Experiment: is it possible to start a car alone “without a starter”

For true fans of traveling on two wheels, a motorcycle is not just an ordinary means of transportation, but also the meaning of life, a separate philosophy. In this regard, it is not surprising that some motorcyclists ride bikes in winter. Many people are familiar with the problem when the bike does not start after a long period of inactivity. Especially in frosty weather.

A decrease in temperature adversely affects how the motorcycle engine starts, the clutch and other mechanisms operate. Experts note that the requirements for the quality of motorcycle operation in winter increase significantly. In the summer you can close your eyes to some errors, but in the cold season this is unacceptable. How to start a motorcycle correctly in winter?

How to start a motorcycle in winter

For true fans of traveling on two wheels, a motorcycle is not just an ordinary means of transportation, but also the meaning of life, a separate philosophy.
In this regard, it is not surprising that some motorcyclists ride bikes in winter. Many people are familiar with the problem when the bike does not start after a long period of inactivity. Especially in frosty weather. A decrease in temperature adversely affects how the motorcycle engine starts, the clutch and other mechanisms operate. Experts note that the requirements for the quality of motorcycle operation in winter increase significantly. In the summer you can close your eyes to some errors, but in the cold season this is unacceptable. How to start a motorcycle correctly in winter?

Basic requirements for a motorcycle in winter:

  • The engine should start easily in any weather.
  • Since the battery will discharge faster due to cold temperatures, it must be fully charged at least once a week.
  • The oil should be taken more liquid , since under the influence of temperatures, it tends to become thicker. Alternatively, you can dilute the oil with a small amount of kerosene. With the arrival of spring, the oil will need to be replaced with regular oil.
  • The cables must be generously lubricated as they may freeze. It is better to use lubricant with silicone.
  • If the design of the motorcycle provides for the presence of casings for the carburetor, they must be installed in winter. This will reduce the amount of snow that will get into the carburetor, and then melt and freeze in the cold.
  • It has been proven in practice that any serviceable engine starts well at temperatures down to -15°C. With lower temperatures, starting a motorcycle in winter can be quite difficult. In this case, the crankcase should not be heated. It would be better to warm up the candle.
  • For winter, it is better to adjust the engine a little. You can enrich the mixture a little by raising the carburetor needle.
  • You should always have a spare candle with you.

Starting a motorcycle in winter, especially if it has been sitting in the garage for several months, is quite problematic. The problem may lie in the fuel or ignition system. Many people do not drain the gas tank when it is idle, and then wonder why the vehicle does not start. The problem is obvious - gasoline tends to stagnate. Fans of winter trips should play it safe in advance and refill the fuel.

What's in the fuel tank?

A visual inspection of the spark plug and its testing indicated that this item can be crossed off from the list of possible faults. But, at the same time, the problem with the fact that the moped does not start after winter has not disappeared. Therefore, you should check the presence of fuel in the carburetor. And if a careless owner forgot to drain it before winter, this is one of the first reasons why the moped will not start.

It should be noted that with repeated temperature changes in winter, condensation appears in the fuel tank in the form of water droplets. And during the downtime of the iron horse, the amount of such condensate accumulates in a large volume. This is precisely what can become the second problem why the moped does not start after winter.

It is worth noting that in some models, this factor was initially taken into account, and in order to avoid the accumulation of water, an additional appendix is ​​installed on some mopeds during assembly. It is an extruded stamping in the tank, directly next to the gas line. This design makes life much easier for motorcyclists, but in any case, it is sometimes necessary to remove the tank and get rid of this liquid. Because over time, condensation will begin to enter the fuel tank. As a result, the moped will refuse to start.

During the warm season, gasoline is constantly renewed and moved in the tank. As a result, any sediment that appears gets mixed up and gradually goes away with the gasoline without being noticeable. But, when the iron horse goes to the garage for the winter, then by spring a water plug will necessarily be formed. It can be located in the fuel line, in the pump or in the pneumatic valve, or “conveniently” located in the carburetor. Thus, stop the flow of gasoline. Particularly susceptible to this defect are those units that still have their original mesh filters, since they do not allow water to pass through. Of course, this kind of protection is very useful for the moped, but on the other hand, such meshes block the normal operation of the iron horse. And so that the question of how to start a moped after winter does not torment the owner’s head, these filters should be cleaned sometimes, especially before the start of spring operation.

How to properly start a motorcycle from a pushrod

Many people have encountered the problem of how to start a motorcycle if the battery is dead, not only in the winter, but also in the main season. Push starting involves pushing the motorcycle forward until the engine with the transmission connected starts automatically.

Before starting the motorcycle this way, you should make sure that the reason is a dead battery or problems with the starter. The fuel indicator must be checked carefully. Perhaps the reason lies in the lack of gasoline in the tank - a banal oversight, but anything can happen.

The bike may not start if the fuel valve is closed , if the side stand is lowered, or if the ignition is turned off. Another reason could be a lack of spark and many other technical failures. If any of the items listed above are present, there is no point in starting the engine using a pushrod. It's a waste of time and effort.

List of steps on how to start a motorcycle from a pusher:

  1. It is necessary to install first or second gear. Most often it is necessary to set it to second gear.
  2. The clutch needs to be depressed. Then you can start pushing the bike. Many instructions indicate that the motorcycle must be accelerated to at least 8 km/h. This requires quite a lot of space. Alternatively, find a descent and slide down. Physical costs with this method are minimal. You just need to control the trajectory of the bike. Management control should be minimal.
  3. Having gained speed, you need to release the clutch and press the gas. After the engine has started, depress the clutch.
  4. To prevent the engine from stalling again, you need to add speed.
  5. The motorcycle is ready to ride. If the cause of the malfunction was a dead battery, it will charge while driving.

It will be easier to start the engine if you push the bike well and engage a higher gear. If using the above method does not help, and you have little experience in performing repair work, it is better not to risk it and send the bike to a specialized workshop.

Spark plug

When you have checked everything, but there is still a problem, we look at the spark plugs. If they are wet and stink of gasoline, then you have filled them .

Incorrect shutdown or you started the bike abnormally. In order to fix this problem, dry the spark plugs and install them back, try to start the bike. When the motorcycle starts, you need to replace the spark plugs, and after that we enjoy riding the motorcycle.

If suddenly, after all the manipulations, the bike still does not start, then the problem is probably in the fuel system. In this case, only the services of a master will help you.

In the case when the spark plugs are dry, then we make sure that there is a spark. It is necessary to unscrew all the spark plugs and insert them one by one so that the wire touches the engine.

After all the manipulations, press the starter button and watch the spark plugs, you should see a cyclic bluish spark.

Be careful! When starting the starter, it is unsafe to hold the wire or spark plug with your hands - it can cause an electric shock.

When you are convinced that the sparks are identical everywhere, we put the spark plugs in their original position and continue to look for problems further. And if the spark is invisible and occurs in different places, then we replace the spark plugs and try to start the bike.

How to start a push-pull motorcycle?

Question: How to properly start/ start a motorcycle “from a pushrod” ?

Answer: If the motorcycle does not start with an electric starter, and there is no kick starter, try using the pushrod, IMHO, the most effective way to start a motorcycle , even a modern one, even one “stuffed” with electronics. It is better to call an assistant with you, although if the motorcycle is light (up to 160 kg), then you can start the motorcycle “with one”.

And so, we start the motorcycle from the pusher!

Starting a motorcycle “from the pusher” - when together: We sit on the motorcycle , of course we put our feet on the ground, engage second gear - squeeze the clutch .. push until you start running (the assistant rests on the passenger’s footrest , this is most convenient), as soon as you start running, you drop it sharply clutch, you can continue to push the motorcycle , as soon as you “grab” the motorcycle and the engine of the motorcycle starts, squeeze the clutch and gas again.. maintain the gas until the motorcycle warms up, then you can try idling but controlling the speed..

Starting a motorcycle “from the pusher” - when alone: ​​Stand on the left side of the motorcycle, engage second gear, squeeze the clutch, accelerate to running speed, drop the clutch, and as soon as the motorcycle grabs, sharply squeeze the clutch and add gas, it takes practice!

Basically everything. It’s still easier to push the motorcycle up a small hill. A 10-degree incline on the road greatly facilitates starting the motorcycle from the pushrod . It will not be difficult to start a 250-400 cc motorcycle in one, but starting motorcycles with a larger volume alone is more problematic, due to the weight, of course, although it is still possible depending on the place.


Not everyone knows how to push start their motorcycle. The author of the video will show you how to do this in practice. You will also learn the main mistakes of beginners who have never started their bike this way.

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When they talk about starting a motorcycle from a pusher, they mean that the bike needs to be pushed forward, and the engine with the transmission connected to it starts automatically from this movement. This technique will be useful to every motorcyclist, because starting a bike with a dead battery or faulty starter is only possible with a pushrod. Read on and you will learn how to bring a “dead” motorcycle back to life!

To push or not to push: starting a motorcycle in an unusual situation

Sometimes the motorcycle simply refuses to start when you turn the key - most often this happens when cold weather sets in or after a long period of parking. Beginners in such a situation often begin to panic, but experienced bikers first check the condition of the vehicle, and then use one of the backup methods of starting the engine. Everyone should know about them, since any equipment is prone to breakdowns and may refuse to start at the least opportune moment. Understanding how to start a motorcycle in an emergency will at least help you get to a specialized service center where you can repair your two-wheeled vehicle.

Preliminary diagnosis

Before using one of the methods for starting the engine in an unusual situation, you should check the serviceability of the motorcycle. The main thing is to check whether there is gasoline in the tank, since the fuel consumption of two-wheeled vehicles can vary greatly depending on the riding style and some bikers do not have time to monitor the availability of fuel. It is useless to look at the sensor, since it often malfunctions. The best way is to unscrew the tank cap and look inside to make sure there is fuel.

To start a motorcycle after a long period of inactivity, you need to make sure that fuel can reach the engine. The fuel system pipes must be in place, the carburetor caps must be closed, and the fuel tap must be open. The ignition must be turned on, since the engine will not be able to start without firing the spark plug. Also remember if there have been any symptoms of engine failure recently - strange knocking noises at high speeds, a sudden stop in fuel supply, and others.

Before starting the engine, perform one more small check:

  • The footrest must be raised;
  • The key is turned to the working position;
  • Neutral gear must be selected.

If everything is normal, you can begin the procedure. Try not to lose control of the motorcycle while starting the engine, as this often leads to disastrous consequences.


— The time has come to buy a more serious motorcycle, for travel. I spent a long time choosing a model, looking at devices from different manufacturers. In one there is no landing, in the other there is little power. Oddly enough, M1NSK turned out to be the best option. Yes, the BMW motorcycle is made incomparably better, but it also costs ten times more. And for its price, the M1NSK is a good piece of equipment,” says Anatoly. He chose the TRX300i model.

Instead of a xenon lamp there is a blue plastic plug

His new motorcycle, a touring TRX 300i, is a 100% copy of the Chinese Zongshen. Even the logo of the Chinese manufacturer remained on the tank. The device is selling well in China, it is even sold in America, we wrote about this. We have collected one batch and are not planning any more. Now Anatoly, one might say, has an exclusive bike - in 20 years this bike will become a truly collector's item.

The M1NSK inscriptions are a prop; if you search, you can find the logo of the “ancestor”, the Zongshen company

— I bought a TRX300i, drove 15 kilometers from the store, and started. The engine needs to be given more revolutions at the start, you need to get used to it. But I didn’t give it and stalled. It wouldn't start again - the starter broke. I called and the guys from the factory store came, picked it up and took it for service. At the same time, we adjusted the rear brake; the pads were too tight and were rubbing against the disc,” says Anatoly.

The pads were poorly adjusted and constantly rubbed against the disc - clearly no one had done any pre-sale preparation of the motorcycle

After the repair, I’ve been riding the new motorcycle for a week, and so far I’m happy - it has very good driving performance, looks beautiful, and attracts attention. In the current conditions, I somehow don’t want to complain about quality. You can’t buy anything better for that money anyway,” says the owner of the motorcycle.

Anatoly painted the inscription “M1NSK” with a marker. Looks better this way

A little effort

The classic way to start the engine when there is no battery charge is with a pusher. It is used by bikers of all ages and nationalities as this method is effective for all manual transmission motorcycles. Unfortunately, the latest technology with semi-automatic and robotic transmissions cannot be started in this way - you can only damage its expensive components.

A motorcycle with a low compression ratio or with an engine capacity of up to 350 cubic centimeters can be started from a pushrod yourself. But modern Japanese sportbikes or choppers with huge engines will require a lot of effort - so you will have to find an assistant. If you are in a remote area where you cannot expect help, try to find a slope at least 100 meters long - this will make solving the problem much easier.

The motorcycle will need to be accelerated to approximately 10–12 km/h, that is, jogging speed. Before starting acceleration, squeeze the clutch lever and select second gear - starting in it is noticeably easier than in a lower gear. The only exceptions are Kawasaki motorcycles - their owners are recommended to engage first gear when starting from a pusher. When the desired speed is reached, carefully release the lever and wait for the corresponding sounds from the engine.

If the engine does not start, it is best to stop and rest for a few minutes before trying again. After four or five times, you should come to terms with the fact that your equipment is faulty and needs the help of a professional mechanic. If you succeed in starting the engine, you need to squeeze the clutch lever again so that the motorcycle does not drive away from you on its own. Stop and rev up - this will help stabilize the fuel supply and also recharge the battery, which will take about half an hour. If you are trying to start a motorcycle without a battery, you can go in search of a new battery after a couple of minutes, since there is not much point in long-term revving.

Complex issue

Every motorcyclist can experience such a nuisance as losing the ignition key. It is very easy to solve such a problem using domestic technology. You need to take two nails and solder them together to get a T-shaped handle. The base should be flattened with a hammer or a vice to obtain a thin, wide plate. All that remains is to insert it into the lock to start the two-wheeled vehicle without a key.

However, the problem may not be the loss of the key, but the breakdown of the vehicle. It is necessary to completely remove the ignition switch and directly connect the wires responsible for starting the engine. Which ones exactly depend on the motorcycle model, year of manufacture, as well as the availability of tuning components. In order not to take risks over trifles, review the instructions for the motorcycle in advance and look through the pages of specialized forums on the Internet. Be careful - if you accidentally connect the wrong wires, you will have to change the fuse, which will probably blow.

It is also possible to start the vehicle using a kickstarter. You need to make sure that the wires responsible for the ignition are connected to each other, but do not touch the cable that is responsible for automatic starting. After this, the motorcycle starts with a strong blow to the kickstarter pedal - usually 3-5 attempts are enough to get results. However, this option is only suitable for small-capacity vehicles - on motorcycles with an engine capacity of more than 250 cubic centimeters, there is usually no kickstarter.

If you need to start without an ignition switch on modern technology, it is better to go straight to a specialized workshop, since you will have to deal with the electronic immobilizer. However, it is possible to start such a motorcycle, although you will need a special device - an immobilizer bypass. It is installed under the ignition switch or instead of it, depending on the model of the device and the motorcycle. The electronics are turned off, and your only task is to choose the right wires to connect.

Correct operation of the moped

For proper operation of the fuel system of the Alpha moped, you should fill in A-92 gasoline. You need to learn how to fill the tank correctly, remember that you cannot fill it to the brim. It is necessary to leave 5-7 centimeters from the neck. The first time you should change the oil is after the first thousand kilometers, if the moped was new, then after two thousand kilometers.

A well-run-in engine works flawlessly, with a complete oil change, reaching five or even six thousand kilometers. If any questions arise regarding the operation of the Alpha moped, instructions will be provided to help the driver. It clearly presents information on the operation of a moped, contains answers to questions that periodically arise from the owner of the vehicle, provides many examples, and has clear illustrations.

As a rule, many minor problems can be fixed on your own. The instructions are transferred from the previous owner to the new one when buying or selling a moped. Plus, specialized stores always have a book on repairing motorcycles on sale. The book is also available on Internet resources

It is important not only to start a moped and ride it skillfully, but you should also respect other road users and during rides try not to mislead them with your dubious actions

Winter way

Not all owners of two-wheeled vehicles refuse to drive them in the cold season. However, starting an engine with a high compression ratio becomes a real pain at low ambient temperatures. Therefore, experienced motorcyclists advise using a method that has been proven for decades.

To understand how to properly start a motorcycle in winter, you need to choose the appropriate chemical. It is most often sold under the name “Starting Ether” or “Starting Fluid”. The liquid is supplied in spray cans, which make it easier to get it into the desired area of ​​the fuel system. It should be applied directly to the surface of the filter element - it can be located next to the carburetor or under the motorcycle tank. It is not necessary to tighten all the bolts after the first attempt, since this may not be the only one.

After applying ether to the fuel filter, try to start it normally, using the starter, or by accelerating the motorcycle yourself and putting it in gear. To start the engine, you will need 2-3 attempts - if the engine does not show signs of life after the third time, it can be considered faulty with a 99% probability. Be very careful - you are allowed to use ether 1-2 times during the winter season, since its use accelerates engine wear several times. It is much better to pre-warm the motorcycle in a warm garage, starting it at normal fuel and metal components temperature.

If you need to start the motorcycle after a long period of inactivity, you should first drain the gasoline and wash the carburetors. On vehicles with electronic injection control, it is also recommended to clean the injectors, since they may contain remnants of a mixture that has long since become non-flammable. To prevent this from happening, before storing it, you should fill the tank with a special liquid, which is called a fuel stabilizer. Be extremely careful, since a regular bottle is enough for 1-3 full car tanks, and excessive concentration of such a chemical compound in fuel can lead to motorcycle engine damage. It is also worth removing the battery before winter storage, storing it in a warm place and recharging it every 2-3 weeks, so that later the motorcycle has enough charge to start the engine using the starter.

Choosing the right method

You can start a motorcycle using various methods, but it is worth remembering that all of them, from starting at speed to using starting ether, harm the engine. If we talk about removing the ignition switch and independently connecting the wires to each other, then in this case there is a very high probability of a short circuit with dire consequences for electrical and electronics. Therefore, you should first find out if there are other options, for example, recharging the battery, taking a spare key, or contacting a specialized workshop. It is also not recommended to install various devices that bypass the motorcycle security system or move wires outside. If you can use them, then the motorcycle will be easily stolen by criminals who always target such easy prey.

How to start

For example, when your motorcycle battery runs out, don’t be too upset because there are methods on how to start your bike:

Check to see if there are any other problems that are preventing the bike from starting. Before starting with a pushrod, you should carry out a quick diagnosis . For example, check whether you may have simply run out of gas - to do this, just look at the fuel gauge.

Start in first or second gear. When you start a motorcycle from a pushrod, you need to put it in a relatively small gear.

It often happens that a parked bike is in neutral, which is easy to verify - just push the bike forward. Neutral is just one gear selector position where the bike can be driven both backwards and forwards.

Depress the clutch lever and push start. First, make sure you have enough space in front and remove all obstacles along the way.

There is the most optimal method for obtaining the desired speed: you need to find a suitable slope and carefully slide down the slope.

Release the clutch once you reach the desired speed and apply gas. If the engine starts, press the clutch back in to prevent the motorcycle from driving away from you.

If your battery is dead, drive around for a while so that the battery can be charged as quickly as possible.

Before you turn off the engine, you need to understand why the motorcycle won't start. If the bike starts moving only from the pusher, then the problem is either in the battery or in the fuel system, which means you need the services of a specialist.

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Where is the battery located on a moped and how to connect it?

Now that we know how to start a scooter without a battery, it will be useful to think about where the battery is located on a moped. After all, it’s not worth driving for a long time without it, in any case. It is better to understand this in advance so that in the future you will know how to connect the battery yourself.

If you have a Chinese scooter model, the battery is located directly under the footrest. You just need to remove it, find a small rectangular hatch, behind which the battery is located. With Japanese models the situation is a little more difficult: the battery in them can be placed not only under your feet, but also in front, and even under the seat of your two-wheeled friend. As a last resort, you should look for the battery in the underseat space.

If you received a moped without a battery, before purchasing, carefully measure the niche in which the battery should be located. Only then go to the store for a power source. As a last resort, you can start a moped using one of the above methods, come to the store directly on it, and the seller will definitely select the right model for you.

Connecting the battery must be started so that the terminals, when placed in a niche, are located as close as possible to the wires. If the wires come out from the left, install the battery, turning the terminals to the left.

Now take two nuts (they are usually square) and two bolts, which should be included with each battery. The nuts need to be inserted into the terminals and “tightened” with bolts. After that, find the red ones among the wires: one is thin and the other is thick. Their ends are connected to each other by a terminal - this is the positive pole. The green or black wire will definitely be the negative pole.

Connect the wires correctly: minus to minus, and plus to plus. Now check the operation of the moped: if everything is connected correctly, the motor will start.

The starter does not turn

What actions should you take if your starter does not turn over? There are three ways to fix this problem :

  • the side stand is installed, and the bike in this case is in gear - remove the side stand;
  • the battery is discharged - recharge it;
  • problems with the starter or fuse - try to push start the engine or seek help from a mechanic.

When the starter is operating satisfactorily, check the fuel valve; if it is closed, open it. If everything is in order, make sure that there is gasoline in the gas tank.

Is it possible to drive without a battery?

Experienced owners of scooters and mopeds can start them in any way - from kickstarter to using the most ordinary drill. There are amateurs who even write about this on their forums: “I’ve been driving without a battery for a month now and don’t bother about it.”

However, the consequences of constantly driving without a battery can be very disastrous for a moped. First of all, this concerns lighting devices: the bulbs in the turn signals burn out, the headlights do not burn well, the backlight begins to act up.

Why does this happen? Let's find out the reason.

If the moped has a battery, it is regularly recharged from the generator. But when it is not there, the current generated by the generator begins to flow into all devices: it simply cannot evaporate or dissolve in the air. As the driving speed increases, the voltage begins to increase, and the entire lighting system of the moped can “fly” at any moment. And the lamps themselves, in the absence of a battery, work much worse, because they simply do not have enough energy. They can shine dimly, blink, or even burn out due to uneven distribution of energy.

Based on this, we can conclude: driving for a long time without a battery can lead to the failure of all lighting. And not only him. For example, in this situation the generator is also forced to work in increased mode, which leads to its breakdown. You should think carefully before constantly driving in this manner.

It is best to purchase a suitable battery for your scooter - despite the fact that for some lovers of “trouble-free” riding, caring for the battery seems cumbersome. However, it is precisely to such people that we owe the fact that we now have at least several ways to start a moped without a battery in an emergency.

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