How to get an M category license for a scooter and moped?

In 2013, along with other categories for motor vehicles, a new category M was introduced into the road legislation, which allows its owner to drive a moped. To obtain such rights, you must undergo training at a specialized center and pass two exams (practical and theoretical) at the State Traffic Inspectorate. If you want to get a driving category M, contact the REAL driving school. With us you can get all the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully pass the exams.

Innovations in legislation

In 2022, changes were made to the Federal Law on Road Safety. They also affected category M.

Before this, both adults and minors could ride mopeds and scooters with a small engine capacity. Since for this category of transport it was not necessary to undergo training, pass exams and obtain a permit. Many people took advantage of this, as a result of which people very often got on scooters while drunk.

In 2022, amendments were made to the Federal Law on road safety

Now you can ride a moped or scooter if you have a category M driver's license. The driver will have to undergo a medical examination, study at a driving school and pass an exam at the traffic police department. And when driving drunk, the offender will be punished under the same articles as car drivers. You also need to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy to drive.

Categories “A”, “A1”, “M”: what is the difference?

Category “M” gives the right to drive scooters and mopeds with an engine capacity of up to 50 cubic meters. If the vehicle has a volume from 50 to 125 cubic centimeters, you will have to obtain a license with subcategory “A1”. If the cubic capacity of the motorcycle is more than 125, “A2” opens. But the “A2” subcategory has a small nuance: to open it, you must have experience driving a motorbike with an “A1” open .

By the way, previously, driving a small-capacity vehicle up to 50 cubic meters allowed a drunk driver to drive to the nearest kiosk for another dose of alcohol. Now everything is strict: if traffic police officers catch such a “spree” driver, he faces the loss of his driver’s license.

How to get a license for a scooter

How to get category M and is it possible now? Yes, because the government has already drawn up and approved a program for training and obtaining category M licenses, and all driving schools with the appropriate license have the right to train citizens.

Category M can be obtained for a scooter up to 50cc

Where and how can I get it

To understand how to get a license for a scooter up to 50cc, you just need to familiarize yourself with the algorithm for obtaining licenses in other categories.

For scooters you will have to do approximately the same:

  1. To begin with, go through a medical examination. Doctors must conclude that the person does not have any diseases that prevent driving. The specialists who need to be examined include a psychiatrist and a narcologist.
  2. Choose a driving school and sign up for training.
  3. Pay for all classes and get all the necessary knowledge - theory and practice.
  4. Pass the exam at a driving school.
  5. Pass certification at the traffic police department.

If you fail the exam, you can take it again. The next attempt becomes available no earlier than after 7 days. If the candidate exhausts three attempts in this way, the next one will be available only after 30 calendar days.

You can retake the exam if you fail it.

Conditions of receipt

What do you need to get a license for a scooter? After completing the training, before the exam at the traffic police, you must collect a package of documents and submit it to the traffic police department.

The list of documents is as follows:

  • Application for a driver's license. It is filled out using a standard form, a sample of which can always be found on the traffic police website, or obtained from the department.
  • Certificate of successful completion of the training course issued by the driving school.
  • The driver’s medical examination card with marks from each of the medical specialists.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or other identity card with confirmation of registration address.

Admission to take the opening exam of category M

To be admitted to the exam you need:

  • Pass a medical examination.
  • Receive a document confirming the training completed at the driving school.
  • Submit an application and documents to the traffic police and pay the state fee using the details received.

How much does it cost to get a scooter license? When registering a regular license, the state fee is 500 rubles; for a laminated card you will have to pay 2,000.

To be allowed to take the exam, you need to collect a package of documents.

Features of the educational process

In addition to age restrictions, applicants for enrollment in courses should take the medical certificate seriously. Doctors make similar requirements for the health of moped drivers when opening category A.

The following persons are not allowed to participate in the educational process:

  • with poor vision and severe astigmatism;
  • registered in drug treatment and psychological dispensaries.

Enroll cadets with presentation:

  • medical certificate, photographs for its registration are canceled;
  • passports;
  • military ID (if available);
  • payment receipts.

According to the terms of the training program, a citizen must listen to the theory for 72 hours. 30 hours are allotted for practical knowledge, and the student will be busy driving for 18 hours.

During coursework the following questions are studied:

  1. Basics of traffic rules, behavior while driving at traffic lights, intersections.
  2. Designation of all signs.
  3. How to provide first aid.
  4. Legal articles of the Administrative Code.
  5. Cases of liability for violations.

Features of obtaining and passing the exam

To obtain a category M license, you must demonstrate the following knowledge in the exam:

  • Traffic Laws.
  • Safety precautions for category M transport management.
  • Ways to communicate while driving.
  • Responsibility for driving a moped without permission.

You also need to demonstrate the ability to operate a scooter, as well as knowledge of vehicle maintenance in the event of a breakdown during a trip.

The theoretical part is taken using a computer. The maximum allowed number of errors is 2. After passing the theory, the candidate takes the practical part at the motor vehicle site.

He must perform the following maneuvers under the supervision of instructors:

  • Driving along a corridor of installed cones, accelerating, stopping and turning around.
  • Snake maneuvering.
  • Driving along the “rut board”.
  • Low speed ride - drive 10 meters in more than 5 seconds without touching the ground with your feet.
  • Travel along the "eight" route.

The theoretical part of the exam is taken using a computer.

Who can drive a motorcycle

To obtain category A, future drivers must meet established age and medical criteria.

Some of the conditions that must be met in order to be able to obtain category A are set out in Article 26, Article 196 of the law. This takes into account the technical differences between motor vehicles of the included subcategories.

To pass category A, the future driver must be at least 18 years old. To ride a less powerful motorcycle belonging to A1, it is enough to overcome the 16-year mark.

Medical criteria for motorcyclists are established by government decree 1604. Health restrictions are highlighted in Section I of a special “List”. They are listed in 11 points. Among them, the most common and therefore most interesting are the following:

  • Vision index according to the table: no less than 0.6 in the best eye and 0.2 in the worst.
  • If one eye does not see at all, the other eye should have vision no worse than 0.8
  • No 2 phalanges of fingers on the right hand or 3 on the left or 2 on the thumb of either hand
  • The leg is shortened by 6 cm, while its length is not less than 75 cm

Other deviations listed in the section are less common, so they are not listed in this article.

The above criteria apply to driving vehicles specifically with a motorcycle seat or steering wheel.

How to choose the right driving school

The choice of educational institution must be taken seriously. Otherwise, the driver risks wasting his time and money. The ideal option would be an already verified driving school that has a license to issue a category M license.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Tuition price. It should not be very high, but you should also not pay attention to very low prices. Running a driving school is not cheap, so if they offer training at a reduced price, then the quality of training will obviously be just as low.
  • What is the condition of the school's car park and transport area? All necessary types of vehicles must be available and in proper condition. The training site must be equipped with the necessary equipment for training.
  • Documentation. The driving school must have a license to train drivers of category M, which has not yet expired. The curriculum must fully comply with the requirements of the traffic police.

Possible fines

When riding a moped without a category M license, the violator will face a fine under Art. 12.7 of the Code of Traffic Violations. The fine ranges from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. If this is a repeated violation, the fine will increase to 30 thousand. In addition, the driver may be subject to correctional labor.

You need to be responsible when choosing an educational institution

Why was a new category introduced?

The introduction of a new category M for driving mopeds was a necessity

Any requirement in the traffic rules was developed and approved after an analysis of all dangerous cases occurring on the roads. There is an opinion that the rules are created in blood.

Establishing the right to drive scooters with the provision of a driver’s license and an open new category M is not a whim of legislators in order to replenish the state treasury, but a necessity.

Every driver who has been cut off by a young scooter driver moving along the highway as he pleases without the slightest knowledge of traffic rules can confirm it. There were also drunk, inappropriate drivers on mopeds, for whom the traffic light did not oblige them to do anything, which created an emergency situation.

2014 brought legislative innovations that came into force; they state the need to drive low-power motorcycles only if you have a driving license.

Rules for riding a moped

When operating a moped or scooter of category M, the following rules apply:

  • Always carry your driver's license with you.
  • Citizens over 16 years of age can drive a vehicle.
  • If a violator is detained while intoxicated, he will be deprived of his rights.
  • The movement of mopeds and scooters must be carried out along the right edge of the roadway or along the bicycle path.
  • It is allowed to move along the side of the road without interfering with pedestrians.
  • Overtaking of trams and trolleybuses is allowed.
  • During daylight hours, low beam headlights must be turned on.

The following actions are also prohibited:

  • When driving, hold the steering wheel with only one hand.
  • Ride without a helmet or with it unfastened.
  • Transport children under 7 years of age without special equipment. equipment.
  • Cross roads at a pedestrian crossing.
  • Carry large objects that protrude beyond the scooter.
  • Make a U-turn or a left turn across tram tracks.
  • Participate in towing.

Not all driving schools specialize in training category M drivers.

Is category M necessary if B is open?

How to open category M if there is B and is it necessary? Category B provides the opportunity to drive cars weighing up to three and a half tons. It can only be issued to adult citizens. Category B automatically includes M, which means that nothing additional needs to be opened.

It happens that by B they mean subcategory B1. It, unlike B, provides the ability to control only ATVs and tricycles. That is, three or four-wheeled motor vehicles for public roads with a title.

Approximate cost of training

Not all driving schools specialize in training category M drivers.

Those schools that are capable of this provide three types of training programs:

  1. Only theoretical lessons. The cost of training ranges from 7 to 12 thousand rubles, and the duration of full training is from one to two months.
  2. Theory + practical lessons on driving a scooter. This course lasts at least two and a half months, and will cost from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. The program will not include any additional services.
  3. The most extended program will cost from 25 to 35 thousand rubles. In addition to theoretical lectures and driving lessons, the program will include a package of additional services. Assistance will be provided in preparing for the traffic police exam and a trial exam will be held within the driving school. In addition, school employees themselves will pay the costs of the medical examination and state fees.
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