Basic information about driving license category A

What do heavy and light motorcycle driving courses include?

Driving such an extreme type of transport involves many risks.
Therefore, it is important not only to pass the motorcycle test, but also to learn the correct actions in dangerous situations. The minimum age at which you can obtain a driving license is 16 years old. In this case, there are 2 categories of obtaining category A rights:

  • Category A 1 - “light” motor vehicles with an engine capacity of up to 125 cubic centimeters;
  • Category A – motorcycle equipment with a volume of 125 cubic centimeters and above (“heavy” motorcycles).

Operation of heavy motorcycles is permitted from 18 years of age.

Firework! Changes in the rules for taking the practical exam have come into force and the corresponding order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 80 dated February 20, 2021 has already been published. SUMMARY 1. There are now 5 exercises, not 6: The good old “Gauge Eight” has been returned, the exercise “Stopping for a safe landing” has been removed or disembarkation of passengers." 2. The total time for passing the exam was reduced by 30 seconds and is taken to be 3.5 minutes. 3. Changes have been made to the “High-speed maneuvering” and “Wide corridor” exercises 4. The number of permissible errors has been reduced, now there are 4 instead of 6

Now let’s take a closer look I. List of mistakes allowed when passing the exam

162. The examination is terminated and the grade “FAILED” is given if the driver candidate, when passing the exam: 162.1 Did not begin to perform the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to begin its execution. 162.2 Knocked down marking equipment 2 or more times. 162.3 According to the projection of the vehicle size, he drove beyond the boundaries of the test exercise areas, marked by road marking lines 1.1 white or 1.4 yellow and (or) marking cones (marking posts), or drove his wheel onto the marking line and (or) marking cone (marking post) ), indicating the boundaries of the areas of test exercises, depending on the conditions of their implementation. 162.4 Crossed the “STOP” line along the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle in cases where stopping in front of the “STOP” line is provided for by the conditions of the test exercise. 162.5 Did not cross the control line with the external dimensions of the vehicle in cases where crossing the control line is provided for by the conditions of the test exercise. 162.6 Deviated from the specified trajectory of movement provided for by the conditions for performing the test exercise. 162.7 Stopped the engine 2 or more times. 162.8 Stopped before the corresponding marking line at a distance exceeding the control value. 162.9 Moved in reverse if reversing is not provided for by the conditions of the test exercise. 162.10 Used a telephone or other technical device that allowed negotiations. 162.11 Left the exam (refused to perform the test exercise). 162.13. When passing the exam for the right to drive vehicles of categories “M”, “A” or subcategory “A1”: 162.13.1 Exceeded the time for performing the “Speed ​​maneuvering” exercise. 162.13.2 Touched the surface of the court with his foot(s) 3 or more times in cases where touching is not provided for by the conditions of the exercise. 162.13.3 Allowed the vehicle to roll over. 162.13.4 Did not engage neutral gear (on a motor vehicle with a manual transmission) and (or) did not raise his left hand in cases where these actions are provided for by the conditions of the test exercise.

In the version of the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated October 20, 2015 N 995 (as amended on October 25, 2018), 6 errors were made, neutral was not an error, and there was no requirement to raise your left hand. Our previous post - Motoloto or the traffic police exam for category A.

II Schemes and conditions for performing exercises.

The driver candidate: drives around the marking cones along a given trajectory; crosses the control line; sequentially passes clearance gates 1, 2 and 3; stops at a distance not exceeding the “P” value from the “STOP” line (according to the projection of the front clearance); keeps the motor vehicle stationary (on a motor vehicle with a manual transmission, engages neutral gear) by touching the surface of the platform with his foot(s), indicating this with his left hand raised up; leaves the exercise area. The time for performing the exercise from the moment the front wheel of a motor vehicle crosses the start line of the exercise until the moment the rear wheel of a motor vehicle crosses the “STOP” line should not exceed 35 seconds.

The exercise lost the marking posts on the clearance gates and was supplemented with a control line and mandatory conditions for the passage of cones along a given path, neutral and a raised hand. Most often, the posts were knocked down by the steering wheel, so their absence increases the candidate’s chances. But for what purpose the authors placed the control line 4 meters before the STOP line, it’s difficult for me to say, time will tell, but in the conditions of the exercise its purpose is not spelled out.

You can see how it was before here

Driver candidate: moves along a given trajectory; stops at a distance not exceeding the “E” value from the “STOP” line (according to the projection of the front clearance); engages neutral gear (on a motor vehicle with a manual transmission), indicating this by raising his hand up and holding the vehicle by touching the surface of the platform with his foot(s).

Driver candidate: drives in the clear corridor; stops at a distance not exceeding the “E” value from the “STOP” line (according to the projection of the front clearance); engages neutral gear (when performing the exercise on a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox), which is indicated by raising your left hand up and holding the vehicle stationary by touching the surface of the platform with your foot(s); leaves the exercise area, crossing the “STOP” line.

The exercises “Parking a vehicle and leaving a parking space” and “Snake” remained unchanged, only the time for completing each exercise was removed from the conditions, otherwise there were cases... But since I have already updated all the training posters, I am posting updated pictures and description for them: My favorite exercise was not supplemented with a slide with sand before entering the garage, which is a shame ((

When performing the exercise “Parking a vehicle and leaving a parking space,” the candidate driver’s skills in driving a motor vehicle are tested by performing the maneuver provided for in subparagraph “a” of paragraph 13 of the Rules for conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. Federation dated October 24, 2014 No. 1097, on moving a motor vehicle in reverse, without turning on the engine, and installing it in a parking place.

Driver candidate: after crossing the exercise start line on a motorized vehicle, stops at the designated place so that the motorized vehicle crosses the exercise start line according to the projection of the rear clearance, turns off the engine and dismounts; keeping the motorized vehicle in balance, on foot, positioned from the side convenient for the motorized vehicle, rolls it in reverse and places it on the step within the designated parking space so that, according to the projection of the front clearance, it crosses the end line of the exercise. gets on the motor vehicle, starts the engine and drives out of the parking space.

Driver candidate: moves along a given trajectory; consistently drives around the marking cones on the left and right sides; crosses the end line of the exercise.

Full version of the document - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated 02.20.2021 No. 80 “On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for conducting examinations for the right to drive vehicles and issuing driver’s licenses” (Registered 03.22.2021 No. 62837 ).

Obtaining category A license for beginner motorists

Motorcycle driving lessons from scratch at a driving school are a prerequisite for subsequently passing the theoretical and practical exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Private motorcycle riding lessons for beginners are provided on an individual basis only with experienced instructors who have extensive experience driving this vehicle.

When studying at school, the initial course for a novice motorcyclist includes practicing a number of basic skills:

  • correct seating position for the driver of a motorcycle;
  • switching speeds;
  • safe starting and braking;
  • driving at slow and fast speeds with sharp and smooth braking;
  • tactics of moving and changing lanes in city traffic;
  • emergency management.

Benefits of studying at our school

  1. Experienced, polite and patient instructors.
  2. Indoor motor racing track with an area of ​​3.2 thousand square meters. m, to implement a unique training program for motorcyclists from scratch, focused on city riding.
  3. New motorcycles for training are Yamaha XJ6, Yamaha TW200, Yamaha YBR 125, Honda CB400 and Racer Magnum 250.
  4. You can practice on your own motorcycle.
  5. Developed infrastructure of the Mosaic shopping center.
  6. Transport accessibility of the motorcycle school.
  7. Discount on equipment from Mr.Moto.

Stages of issuing a license to drive a motorcycle

Obtaining a license to drive a motorcycle consists of several stages:

  1. Taking theoretical and practical skills courses at a driving school.
  2. Passing a medical commission.
  3. Passing exams on the theoretical and practical parts at the traffic police.
  4. Successfully obtaining a category A driver's license to drive this vehicle.

Motorcycle driving lessons in Moscow are more relevant than ever - in a huge metropolitan metropolis, the presence of a driving license and two-wheeled transport allows you to be more mobile in moving around the city and beyond.

The theoretical standard training course in our driving school on such an extreme type of vehicle includes 18-20 hours, practical lessons - 20-22 hours.

Exam withdrawals in 2022

When passing the exam, tuition can be paid in installments. It should be noted that the price directly depends on the level of training of teachers. You also need to take into account payments that include fuel costs. If a person has some other category of rights, then the price for training for a motorcycle license may decrease. So, training costs about 14,000 rubles. You also need to pay for additional driving hours. Three changes will cost about 4,500 rubles. A medical certificate is also required.

Tips for beginner motorcyclists

Before you enroll in the course, we will make some recommendations. The driver of a motorcycle transport must be appropriately equipped before the trip:

  • helmet,
  • motor turtle,
  • knee pads,
  • gloves,
  • motorcycle pants,
  • motorcycle boots.

Clothing should be appropriate for the season and not restrict movement.

It is worth remembering that a modern bike is one of the most dangerous types of transport, so you need to be alert and never lose vigilance on the roads. Private courses with an individual approach will help with this, taking into account your existing riding skills. If you are a beginner, choose courses “from scratch”, find out the price for a driving course and move on to a new one!

Conditions for admission to the exam

To obtain admission to the traffic police, you need to pass an internal exam at a driving school and receive a certificate of completion.

Before enrolling in a driving school, the future driver must obtain a medical certificate allowing him to drive vehicles belonging to category “A”. The fact is that the conditions for medical clearance to drive vehicles of different categories may differ. Driving conditions, as well as the vehicles themselves, vary significantly. Even if a cadet recently received a car license, he still needs to obtain a new medical certificate.


The medical report, made according to form 003-B/u, must contain a note that its owner has no medical contraindications for driving category “A” vehicles.

Let's teach you how to drive a motorcycle professionally

You need to learn how to control this vehicle with one hand - this skill of emergency driving will be useful when obtaining a license at the traffic police, when showing turn signals and braking signals on the roads. Learning to ride a motorcycle never ends, it can only be improved. Private lessons are always relevant. In the modern realities of the frantic pace of highways, it is necessary to acquire basic solid knowledge and skills to always remain in a safe environment and become the owner of a license. Motorcycle driving courses and further successful riding practice will help you become an experienced and safe biker. We offer private off-road riding lessons for beginners and experienced motorcyclists.

Conditions for conducting a motorcycle driving test

Exercises to test initial skills are carried out on specialized racing tracks (closed areas). They must have high-quality asphalt pavement, appropriate lighting, and exam reception areas must be equipped with the necessary equipment. The full list of requirements for racing tracks (sites) is established by Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1097.

The procedure is regulated by this resolution, as well as the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

  1. The exam can be conducted in two versions: one candidate performs all the exercises sequentially, or several examinees alternately perform one exercise, after which they proceed to the next.
  2. Each examinee must be equipped with a helmet and protective gloves.
  3. Each candidate is entitled to a two-minute practice ride on the route before the start of the test. Mistakes made during the training ride are not counted.
  4. The motorcycle must be installed in the starting area, the engine must be turned off, and the gearshift lever must be in neutral.
  5. Taking the driver's seat, starting to move, and performing exercises is done at the command of the examiner.

After completing each exercise, the inspector makes a note on the examination sheet about the correctness of the exercise, the presence of errors or failure to complete the task. To pass successfully, you need to score no more than 5 penalty points.

Checklist of penalty points when performing exercises

Number of penalty points
Minor errors (1 point)Average errors (3 points)Gross errors (5 points)
  • Wheel lock due to sudden braking
  • Low beam not on
  • The engine stalled when starting the exercise
  • Neutral gear was not engaged when stopping after performing the exercise
  • Exercise time exceeded
  • Doesn't change gears on time
  • Deviation from the established trajectory
  • Fencing elements knocked down
  • Horizontal lines crossed
  • The vehicle stopped more than 40 cm before the stop line, or the stop line was crossed
  • Touching the surface with the foot while performing exercises

Total price

On average, the opportunity to drive a new vehicle will cost a person 20,000 rubles. If the inspector determines that driving is being done without a category license, the vehicle owner will have to pay a fine of up to 15 thousand rubles. In this case, the motorcycle itself will be confiscated and moved to the impound lot. Also, a person’s driver’s license is taken away, which significantly exceeds the cost of legally obtaining a license to drive a motorcycle.

How to open category A if there is B? If a person needs to start using transport from category C, then he will also have to pass certain tests and prove that he can own the transport. It will be quite easy for an owner of category B to switch to driving scooters and light motorcycles. In this case, you will only have to go through additional tests and pass the exam. Obtaining category A if you have B is quite simple - it will not be difficult for the driver.

What documents are needed to register a category?

Changes to the driver's license are made upon provision of a certain number of documents to the traffic police:

  • application: a form that is issued at the department or is printed in electronic form from the corresponding website;
  • driver's identification document (passport);
  • a document containing information about completing training at a driving school for vocational training for the required category and subcategory;
  • a certificate from a medical institution: before starting training at a driving school, a person undergoes a comprehensive check at a medical institution and receives a final conclusion, the duration of which continues for the next 3 years (in some cases, the clinic sets other deadlines);
  • a check containing information about the repayment of the state duty;
  • driver's license;
  • several photographs: if it is not possible to transmit the document electronically, then a simplified form of identification is issued.

Why are certificates issued?

The requirement to issue driver's licenses for driving cars and other vehicles appeared immediately after this type of movement became widespread and gained popularity.

For the first time this type of certificate was issued back in 1893, and already in 1899 there was a mandatory need to pass exams. Since that time, driving rights have become an important part of a person's life.

All countries, Russia is no exception, have joined the road traffic convention. As a result, countries have become required to issue a specific form of driver's license, which gives a person the right to drive a specific vehicle.

The holder of such a license, before receiving it, had to pass an exam on knowledge of the rules of the road, and also demonstrate in practice that he knows how to drive a vehicle.

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