Is it possible to start a motorcycle without an Izh Jupiter battery?

Situations in life are different. Sometimes it becomes necessary to start a car without a battery. This may be required, for example, if the battery was stolen from a car and you urgently need to get somewhere. At least just to the store to buy a new battery. In this case, you need to somehow start the engine. In this post we will talk about several ways to do this. We will also separately consider some precautions for this method of starting the power unit. If you have a battery, but it is discharged, then you better read this material. It describes how to start it if the battery is dead.

What to do if the battery is dead or how to start a motorcycle from a pusher?

You can only start an engine with a dead battery using a pusher. But first, to eliminate all possible problems (when the bike cannot be started in principle), you should check:

  • fuel (check the indicator);
  • fuel supply valve (open);
  • side step (raise);
  • “neutral” (turn on);
  • ignition (turn on).

With this method of starting, it is necessary to put the motorcycle in second gear, since most bikes start easiest at this speed, although it can be started in first.

  1. Squeeze the clutch lever.
  2. Push the motorcycle up to 10 km/h.
  3. Smoothly release the clutch.
  4. Turn up the speed a little.

After the engine “grabs”, you need to squeeze the clutch so that the motorcycle does not “run away” from you or you do not have to run after it.

Before starting the motorcycle from the pusher, it is necessary to check the area to ensure that there are no obstacles either in front or on the sides. It is best to accelerate a motorcycle in this way, moving down a small hill.

While holding the clutch depressed to prevent the engine from stalling, let it run at medium speed. This will recharge a dead battery well. After this you can move on. Steady operation will prevent the engine from stalling. If you are not going anywhere, crank the engine, although it is better to drive in a circle to thoroughly recharge the battery.

Watch a video on how to overclock a motorcycle with a missing battery:

Why does my motorcycle battery drain quickly?

There are several main reasons why a battery drains quickly:

  • Spent resource. If the battery has worked for more than a certain period of time, it can run down, as they say, to zero. This often happens when parked, when the battery is completely discharged in a short period of time.
  • Leakage current. This may occur due to a faulty security alarm or a long-lasting alarm, which causes a leak and drains the battery.
  • Damaged relay. This blocks charging from the generator while driving. This malfunction is detected by turning on the headlights and increasing engine speed. If the brightness of the headlight decreases, the device will obviously need to be replaced.
  • Problem with the generator. To check its serviceability, you need to measure the battery voltage with the headlight on (low beam): if the relay-regulator and the generator are working, it will be 13.8 volts at 2000 rpm.
  • Low temperatures. In winter, the battery discharges faster.

Any battery, even the highest quality, can, under certain circumstances, quickly discharge and lose its functions.

On average, a high-quality battery lasts up to 5 years. Long and frequent operation of the battery, very low and high temperatures significantly affect performance, reduce the battery capacity, which leads to its rapid discharge.

What do you need to remember?

If you are planning to start a car without a battery, then you need to understand what can happen when you start the engine this way. If you don’t know, the starter battery is designed not only to store electricity and power the starter during startup, but is also a certain stabilizing element in the vehicle’s on-board network. The engine can operate even without the battery in its place. Consumers in the electrical network will receive power from the generator. Driving without a battery is safe for older cars that have little or no electronics. Modern car models have expensive electronics on board. When power comes from the generator, the battery stabilizes the voltage in the network. If it is missing, then the risk of burnout of electronics, lighting elements, sensors and electronic control unit increases. All this can happen due to voltage surges, which the battery normally extinguishes. To minimize the risk, turn on various consumers in the car. This could be heated mirrors and windows, a multimedia system, a stove, headlights, etc. But you still can’t drive like this all the time. It is better to only go to a store or garage where there is a spare battery. Install the battery in the car and drive normally.

Can a car battery be used to charge a motorcycle battery?

Almost all modern automobile and motorcycle transport systems are equipped with a 12-volt operating voltage. Only the battery capacity differs. Experienced motorcyclists believe that it is possible to use a car battery to recharge a motorcycle battery. The capacity of a car battery is usually higher, which means there is more energy reserve. With the same operating voltage, you just need to carry out the procedure correctly and make sure not to burn the starter from prolonged cranking.

If you take the necessary precautions, the procedure itself will not cause any difficulties:

  1. You need to park the car so that the battery cables are long enough for the motorcycle battery.
  2. Before lighting, turn off the car engine by turning off the ignition.
  3. Connect the battery to the motorcycle battery terminals. The wires must not come into contact with parts of the vehicles or with each other!

Usually 20-30 minutes of work is enough to recharge a motorcycle battery in this way.

During charging, gas is released from the battery, so it is forbidden to smoke, adjust clamps, or use a lighter - any spark is explosive!

Motorcyclists are often interested in the question: is it possible to recharge a bike battery from a car battery charger? If the battery capacities of both vehicles are the same, as a rule, no difficulties arise and it is permissible to use one charger.


Motorcycles of the Izh and Java brands can be quite easily converted to batteryless ignition.
I did this seven years ago and still have no complaints. What is necessary? If the motorcycle has 6 V electrical equipment, then the 7 V generator set is from Minsk or the old Voskhod (with contact or electronic ignition); if at 12 V, then at 14 V - from the new “Voskhod”. Moreover, generator rotors can be either with removable or non-removable cams (in the first case, the installation procedure is simpler). For 2-cylinder engines (with electronic ignition), an additional sensor coil and another electronic switch will be required. Finally, the adapter flanges are turned from steel on a lathe and filed by hand, with a configuration depending on the brand of motorcycle. The conversion sequence is as follows. First, the old generator with the relay-regulator and capacitors is dismantled, and the key is removed from the crankshaft.

Then a new generator is prepared for installation. To do this, it is somewhat modernized: the key is removed from the removable rotor cam (if it is left, the rotor will be installed as with a non-removable cam), and one of the mounting ears is cut off from the stator, since it will interfere with the crankcase protective cover. Thus, for example, in a Java with 6 V electrical equipment, the stator is attached to the flange with only two M5 bolts.

The generator stator of a 2-cylinder engine undergoes a more significant modernization: in order to place the second sensor coil, a special socket is cut out opposite the first (it is best to do this during adjustment).

Before assembly, for subsequent convenience of fixing the stator, the top dead center (TDC) of a single-cylinder or right-hand piston of a 2-cylinder engine is roughly determined and the adapter flange is attached to the crankcase.

Ways to revive a dead motorcycle battery

To reanimate a motorcycle battery you will need:

  • distilled water;
  • electrolyte of nominal density;
  • hydrometer (a device that measures the density of an electrolyte);
  • charger with adjustable current;
  • desulfating additive.

When everything you need is collected, you need to determine the reason for the battery discharge and act based on it.

If the reason is short circuit of the plates

During charging, the electrolyte begins to boil immediately in one of the sections. In this situation, the motorcyclist should not attempt to charge the battery; using distilled water to rinse the can will suffice.

It is necessary to carry out washing until you see that the leaching of coal chips from the can has stopped. Then it will be necessary to bring it to the required density in the battery and put it on charge.

If this option turns out to be ineffective, then it is best not to deal with such a battery in the future - you can throw it away without regret. In this situation, in order to get to your destination or the nearest workshop, you can mechanically close the plates, but this option is only suitable on the road.

Sulphation of battery plates

As a rule, this is noticeable by a significant drop in battery capacity - the indicator may approach zero. To eliminate the problem, it will be useful to apply a desulfating additive to the electrolyte. In most cases, a description of the technology for cleaning battery plates is included in the attached instructions for using the additive.

Only the most important points should be considered:

  1. Fill the electrolyte into the battery with a nominal density of 1.28 g/cc.
  2. An additive must be added to each jar. The sequence may be different, since certain types of additives are allowed to be added to the electrolyte before filling into the battery.
  3. To completely dissolve the additive you need to wait 2 days.

After this, we “race” the battery, maintaining a certain charge/discharge cycle. The essence of this procedure consists of a sequence of operations: first charging and immediately discharging, but not using the motorcycle starter (for this you can, for example, use a brake light bulb). It is necessary to discharge until the battery voltage reaches 10 volts. The procedure is repeated until the electrolyte in the battery reaches its nominal density.

Friday, June 7, 2013

How to make an IZH without a battery

It is best, of course, to immediately install 12-volt electrical equipment from the Voskhod-ZM motorcycle or MMB3-3.112.11. In this case, you will need: generator 43.3701, switch unit - stabilizer BKS 261.3734 or 262.3734 (do not confuse it with BKS 251.3734 - this one is intended for 6-volt mopeds), electronic switch KET-1A (only for “Jupiters”), relay-breaker direction indicators 25.3734, ignition coils B-50, B-Z00B or 2102.3705. The 12-volt S-38, S-39 or S-205 horn can be left, but the 6-volt S-37 should definitely be replaced.

You can use two C-34 6-volt AC signals in series, or one 12-volt 12.3721-10 “alternator,” but they don’t sound good. In addition, you will need to change all the lamps - if the motorcycle had 6-volt electrical equipment. The headlight FG-50, FG-38 includes an A12-50/40 lamp without any modifications, but it is better to replace the optical element with an FG-145, FG-137, FG-140 in order to use the “Zhiguli” lamp A12-45/40 with asymmetric light distribution of the “European beam” type. Let's move on to mechanical work. First of all, an adapter flange must be machined from any steel.

The one shown in Fig. 1, designed for installation on engines IZH-49, IZH-56, IZH-Yu, IZH-P, IZH-Yu2. IZH-P2, IZH-YUZ, IZH-PZ, and in Fig. 2— for engines IZH-PS, IZH-Yu4, IZH-P4, IZH-Yu5, IZH-P5. To the crankcase; the flange is attached with M5 screws through holes with a diameter of 6 mm; the generator stator is attached to the threaded holes with M5X15 screws. The most accurate way to mark the locations on the flange for the stator mounting holes is as follows: place the flange and rotor in place, move the piston (on the Jupiter - left) to TDC and, turning the stator around the rotor, find a position where the sensor is on the stator and the slot on the rotor they will be exactly opposite each other.

Now you can mark the holes, and in such a way that they are approximately in the middle of the oblong adjustment holes on the stator. It may happen that the generator does not fit under the crankcase cover. It doesn’t matter - the crankcases of the “planets” (except “PS”) and “Jupiters” of old models can be easily closed with a lid from “Planet-5” or “Jupiter-5”, respectively.

For Jupiter, the generator should be modified - a second ignition sensor should be installed on it. The first step is to move “O” and “3” to the free space opposite the terminals “D” and “D1”. Then install the second sensor in the vacant space. This work requires great precision and care. It is better to carry it out by installing a generator on the engine. Using a dial indicator, determine the TDC in one of the cylinders and adjust the slot on the rotor exactly opposite the standard sensor bracket, then tighten the stator mounting screws. Now place the piston in the Other cylinder at TDC and determine the position of the second sensor on the stator.

The accuracy requirements are the same - the sensor bracket is opposite the rotor slot. Since the old terminal holes interfere with the sensor, it must be attached differently. For example, our author S. Savinovsky in “Moto” No. 2 - 91 suggested riveting 2 steel plates 3 mm thick from the inside of the stator, cutting M4 threads into them and screwing the sensor to them. You can do it another way: rivet or screw the sensor to a 2-3 mm steel plate, and it, in turn, is secured to the stator with bandages screwed into newly drilled threaded holes. You can use the hole left from the “O” terminal if you cut an M5 or M6 thread into it. The second hole with M4 or M5 thread is drilled locally, so we do not give exact dimensions.

What to do to prevent the battery from draining?

To extend the life of the battery, it is necessary to provide it with the necessary care and storage. A motorcycle battery requires regular recharging. This must be done from time to time, even if the battery is not used and is lying on the rack. Depending on how high the level of self-discharge of the battery is, this procedure on average needs to be carried out at least once every 1.5 months, and sometimes more often.

If your motorcycle battery is draining quickly, there could be several reasons for this. It is possible to start a motorcycle without a battery, but this method does not always work. There are several ways to revive a dead battery, including recharging it from a car battery or charger.


Is it possible to start a motorcycle without an Izh Jupiter battery?

by letuciennik » Aug 12, 2011 06:57 pm

Does Planet-5 start from a push without a battery?

danya_266 7812 » August 14, 2011, 01:15

Does Planet-5 start from a push without a battery?

Yulia » Aug 14, 2011 10:33 am

Does Planet-5 start from a push without a battery?

O_Vitaliy » August 16, 2011, 06:35

Does Planet-5 start from a push without a battery?

Dimedrol » August 17, 2011, 05:25

Does Planet-5 start from a push without a battery?

SidisoD » August 18, 2011, 6:03 pm

Does Planet-5 start from a push without a battery?

danya_859 ba87 » Aug 20, 2011, 07:59

To watch online, click on the video ⤵

Izh Planeta 5. Start without Battery.More details

IZH Planet - 3 Without battery.More details

IZH JUPITER 5 attempt to start the engine and driveRead more

What to do if the battery on a motorcycle is dead? Read more

IZH Jupiter 3 - Complete maintenance - FINAL - Starting IZH without a battery (Orenburg vbrothers)More details

IZH WITHOUT BATTERY. Electronic ignition.More details

We start IZH [Jupiter 5] from the pusherMore details

IZH JUPITER 5 starting the engine after 7 years of parking. Read more

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What to do if charging on the IZH is lost? How to find a fault! Read more

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Messages [16]

1↑ Topic from Sergafan 07/11/2014 22:24:57

  • Sergafan
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Topic: Does the generator work or not?

Hello guys, how can I check if the generator is working? Well, in general, I heard that if you start the motorcycle and reset the terminals, you can ride normally, but if it stalls, does that mean there is a problem in the generator? Is there any other way to check?

Edited by Sergafan (12-07-2014 19:58:25)

2↑ Reply from drakone 07/11/2014 22:42:12

  • on drakone
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Re: Does the generator work or not?

Well, you can see by the light of the bulbs, I gave them gas, they tanned brighter. and yes, you can unscrew the negative wire from the charging relay and do not need to remove the terminals, first increasing the engine speed so that it does not thrash at idle


3↑ Reply from private 07/11/2014 22:59:40

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Re: Does the generator work or not?

you remove the terminals, connect them together, and be sure to give the gas, otherwise it will stall at idle. Or if an athlete connects the terminals without a battery, accelerate the engine to 60 kilometers, jump on it, squeeze the clutch, turn on first, it should start, just don’t forget when you turn on the gear.

4↑ Reply from drakone 07/11/2014 23:30:06

  • on drakone
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  • Name: Albert
  • From: Omsk region. Omsk city
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  • Motorcycle: Ural 8.103.10, GAZ 31029
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