How to start a moped (or scooter) without an ignition key: 7 different ways

At first glance, this may seem strange, but some owners of scooters and mopeds can use them without a battery. Knowing how to start a scooter without a battery can be very helpful. After all, any owner of such a vehicle may find himself in a situation where it does not start: for example, if the battery is dead and it simply does not have enough energy to turn the starter. We’ll try to figure out whether it’s possible to ride scooters without batteries, and we’ll also learn about ways to start mopeds when the battery is dead.

How to start a scooter on the road

The method is a little more complex, but less demanding on tools. All you need is a rope. You will have to use this method if problems arise with the battery while on the road. The rope is inexpensive, it’s easy to carry it with you, and if necessary, there’s no shame in borrowing it. Of course, you can always recharge the battery from a car battery. But it’s worth keeping in mind that you don’t have to walk home if the battery fails completely.

Just like in the previous case, we gain access to the engine fan

It doesn't matter which side. We insert a rope between the fan and its body. Turn the fan three times by hand so that the rope is wound

If you look from the generator, then turn it counterclockwise (then when you unscrew it, it will turn clockwise), if you look at it from the variator, it’s the other way around. The tail of the rope should extend parallel to the exhaust pipe. Don't forget to turn on the ignition. We pull the end of the rope. We try to make a sharp jerk.

Using a drill, you can develop much higher speeds, so the rope method has a drawback: if the compression in the engine is far from ideal or the fuel system is outdated, then you will have to work hard. You can start it the first time only if all systems work perfectly.

Reasons for lack of spark

Often, owners may encounter cases of starting failure in the cold season, although the moped drove well in the autumn. Initially, you need to unscrew the spark plug and carefully inspect for spark, oiliness and color.

Carbon deposits on the electrode

There may be no spark, if the electrode is covered with carbon deposits, then they are cleaned with a metal brush. If there is even the slightest doubt about the serviceability of the spark plug, you should replace it immediately, thereby making your life easier in the future.

Acidification of contacts

If the external signs of the spark plug correspond to suitability, and there is also no spark, then you need to check whether there is a discharge. It is worth noting that you need to be extremely careful, as it can give you an electric shock. If there is no spark and the external signs of the spark plug are normal, then the scooter is checked electronically for acidification of the contacts.

Insufficient fuel

If there is a spark, but the moped still has difficulty starting from the starter in cold weather, you should pay attention to the fuel tank. If it is empty then it is filled

It is worth noting why old gasoline pours out of the carburetor float chamber. How to do it? There is a bolt at the bottom of the carburetor; it is unscrewed, and after all the fuel has flowed out, it is screwed back in. Before putting the moped in the garage in cold weather, fill the tank full of fuel.

Unscrew the bolt and pour out the old gasoline from the carburetor float chamber

If the above has been checked and done, and the scooter does not start well from the starter, then you can make the following repairs:

  • The carburetor is removed and the air filter is cleaned;
  • The carburetor is cleaned, the jets and channels are purged;
  • Everything is coming back together.

How to install auto engine start - sequence of steps

The engine autostart connection diagram is as follows. First of all, you should unsolder the wires responsible for starting the engine from the ignition switch and remove the airbag. In this case, you must act very carefully and do not lean the working tool on the hole in the steering wheel, otherwise you can damage its casing. Next, we connect all the main wires of the autostart system to the ignition switch according to the diagram indicated in the instructions included with the alarm. In the case when the car is already equipped with a standard immobilizer, it is necessary to additionally purchase a “crawler” (an additional module into which the second ignition key will be inserted).

Now the autostart control wire is connected to the car’s tachometer, generator or oil sensor. Program the engine autostart unit according to the instructions. In order to have the possibility of emergency shutdown of this system, another wire is drawn from the module block to the handbrake or to the main brake. This completes the operation, as you can see, it doesn’t require a lot of physical effort, just a little racket in electronics.

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Video instructions for starting the engine after hibernation

For greater clarity, we suggest watching a couple of videos from scooter owners showing how they start their skate after wintering:

Second video:

There are also alternative situations when owners often wonder how to start a scooter with a drill. It is not recommended to carry out such operations in practice, as this can lead to increased wear of the drive gears, which will require them to be replaced. It is best to follow the tips above to prevent additional financial costs.

Photo report: Servicing the kickstarter of the Chinese scooter 139QMB (50-80CC)

While the scooter is still new and the factory lubricant remains on the kickstarter parts, the kickstarter works properly: it cranks the engine easily and without slipping, does not creak, and most importantly, after starting it always returns to its place, and does not hang snot.

And as soon as the factory lubricant runs out, the kickstarter parts stick to each other and then problems begin: it creaks, then slips, then does not return to place. I think this situation is familiar to many owners of Chinese scooters, especially scooters equipped with 139QMB series engines.

To avoid this situation, disassemble the kickstarter at least once a season and lubricate its parts. Disassembling and lubricating does not take much time, nothing is particularly difficult there either, so don’t be lazy and service your scooter on time and all technical problems will bypass you.

To disassemble and lubricate the mechanism, you must first remove the variator cover

Then unscrew the bolt on the winding lever, pull it out of the lever and then just remove the lever itself

The shaft that we need is fixed with a retaining ring. We remove the ring with a special puller for retaining rings or we suffer and remove it with the help of a couple of nails and such and such a mother...

There is a thrust washer under the ring - this is a very important device! When disassembling, do not lose it!

Remove the “fungus” from the lid

We take out the shaft with the spring

Before reassembling, carefully wash and lubricate the places where the parts came into contact with the variator cover. You can use any lubricant, but it is better to use copper paste. If you don’t have one, apply regular lithol.

This is interesting: Top 7 cars that are best not to buy used (video)

Apply lubricant to the shaft first

Insert the shaft into the cover, wind the spring

Turn the cover over, place a thrust washer on the shaft and secure the shaft with a locking ring.

Lubricate the “fungus” axis

We move the gear sector of the shaft so that the welded tooth goes behind the “fungus”

We insert the “mushroom” into the lid, making sure that its spring bracket fits between the two ledges

This is where our service ends. All that remains is to put the cover back on and put the winding lever on the shaft.

Let's start

The scooter engine start circuit is quite simple, understandable and universal, even in cases where the scooter starts when cold. First you need to insert the ignition key and immediately turn it. Then hold down the brake lever. Give a little gas and press the start button. It is important not to forget to remove the scooter from the side stand, since on some branded and Japanese models, due to the unremoved side stand, a special sensor may be triggered when the engine starts, which will prevent it from starting from the starter.

If the scooter is technically in full working order and it’s not very cold outside, then literally after a couple of seconds the engine should already be rattling peacefully, even if you start it when it’s cold - and you’ll be able to go about your business after just a few minutes of warming up the engine. Why is it important to wait? Because when driving when cold there is too much load, which is bad for the engine.



If the spark plug remains dry, make sure there is fuel in the carburetor. Due to constant temperature changes, the tank may suffer from condensation. Since a lot of it accumulates after a long winter, starting the scooter will be very problematic. Some models have a special “appendix” that allows you to get rid of liquid, but if the tank is always in its place and no one has drained the water, after some time there will always be water in the fuel system.

Try replacing the fuel and starting the power unit this way. Most likely, after a comprehensive cleaning, your 4-stroke engine will again show signs of life.

Application of ether

To start the motor with it, you should spray a certain amount of ether onto the filter part, and then close the lid. Everything should be done as quickly as possible so that the ether does not evaporate during this time. If the engine still fails to start after three or four times, you will have to go to a service center for help. If you find that the motor has been able to “sneeze” several times, try to do the same thing again.

Engine starting ether is sold in aerosol cans

If in the fall the scooter did not cause any problems with starting, but after hibernation it does not want to start, the operations described above should be quite enough to resume normal operation. Otherwise, you will still have to visit the service center.

Some additional practical tips

A spark may sometimes be present on the spark plug, but it is not strong enough, since the ceramic of the insulator is “damp”. In this case, atmospheric moisture will be constantly absorbed. A certain part of the generated energy “flows” down the insulator, and what remains is too little for normal ignition. It is problems with the insulator that often become the main reason for the failure of spark plugs, which have worked a lot before. Before throwing them away, try to dry out the insides using a torch or gas stove, but it's best to replace them with a new one.

Gasoline inside the tank can “fizzle out.” The reason for this is the separation of light fractions from the liquid mass. What is left reacts chemically with the available air. Accordingly, getting such fuel to ignite will be extremely problematic. Naturally, after entering into a chemical reaction, the engine will not start. Therefore, the old fuel must be drained, then clean the gasoline supply system and fill in several liters of fresh gasoline.

It is better to drain the old gasoline

Such manipulations will allow the combustible mixture to ignite faster, and the power unit will begin to operate fully.


If the battery is really in good condition, but the Chinese scooter cannot start, you should unscrew the installed spark plug and check its condition. If it is not wet, the fuel is most likely causing the problem.

What should a spark plug look like during normal wear?

Before screwing the spark plug back into the engine, you need to check the spark. To do this, insert it into the cap and create contact with ground (frame or engine block) by sharply cranking the crankshaft. You can also use an alternative option in the form of holding the cap with your hand, but it is best for these purposes to use a piece of wire, one end of which is screwed to the power unit block, and the other is brought out to the spark plug thread. If there is no spark, you will have to change it. But if it is present, install it back and try again to resume the operation of the four-stroke engine.

Starting a scooter “from the pusher”: how is it possible

The third, most amazing way. A knowledgeable person understands that, unlike a car, the clutch is not controlled by a handle and a cable. Therefore, if you just push the moped, nothing will happen. Let's imagine: let's try to start an alpha moped. It just drives forward, the engine won't start. The scooter's clutch is regulated by centrifugal force, which obviously does not exist without engine speed. Nevertheless, there is a way to start a scooter with a push. Creative hobbyists have come up with an elegant solution to the problem. The clutch is easily jammed with one bolt.

We are looking for an eight or ten head in the tools. Using a wrench, unscrew the clutch cover bolts. The lid itself will have to be pryed off. We don't lose bolts. We see a mechanism similar to a crescent. We are looking for a belt - it connects the clutch, there are small holes in it. We are looking for a bell, it has larger holes. Turn them so that the holes match. We secure them with the bolt from the kick starter

It is important not to tighten the nut, but simply insert the bolt. The hardest part remains. In order to start a scooter, you need no less effort than to move a Ural motorcycle

The wheel will not turn unless there is a lot of weight pressing on it. To make everything work, you need an assistant. His task will be to saddle the iron horse in time, creating a load. If you don't succeed on the first try, try again. You can also try strapping your scooter to your motorcycle. Izh Planet 3, for example, will perfectly fulfill the role of a pusher. But you still have to create a load on the wheel.

As for the bolt, it will fall out when the two-wheeled friend moves on its own. Do not forget, without it the lid will not hold well.

How to restore starting from the starter

The moped does not start well from the starter, however, doing it from the foot is simple and easy. If the engine does not start well from the starter, you must first check the fuse located in the battery compartment.

The location of the fuse on the battery is marked with an arrow.

Due to the often poor quality of the manufacture of the fuses, and, consequently, the entire starter, the wire located inside the starter glass bulb can barely touch the contact caps, which is why the fuse contact becomes unsuitable. After the low-quality fuse has been replaced, the moped can be started using the starter.

Some information about management

Driving the scooter is very easy. You just need to know what is and where it is. On the right side there is a front brake lever, and on the left, respectively, a rear brake lever. There are also other elements on the dashboard.

On the right side there is a steering wheel handle. They use it to gas. To do this, you need to rotate it. There are also various kinds of switches, such as turn signals and lights. Here, among other things, you can see the starter and horn button.

Starting a scooter “from the pusher”: how is it possible

The third, most amazing way. A knowledgeable person understands that, unlike a car, the clutch is not controlled by a handle and a cable. Therefore, if you just push the moped, nothing will happen. Let's imagine: let's try to start an alpha moped. It just drives forward, the engine won't start. The scooter's clutch is regulated by centrifugal force, which obviously does not exist without engine speed. Nevertheless, there is a way to start a scooter with a push. Creative hobbyists have come up with an elegant solution to the problem. The clutch is easily jammed with one bolt.

We are looking for an eight or ten head in the tools. Using a wrench, unscrew the clutch cover bolts. The lid itself will have to be pryed off. We don't lose bolts. We see a mechanism similar to a crescent. We are looking for a belt - it connects the clutch, there are small holes in it. We are looking for a bell, it has larger holes. Turn them so that the holes match. We secure them with the bolt from the kick starter

It is important not to tighten the nut, but simply insert the bolt. The hardest part remains. In order to start a scooter, you need no less effort than to move a Ural motorcycle

The wheel will not turn unless there is a lot of weight pressing on it. To make everything work, you need an assistant. His task will be to saddle the iron horse in time, creating a load. If you don't succeed on the first try, try again. You can also try strapping your scooter to your motorcycle. Izh Planet 3, for example, will perfectly fulfill the role of a pusher. But you still have to create a load on the wheel.

As for the bolt, it will fall out when the two-wheeled friend moves on its own. Do not forget, without it the lid will not hold well.

How to start a moped without an ignition key

We strongly recommend that you always have a spare key just for such cases. If you purchased a moped secondhand, then immediately make a couple of duplicates.

If you have such a situation, but there are no keys, then you will have to find a way out of it. It is best to call a specialist - he will be able to competently replace the ignition switch, and it will take him a little time to do such work. If you are sure that you can handle it without specialists, then below we will share with you information on how you can start a moped without a key.

To get to the ignition switch, first remove the shield protecting it. There you will see 2 bolts that secure the contactor

Unscrew them carefully. Insert a flat and strong screwdriver into the contactor, and then slowly but firmly turn the core

This position is also called “safe start”, the fact is that in this mode the moped will not take off quickly.

If you were unable to disassemble the ignition switch, then carefully remove the chip from it. There should be a contact pair underneath it. By connecting the contacts with a piece of wire, you can start the moped. Remember, all recommendations do not guarantee 100% success; you perform all actions at your own peril and risk, because with such manipulations you can completely break the ignition switch.

There is another method, but it is more dangerous, since it turns off all the electrics of the moped. To do this, you need to remove the headlight and find under it a bunch of wires coming from the ignition. Among them, there is usually black and white (or completely green). That's what we need. We just pull it out and try to start the moped from kickstarter.

Why is there no spark?

The second most common problem is why a scooter won’t start - there is nothing to ignite the fuel, or there is a spark - but there is nothing to ignite. To check the spark, you need to remove the spark plug cap and unscrew the spark plug. It must be dry and clean. The gap between the electrodes is needed 0.6-0.7 mm. The first sign of a lack of spark is that the spark plug is wet and smells of gasoline. This means the fuel did not burn in the cylinder and remained on the spark plug. Dry and clean it, then insert it into the cap and lean it against the cylinder mass.

At the same time, press the starter button for a second or the kick starter a couple of times. The spark between the spark plug electrodes should be clearly visible. If there is no spark, then replace the spark plug with a new one, most often this is the problem.

The quality of gasoline in Russia is not very good, this quickly kills spark plugs, especially iridium ones. If a spark does not appear with the new spark plug, we look for a fault in the wiring. A broken wire or oxidation connecting the ground between the frame and the engine is a common problem. Another reason could be a burnt-out resistor in the spark plug cap. It can be checked with a multimeter; the resistance should be about 5 kOhm. If this is not the problem, then check the ignition coil, this can also be done with a multimeter. In this case, the resistance of the primary and secondary windings is checked. The resistance of the primary winding, as a rule, tends to zero. Well, the resistance of the secondary should be several kOhms. There shouldn't be a break.

It is also worth checking the switch by replacing it with a known good one.

The next possible malfunction is a break in the wire coming from the ignition switch or the wire coming from the switch. Check the wires for breaks or abrasions. Check the reliability of the female-male plug connections. If no visible damage is found, a wire break can be detected by testing each wire with a multimeter. If the above manipulations did not produce results and a spark never appeared, the last reason for its absence is failure of the generator, pulse sensor or generator windings, which happens extremely rarely. The generator windings can also be checked with a multimeter.

How to restore a scooter battery

Mainly liquid acid batteries are subject to restoration. The gel one will just have to be changed. Although it can be repaired, it will soon fail again.

We rinse the liquid-acid battery with distilled water. It's better not to skimp and do it several times

Important! Tap water should not be used for this purpose. Fill in the electrolyte prepared in advance. Its density should be 1.27 g/cm3. Let it charge overnight

Ten or twelve hours is usually enough. We completely discharge. We repeat the cycle at least ten times. Fifteen is possible, but it’s not worth more.

The reconditioned battery will work without interruption for at least a month.

Dismantling Guide

It is necessary to remove the old alarm from the car when installing a new one. Removing the main car alarm unit may be necessary when updating the software or updating its settings so that it meets the security requirements of modern security systems. Sometimes it is necessary to dismantle parts of the anti-theft system for repair and replacement (video author - SpetsAvtoSystems).

Modern security systems reliably protect cars from theft and entry; they have an increased degree of protection against code reading and interception.

Tools and materials

It is difficult to dismantle the alarm system, since its elements are hidden as far as possible so that they are invisible. Many owners do not know where the car alarm is installed, so it is better to entrust the dismantling to specialists.

If you decide to dismantle the anti-theft system yourself, you will need a small set of tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • multimeter;
  • side cutters;
  • insulating tape.

In addition to tools, dismantling work will require patience.

Disabling the alarm without a key fob


Dismantling the anti-theft system consists of the following steps:

  1. First of all, you should turn off the power to the car by removing the negative terminal from the car battery.
  2. First you need to find the LED on the dashboard. A wire goes from it to the control unit. It is necessary to disconnect the connector with wires.
  3. Now you can disconnect the standard wiring from the electrical power system, and you also need to remove the immobilizer.
  4. The electrical circuit of the anti-theft system is connected to turn signals, side lights, hood, trunk, door switches, and engine blocking. When removing each element, it must be correctly disconnected from the car alarm.
  5. Next, you need to remove the shock and internal volume sensors, which are usually located under the handbrake lever.
  6. You should be very careful when disconnecting the contacts on the motor. Modern security alarms are equipped with locking mechanisms for the starter, fuel pump and ignition system.
  7. After disconnecting the contacts, you need to find and dismantle the Valet service button, as well as the siren, which is located in the engine compartment. After removing the fasteners, you need to remove the wiring coming from the interior.
  8. Now you can try to start the engine. If the alarm was correctly removed, the engine will start without problems.

Dismantling an old car alarm If the anti-theft system is dismantled on your own, then if dismantling is incorrect, the following consequences are possible:

  • the integrity of the electrical wiring is compromised;
  • malfunctions of electrical equipment;
  • the decorative trim of the interior is damaged;
  • engine starting is blocked for no reason;
  • the removed element is damaged and can be reused;
  • damage, the elimination of which can be costly.

How to start a scooter on the road

The method is a little more complex, but less demanding on tools. All you need is a rope. You will have to use this method if problems arise with the battery while on the road. The rope is inexpensive, it’s easy to carry it with you, and if necessary, there’s no shame in borrowing it. Of course, you can always recharge the battery from a car battery. But it’s worth keeping in mind that you don’t have to walk home if the battery fails completely.

Just like in the previous case, we gain access to the engine fan

It doesn't matter which side. We insert a rope between the fan and its body. Turn the fan three times by hand so that the rope is wound

If you look from the generator, then turn it counterclockwise (then when you unscrew it, it will turn clockwise), if you look at it from the variator, it’s the other way around. The tail of the rope should extend parallel to the exhaust pipe. Don't forget to turn on the ignition. We pull the end of the rope. We try to make a sharp jerk.

Using a drill, you can develop much higher speeds, so the rope method has a drawback: if the compression in the engine is far from ideal or the fuel system is outdated, then you will have to work hard. You can start it the first time only if all systems work perfectly.


GET IN - IT WILL NOT KILL! Some citizens believe that when repairing or diagnosing electrical wiring, you can get an electric shock. It's in vain. Modern motorcycles (as well as cars) have a voltage of 12 V. This voltage is absolutely safe for humans, for example, if you hold both poles of the battery even with wet hands, you will not feel anything. The only exception is the ignition system, where the voltage in the secondary circuit (armored wire - spark plug) reaches tens of thousands of volts. Here it is better not to grab with wet bare hands, although I have never heard of cases of a person receiving any injury from a high-voltage motorcycle wire. Conclusion: there is no need to be afraid of working with motorcycle electrics. Any household appliance operating on a 220 V network is much more dangerous.

If the engine does not start, it is not at all necessary to immediately “turn the switch” to the ignition system. Moreover, her refusals are extremely rare. Most often, the cause of failure to start is the wrong mixture: either too lean (when, for example, we start a motorcycle in the cold after a long break), or too rich (when on a hot engine the driver forgetfully pulled out the “choke” or after a fall, when gasoline leaks from the float chamber managed to “fill” the cylinder).

It also happens that during many attempts to start the motorcycle, the battery runs low and one malfunction is replaced by another: for example, the mixture may already be normal, but it is no longer possible to produce a spark when the battery voltage is low (and it can drop to 6 V during cranking with the starter) Maybe. In this case, before you disassemble anything, connect another battery to help or, if it is not there, try to start it with a kick.

Tuning of external parts

By improving the external parameters, you can improve not only the aesthetic appearance of the Alpha moped, but also increase its aerodynamic performance and make movement more comfortable. The following is usually used for tuning external elements:

  • Replacing the seat with a wider and more comfortable one.
  • Installing protective panels will help prevent leg fractures and protect them from damage.
  • Replacing the wheels with wider ones will increase the stability of the moped. This is especially true when replacing an engine.
  • Installing a windshield helps improve travel comfort. But at a speed of more than 40 km/h it already begins to affect the aerodynamics of the moped.
  • Replacing disks has a more decorative meaning. The standard wheels on the Alpha are also quite drivable.
  • Replacing the plug. If the Alpha moped will be used to travel on uneven roads, for example, in the forest or outside the city, you can replace the forks. Strengthening the shock absorbers helps soften the load on the wheel.
  • Replacing LEDs can also be a great solution. You should not use xenon diodes, as they will dazzle drivers and will not be better in terms of lighting quality than conventional ones.

If desired, tuning can be completed by styling the moped by performing airbrushing or changing the color of the body. An excellent solution to highlight a moped would be to install LEDs under the fenders or on protective panels.

Tuning an Alpha moped is a very rewarding activity that can captivate the owner in the direction of improving his model. Design and assembly features make it possible to improve Alpha in absolutely any direction. This makes it very convenient for both beginners and experienced hobbyists.

Tuning an Alpha moped can increase power and other characteristics of the vehicle, such as its speed. Practical advice and recommendations.

Many owners of Alpha and Delta mopeds want to tune their moped in order to improve its performance, increase speed and traction, because nothing in the world is perfect. Tuning the ALPHA moped can turn a seemingly ordinary ordinary worker into an almost cool racing bike. It is possible to overclock the engine volume from the existing 72 to 110.


Officially, Alpha 110 belongs to scooters. But despite this, its appearance is more suitable for a motorcycle. Among the distinctive design features of the Alpha 110 moped are:

— Large wheels;

— Large front fork;

- Rear view mirrors;

— Many components that were made of high quality metal.

Also among the distinctive features of this scooter are its rather large dimensions and representative appearance. You can also remember the pleasant bonuses - elegant stands designed to place your feet, and a muffler made in the shape of a saxophone. By the way, the muffler produces a rather pleasant melodic sound.

Among the interesting features are special light bulbs located on the instrument panel - their task is to inform the driver that the low or high beam is on, as well as the direction indicator that is currently functioning.

In order to provide the driver with a safe ride that is not devoid of comfort, the moped has a convenient space for panniers and side bars made from high-quality metal pipes - thanks to them, the side bars do not deform even in the event of an accident or fall.

Is it possible to drive without a battery?

Experienced owners of scooters and mopeds can start them in any way - from kickstarter to using the most ordinary drill. There are amateurs who even write about this on their forums: “I’ve been driving without a battery for a month now and don’t bother about it.”

Why does this happen? Let's find out the reason.

If the moped has a battery, it is regularly recharged from the generator. But when it is not there, the current generated by the generator begins to flow into all devices: it simply cannot evaporate or dissolve in the air. As the driving speed increases, the voltage begins to increase, and the entire lighting system of the moped can “fly” at any moment. And the lamps themselves, in the absence of a battery, work much worse, because they simply do not have enough energy. They can shine dimly, blink, or even burn out due to uneven distribution of energy.

It is best to purchase a suitable battery for your scooter - despite the fact that for some lovers of “trouble-free” riding, caring for the battery seems cumbersome. However, it is precisely to such people that we owe the fact that we now have at least several ways to start a moped without a battery in an emergency.

Scooter won’t start – Scooter-Expert – online magazine about scooters and technology

There may be several reasons why the scooter does not start and the electric starter does not work at the same time; let’s look at the main ones:

  • Let's say the battery is discharged or there is a problem in the circuit from the electric starter to the battery. You can try starting the scooter from kickstarter. However, if, after pressing the kick, it rotates freely, but does not rotate the crankshaft, you should check the condition of the teeth of the kick gear and ratchet. Perhaps after replacing the worn parts everything will be fine. Scooter won't start? Go ahead.
  • The fuses could simply have blown. In this case, you should check the fuse (if one is used for the entire circuit), or several fuses, in particular the starter and ignition circuits. If they don't ring through, replace them.
  • If the electric starter does not turn the crankshaft when you press the Start button, the battery may be dead. Check the battery. If it is discharged, you should start the scooter engine from the kickstarter and check the charge voltage; perhaps the battery has discharged due to incorrect charging current or due to its absence.
  • If, after pressing the “Start” button, you hear the starter operating, but the crankshaft does not turn, you should definitely check the condition of the charter gears on the crankshaft and the adequacy of the starter overrunning clutch.
  • You should also check the starter circuit for serviceability. Listen carefully to see if, after pressing the engine start button, you hear the characteristic clicks of the starter solenoid relay operating. If there are no clicks, you should use a tester to check the starter relay itself, the nearest electrical wiring, and the negative battery cable. Sometimes after cleaning the contacts of the battery or relay, the operation of the entire circuit is restored.

Now let's imagine a different situation. The battery is charged, after pressing the starter button, it cranks the crankshaft perfectly in normal mode, but the scooter does not start. In this case, the reasons are somewhat different, as are the options for solving the problem. Let's look at this point in more detail, identifying the main reasons why the scooter does not start when the electrics are running:

  • Check the operation of the starting enrichment. If the problem is in the wiring of the concentrator, the problem can be solved only by soldering or replacing the wiring, but if the problem is in the starting concentrator itself, it is easier to replace it with a new one.
  • If fuel does not flow from the gas tank to the carburetor float chamber, the scooter will not start precisely because of the lack of fuel. This may have been caused by a jammed needle valve in the carburetor float chamber. Remove the float chamber cover and check the operation of the shut-off needle.
  • If your scooter is equipped with a fuel pump (devices with a bottom tank), the fuel pump may be faulty.
  • The most basic thing is to check if there is fuel in the tank. Often even this point is ignored.
  • Check to see if the fuel hose, filter, or fuel tap filter is clogged. This is where blowing the elements with compressed air helps.
  • Check the vent hole in the gas cap (or elsewhere, depending on design).
  • If there is a spark, but it is noticeably weaker than usual, the spark plug may be faulty. You should check the gaps between the electrodes, the contacts between the spark plug and the cap, as well as the battery voltage (for scooters that refuse to work without a working battery).
  • There may be no spark at all. In this case, replacing the spark plug with a new one often helps.
  • Check the air filter; it may be in critical condition and does not allow air to pass through to form a normal fuel-air mixture.
  • Check to see if there is any air leaking into the carburetor bypassing the air filter, for example through the filter box pipe. The air leak noticeably depletes the fuel-air mixture and the scooter does not start.
  • If the engine is two-stroke, a common reason that the scooter will not start can be damage to the crankshaft seals. Check if the seals in the area of ​​the variator and generator are leaking.
  • If the engine is a four-stroke, the crank chamber gasket may be damaged.
  • It happens that a candle is filled with gasoline. In this case, it is better to try to start the scooter using a new spark plug. If one is not available, try wiping the spark plug electrodes with a dry cloth and try again.

It should be understood that this is only part of the main and most common reasons that the scooter does not start, and there may be much more serious problems in the wiring, engine, etc.


When braking and changing gears, you should ALWAYS try to sit as far away from the tank as possible, resting your knees on the tank. The landing helps load the rear wheel, which is unloaded by braking at the front, and helps the torque limiter work. If you are sitting in the back, the likelihood that the rear wheel will start jumping when shifting down is significantly reduced.

There are a lot of myths regarding gear shifting. Simple rules:

  • the faster you shift, the less you wear out the clutch;
  • the higher the rpm, the faster you shift;
  • you can and should slow down with gears;
  • you can move from 5th to first gear (understanding why this is necessary and what will follow);
  • you can and should shift at high speeds;
  • Shifting gears without a clutch causes minor wear to the fork and camshaft.

Preliminary diagnosis

Before using one of the methods for starting the engine in an unusual situation, you should check the serviceability of the motorcycle. The main thing is to check whether there is gasoline in the tank, since the fuel consumption of two-wheeled vehicles can vary greatly depending on the riding style and some bikers do not have time to monitor the availability of fuel. It is useless to look at the sensor, since it often malfunctions. The best way is to unscrew the tank cap and look inside to make sure there is fuel.

To start a motorcycle after a long period of inactivity, you need to make sure that fuel can reach the engine. The fuel system pipes must be in place, the carburetor caps must be closed, and the fuel tap must be open. The ignition must be turned on, since the engine will not be able to start without firing the spark plug. Also remember if there have been any symptoms of engine failure recently - strange knocking noises at high speeds, a sudden stop in fuel supply, and others.

Before starting the engine, perform one more small check:

  • The footrest must be raised;
  • The key is turned to the working position;
  • Neutral gear must be selected.

If everything is normal, you can begin the procedure. Try not to lose control of the motorcycle while starting the engine, as this often leads to disastrous consequences.

Principle of operation

Why won't my scooter start? There can be many reasons for this - from a small malfunction of the engine to a serious breakdown.

A moped differs from other types of vehicles in that it is an economical mode of transport. A typical average scooter has a 50cc engine, which is unable to burn too much fuel while driving. This explains the fact why it cannot reach very high speeds. The maximum he can do is move at a speed of no more than 60 kilometers per hour. At the same time, the safety of the moped driver is at risk, since no side safety bars are provided here, as on full-fledged motorcycles. But the reliability and simplicity of the design of this relatively cheap vehicle are so convenient for everyday use that the scooter has always been, is and will be popular among the people.

But even the most unpretentious equipment sooner or later begins to act up and let down its owners. And then one fine day you are faced with the fact that the scooter will not start. This may be due to careless handling, lack of timely technical inspection, as well as objective extraneous causes, consequences of an accident, and the like.

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