How to start a motorcycle with a dead battery? Methods for charging a dead motorcycle battery

Oddly enough, some owners of the iron horse not only start the scooter without a battery, but may not even use it at all. Although manufacturers do not recommend doing this, the vehicle design provides for this possibility. Although it may not seem easy at first glance, there are proven methods invented by creative people. Knowing how to start a scooter without a battery will be useful if the battery runs out at the wrong time. Or what also happens, you will get a scooter without it at all.

Consequences of driving without a battery

A two-wheeled friend can take the owner anywhere without a battery at all. However, manufacturers build it into the design for a reason. Electric current powers headlights, turn signals, lighting and built-in electrical appliances. The battery also plays an important role in creating engine impulse, so you can start the scooter by turning one handle.

This is how moped electronics work. While the engine is running, the generator produces electric current. It recharges the battery, which, in turn, powers the headlights and lighting. If the battery is not installed, the generator continues to operate and feeds the electrical network. The energy it produces cannot go anywhere. However, the current strength depends on the engine speed. At low speeds it is less, so the headlights will blink and go out.

Without a battery, the voltage is distributed unevenly, with fluctuations, which will cause light bulbs to burn out and other electronics to wear out. This applies equally to the injector, if it is on your model, and to the generator itself. So while maintaining your battery requires time, effort, and expense, driving without it will eventually require repair. Which will cost more. Installing a new battery is easier, and with proper care you won’t have to change it often.

And yet, experienced owners of a two-wheeled friend know how to start a scooter without a battery and ride it anywhere. Moreover, if the battery is simply dead, then there will be no harm to the scooter.

Scooter rider

Oddly enough, some owners of the iron horse not only start the scooter without a battery, but may not even use it at all. Although manufacturers do not recommend doing this, the vehicle design provides for this possibility. Although it may not seem easy at first glance, there are proven methods invented by creative people. Knowing how to start a scooter without a battery will be useful if the battery runs out at the wrong time. Or what also happens, you will get a scooter without it at all.

How to start a scooter with a drill

This is a fast, reliable and safe way. It seems to an amateur that the scooter engine is complicated and it is better not to mess with it. This is true, but if you overcome the fear of breakdown and follow the recommendations, everything will work out. For an experienced owner, there is no problem even starting the Izh Jupiter 5 without a battery, even with a drill or a screwdriver. They write that this method is only suitable at home or in a garage where there is access to an electrical outlet. No one will carry a full set of tools with them, especially on a scooter. But, in fact, cordless drills that do not require connection are now widespread. So, even at the dacha, if the battery runs out, there is a chance to start the iron horse.

  1. First of all, we free access to the engine fan. If the drill only rotates clockwise, then we do it from the generator side. If we have a screwdriver, then it is not forbidden to use the variator, if necessary.
  2. You should find the fan axis. Most likely, from the outside it will resemble a nut.
  3. We select a suitable head.
  4. After making sure that the bit holds the “nut” firmly, we fix the head to the drill. If you have an extension cord available, use it. If not, we use the traditional method. To do this, insert a bolt of suitable size into the bit so that its leg can be clamped with a drill. If you have time, press the bolt to the head with a nut, and grind the end of the leg on three sides so that the drill does not slip through. But the minimum is enough - a head and a bolt clamped with a drill.

5. Turn on the ignition.

  1. We attach the head to the nut. If the operation occurs from the generator side, then the drill should rotate clockwise. If it’s from the variator side, then it’s against it.
  2. We are trying to start the scooter with a drill. We crank the engine. The two-wheeled friend should start.

A little about management

In fact, driving a scooter is easy, you just need to know what is located and where. There is a rear brake lever on the left side, and a front brake lever on the right. On the right side there is also a steering handle, which also needs to be throttled by rotation. There is also a horn and starter button, as well as various switches (lights, turn signals, etc.). That's the whole dashboard.

Well, the nuances of driving a moped are described in more detail in our article How to ride a scooter. From this article you will learn about the main points of operating this equipment, as well as what documents you will need.

How to start a scooter on the road

The method is a little more complex, but less demanding on tools. All you need is a rope. You will have to use this method if problems arise with the battery while on the road. The rope is inexpensive, it’s easy to carry it with you, and if necessary, there’s no shame in borrowing it. Of course, you can always recharge the battery from a car battery. But it’s worth keeping in mind that you don’t have to walk home if the battery fails completely.

  1. Just like in the previous case, we gain access to the engine fan. It doesn't matter which side.
  2. We insert a rope between the fan and its body. We turn the fan three times by hand so that the rope is wound. If you look from the generator, then turn it counterclockwise (then when you unscrew it, it will turn clockwise), if you look at it from the variator, it’s the other way around. The tail of the rope should extend parallel to the exhaust pipe.
  3. Don't forget to turn on the ignition.
  4. We pull the end of the rope. We try to make a sharp jerk.

Using a drill, you can develop much higher speeds, so the rope method has a drawback: if the compression in the engine is far from ideal or the fuel system is outdated, then you will have to work hard. You can start it the first time only if all systems work perfectly.


Many owners are faced with all sorts of engine starting problems. Especially if the engine starts cold. Often the engine seems to start normally, but stalls almost immediately. What to do in such a situation? Look for a breakdown. Perhaps it's a clogged carburetor? This is believed to be the most likely reason for this engine behavior.

Other possible reasons: - the mass does not contact well; — the switch is faulty; — the spark plug is poorly cleaned or the air filter is not working properly.

In any case, in such a situation, it is recommended to take the unit to a service station to show it to the technician. Or you can try to fix it yourself. For example, cleaning a carburetor is not that difficult if you have mechanical and electrical knowledge.

There can be worse breakdowns, for example, the pistons with rings may be faulty. Or the valves may need to be adjusted, and this is not a very simple matter for a novice motorcycle owner. The problem may also be that you start it cold and the oil has thickened. You may also need to set the ignition parameters correctly.

If the scooter does not start, experts recommend checking the ignition system. since this is the most common cause of abnormal engine starting. So, first, let's unscrew the spark plug and inspect it. If the spark plug is melted at the location of the electrodes, it must be replaced with a new one. If the candle is wet (the candle has been flooded?), then you must first remove it from the cap and then dry the candle. This can be done by simply leaving the candle in the sun or in a dry room for a while.

But you can speed up this process by drying the candle on a gas stove or burner. If you don't have them on hand, you can use a hairdryer. The dried spark plug needs to be put back into the cap and checked to see if there is a spark by placing the spark plug on the unpainted part of the engine and turning the kickstarter. If there is a spark, it is strong and powerful, blue in color, then everything is in order with the candle.

If the spark is weak, yellow or there is no spark, then you need to replace the spark plug with a new one. After installing the new spark plug, we try to start the engine. If it doesn't start, then the problem is not with the spark plug.

If there is no spark, it is worth checking the serviceability of the spark plug cap. In this case, you need to unscrew the cap from the wire and bring the wire to the metal part of the engine. Turn the crankshaft with the ignition on. If there is a spark, we eliminate the problem with connecting the cap and wire. And we try to start it again.

But if there is no spark on the wire, then a so-called “current leakage” is possible - a situation when somewhere a wire is exposed and touches a metal part of the engine. In this case, you need to find and fix this problem.

If everything is in order with the wire, but there is no spark, then more complex breakdowns may occur: - a problem with the ignition coil; — switch malfunction; - problem with the Hall sensor.

In this case, you will have to disassemble everything and replace it with an exactly working spare part. Or you can take your iron friend to a service station.

But what to do if everything is fine with the spark, but the engine still won’t start? There may be a problem with the fuel system. In this case, there may be two options? either at the moment the engine starts, too little fuel is supplied, or, conversely, too much. Then you need to take it apart and look? where and how gasoline flows. Do not forget that the tank may be running low on fuel and the engine will not start because of this. [ads-pc-2]

Starting a scooter “from the pusher”: how is it possible

The third, most amazing way. A knowledgeable person understands that, unlike a car, the clutch is not controlled by a handle and a cable. Therefore, if you just push the moped, nothing will happen. Let's imagine: let's try to start an alpha moped. It just drives forward, the engine won't start. The scooter's clutch is regulated by centrifugal force, which obviously does not exist without engine speed. Nevertheless, there is a way to start a scooter with a push. Creative hobbyists have come up with an elegant solution to the problem. The clutch is easily jammed with one bolt.

  1. We are looking for an eight or ten head in the tools.
  2. Using a wrench, unscrew the clutch cover bolts. The lid itself will have to be pryed off. We don't lose bolts.
  3. We see a mechanism similar to a crescent. We are looking for a belt - it connects the clutch, there are small holes in it. We are looking for a bell, it has larger holes.
  4. Turn them so that the holes match. We secure them with the bolt from the kick starter. It is important not to tighten the nut, but simply insert the bolt.
  5. The hardest part remains. In order to start a scooter, you need no less effort than to move a Ural motorcycle. The wheel will not turn unless there is a lot of weight pressing on it. To make everything work, you need an assistant. His task will be to saddle the iron horse in time, creating a load. If you don't succeed on the first try, try again. You can also try strapping your scooter to your motorcycle. Izh Planet 3, for example, will perfectly fulfill the role of a pusher. But you still have to create a load on the wheel.

As for the bolt, it will fall out when the two-wheeled friend moves on its own. Do not forget, without it the lid will not hold well.

Why doesn't the moped start with the button?

This problem is very common among owners of motorcycles, mopeds and scooters. If you cannot start the engine from the button, then the problem lies in the fuse. It is located in the battery compartment; to check its functionality we will need a multimeter.

The multimeter handle must be turned to measure DC current. Measure the voltage at the ignition key without and with a fuse. The instrument readings should be the same in both cases. If you detect a voltage deviation of 2 volts or more, the fuse must be replaced immediately. The malfunction may also be hidden in the engine start circuit; to do this, you need to determine the integrity of the wires going to it. The multimeter has such a function, so you can check it yourself. To know which wires to check, you can find the moped's wiring diagram on the manufacturer's website. But you need to be able to read such diagrams correctly; if you do not have this knowledge, then it is better to seek help from professionals.

Now you know various ways to start a moped if you have lost the key. All options can only be used for your own benefit; we do not recommend using them for fraudulent purposes, as this is punishable by law. Make yourself duplicate keys, and then you will not have problems if you lose them, we wish you success!


Where is the battery located on a moped and how to connect it

Once you find yourself in an unpleasant situation with a battery in the middle of the road, you begin to think about how to avoid this again. You can get home without a battery, but if you ride for a long time, the scooter’s electronics will begin to fail. The battery requires care, so knowing where it is located and how to change it is absolutely necessary.

Connecting the battery is easier than doing any of the operations described above. Its location depends on the model. On Chinese scooters it is usually located under your feet. We remove the floor and look for a rectangular hatch. There is a place for the battery right in it. If the model is made in Japan, then you will have to check other places. The battery may be located in front of the driver's seat or under the seat.

If you don't know what kind of battery your two-wheeled friend needs, then measure the space for it before you go shopping. Or, using one of the methods, get to the seller directly on a moped.

You need to connect the battery like any other electrical device: minus to minus, and plus to plus. The terminals should be as close to the wires as possible. A red wire usually means positive, and a green or black wire usually means negative.

How to choose a battery for a scooter

There are two main types of rechargeable batteries. Liquid acid is much cheaper and requires maintenance. It needs to be filled with distilled water periodically. Such a battery is insensitive to sharp turns. A good choice for those who do not want to spend money extra and are not afraid to work with their iron horse.

The gel battery is expensive, but requires almost no maintenance. More common on Japanese models because it is sensitive to other electronics. It is extremely difficult to restore, so it is recommended primarily for those who do not intend to spend a lot of time on the scooter.

Let's start

The scooter engine start circuit is quite simple, understandable and universal, even in cases where the scooter starts when cold. First you need to insert the ignition key and immediately turn it. Then hold down the brake lever. Give a little gas and press the start button. It is important not to forget to remove the scooter from the side stand, since on some branded and Japanese models, due to the unremoved side stand, a special sensor may be triggered when the engine starts, which will prevent it from starting from the starter.

If the scooter is technically in full working order and it’s not very cold outside, then literally after a couple of seconds the engine should already be rattling peacefully, even if you start it when it’s cold - and you’ll be able to go about your business after just a few minutes of warming up the engine. Why is it important to wait? Because when driving when cold there is too much load, which is bad for the engine.

How to restore a scooter battery

Mainly liquid acid batteries are subject to restoration. The gel one will just have to be changed. Although it can be repaired, it will soon fail again.

  1. We rinse the liquid-acid battery with distilled water. It's better not to skimp and do this several times. Important! Tap water should not be used for this purpose.
  2. Fill in the electrolyte prepared in advance. Its density should be 1.27 g/cm3.
  3. Let it charge overnight. Ten or twelve hours is usually enough.
  4. We completely discharge. We repeat the cycle at least ten times. Fifteen is possible, but it’s not worth more.

The reconditioned battery will work without interruption for at least a month.


Starting a moped this way is no more difficult than starting a motorcycle. There is no need to disassemble anything, and it is enough to have the tools at hand. Therefore, the use of the described methods cannot be called anything other than ingenuity. Use each method correctly, and you will never be left in the middle of the road, dragging your two-wheeled friend on yourself. And you’ll be lucky if you have to drag a light moped, and not a Java motorcycle.

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