Yamaha snowmobiles. Comparison of Viking VK 540 and RS Venture TF

Winter has come. Somewhere the first snow fell, and someone was already covered under the very top of the head. Be that as it may, it’s time to take your faithful friend for a ride - the Yamaha snowmobile. Yamaha is a leader in its industry. The equipment produced by this Japanese manufacturer evokes rave reviews from its owners. And the quality that the developers have achieved has no analogues in the world.

If you have ridden a Yamaha snowmobile, then confirm: it is an incomparable pleasure. A powerful beast that you control like an affectionate kitten. Speed, wind in your face and adrenaline. Once you feel this thrill, it is no longer possible to refuse it. Yamaha lovers have only one question: which snowmobile to choose. After all, winter is coming. Today we’ll talk about two types of snowmobiles from our favorite Japanese manufacturer: Viking VK 540 and RS Venture TF. Let's compare their characteristics, organize a competition and help you choose.

Snowmobiles Yamaha Viking VK 540

The first Viking went on sale 30 years ago and was so loved by customers that the manufacturer transformed the car again and again and released new generations. The last one came out in 2016. For a third of a century, Yamaha snowmobiles have been the most widespread and popular. We will focus on the Viking VK 540 IV and Viking VK 540 V versions.

Viking VK 540 IV

  • Released: 2013.
  • The fourth Viking was distinguished from previous versions by greater efficiency and maneuverability.
  • Fuel tank capacity 31 l.

Wide skis have always been a Viking advantage. They provide him with excellent maneuverability. This beauty will not get stuck on the most difficult track. The Camoplast track copes with the tasks even in the deepest snow. This is facilitated by the ends of the guides, which are slightly raised upward. This design feature allows the snowmobile to glide smoothly in the most difficult situations.

The reliable engine has proven itself to be excellent. Economical and simple, it can withstand long-term operation.

The snowmobile has a forced cooling function, which allows it to be operated even in above-zero temperatures.

A lightweight, yet powerful unit, the Viking VK 540 IV is loved by customers. Despite the fact that the next generation of Viking has appeared, it is still one of the top sellers. And this model has the best price-quality ratio.

Viking VK 540 V

The presentation of the fourth generation died down not so long ago, but the fifth has already arrived. And the new model differs not in a couple of new buttons and color, but radically. This is a completely new snowmobile, the most modern and relevant.

He has a special story. Season 2016-2017, when the Viking VK 540 V entered the Russian market, the economy of our country was experiencing difficulties. And the magnificent new snowmobile was not appreciated enough.

But the situation in the country has improved, and the time has come for the fifth Viking. Today it is one of the sales leaders at Yamaha dealerships.

What has changed in the new model?

Firstly, a new and improved track: Cobra WT 500 wide with 38 mm snow hooks. The equipment confidently moves forward not only on a flat surface, but also overcoming a rise or deep snow.

Secondly, the Viking has become easier to control. If earlier it was difficult with it when cornering, now this problem has disappeared. The advantage of the Japanese manufacturer has always been that it listens to the opinions of consumers. And this time the requests of the owners of the 4th generation were heard: the fifth Viking is controlled easily and simply, including when cornering.

Although the design of the steering wheel has not undergone major changes, something has subtly changed. The suspension settings have changed, the footpegs have improved: almost no snow sticks to them. The snowmobile has become easier to control, even when banking on corners.

The improved shape of the windshield and deflectors protect passengers from snow while driving. The aerodynamics of the snowmobile have improved so much that snow does not fall not only on the passengers, but also on the hood, and under it, and into the engine.

The operation of the Viking VK 540 V engine is smooth, the rhythm does not change despite the speed, altitude or temperature changes.

Motor Features:

  1. Fuel tank volume is 44 liters, 13 liters more than its predecessor;
  2. Engine characteristics: 2-stroke, 2-cylinder, in-line, air-cooled, 535 cm3, 46 hp. With.

The engine has become more powerful compared to previous versions, and the power reserve has doubled.

The Mikuni carburetor has changed and is now heated. This is an important change because it allows the engine to start colder and allows for improved engine warm-up. And this factor is important in Russia in winter, especially in the coldest regions.

The lights became brighter. They were added to the rear to make reversing easier and more convenient.

Despite the pleasure of dashing snowmobiling, we must remember that it can not only entertain, but also work hard. The Viking is excellent at towing loads and copes with this task with a bang.

Budget snowmobiles: cheaper only on skis

“Motodog”, mini snowmobile and transforming snowmobile. Let's look at the most affordable options for equipment for winter recreation, the purchase of which will cost little more than a good ski set.

Maxim Fedorov
Dog with a motor

In the mid-70s, a fundamentally new vehicle for conquering snowy expanses appeared, and it was developed nowhere, but in our country! Being an avid fisherman, Russian craftsman Anatoly Fomichev proposed the idea of ​​a motorized towing vehicle - a caterpillar cart pulling a load along the principle of a dog sled. Its development was not only structurally simpler and cheaper than conventional snowmobiles, but also much lighter and more compact. If going on a winter fishing trip on a snowmobile usually requires a trailer to transport it and a suitable off-road tractor, then a motorized towing vehicle can be carried in the trunk of any passenger car!

The inventor built his first motorized towing vehicle from spare parts from a Buran snowmobile and a Druzhba chainsaw engine back in 1975 and successfully used it for personal needs. Almost three decades later, Russian entrepreneurs became interested in its development and brought the original idea to the production line. Now there are about a dozen motorized towing vehicles of various brands and modifications on the market. All these models, nicknamed “motor dog,” are structurally not much different from each other, and they cost about the same: 50-70 thousand rubles.

Not the same snowmobile

During the operation of the “motorized dogs”, their weak points were also revealed. Due to its relatively low weight (about 60 kg), the motorized towing vehicle has poor contact with snow, so it must be loaded with ballast. Finding ballast is not difficult - it can be fishing gear, fuel and provisions. However, the increase in weight of a motorized towing vehicle makes it difficult to control: in order to perform even the simplest maneuver one has to spend a lot of effort, which increases the driver’s fatigue and reduces the driving range.

To solve this problem, savvy Russian men came up with an attachment with a pair of skis and a seat, turning a motorized towing vehicle into some kind of snowmobile. And Samara designer Sergei Myasishchev went further, creating a full-fledged light snowmobile based on the “motor dog” chassis, which received a dog name - “Husky”. Using a 4-stroke gasoline engine with a power of 6.5 hp, driving a shortened track from the Buran snowmobile, the Husky is capable of reaching speeds of up to 25 km/h and overcoming slopes of up to 20 degrees.

Thanks to its quick-disassembling design, the Husky can be transported even in a Zhiguli and stored on the balcony. At the same time, such a snowmobile costs a little more than a motorized towing vehicle, but offers much more possibilities for use. You can not only go fishing on it, but also arrange entertaining rides. Perhaps the main disadvantage of the Husky is aesthetic. Despite the fact that such mini-snowmobiles are mass-produced, they look like homemade products. However, the simple and reliable design, coupled with the low price (from 56,000 rubles) outweighs all the disadvantages.

"Burlak" from the Volga

A neighbor from Samara approached the matter of creating a mini-snowmobile more thoroughly. Her development, called “Burlak”, is really similar to a snowmobile, only slightly reduced in size. The creators of Burlak were concerned not only with the design of their creation, designing cute plastic fairings for it that resemble Lego parts, but also with functionality.

Unlike the rear-engine Husky, the Burlak’s engine is located in the front, just like a regular snowmobile, which improves its weight distribution. The design of the Burlak, like that of the Husky, is quick-disassembling, but at the same time it consists of a smaller number of components, the heaviest of which (6.5-horsepower engine with a gas tank and rollers with a caterpillar from the Buran) weigh no more than 27 kg. When disassembled, this device weighing 65 kg fits easily into the passenger compartment of a passenger car, and when assembled, it easily carries two passengers or a couple of hundredweight of cargo in a trailed sleigh across the virgin snow.

Such a mini-snowmobile, or its analogues under the Emelya and Pegasus brands, costs about 70-80 thousand rubles, which is almost half the price of the most affordable full-size domestically produced snowmobile, not to mention foreign cars. But in addition to the attractive price and small dimensions, this development has other advantages: cost-effectiveness, ease of maintenance, and the absence of the need to register it with Gostekhnadzor.

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1 comment

  1. Vasya:

    01/13/2020 at 22:00

    Actually, motorized dogs came from Canada! But in the era of strength and high spirituality... it will do!


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Snowmobiles Yamaha RS Venture TF

This phenomenal snowmobile beats out the competition thanks to its powerful 4-stroke engine and original design. The car stands out from the crowd primarily due to its masculine beauty. Buyers evaluate technical characteristics first, but appearance second. RS Venture TF is distinguished by a predatory appearance that leaves no one indifferent.


  1. A double seat with a backrest, which can be removed if necessary to free up space for cargo. A shelf has been designed for transportation, which is why the snowmobile is very popular among fishermen and hunters.
  2. 9 heating modes allow you to comfortably use the machine in any, even the most severe frosts. It starts easily, warms up quickly and pleases owners with the comfort of use.

It was the RS Venture TF that worked at the Olympic Games in Sochi, transporting athletes and cargo. And he didn’t disappoint. This snowmobile will go anywhere and cope with any task of its owner. It is powerful, passable, beautiful - the best!

Replacing a caterpillar track on a Yamaha Viking snowmobile

As a rule, before the start of the winter season, snowmobile owners begin to prepare their equipment for work. Even the most seemingly simple job of replacing a track on a snowmobile can take quite a lot of time. Using the example of the Yamaha VK 10 snowmobile, we will tell you how the process of replacing the gooseneck occurs. Replacing the track requires complete disassembly of the gearbox, so be prepared for the fact that before you pull the drive shaft and track out of the tunnel, you will have to remove the gearbox cover and remove all the contents. But first, the snowmobile must be placed on a flat surface and the rear part hung so that the caterpillar does not touch the surface. Then you need to firmly fix the snowmobile by installing a stand under the trunk. When performing work to replace a track on a snowmobile, you will have to be under the cart, so safety precautions must be strictly observed. When everything is ready, you can begin dismantling the caterpillar. The first step is to loosen the track tension on the snowmobile to a minimum. Next, unscrew the screws securing the cart from the snowmobile frame. The cart folds up and can be pulled out from under the tunnel and taken to a convenient place so that you don’t trip over it when performing further work. It would seem that all that remains is to remove the goose, but it’s not that simple. The drive shaft of the caterpillar will not allow it to be pulled out and it also needs to be dismantled. The drive shaft has two supports in tunnels on bearings. On the left, the bearing sits in the frame, and on the right, the bearing sits in the gearbox.

Let's start disassembling the box. The first step, of course, is to drain the transmission oil from the gearbox. Disassembling the gearbox looks like this: first you need to loosen the screw that regulates the tension of the gearbox chain. Next, unscrew the screws securing the cover itself and the guide shafts. Disconnect the gear shift rod. Are all the screws removed?! You can remove the cover by gently tapping the edges with a rubber hammer and the cover will come away from the gearbox. We inspect all the parts of the box for chips, scratches, etc. and if everything is in order, remove all the insides and put them in a box. You also need to remove the mating part of the snowmobile gearbox by unscrewing it from the body. Now you can unscrew the right bearing of the track drive shaft. Next, the shaft and goose can be removed from the snowflake. It is better to do this work together, since pulling the shaft out of the snowmobile tunnel is not easy, but it is almost impossible to do it alone. Here is the whole process of dismantling the old caterpillar. Before installing a new gooseneck, you need to carefully inspect all the elements of the gearbox, drive shaft, etc. The Yamaha VK 10 snowmobile is assembled in a similar manner. If you decide to replace the track on your snowmobile yourself, make sure you have the necessary tools and technical skills.


  • https://remont-mopeda.ru/zamena-gusenicy-snegokhoda-yamaha-vk-10/
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