Do you need a license for a moped and if so, at what age and how to get it?

At what age can you get a license for category M?

By law, the age must be 16 years, and you must pass a medical examination. In what cases are you not allowed to take exams for category M:

  1. If vision is below 0.6. or less than a month, eye surgery was performed.
  2. Vestibular functions are impaired.
  3. There is immobility of the interphalangeal space.

Do you need a license for a moped in the Carpathians?

Now any self-propelled ground vehicle requires licenses and documents, unless it is a bicycle.


Almost all Carpathian models had the same dimensions, weight and other technical characteristics. Therefore, this information will be presented in the form of a list:

  • moped dimensions (DShV) in millimeters – 18207201100;
  • maximum load – no more than 100 kg;
  • the maximum speed that he could reach when accelerating in a straight line was 50 km/h;
  • tire sizes – 2.75-16;
  • engine type: carburetor, air cooling;
  • volume - 49 cubic centimeters;
  • fuel consumption – 2 liters per 100 km;
  • engine power – 1.5 hp;
  • moped weight – 55 kg.

The production period of the Karpaty moped begins in 1981 and ends in 1992. The line was finally discontinued in 1997. Among his competitors, he took first place. There was no better car in the country than the Karpaty with an engine capacity of up to fifty cubic meters. He was a legend of the USSR.

In the early nineties, a new engine was designed with a reed valve on the intake. However, they did not have time to install it on the Karpaty. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a decline in demand for mopeds. The Lvov Motorcycle Plant died along with the collapse of the country. There were attempts by small firms to revive the production of these mopeds, but they failed, and the demand has already gone to completely different models and brands of mopeds.

Which mopeds do not require a license?

Since any moped is a mechanical vehicle, if you do not have a license for any category, you will have to obtain category M to avoid a fine.

Do I need to get a license to drive a moped? Now this is a must!

Mopeds and scooters began to appear on Russian roads relatively recently. This could not but raise many questions about the rules for driving such vehicles. One of the most common and logical questions is whether a moped license this year.

Some time ago, to drive this vehicle, taking courses and having the appropriate documents was optional. At one time, the moped was not considered a mechanical transport device, which was a clear reason for the increase in accidents on the roads. Therefore, a law was passed prohibiting driving a moped without obtaining the necessary license.

How to get a license for a moped? Main provisions

The federal law, issued 5 years ago, defined clear provisions for the ability to drive a moped. Subsequently, they were included in the set of rules for issuing rights, given below.

  • To operate a moped, registration and training in appropriate courses is expected; solely personal preparation for passing the tests will not be suitable;
  • exit to the test, consisting of theoretical material and a practical part. Tests are carried out and maneuvers are carried out on the race track to demonstrate acquired skills and abilities;
  • successfully obtaining a license of category M, which must then constantly accompany its owner during movement. This rule is no less strict than passing for a certificate. If it is impossible to present the required document to the inspector, you can pay a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

Under recent requirements, to own a moped , up from the previous limit of 14 years of age.

Why did legislators decide to open category M? Three main reasons

The mentioned innovations did not bring inspiration to lovers of “elegant” mopeds. Residents of the suburbs, where such driving is really popular, were especially upset. But such a decision cannot be called unreasonable, because:

  1. The number of accidents involving mopeds has increased significantly, often resulting in serious injuries and injuries;
  2. Traffic rules were not observed, and, at times, everyone was not aware of their correct wording. Moped drivers could simply drive without the necessary signals and speed limits, putting themselves and other road users at risk;
  3. Lack of insurance in the past, which is now possible. It is easier for the current moped driver to protect himself from troubles after signing an insurance contract.

But there is also good news! If you have other rights, for example, a motorcycle or a car, the described courses do not require attendance. The main thing is to remember to constantly carry the treasured paper.

Which moped does not require a license? There are options!

A license for a category M moped is not necessary for any vehicle of the corresponding group. And this depends on the power of the engine, which will be discussed in more detail below.

Do I need a license for a Karpaty moped and a vehicle with an engine capacity of up to 50 cubic meters? The answer is yes

A moped with an engine capacity of less than 50 cubic meters could previously be available for riding by any driver without checks and knowledge of the rules. Now it just requires category M and the ability to drive from 16 years old. And despite the absence of mandatory registration of this option with the traffic police and registration of compulsory motor liability insurance, it is recommended to do this. Otherwise, no one will cover the costs of potential vehicle repairs.

Mopeds with an engine capacity of 50-125 cubic meters: a new category!

With a stronger indicator of motor volume, the M-category certificate will no longer be quoted. After all, such models gravitate towards light motorcycles, which means they already need category A, or subcategory A1. If it is available, it is not prohibited to drive a scooter with a 125 cc engine. It is also prohibited to travel here without a fastened motorcycle helmet.

Mopeds with an engine capacity above 125cc: this is definitely A!

This option requires having a category A license, since such a moped is already equivalent to a high-power motorcycle. To possess the appropriate document, it is also important to be at least 18 years old, carry out a technical inspection from an operator with the appropriate license, register with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate with a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, and always wear a motorcycle helmet when leaving.

It is important to know that open category B cannot give the right to drive powerful mopeds. This is not the option.

Which vehicles do not require a license? The answer is below

And yet there are exceptions to the described rule - mopeds for motocross. They are used to maintain athletic dexterity in confined spaces, but not on the road.

Also, a moped license will not be needed if you ride a bicycle with a motor power of up to 250 W. All other options with a more powerful engine require training for the M category.

If you need a moped license: how long to study and how to pass the exam? Expert advice

First of all, to obtain the coveted license for the vehicle described, you need to choose a school. As a rule, you will have to study there for about two months, and after graduation you will have to pass an internal exam followed by an exam at the traffic police. This procedure is as follows:

In the theoretical part, you should answer two dozen questions with room for error only twice. Free online exam practice will be a good help here;

The history of the moped

The manufacturer of this small vehicle was the Ukrainian motorcycle plant in Lviv. The prototype of the moped was the Verkhovyna mokik series. In 1981, the plant produced the first modification of this vehicle called “Karpaty 1”. Three years later, the next series of mokiks of this brand are launched into production - “Karpaty 2”. This series has already been modified and improved compared to the first release.

An analogue of this moped is “Delta”, which was produced at the Riga Motor Plant. In 1988, the Lvov plant produced about 120 thousand copies, and the following year this number exceeded 140 thousand. Such a large number of Soviet-made Karpaty mopeds were produced because they sold out well. Such a mokik at that time cost about two hundred and fifty rubles. The cost depended on the modification of the vehicle.

Often it was brought into the apartment like a bicycle for storage. Since purchasing a garage for the sake of one small moped was expensive.

The history of the Karpaty moped includes 4 types of modernization through which it went through. Each model was refined and represented an improved version of the previous one.

  1. Carpathians 1. The first mokik model. Produced from 1981 to 1986.
  2. Carpathians 2. The mokika modification that replaced the first was an improved model, equipped with a rear light. If the first model was equipped with Sh-58, S - 62 engines, then this one was equipped with V 50. They had a manual gear selector. And the V-501 engines, which began to be installed later, had a foot-type gear shift. This model is intended for pleasure trips and transportation of cargo weighing 15 kilograms.
  3. Carpathians 2 Lux. The modification was equipped with a reinforced trunk. Equipped with direction indicators.
  4. Carpathians 2 Sports. This mokika model looked sporty. The exhaust pipe is equipped with a protective casing. The steering wheel had an additional jumper, as on all sports mopeds. The manufacturer painted the vehicles in green, orange, and cherry colors.

On the second model of the Carpathians, produced from 1986 to 1997, one large and one small headlight were installed. And the wings were painted the same color as the frame.

Do I need to get a license to drive a moped?

Do you need a license for a moped? Yes, you do.

Until recently, in order to ride a moped, you did not have to take courses or obtain a driver’s license (VL). This led to an increase in accident rates due to the inattention of drivers of such vehicles by almost 50%. The law did not stand aside and prohibited those who have not undergone special training and do not have a license to drive a moped from driving.

How to get a license for a moped?

The Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety,” which was issued on November 5, 2013, introduced category M for drivers of mopeds and light quadricycles. A year later, this requirement was included in the Rules for issuing driver’s licenses dated October 24, 2014. Thus, now to drive a moped or low-power scooter, you need:

  • complete courses in driving a mechanical vehicle (moped, quadricycle) . Passing exams is possible only after completing professional training; preparing on your own is prohibited;
  • pass theoretical and practical exams at the traffic police. In order to drive small-capacity vehicles, you need to pass tests and perform several exercises on the race track, demonstrating your knowledge, skills and dexterity;
  • obtain a driving license of category M - the right to drive mopeds and light quadricycles. Clause 2.1.1 of the traffic rules stipulates that the driver of a motor vehicle must have a license of the appropriate category. Since on April 8, 2014, changes were made to paragraph 1.2 of the traffic rules: a moped with an engine with a capacity of up to 50 cubic meters was classified as a mechanical vehicle, and now it is prohibited to travel on it without a license.

Previously, you could see a mopedist who had just turned 14 years old. However, according to the new rules, you cannot drive such a vehicle if you are under 16 years old - category M can only be covered from this age.

Rights with category M

Riding a simple moped without a license is the same violation as driving a car without a license. If you do not present your ID to the inspector, be prepared to pay a fine of 5,000 to 15,000 rubles in accordance with Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Why did legislators decide to open category M?

Of course, few people were pleased with such innovations. The moped is nimble and compact, it’s convenient to move around areas loaded with traffic and, moreover, you don’t have to waste time standing idle in traffic jams. The new rules have especially upset residents of the suburbs, where a moped is an indispensable means of transportation.

However, let's try to understand what prompted this decision. The main reasons for opening category M:

  • accident rates have increased in recent years . The number of accidents caused by mopedists has increased significantly. Most often, a teenager driving a moped receives serious injuries and injuries: when hitting an obstacle, the driver falls on his back and injures his spine, and in a collision he flies out of the vehicle and hits his head;
  • non-compliance and ignorance of traffic rules . Most young (and even adult!) mopedists do not bother studying the theoretical part - they just get behind the wheel and drive without indicating a turn or warning about stopping. Considering that modern small-capacity mopeds are capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 km/h, ignorance of the rules puts all road users at risk;
  • lack of insurance . Although the Federal Law “On Compulsory Vehicle Insurance” does not oblige the owner of a moped to take out an insurance policy, this can now be done. Before this, companies had not developed insurance programs for motorcycles and bicycles. Now you, as the driver of a small vehicle, can protect yourself from losses by signing an insurance contract.

Good to know! If you have a driving license that allows you to drive a car or motorcycle, there is no need to complete a moped driving course. You can drive it with an existing driver's license. Most importantly, don’t forget to take it with you!

If you need a moped license: how long to study and how to pass the exam?

If in the near future you want to buy a moped, then to get a license, you will have to work no less than a car driver. First, you need to choose a driving school. The training will last approximately 1.5 – 2 months.

Upon completion, you will need to pass an internal exam at a driving school, as well as theory and practice at the traffic police. How does this happen:

  1. Passing the theoretical part . According to clause II paragraph. 12 Rules for conducting exams and issuing driving licenses; at the traffic police you will need to answer 20 questions. You can only make a mistake twice. The theory is passed in the same way as an exam at a driving school. You can try your hand at home - you can practice passing the test using the special program “Traffic Rules Examination Tickets for Categories A,B,M,C,D,” which is downloaded absolutely free.
  2. Passing the practical part . Practice is given at the race track according to the same rules as for motorcyclists. You must show that your maneuverability and reaction are at a sufficient level and that you feel confident behind the wheel of the vehicle. According to clause II paragraph. 13 Rules, for this you will have to perform several exercises:
  • 1st lap – clearance corridor and semicircle, acceleration and braking. At the beginning of the distance, you need to drive between the cones, then turn left, accelerate and slow down until you come to a complete stop at the stop sign. The main thing here is not to forget to indicate with your hands the left turn and stop, and switch to neutral gear after completing the exercise;
  • 2nd circle – snake, rutted board and movement in a straight line at low speed . The driver maneuvers between the cones before turning, performing a snake. Then he turns and rides on the board, covering the distance so that both wheels remain on it. Next, you need to finish the exercise by driving at low speed to the stop sign. Here, too, it is important to indicate turns and warn about stopping;
  • 3rd circle – overall figure eight. The driver enters and exits the course between two circles that form a figure eight. The main thing here is to drive in a circle so as not to hit the cones.

At what age do you get a moped license?

As mentioned above, to obtain a license for category M, you must be 16 years old. But in order to drive a vehicle with the power of a motorcycle (above 125 cubic meters), you will have to wait until you turn 18 - before that it is prohibited to drive such a moped. These rules are regulated by Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”.

However, you can train outside city roads even earlier. Especially when you consider that some driving schools offer to take only a theoretical course, and driving, as they say, can be done as you wish. Therefore, if you purchased a small-sized two-wheeled vehicle before your 16th birthday, you can and should learn at least some basics with the help of an experienced driver.

How much does a moped license cost?

Driving school training for the new M category costs only slightly less than for B category. Driver training centers will offer you several packages of services. Let's look at what driving schools offer:

  • 7,000 – 15,000 rubles – the cost of a 16-hour theoretical training course, which lasts no more than 2 months. This program does not provide practical training, so it is best suited for experienced mopedists who want to obtain a license in connection with the entry into force of the new rules. If you are a resident of Moscow, then the cost of the theory for you will be no less than 18,000 rubles;
  • 18,000-25,000 rubles – price for theory including driving. This includes 18 hours of driving and 16 hours of theory. The amount varies depending on whether the student is charged a fuel surcharge. In addition, if you study on a personal vehicle, the price decreases;
  • 22,000-34,000 rubles – all-inclusive package. In 2.5 months you will master driving and traffic rules, and will also receive full support: obtaining a medical certificate, registering with the traffic police to take the exam, providing a vehicle and a helmet from the driving school.

As you can see, the price for driving courses for category M is practically no different from the cost of training for a car driver. So here it’s up to you to decide what to choose, because with category B you can drive a moped with a power of up to 125 cubic meters.

Summing up

Let us dwell on the main points of this article to consolidate what we have read:

  • For all mopeds you need to get a license - take a training course at a driving school, and then pass a theoretical and practical exam at the traffic police;
  • The category needs to be opened depending on the power of the vehicle . Here are the licenses you can use to ride a moped: up to 50 cubic meters - category M, from 50 to 125 cubic meters - subcategory A1, from 125 cubic meters - category A;
  • to register a vehicle with the traffic police and obtain a compulsory motor liability insurance policy if the engine power does not exceed 125 cubic meters;
  • Before leaving, you must wear a motorcycle helmet , especially for vehicles with an engine capacity of 50 cubic meters or more;
  • the cost of training to become a moped driver varies from 7,000 to 34,000 rubles - it all depends on what package of driving school services you choose;
  • You can only drive a moped from the age of 16 .

I recommend watching a video in which a newly minted mopedist describes the procedure for passing the exam at the MREO of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and tells how to obtain a category M license:

In conclusion, I want to say that you should not perceive the innovations that have come into force negatively. Look at it from the other side: your children will behave more carefully and cautiously on the roads, because after the exam they will know the traffic rules and be able to confidently move around on a moped.

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What documents are needed to obtain a license for a moped?

If you do not want to pay a driving school to accompany you during the test and are going to take it yourself, to obtain a license you will need the following documents:

  • application for obtaining rights of category M. Personal data is entered in it, the reason for the application is indicated and the attached documents are listed;
  • civil passport or other document confirming the identity of the future driver;
  • medical certificate confirming the absence of contraindications to driving a vehicle;
  • certificate of completion of driving courses;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

To get your license, you can register on the government services portal, choose a convenient time to visit the traffic police department and pay the state fee at a discount. According to paragraph I paragraph. 2 of the Rules, documents for obtaining a temporary residence permit can now be submitted at any MFC. In addition, the fee can be paid at the post office, at the cash desk, at the Sberbank terminal or on the Sberbank online resource.

Spare parts for mopeds "Riga-11"

Consumable parts for the equipment in question are now quite problematic to find. This applies to original spare parts. It is possible to select or order analogue variations, since they are simple and unpretentious.

During the serial production of the moped, spare parts were available in sufficient quantities. Many users independently rebuilt the engine and other components, trying to improve or repair them. This is quite within the capabilities of a person who has minimal knowledge about the structure of two-wheeled units.

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