What documents are needed for a moped (scooter) in 2022?

Before talking about documents, let’s clarify the very concept of “moped”. How is it different from a motorcycle?

The engine capacity of mopeds does not exceed 50 cm2 and the speed is low, only about 50 km/h. And although this vehicle has a motor, its maximum speed does not allow it to move in the same lane as cars, which is natural for a motorcycle. According to these characteristics, mopeds can be equated to bicycles (only with a motor).

Driving on country roads on such vehicles is not dangerous, and therefore almost everyone can ride a moped, even children can ride. 14-year-olds can often be seen on the highway, since according to the Traffic Rules, this type of transport, like a bicycle, can move on the right edge of the road.

Mopeds are quite cheap; until recently, no one considered the issue of documents and rights to mopeds. It was enough to have a proof of ownership and use it calmly. Now many things have changed; the owner of a scooter will have to have a driver’s license, and it is also planned to introduce license plates for this type of transport.


The subject of the contract is an integral part of any agreement. In our case, the subject will be the scooter itself.

At the same time, an important feature of compiling a section on the subject is a comprehensive description of the object being sold. The characteristic represents the presence of the following information:

  • scooter brand;
  • engine capacity;
  • VIN number;
  • engine number;
  • body number;
  • color;
  • vehicle passport;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • the type of fuel the vehicle is fueled with;
  • type of gearbox;
  • weight;
  • load;
  • tact.

In the text of the document, the above information is written as follows:

The Seller, for the amount of money agreed upon in this agreement, transfers into the ownership of the Buyer the following vehicle: Scooter brand Irbis Z50RS, engine capacity 50 cubic centimeters, VIN number – ХХХХХХХХ, engine number – ХХХХХХХ, body number – ХХХХХХХ, color – black, vehicle passport – ХХХХХХ issued on May 12, 2022, vehicle registration certificate series XXXXX number XXXXX issued on May 13, 2022, fuel type - gasoline, gearbox - CVT; weight – 97 kg, load – 123 kg, stroke – 4. The owner of the scooter is the Seller. The alienated vehicle does not belong to third parties by right of ownership, is not pledged or under arrest.

How to register a motor vehicle without documents?

In order to register a moped, scooter or scooter without documents, you need to collect all available documents (if any) - checks, sales agreements and the like, on the basis of which it will be clear to the authorities that this vehicle is yours. Vehicle without documents:

  1. Go to the local traffic police department with a coupon for the purchase of motor vehicles and a Russian passport. If the coupon is not in the name of the future owner or it is missing, it is better to check the exact information at the MREO at the place of registration (either you don’t need to do anything, or you need to write an additional application).
  2. At the plate reconciliation site, the necessary paperwork for reconciliation is filled out and all fees and forms are paid.
  3. A reconciliation is carried out, after which the workers themselves affix all the stamps and fill out the forms. This can be done at any site, similar to checking license plates for cars (for a fee).
  4. With the available documents, you need to go to the MREO at your place of registration and write a corresponding application for vehicle registration.

After registering a motor vehicle (motor scooters, scooters, mopeds) without documents, it cannot be deregistered for the next three years.

A driver's license is not required to register any vehicle.

It can be registered for any person over 18 years of age who has Russian citizenship and a passport of the Russian Federation. Read about the change of vehicle ownership here.

A license is only required when driving a vehicle.

Registration numbers are required for motorcycle vehicles (motor scooter, scooter, moped) with an engine power of more than 50 hp, if the moped, scooter, scooter is less than 50 hp. – no numbers needed.

How to pass the scooter license exam

Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to get a license for a scooter:

  • First, you should enroll in the driving school of your choice. The cost and duration of training depend directly on the chosen category. As a rule, studying for category A takes a couple of months. Receiving category M takes the same time. The average cost of training is not lower than the cost of training for category B or C. A license for a scooter will cost 7-12 thousand rubles only for theory, 16-26 thousand for theory and practice, 20-34 thousand for the full package, which includes theory, practice, medical commission, internal exam, registration for the exam at the traffic police. Attending classes only on weekends tends to be more expensive.

  • In parallel with the training, you must undergo a full medical examination and obtain a certificate of authorization to drive a vehicle. This certificate must be submitted to a driving school 2 weeks before the exam.
  • The most important thing is to pass the theoretical and practical test. Only successful passing of the exams will allow you to get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

Free car lawyer

Recently, more and more people prefer scooters as a means of transportation. And this is not surprising, since this transport is the most economical and mobile. At the same time, you can ride a scooter on any terrain, be it city roads or forest paths.

The pleasure of driving a scooter is indescribable, and anyone can drive it, since no effort is required. But it is worth remembering the traffic rules and knowing whether the vehicle needs a license for this vehicle. Contents: Almost all owners of mechanical vehicles ask this question, since in the past, licenses for mopeds and scooters were not needed.

But nowadays, due to the adoption of a new law, a fine is imposed for driving a scooter without a license.

What has changed in the legislation? The reform came into force in 2013. A category “M” appeared, which included:

  1. light ATVs.
  2. mopeds;
  3. scooters;

What rights are needed for a scooter are described in detail in this video: The law contains clarifications - category “M” includes mechanical means of transportation with the following characteristics:

  1. electric motor 0.25-4 kW power;
  2. speed up to 50 km/h.
  3. motor up to 50cc;

Important: even bicycles with an engine began to fall into this category.

With clarification, if the power characteristics are comparable to those of the scooter. Owners of scooters, ATVs and mopeds are required to take courses at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and obtain a driving license. It will not be possible to prepare for exams on your own - this item has been abolished.

TN VED and customs payments

Mopeds belong to the category of motorcycles. When issued to an individual, the payment is calculated in two ways:

  1. If the cost is less than 500 euros, add up: VAT 20% and customs duty of 30% of the cost. At the same time, mopeds are not subject to duty or excise tax.
  2. If the value is more than 500 euros, a combined fee will be charged.

Note! The recycling fee, which is required to be paid when clearing cars through customs, is not paid when cleaning mopeds.

For legal entities, import duties and VAT are calculated according to the classification code of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.

If a used moped is imported, an expert opinion from a representative of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry is required to determine its value.

Buying a scooter and documents

Many scooter riders (especially future ones) are interested in the question of what documents should appear in the process of purchasing and owning a scooter in Russia.
To fully clarify this issue, let us turn to Russian legislation. Let's consider three situations where, according to the presentation, documents might be needed.

Buying a scooter

The purchase and sale process is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Chapter 9 – “Transactions”. This chapter can be found in its entirety, for example, here.

In short, the Civil Code lists the following possible forms of transactions: oral, written and notarized. Transactions are always accompanied by a purchase and sale agreement, made orally or in writing. Transactions between legal entities and citizens are made in writing. Between ordinary citizens, an agreement can be concluded orally, but only if the transaction amount does not exceed 10 thousand rubles (Article 161 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

I would especially like to note that no other documents are required for transactions. That is, the law makes no mention of any coupons, certificates, or anything else.

Registration of scooters

According to the “Rules for registration of motor vehicles and their trailers with the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation”, paragraph I “General Provisions” (link), in the Russian Federation only “motor vehicles with a displacement of an internal combustion engine of more than 50 cubic meters are subject to registration” . cm or a maximum electric motor power of more than 4 kW, as well as a maximum design speed of more than 50 km/h.”

This means that scooters with an engine capacity of up to 50 cc. cm inclusive are not subject to registration. Accordingly, this technique is not accompanied by any documents.

Verification of documents

From April 1, 2014, owners of scooters (mopeds) are required to have and present to a traffic police officer a driver’s license to operate a vehicle. But nothing more.

Despite the fact that the scooter has an engine number and a frame number, this is not taken into account by law. Control of ownership of a scooter is also absent for the same reason - the law does not provide for any documents for a scooter.

If the engine is more than 50 cc. cm

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What is the price

The cost of obtaining a PTS is standard and fixed for all regions of the country. But this is only in the case when the owner of the motorcycle himself goes to the State Traffic Inspectorate and draws up a document there.

If you turn to a law firm (the services of which can also be provided through the traffic police, or can be separate, independent), or another organization, then the prices there will be 2-3 times higher, or even more:

When the sale of a motorcycle (or ATV) was carried out abroad, but for some reason its owner managed to cross the border without re-issuing a title, then in this case it will be quite expensive to make such a document.

The increase in the price for the service will depend on the customs duty, which the motorbike owner will be required to pay, as well as a fine for ignoring the requirements of Russian legislation.

The SZTU Letter No. 07-01-18/13732f from the year states that the customs duty will be 30% of the customs value of the motorcycle if it is intended for personal use.

Only after full payment will a copy of the customs declaration and registration certificate be issued. It is best to carry out such re-registration through a competent lawyer because independent registration will require you to personally go to customs and formalize everything there.

If the motorcycle was purchased without any documents at all, then the following are subject to registration: a registration certificate (STS or SOP), a vehicle passport (PTS), and insurance (OSAGO), a diagnostic card is made when the motor vehicle is used.

In this case, the purchase and sale agreement (hereinafter referred to as the PSA) must be correctly drawn up and certified, in addition to the main participants in the transaction, also by witnesses.

Each case has its own subtleties and nuances that affect the process of PTS restoration. Drivers should also know how to check the PTS for authenticity, or the vehicle itself to ensure that it is not on the wanted list.

The article about re-pledge of PTS under better conditions is described in the article: re-pledge of PTS.

About replacing PTS and STS when changing your last name through State Services, see the page.

Find out about the special mark in the PTS - welding seam and its interpretation from this information.

What are the dangers of riding a scooter without a license?

Taking into account the new rules, all owners of scooters, mopeds and small motorcycles must have a package of documents with them. It includes a driver's license, insurance and registration. If the rider does not have:

  • Right, then the driver will have to pay a fine of 510-595 UAH. In addition, his scooter will be confiscated to the impound lot. You can pick up equipment from the parking lot only after receiving a certificate.
  • Insurance policy, then the rider will need to pay 420 UAH.

It is worth noting that traffic police officers usually stop scooter riders due to minor violations. Usually this means riding without a helmet or violating the rules for small-capacity motorcycles. Yes, scooters and low-power mopeds have their own traffic rules. This means that drivers who bought a scooter without a license will sooner or later get caught for a minor violation.

Confusion with scooter driver's license

Federal legislation regarding traffic rules has introduced a new category for scooter drivers. According to this law, a driver who wishes to use this type of vehicle must obtain the appropriate category from the traffic police. But it is worth noting that the procedure for obtaining rights to category M is still at the development stage and leaves a number of questions open. Every year, changes are made to the traffic rules concerning this type of vehicle, and then again next year, clauses related to scooters are modified or completely removed.

According to the traffic rules (clause 1.2), a scooter is not a mechanical vehicle. Then it turns out that you can fearlessly drive this type of vehicle without a license. But even here there is a trick in the traffic rules. In the fines section it is noted that the fine for driving a 50 cc scooter without a license is 800 rubles.

Do you need rights?

In 2013, licenses for driving scooters and other small vehicles became available. The “M” category includes scooters, mopeds, and light ATVs. The legislation specifies that this category includes mechanical vehicles with the following characteristics: Even bicycles equipped with an engine are included in this category if its power corresponds to that of a scooter. Drivers of this equipment must report to the traffic police to take a training course and receive the appropriate document. Self-preparation of material for exams has been abolished. When checked by State Traffic Inspectorate employees, the driver is required to present either a license for a 50 cc scooter or a temporary permit to drive this vehicle. The law states that drivers with any other open category have the right to drive a vehicle of category “M”. That is, if you have a license to drive a category “B” or “A” vehicle, driving a moped is permitted.

What documents are needed to drive a scooter?

Do you need a license to drive a scooter?

Since 2013, licenses for driving other small vehicles have come into force. Thus, the “M” category includes scooters and mopeds, as well as light ATVs. The legislation specifies that this category includes mechanical vehicles with the following characteristics:

  • internal combustion engine with a volume of up to 50 cubic meters;

If a license for a scooter is required, then a license for registering mechanical vehicles with the ATS authorities is not required. A technical passport and technical inspection are also not required.

Penalties are imposed for:

To avoid getting fined for riding a scooter, you must adhere to the following:

  • move either along a bicycle track or along the edge of the roadway;

All about documents for a scooter: registration and rights - latest changes in scooters

A moped is a two-wheeled vehicle with an engine (the working volume should not exceed fifty cubic centimeters and the maximum speed is limited to 50 km/h).

That is why the requirements for moped drivers and bicycle drivers are largely the same, and are determined by the rules for road users.

And all this is done in order to operate with an engine capacity of more than 50ccm without registration and all the necessary documents - i.e.

Motorcycles and scooters

Currently, many lovers of light motor two-wheeled vehicles have the erroneous opinion that all scooters are mopeds. So, in order to understand what the error is, you must first find out what a “moped” is and which “scooters” belong to this category of vehicles.

The need to register mopeds (scooters) up to 50 cc with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate must be carried with you and, at the request of police officers, hand over to them for verification: - registration documents for this vehicle (except for mopeds), and if there is a trailer - also for the trailer (except for trailers for mopeds) .

In accordance with paragraph 1.2 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations:

Which scooters do not require a license - the procedure for obtaining a license

The legal framework regarding riding and mopeds is very variable. The federal law on the need to register category M licenses was introduced in November 2013. To obtain a license, you need to undergo training at a driving school and pass the appropriate exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

By law, a moped is considered to be a mechanical device that has the following characteristics: The maximum speed should not exceed 50 km/h. The volume of the internal combustion engine should not be more than 50 cubic meters.

In addition, an amendment to the traffic regulations was adopted, which stated: if mopeds and various scooters are recognized as official vehicles (clause 1.2 of the traffic regulations), then to drive them you must have a driver’s license (clause 2.1 of the traffic regulations):


Do you need a license for a scooter up to 50cc in 2022 in Russia?

Increasingly, mopeds and scooters are being used in Russia to travel on public roads. Many of those who use this type of transport have no idea about the legislative regulation of the right to drive a scooter.

You can often come across the question of whether you need a driver's license to drive a scooter up to 50cc in 2022. Our article will help you understand this issue. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 1993 No. 1090, a scooter is a mechanical vehicle. In this case, traffic rules oblige the person driving the scooter to have a driver’s license. This rule applies even if the scooter’s engine has a declared volume of less than 50 cubic meters and does not reach a speed above 50 km/h. Now you need to figure out what category of vehicle you can drive behind driving a scooter.

In 2014, new amendments to the Law “On Road Safety” were adopted. According to them, a new category for scooters has appeared.

What documents do you need to have with you when driving a scooter?

The list of documents required to operate a scooter also depends on its engine size. If the volume does not exceed 50 cm3, then the only document that will be needed is a category “M” license or any other driver’s category.

If the engine capacity exceeds 50 cm3, the list of documents required for the trip will expand significantly. Here's what the driver of such a scooter should have with him:

  • Driving license category "A1".
  • PTS with a note about the registration of the scooter.
  • Insurance policy
  • Vehicle inspection certificate.

The driver of a scooter with an engine capacity of more than 50 cm3 must have all these documents with him while driving. In the absence of these documents, any inspection by traffic police inspectors threatens with administrative punishment.

How to obtain documents for a scooter with a 50cc engine?

To register a scooter, you need to contact the traffic police at your place of residence. To register you will need:

  • Application for registration of a scooter. A sample application can be obtained from the traffic police.
  • Scooter owner's passport.
  • Vehicle Passport (PVC).
  • A document that confirms ownership of the scooter.

If you have these documents, registering a scooter does not take much time. After inspecting the scooter, the traffic police inspector will certify that the scooter’s numbers correspond to the numbers specified in the PTS. Next, you need to pay the state fee at Sberbank and receive a stamp from the PTS about registering the scooter.

Registration of a scooter brought from abroad

If a scooter with a 50 cc engine is purchased from a foreign manufacturer and imported through customs, it is natural that there is no title for it. To formalize it properly, you need a document that will confirm that the vehicle was imported into the country in compliance with customs clearance rules. This document is a cargo customs declaration (CCD). After receiving the customs declaration, the owner applies with a copy of this document to the traffic police at his place of residence, where he will be issued a PTS.

How to register a scooter for which there are no documents?

One of the frequent questions from novice scooter owners is: is it possible to buy a scooter if the previous owner does not have documents for it? This is especially true for teenagers who want to buy a cheaper scooter. They often find used examples that have already passed through the hands of several owners. In such cases, documents are often lost. Here is the procedure on how to recover lost documents for a scooter.

  • First of all, a purchase and sale agreement is drawn up with the owner. It is worth discussing with the owner the possibility of going to court in advance. If the owner refuses to go to court, then you should not buy such a device, since there is practically no possibility of making full-fledged documents for it.
  • Having your passport and purchase and sale agreement in hand, you need to contact the traffic police to obtain a PTS. They will almost certainly refuse registration, since there is no document confirming the ownership of the first owner. You must receive a written refusal with justification. This document will become the basis for going to court.
  • By filing a claim in court, the buyer and the previous owner must confirm the transaction, in addition, the previous owner must confirm that the moped is not stolen and was purchased legally. After this, the court may decide to restore the title of the moped.

To understand whether all this hassle is necessary, it is worth finding out the engine size of the scooter. You can find out only after measuring the volume of the cylinders with the appropriate tools at the traffic police. If the engine has a cylinder capacity of 50 cm3 or less, then the scooter is not subject to registration and a PTS is not issued for it.

Important! Today you can find many services online where they promise to help the owner of a scooter without documents obtain a title. However, this is a scam. If the scooter engine has a volume not exceeding 50 cm3, then a certificate issued at such a service will not be necessary. If the engine capacity is larger, the document for registering it is only the PTS, and any other certificate has no legal force.

Restoring PTS

How to restore the title of a motorcycle if you have nothing associated with you on it? The easiest way would be to go to the police and report the find. After writing an application, you will have to wait for six months. After which, in the absence of the owner, you will be issued a new PTS, in which you will become the owner.

If such methods do not suit you, then the question “is it possible to restore documents for a motorcycle?” becomes more difficult. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police registration window with a request to register the vehicle without documents, mentioning that you have owned it for a long time. Of course, you will immediately receive a refusal. Then you need to ask them for a written refusal to register. Then pay a fee of 200 rubles to the court. The application must indicate the cost of the vehicle. An appraisal commission for a fee of 2 to 3 thousand rubles will indicate the approximate cost of the motorcycle. And then the trial begins with a lot of problems.

The most successful scenario in court will be confirmation from the outside that you have owned the vehicle for 5 years or more. Then the court will be forced to recognize you as the owner, since the acquisition of a motorcycle for a long time is valid, unless, of course, no one except you declares ownership rights. This process takes from 1 to 3 months.

How much it costs to restore documents for a motorcycle is not as important as the process itself. However, in not the most successful scenarios, you can pay up to 5 thousand rubles for the opportunity to control an iron horse

True, if you have all the papers in your hands except the PTS, you will only have to pay a state fee of 200 rubles.

How to restore documents for a motorcycle is up to you, and yet, you should not choose complicated paths with a lot of paperwork. The easiest way is to submit a statement of discovery, because even if you, the owner, do not have documents confirming ownership, there will be no dispute about the owner, and you will receive a title without any problems in six months.

Never purchase a vehicle without documents. One day the owner will be able to claim ownership and you will simply be deprived of the purchase. Driving without documents also does not promise a favorable outcome, so be patient.

Losing documents is a common occurrence, so don’t panic. If you have any papers confirming ownership, restoring the title will not be difficult. Just don’t resort to the help of dubious companies that promise to solve your “complex” problem for a huge amount of money. The document restoration process does not require in-depth knowledge of the legal field, so feel free to take everything into your own hands, and very soon you will be enjoying the ride on your pet.

What you need to bring with you to ride a moped

Before talking about documents, let’s clarify the very concept of “moped”. How is it different from a motorcycle?

The engine capacity of mopeds does not exceed 50 cm2 and the speed is low, only about 50 km/h. And although this vehicle has a motor, its top speed does not allow it to move in the same lane as cars, which is natural for a motorcycle. According to these characteristics, mopeds can be equated to bicycles (only with a motor).

Driving on country roads on such vehicles is not dangerous, and therefore almost everyone can ride a moped, even children can ride. 14-year-olds can often be seen on the highway, since according to the Traffic Rules, this type of transport, like a bicycle, can move on the right edge of the road.

Mopeds are quite cheap; until recently, no one considered the issue of documents and rights to mopeds. It was enough to have a proof of ownership and use it calmly. Now many things have changed; the owner of a scooter will have to have a driver’s license, and it is also planned to introduce license plates for this type of transport.

Responsibility of the parties

This section is intended to indicate the circumstances in the event of which the Counterparties bear financial liability. In accordance with the principle of freedom of contract, which is enshrined in Russian legislation, the parties can indicate various circumstances. We will focus on the main formulations:

The parties bear financial liability in the event of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this agreement. The seller is responsible for shortcomings of the alienated object if they are discovered after signing the agreement. If these defects were agreed upon by the parties, the seller is not responsible.

Certification of a moped, scooter or scooter

Certification of a moped, scooter or scooter is required to prevent the import into Russia of motorcycle junk that poses a danger to human life and health. Customs authorities are entrusted with the responsibility not only to collect customs payments, but to monitor the quality of imported equipment. Sometimes the question arises: Is SBCTS necessary when importing a moped? Imported motor vehicles must comply with technical regulations TR CU 018/2011 “On the safety of wheeled vehicles”. To confirm compliance, you need to provide a Vehicle Design Safety Certificate (VSC) for used motorcycles or a Vehicle Type Approval (VTA) for a new one to customs. Based on these documents, a technical equipment passport (PTS) can be issued.

ALPHA moped operating manual

11/30/2015 1. Technical characteristics Moped base 1175 mm Length 1800 mm Width, without mirrors / with mirrors 750 / 760 mm Height, without mirrors / with mirrors 1030 / 1230 mm Ground clearance 80 mm Weight (dry) 88 kg Maximum load 120 kg Maximum speed 70 km/h Fuel consumption highway/city 1.4/1.8 l Engine 4-stroke, single-cylinder Cylinder displacement 49.5 cm3 Piston diameter and stroke 39x40.2 mm Power 3.5 / 7500 hp /kW Starting system electric and kick starter Lubrication system oil pump Ignition system contactless, capacitor Fuel gasoline with an octane rating of at least 90 Oil SAE15W/40 Drive type mechanical, with four-speed gearbox Manual clutch Front suspension telescopic fork Rear suspension pendulum fork with two shock absorbers Tire size front/rear 2.50-17/2.75-17 Brakes front/rear drum/drum Battery 12 N4-3B, cap.

4 Ah Flywheel generator, alternating current Fuse 10 A Spark plug LDA 7RTC (NGK C7HSA or NGK CR7HSA) Gas tank 5 l 2.

Controls and instruments 1 - front wheel brake lever, 2 - left steering wheel switch block, 3 - right steering wheel switch block, 4 - speedometer, 5 - headlight high beam indicator lamp, 6 - throttle control handle, 7 - neutral gear indicator lamp , 8 – turn signal indicator lamp, 9 – rear view mirrors, 10 – gas tank cap, 11 – clutch lever. Clutch lever (Fig. 4, item 11)

Changes in traffic rules

On the roads within the city today you can find a plentiful flow of these small vehicles. Due to the fact that scooters began to increasingly attract underage drivers, and cases where young people on them openly interfered with the movement of other vehicles became more frequent, appropriate changes were introduced to the traffic rules. Thus, a new category of driver’s license has appeared - M. It gives the right to drive mopeds, light ATVs and, accordingly, scooters whose engine power is more than 0.26 kW or 50 cubic meters. For a clear understanding of this requirement, the traffic rules also contain a footnote explaining what is considered an engine. It is a mechanical device that converts fuel or electronic energy into mechanical energy. It is the motor that powers the vehicle itself.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation and traffic rules, all vehicles with the following characteristics are included in the new category M:

  • internal combustion engine with a volume of more than fifty cubic meters;
  • an electric motor that develops power from 0.26 to 4 kW;
  • Vehicles whose maximum speed does not exceed 60 km/h.

Even bicycles equipped with an engine can fall under this category, but, of course, only if the power of such a vehicle and other characteristics are close to those of a scooter.

Restoring documents for a motorcycle

If the documents for the bike are stolen, lost or destroyed, they must be restored. To do this, State Traffic Inspectorate employees must provide the following documents:

  1. Passport of a Russian citizen.
  2. A document confirming ownership of the motorcycle.
  3. Technical certificate.
  4. A certificate from the police department confirming the initiation of a criminal case regarding the theft of documents (or refusal to initiate a case).
  5. OSAGO policy.
  6. Registration license plates.
  7. A receipt confirming payment of the state duty.

Documents for maintenance and compulsory motor liability insurance

After purchasing, the first thing you need to do is undergo a technical inspection and register your new motorcycle. The procedure itself will be discussed below, but first we will list two packages of papers for carrying out the mandatory registration actions. For maintenance you will need:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • with marked category A;
  • , if you do not perform the actions yourself;
  • Motorcycle documents received from the old owner. Documents issued by the salon after the sale;
  • Receipt for payment for the inspection.

To transport a motorcycle from the showroom, if it was purchased new, you must use the services of a transport company or tow truck. Otherwise, a fine may be imposed for driving without documents and appropriate permits. At the site, specialists will make sure that the brake system is in good working order, the turn signals are turned on, and the vehicle is controllable.

The cost of an inspection ranges around 200-300 rubles. Those who have earned the status of Hero of Russia and the USSR, pensioners and disabled people who have received the Order of Glory are exempt from payment.

After the technical inspection, you need to issue an MTPL insurance policy. You have up to 5 days to receive the policy after becoming an owner. To do this, take with you:

  • The above paper and documents for the motorcycle;
  • Obtained conclusion from a technical specialist.

From the point of view of the traffic police

Traffic police officers have every right to refuse to register your motorcycle.

They are guided by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 399 “On approval of the rules for state registration of motor vehicles.” Paragraph 3 of these rules lists the grounds on which registration can be refused. One of these grounds is the presence of information about the termination of the activities of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur acting as the owner of the motorcycle.

Another document is Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 605 “On approval of the administrative regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of state services for registration of motor vehicles.” It contains a comprehensive list of documents required for registration of motor vehicles. Among them is a purchase and sale agreement. Without it, you will not be able to register your motorcycle.

Where is registration carried out?

What documents are needed to ride a scooter? It is impossible to give a clear answer to this question. This is due to the fact that everything depends on the need to register vehicles with the authorized bodies. Documents for a 50cc moped include a passport, as well as a driver’s license.

Let's assume that a person must register a scooter or moped. Then he will need to submit an application in the prescribed form to one of the following services:

  • traffic police;
  • MREO;
  • local branch of the State Traffic Inspectorate;
  • multifunctional center (including its mobile version).

It is also possible to submit applications for registration actions via the Internet. To do this, you need to use the official website “GosGosGosGosRegistration of Vehicles”.

  • Choose a service that meets the citizen’s needs.
  • Fill out the application electronically, following the prompts on the screen.
  • Select the place, time and date of the upcoming visit to the authorized body.
  • Submit a generated request for processing.
  • Contribute money to the state treasury towards the fee for vehicle registration and execution of related papers.
  • At this stage, active actions end. The citizen will be invited to the traffic police for a technical inspection, as well as to issue the necessary documents for the scooter.

    What to do if you don’t have any documents for your moped?

    If the documents for the moped were lost, then, in fact, there is nothing wrong with that. Problems can only arise if the previous owner of the moped files a report of theft. If he still has the receipts, and the new owner does not have a purchase and sale agreement, then the legal process may drag on for a long time until the buyer proves that the transaction was completed. In other cases, documents for a moped are not required. However, it is worth storing them in any case, since it is unknown what innovations will be introduced into legislation in the future.

    Preparation of documents when purchasing a used scooter

    Since there is no need to prepare documents for a 50cc scooter, and in principle it is impossible to do this, then, on the one hand, it makes no sense to consider this topic. But if you think logically and listen to the advice of scooter drivers, you can understand that it’s still worth drawing up at least a purchase and sale agreement. Because the traffic police officer will want to see at least some documents for the scooter.

    This is necessary in order to prove that you did not steal the moped from the previous owner, but actually bought it for money, because he could have retained any receipts or other documents confirming the purchase, with which he can apply and write a statement of theft property. With an agreement, everything will go much smoother and you won’t have to be afraid of falling into the hands of scammers.

    In this case, a sample vehicle purchase and sale agreement can be considered a sample document for a scooter up to 50cc. But it is worth considering that the title for a moped up to 50 cubic meters simply does not exist and you should not demand it from the previous owner or seller.

    But in the case of a different type of scooter, you should look for an option only with documents, otherwise it will be impossible to legally move on such a vehicle. The registration process is simple:

    1. The owner deregisters the vehicle.
    2. A sales contract is drawn up and the price is paid.
    3. The new owner is registering the property.

    However, the procedure is familiar to many, because it is identical to the procedure for selling a car or any other vehicle, and is also quite simple.

    Customs clearance: procedure and features

    ATTENTION! We work only with legal entities.

    The customs clearance process is carried out in accordance with the established algorithm:

    1. First of all, the declarant, if it is a legal entity, must register as a participant in foreign trade activities, register the cargo and present to customs officers a set of documents necessary for customs clearance. It is important that all information in the documents is reliable and checked for errors and inconsistencies. Otherwise, sanctions in the form of administrative liability or confiscation of the moped/mopeds are possible.
    2. Next, the classification code is determined according to the foreign economic activity product nomenclature. This is one of the most important stages, because customs payments are calculated based on the code: duties and VAT. The amount of duty on goods under different codes may vary dramatically. Duty and VAT are calculated based on the customs value, the amount of which is indicated in the declaration. Having discovered an understatement of customs value, the inspector has the right to bring the declarant to administrative responsibility, request additional documents or confiscate the cargo.
    3. Having made the necessary calculations, you must pay duties and taxes before starting the customs clearance procedure.
    4. Then the inspector checks the documents and proceeds to customs inspection of the cargo and vehicle.
    5. If the cargo meets the requirements and documents, it is released from customs.

    The sequence of customs clearance actions must be strictly followed.

    Motor vehicles belong to category L, therefore certification of mopeds is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the TR CU of the Russian Federation. In addition, federal laws and other legal acts are taken into account.

    Package of documents

    The composition of the package of documents depends on the subject of customs clearance. If he is an individual, then for customs clearance it is enough to submit:

    • invoice;
    • checks.

    If customs clearance is performed by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, the following is required:

    • certificate of registration of a foreign trade participant;
    • supply contract;
    • invoice or invoice;
    • extract from the tax service;
    • waybills;
    • receipts confirming the cost and fact of purchase of the moped;
    • safety certificate;
    • certificate of conformity;
    • permission from the copyright holder of the trademark (only for those trademarks that are included in the Register of Intellectual Property Objects of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation.

    Other documents may be added to the list. It is recommended to clarify the list of required papers in advance before customs clearance.

    Motorcycle without title from abroad

    Many people are interested in what documents may be needed when buying a motorcycle abroad. If we are talking about purchasing a vehicle in a showroom, even transit type numbers are not required. If the bike is purchased secondhand, they will be required.

    A buyer of a vehicle abroad must provide the MREO STSI with the same documents for the motorcycle as for a transaction on Russian territory, plus documents from customs and a certificate-invoice.

    If the purpose of purchasing a vehicle abroad is personal use, it is best to wait until the certificate is issued and a license plate is received. If the purpose of the acquisition is resale, it will be possible to deregister the motorcycle only after the traffic police receives a positive response from customs officers to a request about the legality of its acquisition.

    Do you need a license for an electric scooter in 2022?

    » International law The number and variety of vehicles in Russia is growing exponentially. In large Russian cities, including the resorts of Sochi and Gelendzhik, in 2021 you can even find special paths designed for such equipment.

    And mono-wheels and other wonders of motor vehicles are already racing along these paths with might and main. Yes, today it has become fashionable to travel on all kinds of electric scooters and pit bikes. Traditional equipment: motorcycles, scooters, mopeds also do not lose their popularity and in 2021 they are found en masse in Russian cities.

    But not all Russians know which of the listed vehicles require a driver’s license, and vice versa - what citizens can safely drive without a license without fear of getting fined.

    In this article, we will look at all of the five listed equipment and find out whether rights are needed in 2022 for each specific type listed above.

    Responsibility for driving a scooter without documents

    First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the driver of a scooter with an engine capacity of 50 cm3, when checked by a traffic police officer, only needs to present an “M” category license. Inspectors have no right to demand either a sales contract or other documents. But driving such a scooter without a license is an offence. Responsibility for it is a fine of 5 to 15 thousand. If the moped driver is under 14 years of age, the fine is imposed on the parents or guardians. The scooter is confiscated and taken to the impound lot. Only a person who has a driver's license can pick it up.

    The rules equate a scooter with an engine capacity of more than 50 cm3 to a motorcycle, and therefore greater responsibility is placed on the driver. The fine for driving such a scooter without a license is also 5-15 thousand. Instead of a fine, administrative arrest for 15 days may be applied. In case of repeated violation, the fine can reach 30 thousand. The owner of a scooter who entrusts control to a person who does not have a driver’s license may also be punished.

    You can learn more about how to obtain documents for a scooter with an engine capacity of over 50cc from this video:

    Are documents needed at all?

    Until 2013, according to Russian laws, a license was not required to drive a vehicle whose engine has a cylinder capacity of less than 50 cm3. However, in 2013, changes were made to the traffic rules. According to the new rules, the driver of any vehicle (from a moped to a car) is required to obtain a license. But even today, not everyone (especially teenage drivers) knows what documents for a scooter look like.

    To drive mopeds and scooters with an engine capacity of 50 cm3, a license of category “M” or any other driving category (for example, “B”, “C” or others) is sufficient. But vehicles with a large volume of “heart” must be officially registered and registered by filling out a vehicle passport (

    ). In addition, they require an A1 license.

    Thus, first of all, you need to know the model of the scooter you own. The easiest way to find out the model and engine size is to look at the purchase and sale agreement issued by the dealership or title of the scooter.

    You can find out more information about what documents are needed to register a motorcycle from this article.

    Procedure for obtaining rights:

    1. Obtain a medical report;

    2. Selecting a driving school with the highest exam success rate;

    3. Completion of a specialized training program;

    4. Passing the school’s internal exam.

    After a positive result, access to the traffic police exam will be provided. Successful completion of the theoretical and practical exam. The theory test takes place in a computerized classroom. The computer automatically selects a ticket containing twenty questions. If you answer at least eighteen questions correctly, the exam is passed successfully. The practical exam is conducted at a specialized site.

    After successful completion of theory and practice, a protocol is issued, which is the basis for issuing rights.

    Is there a fine for not having a moped driver's license?

    The punishment for not having a driver's license for moped drivers is no less severe than for motorists. For driving a scooter without a license, a fine ranges from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles. If a disenfranchised driver drives a scooter that is not his own, then the owner of the vehicle who handed over control to him may also be punished. For the owner, the fine is even higher - 30,000 rubles. These punishments are imposed on the basis of Art. 12.7 Code of Administrative Offences.

    If the mopedist passed the exam at the traffic police and has a license, but did not take the certificate with him, then the punishment will be much milder: a warning or a fine of 500 rubles. (Article 12.3 of the Administrative Code).


    Cost of obtaining rights

    The final cost of obtaining rights is on average about 13 thousand rubles. The price varies depending on the chosen medical institution, driving school and region of residence.

    If the scooter has an engine capacity of less than 50 cm3, then registration with the traffic police is not required.

    If the engine volume exceeds 50 cm3, the following is required:

    1. Register the scooter with the traffic police;

    2. Opening of “A” category;

    3. Have an agreement to purchase a scooter.

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