Cleaning a motorcycle chain using a special machine

Author: Evgeny Zhivoglyadov. Date of publication: November 27, 2022. Category: Motor vehicles.

Experienced motorcyclists know that even when riding on paved city streets, dust, sand and dirt inevitably stick to the chain. Replacing it is a rather labor-intensive process. Well, timely cleaning of the motorcycle chain and its subsequent lubrication will significantly extend the service life of both the chain itself and the sprockets.

As a rule, after a run of 500÷600 km, it is necessary to carry out maintenance of the chain drive. This can be done using a device such as a motorcycle chain cleaner. Today, such devices (depending on the manufacturer and configuration) cost from 1,700 to 3,500 rubles. However, the money spent on the purchase pays off in that the process is not at all labor-intensive, takes little time and is highly effective.

The same cannot be said about the manual method, which uses brushes (toothbrushes or special three-sided brushes) and cleaning products (liquid or aerosol).

How to clean a motorcycle chain

  • April 3, 2018
  • Kuzma-Foma

All machines and mechanisms require maintenance. Motorcycles are no exception. After riding on a dirty and dusty road, it is not enough to simply wash your motorcycle. It is worth taking care of the chain. Proper care of a chain is a whole ritual and an art that is not at all difficult to learn.

How to wash a chain after serious contamination? Trying to clean a chain of old lubricant using a high-pressure washer can produce an impressive result: torn rubber rings or washed out lubricant. Then everything is simple, rust, rapid wear, replacement, and a new adherent of the sect “We don’t service the chain, it’s cheaper.”

The second popular way to shorten the life of a chain is to simply lubricate it without any washing. This way you firmly glue the new abrasive to it layer by layer. Rubber seals are the first to be delivered, and then everything follows the previously announced scenario.

The third way to kill a new chain is to diligently clean it with a stiff brush using gasoline or more aggressive solvents. The end effect is the same: damaged seal, leaked lubricant and premature chain replacement.

Diesel oil, kerosene, white spirit and engine cleaner will not harm the chains. They wash off dirt in about the same way. Let's stick to diesel fuel. Firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, it evaporates less, which is certainly better for your health.

How to wash a chain? It won’t hurt to take a container into which the dirt will be washed off, so that your mother does not worry about the ecology of her gardens. By the way, choose a brush or brush with the softest bristles. If you use something hard, you can push dirt under the rings.

It is the violation of part of the seal that leads to an uneven increase in chain length due to uneven wear, and not riding on the rear wheel, as is commonly believed.

Next, carefully apply diesel fuel (or another suitable substance) using a spray bottle and carefully clean off the dirt with a brush. Everything - the chain and stars are cleaned. Happy? But the motorcycle is not so good. Diesel oil does not evaporate well and if it is not washed off, it will dilute the applied chain lube and it will come off while driving.

We remind you that when washing your motorcycle, do not bring the powerful hydraulic gun close to the chain, so as not to pour water under the seal. Now it needs to be dried and warmed up. The easiest way is to drive for about 15 minutes. Of course, not on dusty roads and, especially, not in the rain.

How to apply lubricant correctly? While the chain is still warm, take a can and apply lubricant. When cooling, part of the lubricant will go under the seal, to some extent replacing what leaked or was washed out earlier. Never apply lubricant to the side links or the outside of the chain using your fingers.

In fact, only the rings need processing. Just so that they don’t dry out, wear out and keep the factory lubricant inside. Apply the composition in two passes. First on one row of rings, then on the other.

Generously oiling the bushings only leads to excess sand adhesion. Which does not slow down wear at all. If dry parts of the rings are visible from the inside of the chain, you can spot treat them with a spray.

Now, take your old “families” (soft cloth) and wipe the chain well. What you need will remain on it. The rest will fall off while driving.

By the way, if you also treated the tire while applying the lubricant, then wipe it with white spirit or detergent. Otherwise, when driving, you may slip and fall. Leave the motorcycle alone for at least an hour. In an aerosol can, the lubricant is mixed with solvent and it takes time for it to evaporate. Having thickened, it will not go anywhere.

Ideally, this entire procedure should be performed every 500 km. Or after every trip in the rain.

Which lubricant to choose? And about the lubricant itself, the filling of cylinders can be simplified into two types. There are compounds for off-road motorcycle chains. When dry, they hardly stick and do not attract sand. But if you treat a sports bike chain with such a lubricant and fry it at 300 on the autobahn, then it will all fly off within the first kilometer.

The second type is road-sports lubricants, these are very thick and sticky lubricants that can withstand high temperatures. But for an enduro bike, this is a good way to damage chains and sprockets, due to the adhesion of a large amount of abrasive to the rubbing pairs.

Some riders won't recognize anything else other than gear oil. This is not a bad option if you are not too lazy to wash your motorcycle, equipment, chains, and reapply lubricant after each ride. The fact is that a specialized chain lubricant, after the solvent has evaporated, is more similar in consistency to heated chewing gum, so that even the thickest transmission for such purposes will be runny.

Good roads and clean chains!

Manual method

Lubricating a motorcycle chain manually is the most common method among motorcyclists, since it does not require financial investments or special devices and allows cleaning to be done cheaply and cheerfully.

In addition to specialized products, the most popular cleaning agent is kerosene. It only effectively removes dirt, is absolutely safe for rubber parts, and if a drop of kerosene gets on the body, it can be quickly washed off without harming the paint. Special cans of cleaners produced by well-known brands will make cleaning a motorcycle chain a little easier and faster.

To clean and lubricate the chain, follow these steps:

Secure the motorcycle. In order to carry out lubrication correctly, you need to place the bike so that its rear wheel is suspended

Additionally, pay attention to the fastenings - you will need to rotate the wheel, but the motorcycle should not swing dangerously as you work. Secure it properly, protecting yourself from injury and your motorcycle from further damage;

Assess the condition of the circuit

To do this, just look, since most of the dirt and dust is visible to the naked eye. This will help you determine the scope and scope of work, understand the condition of the chain and sprocket as a whole and each individual link. It is best to carry out such an inspection regularly, always after driving on dusty roads or in bad weather;

Prepare tools and supplies for cleaning and lubricating the motorcycle chain. You will need kerosene or an alternative cleaner in a can, a motorcycle chain brush, a rag or any other rag, and a tray for excess oil and dirt. All this can easily be found in the garage or bought at the nearest market;

Start wiping down the chain. Use a gentle motion to spray the cleaner and wipe the links with a rag. Don't forget about the tray into which the cleaning waste will be drained, and repeat until all the links are clean. Only after this can you start lubrication;

Start lubricating the chain. The principle is the same - you apply an even layer of lubricant to the top and turn the rear wheel in neutral. For an even coating, you should make two circles, but you should not use too much lubricant - you will still have to remove the excess with a rag. Place a tray under the chain drive - stains on the garage floor that some substances leave are very difficult to wash off, and if they come into contact with the skin, they can cause irritation.

If you regularly clean and lubricate the chain, this will not only ensure smooth running, but will also increase the life of the chain.

Be careful and vigilant, otherwise cleaning may result in personal injury. So, the sprocket is often responsible for injuries - if you get carried away, you can accidentally pinch your fingers between its sharp teeth and the chain. Sometimes they catch on the material of the glove, and during cranking it gets chewed, which also does not end well for either the motorcyclist or his bike.

Cleaning and lubricating a motorcycle chain

Unlike a car, a motorcycle requires regular maintenance of many components, including the transmission, which uses a traditional chain drive. Without regular lubrication, it quickly wears out and gradually destroys other components - the rear wheel sprocket, gearbox and others. To ensure maximum longevity from your motorcycle, you should know how to properly lubricate and clean your chain. Following the recommendations given in the article will allow you to get rid of many problems and enjoy driving without thinking about expensive repairs.

Experts recommend starting to clean the chain after a short drive - an hour will be enough. This will allow the chain to warm up to the desired temperature, making its lubricant less thick. In this state, it will be much easier to wash all deposits from the chain, and the new lubricant will be able to penetrate much deeper into the friction pairs. If you want to wash the motorcycle at the same time as cleaning the chain, do this only after servicing the transmission, since during such work a lot of dirt and grease will leak onto the body of the bike. There are two main ways to clean a chain, using different tools.

Manual method

The most common method among Russian motorcyclists is cleaning the chain with a toothbrush. Instead, you can take a narrow shoe brush with soft fibers or a special tool sold in a motorcycle parts store. Do not use metal brushes or tools with very coarse fibers as they can easily damage chain components.

You will also need to purchase a cleaning liquid - Liqui Moly, Hi-Gear and Motul have suitable spray cans in their range. If you don’t have such a product at hand, the chain can be cleaned with kerosene, but you should prepare for a significant increase in the labor intensity of such work. You cannot use gasoline to clean the chain, as this will lead to the dissolution of the O-rings, bushings and seals - as a result, the part will have to be thrown away.

The motorcycle is mounted on a stand or on a suspension - the rear wheel must be in the air. The can of liquid should be brought in from the wheel side. Its nozzle should be directed outward, since contact with such an aggressive chemical compound on the wheel can be dangerous for the rubber. After applying the liquid to the upper part of the chain, spin the wheel and repeat the procedure so that the entire part is covered with a special cleaning agent. After waiting approximately 5 minutes, begin brushing the transmission, paying special attention to gaps and seals.

If you need to learn how to clean a chain with kerosene, then you should understand that in this case you will have to spend a lot more time. The liquid is applied to the part in a thin stream, and care must be taken that its splashes do not fall on the wheel. After 5 minutes, begin to thoroughly remove the dirt with a brush, trying to penetrate the fibers as deeply as possible. If it was not possible to completely clean the chain in this way, it will have to be removed, which will take a lot of your time and effort.


For those who are interested in the best way to clean a chain, we can recommend using a special device - this is produced by KETTENMAX, as well as some other manufacturers of motorcycle accessories. The bike needs to be lifted by hanging the rear wheel, and then started. The device is attached to the chain - inside there are special rollers and brushes that allow you to pass the chain while simultaneously cleaning it from all possible deposits. At the top there is a tube for supplying cleaning liquid - it can be either a special product supplied in the kit or regular kerosene. There is a tube at the bottom for draining dirty cleaning liquid - it is better to lower it into a tray or half-liter bottle.

After making sure that the device is securely attached to the chain, engage first gear, but do not add gas. Now your task will be to ensure an even flow of cleaning material into the device - it must be gradually poured or injected into the upper tube, making sure that the liquid does not fall on the motorcycle itself. After about five minutes, the chain will be completely cleaned, after which you need to turn off the gear and turn off the motorcycle engine.

Before lubricating the chain, you will need to rinse off any remaining cleaning fluid - otherwise the oil will not be able to adhere to the part. To do this, use water at room temperature - it is better to pour it out of a simple plastic bottle in a thin stream, gradually turning the chain. Do not use a high-pressure washer under any circumstances - it very quickly destroys the motorcycle transmission, shortening its service life. After washing, carefully dry the chain with a non-abrasive material - a microfiber cloth will do.

Before you begin, you should find out what you can use to lubricate the chain on your motorcycle. There are many types of products that are applied to the chain drive to increase its reliability and durability. The best option would be to select a lubricant based on the manufacturer’s recommendations specified in the instructions. However, you can also follow the instructions on the oil can - most manufacturers provide the following types of lubricant:

  • Universal;
  • Road;
  • For sportbikes;
  • For motocross and off-road motorcycles;
  • For old motorcycles.

If you cannot figure out which lubricant is ideal for your motorcycle, it is better to consult a specialist.

It is best to purchase lubricant in spray cans - this will allow the oil to penetrate all joints and friction pairs, significantly increasing the durability of the motorcycle transmission. If you bought the product in a canister or bottle, you should additionally purchase an inexpensive can of compressed air, which can be used to increase the efficiency of chain lubrication. Some riders find that they can significantly improve transmission reliability by using a very thick grease. This is a very common misconception - excessively thick lubricant quickly lags behind the seals and flies out of the chain, getting on the motorcycle body and the driver’s clothing.

If you are interested in how to lubricate a motorcycle chain, then you need to warm it up slightly - running the motorcycle on the suspension for 2-3 minutes will be enough. After this, it is better to turn off the engine, but the bike should remain suspended. Lubricant is applied to the upper branch of the chain, trying to treat all internal parts of the part - oil seals, seals, friction pairs and others. It is advisable to rotate the chain twice, gradually applying lubricant so that the oil spreads evenly along its outer and inner sides. The grease should not get on the motorcycle body, engine, wheels and rubber, as it thickens very quickly and will be very difficult to remove.

After completing the procedure, excess liquid must be removed using a soft cloth. Do not take paper napkins under any circumstances - they tear and their parts remain inside the chain, significantly reducing its durability. Motorcycle chain lubricant must be distributed evenly throughout the transmission mechanism, otherwise the part will wear out very quickly and also destroy the sprockets. After completing the procedure, wait 15 minutes for the lubricant to thicken - after making sure of this, you can start the motorcycle engine and go for a break-in.


Quite often, beginners have a question about how often to lubricate the chain. It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since it all depends on the driving style, as well as on the type of material used. For example, grease is applied to the chains of domestic motorcycles once every approximately 500 kilometers. If we are talking about a high-quality spray for imported motorcycles, it is enough for them to treat the chain once every 1–3 thousand kilometers. The following circumstances can significantly reduce the specified time frame:

  • Off-road driving;
  • Wheelie;
  • Long driving at high speed;
  • Storing the motorcycle in inappropriate conditions.

If, when choosing a lubricant, you have already determined which one is better and have established the frequency of transmission maintenance, all you have to do is find out what other procedures should be performed simultaneously with cleaning the chain. Before lubrication, it is worth determining the degree of chain tension - to do this, you need to measure the maximum sag of its lower branch. The normal level of sagging will be 15–25 mm - if it is exceeded, it is worth tightening the chain drive using a special tool.

It is also worth assessing the condition of the sprockets - if they show severe wear, it is better to replace them immediately. Remember that severe wear on these parts can cause transmission failure and costly repairs. If there is damage to the chain, it should also be replaced - usually this work is performed when the mileage reaches 10-15 thousand kilometers, but careless operation of the vehicle can lead to accelerated wear.

If you are not comfortable with periodically lubricating your motorcycle chain with oil, you can purchase an automatic lubricant supply device. It is installed near the gearbox and performs two functions simultaneously, cleaning the part from contaminants that have fallen on it, as well as supplying oil and preventing accelerated wear of the transmission. The cost of such a device reaches approximately 9-12 thousand rubles, but it will help you save a lot of time and effort. However, it is worth remembering that the use of automation does not eliminate the need to clean the chain if it is heavily soiled - this procedure will have to be performed after driving off-road or on bad roads.


Let's figure out how and what to lubricate a motorcycle chain. First you need to heat it up. Let the motor run for 2 - 3 minutes. Then we turn it off, but the bike remains suspended. All parts are treated with lubricant. The chain is rotated twice, applying lubricant inside and outside. The lubricant thickens, making it difficult to wash it off the body or rubber. When choosing the best lubricant for your motorcycle chain, read the instructions on the can of the product.

Riding in wet weather, heavy mud or on dusty dirt roads requires frequent chain maintenance. The performance of your motorcycle depends on it. Cleaning and lubrication must be carried out every 1000 km. If you can't decide how to lubricate your motorcycle's chain, contact a specialist.

Unlike a car, behind many components - including the transmission, which uses a traditional chain drive. Without regular lubrication, it quickly wears out and gradually destroys other components - the rear wheel sprocket, gearbox and others. To ensure maximum longevity from your motorcycle, you should know how to properly lubricate and clean your chain. Following the recommendations given in the article will allow you to get rid of many problems and enjoy driving without thinking about expensive repairs.

Regular Maintenance

It is worth remembering that only following all the rules for caring for a motorcycle will help you significantly extend the maximum life of your two-wheeled equipment. Regularly lubricating the chain, checking the condition of transmission components, and cleaning the transmission mechanism from dirt will help put off expensive repairs for tens of thousands of kilometers. If you neglect this need, this can lead to disastrous consequences - the gearbox may jam while in motion, which will cause an emergency. That is why many motorcyclists try to lubricate the chain as often as possible, trying to avoid trouble. If you don’t want to deal with such dirty work, you can entrust it to the specialists of a motorcycle service station - the advantage of this option will be the ability to carry out comprehensive diagnostics when servicing your equipment.

Liqui Moly

The popular brand Liqui Moly offers a wide selection of lubricants that significantly increase the service life of motorcycle chains. Consider the range offered by this German brand:

  1. Motorrad Kettenspray Grand Prix Grun – This Liqui Moly motorcycle chain lubricant comes in spray form, making it easy to use. Its purpose is to lubricate the element, protecting it from wear and stretching. It adheres well to the surface and remains on it even at high speeds. In addition, the coating will be resistant to high loads and temperatures during operation.
  2. Kettenspray chain care spray can be used for initial and regular treatment of motorcycle chains. Thanks to this product, you can ensure proper care of the rubber seals of the chain links. Special ester components in its composition increase the stickiness of the lubricant and the ability to retain it on the surface.
  3. Motorbike Ketten-Reiniger is a product that quickly and, most importantly, gently cleans the chain of old lubricant. After application, the cleaner evaporates without the chain losing its density.

How to clean a motorcycle chain

How to clean a chain on a motorcycle? This procedure is simple, but it needs to be done regularly - this will help increase the life of the chain before replacement. You can, of course, turn to a motorcycle service center, but not everyone likes to watch an experienced motorcycle mechanic, whistling some cheerful melody under his breath, doing for a hundred dollars what he could do himself in a maximum of an hour. Cleaning a motorcycle chain should ideally be done every thousand or two kilometers, depending on operating conditions. Most motorcyclists get by with just regular chain lubrication, but this cannot be said to be the right approach. So how and with what to clean the chain?

You can always buy special sprays in motorcycle stores - for example, Motul, Ipon or Liqui Moly. But the price of such a can will fluctuate around 500 rubles, and the contents of the can will most likely be enough for one time. The end result is not very economical... However, there are always budget options.

Chain cleaning brush on Aliexpress.

So, the traditional means for cleaning a motorcycle chain is diesel fuel, just ordinary diesel fuel. One liter is more than enough for you, but it will cost about twenty times less than a bottle with a special spray. You need to apply diesel fuel to the chain generously, without sparing it, and any metallized brush of medium hardness is suitable as a tool for this. Dip the brush into diesel fuel and thoroughly lubricate the chain, if necessary, scrolling it to get to hard-to-reach places, and pay special attention to the joints of the chain links. Once you've lubricated the entire chain this way, it's time to clean it. For surface cleaning, the same stiff brush you used to lubricate the chain may be suitable. Try to completely remove clumps of dirt and other nasty things. Don't be afraid - you won't scratch the chain, it's iron. Having finished with this, it is time to carry out a deeper cleaning - the chain, in addition to dirt, must be cleaned of adhering dust and remnants of old lubricant. To do this, it would be best to use a special machine, like the one you can see in the photo at the beginning of the article. This primitive device does its job perfectly, and at the same time costs two hundred rubles at some Chinese auction. In a motorcycle store they will easily ask for 500-700 rubles for it. There is another type of motorcycle chain cleaning machine.

The essence is the same - this “box” opens, is put on the chain, closes, and stretches along the entire length of the chain, cleaning it from all sides. A similar thing costs about the same as a brush, or a little more. You can make such a “stray” yourself from a pair of shoe brushes with hard bristles, twisting them with self-tapping screws. But in any case, before resorting to this stage of cleaning the chain, you must first clean it with a hard brush from the main dirt, otherwise, if you immediately use the machine, its pile simply will not cope with dirt deposits, which can be easily removed with a regular metallized brush.

During the process, do not forget to add diesel fuel (or periodically rinse the brush in it) for better cleaning. You will have to work until the chain is perfectly clean. Once that's done, you'll need a compressor or can of compressed air. Compressed air will do an excellent job of removing stuck lint, individual dust particles and other small items, and the chain will shine like new. Well, then don’t forget to lubricate it, and forget about this procedure for quite a long time. And when the time comes to change the chain, look here and read how to do it quickly and independently.

Lubricant replacement

Taking into account the recommendations of well-known manufacturers of motorcycle equipment, the chain mechanism must be lubricated at least every 500–1000 km.

Timely replacement of lubricant allows you to obtain the following advantages:

  1. Reduce noise from the operating unit.
  2. Improve the thermal characteristics of the drive.
  3. Reduce wear of rubbing parts.

Before performing lubricant replacement work, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the chain. If you skip this procedure, the new grease will clog the dirt, which is saturated with abrasive particles. Solid inclusions, together with grease, will quickly turn the chain mechanism into an unusable part.

Cleaning the chain

Cleaning work on the chain drive must be carried out outdoors or in a ventilated room.

To complete the work you will need the following materials:

  • detergent, better than factory-made;
  • rags;
  • brush or brush with stiff bristles;
  • container for draining liquid.

The use of diesel fuel and white spirit as detergents is not prohibited.

Sequence of work:

  1. Place the motorcycle on a level surface and use a wheel to raise the rear wheel.
  2. Cover parts not involved in the work with a cloth.
  3. Apply or spray cleaner onto the surface of the links.
  4. Use a brush or brush to clean the surface of the chain and sprocket lugs.
  5. Wash off the old grease removed from the surface with a cleaner.
  6. Wipe the clean surface with a dry cloth or special cloth.
  7. Blow out the links with compressed air.

If the surface of the chain is too dirty, you can remove the drive completely and dip it in a container with diesel fuel, kerosene or white spirit. Keep the part in this solution for no more than 10 minutes. Exceeding this norm can lead to liquid getting into the rubber roller seals, which will negatively affect their technical condition.

Chain lubrication

It is better to lubricate the drive immediately after a trip. The lubricant will be better placed in the chain heated during movement, which guarantees the penetration of the oil composition into all the gaps of the mechanism.

Manufacturers of motorcycle equipment recommend using SAE 80W-90 transmission oil or a specialized aerosol lubricant to lubricate parts.

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To complete the work you will need:

  • lubricant;
  • rags:
  • tray.

Process sequence:

  1. We hang out the equipment. Lubrication must be performed with the neutral mode turned on.
  2. We install the tray and cover the motorcycle with a thick rag (except for the chain).
  3. We first apply the aerosol mixture to the internal links of the lower section of the drive. When applying lubricant, the cylinder should be at a distance of 5–7 cm from the working surface. After treating the inside of the chain, spray lubricant on the outer surface.
  4. We apply transmission lubricant using a compression syringe, squeezing the mixture into the gaps between the links and the body of the rollers, and then squeezing it from above, between the outer and inner plates of the links.

Upon completion of lubrication, wipe the surface of the drive mechanism with a dry cloth and allow the lubricant to adhere to the metal parts (12–20 minutes). Taking into account the last requirement, we can conclude that it is better to carry out lubrication work before parking the equipment.

How to clean a motorcycle chain

How to clean and lubricate a motorcycle chain

Guide to lubrication and cleaning of motorcycle chains.

A motorcycle chain is one of the technically important components in the operation of a motorcycle. When riding a motorcycle, regular maintenance of the chain is required. The motorcycle engine provides the mechanical power which is supplied to the main shaft and the motorcycle chain is connected to it through the countershaft using the front and rear sprocket. Thus, a motorcycle chain is used to turn the rear wheel and propel it forward. If the chain does not turn smoothly or has excessive friction, then it will put more stress on the engine, causing the motorcycle to consume more fuel, so it is important to clean and lubricate your motorcycle chain regularly.

First, let's look at the main types of motorcycle chains.

There are three main types of chains: a regular standard chain consisting of interlocking links, a sealed chain with O-Ring seals, and a sealed chain with X-Ring seals.

a conventional motorcycle chain without oil seals is used on motocross motorcycles, as it has less friction and, accordingly, less power loss. Inexpensive, seal-less chains are also used on small-capacity Chinese vehicles and old-style motorcycles. Such a chain requires more maintenance compared to stuffing box chains, but the life of this chain will be relatively short.

A sealed chain with O-Rings that are installed in the gaps between the outside and inside of each chain joint, this design helps the chain stay lubricated for a long time as the seal rings retain the lubricant longer.

Chains with X-Ring seals are used primarily on high-speed competition motorcycles. The operating principle of X-shaped oil sealed chains is exactly the same as O-shaped chains, they also retain lubricant for a long time, only they have a smaller contact surface area in contact with pins and links, which helps reduce friction, chain heating temperature and increase a speed.

What kind of lubricant is there for a motorcycle chain? Chain lube comes in different types for different types of motorcycles and different situations. Basically, lubricant for motorcycle chains is divided into three types. Off Road Chain Lubricant is the most liquid lubricant, it has good penetrating ability and does not attract a lot of dirt . Such liquid lubricant is not suitable for high-speed driving, since at speed it does not adhere to the chain and will fly off. The second type of lubricant is an ordinary road chain lubricant ( Road) for everyday trips around the city; it does not fly off the chain at medium speeds, maintains temperature well and collects relatively little dirt. The third type is a synthetic-based lubricant ( Factory Line), which is well suited for all types of oil seal chains. Excellent grip on the chain at high temperatures, speeds and loads. Best suited for long distance driving at high speeds. The advantage of this lubricant, as well as its disadvantage, is that it is very sticky and this makes cleaning the chain a little difficult.

So let's learn how to clean and lubricate a chain. It is important to remember that oil seal chains can only be cleaned with special cleaners for motorcycle chains or a product that is not aggressive to rubber and does not contain acids, so as not to damage the oil seals.

First of all, take the necessary components and tools and follow the steps given below in the list.

We will need:

  • Piece of cardboard
  • Soft chain brush
  • Chain cleaner
  • Chain lubrication

Sequential steps for cleaning and lubricating a motorcycle chain:

  1. For convenience, place the motorcycle on a stand or center stand so that the rear wheel can rotate freely.
  2. To prevent lubricant from getting on the wheel, insert a piece of cardboard from the inside of the chain and place a container underneath to collect dirt and old lubricant.
  3. Take a brush (for convenience, it is better to use a special soft brush for cleaning the chain) and clean the chain in a circle using a cleaner and a brush.
  4. After cleaning the chain, it is advisable to clean the rear sprocket, because... old grease and dust remain on it.
  5. We wipe the cleaned chain with a dry cloth, and if you have a compressor, it would be even better not to blow it out too much under high pressure.
  6. Lubricate the dry motorcycle chain with a special chain lubricant, applying it evenly along the inner circle of the chain.
  7. After lubrication, wipe the chain with a dry cloth to remove excess lubricant.

After 40-60 minutes, when the lubricant is absorbed, check the chain tension and after that you can already ride the motorcycle. It is best to do this procedure in the evening before the trip so that the lubricant is completely absorbed and hardens overnight.

How often should you clean your motorcycle chain? Remember to clean your motorcycle chain from time to time. It depends on how long and often you drive, as well as where, on the highway or in the city, or maybe in the forest. Let’s say approximately, you drive up to 50 kilometers around the city every day, then you need to lubricate the chain once a week, and clean the chain once every two weeks, but if you travel through the forest, then you will have to clean and lubricate the chain almost every day, after each trips. The chain also needs to be lubricated after rain. In any case, cleaning and lubricating the chain is one of the simplest tasks in maintaining a motorcycle ; this procedure will take you no more than 10-15 minutes, but the motorcycle chain will last longer and thus you will get rid of excessive friction and wear of the sprockets and chain.

Graphite grease

Chain lubrication has always been a problem for motorcyclists. Each type of lubricant has, in addition to its advantages, some disadvantages in its properties.

Graphite lubricant, which is also used by motorcyclists, lasts longer on the chain, but it is thick. And applying it is problematic. Most often, graphite lubricant is mixed with oils, and only then applied to the chain. But recently there has been a graphite lubricant, the advantages of which have already been appreciated by many motorcyclists.

The graphite lubricant device was patented in 2010. It is installed on the motorcycle pendulum, and lubrication occurs automatically in a thin layer. The device is filled with graphite-based lubricant. The chain structure is continuously lubricated. The composition of the graphite lubricant does not attract dirt and is consumed evenly. No excess or accumulation of lubricant is formed under the parts.

The action of this device lasts for six thousand kilometers, and after that the device changes. Even when driving in rain or snow, this lubricant is not washed off. And visually the chain looks like new - clean and constantly lubricated. The device weighs 400 grams and does not create any inconvenience when driving.

Graphite grease characteristics

Table 1. Physicochemical characteristics of graphite lubricant.

Indicator nameNormTest method
1. AppearanceHomogeneous ointment from dark brown to black colorAccording to clause 4.2
2. Dropping temperature, ° C, not lower77According to GOST 6793-74
3. Penetration at 25 ° C with stirring (60 double strokes), not less, mm × 10-1250According to GOST 5346-78 (Method B)
4. Corrosion test on plates made of steel grade 40 or 45, or 50 according to GOST 1050-88WithstandsAccording to GOST 9.080-77
5. Colloidal stability, % of released oil, no more5According to GOST 7142-74
6. Mass fraction of water, %, no more3According to GOST 2477-65
7. Shear strength at 50 ° C, Pa (gs/cm2), not less100 (1,0)According to GOST 7143-73 (Method B)
8. Viscosity at 0 ° C and an average strain rate gradient of 10 s-1, Pa × s (P), no more100 (1000)According to GOST 7163-84

Why do you need to maintain a motorcycle chain?

Many people say - why should I bother with chains, with their cleaning and lubrication, I’d rather buy the most inexpensive chain “from Java”, and change it every thousand. It is worth considering that a cheap chain stretches a lot, it needs to be tightened every 100-200 km, which is annoying, to say the least. Imagine that you are going on a long trip, and instead of enjoying the journey, you get off the bike every half hour to tighten the chain!

An expensive chain may require tightening every couple of thousand kilometers. And it passes a couple of tens of thousands without problems. But it costs a really good amount of money. And if you consider that it is necessary to change the chain together with the sprockets, this will cost you a lot. But with a high-quality oil seal motorcycle chain, you will ride without problems, you will be confident in its safety, and all that will be required of you is to wash and lubricate it once every 500-600 km.

Cleaning a Motorcycle Chain

Never lubricate a chain without washing it first. Old grease with road dirt and sand stuck to it acts as an abrasive, grinding down the rollers and stars. If you put another layer of lubricant on top of this, it will turn into real sandpaper. That is why the motorcycle chain must be washed before lubricating it.

To do this, you will need a toothbrush (or a special device for cleaning drive chains), kerosene (or white spirit), a rag and cardboard. Follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • Place the motorcycle on the center stand, and if there is none, hang the rear wheel using a tackle, a jack, a stool, or any other available method;
  • Cover the rear wheel with cardboard, otherwise it will all be covered in kerosene;
  • Gently rotating the wheel by hand, using a brush, toothbrush or a special device, go over the entire chain several times, wetting it generously with washing liquid. Kerosene or white spirit soften the old grease and remove it from the seals, but do not damage the rubber bands themselves. You can also use special chemicals for washing stuffing box chains for this purpose, but it is significantly more expensive;
  • Wipe the chain dry with a rag;
  • Wait 15-20 minutes for the remaining kerosene to evaporate;
  • All is clear! You can start lubrication.

Important! Never attempt this procedure while the gear is in gear! There are quite a number of cases when a motorcyclist had his fingers ground into mince by pulling them by a rag between the sprocket and chain links. The engine must be turned off, the motorcycle must be in neutral gear, and the wheel must be rotated only by hand!

When to choose automatic lubrication?

Automatic lubrication systems are ideal if you are planning a long trip when you do not want to stop to treat the chain system with conventional sprays. In other cases, you can use conventional products - cheaper and suitable for use at home.

your motorcycle has a center stand

We put it on, if there is a special one, we put
the motorcycle
on it, if not, we use the side stand and periodically roll
the motorcycle

We will need the actual motorcycle chain

and cleaner, lint-free cloth and toothbrush.
We generously water the chain
of your
with cleaner, rub it with a toothbrush and then wipe it with a rag, until we go along the length of the entire chain.

By the way, under the chain on top along the entire swingarm of the motorcycle

there is a so-called “
” on which part
of the chain lube
, as well as dirt and sand, settles; it is also highly advisable to clean it, although this is a dirty and labor-intensive task, but it needs to be done at least
motorcycle season

And so we clean the chain and let it dry for 15 minutes. When this time comes, take a bottle of chain lube

shake continuously for a couple of minutes, then sit under
the motorcycle
and begin to spray on each rubber band between the links
of the motorcycle chain
It’s better to do this from behind, or if you remove the chain protection from above, the protection is better; by the way, it will be easier to remove. Periodically roll the motorcycle

After all the gaskets have been lubricated, we give the motorcycle

stand for at least 15 minutes so that the lubricant hardens and becomes more sticky and viscous.

There are craftsmen who lubricate motorcycle chains

motor oil of high viscosity, but I want to say that this is monkey work, such lubricant will fly off the chain gaskets, they will dry out, crack and collapse, and the
of your
and your clothes will be stripped of the

chain lubricant It will not be possible to wash it, stains will remain. When lubricating a motorcycle chain

there is no need
to lubricate the rollers and links ; such lubrication will likely cause them to wear out more.

It is better to buy and use chain lube

special for motorcycle chains and containing Teflon, such lubricant sometimes does not fly off and is not washed off even in the rain and after many kilometers of travel.

The regularity of lubricating a motorcycle chain depends on the distance traveled, approximately once every 500-700 km, if you had to drive through sand and dust, then you need to clean and lubricate the chain upon arrival at the parking lot, after the rain you need to inspect the chain, if the lubricant is washed off, you need to lubricate it, if not, then after 100-200 km it’s better to lubricate it. A can of good chain lube with Teflon costs from 400 to 700 rubles, enough for half a motorcycle season or a season, maybe less if you ride a lot.

The cleaner is enough for two or three times, if the motorcycle chain is dirty, if you clean it regularly after the first time or the chain was new before cleaning, then it’s enough for 10 times.

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ATTENTION – reprinting of this article is PROHIBITED, posting the original article on other resources will be suppressed! Author Kravchenko Dmitry

Buying lube and lubricating a motorcycle chain is one of the most trivial daily tasks of every motorcyclist. This needs to be done constantly, regardless of whether you want to ride or not - the chain of your motorcycle requires mandatory care.

So what should you lubricate with? And how should this be done to keep your chain in working condition for as long as possible? Today we will try to figure this out by studying motorcycle manuals, advice from experienced people and commercial data from well-known brands.

How and with what to lubricate the chain?

After you have cleaned everything and the links have acquired a shine, as if from the factory, the chain needs to be lubricated. There are many options, and all of them are used by bikers in one way or another:

  • Special lubricant in cylinders for motorcycle chains. Perfect option. After application, it flows under the seals, thickens, and is not thrown out by centrifugal force when driving. There are different lubricant options for sports, road, off-road motorcycles, as well as universal ones;
  • Lubricants for extreme conditions, for example for motorcycles in Yakutsk and similar regions, are selected individually;
  • Working out or transmission. It has lubricating properties, but it will splash your wheel, leg (and in some cases even your back) as soon as you leave the garage. The chain will have to be lubricated much more often than once every 500 km, since the lubricant simply will not linger in the oil seals;
  • Solid oil - not intended for chains at all, it is very thick, it will not go into the oil seals, it will only create a sticky mass on the outside, which will become an excellent place for the accumulation of any abrasive in the form of sand;
  • Kerosene-based graphite lubricant is a good, but outdated option;
  • Automatic chain lubricator - used by many tourists who travel tens of thousands of kilometers during the season, for whom servicing a motorcycle chain every 500 km seems too frequent and irritating. It is fueled by the transmission, and therefore also dirty the rear wheel.

After applying lubricant to the chain, wipe it dry again with a clean cloth. This will remove any sticky residue from the outside of the links, which will prevent dirt and sand from adhering to them. The main thing is that the lubricant gets inside the rollers, under the seals - that’s where it works. Filling the chain with lubricant to the point of jelly is not only unnecessary, but also harmful.

Important! In Soviet times, the so-called “chain welding” was practiced in working off. This procedure can only be carried out with cheap sealless motorcycle chains! Don’t even think about welding the stuffing box chain; you’ll ruin it forever!

Treat your motorcycle chain maintenance as a pleasant experience, turn on some music or take a group of friends, and if you haven't enjoyed it yet, you'll definitely start!

Features of the KettenMax Premium devices

produces two improved versions of devices for cleaning motorcycle chains: “KettenMax Premium” (cost 3300–3500 rubles) and “KettenMax Premium Light” (2200–2500 rubles). The main difference between these sets and the “KettenMax Classic” is that the set includes four sets of interchangeable side brushes and four measuring templates (the color of the templates corresponds to the color of the cleaning brushes), which allow you to easily and quickly adapt the device to different sizes of chains.

In order to determine which brushes to install for cleaning, it is enough to attach the templates to the chain one by one. After this, brushes of the appropriate color are installed in the device box and the device is ready for use.

Additional ease of use: the kit includes a plastic bag for collecting dirty liquid, which is screwed to the bottom half of the machine.

The KettenMax Premium kit also comes with a 250 ml bottle of S100 Chain Cleaner and a 75 ml can of universal aerosol lubricant.

With a set from the Premium series, you can clean chains on motorcycles of various brands. This purchase is especially justified for those who have several bikes (or, for example, a motorcycle and a moped). It is enough just to install brushes of the required size.

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