What is the fine for driving a motorcycle without a license or category A?

What are the fines for riding a motorcycle?

The order of fines and the category of punishment are determined by the type of offense. Depending on this, in addition to a monetary penalty, the motorcycle owner may be limited in his driving privileges for a certain period, and the vehicle may be confiscated and sent to a penalty area.

In some cases, a resolution can be drawn up remotely (for example, when speeding is exceeded and this fact is recorded by CCTV cameras). In this case, notification of the fine will be sent by mail. You can also check traffic police fines using your driver’s license on the official portal.

What a punishment

The Administrative Code provides only penalties for driving vehicles without the required category.

It is not true that the driver is completely deprived of his driving license.


The fine for driving without a category ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. (Part 1, Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The punishment is assigned by the head of the territorial traffic police and he decides on a specific case what amount of the fine to determine.

If it was, say, only driving a car, then the amount of the punishment will be about 5,000 rubles.

When the culprit resisted the actions of the traffic police and, in addition, was intoxicated or committed a repeated violation, then the amount may be closer to 15,000 rubles.

Responsibility for the other driver

A separate penalty is provided for the owner of a vehicle who transfers a car/motorcycle to a driver without the required permit. The fine for the owner will be 30,000 rubles.
(Part 3 of Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). The driver himself will also be fined.

This article is unpopular, since it stipulates that the car owner must be clearly aware of the absence of a category. It is to know, and not to assume or guess. Considering that almost every adult has a license, it is understood that the person who is entrusted with the steering wheel has the right to drive the vehicle. The exception is the transfer of a truck or bus.

Additional measures

The matter is not limited to monetary recovery.

Traffic police officers suspend an incompetent driver from driving (Article 27.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), for which a special resolution is issued. And the transport is detained, driven by a tow truck to the impound lot (Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The owner can pick up the car by paying the cost of towing and storage.

Before the tow truck starts moving, you can stop detaining the vehicle if the reasons are eliminated. As a rule, this is the timely appearance of the owner with his rights or another person who has a power of attorney for management and is included in the insurance (or insurance with an unlimited list).

For driving without category A

Driving a motorcycle can only be carried out with a valid driving license of category A, A1 or M, in accordance with the type of bike. For riding a motorcycle without a license, the offender will face a fine. The amount of the penalty depends on the seriousness of the offense.

If the driver simply does not have a driver’s license with him, the state traffic inspector will issue a decree in the amount of 500 rubles. Moreover, in some cases, the inspector may limit himself to a verbal warning. And if in a short time someone can deliver a driver’s license, they will be able to completely avoid punishment.

If you don’t have a driver’s license at all, the offender will face serious punishment. For driving without category A, a driver who has never formally studied the theory and practice of driving will be fined 5-15 thousand rubles. Fine in the amount of 30 thousand rubles. or a 15-day arrest awaits a motorcycle owner who, for some reason, was deprived of his driver’s license, but got back behind the wheel of a motorcycle.

Who can drive a motorcycle without a license?

Well, after listing all the violations and fines, it is worth considering cases when citizens can still drive a motorcycle without a driver’s license. There will be no violation only in cases where the motorcyclist is driving with a licensed instructor. For educational purposes, you can move around not only in specially designated areas, but also around the city.

For driving without license plates

Using a vehicle that is not equipped with a license plate is a serious offense, since in this case the vehicle cannot be identified. For riding a motorcycle without license plates, the offender is subject to a fine of 5 thousand rubles or a restriction of rights for a period of 1 to 3 months.

For unreadable (heavily dirty) or incorrectly assigned license plates, the owner of the bike will be fined 500 rubles or receive a warning.

Motorcyclists have the right to ride without license plates only for the first ten days after purchasing the vehicle. During this period, they must register and obtain license plates from the traffic police.

What will it be like to drive a motorcycle without a license?

The license is a document that a motorcyclist must always have with him. Otherwise, the size of the fine will depend on the reasons why the driver did not have a license:

  • license left at home - 500 rubles
  • no documents for the vehicle – 500 rubles;
  • there is no category - from 5 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • rights have never been formalized - from 5 to 15 thousand rubles;
  • no numbers – 5 thousand rubles;
  • was deprived of a certificate - up to 30 thousand rubles;
  • “a minor without rights” is held accountable only in the absence of a certificate - 30 thousand rubles, which the parents are obliged to pay.

Driving without a license is allowed only in one case - when undergoing training.

No category A

Driving a motorcycle is possible if you have a category A or A1 license. Their difference lies in the maximum power of the vehicle that a person can drive. A1 – up to 125 cm3, A – from 125 cm3. You can only get the right to drive a powerful motorcycle after you reach the age of majority. Category A makes it possible to drive a vehicle of category A1, but not vice versa.

If a driver gets on a motorcycle without the required category, then he is considered a violator who will be punished for not having a license. The fine will range from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.

After detention, the citizen will not be able to continue traveling by transport. The motorcycle will be confiscated and sent to an impound lot, from where you can pick up the vehicle only after paying the costs.

Forgot my driver's license at home

A citizen can drive a vehicle only if he has a license. The document can remain at home if a person needs to travel on a motorcycle.

If a motorcyclist is stopped by an inspector, a report is drawn up due to the lack of documents. Until the circumstances are clarified, the motorcycle is placed in an impound lot. If, during the inspection, information about the availability of rights is confirmed, a fine of 500 rubles is issued.

There are no rights at all

One of the most serious types of violation is driving without the appropriate permit. For this, a serious punishment is provided, and the motorcycle is transported to a penalty area. The fine will range from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

In addition to the fine, the driver will have to pay for tow truck and parking services. Additional costs will be incurred by the person who allows a person without a license to drive a motorcycle.

If the driver has already been deprived of his driving license

The most serious violation is considered to be driving after deprivation of a license. The maximum amount that will have to be paid will be 30 thousand rubles. If a citizen does not have the means to pay the ticket, he will be required to perform community service or be detained for 15 days.

The type and severity of punishment are determined in the courtroom. The decision to deprive of rights is not canceled by a new resolution.

An additional factor influencing the severity of the punishment is forged documents. In addition to administrative punishment, the person will bear criminal liability. Then the fine will increase to 80,000 rubles, compulsory work will amount to up to 480 hours, and the maximum term of imprisonment will be 6 months.

Lack of documents for a motorcycle

In addition to your driver's license, you must have documents for the vehicle with you. If STS and PTS are missing, the fine will be 500 rubles. The inspector may change the punishment to a verbal warning.

Riding a motorcycle without license plates

A motorcycle is a vehicle that must be registered with the traffic police. The lack of information in the database entails the impossibility of identifying the owner in case of incidents with the vehicle.

The absence of a number is direct evidence that the motorcycle is not registered. A ten-day period has been established during which the new owner of the vehicle must register it in his name and obtain license plates. Failure to comply with the deadline entails a fine of 500 to 800 rubles. The penalty for repeated failure to comply with deadlines will increase to 5,000 rubles with possible deprivation of a driver’s license for up to 3 months.

Fine for a minor driving a motorcycle

A minor can freely use a motorcycle for transportation if he has a license obtained after passing a driving school.

When driving without a license, the traffic police officer will be obliged to fine the citizen. But the money is collected from the parents of the minor. For providing a motorcycle to a minor, an additional fine is collected from the owner of the vehicle.

The maximum fine for parents and the owner will be 30 thousand rubles.

For driving underage

In accordance with the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, the earliest age at which a person can obtain the right to drive a vehicle is 16 years old. In this case, we are talking about category M licenses, which give the right to drive scooters and mopeds.

You can start studying theory and practice in driving courses as early as adolescence, but a minor will not be able to obtain a license - a fine will be issued for riding a motorcycle before the specified age. Moreover, since the young offender has not reached the age of majority, it will not be he himself who will be fined, but the person who handed over the vehicle into his hands, namely the owner of the motorcycle. The fine is quite impressive and amounts to 30 thousand rubles.

How to behave correctly when a violation is detected

Considering that the punishment is imposed not by the court, but by a traffic police official, there will not be a thorough and meticulous investigation. Therefore, you need to be careful when recording a violation. In order to prevent mistakes that will be used against you.

Since the amount of the fine includes a “fork”, your behavior can influence the size of the sanction.

If you are sure that the traffic police officer is mistaken or acts unlawfully, then you need to show tough opposition: do not agree with anything, demand clarification from him, attract independent witnesses, film what is happening on camera, etc.

Often other similar violations can be passed off as a misdemeanor:

  • leaving your driver's license at home;
  • management in the absence of documents for the car.

You need to be on alert, as other violations are less serious.

When the truth is not on your side, it is better not to allow conflict. But don’t allow permissiveness either. For example, a traffic police officer does not have the right to:

  • pick up a driver's license;
  • seize documents for the car;
  • demand immediate payment of the fine;
  • confiscate personal items found in the car, etc.

It is important to resolve the issue of vehicle detention. You need to call the owner of the car or a friend who can be trusted to drive the vehicle as quickly as possible. If the car is not taken to the impound lot, you will be able to avoid unnecessary expenses and bureaucratic fuss.

Which motorcycles do not require a license?

Currently, to drive these vehicles you need a category A license. You can get them upon reaching the age of majority, in Russia this is 18 years. A license of category A1, which allows you to drive two-wheeled vehicles V up to 125 cm3, as well as a license of category M, which allows you to drive scooters and mopeds, can be obtained 2 years earlier - already at the age of 16.

Is it possible to appeal a fine?

All imposed fines can be appealed to specialized authorities, but only after passing the preliminary stage of the transaction. To do this, it is necessary to file a complaint with the traffic police about unlawful actions of traffic police officers, if the emphasis is placed on this basis (justification).

Malyshev Sergey Petrovich

Major of the traffic police special regiment for St. Petersburg

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The traffic police must send a written response within 1-2 days. All copies of statements and responses must be retained by the plaintiff. Afterwards, all documents are collected, along with evidence of attempts to resolve the issue pre-trial.

Filing a complaint is possible only within 10 days from the date of issuance of the penalty (decision on an administrative violation).

Type of violationWhich institution is it?
I forgot my driver's license at home— Rostransnadzor; - Russian internal affairs bodies (OVD); - Court.
Unauthorized operation of a vehicle (no certificate or open category)- ATS; - Court.
Unauthorized control of a vehicle (after deprivation, suspension)- court (worldwide).
Transferring control of a motorcycle to a person who does not have a license, or whose license has been revoked, or has been suspended.- ATS; - judiciary (peace).

Fines for unauthorized operation of a motorcycle are imposed on the offender in the same way as when such a violation of the law is detected among motorists. This is because motor vehicles are also involved in road traffic along with other types of vehicles. After a fine is imposed, the car owner must pay the bill immediately or have time to go to court within 10 days. The court needs strong evidence of the driver's guilt to consider the case.


Cross bikes are a special type of two-wheeled equipment designed for motocross. Such motorcycles are not equipped with lighting equipment, and the special rubber does not provide sufficient grip on the road surface.

Cross bikes are the only two-wheeled vehicles that can be driven without a license. But taking into account the specifics of the vehicle, it is prohibited to use it on public roads. You can get a fine for riding such a motorcycle. Motocross bikes must be delivered to the tracks by special transport.

Classification of motor vehicles

To determine the category that may be required to drive specific vehicles, it is necessary to pay attention to the special classification.

Among the main types of motor vehicles are the following:

  • Classic motorcycle. These are the ones that were produced on the territory of the Russian Federation and are purchased for personal use in everyday life;
  • Tourers. These are types of motorcycles that are ideal for tourism and travel. This includes any technique that is convenient enough for the specified purpose;
  • Sportbike. The name speaks for itself. However, sportbikes are also designed for riding on regular roads. For participation in professional racing or motorcycle shows, they are significantly modified to suit the requirements of a specific situation;
  • Motor scooters or scooters. This is a subspecies of vehicles that also require obtaining rights, but of a completely separate type. They belong to light types of motor vehicles, and therefore certain requirements are put forward to be able to control them;
  • Choppers. This includes classic-style vehicles that have been modified in a special way. However, at the core these are classic motorcycles.

There are other subcategories of motorcycles, but they can be included in those listed. However, for the division by type of permit to drive motorcycles, the previous classification has no practical significance.

To do this, you can divide the technique as follows:

  • lungs. Engine capacity is expected to be up to 125 cc, power up to 11 kW;
  • two-wheelers with or without a trailer, or four-wheelers weighing up to 400 kg. in equipped form.

Each of the listed types of motor vehicles has its own type of license. To obtain each of them, you must pass certain examination tests and medical clearance.

Category A: how to open

To have a category A license, you need to undergo training (this applies to everyone, even if you are a very good driver) and pass the theoretical part and practical exams at the traffic police. With the current category B, it will simply be opened. At the same time, if you received your license no more than 3 months ago, then you can skip the theory and go straight to practical exercises.

The exam program consists of the following maneuvers:

  • moving straight, braking, turning, accelerating;
  • "eight";
  • travel at minimum speed, slalom.

Important! If a driver has a dream - to ride an iron horse, then he has no right to make serious mistakes. The presence of 5 or more fines implies a re-examination.

Braking and turning signals when driving a motor vehicle must be shown with your hands. Crossing the markings on a special site is not allowed, and knocking down cones is also discouraged. A fine will be charged when driving through slow sections in a short time (up to 5 seconds) and for touching the road with your feet.

After successfully completing an internship at MREO, you can receive a certificate. The type of motor vehicle does not matter, and driving it requires having a license. You need to treat this moment responsibly, since a motorcycle is a highly dangerous vehicle.


Driving license category C

category “C” - cars, with the exception of cars of category “D”, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 3500 kilograms; cars of category “C” coupled to a trailer whose maximum permitted weight does not exceed 750 kilograms;

A category C driver's license allows you to drive only medium (from 3500 kg to 7500 kg) and heavy (more than 7500 kg) trucks, as well as trucks with a trailer whose maximum permissible weight does not exceed 750 kg.

Please note that category C does not give the right to drive small (less than 3500 kg) trucks and cars.


category "CE" - cars of category "C" coupled to a trailer whose maximum permitted weight exceeds 750 kilograms;

To drive a category C car with a heavy (more than 750 kg) trailer or semi-trailer, the driver will need an additional category CE.

Driving license category D

Category “D” - cars intended for the carriage of passengers and having more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat; cars of category “D” coupled to a trailer whose maximum permitted weight does not exceed 750 kilograms;

A category D driver's license allows you to drive buses of various sizes, regardless of their permissible maximum weight, as well as buses with a trailer whose maximum permissible weight does not exceed 750 kg.

Having a driver's license category D, the driver can drive both small buses used as minibuses and huge tourist buses.

The only type of bus that does not qualify for Category D are articulated buses or 'accordion buses'.


To tow trailers with a permissible maximum weight exceeding 750 kg, as well as to drive articulated buses, a driver's license category DE is required.

Category “DE” - vehicles of category “D” coupled to a trailer whose maximum permitted weight exceeds 750 kilograms; articulated buses;

Driving license category B

category “B” - cars (except for vehicles of category “A”), the permissible maximum weight of which does not exceed 3,500 kilograms and the number of seats, in addition to the driver’s seat, does not exceed eight; cars of category “B” coupled to a trailer whose maximum permitted weight does not exceed 750 kilograms; cars of category “B” coupled with a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 750 kilograms, but does not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle, provided that the total permissible maximum weight of such a combination of vehicles does not exceed 3500 kilograms;

A category B driver's license allows you to drive passenger cars, as well as small trucks, minibuses and jeeps that meet the above requirements.

Also, category B gives the right to drive motorized wheelchairs and cars with a trailer, the maximum permitted weight of which is not more than 750 kg.

In addition, it is possible to use trailers whose weight exceeds 750 kilograms, subject to the following requirements:

1. The permissible maximum weight of the trailer must not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle.

2. The total permissible maximum weight of the vehicle and trailer must not exceed 3.5 tons.

For example, let the permissible maximum weight of the car be 1,900 kg, and the unloaded weight 1,400 kg (these values ​​are indicated in paragraphs 14 and 15 of the vehicle passport).

Having a category B license, you can attach a trailer with a maximum permitted weight of 1400 kg to the specified vehicle. In this case, the permissible maximum weight of the trailer does not exceed the unladen weight of the vehicle. In addition, the permissible maximum mass of the vehicle combination is 1,900 + 1,400 = 3,300 kg. It does not exceed 3,500 kilograms.


To drive a category B vehicle with a heavy trailer, the driver will need category BE:

category "BE" - cars of category "B" coupled to a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 750 kilograms and exceeds the weight of the vehicle without load; cars of category “B” coupled to a trailer, the permissible maximum weight of which exceeds 750 kilograms, provided that the total permissible maximum weight of such a combination of vehicles exceeds 3500 kilograms;

When can you do without special training?

You can get out of compulsory training at a motorcycle school. But if the future driver does not plan to drive a vehicle over 50 cubic meters. The existing rights with any category will suffice.

If the driver has not managed to acquire a driver’s license, then training at a motorcycle school will not be possible. You just need to decide on the resulting category.

Don’t like to overpay, but want to have the “M” category in your arsenal? Save, “open” category “A” and higher, and “M” will be provided to you as a bonus. You will not need to take any additional exams.

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