pushed my family away - No worse than in Paris and London, And sheltered me, and then saw me off.

Meanwhile, Izhevsk became wary: “This idiot is coming to us again. Again, probably drunk, unwashed, wearing a T-shirt backwards.”

About five years ago I was passing through their place: In winter, on a junk motorcycle in February, Which, from repair to repair, Dragged like a snail on the grass.

I walk in and everyone is waiting for Stas. Boxer. And the gray-haired grandfather comes in with a red face, But the guys, I know for sure, remember that Stas was a young alcoholic.

I “trolled” them for a long time on this topic and thought that “Drum” would be torn apart, when we were communicating, and his friend didn’t recognize me at point-blank range,

It’s understandable - before the trip I grew a beard for Popov, and then I dyed my hair gray, so that Santa Claus would be real.

The guys treated us to their beer, Yaishenka, homemade whiskey, Laughed, I remember, discussed something, About this and that, how to drive.

In short, we had a positive conversation - I opened my eyes with great difficulty at lunchtime, We went, took out insurance, and I sent my Maped to Kazan.

It was already quite late in Kazan. There Stas Kapitonov met me, ran to the pharmacy to get my medicine and treated me to Tatar pie.

In the morning, his teammate helped me start the stroller: I was cold outside in the cold, poor fellow, And I didn’t want to growl with the engine.

They warmed him tenderly with a blowtorch, And added a discharge of electricity, After such extensive executions - And they are resurrected, and the dumb speak.

Frost and sun, clear road, the “Derzhak” is beautiful, you can see everything around, And just as I thought: “How cool everything is!”, The phone suddenly decided to die.

I deleted a bunch of applications myself, I decided to swear about food, I didn’t agree to go without a map, and I hurried to anchor in Volzhsk.

And he immediately began to remember “android”, And drink to the repose of his soul, And he went pretty far out of budget And squandered his last pennies.

Then he again went to visit “TOR” And, in order to earn his forgiveness, Protected the man from cirrhosis, Trying to share the harm from whiskey.

It’s a joke in the morning: I go down to the parking lot, And there is a threatening appeal to me: “The car” is taking your place - It’s being evacuated outside.

And the height of the ceilings is such that even a Gazelle is unlikely to drive in there. Moreover, such a tow truck would take my “car” away.

Having laughed at the naive stupidity, TOR went to see me off, To capture me on a fashionable Mabila. The departure of the Dubasser and the Scooter-horse.

And then everything was like a carbon copy: The road, snow, frozen claws, Overtaking trucks weaving blindly, and barely visible lights.

And at home, having warmed up with beer in the bathroom, Forgetting all the difficulties, the adversities, I left pleasant people in my memory And positive feelings from somersaults on the road.

I remembered how they waved to me from the windows, They took pictures, smiling, as they walked, Like an “emergency light”, they blinked while moving, And in the evening, and during the day, and in the morning.

And how, shaking their heads, they twisted their finger in the place where the temple is located, But not out of malice, but as if admiring: “Well, you give it! Well, the guy is a hammer!”

Traffic cops asking: “Where from?” What is the horse's name? Are your sides freezing? And they even climbed with a camera, so that their friends would surely believe them.

And the thought flashed: “I did it.” And as for the word “mototoxicosis”: Guys, summer is just summer. Do you want to ride? Go - that's the whole question. . . . video about this trip -

Preserving scooters for the winter

This article lists the main processes that are associated with preparing a scooter for storage during the winter.

the washing up

It is advisable to wash the scooter with a special shampoo (for example, car shampoo). Of course, it's best to use a compact pressure washer. For better cleaning, 2-3 buckets of clean water are enough. The benefit of high pressure washing is that it removes dirt from hard to reach areas.

If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can simply wash the scooter with your own hands. After washing, you need to wipe and dry the scooter, and then you can cover it with car polish or a special polish for plastic surfaces.


Depending on the temperature and humidity percentage where you will store the scooter, you need to properly prepare the engine for wintering.

Sub-zero temperature and high humidity

Before preserving the scooter, you need to prepare the required tools, remove the air filter cover, start the scooter and idle it for several minutes, thus warming it up.

Then, using a large medical syringe or a small enema, inject 10-20 milliliters of special oil, which is used to lubricate motor scooters. The engine may stall in this case, so this must be done at maximum speed. When a lot of thick smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe, you need to turn off the engine and close the carburetor inlet pipe using a crumpled, oily piece of a clean rag. Then you need to insert the air filter back into place. After this, use a sheet of oiled paper to wrap the outlet pipe and tie it with electrical tape.

Then you need to disconnect the battery, clean it from dust, charge it with current (0.1 - 0.2 A) and put it in a cool, dry place where the temperature is about just above zero degrees Celsius. Due to the fact that the battery can self-discharge, it is advisable to recharge it once a month.

It is very important that it is extremely necessary to fill the tank with gasoline to the very top, because otherwise condensation may accumulate inside it when the temperature changes - gasoline will not freeze or evaporate during the winter, and in the spring there will be no problems due to drops of water getting there .

Then place the scooter in the place where it is wintered on the central stand, and let the air out of the wheels, but not completely. Then you need to lubricate the entire chrome surface with any motor oil and cover it with a cover.

That's all, the conservation of the scooter is over.

PS Just pull out the inserted plugs in the spring.

Plus temperature

If you store your scooter in a warm room, then you do not need to preserve the engine, nor do you need to lubricate the chrome surface. And do everything else as written above.


The process of depreserving the scooter is also simple. It is necessary to free the carburetor from all plugs, wipe off the applied grease from the chrome surfaces and inflate the wheels back. Then you just need to idle the engine a little, and you can immediately hit the road.

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Disassembly and lubrication

First you need to disconnect the terminals and remove the battery. Treat power wires and wiring with a moisture-displacing agent (WD-40) or silicone - this will protect them from oxidation. It is better to take the battery itself home and periodically perform a discharge-charge cycle.
The next step is to thoroughly clean and lubricate the drive chain. Here, perhaps, we will do without detailed comments, hoping that you did this at least every thousand kilometers during the season.

Next, you need to pour pre-prepared gasoline from a proven gas station into the gas tank “under the neck.” In such a way that as little air as possible remains under its lid. It would be a good idea to use a fuel stabilizer or medical alcohol - it will bind gasoline and water that somehow got into the gas tank during operation. This is all done to ensure that the walls of the gas tank do not rust from the inside. There is probably no need to tell you what rust that has accumulated for years in the gas tank will do to the carburetor or injectors.

The discharge and charge cycle is especially relevant for owners of new motorcycles, since most often they use lithium-polymer batteries, the complete discharge of which permanently disables them.

After completing these generally simple procedures, the most important thing remains to be done. For this you will need some motor oil and a syringe. So, we turn the spark plug out, fill a syringe with 5–20 ml of engine oil and inject it into the cylinder through the spark plug hole

It is important to take into account the volume of oil being poured: say, if you have a motorcycle with a single-cylinder 500 cc engine, for example a Yamaha SR500, then you will have to pour in 15 ml, and if, for example, a 500 cc V8 Moto Guzzi, then the total dose of the conventional 20 ml should be distribute equally into each of the eight cylinders. In order for the poured oil to reach its target, that is, to get into the gap between the piston rings and the piston, you need to rotate the crankshaft with an electric starter or with a kick

After this, the candles can be screwed back in. By the time the fuss with the candles is over, the supply of beer has almost certainly come to an end - it’s time to call a friend and ask to grab some more. In fact, the point is that his help will be required to complete the final stage of preservation of the patient.

This is all done so that the piston rings do not become tightly attached to the piston over the winter and you do not have to drag yourself to the service center in search of compression.


An equally important point is how to drive the scooter when cornering. There are many myths and misconceptions about this, while experts are more clear.

You should first visually calculate the entry trajectory and adjust the speed limit to the required level. At increased speeds, there is a high probability of a decrease in adhesion characteristics with the road surface, therefore, it is necessary to start the maneuver moderately. Compliance with this rule will ensure controllability during the turn. There are two ways to enter a turn:

  1. tilting the body in unison with the tilt of the scooter;
  2. Tilt of the vehicle only (applicable at low speeds).

The first method is the most common and universal. Experienced riders of both small and large motorcycles describe it as safe and comfortable. The second one requires more skill and is used to enter a turn with a reduced radius.

It is not recommended for beginners to use it for the first time. It’s also worth remembering that before starting this maneuver, you should definitely finish braking.

Following these simple but important rules will not only make driving a scooter easier and safer, but will also make any trip pleasant and comfortable.


Scooter on one ski. For children from 5 years old. As a rule, this is a wide platform, reminiscent of a snowboard. The vertical handle allows you to better maintain balance and turn in the right direction. Such snow scooters are used for descents at ski resorts. The model folds, which is convenient for transportation.

Buy Shustrik >>

Universal winter scooter 2 in 1. For children from 5 years old. The set includes wheels that can be replaced with two skis (front and rear) using a screwdriver. The height of the steering wheel is adjustable, which allows you to use the model for several years. Children's snow scooters are made of aluminum and plastic, so they are very light - from 1.5 kg. Withstands loads up to 50 kg.

Buy a Zilmer snow scooter >>

Snow scooter. For children from 5 years old. A convenient model of a snow scooter with two skis in place of the wheels. The main difference from other models is that the scooter has skis that are curved on both sides, which allows you to ride it both forward and backward. Maximum load 50 kg. Not all models are foldable.

Buy a snow scooter >>

Stunt winter scooter. For children from 10 years old. Doesn't add up. Similar to the previous model, but made of stronger metal, which allows you to increase the load on the frame to 100 kg. The model is ready for tricks and jumps. There is a foot brake.

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As you know, most scooter riders operate their equipment only in the warm season, and in winter the scooter is laid up until the onset of spring. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a scooter that is fully operational in the fall to completely refuse to start after winter, or other problems appear with it. The reason for such troubles is improper preparation of the scooter for winter storage. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

You should begin preparing your scooter for winter storage by thoroughly washing it. After the scooter has dried, we recommend applying a special protective polish to the plastic elements. Also, coat all chrome parts with preservative lubricant. Treat unpainted metal parts with a moisture displacer, such as the well-known WD-40, to protect them from corrosion. Treat rubber parts with silicone spray.

Take care of your scooter tires. Treat your tires with silicone spray or polish them with silicone-based shoe polish. Reduce tire pressure to approximately 0.5 - 0.8 atmospheres. When storing, place the scooter on the center stand.

If the scooter is equipped with a plastic gas tank, then drain all the gasoline from the tank, start the engine, and let it run until all the remaining fuel in the carburetor and gas line is used up. If the tank is metal, then on the contrary it must be completely filled with fuel so that rust does not appear inside the tank. At the same time, it is advisable to add a fuel stabilizer to gasoline so that it does not lose its quality during the winter parking period. You can also, as in the case of a plastic tank, drain all the fuel and hang a small bag of silica gel inside the tank, which will absorb moisture inside the tank and prevent corrosion. The tank must be tightly closed.

Disconnect the scooter battery from the on-board network. You can remove only one terminal and leave the battery in place. To maintain battery performance, you must keep it charged. To do this, periodically, once a month, or at least once every two months, you need to recharge the battery using a charger with a small current. Please note that if the battery is severely discharged, its electrolyte may freeze at low temperatures, which will completely damage the battery. If the battery is fully charged and the density of the electrolyte in its banks is normal, then such a battery can withstand almost any frost. It is better to “winter” the battery in the cold rather than in a warm room, since at low temperatures all chemical processes inside the battery slow down, and the self-discharge process also slows down.

Take care to protect the “insides” of the engine from corrosion. Remove the spark plug, pour 20-30 ml of the engine oil you use to refuel the scooter into the spark plug hole, crank the crankshaft several times using the kickstarter so that the oil is distributed along the cylinder walls, then install the spark plug in place. Plug the exhaust pipe outlet with a piece of oiled cloth or paper. Use the same method to seal the air filter inlet. All this will prevent air from entering the engine and protect it from corrosion.

If the scooter is equipped with a motor with a liquid cooling system, then make sure that the system is filled with antifreeze and not ordinary water, otherwise at low temperatures the motor may simply “split,” that is, its body will crack.

Storing a scooter in winter

If you decide to give your vehicle a rest, you need to prepare it for storage. Preserving a scooter for the winter or using it in winter involves many operations, but the most important thing is that it must be washed well in a car wash using a Karcher. Particular attention should be paid to difficult places, including the area of ​​the footrest, where a lot of dirt accumulates.

To store the scooter, you need to inflate the tires to half the pressure that the tires are used to, otherwise cracks will appear on them due to frost.

The battery quickly runs out in the cold, the internal lead walls of the battery can crumble, so it is not enough to simply remove the battery for the winter; it must be charged at least once every 3 months.

Storing a scooter in winter leads to corrosion of the metal parts of the moped. As when caring for motorcycles in the summer, for preservation it is necessary to lubricate the moped cylinder with a large amount of engine oil, for which you need to unscrew the spark plug, pour oil into the hole, screw the spark plug into place and turn the crankshaft. To completely lubricate all elements of the cylinder, you need to repeat these steps several times.

When preserved for storage, the metal parts of the scooter's shock absorbers may become corroded, as a result of which the moped will no longer ride smoothly over potholes. To avoid such consequences, you need to lubricate their feathers with motor oil.

Storing a scooter requires not only minor work (cleaning, filling the fuel tank), but also complex work: treating the crankshaft journal, not with engine oil, but with a small layer of grease. Before using the scooter, all applied compound must be completely removed, otherwise the belt will begin to slip.

The fuel tank, especially if involved in an accident, is prone to corrosion from the inside. Therefore, in winter it must be completely filled with fuel.

In winter, due to frost, small parts can stick together, so the dismountable cables must be “opened,” lubricated and assembled in reverse order, and the gas and brake cables, which cannot be disassembled, must be lubricated by pouring oil inside.

The crankshaft journals may become rusty in cold weather, and after you start using the moped in the spring, the shaft may jam. To avoid this, the shaft should be treated with a penetrating aerosol lubricant.

If you have completed all of the above, then the conservation of the scooter is complete. All that remains is to cover it with a canopy of fabric that prevents the formation of condensation, so that storage does not lead to serious damage.

In the conditions of St. Petersburg. What clothes are suitable for this?

Where can I park my scooter? Is it possible at the entrance in the city or will they stop him right away?

Today, scooters have entered the lives of almost every teenager. Almost every owner of this small vehicle can talk for hours about the advantages and advantages of his Mokika. But what about this type of transport in winter?

Tips for riding a scooter in winter

Immediately before you start driving, you should warm up the scooter well, because in winter this is necessary in any case. But for simplicity, we will divide the recommendations point by point.

  1. Don't drive at high speed. The maximum speed should be 50 km per hour, otherwise skidding may occur. It will not be as painful, but it will still threaten other road users and your scooter directly.
  2. Don't brake suddenly. Even if you install knobbier tires and improve traction, you still need to worry about braking. In any case, sudden braking will lead to a skid, since most cars have already driven the road and made it slippery.
  3. Don't make sharp turns. I think this advice is clear to everyone, because you are also advised to ride straight and not tilt the scooter. If you tilt slightly, you will immediately slip and fall.

That's all the basic tips and tricks for driving a scooter in winter. Now these tips will be very relevant, because winter is coming, and in our region this time is especially strong. Don't fall, and if you fall, have a gentle fall.


If you remove the battery, how to properly store it in winter?

Most of the recommendations on the Internet and various specialized forums come down to one thing - remove the battery for the winter, charge it with a charger and put it in a cool room, and this way you will save the battery charge. True, in some cases the process of removing a battery from a motorcycle or other equipment is very labor-intensive, i.e. practically impossible to do at home.

This statement is true for new batteries, the degradation process of which has not yet started. Indeed, new batteries can be stored with charge retained for up to half a year, and pure lead batteries can be stored for up to a year. But no one produces such batteries for motorcycles.

You can, of course, do nothing, but then you are guaranteed to go to the store at the beginning of the next motorcycle season and hunting and fishing season.

There is only one thing left to do - regularly recharge the battery with a charger. This way we will save battery charge. But there is a small nuance in this approach and it is as follows.


If the spark plug remains dry, make sure there is fuel in the carburetor. Due to constant temperature changes, the tank may suffer from condensation. Since a lot of it accumulates after a long winter, starting the scooter will be very problematic. Some models have a special “appendix” that allows you to get rid of liquid, but if the tank is always in its place and no one has drained the water, after some time there will always be water in the fuel system.

Try replacing the fuel and starting the power unit this way. Most likely, after a comprehensive cleaning, your 4-stroke engine will again show signs of life.

Application of ether

To start the motor with it, you should spray a certain amount of ether onto the filter part, and then close the lid. Everything should be done as quickly as possible so that the ether does not evaporate during this time. If the engine still fails to start after three or four times, you will have to go to a service center for help. If you find that the motor has been able to “sneeze” several times, try to do the same thing again.

Engine starting ether is sold in aerosol cans

If in the fall the scooter did not cause any problems with starting, but after hibernation it does not want to start, the operations described above should be quite enough to resume normal operation. Otherwise, you will still have to visit the service center.

Some additional practical tips

A spark may sometimes be present on the spark plug, but it is not strong enough, since the ceramic of the insulator is “damp”. In this case, atmospheric moisture will be constantly absorbed. A certain part of the generated energy “flows” down the insulator, and what remains is too little for normal ignition. It is problems with the insulator that often become the main reason for the failure of spark plugs, which have worked a lot before. Before throwing them away, try to dry out the insides using a torch or gas stove, but it's best to replace them with a new one.

Gasoline inside the tank can “fizzle out.” The reason for this is the separation of light fractions from the liquid mass. What is left reacts chemically with the available air. Accordingly, getting such fuel to ignite will be extremely problematic. Naturally, after entering into a chemical reaction, the engine will not start. Therefore, the old fuel must be drained, then clean the gasoline supply system and fill in several liters of fresh gasoline.

It is better to drain the old gasoline

Such manipulations will allow the combustible mixture to ignite faster, and the power unit will begin to operate fully.

Attention to detail

The motorcycle will be stored in the garage for quite a long time, so you should pay due attention to the intricacies of the preservation process. Regardless of whether the garage was made with your own hands, or equipped with heating, a good ventilation system, or insulated from the outside, you should always focus on protecting your iron horse from moisture

It is necessary to consider in more detail some of the nuances of conservation.


The most controversial question: should the oil in the cylinders be changed before or after wintering? Experienced motorcyclists advise changing twice. In order to save money, many advise using a cheap product for the winter, and replacing it with a familiar, high-quality product in the spring.

It is also important to avoid mixing different types, for example, synthetic with mineral. When they react, they form hard compounds that only scratch the cylinders

Gas tank

Iron gas tanks are known to be more problematic than plastic ones. Every motorist knows that before winter it needs to be completely filled with high-quality fuel. This prevents condensation from forming on its walls, causing corrosion.

To refuel, use only high-quality gasoline with an octane number for which the engine is designed. Please note that in the spring you may have to drain the gasoline and refuel the motorcycle with fresh fuel. By its nature, gasoline, like any other hydrocarbons, is unstable and decomposes after some time, and higher fractions quickly evaporate.

For this reason, the maximum shelf life of gasoline at gas stations does not exceed 30 days. Alternatively, you can add a fuel stabilizer to gasoline.


It doesn’t matter where exactly the motorcycle will “winter” - in a warm room or a mini-garage for a motorcycle, it is better to remove the battery and take it home. Some people recommend recharging it once a month

Spark plug device for a motorcycle.

It is important to remember that the optimal battery charging current is 10% (in A) of the capacity (in Ah), and the charging time is approximately 10 hours, although modern chargers independently determine the end of the battery charge

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