Transporting a motorcycle – how to transport a motorcycle?

Transportation of a motorcycle is an important issue for bike owners when they urgently need to move their vehicle. The goals are different: buying or selling, repairing, long-distance travel. Rarely does a driver decide to purchase special delivery equipment. We have to look for options that will ensure the safety of the vehicle on the road. The solution is a logistics service for transporting a motorcycle by car. Advantages - there are special fastening systems, the property is insured. Depending on the distance of the destination, the masses of the bike choose different methods of transportation.

How to secure a motorcycle for transportation?

Hook the hooks of the ratcheting lines onto the free ends of the soft loops placed on the handlebars. Ratchet straps are standard loading straps and will help securely secure your motorcycle

. Attach the other end of the ratchet straps to a secure location on your truck or trailer. Tighten the lines.

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External platform

Mounting on a towbar is a method of transportation without using the trunk of a car. How much it costs to transport a motorcycle this way depends on the type of platform you purchase or make yourself. It can be large, accommodate several light bikes or one heavy one.

The platform is installed in place of the tow bar, which will allow you to transport an enduro bike, pit bike, or scooter directly behind the car.

The driver must guarantee:

  • license plate visibility;
  • good performance of lighting devices;
  • reliable fastening of the platform.

The platform can also be installed in front of the car; this is a more complex option; not every driver can handle the controls.

Transporting a scooter on a train or train

Transporting a moped by train may be necessary when purchasing an unregistered scooter far from home without delivery or moving to another city over long distances.

Is it possible to transport a scooter on a train?

Many long-distance trains have carriages at the rear to transport cars. to transport scooters there . Approximately 2 hours before departure, go to the luggage department of the station and weigh the scooter. If you are traveling on the same train, then the moped is checked in as luggage; if you get there another way – as cargo (it’s more expensive). Before loading you will be required to drain the fuel and oil. Unscrew the mirrors and attach a cardboard with the baggage declaration number to the steering wheel. After this, you receive a ticket for the cargo, which you then need to present when exchanging for a scooter. Of course, in the CIS countries you can transport a scooter on an electric train “on the left” - negotiate with the conductor. But then take a rope with you to secure the scooter.

It is worth considering that baggage cars are unloaded a little later. So we know how to transport a scooter by train .

Partial loading

The essence of the method is that the front wheel is securely fastened, and the rear wheel rotates, ensuring the movement of the motorcycle. For this delivery method, you need to purchase a special metal structure or make it yourself.


  • It is not recommended to transport heavy models with a long wheelbase - during travel the bike is at an angle, liquids flow.
  • Danger to transmission.
  • Difficult to maneuver on uneven roads.
  • There is a high risk of damaging the bike.

The technique is not recommended for long-distance travel.

Correctly place

An ATV, snowmobile or other equipment must be placed in the trailer body as close to the front wall as possible, so that the vehicle’s towbar ball bears a load of about 50 kg. This ensures optimal stability of the road train. In terms of width, it is better to place the cargo in the center, symmetrically relative to the longitudinal axis of the trailer.

Carrying on your side

The question of whether it is possible to transport a scooter on its side interests many motorists. There are no specific regulations prohibiting such transportation. However, the driver must ensure that the scooter is securely fastened. In addition, when transported in this position, the likelihood of oil and gasoline leakage increases. Therefore, before transportation, you should either make sure that the tanks are empty or seal them with lids. In some cases, transportation on its side turns out to be even more convenient, since in this position the scooter does not interfere with the view in the rear view mirror. It is worth noting that to transport large, heavy scooters, you should choose special equipment.

Quick request for transportation

Carrying on your side

The question of whether it is possible to transport a scooter on its side interests many motorists. There are no specific regulations prohibiting such transportation. However, the driver must ensure that the scooter is securely fastened. In addition, when transported in this position, the likelihood of oil and gasoline leakage increases. Therefore, before transportation, you should either make sure that the tanks are empty or seal them with lids. In some cases, transportation on its side turns out to be even more convenient, since in this position the scooter does not interfere with the view in the rear view mirror. It is worth noting that to transport large, heavy scooters, you should choose special equipment.

Quick request for transportation


How to transport a scooter correctly?

Many scooter owners at some point wonder how to get a scooter from point “A” to point “B” and how to do it correctly. It all depends on the situation.

So, in our opinion, there are only three options when a scooter needs to be transported without being behind the wheel. Firstly, this is a breakdown that could not be fixed on our own. Typically, these are problems with the engine, brake or fuel system, as well as mechanical damage that prevents you from continuing to drive under your own power (for example, damage as a result of an accident or a tire puncture without the possibility of changing the tire due to the lack of a spare wheel). Secondly, another reason why a scooter needs to be transported is a long distance. Believe me, not every person is able to withstand a trip of even 100 kilometers in a vehicle that does not accelerate more than 60 km/h and in which driving on the highway, taking into account the speed of traffic, becomes, to put it mildly, unsafe. This also applies to the delivery of a scooter, for example, from Japan to Moscow - only an extremely small number of people are capable of such an adventure as a trip on a scooter from Vladivostok to the capital of our homeland. Well, the third option in which the need to transport a scooter may arise is the inability to control it. Here we are talking about either the condition of the scooter driver (for example, injury in an accident or inability to control due to health reasons), or the movement of the scooter in the interests of a person who obviously does not know how to drive this vehicle (for example, the scooter was inherited or became security for a lawsuit , but the person does not have the skills to drive it).

Before moving on to methods of transporting a scooter, let’s decide how to transport it correctly – vertically or on its side. There is no clear answer to this question. As we wrote above, it all depends on the circumstances. According to experts in the field of motorcycle technology, the best option for transporting a scooter is to transport it in an upright position. However, this method is only possible if you have the appropriate means of transportation - for example, a trailer, van or special towing device. Why is the vertical method of transportation better? Firstly, all working fluids are exactly where they are supposed to be, that is, there is no chance of leaks if the tank caps (for example, a gas tank) are not screwed on properly. In addition, the vertical method of transporting a scooter prevents the possibility of mechanical damage to the scooter during transportation, provided it is securely fastened.

However, as often happens, the opportunity to secure the scooter vertically is not often provided. For example, the scooter broke down. Even if you are lucky enough to stop a car with a trailer or a Gazelle with an empty body, this does not mean that the owner of the car will meet you and wait until you fix the scooter vertically. He may even be able to help you load your scooter into your trailer or van. But he is unlikely to have time for anything more. In this case, we recommend that you either close as tightly as possible all the openings from which working fluids such as gasoline, oil, etc. can leak. This is not only a matter of preventing damage to other people’s property (and your own, by the way), to a greater extent it is a matter of safety , since the same gasoline is a highly flammable liquid, not to mention its vapor. If we talk about the boxing device, then this device is not yet widespread on Russian roads. In large cities there are companies involved in the evacuation of motorcycles. But their main option for transporting a scooter is a trailer, the body or platform of a small truck, sometimes even equipped with a manipulator. True, not all such offices have cars specially adapted for vertical transportation, not to mention special towing devices or trailers.

Category on driver's license

The vast majority of car owners in our country have a category B driver’s license, which allows them to drive vehicles with a gross weight not exceeding 3.5 tons. The Federal Law “On Road Safety” (Article 25) allows a driver with category B to drive category B vehicles with a trailer in two cases:

  • the maximum trailer weight does not exceed 750 kg;
  • the maximum mass of the trailer exceeds 750 kg, but does not exceed the unladen mass of the vehicle, provided that the total permissible maximum mass of such combination does not exceed 3500 kg.

Motor tow truck. How to transport your scooter to your dacha

Have you recently purchased a scooter and are not yet very good at driving it to make long journeys, but would like to transport your car to the country, but cannot find a way to solve this problem?

Have you recently purchased a scooter and are not yet very good at driving it to make long journeys, but would like to transport your car to the country, but cannot find a way to solve this problem? You shouldn’t despair, much less take risks, driving onto busy highways without sufficient experience in driving a scooter – now you can find profitable offers for transporting scooters and motorcycles. And you can easily take advantage of one of these offers. A motorcycle tow truck is becoming a popular service, as the number of lovers of two-wheeled vehicles is growing, and roadside assistance, as well as transportation, can be very useful for both beginners and experienced drivers.

As for transporting a scooter to your dacha, in order to order such a service, you just need to call or fill out the feedback form on the website, and you will be provided with assistance as quickly as possible. As a rule, the cost of transporting a moped here depends on the distance over which you need to transport your scooter, the need to use special devices for loading or securing a scooter or motorcycle (this may be necessary in the case of organizing the transportation of an emergency vehicle), and of course, the size of your two-wheeled friend.

In most cases, closed minibuses are used, inside of which everything is provided for high-quality securing of your scooter in an upright position and its safe delivery. In some cases, open vehicles with special loading equipment (manipulators) can also be used, most often necessary for transporting emergency motorcycles and powerful, heavy scooters.

It is important to note that the use of means for transporting scooters is most often necessary for those road users who have been involved in an accident. Even if you are the most careful driver and follow all traffic rules and recommendations, there are cases when someone breaking the rules can cause a collision and damage to your vehicle. Cars do not suffer much from such a collision and can drive away under their own power - a scooter is unlikely to be able to, so having the contacts of a motorcycle tow truck in your notebook will be very useful.

By contacting the towing service, you can also ask for assistance on the road, for example, if you need to drain any technical fluids, fuel or oil before transportation, or eliminate short circuits in the on-board network. Also, experienced specialists will be able to offer you the most suitable method of transporting the scooter, ensuring its safety and maintainability, which can also play an important role in the further repair and restoration of your car. Most motorcycle towing services operate around the clock, so you can rest assured that help will come at any time, and experienced specialists will help you at a high-quality level, delivering your vehicle safe and sound.

Transporting a scooter

If your scooter breaks down or you need to quickly move it to another city, it is best to use a car or special equipment.
The larger and heavier the scooter, the more difficult it is to transport it from place to place. Pass to the center of Moscow To transport such a vehicle, you must comply with the requirements for proper fastening. First of all, you need to secure the wheels. Since it is recommended to transport the scooter in an upright position, the wheels are fixed on both sides. Also, the vehicle must be secured by throwing several belts over it, additionally secured to the bottom.

In some cases, small scooters can be transported in the trunk of a car or in its rear with the seats moving. In this case, the vehicle must be additionally secured. Ultimately, the driver decides how to transport the scooter himself, but the load should not interfere with visibility or pose a danger to other road users.

Car + loaders (length/width/height in meters)Cargo compartment volume (m3)Order price (RUB)Number of hoursAdditional payments (RUB)
Additional (started) 1 hourEntrance to the Third Transport RingEntrance to the Soda RingDeparture outside the Moscow Ring Road (1 km x 2)
Sable + 2 loaders
73 40048500015.00
Gazelle (standard) + 2 loaders
103 600490040040015.00
Gazelle (extended) + 2 loaders
154 00041 00040040015.00
1 loader
(without car)
1 2004300

What to carry?

The most convenient way to transport any of the devices mentioned is to place it in the back of a pickup truck or minivan. This way you are practically unlimited in speed, while with a trailer on the highway - up to 90 km/h and on a regular road - up to 70 km/h.

Without a trailer, aerodynamics are better and, accordingly, fuel consumption is lower. And the cross-country ability is higher, which is important in the “last mile” before the target. It is more convenient to secure cargo in the back of a pickup truck, since there are usually mounting eyes there. Some trailers, for example, do not have them. But if you can’t do without a trailer, pay attention to the following two points.

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