High-quality spare parts for IZH, Planet, Jupiter from reliable manufacturers

Why is it worth ordering spare parts from us?

If you have already selected a suitable option, simply fill out the online form on the website, and if you can’t make a choice, call our consultants. Depending on the nature of the breakdown, we will help you decide on the purchase of rare spare parts for the Izh, Jupiter and Planet motorcycles. All specified components come with a quality guarantee. You will return your vehicle to working order with minimal investment of time and money.

The advantages of working with us are the extensive experience of our specialists in selecting components for Soviet motorcycles, the availability of even rare samples and the supply of only original and high-quality spare parts from reliable manufacturers.

If you want an adult explanation, please do. Remember the basis of economic theory (and beyond ideology, etc.)? Resources are always limited. And resp. they have some finite value. They can even be renewable and have the ability to multiply their number. But they are still limited at a particular point in time. A resource can be either a physical object or an intellectual object or the work that generated it. Everything that humanity considers valuable and important for achieving certain goals is a resource. At some point, everyone agreed that it was most convenient to value this abstract resource in equally abstract money. Although at first they were tied to real things like gold, the development of scientific thought, mathematical analysis and understanding of existence gave people the idea that this was meaningless. Because money still remained a more abstract concept. In general, when creating (and destroying) something, you always use resources. And their limitations force you to take them away in one place and add them in another. In order to prevent the system from collapsing due to distortions during these movements, it was decided to pay for resources. Those. despite the fact that in one place there is a conditional loss of resources, in this place there remains a guarantee that they can replenish the spent resources or receive other resources needed by this place for the same deposit (i.e. in the amount of this deposit). If this is not do (and simply take away the resource), then an imbalance is created. And the destruction of resources with their subsequent redistribution. Each such effect in society is reflected by successive waves of “concentration of power among the rich, increasing poverty” and other socio-economic crises.

The planned system built in the Soviet Union was created as a system that would prevent this from happening, thanks to manual control at every level. But it turned out that the world market for goods and services that developed at that time (the so-called free market) turned out to be a more effective way. Not ideal. With many problems. But just more efficient. Simply because in manual mode it is impossible to keep track of everything. Moreover, this cannot be done by trying to cross a hedgehog with a snake, on the one hand, leaving money and the ability to buy (that is, still leaving the possibility of assessing at least the labor force in monetary terms), but denying the market as such in other planning tools. That's the whole sad story.

So far, the free market is simply the best tool, due to the fact that many things are left to self-determination. There are only general rules that guarantee the parties reimbursement of expended resources in the form of money, and issues of local redistribution are decided by market participants themselves, at almost all levels. And not according to the plan from above.

Honestly. While I was writing I thought I was going crazy. But I can’t imagine how to explain some of the basic principles of economics even more simply without going crazy.

New Izh Jupiter-5 in original packaging

It is still too early to categorize Izh Jupiter-5 as a classic or 2-wheeled youngtimer. Quite a lot of such devices were produced and even today they are often found on websites selling used equipment. This model is not particularly popular, so the price is appropriate - a little more expensive than a simple bicycle. This is if we talk about used motorcycles with decent mileage and moderate “collective farm” use.

“Time capsules” – specimens preserved in new condition, which after many years are still in factory wooden boxes, have a completely different value. Soviet technology in this form is now becoming less and less common, however, similar artifacts periodically pop up on the Internet. For example, this handsome Izh Jupiter-5 was discovered in the city of Kuznetsk, in the Penza region.

For a completely new “Yupaka” produced in 1990, the owner asks 125 thousand rubles . The motorcycle was never started or even registered. The complete set is the most complete: including accompanying literature (receipts, instructions), a full set of tools and keys, as well as cans of paint.

The Jupiter-5 model (6.113-01) entered the assembly line of the Izhevsk Motor Plant in 1985. Compared to the previous Jupiter-4 model, the power of the 350 cc 2-cylinder air-cooled two-stroke engine was reduced from 28 to 24 hp, but the maximum torque, on the contrary, increased slightly and was achieved at lower speeds.

The fins of the cylinders and heads have changed, and the fastening of the exhaust pipes to the cylinders has changed (it has become flanged). An “emergency start” button has appeared, which closes the generator excitation winding to ground, bypassing the voltage regulator, which makes it easier to start with a discharged battery. The remaining electricity consumers are supplied with power through a voltage regulator. The steering wheel mount has become elastic, the front brake has two cams.

The appearance of the first Jupiter-5 was almost completely identical to the previous Jupiter-4. In 1988, the motorcycle was slightly modernized - the updated version received the Jupiter-5-01 index (6.114-01). The exterior design uses a number of parts from its sister Planet-5: gas tank, drawers, fenders, seat and instrument panel.

Izh-Jupiter-5, like all previous two-cylinder models, was equipped with an automatic clutch release mechanism. Before changing gears, it is not necessary to disengage the clutch using the handle on the steering wheel: the engine and transmission are disconnected when you press the gear selection pedal.

The dry weight of the motorcycle is 160 kg, while the maximum speed of Jupiter-5 reaches 125 km/h. If you believe the passport data, the control fuel consumption is 5.9 liters per 100 kilometers.

In Soviet times, IZH Jupiter-5 with a side wheelchair trailer (5K-01) was sold at a price of 1,050 rubles. For comparison, the new heavy Ural motorcycle cost almost twice as much - 1,870 rubles.


GUYS stop writing me a personal message, I haven’t visited the site for almost a month and there were a ton of messages there!!!!! I RESPOND TO EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY! - Yes, I have a motorcycle and it came, but I haven’t even assembled it yet! As soon as I assemble it, I’ll take a photo or video! - NO, I won’t give it to you! Stop asking me for this!


  • jupiter 5
  • uraRS

New "Izh Jupiter-3". 45 years in captivity

≡ 7 February 2018

← Fish borscht with herring and mushrooms

Quick and tasty cookies for tea →

In one of the villages there is an Izh Jupiter-3, manufactured in 1973 - 1973. Without mileage and in a factory wooden box from the times of the USSR. It was decided to immediately go out to inspect this rarity. Epic picture: a new 43-year-old motorcycle among cans of preserved food

The unusualness of this find lies in the fact that for all 43 years the motorcycle did not even stand in a garage or barn, but right in a private house: the stroller was stored in the kitchen, near the stove, and the “Jupiter” itself was in a small pantry - among cans of preserved food and other miscellaneous items. rubbish!

The stroller is right next to the kitchen stove! Leatherette and foam seats have absorbed food odors all these years

There are still some shipping inscriptions on the boards

The fate of this technique is typical for “time capsules”. In the distant Soviet years, a resident of a small village really wanted to buy a personal car: he stood in line and saved money. But, as you all know, cars (“Zhiguli”, “Moskvich”, “Volga”) were in terrible shortage at that time and practically did not appear on free sale. As a result, the man’s patience ran out and instead of a car he bought a motorcycle with a sidecar. True, he didn’t know how to drive, and he didn’t have a driver’s license of the appropriate category.

The emblem has become dusty

The decorative nameplate with the model name is perfectly preserved

The brand new IZH Jupiter-3K was taken from the store in a wooden box and placed in the same form for “temporary” storage in a storage room: it was not even registered with the traffic police. This “temporary” stretched out for as many as 43 years: for various reasons, hands never got around to the motorcycle, and then the owner died, leaving the equipment as an inheritance to his relatives.

Factory packing method

Unfortunately, the storage conditions were far from ideal—the storage room along with the motorcycle was infested with mice, which left traces of their activity directly on the frame and chrome parts. Many parts have pockets of corrosion and all this is complemented by very pungent odors that have literally ingrained themselves into the body of the Jupiter.

Problem areas on the frame: mice spent their leisure time here.

Chrome has come in handy in places. I decided not to wipe the dust off the speedometer so as not to scratch the glass.

The stroller (side-trailer stroller BP-1) stood in the kitchen under a cover and was preserved a little better. True, it was not without swelling of the paint and chrome, especially in places where there was no factory treatment with a special oily composition.

The stroller was stored under a rag cover, so it was preserved better than the motorcycle.

The brainchild of the Vyatsko-Polyansky Machine-Building Plant

The original tire hasn't even cracked yet

Since the equipment was not yet registered, the documents also included a Soviet motorcycle certificate (which recorded the odometer reading - 2 kilometers) and a certificate-invoice from the store. Based on these papers, this Jupiter-3K rolled off the assembly line of the Izhevsk Motor Plant on November 6, 1973. Also included was the original dry-charged battery, a first aid kit for tire repair, a pump, and a full set of tools.

Documents for the motorcycle from the store: the production date and factory mileage are visible on the odometer.

A dry-charged battery is in its rightful place: in theory it should be operational.

First aid kit for tire repair: inside there is a bag of talcum powder, sandpaper, glue, patches

In the mid-70s, an IZH Jupiter-3K with a stroller cost 1,040 Soviet rubles, while a “single” one cost 300 rubles less. For comparison: for a 1-cylinder Izh Planet-3 they asked for 650 rubles, and the prestigious Czech “Java-350” was valued at 950 rubles (with a sidecar - 1360 rubles).

Massive 2-seater saddle

The fork legs and front rim are well preserved

Izh Jupiter-3 was produced from 1971 to 1981. The motorcycle is equipped with a 2-cylinder, 2-stroke, in-line, air-cooled engine producing 25 hp. The maximum speed of the model without a side trailer is 120 km/h, and the average rated fuel consumption varies between 3.5-4.0 l/100 km: an 18-liter gas tank was enough for 400-500 km. The fuel used is a mixture of 76 gasoline and oil. The gearbox is 4-speed.

Spark plug caps are corroded

The motorcycle has been sitting here for the last 43 years.

The dry weight of a single motorcycle is 162 kg. The frame is welded, made of massive steel pipes. The front and rear wheels are equipped with interchangeable tires ranging from 3.5 to 18 inches.

The device has not seen sunlight, so the optics are like new - they haven’t faded at all

More than 100 thousand Izh Jupiter-3 motorcycles were produced annually in the USSR. The model was awarded the prestigious state quality mark.

The protective preservative mastic is clearly visible.

Tags: car • age • time • interesting • motorcycle • technology


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