Frost without sun: everything about winter motorcycle riding

Additional equipment for motorcycle

Not all motorcyclists can accept the fact that their steel horse cannot cope with real off-road conditions.

And that’s right, why put up with something when special devices have now been invented that turn the bike into a real all-terrain vehicle .

Today we will talk about how to upgrade your motorcycle for winter use.

Why does a motorcycle need a caterpillar?

By installing tracks on a motorcycle, an enduro enthusiast gets an all-terrain vehicle.

It cannot be said that such an upgrade will turn the bike into a vehicle with maximum cross-country ability.

But as snow test drives show, a motorcycle with tracks is superior to a snowmobile in maneuverability .

Long and wide tracks provide stability to the snowmobile, since the contact patch with the snow surface is quite large.

A similar invention appeared during the Second World War. Then the military installed a bulky structure on the motorcycle, which turned the motorcycle into a real tank.

The type of track that is installed on motorcycles is much narrower and shorter - these factors limit the range of movement.

But there is also a plus here - due to its smaller size, the tracked bike is endowed with increased maneuverability .

Having installed the tracks, the motorcyclist will be able to perform new off-road maneuvers:

  • You can take turns with this design practically lying down;
  • You can move along a steep slope with a large roll, without fear of capsizing.

As a result, the owner receives a universal bike that can cope not only with snow, but also with mud.

Technology in action

In open spaces, flat or slightly hilly areas, a motorcycle with a caterpillar easily reaches 60 - 70 km/h. In deep snow, at least a meter, the main thing is not to lose speed. The higher the speed, the higher the lift will be. When moving away, there is a possibility of getting buried; snowmobiles with medium and narrow tracks have the same problem. Due to the difference in weight, it is much easier to pull out a snowbike buried in the snow than a snowmobile, because often on a snowmobile you cannot do without a shovel. Due to its smaller dimensions and weight, a snowbike is more traversable through dense forests compared to a snowmobile.

Snowbikes are so easy to navigate the slopes that it seems they were made for this. Climbing a 30-45 degree hill and moving across inclined surfaces is not difficult for a snowbike. Even for a mountain snowmobile this is not easy to do; there is a high probability of overturning.

In terms of practicality, a snowbike is inferior to a snowmobile; you cannot go hunting or fishing on it, but there is more than enough emotion.

Kits for motorcycles

If the tracked installation on the rear wheel improves all-terrain qualities, then the kit kit, consisting of a ski and a track, is aimed at operation in winter conditions with abundant snow .
The kit kit for motocross/enduro motorcycles was invented by enthusiasts from the States.

Buying a snowmobile is an expensive pleasure, so extreme sports enthusiasts have found a way to upgrade a motorcycle to get even more drive.

It all started with replacing the front wheel with a ski, and the rear wheel with a caterpillar.

A kit called Explorer is very popular.

The system has won over motorcyclists with its simplicity and reliability: you can replace the wheels with snow elements in a regular box.

But two components will not be enough for a set , right? The set includes special adapters, a drive wheel for the track and other additional elements.

In addition to installing minor parts, you will also have to work on the chain : when changing to a snow version, it must be passed through several sprockets, instead of one.

The brake is removed from the wheel and mounted in the drive wheel of the kit.

The average height of the track profile, depending on the kit, is 3-5 cm. For driving on snowy roads, this “clearance” should be enough .

The system also has its own peculiarities: the caterpillar and ski will feel better in soft and deep snowdrifts ; on hard embankments the caterpillar will often slip.

This problem can be overcome by adjusting the track. You can also simply learn to avoid slipping: before a snowdrift, you should lean back in the saddle .

Shifting weight to the rear axle usually solves the problem and the bike slides further.

Don’t know what parameters you can use to select a caterpillar for a snowmobile? Then check out our article, which contains more than just that.

Maximum reliability and affordable price make this snowmobile very popular in our country.

Invest in a suitable winter jacket, trousers and shoes

Of course, it's not difficult at all. You need to have appropriate motorcycle clothing that will keep you warm, dry and protected.

· Winter Jacket

It's best to choose an all-season textile jacket with a set of insulated and waterproof layers that can be removed depending on the weather. This will save you from having to purchase 3 or 4 jackets and since you always have removable linings, you can adapt to any change in weather conditions in a matter of seconds.

Yes, all-season motorcycle jackets are very expensive, but they are so comfortable, you won't regret spending your money.

· Winter pants

The same goes for trousers. Insulated and waterproof ones are best. They will keep you warm and dry.

· Winter boots

If you have waterproof boots you can use them

But keeping your feet warm is especially important.. But how to do this?

But how to do that?

Having one or two layers of thick winter socks. And that's why you might want a pair of motorcycle boots specifically for winter: your feet will become much larger due to the extra layer of fabric around them.

So you may have to buy a pair of boots that are larger than the ones you use throughout the year. Because riding in such boots not only brings discomfort, but can also be dangerous.

Features of design and operation

It’s worth starting the analysis with the caterpillar, it has interesting features:

  • Due to the design of the trolley, the caterpillar does not lose traction with the snow - the elastic design promotes constant contact with the surface;
  • There is a slight curvature visible in the track frame. This design feature allows you to change the contact area depending on the surface.
  • The length of the caterpillar is smaller than the wheel, but the width is about 25 centimeters, which provides increased stability.

The ski that replaces the front wheel only at first glance seems like an ordinary piece of plastic. In fact, it is a functional and durable suspension element .

The ski allows you to deflect the front part by 6 °, but at the same time contact with the surface is not broken.

Another feature is the presence of lateral incisors that bite into the snow . In addition to turns, the tip of the ski can be lowered and raised.

Thanks to these actions, you can cope with any snow conditions.

For example, when overcoming soft snowdrifts, you should lift the ski , then it will not bury itself, and the motorcycle will glide without braking.

In the case of hard surfaces, you need to do the opposite - a lowered toe will provide excellent glide.

Some nuances

So, nowadays lawyers are often asked questions regarding movement on a vehicle such as a motorcycle. In particular, this concerns the management of this transport in the winter season. Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? Traffic regulations currently do not prohibit this. In other words, from the point of view of the law, riding a bike in winter, like driving a car, is allowed. But is it safe? Unfortunately no. Because the motorcycle does not have good grip. Despite the fact that stores now have a large selection of studded tires for this vehicle, it is better to wait until spring. It's safer this way.

Is it legal to ride a motorcycle in winter? What documents are required for this? As it was written earlier, traffic rules allow riding a motorcycle even in the cold season. The main thing is to follow the traffic rules. You must have a driver's document with you that allows you to ride a motorcycle, and insurance. This should not be forgotten.

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter in Russia? Yes, according to traffic rules, driving such a vehicle in cold weather is not prohibited. However, operating a motorcycle in winter will cost significantly more than using a car. Therefore, it is worth considering whether this is necessary. After all, to use a motorcycle in winter you will need to purchase special equipment and, moreover, install new parts on your “iron horse”. All this is quite expensive. For example, in winter you will need to install a windshield on your motorcycle, heated steering wheel grips, and also purchase studded tires. Therefore, driving a bike in the cold season is not a cheap pleasure; not everyone can allocate funds from the family budget just to experience the pleasure of extreme driving on an icy road. Moreover, it is unsafe.

Estimated cost

Such winter tuning cannot be called cheap .
The price for high-quality kit kits starts from 90 thousand rubles.

The Explorer track and ski will cost 110 thousand rubles, and another 5 thousand will need to be paid for adapters.

Such kits are only suitable for motocross motorcycles whose engines have a displacement of 250 cc or more.

The developers promise to soon release an option for low-power models.

Always be prepared for the weather, terrain, and unforeseen circumstances. Don't forget about the appropriate equipment, some pilots use snowmobile clothing, while others use motocross clothing.

Don’t forget that a tuned bike won’t turn into a snowmobile anyway. You need to be extremely careful, the systems are vulnerable to obstacles in the form of cameos, sticks and stumps, of which there are plenty in the forests.

In appearance, the Sova motorcycle differed from the Voskhod in its more modern design, which could help attract Russian buyers.

And here you will find a review of an equally popular domestic motorcycle

Road situation in winter

In winter and late autumn, public roads become completely unpleasant and unsuitable for driving without the protection of a car body. Even in summer, driving along them is far from a gift. Add to this the fountains of mud and reagent that flow from under the wheels of each car, and in which any participant in the movement will bathe, and you will get the real picture. In addition, do not forget about sleet and frost. Both the motorcyclist and the other driver can make a mistake. Only where the motorcyclist breaks his neck will the driver of a four-wheeled vehicle simply slide slightly into the next lane. Accordingly, if it does not hit other vehicles, then there will be no problems.

More pleasant situation on country roads. If the road is well-trodden, almost any motorcycle can easily pass along it. It's even nice. However, you still shouldn’t expect full movement.

Fans of motocross and other extreme disciplines have a much more pleasant picture. Those who use a motorcycle as a sports equipment, on the contrary, can get a lot of pleasure from riding on a snowy track! It is much more varied and requires more control over the motorcycle, and therefore much more interesting.

Accordingly, of all the options, the road situation allows you to use a motorcycle more or less comfortably only for sporting purposes and for quiet driving outside the city. It is very pleasant and interesting to ride in the snow. Driving on public roads in winter will be at least uncomfortable, and sometimes even dangerous.

Photo gallery

Off-road motorcycles – motocross and sport-enduro – are vehicles for year-round use. They, unlike other two-wheeled brothers, do not hibernate. In this collection you will find photos of motorcycles of various models with tracks installed on them.


Some people are sometimes surprised that after storing a given vehicle in a garage for a long time, they cannot start it, although there is gas in the tank. This is due to the fact that if the fuel is not used for a long time, it can stagnate and the motorcycle will not start. There's nothing wrong with that. You just need to fill the tank with fresh fuel.

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? This question is often asked by many fans of fast driving in this type of transport. Yes, driving a motorcycle in winter is not prohibited by traffic regulations

However, many bikers are very cautious about this. After all, in winter, the possibility of a motorcycle skidding cannot be ruled out, and therefore, you can get serious injuries.

But, despite this, many citizens drive such vehicles all year round, even on public roads, and not just in villages and towns.


We present to your attention a video.
On it you will see how a cross-country motorcycle on tracks plows the snow-covered mountain expanses, while performing spectacular jumps and turns. It can be seen that professionals manage this easily, despite the fact that the snow is quite deep. Did you like the article? Tell your friends!

Comments (3)

  1. Geogriy:
    03/06/2015 at 09:38

    For Siberians who live in the snow for half a year, this is at least an interesting upgrade. The only problem is that from the beginning of this year the rules for registering any vehicle tuning have changed. And so far, as far as I know, registration has been suspended altogether. Therefore, how feasible this is is a big question.


  2. Vasily Isaev:

    03/08/2015 at 10:46

    For a winter type of recreation, this is the best means of transportation, especially since a motorcycle does not consume much fuel; at least a tank of gasoline will last for several days; many fans of all-terrain vehicles will be pleased with this.


  3. Vladislav Ukhno:

    03/09/2015 at 02:12

    Interesting solution. Not new, but already embodied in a high-quality, solid, “factory” form. I also saw such an upgrade in some magazine during the USSR: either Young Technician, or, most likely, Model Designer. I think anyone who wants to keep their steel horse in winter will appreciate such a kit, despite the fact that it is not cheap.


All in your hands!

We see that you can convert any motorcycle or walk-behind tractor, put it on tracks, skis, or combine it. Fantasy is not limited by anything except its own capabilities. First, look around your garage - maybe you already have a caterpillar for a motorcycle in stock. If so, you can begin assembly. Even if you are using a track for a motocross motorcycle, do not forget about safety, which should come first. You need to think not only about yourself, but also about those around you who you may harm. Take a test drive in a deserted area. Was the test drive a success? Now we're off to the track!

There are a huge number of options, all of them unique in their own way. They can safely be classified as handmade, because almost every detail is made individually. The choice of materials and manufacturing methods is also huge. In addition to a standard set of plumbing tools, you will definitely need a welding machine, possibly a pipe bender, an angle grinder, etc. But one thing is clear: making a track for a motorcycle and turning it into a snowmobile yourself is much more interesting, and most importantly, cheaper than simply purchasing ready-made components.

Second life for old tires

There is another well-known method. Let's look at how to make a homemade motorcycle track using old tires. For such work, it is best to choose tires from large trucks. It is better that the tread pattern is kept in satisfactory condition. To work, we will need a very sharp shoe knife and some cutting skills, no matter how strange it may sound. In the manufacture of such a caterpillar, the method of cutting out the sides from tires is used. To ease the effort when cutting thick tires, you need to periodically dip the knife in a soapy solution. You can also use an electric jigsaw with fine teeth.

So, for old tires we remove the beads, select parts with a well-preserved tread pattern, or we will have to cut it ourselves to improve grip on the road surface. The undoubted advantage of such a tire chain is that it consists of a closed solid material, which means it is more resistant to breaks. The disadvantage of this design is the limited tire size.

A few rules

Is it possible to ride a motorcycle in winter? The answer here is yes. However, you need to take care of your vehicle. When using a motorcycle in winter, you need to remember a few important rules:

  • Every week you need to fully charge the battery (in cold weather it runs out much faster than in summer);
  • you need to choose motor oil of lower viscosity (because it thickens even more in the cold), in the summer you need to replace the oil with regular oil, because winter oil is no longer suitable for using a motorcycle in the warm season, it will be very liquid;
  • all cables must be well lubricated, otherwise the possibility of them freezing cannot be ruled out (it is best to choose a silicone-based lubricant);
  • You need to put covers on the carburetor; if they were not included in the kit, you can buy them or make them yourself;
  • a shield should be installed to protect the engine from strong winds;
  • tires must be studded, because this is the only way to ride a motorcycle in icy conditions and snow;
  • It is also necessary to install special spark plugs (so-called hot ones).

Mototrack in Motocoach.PRO

As already mentioned, we tested a motorized track from the Canadian company Explorer installed on a BMW G450X motorcycle. It makes no sense to install such a kit on smaller motorcycles, since there simply won’t be enough traction. The immediately obvious option with a 300 cc two-stroke is probably more adequate, but has its negative sides - too high gas consumption.

Since the motorized track is actually half of a snowmobile, the first question that haunted me was: how to set it up in the snow when the footrest fails? But it turned out that in loose snow this structure sticks out like a spoon in good sour cream - there were no problems with leaving the motorcycle and moving somewhere to the side.

Despite the fact that the height of this track set is comparable to regular 21 by 18 wheels, the bike with the Explorer seemed higher in the saddle to me. And if you consider that when you sit on a motorcycle in the snow, your legs sink, for short people riding such a thing can be problematic. Offhand, the lower height limit for a motorcyclist to ride comfortably on a motorized track should be about 175 cm. I was absolutely comfortable with my 183 cm.

Now a little about management. Structurally, the Explorer ski has runners that allow you to “cut” on shallow packed snow. An analogy can probably only be drawn here with a snowboard. Turning on a motorized track is carried out only with the help of weight, and a comfortable ride is achieved only in the rear pillar. The design hardly steers even while moving, and this is what gives such a lot of new sensations. However, if you have the habit, you can even drift!

In deep snow, the Explorer suddenly begins to steer perfectly and turns predictably - the main thing is not to let off the gas!

But jumping on a motorized track is almost impossible. Not only is the structure quite heavy, but the track itself is rigidly attached to the swingarm and frame of the motorcycle. Because of this, the sensations from small jumps are very peculiar. The landing is hard, and overall there is a feeling of clumsiness.

After a test drive of the motorized track, I was left with a feeling of insufficient traction. If you are not used to it, it is not always possible to select gears, and you have to play along with the clutch. But usually the larger the cubic capacity, the greater the weight. However, in my humble opinion, the ideal track bike option is some 500cc KTM EXC, as a compromise between the stupidity of the engine and the overall weight of the structure.

The bottom line: 1. As a winter attraction for motorcyclists - just great! I especially recommend it after snowfalls, when powder appears! 2. As an affordable test drive before purchasing such a set for your motorcycle, to use somewhere in the country or when traveling into the wild nature of some Karelia, it also makes sense. Just so as not to buy a pig in a poke. 3. If after a test drive you feel a lack of skills in driving a motorized track, in the same Motocoach.PRO there is a chance to immediately improve these skills. Because an experienced trainer is “included in the price” of the test drive.

Snowbikers recommend

Before getting on a snowbike, it would be a good idea to have experience riding cross or enduro motorcycles. You need skill when turning, especially on packed snow. It's easier to steer when the snow is loose. The front suspension should be set rigidly, then you control your body and the motorcycle listens well. It is advisable to cover and insulate the motorcycle engine with heat-resistant material, since when it comes into contact with snow, the engine cools sharply and begins to operate unstably, and traction is lost.

Naturally, not everyone needs this type of transport. But if you have already mastered the skills of cross-country and enduro driving and want something new, then a snowbike is just what will give you the opportunity to truly feel the pleasure of driving and get a lot of positive emotions in the winter.

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The collision of theory with life

So, it is traditionally not customary to ride an iron horse in the cold season. But riding a bicycle in winter is also not recommended. Regarding the latter, we can safely say that the popular opinion about winter skiing is completely wrong. In winter you can enjoy both cycling and e-biking.

When it comes to a motorcycle or moped, the situation changes. If a cyclist primarily moves along sidewalks or bike paths, then the motorcyclist is a full-fledged participant in the movement. The situation on the city's roads in winter is already tense enough to make it even worse. Such an environment is, without exaggeration, dangerous for a biker. The very weight of the motorcyclist here plays against his driver. Of course, competent work with weight allows you to often get out of difficult situations, but without experience this will be a big problem.

Also, the surrounding weather environment has a strong impact. It becomes noticeably cold even in late autumn, when the temperature does not yet exceed zero. In winter, moving around is also completely uncomfortable.

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