How to adjust the clutch on Izh Planet 5

Functional purpose of the gearshift clutch

Before you adjust the clutch on the Izh-Jupiter 5 motorcycle, it’s a good idea to understand its purpose and principle of operation. The essence of the transmission clutch:

  1. Ensuring the transmission of torque from the large gear of the motor transmission to the gearbox input shaft.
  2. Short-term separation and smooth connection of transmission elements to each other.

Izh motorcycles were equipped with a mechanical clutch, the operation of which is based on the friction force between the driven and driving disks. It is a multi-disc design operating in an oil bath - a classic arrangement that the Izhevsk Machine Plant used until 2008. Working in tandem, the main chain drive and four-speed gearbox are reliable and proven by many generations of motorcyclists.

Clutch drum Izh Jupiter

When repairing the clutch on Jupiter, keep in mind that the main element subject to heavy loads is the ratchet mechanism. This is what needs to be checked first. To do this, rotate the clutch basket so that you have access to the ratchet. Then remove the stop ring and disassemble the ratchet mechanism. Ratchet maintenance is carried out in several stages:

– The first thing you need to pay attention to is the teeth of the ratchet. They must be in good condition. Chips, bends or any other deformation are unacceptable. They also need to be sharp enough to have a good grip on the winding foot, otherwise the foot may slip. If the teeth are dull or deformed, the ratchet needs to be replaced. It is not necessary to buy a new one in the store; you can use a ratchet from another basket; problems with a “foreign” ratchet are usually not observed if it is in good condition.

– When replacing the clutch on an Izh Jupiter, another element that needs to be carefully inspected are the rivets on the ratchet. They wear out and no longer hold the ratchet securely. As a result, it may wobble. To check this, simply move the ratchet with your hand. If it is not securely fastened and there is movement, the rivets must be replaced.

– Next, you should check the condition of the teeth of the motor chain. It often happens that teeth become deformed over time. If this is not noticed in time, they will begin to turn in the opposite direction. If this does happen, the only way out is to completely replace the basket. It makes no sense to continue using it. An incomplete clutch repair on Jupiter will certainly lead to the fact that one day you will simply have to manually push the motorcycle.

– Sometimes it happens that the cast-iron body of the basket can crack. The only way to save such a basket is to weld the crack and then turn all the seams using a lathe. However, welding cast iron is a rather problematic task and not every welder will undertake it.

When is it necessary to repair and adjust the gear clutch on an Izh motorcycle?

Regardless of the amount of experience the motorcyclist has, the feelings regarding gearbox malfunctions are almost the same:

  • At first it seems that the clutch is slipping slightly. After two or three days, confidence appears - yes, it is slipping, because as soon as you add speed, the acceleration rate lags behind the engine speed level. The breakdown is especially obvious when moving uphill.
  • The clutch “leads” or the clutch is incompletely disengaged when the control lever is depressed. In such a situation, the disks of the assembly remain pressed against each other and do not stop transmitting torque to the gearbox. You can finally verify such a breakdown after lifting the rear wheel - it continues to rotate in this situation.

If you want to know how to adjust the clutch on a motorcycle Izh-Jupiter 5 , then information about the reasons causing the listed factors would be useful:

  • Use thicker oil in winter.
  • Weakening of pressure springs.
  • Worn clutch discs.
  • Wear of clutch control mechanism elements.

In most cases, if signs of slipping or incomplete disengagement of the clutch are detected, a simple adjustment of the mechanism is required. To do this, it is enough to have a “13” key and a slotted screwdriver.

Clutch device of the IZH Planet 5 motorcycle

For those who are not good at technology, it is worth recalling that the clutch acts as a connecting element between the crankshaft and the gearbox. The large clutch gear is connected to the small crankshaft sprocket by a chain transmission, which is how torque is transmitted. In the normal state, the system ensures constant communication between the gearbox and the crankshaft and only when the clutch lever is pressed, the drive mechanisms increase the gaps between the elements in the multi-disc clutch system, thereby disconnecting the box from the crankshaft.

Owners of the IZH Planet 5 motorcycle are lucky; their clutch release system is simpler in comparison with the similar 5th Jupiter, which means it is unpretentious and easier to set up with your own hands. It looks like this:

Life hack: how to adjust the clutch on an Izh-Jupiter 5 motorcycle yourself?

The adjustment procedure depends on the design features of Izhevsk motorcycles. The fifth generation is equipped with a shutdown mechanism, which is combined with a gear shift device. Adjusting the clutch control should begin by centering the machine's cam relative to the roller with the lever, which are mounted on the body of the right crankcase cover.

First of all, the distortions of the pressure plate (No. 1 in the photo) are removed, for which the lever on the steering wheel is secured with wire or rope in the squeezed position. Next, turn on 1st speed and rotate the rear wheel, while observing the axial runout between the pressure plates and the end of the drum. The nuts (No. 2 in the photo) that are closer to the point of maximum deflection need to be tightened, and the tightening force should be determined experimentally. Repeat the operation until the runout becomes minimal.

The following operation is performed when the gear shift unit has been disassembled for repair, or after replacing the right crankcase cover. Motorcycle owners interested in how to properly adjust the clutch on an Izh-Jupiter 5 should definitely familiarize themselves with the work technology:

  • Disconnect the cable end from the clutch control lever on the steering wheel.
  • Between the end of the weakened fastening of the machine cam and its cotter pin, install such a number of washers so that the gap between them and the cotter pin is no more than 0.4 mm.
  • Tighten the cam bolt with enough force to prevent the cam from turning.
  • Place the right crankcase cover in its original place and secure it with screws.
  • Remove the hatch on the left crankcase cover, loosen the locknut and tighten the adjusting screw until it touches the thrust rod, then tighten it another 2-3 turns.
  • Move the gear selector pedal up and down by 20-25 mm, then carefully remove the right crankcase cover.
  • Without changing the position of the cam on the shaft, tighten the bolt securing it with a force of 2-2.5 kgm .
  • Replace the right crankcase cover and remove the adjustment screw.
  • Screw the adjusting bolt until it touches the thrust rod, then unscrew it half a turn and secure it with a locknut.

You can check the correct setting by pressing the foot switch pedal. In this case, moving the front end of the pedal 5-6 mm from the neutral point should not lead to movement of the pressure disk; as you continue pressing, the disk should move without distortions. The final adjustment is made with a special screw on the steering wheel bracket; the free play of the end of the lever should be within 3-5 mm .

Experienced motorcyclists who know how to properly adjust the clutch on an Izh-Jupiter 5 motorcycle note the following points:

  • A properly adjusted clutch begins the shifting process at the moment when the lever is released by half or a third of its full travel.
  • If the upper rule is not followed, then slippage should be expected under severe loads.
  • If there is no free play of the lever, then the force of the clutch springs is spent on stretching the cable rather than compressing the discs. In difficult conditions, when maximum traction is needed, the clutch may not work.

Clutch adjustment IZH Planet 5:

  • Remove the gearshift foot and kickstarter. Next, unscrew all the bolts on the left crankcase cover and carefully remove it.
  • We temporarily put on the gear shift leg and engage first, or better yet, 4th gear. We rotate the rear wheel in the direction of travel, observing the alignment of the pressure disk (4).
  • With chalk we mark the bolts (1) that correspond to the side that protrudes the most during rotation. We tighten the bolt that is closest to the protrusion, and then check the tension of those located nearby. (If the disk is not distorted, then immediately proceed to the next step)
  • Now you need to check how much the bolts (1) protrude. The operating manual indicates the optimal protrusion length is 4.5 - 5 mm. However, this data corresponds to a new disk package. The package will obviously require replacement when the protrusion of the bolts is 2 mm or less.
  • We have dealt with the disk package, now we need to configure the shutdown mechanism, or rather its free movement. To do this, go to the right cover. There is an adjusting nut (16) and a screw (17) on it.
  • We tighten the nut until it stops, so that the clutch does not disengage. Then we unscrew it a quarter or half a turn, securing it with a screw.
  • All that remains is to set the free play of the lever on the steering wheel. To do this, use the adjusting screw and set the gap to 5 mm.
  • This completes the adjustment of the IZH Planet 5 clutch. All that remains is to assemble the left cover and pour oil into the mechanism.

    Advice. To avoid oil leaks, replace the gasket and also check the tightness of the screw connections on the crankcase cover.

    An important detail - the cable

    Owners of used motorcycles do not always take into account the essential role of the cable in the clutch control system. The cable itself is practically not subject to stretching, but the sheath loses its qualities. Its frame is a spiral under a layer of PVC.

    After prolonged use, the frame becomes pliable and excessively springy, which affects the useful stroke of the lever. If the cable sheath is worn out, the clutch will not operate normally, so it is important not to miss the moment and replace the cable in a timely manner.

    AutoNews / Reviews / Tests

    How to Adjust the Clutch on Izh Planet 5

    Adjust the grip of the IZH Planeta motorcycle

    Clutch adjustment Izh planet 5

    Clutch device of the IZH Planet 5 motorcycle, disassembly and assembly procedure, setup. Helpful tips and tricks for correct adjustment.

    The Soviet motorcycle is not just a means of transportation, but a real friend from childhood. We inherited many motorcycles from our fathers, and the rest were purchased for modest sums. Despite its age, such equipment is still capable of surprising and copes well with everyday tasks, but requires regular maintenance. In this article we will look at how to adjust the clutch on an IZH Planet 5.

    Purpose of the IZH Planet coupling

    Clutch . the name of this node indicates the work it does. In our case, the crankshaft meshes with the gearbox of the IZH planet engine. The clutch should move smoothly, without jerking, which is necessary to start the motorcycle and smoothly change speed. In case of heavy loads, it protects engine parts from damage.

    The clutch is located in the left half of the crankcase, under the left engine cover. To get to it, you need to drain the oil and remove the cover before removing the arms and unscrewing the mounting bolts. The clutch is always in working condition, the discs are tightly compressed by springs. The engine transmission consists of two sprockets. The small wire is located on the crankshaft. The big star led the drum. The connection is made by the motor circuit. The engine's gear ratio is 2.17 for all single-cylinder IZ models. Switching off occurs using a special device. The shutdown mechanism is installed in the right engine cover. The adjustment is made using this mechanism.

    Clutch discs Izh Jupiter

    If problems arise with the operation of the clutch, first of all it is worth carrying out a procedure such as checking the clutch discs on Jupiter, since it is due to wear of the discs that breakdowns most often occur. They may become deformed or burst. In this case, no matter how you adjust and repair other parts of the clutch on Jupiter, nothing will work or they will begin to function incorrectly.

    You can find out their general condition by looking at the condition of plastic discs, since this is not so noticeable on metal ones. You need to look for cracks, concavities, chips. In order to determine the curvature of the disk, you can place it on a flat surface. If the disk sways from side to side, it is bent. If there is no obvious deformation, look at the protrusions of the work surface. Over time, they wear off and this can lead to negative consequences. If any signs of poor condition of the discs are found when checking the clutch on Jupiter, they should be replaced immediately.

    Adjusting the IZH Planeta clutch

    To adjust the clutch control mechanism of IZH Planet 5, IZH Planet 4, IZH-56, IZH-49 motorcycles. adjusting screw 1 and lock nut 2. Loosen the lock nut by turning the screw clockwise to reduce the free movement of the clutch lever . Turning the screw counterclockwise increases the free movement of the lever. Once the adjustment is complete, the lock nut is tightened and the normal free wheel is determined by moving the end of the clutch lever by 5.10 mm.

    Adjusting the IZH Jupiter clutch

    On IZH-Yu and IZH-YUK motorcycles, adjusting the clutch release mechanism begins with adjusting the machine, for which the adjusting screw is screwed in all the way and released 1/4.1/2 turn, then tighten the lock nut. Correct adjustment is checked by pressing the switch pedal in any direction. Moving the front end of the shift pedal 5-5.5 mm from the neutral position should not lead to movement of the pressure plate. Then adjust by manually pressing the adjustment screw located in the left column of the clutch lever

    on the steering wheel (free play 5-10 mm)

    Clutch Spring Adjustment

    Adjusting the springs is not difficult, that's the main thing. understand correctly. Let's start by mounting the motorcycle on the center step. Then remove the cap before draining the oil. The clutch lever is compressed to the limit and will definitely lock. Next comes speed, preferably first. Take the wheel and start spinning. We are trying to determine how much effort we are making. We look at the clutch as it rotates and determine which springs are loose. We mark them with chalk and then tighten them. We start turning the wheel again, and if you feel that the wheel is turning easier, that means everything is done correctly. The process must be repeated to achieve the best result. After that, we check the result while moving. If the load starts to clip when the load increases. All springs must be tightened using nuts. In this case, all nuts must have the same number of turns.

    IZH Planet clutch malfunction

    Possible malfunctions that may occur during operation of the IZH motorcycle. Let's start with clutch slippage. This error indicates that the drives are slightly pressed together.

    There may be several reasons:

    • Incorrect setting
    • The springs have lost their former elasticity
    • The discs are worn out and become thinner
    • Wear of drive parts

    Clutch wires. This is when the lever is pushed all the way and the clutch is not completely disengaged. The discs are not evenly weakened in places that are in close contact with each other.

    The main reason is the springs that compress the discs.

    The clutch of the Izh-Planet motorcycle, no matter what model: be it “Izh-Planet-Sport”, “Izh-Planet 2″ or even Izh-Jupiter” can rightfully be considered a completely reliable and durable unit. But it has its own design flaws, which are a common cause of breakdowns.

    Since their first appearance, the Izhey engines, although not as often as we would like, have been modernized. After all, the power of the Planet-5 engine has almost doubled compared to the same Izh-49, and even more so in some models (Izh-Planet-Sport).

    The power was increased - that’s good, but the designers didn’t pay enough attention to the clutch. As it was on the Izh-49, it migrated almost unchanged to later Izh models.

    This is where the “root” of all problems grows: we increased the engine power - well done! The stroller was attached - even better! The compression has been increased - where would we be without it? But they forgot about the clutch and ratchet mechanism. But the load on it has increased significantly compared to its progenitor - this is where frequent problems arise in its work.

    By the way: later Izhey models began to be equipped with a clutch with a reinforced motor chain and an improved design of the kickstarter ratchet mechanism, the so-called “daisy”. Of course, such an “innovation” did not bring much effect: just as the ratchet on the “Planets” tore, it continued to tear. As the motor chain stretched literally in one season, it continued to stretch...

    When does the clutch need adjustment?

    Clutch adjustment of IZH Planet 5 is required in two cases:

    1. The clutch is slipping . In this case, the clutch discs are not tightly connected to each other, which causes slippage of the drive discs and incomplete transmission of torque. You can notice this in the lag in actual engine speed and motorcycle acceleration. Especially noticeable during sudden acceleration or driving uphill. This situation can occur if the springs do not create enough force or there is no free play in the drive mechanism. Less commonly, slippage may indicate wear on the disc pack. Most often, the problem is solved by a simple adjustment; in other cases, disassembly, replacement of the package and assembly of the IZH Planet 5 clutch are carried out.

    • The clutch "drives" . The opposite story is where the disks are partially connected all the time. This is expressed in kicks when engaging first gear, the motorcycle trying to leave with the lever depressed, or turning the rear wheel hanging out in gear. The reason may be a misaligned position of the pressure disk, as well as an increased gap on the engagement mechanism or clutch lever.
    • Note! If the IZH Planet 5 clutch basket has been disassembled/assembled, then adjustment of the mechanism is mandatory.

      Often, clutch slipping and kicks during shifts do not appear due to a simpler and more common problem - cable wear. Before proceeding with full or partial adjustment of the mechanism itself, make sure that the drive cable is in satisfactory condition, it is securely fastened on both sides and moves easily inside the braid. After all, if it is stretched or rusted, it can become sour and then the clutch begins to slip.

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