How to transport children on a motorcycle in Russia and the EU? Rules and correct advice from experts

During the warm season, many two-wheeled vehicles - scooters and mopeds - appear on the roads. Often their drivers are people who do not have a driving permit. This article will help you learn about the traffic rules (traffic rules) on general roads for scooters with a capacity of up to 50cc. Let's consider who can control it, how to cross intersections, what a moped driver can and cannot do.

According to official definitions, a moped is a 2 or 3 wheeled vehicle equipped with an engine with a capacity of up to 50 cc and a maximum speed of 50 km/h. ATVs with similar engine parameters also fall into this category.

Permitted age for driving

The Russian Traffic Regulations do not specify a minimum age for moped drivers. But it is worth considering that you must obtain a license for this transport.

IMPORTANT! For mopeds and scooters, you need to get a category “M” driver’s license, which is issued only to citizens at least 16 years of age. Therefore, only persons over sixteen years of age can drive a moped.

Many parents buy mopeds for their children aged 10-15 years. This is not only an unwise act, but also illegal, given that the child will be driving the scooter independently. If a child driving a moped is stopped by traffic police, the parents will have to pay a considerable fine.

Procedure for obtaining rights

The procedure for obtaining a motorcycle driving license is practically no different from the similar procedure carried out to enable driving cars in category B, which is the most popular in our country at present.

To obtain rights, you will need to complete the following steps:

  1. Contacting one of the existing driving schools that operate in accordance with existing regulations and laws.
  2. Passing a medical commission, the results of which will give you access to training and subsequent driving of the vehicle. This procedure must be carried out before entering the institution, since the learning process involves passing the practical part, which consists of driving a motorcycle.
  3. Admission to school and completion of the entire training course provided for by traffic rules and internal procedures of the organization.
  4. Passing an internal exam, obtaining a school completion certificate.
  5. Submitting documents to the local traffic police department. As a rule, most driving schools independently organize the exam; therefore, the future driver will only need to appear for the exam.
  6. Registration of licenses and their receipt by a motorcyclist who has successfully passed all tests.

What are the main restrictions for drivers?

A moped and a motorcycle are different vehicles, despite the same number of wheels. The category of mopeds includes:

  • M - engine capacity no more than 50 cubic meters. cm.;
  • A1 - engine capacity no more than 125 cubic meters. cm.

The category indicated on the driver's license must correspond to the engine power of the vehicle. The maximum speed of a moped should not exceed 50 km/h, otherwise it can be classified as a motorcycle.

If we briefly talk about the requirements for the vehicle and its driver, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  1. You can drive a moped from the age of 16 and only if you have a license with the appropriate category.
  2. The maximum speed of a moped, declared in the PTS, should be no more than 50 km/h. If an ATV has similar characteristics, then it is equated to mopeds.
  3. You can carry passengers on a moped only if there are special places designated for this.
  4. The vehicle must be equipped with headlights and turn signals. According to clause 19.5 of the traffic rules, all vehicles must have running lights or low beam headlights on during the daytime. At night it is forbidden to move without headlights.
  5. If the vehicle's maximum speed is 40 km/h or less, entry on the highway is prohibited.
  6. The driver and passengers must wear a fastened helmet.
  7. A moped cannot be towed (under any circumstances). This transport is only allowed to be transported with partial or full loading on a transport vehicle. Only motor vehicles with a side trailer (sidecar) can be towed.
  8. It is prohibited to transport large items on a scooter. The load must not interfere with vehicle control, block the view, or exceed the norm of 0.5 m in length or width of the motor vehicle.
  9. It is prohibited to make a U-turn across tram tracks or make a left turn on the roadway (route).
  10. You cannot cross the path of pedestrians while moving along a zebra crossing.
  11. Drivers are required to hold the steering wheel with at least one hand while driving. Driving without hands is prohibited.

REFERENCE: If the category ML is indicated in the “special notes” column on the driver’s license, then the person will not be able to drive a moped, since this designation implies that the driver has health problems that prevent driving.

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city: Kursk

Are Segways and hoverboards vehicles? Do they also require category M licenses? Otherwise, if you rent it in the park, you’ll end up with a 5,000 fine!

Sergey.21 November 2022, 12:22:29

“We live in a village, the nearest store is three kilometers away, the same distance to a public transport stop,” reader Vasily N. from the Kursk region contacted the editors of DDD. I want to know when children will be able to legally use vehicles with some kind of engine, so that they can at least be sent to the store. By law Never! Although any village is a separate state, where people live by their own rules. This was the case under the USSR and is still the case now. There is almost no traffic, all that is required of the driver is not to run over the neighbor’s chicken. This is the main law of the village! Our people from the villages understand perfectly well that a motorcycle in the village is like an iron horse. You don't need a license for a horse! It's been thousands of years! Only one thing is different! This horse is iron. But horses are difficult now; it’s easier to buy a moped or motorcycle. In terms of a village, it is no different from a horse. Just like villagers don’t ride horses on the tracks and don’t go to the city. So they are not going to leave the village area on iron horses. This is how they live in villages! The game of hide and seek with the traffic police begins! People understand this very well, it’s a kind of extra adrenaline. And no matter how hard they try to shout to be heard, they don’t hear them. After all, you want to live peacefully in the village, without being afraid to run 3 km to the store for some bread. But there is no public transport in the villages. Just like in the city. Not everyone wants to beat their legs 3 km. City and 500 meters do not go. They travel by minibus. According to the logic of the village, a horse is not subject to registration, and even more so this is an unnecessary problem. A horse (iron) is not for problems with registration and the like. And sneak in for some bread, playing hide and seek with the traffic police. This will always be the case! Until those at the top understand this and make the necessary amendments to the laws. But something tells me nothing will change. So the game of hide and seek between the villagers and the traffic police will continue. This is how we live and this is how we will continue to live! And the villagers want to live in harmony with the traffic police, because if they run over the neighbor’s chicken, they themselves and the neighbor will come to an agreement. Conclusion! It's time to realize that a village is not a city. What is needed for safety in the city is not needed in the countryside. They will understand, hide and seek will stop and there will be happiness for the villagers. And for now, hide and seek and racing continue, it has been and will be forever! Which leads to hatred among villagers towards the traffic police.

SERGEYMay 24, 2022, 11:14:15

If you understand that your need is charitable assistance, then pay attention to this article. Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business have turned to you for help. Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track. They attend classes where, under the guidance of an experienced trainer, they learn high-speed driving techniques. Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed. Winning on the track is based on good qualification. And, of course, a professional kart. Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken spare parts do not allow them to participate in competitions. How much pleasure and new sensations children experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car. Maybe it is in such a circle that not only Russian champions grow up, but even future world champions in this sport?! You can help the children's karting section, which is located in the city of Syzran. They are in a really bad situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergei Krasnov. Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my students work. They love this developmental sport and really want to continue learning. I am asking you to help the karting section in the city of Syzran survive. Previously, there were TWO young technician stations in the city, and each had a karting section. There was also karting at the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. They closed it, I can’t say enough, they just destroyed it! We fought, wrote letters, and everywhere they had the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor of the Samara region for a reception. He didn’t accept me, but my deputy accepted me. After that, we were given premises where we were based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow us to recruit children. And most of the karts require repairs. This is the situation our circle is in. We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. This is the second year we have been waiting for help. We decided to turn to you via the Internet for help. Contact me, ADDRESS FOR PACKAGES, 446012 Samara region, Syzran, Novosibirskaya str. 47, PACKAGE CAN BE SENT BY BUSINESS LINES, my data is full there, you can contact through social networks SERGEY IVANOVICH KRASNOV..... Always, being on the wave of success, you must do deeds of mercy... And if the Lord helps in difficult circumstances, then do not forget about gratitude afterwards. Then He will not forget about your needs.

Where can you drive a vehicle?

The basic rule for driving on the roadway is that drivers of mopeds and scooters must move on the far right side of the lane in a single file. Thus, you can ride a moped on the same roads as a car. Besides:

  • Riding a moped on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians;
  • Single-file traffic is allowed in the lane for cyclists (marked with special markings).

If there are several mopeds on the lane, then they must move one after another.

Where should vehicles be located on the roadway?

You can ride a scooter on the roadway, but only in the outermost row of the right lane. In populated areas it is also permissible to occupy the left lane. Motorcycles without a side trailer can travel in a row, occupying the right edge of the roadway.

If there is a lane for cyclists next to the roadway, then you need to move along it.

According to paragraph 24.4 of the traffic rules, a moped driver must give way to all vehicles if he is in a situation where he is moving on a bicycle path that intersects with an uncontrolled intersection.

Is it possible to transport children

Places for transporting passengers must be indicated in the registration certificate. If the availability of special seats is not documented, then passengers cannot be carried.

If there is no special seat for children (child seat) that meets the safety requirements for transporting children under 7 years of age, then they cannot be transported. Children over seven years old can be transported if there is a passenger seat provided for by the design of the vehicle. It is important to remember that all passengers, regardless of age, must have a helmet that is adjusted to fit.

IMPORTANT! You can carry children on a moped only if you have category M or A1, which is valid for at least two years (that is, the mopedist already has driving experience).

Stipulated fines for violations

Like all road users, mopedists are fined for violating the rules.

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  • for driving a moped without a license: a fine of 500 rubles if the driver simply forgot to take a license, but has category M; from 5 to 15 thousand rubles for those who do not have rights or are expired; 30 thousand for those who were deprived of a license;
  • driving on someone else's license is falsification of documents and for this you can be arrested for up to 6 months, or assigned correctional labor;
  • for the absence of an MTPL insurance policy or registration - 800 rubles;
  • driving while intoxicated entails a fine of 30 thousand, as well as deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 1.5 to 2 years;
  • for the absence of a helmet (or if it is not fastened, including for the passenger) - a fine of 1000 rubles. A helmet on a moped is like a seat belt on a car;
  • for exceeding the speed limit, violating maneuvering rules, etc. Moped drivers face the same fines as motorists.

A moped is a full-fledged vehicle, albeit with some operational features. Mopedists have both privileges (for example, in the form of permitted movement on the sidewalk) and restrictions. You should take scooter driving seriously and follow all traffic rules.

Innovations in legislation

In 2022, changes were made to the Federal Law on Road Safety. They also affected category M.

Before this, both adults and minors could ride mopeds and scooters with a small engine capacity. Since for this category of transport it was not necessary to undergo training, pass exams and obtain a permit. Many people took advantage of this, as a result of which people very often got on scooters while drunk.

In 2022, amendments were made to the Federal Law on road safety

Now you can ride a moped or scooter if you have a category M driver's license. The driver will have to undergo a medical examination, study at a driving school and pass an exam at the traffic police department. And when driving drunk, the offender will be punished under the same articles as car drivers. You also need to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy to drive.

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