How to Adjust the Carburetor on an Ant Scooter

Carburetor design K 65

To adjust the carburetor of the K 65 model, you first need to become familiar with its structure. The supply and maintenance of fuel level occurs according to the following scheme. Through the fitting, fuel is supplied to the valve with an elastic locking washer. This block rests on a tongue that communicates with the floats. They are made of plastic and interconnected. The floats rotate freely along their axis.

If there is more fuel, its excess is drained through the drainage hole from the float chamber. Model K 65 (carburetor) heats up during operation. At the same time, so that the pressure in the chamber does not increase, it is connected to an unbalancing channel.

The next system that needs to be considered in the K 65 carburetor circuit is the dosage device.

Carburetor L65-G Ant

VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Ant with carburetor PZ30, PZ27.

Also on sale are gasoline and diesel generators, spare parts for motorcycles and various types of tires for mopeds and scooters. My ant came to life after installing this carburetor. It immediately began to pick up speed, idling ideally. The latest scooters had a more advanced KG carburetor installed. In general, the carburetor is very good, if only because it has two systems that make starting easier in cold weather: a manual enricher on the steering wheel and a float suppressor.

History of models. Who's online?

Dosing system

The components of the dosage system are the main fuel jet, atomizer, air supply channel and throttle needle.

The entire system operation process occurs according to the following scheme. From the float chamber, fuel enters the atomizer through the main jet. Under the influence of liquefaction, it rises along the gap between the throttle needle and the nozzle. At the exit from it, the fuel is mixed with air, which entered through the hole in the atomizer body through the channel.

The K 65 carburetor has the following engine control system. The throttle needle can be set to one of five positions. This ensures that the engine operates at medium speeds. But at the highest power, it should be taken into account when tuning that the carburetor of the K 65 model determines the fuel consumption by the throughput of the main fuel jet.

There is a lock washer installed under the fuel pipe. It secures the nozzle.

What carburetor is used on the Ant scooter?

On the “early” Ant scooters with a cast iron engine (Tulitsa, Tourist), K62G carburetors with a diffuser diameter of 26 mm and a mixing chamber diameter of 28 mm were installed. Later the engine was boosted. They installed a reed valve on the inlet and changed the shape of the cylinder and cooling fins. In parallel with this, new K65G carburetors began to be installed on scooters. They are similar in design to the K62G.

Carburetor of Ant scooter model K62G. Side view and air damper side

The diameter of the diffuser and mixing chamber remained the same. Only the throughput of the GTZ changed (130 ml/min and 125 ml/min for K62G), the diameters of the atomizer (2.63 mm and 2.6 mm), the diameter of the needle and the transition hole. There are minor differences in the corrector design. On the K62G carburetor, a needle immersed in the well of the float chamber is used to further enrich the fuel. On the K65G, fuel is taken directly from the chamber using a fuel corrector nozzle.

Idle system

Another important system that must be taken into account when adjusting the K 65 carburetor is the idle speed device.

The presented system consists of a fuel pipe, an air channel, an idle hole, mixture quality and quantity screws, and a transition hole.

When the engine operates at low speeds, an emulsion is formed. This occurs by raising the fuel through the tube under the influence of vacuum in the mixing chamber. The fuel is combined with air, which enters through the channel. The K 65 carburetor assumes that the emulsion exits at low speeds only through the idle hole.

As the speed increases, the vacuum in the hole area increases. The same emulsion also begins to flow through it. So the fuel supply increases as the engine speed increases.

Assembly features of the K65k carburetor

The K65k carburetor was produced back in the Soviet period. This can be judged by the cast body and internal parts.

Assembly of the structure consists of the following steps:

Despite the complex structure of this type of unit, knowing its technical characteristics, it is realistic to carry out the adjustment with your own hands. The main thing is to adjust the location of the float so that there is no overflow of fuel. After this, adjust the quantity and quality of fuel supply. Then, after starting and warming up, check the stability of the engine.

Engine starting and heating system

In search of an answer to the question of how to adjust the K 65 carburetor, you should familiarize yourself with the engine starting and heating device.

On carburetors K 65S and K 65V, a starting device with an autonomous drive is installed, on K 65G and K 65Zh - with a cable drive (found in motorcycles "Dnepr", "Ural"), and for K 65I, K 65D - a corrector-heater (often used in IZH brand mopeds).

A starter with an autonomous drive includes a plunger, a trigger, a needle, a protective cap, channels, a control rod, a fuel well and holes. The normal position of the device is considered closed.

The cable-driven starter is very similar to the previous version, with the exception of the presence of a rod. The position of the plunger is adjusted by a cable.

The corrector-enricher is characterized by a functioning system in which fuel enters the starting device from the float chamber. Fuel consumption is limited by the jet. The Soviet K 65 carburetor often has such a device. IZH can serve as an example of such motorcycles.


For many years, domestic motorcycles and scooters, as well as Buran snowmobiles, were equipped with carburetors of the K62 family or their varieties. Operation revealed a number of design flaws. Their elimination required a major modernization of carburetors and led to the emergence of an essentially new device, which was designated K65. Its implementation began at the end of last year and will be completed this year.

Since the carburetor has a long life ahead of it, we asked the engineers of the Leningrad Carburetor Plant to tell us more about it.

At first glance, the K65 carburetor is not much different from the usual K62. But this is precisely at first glance, since modernization affected not the form, but the content. And you will be convinced of this when, together with us, you examine the structure, principles of operation and adjustment of the new device shown in Fig. 1.

First, let's talk about the design and operating principles.

It all starts with a system of approach and maintaining a constant fuel level. Through fitting 20 it reaches the fuel valve 15, which is equipped with an elastic lock washer. The valve rests on a tongue 18 connected to plastic floats 17, which are interconnected and rotate freely on an axis 16.

If for some reason the fuel level rises, its excess is discharged from the float chamber through the drainage hole 32. To prevent the pressure in the float chamber from increasing when heated, it is connected to the atmosphere by an unbalancing channel 31.

The main dosing system consists of a sprayer 5, a main fuel jet 6, a throttle needle 7 and an air supply channel 8. Fuel from the float chamber through the main fuel jet 6 enters the sprayer 5, rising under the influence of vacuum along the gap between the sprayer and the throttle needle 7. At the exit from the atomizer, it is mixed with air entering through channel 8 through the hole in the atomizer body. The throttle needle ensures engine operation at medium speeds and can be set to one of five positions. At maximum power modes, fuel consumption is determined mainly by the throughput of the main fuel nozzle.

Reliable fastening of the atomizer is ensured by a lock washer 14 installed under the fuel pipe 9.

The idle system consists, in turn, of a fuel pipe 9, an air channel 10, mixture quality screws 11 and mixture quantity 27, idle hole 12 and transition hole 13.

When the engine is idling, under the influence of vacuum in the mixing chamber behind the throttle, the fuel rises through tube 9 and mixes with air entering through channel 10. The resulting emulsion, when the throttle is opened slightly (at low speeds), comes out only through hole 12. With further rise of the throttle and As the speed increases, the vacuum in the area of ​​hole 13 increases and the emulsion also begins to flow through it. Thus, the fuel supply increases as the speed increases.

The main system for starting and warming up the engine. On carburetors of different modifications, different systems of enrichment devices are used: on K65S and K65V - a starting device with an autonomous drive; on K65G and K65Zh - with cable drive; on K65I and K65D - corrector-enrichment. Let's look at them in that order.

The starting device with an autonomous drive consists of a plunger 37, a guide 35, a return spring 36, a starting device needle 39, a sealing rubber 38, a protective cap 29, a control rod 40, as well as channels 33 and 34, a fuel well A and a hole 41.

The normal position of the device is closed. In this case, the needle 39 with the rubber seal 38 blocks the fuel channel, and the side surface of the plunger 37 blocks channels 33 and 34. To turn on the starting device, you need to lift the rod 40 up and turn it approximately 90°. In this case, the extrusions on the rod will come out of the grooves of the guide 35 and will be fixed at its upper end. The plunger will rise, opening channels 33 and 34 and fuel channel 48. Under the influence of vacuum, fuel from well A will enter the cavity under the plunger, mix with air and be fed into the mixing chamber in the form of an emulsion. The volume of fuel in the well is sufficient for a high one-time supply at the time of start. After starting the engine, the fuel level in the well decreases and the composition of the mixture becomes leaner.

To turn off the starting device, you need, of course, to turn the rod back by about 90°, after which, under the action of the return spring 36, the plunger will take its original position.

The starting device is protected from dust and dirt by a rubber cap placed on the spring guide 35.

The starting device with a cable drive is similar to the DESCRIBED one - but it does not have a rod 40, and the position of the plunger 37 is adjusted by a cable connected to the shifter.

The corrector-enricher differs in that fuel enters it directly from the float chamber (there is no fuel well A). Fuel consumption is limited by jet 43.

With the plunger fully raised, the greatest enrichment of the mixture necessary to start the engine is achieved. As the plunger is lowered, the mixture becomes increasingly lean as the gap between the needle 42 and the channel wall decreases. When the plunger is completely lowered, the needle with rubber seal 38 closes the fuel channel 48.

An additional starting device (float suppressor) is used at air temperatures from +5C and below. Using it requires no explanation.

Having examined the design and operating principle of individual systems, we can now move on to issues of operation and adjustments.

Before installing the carburetor, you need to remove its cover 2 with the throttle assembly. The cover is a rather complex subassembly on which the throttle lift screw 27, guide 28, gasket 26, throttle lift limiter 30, throttle 21 and its spring 24, protective cap 29 are installed. Screw 27 is connected to the throttle by a rod. The throttle spring 24 simultaneously holds the needle 7 through the lock 22.

The U-shaped brass throttle has two shaped holes and one round one. The latter, located in the center, serves to install and fasten the needle, the shaped one on the cutout side is for fastening the throttle cable, and the T-shaped one is for attaching the rod of the screw 27. The radial cutout on the throttle wall, facing the air filter, provides the necessary vacuum in the area sprayer.

There is a limiter 30 inside the cover - it is recommended to remove it after the break-in is completed.

After installing the carburetor on the engine, you need to attach a cable to the throttle and secure the cover to the carburetor. After this, lift the throttle using the throttle and check whether it opens the diffuser completely. Do this several times to ensure that the throttle is not stuck in any position and that the diffuser closes and opens completely. Using screw 27, raise the throttle to a position where a gap of 2-3 mm appears between its lower edge and the diffuser generatrix.

If the carburetor has a starting device or a corrector, you need to unscrew part 35, remove the corrector assembly and attach the cable to the piston 27, and then install the unit in place.

Adjust the position of the stops 28 of the sheaths of the throttle and corrector drive cables (if the latter is present) so that they have a free play of approximately 2-3 mm (this is done so that when the steering wheel is turned, the position of the throttle or corrector does not change).

Screw screw 11 until it stops, and then unscrew it 0.5-1.5 turns. Attach the fuel hose to fitting 20. Make sure that fuel does not leak at the connection points, and open the starter or corrector. If, due to weather conditions or the individual characteristics of the engine, it is necessary to use a float suppressor, it is better to do this while simultaneously opening the throttle fully, then the reception efficiency increases.

Smoothly pressing the kickstarter, turn the crankshaft 2-3 turns, turn on the ignition and start vigorously. After starting and warming up the engine, the starting device or corrector must be turned off.

In conclusion, let's talk a little about carburetor adjustments - every motorcyclist has to deal with them from time to time.

It makes more sense to start by setting the fuel level. To do this, you need to turn the carburetor over, remove the bottom of the float chamber and measure the distance from the plane of the connector to the line dividing the float in half (the mark from the mold connector). This distance should be 13±1.5 mm. If the size of your carburetor does not fall within these limits, you need to carefully bend float tongue 18 in one direction or another.

One more note in passing. If during operation the carburetor suddenly begins to overflow, you need to check whether the float is leaky. To do this, immerse it in a bath of hot water for at least a minute. Bubbles will appear - the float is bad, if not - everything is fine.

Before making adjustments, which will be discussed later, the engine needs to be warmed up. After this, lowering the throttle with screw 27, set the minimum stable idle speed, and then, slowly turning screw 11 in one direction or another, increase the speed to the maximum possible. Again, use screw 27 to try to reduce them, and then use screw 11 to raise them as far as possible. These operations sometimes have to be repeated 2-3 times.

Now check how the engine responds to the throttle. If, when the throttle is opened sharply, it stalls, tighten the mixture quality screw 11 by 1/4-1/2 turn (the mixture will become richer); if the engine, on the contrary, stalls when the throttle is suddenly closed, screw 11 needs to be unscrewed by the same amount (the mixture, naturally, will become leaner).

The quality of the mixture is adjusted in operating modes by moving the dosing needle 7 relative to the lock 22. You should start from its middle position. When the lock is moved upward, the mixture becomes leaner (of course: the needle lowers, and there remains a smaller gap between its cone and the wall of the atomizer!), when the lock is moved downward, it becomes richer. The criterion for needle movement can be the color of the insulator of the central electrode of the spark plug. If after a run of approximately 30-40 km in normal operating mode it has a whitish color, the mixture is too lean and the needle needs to be raised at least one notch; if the insulator is dark brown, with traces of soot, the mixture needs to be made leaner by lowering the needle.

Finally, if the motorcycle does not reach maximum speed, you should replace the main fuel jet with a different one with a larger calibrated hole.

The characteristics of the new family of carburetors are shown in the table.


NameK65I Planet-3 Planet-4 Planet-5K65V Voskhod-ZMK65D Jupiter-5K65S MMVZ-3.1122-03 MMVZ-3.1121 MMVZ-3.11211K65G TMZ-5.952 Ant TulitsaK65Zh Buran
Diffuser diameter, mm322630262632
Mixing chamber diameter, mm322832282832
Main fuel jet, ml/min270200260165130330
Corrector fuel jet, ml/min255255
Idle dosing tube, ml/min505050505050
Spray diameter, mm2,672.632,652.632,632,72
Throttle needle cone dimensions, mm:
O nominal2,52.52,52.52.52,5
O smallest1,821,61,91,751,751,75
Cone length272427242424
Idle hole diameter, mm0,70,050,60,650,70,7
Transition hole diameter, mm1,01,21,51.21,21.0

Installation and configuration

Before adjusting a new K 65 carburetor, it must be installed and adjusted.

First you will need to remove the carburetor cap. The throttle spring holds the needle through the lock. It has one round and two shaped holes. A round slot located in the center serves to attach the throttle cable. The T-shaped hole is necessary for attaching the propeller rod.

Having installed the carburetor on the engine, a cable is connected to the throttle, and the cover is secured.

Use the throttle to raise the throttle and check whether the diffuser opens completely. These actions should be performed several times. The diffuser should open and close freely without jamming.

Next, use a screw to raise the throttle so that a gap of 3 mm appears between its bottom edge and the diffuser generatrix.

If the K 65 device (carburetor) has a corrector, it should be removed as an assembly and the cable should be attached to the piston. After this, you should install the unit in place.

Next, you should adjust the position of the stops of the cable sheaths so that their free play is 2-3 mm.

The screw must be tightened until it stops, then loosen it by 0.5-1.5 turns. The fuel hose is connected to the fitting. Fuel should not leak at the connection points.

Then the peak starter turns and the crankshaft rotates 3 turns. The ignition is turned on and the start is made. After warming up, the starter or corrector can be turned off.

Which carburetor can be installed instead of the original one and why?

Today, thanks to the influx of Chinese spare parts in our country, the question of choosing an alternative carburetor for a scooter disappears by itself. PZ 26-27 carburetors from Chinese engines with a volume of 110-150 cm3 will fit well on the Ant scooter, but only with replacement of the jets (main and idle). You will also have to make a flange to attach the carburetor to the engine cylinder. At the bottom of the carburetor there is a recess with a drain hose that can touch the clutch release lever.

To install the carburetor, you will need to warm it up and bend it to the side, taking into account the squeeze. If this option does not suit you, you can simply make a longer pipe (see figure). Then the lever will turn freely without touching the carburetor. In addition, you will need to select a pipe for the air filter.

This is what a PZ 27 carburetor installed on an Ant scooter looks like instead of the original K65G

Fits into place like a native one

An accelerator pump comes as a bonus to the PZ 27 carburetor. Of course, it will be of little use on a motor scooter, so you don’t have to bother with installing an additional cable.

Carburetors with a large diffuser diameter PZ 30 or Jikov from the Java 638 motorcycle, despite laudatory reviews on the Internet, are unsuitable for installation on scooters. Carburetors with a large diffuser diameter should be installed only on forced high-speed engines. When installing such a carburetor on a standard engine, even with the selection of the necessary jets, you are unlikely to be able to set up a stable idle speed.

Adjusting the fuel level

Adjusting the K 65 carburetor begins with setting the fuel level. To do this, turn the device over and remove the bottom of the float chamber. Next, replace the distance from the connector to the line that divides the float into two parts.

This distance is usually 13 mm with a possible deviation of 1.5 mm in both directions.

If the size on the carburetor does not fit into these frames, you should bend the float tongue in the desired direction.

It happens that the K 65 carburetor is configured correctly, but it begins to “overflow.” This means that the float has leaked.

Testing this theory is easy. You need to fill the bath with warm water and immerse the float in it for a minute or longer. If bubbles appear, the float is faulty.

Adjusting the carburetor to 45 on the Neva walk-behind tractor video

Good day everyone. I took out the “Ant” scooter, which was not running.

I had no previous experience with this miracle of technology. Now I'm assembling the engine. Tell me which carburetor is better to install. I found two brands of carburetors in the online store: K65G Pekar (1050 rubles) and K65G imported (550 rubles). The second one is cheaper relative to the first one. It was not possible to find out how they differ, other than price. Maybe there are other brands of carburetors?

And another task. I want to install a magneto on the ignition. I searched the Internet for instructions on how to do this, but couldn’t find them. Help, plz.

Slava (Aldrydd) which cylinder is aluminum or cast iron?

Dmitry (Durga) Take the baker, it’s imported from China.

Aynur (Terezka) if the cylinder is square with a reed valve, then use a baker ka65g, and for 550 rubles it’s from China

Dmitry (Durga) K65g and standard for cast iron

Aynur (Terezka) is not very good at cast iron

Sergey (Halfdan) Guys, thanks for the advice.

Square luminous cylinder.

Danil (Hadas) can you stick this carb ant on the mur 2m.02 here is ant

Nikita (Mikaela) at 36 is the best.

Alexander (Apsara) Nikita, I still have my original one (1978), I change the damper and the fire. really the most normal, and consumption and obedient

Alexander (Apsara) Damn, but on mine it says k62, maybe not native?

Alexander (Apsara) 62 and 65 were installed on newer models (mostly with a square cylinder)

Vyacheslav (Ainslie) why does the air filter barely work?

Artyom (Suma) I installed a new square cylinder and the cylinder is also old, the carburetor is not adjustable, I’m thinking about which one to buy, 65g baker or 65g imported?

Alexander (Apsara) put it in place of 62-65d, it starts up great, but it picks up speed slowly, although the ignition is a little late, it doesn’t give into the handle at all, has anyone encountered this?

Alexander (Apsara) which carb is better for ant K36 or K62

Alexander (Apsara) I had a K62 - it started badly, I installed a K65 with a repair kit (g) - two big differences, it works much better

Rashat (Idavida) I'm 36

Andrey (Hemant) Which one is better to put on a cast iron sleeve?

Andrey (Hemant) Ainur, Which one is better to put on a cast iron sleeve?

Tags: Adjusting the carburetor to 45 on the Neva walk-behind tractor video

poured gasoline into the cylinder to start it. CC

Adjusting mixture enrichment

Before starting adjustments, be it the carburetor model K 65 of the Ural, Dnepr motorcycle, Buran snowmobile or other vehicles, the engine should be warmed up.

Then the minimum stable idle speed is set. To do this, use the screw to lower the throttle. Afterwards you need to increase the number of revolutions to the maximum possible. The screw is rotated in one direction or another.

Slowly the speed is again reduced and increased. This should be done 2-3 times.

After the manipulations, you should check how the engine reacts to the position of the throttle. To understand how to set up the K 65 carburetor, you need to determine the required level of enrichment of the fuel mixture for the engine.

To do this, carry out such an experiment. The throttle opens sharply. If the engine stalls, then the mixture should be enriched. To do this, turn the mixture quality screw 1/4 or 1/2 turn.

A stalling engine when the throttle is closed sharply indicates the need to make the mixture leaner. In this case, the mixture quality screw needs to be adjusted by 1/4-1/2 turn.


The carburetor is one of the main components of a motorcycle, which affects the operation of your bike’s engine. Its correct adjustment affects how it starts, runs, and engine power. The second element is the ignition system. In this article we will talk about adjustments that can be found on motorcycles Minsk, IZH Jupiter and Planet, Voskhod.

The K62 carburetor has two adjusting screws, with which you can change the idle speed, and a needle, by changing the position of which, you can change the property of the mixture (enrich or lean it). When we raise the needle, we enrich the mixture; when we lower it, we make it leaner. Adjusting the quality of the mixture is carried out by walking 2-3 km (at a speed of about 60-70 km/h) and looking at the spark plug. If the candle is covered with the working mixture (the candle is oily, dark brown or black), we lower the needle; if it is too dry (the color is white, light straw), we raise it. As a result, a light brown soot should appear. But this is just part of the adjustment; each time you need to set the carburetor idle speed. So we continue to adjust further:

To adjust the idle speed on the K62 carburetor there is a “quality screw”. This screw supplies air even when the throttle is closed. We repeat, the propeller produces air, although some people think that this propeller is designed for fuel. Therefore, by tightening the quality screw, we close the air flow, that is, we enrich the mixture. If we unscrew the screw, the mixture becomes leaner. As was said, this screw provides air in all positions of the damper, and therefore at idle speed of the crankshaft. Therefore, the quality screw belongs to the idle air regulator. At this moment, it significantly affects the operation, but if the gas is at medium or high speeds, then the influence is not large, but it is present. So, it all comes down to the fact that the idle speed is adjusted, and this automatically affects all engine frequencies. Now, after a short introduction, let’s talk about the idle speed adjustment itself. To keep things simple, let’s talk about adjusting K62 K carburetors and similar ones for Minsk and Voskhod motorcycles. But by analogy, the adjustment of all types of carburetors is the same, so it will also work on IZH and other motorcycles.

Adjusting the quality of the mixture in operation

Adjustment of the K 65 carburetor under operating conditions is carried out by moving the metering needle relative to the lock. This should be done in a certain order.

The dosing needle is set to the middle position. To lean the mixture, the lock moves upward. At the same time, the gap between the dispenser cone and the wall of the atomizer becomes smaller.

Moving the lock down will result in a richer fuel mixture.

The color of the spark plug electrode insulation will indicate the need for adjustment. You should pay attention to it after 30 km. Under normal operating conditions, its whitish color indicates a poor mixture. A dark brown insulator with traces of soot indicates the need to lean the mixture.

Adjusting the carburetor of the Ural motorcycle

For an example of adjusting the K 65 carburetor, you can consider this procedure on a Ural motorcycle.

First you need to remove the air leak. Next, use a flat-head screwdriver to unscrew the screws. The K 65 carburetor of the Ural motorcycle requires unscrewing the screw 1 turn.

After this, you need to set the play on the cables. It should be the same and equal to about 3 mm.

After warming up the engine, begin to tighten the idle speed screw to the minimum stable speed. Then use the mixture quality screw to find the maximum speed. The procedure is repeated twice. The carburetor is adjusted.

Why does the Ant scooter not start, reasons?

Therefore, I want to tell you in general terms about the models of the Tula Machine-Building Plant, the names of the designers and more extensive information can be found in the links at the end of the post. It all started on April 27, when the first scooter officially rolled off the assembly line of the Tula Machine-Building Plant; now we call it the Tula T scooter. The Tula had an eight-horsepower engine with a displacement of cm3, a 4-speed gearbox in the same unit with the engine, a chain drive of the rear wheel, inch wheels, pusher type front suspension fork. It also had forced air cooling, electric start instead of a kick starter and monotube shock absorbers, which at that time were practically not used even on motorcycles.

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Carburetor synchronization

After tuning, the K 65 carburetor (Ural) must be synchronized. This can be conveniently done using a tachometer. In the absence of such equipment, synchronization can be performed using the speedometer.

To do this, place the motorcycle on a stand and start the engine. 4th gear is set. Remove the cap from one of the spark plugs and adjust the speedometer reading to 50 km/h. The gas handle is fixed with a bolt.

One cylinder turns on and the other turns off. The length of the cables is adjusted using fittings. At the same time, they achieve the same speedometer reading.

When removed, the spark plug cap must be grounded and shorted to the ground of the motorcycle. In this way you can adjust the Ural carburetor.

Adjusting the ignition of an ant scooter

The electrical circuit of the Ant scooter is quite simple and does not contain heavy components. It is used for three main tasks:

  1. Ignition of the air-fuel mixture in the cylinder. Due to this action, the piston moves, transmitting torque to the flywheel.
  2. Starting a cold and warm engine.
  3. Supplying current to lighting fixtures and signal signs (turn signals, parking lights, brake lights).

Ant's electrical equipment is a system with one wire , and the second is the body of the moped itself. All equipment has excellent insulation, eliminating the possibility of short circuits and harm to the driver. Maintenance of electronics on a motorcycle consists only of regular cleaning of the terminals. However, to find the problem, you need to keep a tester at hand. He will accurately determine the problem that is preventing the operation of electrical equipment.

Ignition installation

Installing the ignition on an Ant scooter, as on any motorcycle with a single-cylinder engine and a battery ignition system, does not require special knowledge or effort. All you need is very thin paper, a narrow rod and a set of keys. So, how to set the ignition on an Ant scooter:

  1. Remove the spark plug and set the piston to top dead center (hereinafter referred to as TDC).
  2. Insert a rod through the hole from which the spark plug was removed and press it against the piston head. Make a notch at a length of 4.5-5 mm
  3. Close the breaker contacts when the piston is at TDC. Place paper between them and pinch.
  4. Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise as slowly as possible and pull the piece of paper at the same time.
  5. When the paper is released when the piston is lowered to the depth of the mark made, the ignition will be set correctly.

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Assembly and disassembly instructions, repair tips

We install the ignition on the Ant...

In order for any internal combustion engine to start and “work well” (and it is the Internal Combustion Engine installed on your scooter), you need to supply fuel to it and then ignite it at the right moment. Moreover, the engine does not work in only two cases:

  • or there is nothing to burn...
  • or there is nothing to set on fire...

You are interested in the second case. So:

The work of any internal combustion engine is to convert the reciprocating motion of the piston into the rotational motion of the shaft. This transformation occurs with the help of a crank mechanism (CSM). How this transformation occurs is known from the elementary school “Physics” course.

For “good” operation of the internal combustion engine, all the fuel must burn in the cylinder within a very specific time - while the shaft rotates at a certain angle. Like the picture below:

In order for the fuel to burn at the necessary moments of movement of the piston along the cylinder, it must be ignited in a timely manner. In the Ant engine, the fuel is ignited by a spark in a spark gap called a spark plug. The ignition system, consisting of the following elements, organizes the formation of a spark between the electrodes of the spark plug:

  • spark plug;
  • ignition coil with capacitor;
  • current breaker;
  • current source (battery and generator);
  • connecting wires.

How the listed elements work and interact with each other can be read in the same “Physics Primer” for elementary school. Here I will only remind you that a spark in the spark plug occurs at the moment the breaker contacts open. It is this moment in time that must be captured when setting the ignition timing. “Physically” this is quite simple to do. When the current source is turned off, we clamp the strip of paper with the contacts of the breaker. Smoothly turning the engine power take-off shaft with one hand, we pull our paper strip with the other. When the contacts release the strip, at that moment the event we need will occur in the spark plug.

Now you need to organize the “spark supply” at the required moment of piston movement. This process is also not particularly sophisticated. Insert a “match” approximately 250 - 300 mm long into the hole from the inverted spark plug. By rotating the power take-off shaft, we determine the position of the piston at top dead center (TDC) and make a mark on the match. From this mark we set aside 10 mm upward - this will be the ignition point of the fuel, the position of the piston when a spark should appear in the spark plug and the fuel should ignite. By rotating the power take-off shaft, we place the piston at the ignition point. Well, now, by rotating the body of the breaker with a strip of paper clamped by the contacts, we catch the moment when they release the strip.

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