What you need to know about the Bars motorized towing vehicle

Motorized towing vehicles? small-sized vehicles, which are in high demand in places with poor road surfaces or its complete absence. Thanks to their design features and the presence of tracks, motorized towing vehicles, popularly called motor dogs, allow you to transport cargo and passengers through snowy and swampy areas, while consuming a small amount of fuel. The only problem ? low speed, which is fully compensated by the excellent maneuverability of motorized dogs.

You can find many models of motorized towing vehicles on sale, of which the motorized dog “Bars” deserves special attention. What are their characteristics? independently and in the field?

Features and Specifications

It is quite difficult to indicate the specific technical characteristics that Bars motorized towing vehicles have, since several models are hidden under this brand. They have different engine power, maximum and average speed, as well as other parameters.

The following models of motorized dogs are most common among buyers:

? ?Leopard Pathfinder?. Equipped with a variator clutch, which has been improved to prevent the belt from slipping and breaking, as well as from getting caught in the variator.

? ?Bars Partizan RA?. Equipped with an automatic clutch system, like the next model, it has smaller dimensions than other motorized dogs from the manufacturer. Light weight ensures strong grip on any road.

? ?Leopard Partizan RV?. Equipped with front-wheel drive and a CVT, a shortened platform and one wide track, it is light in weight and size, so the vehicle can be easily placed in the trunk of a car.

The main advantages that distinguish Bars motorized towing vehicles include the following:

  • possibility of use in the warm season for movement and transportation of goods through wetlands;
  • low fuel consumption, not exceeding 2.5 liters per hour at medium speeds;
  • easy and accessible transport control that anyone can handle;
  • light weight and dimensions allowing the towing vehicle to be transported in a car;
  • simple maintenance and repair;
  • spacious cargo area for transporting large loads.

Despite the rich list of advantages, the Bars motorized towing vehicle, like any other vehicles, is susceptible to breakdowns that can happen on the road. What is the best way to carry out repairs and what troubles can await owners of these motorized dogs? [ads-pc-1]

Main purpose

This type of transport arose in the North, in conditions of “impassable” snow. The lack of a road as such greatly hampered human movement in such regions.

Of course, there were snowmobiles, but the excessively high price and complexity of the design, which complicated the repair of the mechanism, plus the lack of assortment (at that time only one model was produced) prompted the Russian designer Anatoly Vasilyevich Fomichev to create a “mini-snowmobile.”

The first prototype consisted of a Ural chainsaw motor mounted on a sled frame.

Such a structure had to be operated by a person on skis. Later, the model was improved by adding a trailed sled. The first consumers of the invention were huntsmen .

In fact, “iron dogs,” as they are called (the unit is similar to a dog sled), are used not only by extreme recreation enthusiasts.

Due to their high cross-country ability, they are widely used in regions with high snow cover and sandy terrain.

The Raptor 700 R sports ATV is equally confident in handling both on rough terrain and on the race track.

We bring to your attention a video - a few minutes from the life of the owner of such a motorcycle model as the Yamaha YBR 125.

Car service or home garage?

Depending on which components of the motorized towing vehicle failed and what caused this, you can choose one of the following options.

Repair in a specialized service? This option is worth turning to if you do not have the skills and tools necessary for repairs, or the level of restoration work required is excessively complex. This applies to complex engine repairs. Repairs at a service center will cost more than fixing them yourself, but this path is guaranteed to lead to troubleshooting.

Repairing a motorized dog yourself? It is recommended if the breakdown is not serious and will obviously be cheap (cheaper than the services of professional craftsmen). You should do the repairs yourself if you have the tools and spare parts.

Thus, both of these options have the right to exist. You can trust the specialists, pay money and get a guaranteed result, or rely on your own strength and fix the problem yourself and for free, and also get down to business.


The Bars Pathfinder 9 motorized dog is supplied to the Russian market mainly with an imported Honda engine, which has proven itself to be reliable, resourceful and productive. This unit develops 9 horsepower and runs on AI-92 fuel. You can also fill with 95 gasoline. Air cooling helps ventilate engine components to prevent overheating, and a recoil starter is responsible for smooth starting of the engine at low or high temperatures. With a working volume of 350 cubic meters. see the power plant has decent traction characteristics and consumes 3.7 liters of fuel per hour. The engine works with a Safari variator of its own production.

The average cost of a new motorized towing vehicle Bars Pathfinder 9 on the Russian market is up to 100 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration. A used model can be purchased at a price from 40 to 70 thousand rubles, depending on the location and technical condition of the vehicle.

Self-repair? is it that simple?

If you have repaired motorcycle equipment at least once in your life, then the “Bars” motorized towing vehicle? won't cause you any problems. It has parts similar to those of motorcycles, snowmobiles and other similar vehicles. So, you can fix the following breakdowns with your own hands:

  • break in the chain from the engine to the chassis;
  • track failure;
  • failure of the automatic clutch;
  • control failure.

Numerous other minor breakdowns that can overtake the “Bars” motorized towing vehicle can also be repaired independently. Fortunately, finding spare parts for it is not difficult, and the repair itself does not require special skills or technical education. It's simple! [ads-pc-2]


The designers managed to create a device that was positively assessed by users of different heights and builds. We are talking about ergonomic features, which received special attention. In particular, it should be noted that the height of the steering column can be adjusted. The handles themselves have a comfortable shape with a rubberized coating. These handles are comfortable to hold and your hands won’t slip off. The driver has the opportunity to move standing or sitting - for this purpose, there are drag sleds, which are purchased additionally. It is noteworthy that the Bars Pathfinder 13 motorized towing vehicle can accommodate up to three people, but in this case you will have to sacrifice carrying capacity. If the driver travels alone, then you can take with you up to 200 kg of cargo containers.

As for the design, the Bars Pathfinder motorized towing vehicle looks minimalistic, like the other models of the family of the same name. The creators paid special attention to ergonomics and chassis rather than design. This approach is traditional for budget-class motorized towing vehicles.

As for the chassis, the car received a classic roller suspension. This type of suspension is more versatile than a slip suspension. In other words, the capabilities of this chassis have been successfully tested on any road surface - on compacted snow and in deep snowdrifts. In both cases, the roller suspension showed its best side. It is distinguished by its endurance and comfortable settings. In addition, it was also possible to increase geometric cross-country ability due to the wide track with increased lug. In general, the track width has been increased to such a level that snow does not accumulate inside the suspension. Uniform rotation of the rollers ensures stable movement, preventing the caterpillar from turning. The chassis guarantees a high level of safety, preventing the vehicle from tipping over on uneven roads. With a maximum load (three people or 200 kg of cargo), the maximum speed of the motorized towing vehicle is limited to 30 km/h. Continuing the features of the roller suspension, it should be noted that with such a suspension the machine can be operated all year round without fear of damage. Thus, we have before us a motorized towing vehicle with a universal chassis, adapted to any snow cover or ground surface, which cannot be said about the skid suspension.

What breakdowns occur most often?

Since motorized towing vehicles ?Bars? are often used in extreme operating conditions, the occurrence of malfunctions in their main elements? The usual thing. In practice, the following breakdowns most often occur and can be repaired on your own.

Circuit break. To restore integrity, it is necessary to dismantle the damaged link and close the remaining elements. It is recommended that you always carry an extra chain and a set of locks with you in case the damage becomes severe.

Wear of consumables? oil seals, gaskets and other elements in the engine. The only option ? replacement of worn parts. Replacement is not always possible in the field, so it is recommended to regularly maintain the motorized dog and promptly install new spare parts to replace worn ones.

Automatic clutch failure. A serious malfunction that does not require purchasing original spare parts to fix? they can be taken from a Java motorcycle, having previously ground them along the outer diameter to the size of standard motorized towing discs (also ground to a thickness of 2–3 mm). After that, three disks from ?Java? and two from ?Barca? are put in place one after another, starting with “native”. After this, the assembled block is fixed with a pressure disk? The automatic clutch is ready for use again!

Most breakdowns can be repaired immediately after they are detected, under one condition: you have the necessary spare parts and tools with you. What is one of them?

Make sure that you have spare parts and tools with you before each trip:

  • spare chains, connecting links and locks;
  • suspension springs;
  • spark plug;
  • spare automatic clutch discs;
  • set of rubber rollers;
  • set of wrenches and screwdrivers.

It is also recommended to always take with you on a trip all the necessary consumables and spare parts? gaskets, seals, oil, a small canister of fuel. Only by being thoroughly prepared can you protect yourself from trouble in areas far from people.

Is it easy to find spare parts?

Finding spare parts for motorized towing vehicles, including the “Bars” model, will not be difficult. Today you can buy any necessary spare parts both in retail and online stores, which provide a wide range of parts? from cheap consumables to gearboxes and entire engines!

If you don’t want to buy original spare parts, can you take them from other motorcycles? snowmobiles, motorcycles and other similar equipment, as well as from cars. It is thanks to the versatility and wide availability of parts that self-repair of motorized towing vehicles “Bars” is possible. will not be difficult!

Photo gallery

Leopard Pathfinder, a good assistant on fishing or hunting trips through snowy fields and forests. Easy to operate and easy to maintain. Let's look at it in more detail in our photo selection.

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