Which motorcycles do not require a license: features, description, recommendations

The number and variety of vehicles in Russia is growing exponentially. In large Russian cities, including the resorts of Sochi and Gelendzhik, in 2022 you can even find special paths designed for such equipment. And mono-wheels and other wonders of motor vehicles are already racing along these paths with might and main.

Yes, today it has become fashionable to travel on all kinds of electric scooters and pit bikes. Traditional equipment: motorcycles, scooters, mopeds also do not lose their popularity and in 2022 they are found en masse in Russian cities.

But not all Russians know which of the listed vehicles require a driver’s license, and vice versa - what citizens can safely drive without a license without fear of getting fined.

In this article, we will look at all of the five listed equipment and find out whether rights are needed in 2022 for each specific type listed above. If they are needed, will there be a fine for their absence?

Categories of license to drive motorcycles

Currently, the main category for driving two-wheeled motor vehicles is A. This includes motorcycles, scooters and other similar vehicles. At first glance, everything is simple. However, if previously it was possible to obtain the appropriate license at 16, now the law requires that the driver be at least 18 years old. For those who can’t wait to get behind the wheel, category A1 is provided. It allows you to pass your license at 16, but you can only drive motorcycles with an engine capacity of no more than 125 cubic centimeters and a power of less than 11 kW.

Also, do not forget about subcategory B1 - these are tricycles and quadricycles, and category M - mopeds and light quadricycles. It is worthwhile to dwell on each individual case in more detail in order to determine what category of rights is needed for a motorcycle of one type or another.

How to register a motor vehicle without documents?

In order to register a moped, scooter or scooter without documents , you need to collect all available documents (if any) - checks, sales agreements and the like, on the basis of which the authorities will understand that this vehicle is yours. Vehicle without documents:

  1. Go to the local traffic police department with a coupon for the purchase of motor vehicles and a Russian passport. If the coupon is not in the name of the future owner or it is missing, it is better to check the exact information at the MREO at the place of registration (either you don’t need to do anything, or you need to write an additional application).
  2. At the plate reconciliation site, the necessary paperwork for reconciliation is filled out and all fees and forms are paid.
  3. A reconciliation is carried out, after which the workers themselves affix all the stamps and fill out the forms. This can be done at any site, similar to checking license plates for cars (for a fee).
  4. With the available documents, you need to go to the MREO at your place of registration and write a corresponding application for vehicle registration.

After registering a motor vehicle (motor scooters, scooters, mopeds) without documents, it cannot be deregistered for the next three years .
A driver's license is not required to register any vehicle.

It can be registered for any person over 18 years of age who has Russian citizenship and a passport of the Russian Federation. Read about the change of vehicle ownership here.

A license is only required when driving a vehicle.

Scooters and mopeds

The traffic rules of the Russian Federation define a moped as a vehicle with two or three wheels, the engine capacity of which cannot be more than 50 cubic meters, and the maximum speed is 50 km/h. In this case, the location of the wheels does not matter.

A scooter (aka motor scooter) is easy to distinguish from other two-wheeled vehicles: the design includes a recess with a platform for the feet, thanks to which the driver does not sit astride, just like on a chair. As a rule, models with an engine capacity of up to 50 cm3 are supplied to the European market.

Such mopeds and scooters fall under category M. They are allowed to be driven from 16 years of age, and not from 14, as before. The category is automatically assigned upon receipt of any driver's license. For example, you can take an A1 or B license and immediately get an M.

But not all scooter models fall under the definition of a moped. There are scooters that can reach speeds of up to 150 km/h. In such cases, focusing on the engine size, you can understand what category of license is needed. A motorcycle up to 125 cubic centimeters requires category A1, with more power - A.

What documents are needed for registration

Each registration process has its own characteristics, according to which the entire procedure takes place. Registration of a moped or scooter with a capacity of 50 cc. see and above is carried out in the presence of the following set of documents:

  • contract of sale;
  • general passport;
  • vehicle passport;
  • a copy of the cargo customs declaration (only in cases of first registration).

After all the documents have been collected, you can contact the traffic police to have the vehicle registered.

Registration option without any documents

Situations often arise when a person wants to register his vehicle (scooter), but he is missing some important documents. The question arises whether he can do this, because the legality of riding a scooter will depend on this.

This possibility exists, but to do this you will have to collect all the documents that relate to this motor vehicle. These may include checks or sales contracts, that is, those that will directly indicate the fact that the moped really belongs to this person.

The procedure looks like this:

  1. The first step is to contact the traffic police. To do this, you must have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document that will confirm the purchase of this vehicle. It must be in the name of the future owner, since otherwise the entire registration process may become even more complicated and lengthy. Otherwise, if it is not in the owner’s name or is missing altogether, contact the MREO for clarification. This is done at the place of registration.
  2. After the first stage, all necessary documents are filled out to undergo number verification, and then the fee is paid.
  3. After the verification has been completed, inspection workers certify the forms and affix a stamp.
  4. When all the documents are completed and ready, you need to contact the MREO at your place of registration. There you can also submit an application about your desire to register your own vehicle.

It should be taken into account that after such registration, it will be impossible to remove it for the next three years. This applies to both scooters and mopeds or other types of motorized transport. A driver's license is not required to register. To do this, a person must be over 18 years old and have a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Light motorcycles

Motorcycles up to 125cc have a number of advantages over both mopeds and more powerful equipment. They reach speeds of up to 130 km/h and weigh little, so even beginners can handle them. In addition, the variety of models allows you to choose a convenient option for the city or for driving over rough terrain.

Which motorcycles do not require a license? Unfortunately, to operate equipment up to 125 cubic meters you will have to obtain category A1. The disadvantage of this option is that if you want to change the iron horse to something more serious, with a higher cubic capacity, you will need to attend a driving school again. Category A1 does not give the right to drive a motorcycle with a power higher than 11 kilowatts.


A beautiful and powerful high-capacity sports bike, the dream of most motorcyclists, is also the worst nightmare of most people. While the former associate it with adrenaline and complete freedom, the others associate it with a wild roar and deadly maneuvers.

Sports motorcycles are difficult to control, have a rather uncomfortable riding position and are designed for riding on special high-speed routes. But, despite this, they are very popular in Russia, and most motorcyclists ride them on public roads.

Of course, to operate such equipment, you need to be an experienced driver. And, of course, it’s not difficult to understand what licenses are needed for a motorcycle of 250 cc and above. You can't do without a category A driver's license.

Classic motorcycles and cruisers

Despite the fascination with high-speed models, road motorcycles do not lose their relevance. Driving both a classic and a cruiser on asphalt is as comfortable as possible. Thanks to their design, they provide a comfortable straight fit.

Many people are interested in the size of a license for a motorcycle of this type. There are no exceptions for cruisers and classics; a driver's license is required for all vehicles. Up to 125 cubic meters - A1, above this value - category A.

Motorcycles with sidecars

Previously, such equipment was very popular in the USSR; it was used as an inexpensive and accessible alternative to a passenger car. Throughout the 20th century, motorcycles with a cradle were widespread in the armies of different countries. But over time, they began to lose popularity and are currently produced in limited quantities.

At first glance, it seems obvious that riding a motorcycle with a sidecar is very different from riding a two-wheeler. This is a much less maneuverable, but also more stable technique that requires special skills. Therefore, it is not always immediately clear what license is needed for a motorcycle with a sidecar.

But if you remember that the cradle, as a rule, can be unhooked, everything falls into place. Management will also require Category A, without any additional training. However, before you hit the road on a motorcycle with a side trailer, you need to thoroughly study the characteristics of its behavior on the road. An inexperienced driver can easily cause the vehicle to tip over when turning or lose control due to pulling to the side when accelerating and braking.

Do I need to register an electric scooter with the traffic police?

When purchasing a powerful portable electric vehicle, prepare to not only enjoy the power and maneuverability of the equipment, but also be responsible on the road, as well as comply with all rules and regulations.

One of the key points that needs to be addressed is the registration of the electric scooter.

For registration, you will need papers that can confirm the legality of your purchase of the vehicle, as well as an identification document of the owner.

In regional MREOs, the essence of the registration procedure is explained to new riders in detail. The set of documents for obtaining a license to drive an electric scooter is similar to the set that is collected when registering a new car.

You can get your license when you reach 16 years of age. To avoid problems and financial losses, take care of obtaining your license in advance if you plan to buy an electric scooter.

Cross motorcycles

This class of vehicles is also called SUVs. They are designed for motocross racing. They lack headlights and other lighting, and the rubber does not provide the required level of grip on the road surface. According to the law of the Russian Federation, cross-bikes are sports equipment and do not require registration or registration.

In view of the above, the most obvious answer to the question of which motorcycles do not require a license is motocross bikes. But you need to take into account one important detail: driving on public roads is prohibited! According to the law, a motocross motorcycle must be delivered to the track only with the help of special equipment. In no case under your own power.

Tricycles and quadricycles

In an attempt to find out what types of motorcycles do not require a license, many people pay attention to tricycles and quadricycles. But with them everything is not so simple. To drive a light quadricycle whose weight does not exceed 350 kg and whose speed does not exceed 50 km/h, a category M driver’s license is sufficient.

For higher power equipment and tricycles, subcategory B1 will be required. Only citizens at least 18 years old can receive it. At the same time, if the equipment is equipped with a motorcycle-type steering wheel, then drivers with open category A also have the right to drive.

Penalty points

A positive decision is made provided that all three complexes are completed without errors.

For each incorrectly performed action a penalty point is awarded. If the number of the latter reaches five, then the exam is considered failed.

Five penalty points can be awarded at once for:

  • sharp deviation from the given trajectory of movement;
  • hitting a stop line;
  • making a turn without the lights on, etc.

Three penalty points are awarded if:

  • the motorcycle stalled at the start;
  • the wave of the hand was made belatedly.

One penalty point is awarded when:

  • the driver forgot to turn on the headlights;
  • made a sharp brake;
  • stopped and did not give the appropriate signal.

Upon successful completion of the practical part, a driver's license is issued. You can receive them directly on the spot. Sometimes inspectors ask you to come for the document 1-2 days after passing the exam.

Punishment for riding a motorcycle without a license

The desire to know which motorcycles do not require a license is easily understandable, since daily use of two-wheeled vehicles in urban environments is not always convenient. And not everyone is willing to spend several months in a driving school for the occasional fun weekend trip. But at the moment in Russia, as in most developed countries, obtaining a driver’s license to drive a motorcycle is necessary. Category A is almost universal and allows you to ride almost any iron horse.

But those who dare to drive onto the road without the appropriate license should be aware of the punishment. According to part one of Article 12.7 of the Administrative Code, the fine for such an offense is from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. In addition, the vehicle is towed to the parking lot. If the equipment belongs to another person, he can also be fined 30 thousand rubles.


Don’t forget the fact that if there is no document confirming registration or no driver’s license, the driver faces a fine. All this is clarified during an inspection by traffic police officers. This is stated in Part 1 of Art. 12.7 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations. The size of the fine varies depending on the severity of the situation. It starts from 5,000 (five thousand) rubles and reaches 15,000 (fifteen thousand) rubles.
According to Part 2 of Article 12.9 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Violations, the offender may receive a fine of 800 (eight hundred) rubles.

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