Do you need a traffic police license for the Ant scooter, what category does it belong to?

Quad o cycles, quad and cycles and tricycles. What are the differences?

Surely, you are already familiar with such a vehicle as an ATV .
It turns out that a regular driver's license is not suitable for driving it. And you will find out which ones are suitable below. We'll also talk about the different types of ATVs and even mention snowmobiles. But we will start our excursion with a new category of vehicles “B1” - tricycles and quadricycles. These names, unlike “ATVs,” are not yet familiar to us and it is extremely difficult to find such vehicles on Russian roads.

In fact, many people believe that category “B1” allows you to drive a car with an automatic transmission. But no, this is a completely new category of transport, until recently unknown to us. Although, of course, everything is relative. It’s just that previously existing similar transport was classified in other categories.

What category of rights is needed to drive a quadricycle and tricycle?

On November 5, 2013, a new category “B1”* appeared on driver’s licenses - tricycles and quadricycles.

We also remind you that the subcategory “B1” is entered automatically when exchanging old-style rights with the open category “B”. In other cases, for category “B1” you will have to study and take an additional exam.

This is of course all true, but there are some important nuances in determining the category of driver’s license required to drive such vehicles. Let's try to figure it out.

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The certificate must indicate that you are allowed to drive vehicles, self-propelled machines and other equipment. After this, the future all-terrain vehicle driver must undergo appropriate theoretical training. Healthy! To obtain a license of category A1, self-training is also allowed. You will also need to prepare the following package of documents:

  • identification document;
  • application for passing the exam;
  • a certificate from a medical institution;
  • a document confirming that training has been completed (required only for quadricycles);
  • tractor driver's license (if one was ever issued);
  • photograph (3x4 cm);
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

After submitting the documents, all papers will be reviewed and you will be informed about the time, place and date of the exam.

The ant scooter refers to motorcycles a, or tricycles b1

Quads and cycles are four-wheeled motor vehicles (tricycles - three-wheeled), intended for use on public roads and subject to registration with the traffic police in the general manner.

Unlike category B, a driving license for this type of vehicle can be obtained not through the traffic police, but through state technical supervision. The procedure itself is similar to that adopted by the traffic police. It is necessary to pass both theoretical and practical parts. The list of theoretical tickets is approved in accordance with the established procedure by the Ministry of Agriculture. No earlier than seven days after failing the theory, a repeat test will be scheduled. If you fail the internship three times in a row, you must undergo additional training. The practical part of obtaining this document requires passing an exam at the race track and in the city. If you drive this vehicle without a license, you can run into a fine of 5 thousand-15 thousand rubles.

Many who want to buy an ATV or have already bought it have wondered whether they need a license for this equipment. After all, there are four wheels, an engine and all the other signs of a vehicle. Therefore, it is logical to assume that rights are still needed. That’s right, in order to move on public roads you definitely need a license and not only a license, as well as some documents. We will tell you how and where to get a license for an ATV later in the article. Sometimes you can find cars with 3 wheels that sellers advertise as quadricycles. This is not true. Quadricycles must comply with the requirements of GOST R 51815-2001.

In other words, the category of tractor driver is suitable if it is already on your driver’s license. If not, then you will have to go to Gostekhnadzor - it is this state body that issues the permit. To do this, you must pass an exam confirming the theoretical and practical qualifications of the driver. Many people believe that series B documents are needed to manage such a facility. But this is a mistaken opinion. In fact, ATV licenses are classified as “A” licenses (for motorcycles, snowmobiles, etc.). They can be obtained either from scratch or by retraining from category “B” within one and a half to two months. The latter method assumes that during the training the emphasis will be on the design of the motor vehicle, the features of its driving, and methods for troubleshooting. It is also considered that the ability to drive an ATV is given by a motorcycle license for which you took the test before 2000. You need to take photographs, a medical certificate, pay a state fee and obtain a license from Gostekhnadzor.

The documents required to register a car with the traffic police are: application for registration; papers required to formalize the agreement (see above); receipt of payment of state duty; vehicle passport (PVS); the lease agreement itself with all available annexes to it; insurance policy; registration plates, if any were previously issued. How much the car rental with subsequent purchase service costs varies from 500-1500 rubles per day, this applies to private advertisements. The pricing policy in companies providing this service ranges from 900-2000 rubles/day. Rent for a taxi The opportunity to work as a taxi driver using a rented car with a further right to buy it is a very profitable activity. Thank you, our lawyer will contact you by phone shortly. Also, your question will be published on the site after moderation.

A similar model for selling a vehicle is successfully used in Europe, where the population has become accustomed to the existence of loans. A car rental agreement with further purchase is beneficial not only to the lessee, who thus increases the level of sales, but also to the buyer, who fulfills his dream when he lacks the entire cost of the car. What does this mean? The essence of the transaction itself is simple - during the agreed period, the client purchases a car for his own use in accordance with the rental agreement. In the future, he can buy it out of the remaining debt and become the full owner. The transfer of ownership is negotiated on the spot during the execution of the contract and requires an additional payment in the amount of the residual value of the car. Let's start with the main nuance. Everyone knows about driving license categories A, B, C, D, E and M. But which of all these categories is suitable for driving an ATV? The answer is none of the above. Yes, there is a subcategory B1, but it gives the right to drive tricycles and quadricycles. Do not confuse ATVs with ATVs. Quadricycles - according to the Russian classification, a four-wheeled motor vehicle with a maximum design speed of at least 25 km/h, a maximum engine power of no more than 15 kW (approx. 20 hp), a curb weight of no more than 400 kg (550 kg for vehicles intended for the transport of goods) without the mass of batteries in the case of electric vehicles, intended for use on public roads.

A striking example of a quadricycle is the “Invalidka” SMZ S3D, a four-wheeled motorized wheelchair that requires a category B1 license to operate. In fact, many people believe that category “B1” allows you to drive a car with an automatic transmission. But no, this is a completely new category of transport, until recently unknown to us. Although, of course, everything is relative. It’s just that previously existing similar transport was classified in other categories.

What is a tricycle and what licenses do you need for it?

The driver's license must have mark B1. This means that this person has the right to drive this vehicle. Without such rights, a person breaks the law.

Then what kind of license is needed for an ATV? Logically you ask. Since an ATV is an off-road motor vehicle, a category A1 tractor driver's license is required. You can get them from the age of 16, having previously completed training at a driving school or other educational institution that has the right to do so. This should not be confused with subcategory A1 of a driver’s license. These rights differ and you need to obtain them in different states. organs

It is very easy to distinguish a quadricycle from its brother. This all-terrain vehicle is more reminiscent of a miniature car, and it is controlled “like a car.” In addition, quadricycles are often equipped with a roof, and instead of a saddle, they have a comfortable sofa or chair, like in a car. Another distinctive feature is the “steering wheel”. But we will start our excursion with a new category of vehicles “B1” - tricycles and quadricycles. These names, unlike “ATVs,” are not yet familiar to us and it is extremely difficult to find such vehicles on Russian roads.

Obtaining a driver's license for an ATV

An ATV is a four-wheeled motor vehicle designed for off-road use.

In a similar way, a snowmobile is defined as a self-propelled vehicle capable of driving on snow. Based on the definition of vehicles, we can conclude that they belong to all-terrain vehicles (GOST R 52008 - 2003).

Any all-terrain vehicle is subject to mandatory state registration, which is carried out at Gostekhnadzor.

What category is needed to drive an ATV?

ATVs are off-road motorized vehicles that have 4 wheels, a motorcycle-style handlebar and a motorcycle-type seat. On the other hand, some ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) are equipped with a car steering wheel and completely car-like seats.

Their main purpose is to drive off public roads - through country roads, forests, swamps, snow and mud. What license do you need to drive an ATV? You will need an A1 class tractor driver's license - all-terrain motor vehicles with a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h.

Responsibility of ATV, ATV and Snowmobile Drivers

Finally, it is worth recalling that according to the current traffic regulations, both quadricycles and ATVs are classified as motor vehicles. This means that, according to clause 2.1 of the traffic rules, their drivers are required to carry with them and submit for verification to police officers (traffic police) the documents required by law. There is a fine for not having the required documents.

If the vehicle is not registered* in the prescribed manner and the driver cannot confirm ownership of such equipment, then it is subject to detention (placement in an impound lot).

__________ * – If a three- or four-wheeled motor vehicle falls into the “moped” category, then it is not required to be registered.

I have a category B license. I want to buy an Ant scooter. Do I need to pass it for category A or can I drive it with a category B license?

Answers from experts


Power 199 cc see Category A license and MTPL insurance required.

Evgeny Agafonov:

If I'm not mistaken, 200 cubes. A category A driver's license is required. It's like a motorcycle.

Serega Molchanov:

yes 200 cubic meters...of course we need it

Alexander Guetta:

200 cubes need a license as it is a very powerful device


Well, there is also a “passenger” version of the “ant” - this is an ordinary scooter with a volume of more than 50 cm^3 and a speed of over 50 km/h!

see also

Comments 32

If you know how to drive, then you can contact they specialize in this and can help you get your license faster

Up to 50 cubic meters is category M, but to drive, an existing license of category B is sufficient. Anything above 50 cubic meters or a maximum speed of 50 km/h is category A.

category B1 tricycles and ATVs, category A1 from 50 to 125 cubic meters, and C1 trucks up to 7.5 tons, there are other categories...

It's a must if you don't want to get caught!

What is all this fuss, what is this ant? Is the device normal?)))))

Made in USSR. Three wheels and a body. And if you are wondering what kind of ant it is, then Google it.

+100 Made in the USSR, the device will break! ! !

Come on, forget it and drive! If you see cops from afar, get away from the ant

For Ant, category A is a must, I know because I have it. When buying a scooter it was category B but they forced me to open it to A.

It's completely different now. if up to 125 cubic meters, then category A1 is NEEDED, and if more, then category A, but at the same time, for those who received their license after April 1, 14, when receiving category B, there are category M-motor scooters up to 50 cubic meters. and cat B1 is ATVs and tricycles, but if you classify an ant as a tricycle, then it seems like it’s possible, but if you consider it a motor scooter with a capacity above 50 cc. then we need motorcycle categories.

50 cubes, then category “A”, no matter what it’s called

not true. up to 50 cubic meters M. from 50 to 125 cubic meters this is already A1, above 125 cubic meters this is category A. tricycles and ATVs are category B1. Category M can be driven by anyone who has the rights of any other category, but other categories must be obtained. Well, accordingly, those who have the main one have subcategories. for example, if I have cat B, then I also have B1 automatically. if there is A, then A1 is automatic. and category M is automatically available to anyone who has any rights to either A or B or C.

on our collective farm they drive a drextor (ant) without a license or documents))) muravelli thieves' equipment)))

In ours too, but sometimes you will need to go out onto the road. And fines are now more expensive than a scooter

there was a case in life when a man bought a drextor, registered it, got a license, then installed a magneto on it)) and when the cops stopped them and saw the magneto and wanted to punish him, and he had both light from Akum and a magneto, they were disappointed )))

Legal framework for driving a scooter in 2022

In order to talk substantively about legal issues, you must first decide on the object of the conversation. It is advisable to do this with links to official documents that can be cited to confirm what has been said.

What is a scooter?

There is no such term in current Russian laws, standards, regulations, and instructions. The only source of information that can be found in the media is Wikipedia. This, of course, is far from something that can be unconditionally believed, but, for lack of anything better...

This electronic encyclopedia states that a scooter is a term for a foreign analogue of a motor scooter. This means that we need to temporarily change the original name and conduct part of the further searches for a new one.

What is the category for an ATV license in 2019 – how to get it?

Allows off-road driving. According to the adopted innovations, which date back to 2014, to drive this type of transport, the driver needs to obtain a document with a specific subcategory or open an additional one in existing ones.

Therefore, the question: what rights are needed to drive an ATV is relevant for many today. It is impossible not to notice that this type of transport includes tricycles (three-wheeled vehicles), and a motor scooter of the “Ant” type, and old (from Soviet times) equipment, which is popularly nicknamed “invalidka,” and snowmobiles.

Do you need a license for a scooter and moped?

The short answer is definitely.

More complete. The history of the issue has its roots in the traffic rules that were in force in the Soviet Union. In those days, it was allowed to drive mopeds, mokicks and other vehicles with an engine capacity of up to 50 cc and a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h without a driver's license. No protective helmet was required. No one had even heard of knee pads, elbow pads and protective shells – “turtles”.

Times have changed, and the rules of the road have changed along with them. The question “how many kilometers can you drive without a license” has lost its relevance.

Attention! Now, to drive any mechanical vehicle, you need a driver's license of the appropriate category. The former road freemen have sunk into oblivion and are outlawed.

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