Do you need a license for a moped: what category is needed to drive a scooter?

The rules for riding a moped (essentially a bicycle equipped with a motor) and a scooter (a hybrid of a motor scooter and a scooter) are regulated by regulations in the field of road safety. We’ll tell you whether it’s possible to ride a moped or scooter in Russia without a license, who and how can get a license to drive these vehicles (TS), and what sanctions can be applied to rule violators.

Do you need a license for a scooter or moped?

An explanation of whether a license for a moped or scooter is needed in 2022 is given in the Road Traffic Rules (TRAF). According to clause 1.2, a moped is a 2- or 3-wheeled mechanical vehicle with a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h and an internal combustion engine with a volume of up to 50 cubic meters. cm or with an electric motor with a power in continuous load mode from 0.25 kW to 4 kW. Clause 1.2 of the traffic rules obliges drivers to have a license for an electric scooter or moped if their characteristics fall within the above.

If the characteristics of the vehicle are more powerful, then this will already be a category of motorcycles. In accordance with clause 1.2 of the traffic rules, a motorcycle is a 2-wheeled mechanical vehicle whose internal combustion engine displacement is more than 50 cubic meters. cm or maximum speed (with any engine) exceeds 50 km/h. This category includes tricycles and quadricycles with an unloaded weight of up to 400 kg (excluding the weight of batteries for electric vehicles) and a maximum engine power of up to 15 kW.

The term scooter is not included in the traffic rules. Therefore, they must be classified into one vehicle category or another depending on the parameter values ​​​​set for mopeds and motorcycles.

How to choose the right driving school

The choice of educational institution must be taken seriously. Otherwise, the driver risks wasting his time and money. The ideal option would be an already verified driving school that has a license to issue a category M license.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Tuition price. It should not be very high, but you should also not pay attention to very low prices. Running a driving school is not cheap, so if they offer training at a reduced price, then the quality of training will obviously be just as low.
  • What is the condition of the school's car park and transport area? All necessary types of vehicles must be available and in proper condition. The training site must be equipped with the necessary equipment for training.
  • Documentation. The driving school must have a license to train drivers of category M, which has not yet expired. The curriculum must fully comply with the requirements of the traffic police.

Driving license category for driving a moped

According to the provisions of Part 1 of Art. 25 of Federal Law No. 196-FZ of December 10, 1995, a driver’s license is required to drive vehicles of several categories, which may include mopeds and scooters:

  • category A – motorcycles (this may include vehicles with an engine displacement of more than 125 cc and a power of more than 11 kW);
  • Category A1 – motorcycles (vehicles with engine displacement up to 125 cc and power up to 11 kW);
  • category M driver's license - for driving mopeds and light quadricycles.

A category M driver's license allows you to drive most moped models, as they have an engine capacity of up to 50 cc. see. The same category gives the right to drive a scooter up to 50 cubic meters. It should be borne in mind that a Russian driver's license of category A allows you to ride motorcycles belonging to subcategory A1, and a license of any category (subcategory) gives you the opportunity to drive a vehicle of category M (Part 7 of Article 25 196-FZ). For example, you can drive a moped with category A, A1 or B; in this case, you do not need to obtain a separate category M license.

What category is required?

If the engine power is 49 cc, the license must contain a special category - “M”, then the license will be suitable for a 49 cc moped. But the legislator took into account the ease of driving a moped and allowed it to be legally driven if there were other open categories on the license.

According to clause 7 of Article 25 of Federal Law No. 196, any driver’s license of categories A, B, C, D and with other subcategories (A1, B1 and so on) gives the right to drive vehicles recognized as mopeds.

As you can see, everything is quite simple: since M is the lowest driving category, riding a moped is permissible with any license, regardless of the category of vehicle that such license gives the right to drive. Even in the case when the category M itself is absent in it.

Note! This does not apply to drivers who have medical contraindications to riding a moped . Such contraindications and restrictions are indicated in column 12 of the driver’s license and directly prohibit the driver from driving a scooter, no matter what operating power it has, and no matter what driving categories are indicated on the license. If such a mark was added to your license by mistake, contact the traffic police department with an application for corrections. But for this, most likely, you will have to obtain a new medical certificate, within the framework of which doctors will be convinced of the actual absence of such contraindications.

But in practice there may be a fine!

The fact is that in 2022, disputes regarding category M continue between drivers and inspectors. The stumbling block is precisely the admissibility of riding a scooter with any category. And there are 2 positions here:

  1. Category M for the ability to drive a moped is automatically granted if there is any other category and there are no contraindications,
  2. it may not be put on the driver's license, but any category confirms M.

The difference is colossal - if you specifically have, for example, B, but M is not directly indicated, then if you come across a traffic police inspector who adheres to the first position, then a decision with a fine will be issued against you.

And it's illegal. That's why! Federal Law 196 directly states that the presence of any category confirms the right to drive vehicles of category M. And nowhere is it stated that it must be indicated in the license in the corresponding column. Therefore, such a fine should be appealed.

And the next time you change your medical device, just indicate at the medical institution so that you are directly prescribed admission to this category in the medical certificate. Then it will be directly registered in the new rights.

Procedure for obtaining a driver's license

You can obtain a license of category M, A or A1 by following the norms of 196-FZ, as well as the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2014 No. 1097. In accordance with their provisions, in order to obtain a license for a moped or scooter, the applicant must:

  • meet age requirements;
  • have medical indications for driving a vehicle.

The sequence of actions required to open categories M, A and A1 for driving a scooter or moped:

  1. Obtain a medical report.
  2. Take a training course in traffic rules and vehicle control skills at a motorcycle school.
  3. Pass exams (theoretical and practical parts, they are taken by authorized traffic police officers).
  4. Pay the state fee.
  5. Submit documents to the traffic police department to obtain a driver's license.

Typical list of documents for obtaining a driver's license:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • certificate of completion of training;
  • medical report according to form No. 083/U.

If you have any questions about the procedure for obtaining a category A, A1 or M driver’s license, or the list of documents that need to be collected and submitted to a motorcycle school or the traffic police, contact a lawyer on our website. You will receive comprehensive explanations that will allow you to get the desired result in the shortest possible time.=

What's the fine?

Meanwhile, violators will face a serious fine! Do not doubt that, once in the field of view of the traffic police, the moped driver will certainly be stopped, even if he has not violated anything, has a helmet on his head, and a fire extinguisher in his hands!

And if you also do not have a license for a scooter, punishment is inevitable. A report will be drawn up against you under Part 1 of Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for driving a vehicle without a driver’s license. The materials will be handed over to the head of the traffic police, who will impose a fine of 5 to 15 thousand rubles.


To get your scooter license, you'll have to fork out some money. The cost of a moped license consists of several components:

  • payment for medical examination;
  • tuition fees for category M, A or A1;
  • state duties.

There are no uniform tariffs for the first two expense items; they may vary in different institutions. The state duty is paid in the amount of 2 thousand rubles. or 3 thousand rubles depending on the material from which the document will be made (clause 43.1, part 1, article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). The total cost will range from 10 thousand to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the region and category of rights.

Age and other requirements to ride a scooter

Like any type of mechanized vehicle, a scooter has its own age restrictions for driving, although they are minimal. According to paragraph 2 of Article 26 of Federal Law No. 196, even teenagers who have reached the age of 16 can obtain a license for a moped up to 50cc. To do this they need to do the following

  1. Complete training at a driving school (you can sign up for training and complete it up to 16 years of age, but a plastic “crust” will be issued only after reaching the minimum age).
  2. Undergo a medical examination to determine any contraindications to driving, including driving a moped. The cost of a medical report is 2-3.5 thousand rubles, depending on the region.
  3. Register with the traffic police to take the exam. This can be done in person at the selected traffic police department, MFC, or remotely through the State Services portal.
  4. Pay a state fee of 2 thousand rubles for a new license. We remind you that when paying the state fee through State Services, there is a 30% discount.
  5. Pass theoretical and practical exams at the traffic police. The procedure for conducting them, the sequence of delivery, deadlines and the list of required knowledge are determined by Section II of the Rules.
  6. Get a license for a 49cc moped. Their validity period is 10 years from the date of issue.

Which vehicles can you drive without a license?

The traffic rules do not directly stipulate that under certain conditions it is permissible to ride a scooter without a license. According to clause 1.2 of the traffic rules, a moped is a mechanical vehicle with a maximum speed of up to 50 km/h and an internal combustion engine with a volume of up to 50 cubic meters. cm or with an electric motor with a power of 0.25 kW and up to 4 kW. To drive it you need a license of category M. A more powerful moped should be classified as category A1 or even A, and for it a license is even more required (Part 1 of Article 25 196-FZ).

It follows that there are scooters that do not require a driver's license. For vehicles with an internal combustion engine, a license is always required. But if an electric motor with a power of less than 0.25 kW is installed on a scooter, such a vehicle does not fall under the definition of a moped and, accordingly, a mechanical vehicle, and you can ride it without a license. In addition, you do not need a license to ride a scooter when taking a course in practical driving skills at a motorcycle school.

Can a scooter driver be fined or not?

Fines are imposed for:

  • lack of VA;
  • driving a scooter under 14 years of age;
  • if your ID is lost or stolen;
  • expired driving license.

Important: do not forget that a citizen of the Russian Federation can obtain a license only after reaching 16 years of age. If a person does not have driving rights, then the inspector has the right to issue a fine from five to fifteen thousand. If a teenager who has not yet turned 14 rides a scooter, the fine is imposed on the parents.

A traffic police inspector has the right to seize a vehicle if the driver does not have a license and place it in a fine parking lot. It is possible to pick up a scooter from the site after payment, since there is a charge for transport on the site. But if the driver’s license is brought to the driver before the tow truck arrives, if it was forgotten at home, then the vehicle will not be confiscated.

If, when stopped by an inspector, you do not have a license, and the reason for this is their theft, then you are still a violator, and you will be given a fine. If a driver's license is stolen, the driver must contact the police department and write a statement according to the established procedure.

After the application is written, the driver will be issued a temporary license, which gives the right to drive the vehicle. After two months, a duplicate license will be issued and it will be permanent.

An expired driver's license is a violation. Penalties are provided in accordance with the law. Penalties will apply if you give your scooter to a person without a motor vehicle license.

Do I need to get a license for a scooter?

What penalties are there for repeat violations?

If a scooter driver’s license is revoked and he is caught riding a scooter on the road, the fine will be 30,000 rubles. But there is an alternative punishment for driving while deprived of a driver’s license - arrest for 15 days, or correctional labor for 200 hours.

If you are caught riding a scooter without a license and its capacity is less than 50 cubic meters, then you will be punished with penalties. You are allowed to drive without a license only during courses, that is, during training driving, and then only with an instructor.

How to avoid getting a fine when riding a scooter

Following these rules will help you:

  • ride on the right side of the road or on a track intended for bicycles;
  • do not obstruct pedestrians;
  • operate with two hands;
  • drive with headlights on;
  • do not transport heavy loads;
  • a passenger may be on a scooter if the vehicle is designed for this. The same applies to transporting children;
  • U-turns can only be made on a single-lane road;
  • the scooter must have decals installed;
  • do not cross the road at the zebra crossing.

According to Russian legislation, what can you drive without a license?

You don't need a license if you are moving to:

  • a bicycle without a motor;
  • unicycle;
  • quad bike across the field;
  • wheelchair;
  • lawnmower.

Without a driver's license, you can drive motor vehicles that are classified as sports equipment - motorcycles and mopeds for motocross. This equipment has very powerful engines, but driving it on public roads is strictly prohibited.

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/ Legal articles on the topic of automobile law / Miscellaneous / Are mopeds and scooters vehicles and do they need a license?

Are mopeds and scooters vehicles and do they require a license?

With the beginning of each warm season, the number of mopeds and scooters on the roads of our country increases sharply, which often irritate car drivers by driving wherever they please and creating emergency situations.

Considering that in recent years the number of people wishing to purchase such a two-wheeled vehicle has increased greatly, people often ask whether mopeds and scooters are vehicles from the point of view of the law?

We will talk about this in our article today.

Let's start right away by answering the main question. Yes, of course, mopeds and scooters are classified as vehicles. All scooters and mopeds, in accordance with Article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Road Safety”, are classified as category “M” vehicles.

Formally speaking, in Russian legislation there is no such thing as a “scooter” in principle. All vehicles belonging to class “M”, and these are mopeds, scooters, scooters, quadricycles, etc., fall under the definition of “moped”, enshrined in clause 1.2 of the Russian Traffic Regulations.

Thus, in accordance with the specified traffic rules, a moped is understood as a two- or three-wheeled mechanical vehicle, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km/h, having an internal combustion engine with a displacement not exceeding 50 cubic meters. cm, or an electric motor with a rated maximum power in continuous load mode of more than 0.25 kW and less than 4 kW. Quadricycles with similar technical characteristics are considered equal to mopeds.

And although, from a technical point of view, mopeds and scooters have some differences in a number of aspects, from a legal point of view this makes absolutely no difference. In a legal sense, a scooter is a moped.

Until relatively recently, in order to ride a scooter with an engine capacity of less than 50cc, no driver's license was required. I bought it, sat down and drove off. This state of affairs led to the fact that even children aged 12-15 years old rode cheap Chinese scooters on city roads and highways, and very often became participants in serious accidents. Now the free time is over. And we think that's right. After all, a scooter is a full-fledged vehicle, essentially the same motorcycle, but with a less powerful engine. However, despite the low engine power, mopeds are able to reach very decent speeds.

Do I need a license to drive a scooter and moped?

Yes, we do. This requirement is expressly stated in the same Article 25 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, which states that in order to obtain the right to drive vehicles belonging to the “M” category, it is necessary to pass the appropriate exams and, upon successful completion, receive a category driver’s license "M".

In accordance with Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Road Traffic Safety” you can take the exam from the age of 16 and from the same age you are allowed to drive a scooter.

This is important: if you already have a driver’s license of another category, for example, “A”, “B” or “C”, etc., then you do not need to take exams and obtain a separate driver’s license to drive a moped or open a separate category “M” . Holders of more “serious” licenses are allowed by law to freely ride mopeds and scooters with a basic driver’s license.

But for riding a scooter without a license, the law provides for liability, which occurs on a general basis under Part 1 of Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine from 5 to 15 thousand rubles).

Another question that lovers of two-wheeled vehicles often ask is whether mopeds or electric bikes require a license?

We answer - they are needed, but only if such a vehicle is equipped with an electric motor with a power of more than 0.25 kW. Thus, even if you attach a mounted engine with such characteristics to a regular bicycle, it will immediately automatically fall into the category of “mopeds” and you can only ride it with a license.

Is it necessary to register a scooter with an engine capacity of more than 50 cubic meters with the traffic police?

Despite the fact that a scooter with an engine up to 50 cc. see - this is a vehicle and you need a license to drive it; you do not need to register it with the traffic police at the moment.

That's all, good luck on the roads!

Part 4 of Article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - deprivation or fine?

Deprivation of the right to drive under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. About the most important


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Features of passing exams

  1. When you reach 18 years of age and have a category “B” or “C”, you do not need to undergo training or pass an exam; the category is assigned automatically. When exchanging rights, it is affixed on a new form without the applicant’s request.
  2. If he fails, he is given time for additional preparation, after which he is allowed to take the exam again. This can be done no earlier than 7 days from the date of the previous attempt.
  3. The practical part on public roads is not provided for drivers of category “M”.
  4. After successfully passing the exam, you need to contact the traffic police. Rights according to current requirements are issued on the day a person applies.
  5. If the theoretical part is passed, but the practical part is not, then the theory tickets will not be returned when re-taken.

Approximate cost of training

Not all driving schools specialize in training category M drivers.

Those schools that are capable of this provide three types of training programs:

  1. Only theoretical lessons. The cost of training ranges from 7 to 12 thousand rubles, and the duration of full training is from one to two months.
  2. Theory + practical lessons on driving a scooter. This course lasts at least two and a half months, and will cost from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. The program will not include any additional services.
  3. The most extended program will cost from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. In addition to theoretical lectures and driving lessons, the program will include a package of additional services. Assistance will be provided in preparing for the traffic police exam and a trial exam will be held within the driving school. In addition, school employees themselves will pay the costs of the medical examination and state fees.

Where should vehicles be located on the roadway?

You can ride a scooter on the roadway, but only in the outermost row of the right lane. In populated areas it is also permissible to occupy the left lane. Motorcycles without a side trailer can travel in a row, occupying the right edge of the roadway.

If there is a lane for cyclists next to the roadway, then you need to move along it.

According to paragraph 24.4 of the traffic rules, a moped driver must give way to all vehicles if he is in a situation where he is moving on a bicycle path that intersects with an uncontrolled intersection.

Where can you drive a vehicle?

The basic rule for driving on the roadway is that drivers of mopeds and scooters must move on the far right side of the lane in a single file. Thus, you can ride a moped on the same roads as a car. Besides:

  • Riding a moped on the side of the road is allowed if this does not interfere with pedestrians;
  • Single-file traffic is allowed in the lane for cyclists (marked with special markings).

If there are several mopeds on the lane, then they must move one after another.

Is it possible to transport children

Places for transporting passengers must be indicated in the registration certificate. If the availability of special seats is not documented, then passengers cannot be carried.

If there is no special seat for children (child seat) that meets the safety requirements for transporting children under 7 years of age, then they cannot be transported. Children over seven years old can be transported if there is a passenger seat provided for by the design of the vehicle. It is important to remember that all passengers, regardless of age, must have a helmet that is adjusted to fit.

IMPORTANT! You can carry children on a moped only if you have category M or A1, which is valid for at least two years (that is, the mopedist already has driving experience).

Has an engine capacity of less than 50 cc

The legislation does not approve the registration and issuance of rights to a scooter whose engine capacity does not exceed 50 cubic meters.

M license

Category M rights came into force on November 5, 2013. But the procedure for obtaining these rights is still at the stage of development and various clarifications. According to paragraph 1.2 of Road Safety, scooters are not motor vehicles. This means that the driver does not need to have a license with him. But since this clause is subject to constant amendments, the M category is becoming more and more in demand every day.

The main reasons for introducing these rights:

  • Complete lack of knowledge of road rules among moped owners. The growing number of mopeds and scooters sometimes leads to fatal traffic accidents.
  • Accidents caused by scooter drivers have become commonplace.
  • Insurance companies do not cover these vehicles. Therefore, the driver of the scooter who hits the car will go away to repair the mirror, and the owner of the car will have to make expensive repairs to his vehicle at his own expense.

If the driver has a category B license, it is not necessary to open category M.

Mopeds with an electric motor with a power of 250 - 4000 watts also require a driver's license with category M.

Document on the purchase and sale of a vehicle

The purchase and sale is a serious transaction and requires the execution of a special document. It should highlight the following points:

  • Seller's name;
  • seller's passport details;
  • vehicle model and year of manufacture;
  • Full name of the buyer;
  • buyer's passport details;
  • product price;
  • “The buyer transferred the money to the seller in full, the seller transferred the goods to the buyer”;
  • date of conclusion of the contract;
  • signature of the parties.

Additional clauses can be included in the contract:

  • items included in the price: spare tire, trailer, tools, etc.;
  • guarantee period;
  • reasons for return;
  • advance or installment plan.

Such a document can be filled out by hand.

If the moped/scooter is sold in a store, you must take the receipt and keep it carefully.

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