Setting up the Suzuki Lets 2 carburetor – Adjust the Suzuki Lets 2 moped carburetor ~

Adjusting the carburetor on a 2T scooter

Cleaning the carburetor Suzuki Lets 2

The most detailed carburetor setting is H.H. .Scooter.2.A carb adjustment. X

Suzuki Let's 2: Little Engine Tyr-Tyr-Tyr)

How to adjust a scooter's carburetor

How to adjust the carburetor on a scooter. Theory (My Tact 24 Part 7)


Carburetor SUZUKI LET'S-1, LET'S-2, LET'S-2 NEW

Brief description of connecting the SUZUKI LETS 2 carburetor power system

The scooter smokes and rides poorly on a cold engine: the EC is to blame

In order for a scooter engine to operate efficiently and steadily, it needs the correct fuel mixture, which is prepared in the carburetor. Depending on the condition of the engine, cylinder volume, quality of gasoline and other factors individual for each scooter, additional carburetor adjustment may be required.

Before getting down to business, it is strongly recommended to put things in order in the fuel system, namely: clean the carburetor and air filter, and also adjust the fuel level in the float chamber.

The carburetor should only be adjusted on a well-warmed engine. That is, before setting up, you need to drive the scooter for 10-15 minutes.

The carburetor usually has two adjustment screws. The smaller one is the mixture quality screw. The larger one is the idle speed screw. However, there may not be a mixture quality screw - then the quality adjustment is carried out by manipulating the throttle needle.

The factory settings are as follows: the quality screw is unscrewed by 1.5-2 turns, the idle screw is unscrewed by 2.5 turns. What does it mean? This means that the screws must first be tightened clockwise until they stop, and then unscrewed back the appropriate number of turns. It is from these initial settings that you should begin tuning. And in principle, if at the same time the engine runs stably and the scooter accelerates without failure and to maximum speed, you don’t have to adjust anything in particular. But if this is not the case, then adjustments cannot be avoided.

Correct setting of a scooter carburetor - SCOOTERS AND MOTORCYCLES

In the conditions of mass production of internal combustion engines, it is impossible to ensure perfect manufacturing accuracy; as a result, engines coming off the same assembly line may differ from each other within certain limits. The same situation occurs with the production of engine fuel system elements, in our case, carburetors.

The matter is further complicated by the fact that initially the engine manufacturer does not know in what climatic conditions a specific engine model will be operated. As you know, the same engine will operate completely differently in different climatic conditions.

Designers designing engines are well aware of these problems and therefore introduce adjusting elements into the power system (in our case, the carburetor), by influencing which you can significantly improve the efficiency, power and dynamic performance of your scooter’s engine based on specific operating conditions.

First, a little theory.

As you know, a carburetor is a device in which the working mixture (a mixture of air and gasoline) is prepared, without which the operation of the internal combustion engine is impossible. The most optimal ratio of gasoline and air in the working mixture is the value: 1/15, that is, for 15 kilograms of air there is 1 kilogram of gasoline. With such a mixture, the engine will operate without interruptions and detonation. This mixture is usually called optimal.

Unfortunately, at the optimal mixture, the scooter engine in some modes will not be able to operate stably, for example: in cold start mode, for stable operation the engine requires a mixture in which there is slightly less air than in the optimal mixture, the ratio of such a mixture is: 1/13, that is For every 13 kilograms of air there is 1 kilogram of gasoline. This mixture is usually called “rich”.

In order to enrich the mixture at the right time, additional modules (starting enrichers) are introduced into the carburetors, which are essentially mini carburetors; more details about the operation of the starting enricher are written in the article: Automatic starting enricher for a scooter

The most dangerous for engine operation is considered to be a lean mixture (a combination of gasoline and air of approximately 1/17 or lower. When the engine operates on such a mixture, detonation occurs and overall engine overheating, which ultimately leads to burnout of the piston or cylinder head gasket, melting of the internal surface of the cylinder head, such “little things” as burnout of the exhaust valve need not be mentioned at all.

We place the scooter on the central stand, provide free access to the carburetor adjustment elements, and warm up the engine (a prerequisite for high-quality carburetor adjustment).

We begin the process of setting up the carburetor by adjusting the idle speed. For this purpose, there is a special bolt on any carburetor (marked with an arrow), by rotating which you can increase or decrease the idle speed. By rotating the idle speed bolt, we achieve minimum, but at the same time stable engine speed.

After adjusting the idle speed, we proceed to adjusting the quality of the mixture. For this purpose, the carburetor has a mixture quality bolt (marked with an arrow), by rotating which you can change the composition of the mixture within certain limits. On different models of carburetors, the “quality” screw works on a different principle: in one case, the “quality” screw closes the air channel of the idle system, thereby reducing or increasing the amount of air in the mixture (enriches or leans it), in another case, the “quality” screw regulates the amount of ready-made mixture (emulsion) entering through a special channel into the engine intake manifold.

In general, there is no particular difference between the two principles of operation of a “quality” bolt, except that in the first case, when tightening the screw, the mixture becomes richer, and in the second, when tightening the “quality” screw, the mixture becomes leaner, keep this point in mind.

We determine the correctness of adjusting the quality of the mixture as follows: after adjusting the quality bolt, we give sharply full “gas” (preferably while driving), the engine should confidently develop speed without jerking delays and detonation, a pronounced “catch” should be felt. If the engine unsteadily picks up speed, detonates or stalls when the throttle is suddenly closed, then you should once again adjust the position of the quality screw until the engine begins to develop speed with a pronounced “catch”.

If, after adjusting the quality screw, it is still not possible to achieve normal operation from the engine, then we try to lower or raise the carburetor needle in increments. If the engine picks up speed poorly (rich mixture), lower the needle; if the engine picks up speed unsteadily, detonates and stalls when the throttle is closed abruptly, raise the needle. Try to raise and lower the needle one division at a time and not immediately all the way up or down.

You can read more about the structure and adjustment of the needle in the article: Photo report: Design of the carburetor of a four-stroke scooter (carburetor 4t) or in the article: Photo report: Disassembly and design of the carburetor of a two-stroke scooter (carburetor 2t).

Next, after all that has been done, we drive the scooter for several kilometers as usual, unscrew the spark plug and visually determine by the color of the spark plug insulator what mixture the carburetor is “preparing.”

If the spark plug insulator is black and covered with a layer of soot, then the carburetor is “preparing” a “rich” mixture, in this case the situation can be corrected by lowering the carburetor needle to the desired division.

If the spark plug insulator is snow-white, it means the carburetor is “preparing” a “lean” mixture, in this case the situation can be corrected by raising the carburetor needle to the required division.

If the spark plug insulator is sand or brick-colored, then your carburetor is preparing the optimal mixture and no further adjustment is necessary.

After the final adjustment of the carburetor, you should adjust the free play of the throttle cable; for this purpose, there is a special nut on the cable by tightening or tightening which you can reduce or increase the free play of the cable. The free play of the throttle cable should be: 1-2 mm.

On some models of scooters equipped with 2T engines, after final adjustment of the carburetor, the positions of the oil supply control drive should be adjusted. To do this, just like in the first case, we look for the adjusting nut on the oil supply system drive cable and tighten and release the nut until the marks (marked by arrows) are opposite each other.

Needle adjustment

The peculiarity of this carburetor is the absence of a jet for the quality of the mixture; its adjustment here occurs by raising or lowering the locking ring on the needle. If you notice that the mixture is too lean, you will have to install the ring higher by 1 or 2 grooves; accordingly, the mixture will be rich when installing the same ring on the 4th or 5th step. The center position on the 3rd groove indicates the standard throttle needle setting. If configured correctly, the scooter will have good traction, speed and consume fuel according to the specified characteristics.

Adjusting the fuel level

The float chamber allows you to have a constant flow of fuel in the carburetor, which is always replenished, but it is important to remember that you cannot have an excess of gasoline in the float chamber. Gasoline is drained using a special hose coming from the chamber; you will have to check the amount of fuel with the engine running. Raise the hose above the carburetor as shown in the picture below and check the fuel level. It should not differ much from the mark indicated in the picture. There is a holder antenna located on the needle inside the float chamber; it can be used to regulate the amount of fuel inside the float chamber.

Please also take into account the fact that before adjusting the carburetor, you should only have high-quality gasoline with a normal octane number. Otherwise, you will have to completely drain the bad gasoline not only from the gas tank, but also from the float chamber; it must have a special drain screw.

Why do you need to regulate?

During the adjustment process, the scooter carburetor needle is adjusted, the position of which affects the proportions of the air-fuel mixture, as well as a number of other adjustments.

Adjusting the scooter carburetor needle is done during the adjustment process

Each tuning operation has a different effect on engine operation and fuel preparation:

  • adjusting the idle speed ensures stable operation of a running engine when the transmission is turned off;
  • changing the quality of the air-gasoline mixture using a special screw allows you to deplete or enrich it;
  • adjusting the position of the carburetor needle affects the change in the quality of the fuel mixture;
  • Ensuring a stable level of gasoline inside the float chamber avoids flooding of spark plugs.

Setting the air screw

The carburetor also has a jet responsible for the amount of air located under the cover. The jet is located in the air channel, so when you tighten the screw, the throttle rises and the air flow increases. At the same time, the engine speed increases.

Configuration is carried out as follows:

  1. completely tighten the screw and unscrew it 4-5 turns;
  2. the engine should start to stall;
  3. gradually tighten the screw until the speed increases to maximum;
  4. upon reaching maximum speed, you can unscrew the screw ¼ turn;
  5. adjust the idle speed screw for optimal speed.


How to install a carburetor on a Suzuki scooter Let's


please tell me how to set up the carburetor | Thread Posted by: Harivamsa

tell me how to adjust the carburetor

scooter suzuki sepia z.z. as it is

carburetor as in the photo

Dmitry (Katya) Mikuni. there the air adjustment is located outside the adjusting bolt, but the fuel is inside the screw under the cable cover on top, I don’t remember exactly, but in my opinion 3-4 turns back after full winding

Vitaly (Mickey) tightens the screw under the cable cover, gasoline is regulated on this carburetor needle

Alex (Esther) The needle regulates the measured fuel flow inside the screw under the hood. This is an air nozzle. They must regulate the stability between the consistency of fuel and air. (If installed correctly, the scooter will consume as much gas as indicated in the evo properties) gas and it will leak a very rich mixture, which is very disadvantageous. And if you unscrew the screw one hundred percent, a very bad mixture of fish can be deployed on the step to turn the wheel, but the fisherman's power does not sit down, hit the throttle and stall!

READ Cleaning the Carburetor VAZ 2106 Do It Yourself

Alex (Esther) Disassemble the carburetor.

Dmitry (Katya) Sori confused fuel with air

Sergey (Unmesha) Where is the idle speed adjustment bolt? Tell me Dmitry,

Sergey (Unmesha) Where is the tension bolt regulator Tell Alex

Alex (Esther) with the outside world

Andrey (Galayudha) Please leave the photo as a high-quality appearance! I just don't know, but I'm looking for the reason why the moped won't start!

Alex (Esther) see here

Victor (Rashish) I’m going through everything now, but I have one problem: insane fuel consumption. I drove about 15 km and took 3.5 liters with me.

Cleaning the carburetor Suzuki Lets 2

cleaning carburetor suzuki allows 2


How to adjust the carburetor on a scooter. Theory (My rhythm 24, part 7)

My second channel. I'm on VK.

If anyone knows what the problem is, please tell me that there may be similar problems. It's painfully freaky

carburetor. There is also a 2nd carburetor, so there is no adjustment screw at all. If anyone knows how to set it up, please post.

Alex (Esther)

READ Which Timing Belt to Install on Priora

Ilya (Munir) Dmitry, but where is the fuel bolt?

Dmitry (Katya) Fuel bolt. this is a kind of plastic cover where the cable is attached to the valve.

Ruslan (Webber) modifies the piston engine stubbornly; it works like a piece.

Yuri (Gjurd). this is a lot of fuel consumption in my native Mikuni, how much of the needle is not adjusted, I tilted the float a little, checked for more overflow, I comply with the vacuum standards, tell me who has encountered this and at least reduced the consumption somewhat

Alexander (Balamani) Hello. Here's a cable dummy. I understand the needle. But after a thorough renovation, he switches to gas flooring. I think the mixture is rare or rich

Alexander (Balamani) The guys used to deal with this garbage for me, but today I found everything and tax and charged the battery. So ask a question. To reduce costs, replace the main nozzle. The one under the needle with a 0.6 mm hole

Tags: how to adjust the carburetor

on a scooter

Suzuki Come on


Cleaning Suzuki Lets 2 carburetors.

how to set up and clean the carburetor on a Suzuki allows 2 new ones | Topic author: Zoya

Maxim licks, sucks dirt and that's it.

READ How to Adjust the Door Lock of a VAZ 2110

Denis 1. Study the operation and design of this carburetor and all its systems. 2. Buy the necessary tools. 3. Buy the application. spare parts, including erasers, etc. 4. I have experience in repairing and adjusting carburetors. PS But for you this is nonsense.

Irina, I completely agree with the above. I dare add that the reason may not be in the carburetor at all. Therefore, you should still have an idea about the operation and structure of the car. You can study courses and work in a car workshop for several years. And you will succeed. It's very simple.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about SUZUKI Let's repairs.

The scooter does not accelerate faster than 50 km/h

The scooter does not accelerate faster than 30 km/h, stalls, does not maintain speed

NGK BPR6H or NGK BP6HS. The gap between the central electrodes is 0.6-0.8 mm (as well as their analogues from other manufacturers). In order to unscrew the spark plug you need a short spark plug wrench. Finding a spark plug is not difficult; from the ignition coil (black, located on the right side of the engine) the thickest wire goes to the spark plug, ending with a rubber tip, and the spark plug is installed under it.

Which oil should you choose? Where to fill? How many?

For normal engine operation, it is necessary to use only special two-stroke oil (usually marked 2T), and it is important that it is written on the packaging that it is intended for scooters with a separate lubrication system. When choosing oil, I recommend using common sense and remembering that the engine on Let's spins up to 7000 rpm. I recommend choosing between synthetic and semi-synthetic oils from well-known manufacturers. Example: MOTUL 710 2T, LIQUI MOLY, CASTROL. And remember, the money saved on oil will have to be spent on repairs. Don't be afraid that 1l. Oil costs $10-15, which is enough for 1200-1500 km. Oil tank capacity 1.2 l. The plug is under the seat. The gauge on the dashboard starts flashing when 300 ml remains. oils

What to do if the clutch spring breaks? Don’t rush to throw it away and run to the store for new ones. read the article Springs can also be selected from Yamaha (3KJ, Jog), for a stock engine it is better to take the softest ones, they can also be installed during tuning, selecting the required stiffness . More details

You need a short spark plug wrench.

We feel for the spark plug cap along the armored wire.

Changing the oil in the gearbox, choosing the oil.

First of all, I would like to note that the oil in the gearbox needs to be changed, and this should be done regularly after 10-15 thousand km. mileage I especially recommend doing this operation after purchasing a used scooter. You need to choose from API GL-5 (80W90) class gear oils. I prefer Elf Tranself TYPE B 80W90 GL-5. Like this:

Changing the oil in the gearbox is not difficult; remove the plastic casing of the variator and find two bolts:

1 - closes the filling hole. 2- drain hole. I recommend changing the oil after a trip, when it is warm in the gearbox. To do this, unscrew the upper bolt (1) and the lower one (2), oil will flow out of the lower hole, first stock up on a 100 ml container. drain the used oil there. tighten screw No. 2, fill the gearbox with fresh oil through the filler hole (1). It is more convenient to do this with a medical syringe, instead of a needle, which has a piece of IV tube on it. You need to pour exactly 90 ml into the reducer. (as the inscription on the gearbox itself says), if you have overfilled the oil, let the excess drain through the filler hole (which is also the level). After changing the oil, tighten bolt 1.

Thanks to 20Vek for the photo. How to remove the generator rotor? A simple way to remove the generator rotor: 1. Unscrew the nut securing the rotor. 2 Find two threaded holes on the rotor and measure the distance between them. 3. We select 2 bolts (studs are better, because they are more convenient and safer). Now we need a metal rectangle, 4-5mm thick, with sides 40x120mm.

Adjusting the carburetor Suzuki Lets 2

Adjusting the carburetor on a 2T scooter

Cleaning the carburetor Suzuki Lets 2

The most detailed carburetor setting is H.H. .Scooter.2.A carb adjustment. X

Suzuki Let's 2: Little Engine Tyr-Tyr-Tyr)

How to adjust a scooter's carburetor

How to adjust the carburetor on a scooter. Theory (My Tact 24 Part 7)


Carburetor SUZUKI LET'S-1, LET'S-2, LET'S-2 NEW

Brief description of connecting the SUZUKI LETS 2 carburetor power system

The scooter smokes and rides poorly on a cold engine: the EC is to blame

In order for a scooter engine to operate efficiently and steadily, it needs the correct fuel mixture, which is prepared in the carburetor. Depending on the condition of the engine, cylinder volume, quality of gasoline and other factors individual for each scooter, additional carburetor adjustment may be required.

Before getting down to business, it is strongly recommended to put things in order in the fuel system, namely: clean the carburetor and air filter, and also adjust the fuel level in the float chamber.

The carburetor should only be adjusted on a well-warmed engine. That is, before setting up, you need to drive the scooter for 10-15 minutes.

The carburetor usually has two adjustment screws. The smaller one is the mixture quality screw. The larger one is the idle speed screw. However, there may not be a mixture quality screw - then the quality adjustment is carried out by manipulating the throttle needle.

The factory settings are as follows: the quality screw is unscrewed by 1.5-2 turns, the idle screw is unscrewed by 2.5 turns. What does it mean? This means that the screws must first be tightened clockwise until they stop, and then unscrewed back the appropriate number of turns. It is from these initial settings that you should begin tuning. And in principle, if at the same time the engine runs stably and the scooter accelerates without failure and to maximum speed, you don’t have to adjust anything in particular. But if this is not the case, then adjustments cannot be avoided.

So, put the scooter on the stand. The motor must be running (and it must be warmed up before tuning).

Unscrew the quality screw 2 turns. Now you need to adjust the idle speed. Turn it slowly (clockwise) - the engine speed will increase. At some point the clutch will engage and the rear wheel will begin to rotate. Then turn the screw back a quarter turn.

Now you need to test how the scooter will behave when riding. Accelerate on a flat road.

  • If the scooter accelerates sluggishly, it means the mixture is not rich enough. Then tighten (clockwise) the mixture quality screw a quarter or half a turn. At the same time, the mixture will become richer (there will be less air in it, more gasoline).
  • If the scooter accelerates normally, but not to the maximum, then the mixture is over-rich. In this case, you need to unscrew (counterclockwise) the mixture quality screw a quarter or half a turn to lean the mixture.

If you have turned the mixture quality screw, then you need to adjust the idle speed using the method described above.

With an ideal setting, the scooter should accelerate without dips or jerks, stably, and reach maximum speed.

Please note: This article and the images in it are subject to copyright. Partial or complete reproduction on other resources without permission is prohibited.

The first step before starting the procedure for adjusting the scooter carburetor is to study its structure and operating principle. This way you can quickly and accurately adjust the carburetor on your scooter. A correctly configured carburetor makes it possible to obtain lower fuel consumption, improve dynamic characteristics and completely enable the scooter to start and operate normally. Before the procedure itself, it is important to warm up the engine well; also, if possible, thoroughly clean the entire carburetor from dust and dirt.

Standard carburetor adjustment procedures include the following:

  1. Idle speed adjustment;
  2. Adjusting the fuel level in the float chamber;
  3. Adjustment by adjusting the mixture quality screw on the carburetor;
  4. Adjusting the mixture quality through the needle inside the carburetor.

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The principle of operation of a carburetor on a scooter

The design of a scooter carburetor is quite complex, but most of them have standard elements. The main task of any carburetor is to create a high-quality fuel mixture. Also, most scooters are equipped with a float chamber on the carburetor, so if you do not know how to adjust the carburetor on a 2t or 4t scooter, first study its structure.

The principle of operation of the carburetor is as follows: after pressing the throttle, the valve on the carburetor is activated, it is called a Venturi tube, the needle rises in the valve and the formation of a fuel mixture begins by mixing gasoline and air. An open throttle increases the supply of mixture to the engine, which is why the scooter starts to move.

A faulty carburetor will prevent the engine from starting, so it must be kept in as good condition as possible. Before adjusting the carburetor on a 50cc scooter, identify the main signs of failure. The main consequences may be:

  1. Inability to start the scooter;
  2. The engine runs intermittently and often stalls;
  3. Power is significantly reduced.

Most often, these situations occur when the carburetor is incorrectly adjusted, causing the mixture to become either lean or rich. Checking the characteristics of your mixture is quite simple; just inspect the spark plug for its condition; if the spark plug is flooded and has carbon deposits or other changes, most likely you have an enriched mixture. A spark plug that is too white indicates that there is too much air in the fuel mixture. Keep in mind that if you don’t know how to adjust the carburetor on a scooter, 2t or 4t, the type of engine will not matter; adjustments should be made according to standard recommendations.

Idle speed adjustment

Does your scooter not work properly when idle and often stalls? Most likely your idle speed screw is not adjusted sufficiently. Before the procedure, be sure to warm up the engine, then find the idle screw, which is present on absolutely all scooters. You will have to warm up the scooter for 10-15 minutes, this will allow you to achieve optimal engine performance.

After this, you need to turn the idle speed screw, where clockwise rotation increases the speed, and unscrewing it decreases it.

Adjusting the fuel level

The float chamber allows you to have a constant flow of fuel in the carburetor, which is always replenished, but it is important to remember that you cannot have an excess of gasoline in the float chamber. Gasoline is drained using a special hose coming from the chamber; you will have to check the amount of fuel with the engine running. Raise the hose above the carburetor as shown in the picture below and check the fuel level. It should not differ much from the mark indicated in the picture. There is a holder antenna located on the needle inside the float chamber; it can be used to regulate the amount of fuel inside the float chamber.

Please also take into account the fact that before adjusting the carburetor, you should only have high-quality gasoline with a normal octane number. Otherwise, you will have to completely drain the bad gasoline not only from the gas tank, but also from the float chamber; it must have a special drain screw.

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