Technical characteristics of Yamaha Venture snowmobiles

The reason for the accelerated expansion of the produced model range of snowmobiles is unlikely to be clear to ordinary buyers, who are only interested in having a pleasant time in the winter season. Hobbyists often favor one specialized model designed for high-speed trail racing, exploring rough terrain, or traveling with family and friends.

?Yamaha? is a world-famous brand that conducts serious activities and has opened its sales offices in Europe, Finland, Scandinavia and, of course, in Russia. This manufacturer supplies its products to customers with a wide variety of needs, regardless of region. If you go to Finland, you can see more than one limited edition Viper snowmobile, but most likely you will see the Yamaha Ventura models.

What position does the snowmobile occupy in the market?

Such a snowmobile may well be considered a competitor to the famous Ski-Doo, rightfully recognized as the leader in this category of vehicles. If, for example, we consider the touring model ACE 900 Expedition, we can determine that the snowmobile is a Yamaha Ventura. MP 2015 is equipped with a smaller and less powerful four-stroke engine, but at the same time it is reliable and durable. This engine is endowed with all the features of the proprietary configuration: smooth start, excellent performance at low speeds, and also a reduced noise level. This motor is installed on utilitarian, tourist, and sports Phazer RTX models.

You can’t expect crazy power from such a motor, but it is quite capable of accelerating a heavy snowmobile with two people and cargo to quite a decent speed. Snowmobile ?Yamaha Ventura? has a center of gravity balanced due to the low location of the engine. This feature gives the unit greater stability when cornering.

The 144-inch Camoplast Ripsaw track is driven by a fuel-injected two-cylinder engine. Height of ridges? 32 mm, and the width of the track? 406 mm. These dimensions contribute to good maneuverability and increased comfort. [ads-pc-1]

Yamaha Snowmobile Review

In central Russia, a snowmobile was and remains an expensive toy. Only a wealthy person can afford it. Here it is, the stumbling block! “Security” is a flexible concept. One drives a Toyota for fifteen thousand, the second drives a Volkswagen for twenty-five, and the third drives a Mercedes for fifty. And all of them, by today's standards, are wealthy people. A similar parallel can be drawn with snowmobiles.

If you are able to immediately and without mental shudders shell out ten to thirteen thousand for a good imported snowmobile, you don’t have to read any further. A new car in original packaging is great! I want to talk to those wealthy readers who cannot cope with zero-mileage equipment. Until recently, the used snowmobile sector was empty. Only at the end of this season did “second-hand” products from abroad appear on the market. Particularly from Canada. Let's get to know him better.

Magic box

The sporty V-Max absorbs the driver. Its 600 cc engine produces about 100 horsepower, so you have to be careful with the throttle trigger. On compacted snow, the V-Max reaches over 160 km/h.

The container that arrived from Canada contained eight cars. All Yamaha brands. Despite the late hour, we immediately began to start them. After all, it’s damn interesting what kind of “cats” the Canadian dealer gave us? The first fears disappeared: the surroundings were simultaneously filled with the roar of eight two-stroke engines. Despite the long journey across the Atlantic, all the snowmobiles started, as they say, half a turn. It was not for nothing that everyone had a certificate in their glove compartment indicating that the car had undergone pre-sale training at the dealer. This is the first document that should be required when purchasing a used device from abroad.

The '96-'97 snowmobiles were in good shape. I was surprised by their approximately identical technical condition and similar mileage, about six to seven thousand kilometers. I decided that rather

In general, I deal with rental cars. This is both a plus and a minus. Of course, it’s bad when equipment doesn’t have a permanent owner. On the other hand, such snowmobiles are under careful technical supervision. Imagine how much money the rental company will make. what if the client gets into an accident due to a technical fault?..

Finally, all the snowmobiles are polished to a shine and placed around the salon. They say that in the early days the price tags surprised even regular visitors to the motorcycle store. Everything looked like some kind of crazy sale of new equipment at half prices (all the snowmobiles look five stars!). Here's an example: a utilitarian "Venture 480" with an air-cooled engine costs $4,300. A more complex, touring-class "Venture 500" with a liquid-cooled engine is offered for $4,900. Finally. You can become the owner of a sporty V-Max 600, known for its furious temperament, for $5,000. Moreover, all snowmobiles are well equipped. They are equipped with reverse gears, electric starters, heated steering grips and seat backs for passengers.

...Years will pass. Used snowmobiles will become a common attribute of our motorcycle dealerships. And we will stop being surprised by affordable prices. But now, when the first shipment arrived, the rusty container from Canada seemed like a real magic box.

We got the extended version of the “V-Max”, which can be driven by two people. The basic model is shorter and has a single saddle

Thanks to the long wheelbase, the touring “Venture 500” is very stable in a straight line. And easily forgives mistakes for a novice driver

With just one driver, the Venture 480 easily hits the hundred mark. But speed is not his element. It is less stable compared to other Yamahas

Gentlemen, start your engines!

I gave this command to my colleagues, riding the tourist “Venture 500”. The smoky city was left behind. We plowed through forests and fields for a long time, changing from saddle to saddle. And now, for the umpteenth time, I have come to the conclusion that the tourist model is the best choice. Especially for a beginner. A powerful 500 cc engine (the manufacturer does not provide exact data, but I think it has seventy horses) guarantees acceleration that will put a pleasant chill in the pit of your stomach. Thanks to the long wheelbase, the snowmobile is stable in a straight line and more convenient for snow voyages with two people. Finally, "Venture" is forgiving. The same cannot be said about the V-Max.

This black beauty, which looks more impressive than many modern models, requires complete concentration when driving. When I was racing at a speed of 120 km/h on the tourist “Venture 500”, I was thinking about the upcoming barbecue in the winter forest. When I was flying at the same speed in the saddle of the sports V-Max, I... didn’t think about anything. This snowmobile eats up the driver. It forces you to work your body, almost like riding a sports bike. Its 600 cc engine produces about 100 horsepower, so you have to be careful with the throttle trigger. The caterpillar slips even at high speeds, and then - don't yawn! — you have to resolutely fight the skid. Of the three, the V-Max is the most generous in terms of speed. On packed snow it easily reaches 140. Once I accelerated the V-Max to 160 km/h. Maybe. the snowmobile is capable of more, but there simply wasn’t enough space further... In general, although the device is used, its engine has not lost its terrifying potential.

The utilitarian Venture 480 still looked like a poor relative compared to other Yamahas. Equipped with a simple 50-horsepower air-cooled engine, in the snowy expanse it could not keep up with its more powerful brothers. Moreover, on the “Venture 480” it’s scary to drive two people faster than 70 km/h. It feels like the car is about to roll over on its side. With only one driver, the snowmobile easily reaches a hundred, but again the problem of lateral stability arises. And only in the forest did the modest “Venture 480” show. that he is also a good guy...

We dragged the barbecue grill into such wilds that we later regretted it. The V-Max was the first to be caught in the snow. The forced engine did not allow driving under tension. When trying to move, the caterpillar immediately began to slip, and the snowmobile gradually buried itself in a snowdrift. The feeling is as if you are trying to drive a Ferrari on a muddy dirt road... The second to give up was the touring "Venture 500". It has good cross-country ability, but it is too bulky for wandering around more often. The moment came when the snowmobile simply could not squeeze between a couple of trees. As a result, the chic “tourist” and “athlete” were left dozing at the edge of the forest. The hard worker “Venture 480” took us all one by one into the depths of the forest. Yes, it is not very stable due to the narrow track, but it easily slips between nearby trees. And with amazing impudence he climbs through deep snow! To find out the secret of excellent cross-country ability, let's not be lazy and look under the Venture 480's belly. It turns out that the long caterpillar takes up two-thirds of the length of the car. This is not a snowmobile, but just a wedge with a saddle. Riding on it you can not be afraid of off-road conditions. Plus the advantages typical of utilitarian models - a spacious trunk and a tow bar.

Utilitarian "Venture 480". Yes, it is not very stable due to the narrow track, but it easily slips between nearby trees. And with amazing impudence he climbs through deep snow!

When it comes to all-terrain capability, the humble Venture 480 is the best of the three.

As you can see, each model is good in its own way. I say this to mean that you should buy a snowmobile wisely. First ask yourself where and how you are going to ride it. Perhaps you won’t need the monstrous potential of “V-Max”, which can only be realized on a track groomed by dozens of snowmobiles. Or the comfort of the “Venture 500” will not be too necessary... In a word, the choice must be approached responsibly.

Flying on snowy waves

On the outskirts of the field, where the road ran, cars began to stop. As a result, a decent crowd of spectators gathered. Our team has almost decided to go and collect money from them. The spectacle was truly worth paying for.

The optimal choice seems to be the tourist Venture 500″. Powerful enough to get your blood pumping during acceleration. Large enough for two to travel comfortably. More expensive than the utilitarian 480”, but cheaper than the sports “V-Max”

Following the snowmobile, rushing through the snow was... let's say, a "mono-skier" (this is a new sport that has not yet been given a proper name). Raising sparkling arcs of snow upward, he made turns so steep that his shoulders almost touched the ground. Sometimes the “mono-skier” would rise into the air by jumping on a springboard. and then he looked like an absurd snake man flying on a leash behind a snowmobile.

Those of us who were crazy about skateboarding (for the uninitiated: a board with wheels) in our youth. We didn’t fail to try out the overseas wonder. Kilograms and kilograms of snow were collected by the collar. The beginners' skating looked like a competition "Who can fall the hardest." Finally,

Realizing that you couldn’t master a “snow ski” with such a cavalry charge, the hero of the occasion was thrown into the trunk. Riding it, by the way, is in no way reminiscent of an asphalt skateboard. At least because. that the legs are tightly fastened to the monoski, like on regular alpine skis.

...When we returned back to the salon, naughty devils were jumping in the eyes of one of our colleagues. The man became very ill. I kept asking where to buy a “snow ski” and how much it cost.

“First, find out how much the snowmobile that will carry you costs,” we tried to reason with him.

He looked at us like we were idiots:

- I’m not going to buy a new one...

Vyacheslav KITSIS, photo by Alexey BARASHKOV


Technical equipment

Snowmobile ?Yamaha Ventura? not deprived of various amenities. The incredibly comfortable two-seater seating position is one of the best available. The passenger part of the seat is removed and an ordinary luggage rack is installed in its place. A convenient towbar will allow you to tow a loaded sled. All these technical innovations are designed primarily to increase practicality, not comfort. Tall glass will always effectively protect you from headwinds. A convenient toggle switch allows you to switch the finger warmer settings in nine different ways. To reverse, simply press the appropriate button. Snowmobile ?Yamaha Ventura? It starts with a simple turn of the key in the ignition. Changing the oil in such vehicles is carried out without any particular difficulties.

Front of a snowmobile "Yamaha Ventura" the well-known combination of A-shaped elongated levers, presented on Phazer sports units, is installed. This design is controlled by lightweight high-pressure gas shock absorbers made of aluminum, and the suspension travel extends to 206 mm. The designers developed original customizable skis with a forked keel.

The dimensions of the rear suspension have been increased to accommodate 16 by 144 tracks. The shock absorber extends its travel by 312 mm. A test drive shows that the suspension of such snowmobiles performs excellently during operation. Even with multiple passengers, Ventura models excel in cornering and handling rough surfaces.

Snowmobile Yamaha RS Venture

Yamaha snowmobiles are used for active winter recreation. Fans of high-speed walks on snowy plains should pay attention to this option. Yamaha RS is suitable for comfortable riding both on hard crust and on loose snowy surfaces, thanks to the three-cylinder 4-stroke powerful engine of the Genesis 120 FI series. With this engine, the Yamaha RS Venture is characterized by economical fuel consumption, strong range of thrust and excellent acoustic comfort, which is appreciated over long distances. The wide skis on the Yamaha Venture snowmobile make for a pleasant, smooth ride in rough road conditions and at high speeds.

Venture Multi Purpose

Snowmobile ?Yamaha Ventura? equipped with a two-cylinder, four-stroke Genesis engine with a volume of 499 cm3 with a transmission housing, a lightweight exhaust system, and a removable passenger seat to provide additional free space. The robust front bumper and large windshield give the model an original appearance. The rear suspension has a travel of 313 mm, and the front? 208 mm.


  • width ? 1230;
  • length ? 3155;
  • height ? 1340 mm.

Snowmobile ?Yamaha Ventura? equipped with an integrated socket that serves as a power source for various electrical appliances. The heated grips and acceleration lever have nine adjustable positions. The manufacturer recommends using Yamalube 4s oil. The brake system is equipped with a hydraulic drive, a lightweight ventilated disc, and a two-piston caliper. [ads-pc-2]

Technical characteristics of Yamaha RS Venture

Neither soft snow nor cold wind will hinder the rider. The performance characteristics of the machine make it suitable for use in any conditions, including in regions with harsh climates. Despite the fairly high speed, handling did not deteriorate. The tourist RS Venture TF has the following technical characteristics:

  • engine type - 4-stroke, volume 1049 cm³;
  • maximum power - 80 hp. With.;
  • number of cylinders - 3;
  • cooling - forced, liquid;
  • the design of the intake unit is three-valve;
  • injection means - injector;
  • clutch system type - YVXC;
  • gearbox - variator, electronic reverse control;
  • brakes - hydraulic, two-piston, with lightweight discs;
  • lubrication system - dry sump;
  • number of gearbox stages - 1;
  • launcher - automatic;
  • Yamaha RS Venture suspension type - double wishbone independent;
  • front shock absorbers - KYB, 36 mm Piston, HPG, Aluminum;
  • ski material - durable plastic;
  • rear shock absorbers - adjustable;
  • total weight - 273 kg;
  • dimensions (width/length/height) - 1260/3215/1380 mm;
  • distance between skis - 108 cm;
  • Fuel tank capacity - 34.6 l.

RSVenture TF

This is a revolutionary model among touring snowmobiles. The model is equipped with a three-cylinder four-stroke engine of 1.049 cm3 with a liquid cooling system. Snowmobile front suspension travel? 219, and the rear one? 351 mm. The manufacturer recommends using Yamalube 4s oil.


  • height ? 1380;
  • length ? 3215;
  • width ? 1245 mm.

The electric booster installed in the control system contributes to comfortable movement. The backrest in this snowmobile is adjustable depending on the angle of inclination. A significant difference is made by the integrated digital panel showing the oil and fuel levels. A spacious luggage compartment is provided in the front panel.

RSVenture GT

The model is equipped with a 1.049 cm3 four-stroke three-cylinder engine with liquid cooling and EBRS braking system and an advanced injection system. A multi-function screen is installed on the dashboard. On a snowmobile "Yamaha Ventura" Wide footrests with anti-slip coating are provided. The front suspension of the vehicle has a travel of 219, and the rear suspension has ? 315 mm. The manufacturer recommends using Yamalube 4s oil.


  • height ? 1380;
  • length ? 3215;
  • width ? 1245 mm.

Driving a snowmobile has become much more convenient thanks to the EPS system. The new development was liked by everyone who managed to try it in action. The electric power steering, together with the design features of the front suspension, ensures softness and ease of control. This is not an ordinary Yamaha Ventura tracked snowmobile, but a full-fledged sports unit. [ads-pc-3]

Owner reviews

“A good machine that has absorbed all the positive qualities of utilitarian snowmobiles. From the very beginning, I was able to ride a Yamaha Ventura at the Olympics in Sochi - at that time it was possible to rent a vehicle, I liked it, and as a result I bought this snowmobile, but I was able to assemble it only after 1 year, because it costs more million. The device is definitely worth the money, it looks beautiful in appearance, as befits brands, but I was also impressed by the protective windshield, which is located quite high - it is necessary to protect the driver from the oncoming air flow. The design made a positive impression, as did the handling, the car is quite rigid and easily maintains its trajectory during maneuvering.” “In practice, I was convinced that you only need to purchase original spare parts, and fakes are not suitable, you also need to fill in consumables from the manufacturer, but refuel the car 95 gasoline is optional. I decided to use the 92nd, and the engine remained working normally, but over several years of using the car there were minor problems with the chassis: problems with the weight distribution of the tracks and skis. It started after hitting a stone that was under a large snowdrift - since then I’ve been trying to be more careful. But I didn’t think that the suspension could be very fragile.” “The snowmobile was purchased in used condition, since I would not have been able to pay 1,000,000 rubles. Yes, everything that the manufacturer described about handling is true. The car overcomes large snowdrifts well, it can carry passengers (in particular, the driver), and it can also be used as a small truck due to the tow bar to which the sled along with cargo items is attached. But this is not practical, because there is a risk of breakdown, I only ride on packed snow.” The Yamaha Ventura RS TF is not a cheap pleasure, but I was lucky enough to become the owner of this car, thanks to a big discount. At the end of 2022, a local store was selling out the remaining batch of snowmobiles of the same name. They sold out quickly, and I made it too. The device cost me 900 thousand rubles with the main options - a heated steering wheel and grips for the driver and passenger, as well as an electronic starter, a high-capacity battery, high glass and other modifications. I won’t say anything negative about the device, because it is a machine that has been tested by many, but the only thing I didn’t like was the expensive service, despite a good dealer network.

Venture 700

The model is equipped with a two-stroke three-cylinder engine with a liquid cooling system and a volume of 698 cm3. The front suspension has 229 strokes, and the rear suspension has ? 295 mm. The manufacturer recommends using Yamalube 2s oil.


  • length ? 2990;
  • width ? 1200;
  • height ? 1330 mm.

The simplicity and accessibility of a luxurious country holiday in winter weather is ensured thanks to the streamlined shape of the windshield, the presence of convenient rear-view mirrors, a comfortable seat, an electric starter and a reverse gear shift system. Combined with heated grips for both passenger and driver, adjustable backrest, 45L tank capacity, 136-inch tracks and adjustable suspension, this is a ride that can truly make an impression on anyone.

Additional body kit

Today it will not be difficult to find additional components, oil and many other necessary devices on the market. The equipment will remain in good condition longer thanks to such accessories. Rotators are considered one of the most useful devices. With their help, any Yamaha Ventura snowmobile? can be moved without much difficulty.

Changing the oil, for example, is made easier if the snowmobile is equipped with small racks for storing various things that may be needed on the road. For the manufacture of such accessories, only high-quality materials are used. Special pads help protect skis from various deformations. The duration of engine operation will always depend on the size of the belts for the variator. Snowmobile ?Yamaha Ventura? can quickly become unusable if you underestimate the importance of such accessories.

For high-quality engine operation, manufacturers recommend selecting the appropriate oil. You can also install non-original spare parts on snowmobiles that are similar in their functional characteristics. Snowmobile ?Yamaha Ventura? You can always repair it in a garage or company showroom, where a complete list of all necessary components is available.

Who is the Yamaha RS Venture suitable for?

The reasonable price makes the Yamaha RS Venture accessible to a wide range of buyers. This is a good option for a person who does not refuse trips to nature even in frosty winter. I would like to note the stylish appearance of winter transport, which definitely will not go unnoticed.

The Yamaha Ventura is a snowmobile that performs well on any trail and requires minimal maintenance. The manufacturer tried to provide passengers with maximum comfort and dynamism. Numerous positive user reviews confirm the quality of the Yamaha RS, which can be purchased from an official dealer.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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