Motorcycle license: how to get category “a” driver’s license

A motorcycle is one of the first vehicles that young people learn to drive, but this does not mean that anyone can get behind the wheel. It is important to understand that you must not only own a self-propelled vehicle, but also have the legal right to drive it on city streets. To get this opportunity, you need to take a course at a driving school and get a driver's license.

Every young person can become the owner of such a document if he has reached a certain age and has no medical contraindications to driving a vehicle. And despite the fact that the desire to become a real driver may be very great, it is still worth knowing at what age you can start riding a motorcycle so as not to break the law.

How to get a motorcycle driver's license, at what age?

The conditions for obtaining a driver's license are established by Art. 26 of the Federal Law “On Road Safety”, as well as the Traffic Rules. By the way, they need to be studied first of all when studying the issue of how to obtain a driver’s license, along with the Government Decree “On permission to drive vehicles.”

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the decoding of the driver's license category, in order to obtain the right to drive a motorcycle, you must obtain a category A license. At the same time, motorcycles with a small engine capacity (up to 125 cc) and low maximum power (up to 11 kW) can be driven with a subcategory A1.

In turn, a driver’s license for a motorcycle of subcategory A1 can be issued from the age of 16, and category A - only from the age of 18.

The rules of the road regarding learning driving are categorical: a person learning to drive a car or motorcycle must be at least 16 years old.

The new law on rights from the age of 16 - is it true?

No. In fact, in the history of car laws, there have been several initiatives to introduce the ability for young people to drive. But none of the proposals from various departments ever came to fruition.

Updated 03/30/2021. The network is once again actively discussing the fake news that from the age of 16 you can drive when accompanied by an adult. Allegedly, the new rules for admission to driving cars will come into force on April 1, 2022. However, this information is not true. You will not find any corresponding changes in legislation since the beginning of April.

Let's take a quick look at the relevant chronology of events.

  • Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the traffic rules actually stated that a teenager has the right to drive if he is supervised by an adult in the passenger seat.
  • In the second half of 2022, the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposed to restore this tradition in Russia by law - to introduce the possibility of driving passenger cars before reaching the age of 18, provided that an accompanying adult with a license is sitting next to them. But it was not really about obtaining a driver’s license from the age of 16 - not from 16, but from 17 years old, and not a full-fledged right to drive, but only permission to drive. Although the initiative was put forward by the traffic police department itself, it did not come into force, and for 2022 the version of the Federal Law on Road Traffic Safety is in force, implying the ability to get behind the wheel only after reaching 18 years of age.
  • In September 2022, deputies of the State Duma proposed to give a full driver’s license from the age of 16, explaining this by the fact that teenagers in our time begin an independent life much earlier, and at this age they can already be employed. But this project has not yet been supported.

Driving school for obtaining a motorcycle driver's license

To obtain a driver's license, you must attend a driving school. Now there is a large selection of them. Pay attention to the quantity and quality of practical hours.

Before enrolling in a driving school, you must pass a driver's medical examination and obtain a medical certificate in the prescribed form, including a narcologist and a psychologist.

You also need to collect the following documents:

  • Application for admission to courses (the form is provided at the institution itself or can be downloaded from the school website);
  • A photocopy of the passport in three copies;
  • Medical certificate;
  • Receipt for paid tuition fees and a photocopy of it
  • Two color photos 3.5 x 4.5 without corners

A written agreement must be concluded with the driving school; pay attention to how payment under the agreement is divided: fuel, practical training and theoretical basis. Inquire about the license.

For how many years are they issued?

The validity period of motorcyclist driver's licenses is subject to the general rules regulated by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia No. 995 of October 20, 2015, and is 10 years.

Based on Art. 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, fines for driving without a license are determined in the following order:

For persons riding two-wheeled vehicles who do not have a license for such equipment5000-15000 rubles
For those who have already opened a category, but were deprived of them, but he continues to drive30,000 rubles
For owners who have given a moped, scooter, motorcycle to those who do not have a license30,000 rubles

Training for category A

Training for category A in a driving school should include theoretical classes where they study the rules of the road, providing first aid on the road, rules of behavior during conflicts on the road and the technical features of motorcycles. During practical classes, the instructor teaches practical driving skills.

After training at a driving school, you will be issued a certificate stating that you have been trained in driving category “A” vehicles. And the next mandatory step is passing the exam at the traffic police.

Do I need to undergo training?

Completing training is a mandatory process for obtaining a license for the first time or opening new categories (as mentioned earlier, when replacing a driver’s license with category B, subcategory A1 will be opened automatically).

Training is conducted in a driving school that has a state license for this type of activity.

During the training process, the future driver is obliged to:

  • understand the rules of the road;
  • understand the simplest rules of motorcycle operation;
  • acquire first aid skills in case of road accidents and other critical situations;
  • learn the rules for transporting people and goods;
  • understand the psychological aspects of driver behavior;
  • learn to maneuver a motorcycle;
  • master the principles of driving on public roads.

After training, the future motorcycle driver must pass an exam consisting of two parts:

  1. Theoretical. Checked using a computer program. The applicant for a license must correctly answer at least 18 out of 20 questions contained in the ticket.
  2. Practical. Driving skills are tested in a closed area.

Each applicant must be able to perform exercises such as:

  • straight-line movement with the inclusion of various gears;
  • “rut board” - controlling a motorcycle at low speed without touching the ground with your foot;
  • “snake” - avoiding obstacles from different directions;
  • "eight" - control the motorcycle along the lines forming the number 8.

If you receive a “failed” grade for any part of the exam, re-examination is possible only after 7 days.

Passing the exam at the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for a motorcycle driver's license, at what age?

You can take the traffic police exam from the age of 16, but provide the written consent of your legal representatives (parents). Such consent is not required in the case of a decision on emancipation or marriage.

The theoretical part of the exam is taken on tickets, there are 40 of them in total, each with 20 questions. The future driver is given 20 minutes to complete the test. To receive a “PASS” grade, he can make no more than 2 mistakes. Otherwise, the score will be 0, and the exam will have to be retaken.

After successfully passing the theoretical exam, the license applicant is allowed to take a practical exam, in which you need to demonstrate your motorcycle driving skills on the site.


The cost of training for categories A and A1 depends on the region of Russia. The price of the issue in various cities is presented in the table:

Region of the Russian FederationTuition fee, rub. A1 Tuition fee, rub. A
Moscow26 00029 000
Saint Petersburg23 50020 000
Arkhangelsk20 00017 500
Sochi15 70012 000
Vorkuta27 00025 500
Kaluga16 50014 000
Ekaterinburg12 00011 500
Volgograd17 00015 500
Astrakhan12 50012 500
Yaroslavl12 70012 000
Krasnodar15 00014 500
Permian11 0009 500
Tyumen12 30011 700

Obtaining a license with categories A and A1 is necessary to drive motorcycles. To open categories you need to complete training and pass exams.

The cost of training varies depending on the region of Russia, and the fee for registration and issuance of a document in all regions is the same and amounts to 2,000 rubles

The main condition for completing training and obtaining a license is the conclusion of a medical commission, which must be completed at the first stage.

The list of documents for replacing a driver’s license in 2022 is in the article: documents for replacing a driver’s license in 2020.

Find out where to get a free medical examination for your driver's license on the page.

Find out about the online traffic police database of those deprived of a driver's license from the information.

Practical part of the exam

It is necessary that the motorcycle on which the candidate for a license will demonstrate driving skills to the instructor meets safety requirements. Otherwise, the vehicle will not be allowed to take the exam.

To adapt to the vehicle, the driver is allowed to drive around the site for 2 minutes before the exam, which is not counted in the overall assessment system.

The practical part for motorcyclist candidates consists of several exercises, the order of which is determined by the examiner.

After completing one exercise, the examinee, without turning off the engine, informs the instructor with the light of the headlight that he is ready to perform the next one.

If you fail to complete one exercise, you are given the opportunity to repeat it. If you fail again when repeating, it is considered that the exam has not been passed.

If for some reason the examinee refuses to take the exam before it begins, the examiner will allow him to take the exam on another day.

If you have not passed the theoretical part of the exam, then a retake can be scheduled no earlier than seven days later. The law does not limit the number of theory retakes, but the practical exam can only be taken three times a week, and then a retake can only be scheduled after 30 days.

Please remember that if you fail the practical exam within 6 months, you will have to take the theoretical exam again.

Responsibility for driving a motorcycle by a minor

Many teenagers ignore the need to obtain a license to drive a motorcycle, and some get on such equipment before reaching the required age. In such cases, negligent drivers or their parents will face administrative liability:

  • If a minor drives a motorcycle without authorization, his parents will have to pay a fine of 5-15 thousand rubles. At the same time, the transport is confiscated and sent to the impound lot.
  • An even greater fine awaits a person who entrusts the operation of a motorcycle to a minor. You will have to pay 30 thousand rubles, while the fine remains for the parents of the minor. The owner of the vehicle also faces a fine of 800 rubles, since insurance rules are violated.

You can ride a motorcycle only after reaching the age of 18 and after obtaining a license in the appropriate category. In this case, training can begin earlier than the issuance of licenses is allowed by law. If a minor drives a motorcycle, then the parents are responsible for this, as well as the owner of the vehicle who let him behind the wheel.


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Obtaining a motorcycle driver's license category

When you have successfully passed both exams, all that remains is to get your driver’s license with category “A”. If category “A” is open on your driver’s license, then it gives you the right to drive any motorcycles, including light motorcycles belonging to category “A1” and mopeds included in category “M”. Category “A” can be obtained by persons who have reached the age of 18; at the age of 16, a driver’s license of categories “A1” and “M” is available.

Do not forget that in accordance with the current legislation, a motorcycle driver’s license, no matter how old you were received, is valid for 10 years and after this period is subject to replacement or exchange.

Age restrictions for obtaining a motorcycle license in 2022

A motorcycle is one of the first vehicles that young people learn to drive, but this does not mean that anyone can get behind the wheel. It is important to understand that you must not only own a self-propelled vehicle, but also have the legal right to drive it on city streets. To get this opportunity, you need to take a course at a driving school and get a driver's license.

Every young person can become the owner of such a document if he has reached a certain age and has no medical contraindications to driving a vehicle. And despite the fact that the desire to become a real driver may be very great, it is still worth knowing at what age you can start riding a motorcycle so as not to break the law.

Legal basis for admission to driving category A vehicles

In paragraphs 2-3 of Art. 26 of Law No. 196-F3 states that category A1 can be opened by a citizen who has reached the age of 16 after undergoing special training, and obtaining a driving license with mark A is allowed no earlier than 18 years. But if a young driver is already 17 years old, he is allowed to undergo training at a driving school and an examination, as a result of which, immediately after reaching adulthood, he can easily obtain a license with access to driving motorcycles.

What is the difference between categories “A” and “A1”

Both of these categories of driver's license allow you to drive motorcycles, but there are quite significant differences among them:

    Mark A on the license allows the motorist to drive a motorcycle with an engine capacity of 125 cm³ or more, as well as other equipment equipped with two, three or four wheels, weighing no more than 400 kg. To open this category, you just need to enroll in a driving school, take a 2-month course and pass exams. 2 weeks after the test you can receive a VA.

Category A license

  • The abbreviation A1 in a driver’s license means that the holder of this document can drive light motor vehicles with an engine capacity of 50 to 125 cm³ (motor scooter, scooter, moped, etc.). If a car enthusiast has already gained access to category A or other more “complex” groups of vehicles, then subcategory A1 opens “automatically”.
  • At what age can you ride a motorcycle in Russia in 2020?

    Previously, Russian legislation allowed young people over 16 years of age to drive small motorcycles without a license. In 2013, amendments appeared to the legal act that limited the opportunities for teenagers.

    And fans of motorcycles that reach speeds of more than 50 km/h need to become of age in order to be able to control their “iron horse,” since it is recognized as a high-risk vehicle.

    Conditions for obtaining a driver's license

    To become a driver's license holder, you need to do the following:

  • undergo a commission at a medical institution to rule out diseases that prevent you from driving a vehicle;
  • enroll in a driving school to learn traffic rules and master driving skills;
  • pass a knowledge test using a test task and a practical exam. It is important to know that only a student of a driving school that has been accredited can take the traffic police exams.

Exam for license category A1
To obtain admission to the exams, you need to prepare a number of documents:

  • passport;
  • medical certificate (form 003-В/у);
  • driving education diploma;
  • written consent of parents or guardians (if the future owner of the VA is under 18 years of age).

After successfully passing the test, the car owner gets the opportunity to drive a vehicle to which he has access. A driver's license is valid for 10 years.

At what age can you ride as a passenger?

The law states that a motorcycle capable of reaching a speed of 50 km/h or more can carry passengers over 12 years of age. Young children have a high risk of falling from a vehicle and being injured.

In addition, when riding a motor vehicle with a child, you must follow the following rules:

  • the passenger must wear a safety helmet;
  • the driver does not have the right to develop a vehicle speed of more than 40-50 km/h;
  • a child can be seated behind the driver only if the motorcycle is equipped with devices that can be held on while driving; otherwise, transporting a child on a motor vehicle may result in a fine.

What is the price

The price of training depends on the region where the service is provided. Let's look at a few examples in table form:

CityPrice category A1, thousand rubles.Price category A, thousand rubles.
Volgograd1715, 5
Krasnodar1514, 5
Tyumen12, 311, 7

The price of training in different regions is excellent. However, the amount of the state fee for obtaining a license is the same for everyone and amounts to two thousand rubles . In addition, you will have to pay for a certificate of completion of a medical examination.

What can you drive at 14 years old?

Boys are always drawn to technology. While they are little, they play with cars; when they grow up, they ride a bicycle or ride a scooter. In adolescence, you want something more serious. And if earlier in small towns or villages you could often meet a boy driving a motorcycle, then in our time everything is strict with this. We already said above that you can get a motorcycle license from at least 16 years of age. Therefore, at the age of 14 you can drive:

  • cycling, including electric bicycles. A license for this type of transport is not yet required.
  • rollerblades, scooters. These vehicles do not have a motor; they are driven by human motor skills.
  • electrical engineering: hoverboards and electric scooters. These devices have a motor, but you don't need a license for them yet. Drivers of this transport are not treated like pedestrians, but are considered owners of an electric vehicle.

By the way, you can ride an enduro or motocross motorcycle. But it’s not at all easy to ride them without training. The pit bike deserves special attention; it is considered sports equipment, and you do not need a license for it. But you can drive it only on specially designated routes. Therefore, if a boy has a great desire to master a motorcycle, his parents can enroll him in a motorcycle section (enduro or motocross). By the age of 16, in this section, a novice biker will gain excellent riding experience and learn to understand many of the intricacies of motorcycle technology.

Situation in other countries

Russia can safely be called the state in which the age restrictions for driving land transport are the strictest. In some countries of Europe, Asia, and America the situation is radically different.

  1. In the USA, in some states you can drive a car from the age of 15, in others - from the age of 16. True, only if there is an adult and experienced driver nearby. In some states, it is prohibited by law from driving other youth for the first 6 months after obtaining a license (with the exception of siblings).
  2. In some German states, from 17 years of age, but only when accompanied by an adult.
  3. In Iceland, rights are given at 17 years old, but they are temporary and valid for 2 years, then they change.
  4. In the Mariana Islands and El Salvador, you can drive a car from the age of 15.
  5. In Estonia, Israel, France, you can legally drive without fear at the age of 16, but only if accompanied by a parent.

Typically, the minimum driving age is chosen based on a person's ability to take responsibility for their actions. Therefore, the greater the danger from technology to other people, the higher the minimum driver age.

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Now all the conditions have been met, training at the driving school has been completed, and then the future driver will face an exam covering a full test of knowledge. It consists of theoretical and practical parts.

The theoretical part is submitted to the traffic police. The citizen is given 20 minutes to solve 20 test questions. The information contained in the tickets includes not only traffic rules, but also the provision of first aid (before the ambulance arrives), what are the requirements for allowing the vehicle to be used.

Passing the exam for category A at the race track

The examinee is required to confirm with knowledge that he easily has information about safe behavior while driving:

  • what factors lead to road accidents;
  • what does the technical part of driving safety include;
  • components of a vehicle

Ignorance of traffic laws does not exclude you from strict liability.

When taking the exam, you can make no more than two mistakes, otherwise, it will not be passed. Also, when working with various literature, tips from the “neighbor” and cheat sheets, the chances of successfully passing this stage are equal to zero. With new strength and knowledge, you can come back for a retake in 7 days. However, if everything went well and the future driver receives a positive assessment, these results remain valid only for three months.

Exam in the traffic police

The practical part in 2022 is made up of three different exercises, rated on a five-point scale, including the following maneuvering actions:

  • “Overall corridor”, “Overall semicircle”, “Acceleration-deceleration”;
  • “snake”, “rut road”, “low speed control”;
  • "dimensional eight".

Thanks to such turns, basic driving skills are acquired and developed:

  • be able to accelerate using all gears;
  • move slowly;
  • follow a given trajectory;
  • give signals by turning your hand;
  • engage neutral gear;
  • Brake in a timely and competent manner.

Platform for figure eight

Before starting the assessment test, the examinee is asked to adapt to the transport and site within a couple of minutes. The exam may be taken from one or several applicants at once to acquire rights.

Vehicles used in a driving school must meet certain requirements. This also applies to the quality characteristics of the road surface and lighting on the site.

If one of the exercises is performed incorrectly, the examinee is given an attempt to repeat it. In case of a repeated error, the exam is considered failed. But if, during the test run-in of the site, the future driver understands that he is not ready to take his license today, the attempt is not counted and the examiner invites him to another day.

If the examination area is wet after rain, then the “high-speed maneuver” will not be passed.

At what age can you ride a moped?

Many consider a scooter to be the initial stage in mastering two-wheeled transport, but a moped is already closer to a motorcycle. It is larger in size and differs from a scooter in the presence of pedals, with which the vehicle can also be propelled. But that doesn't mean that 14-year-olds somewhere on a country road have the legal right to drive a moped. Parents should know at what age you can ride a moped. The law does not give teenagers under 16 the right to drive one without a category M license. Thus, you need to learn to drive this vehicle, and then pass the exam to obtain a driving license.

When driving a moped or scooter, you need to keep in mind that traffic rules allow the driver to follow on the side of the road.

How to open category A1

When obtaining a driver's license for the first time, you need to undergo a special type of training at a driving school, and after completing this course, pass an exam - theory and practice.

To do this you will need:

  • pay a fee for completing training at a driving school;
  • master the theory of traffic rules;
  • acquire and consolidate skills in driving and operating a vehicle directly in a driving school (motorcycle, scooter) under the supervision of an instructor;
  • undergo a medical examination and obtain an appropriate medical report;
  • pass the exam (theory and practice) directly at the traffic police;
  • receive a driving license with an open new category A1.

In the theory part, the exam is taken using exam cards in a computer version. Questions related to traffic rules. You will need to answer questions online for the selected ticket within a certain period of time.

Until what age can you drive a car?

While there is a minimum age threshold for starting training and driving, there is no maximum age in Russia. That is why in driving schools a young man aged 18 and a pensioner approaching his eighties can sit at the same desk. There are also no maximum age restrictions for obtaining a license, and this does not depend on driving categories: you can often see an elderly driver driving an intercity bus.

Find out the prices for training in a driving school in 2022 in Moscow.

However, common sense must be present. A sharp drop in vision, problems with well-being, coordination of movement and reaction should signal to the driver that it is time to start walking and change from behind the wheel to the driver’s seat. Especially if a person drives public transport.

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