Learning to ride an enduro motorcycle for beginners from scratch. #1


Safety in enduro, of course, starts with equipment. In addition to a helmet, an endurist desperately needs tough motocross or enduro motorcycle boots. There are two types of endurists. The first ones buy motorcycle boots before the injury, the second ones after the injury. Oh, it doesn't roll. You can fall even at about zero speed, and most likely the motorcycle will fall on your leg. In this case, the likelihood of injury is extremely high and it does not matter whether you are wearing ankle boots or sneakers. Turtle, knee pads and “armored underpants” will also not hurt at all.

Motocross equipment for children

Motocross equipment for a child must meet all safety standards. You need to choose equipment not by price, but by quality. Alpinestars, Acerbis, MadBull, BLAUER and SPYKE are recognized as the best brands of motorcycle equipment.

To start classes, your child must purchase:

  • Helmet;
  • Motorcycle glasses;
  • Body protection;
  • Lumbar belt;
  • Knee pads;
  • Motorcycle boots;
  • Jersey and trousers;
  • Gloves.

The cost of equipment for bike-cross training can vary from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles. From the age of 11-12, children begin to take part in serious competitions and at this time they will also need to purchase a motocross motorcycle, its cost is from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles, depending on the condition and technical indicators. The best brands of motocross motorcycles KTM, Yamaha, Husqvarna and Kawasaki.

Safe driving

A few more important rules relate directly to learning to ride an enduro motorcycle.


  • You should not jump on unfamiliar trampolines and slides. Behind the bend there can be anything, including an abyss. And this, unfortunately, is not a joke. This has happened.
  • In an unfamiliar location, you should move at a speed of 80% of what is possible for you. There is no need to ride on the horns. Always give yourself some wiggle room.
  • Many beginners, when they fall, try with all their might to hold on to the motorcycle. Not only does the equipment often suffer more damage than it otherwise could, but it also risks injury to the rider himself. If control of the motorcycle is lost, the best thing to do is to jump off, pushing the motorcycle away from you. This should be in the subconscious, so I would recommend practicing “ejection” when entering climbs without fail.

According to additional regulations

Although enduro motorcycles are designed to travel mostly in off-road conditions, nevertheless, there is often a need to ride on public roads. I’ll briefly tell you about the basic unspoken rules:

  • The column should move in a checkerboard pattern (for more room for maneuver)
  • When driving behind a car, you must stay on the left side of the lane (in order to be better visible to oncoming traffic)
  • When driving in an empty lane, you need to stay on the right side of the lane (be as far away from oncoming traffic as possible)
  • You should not follow the car in the center of the lane and should stick to the trajectory of the car (the driver can pass an open hatch, hole, stone, etc. between the wheels)
  • Of course, you should keep your distance from the traffic ahead.
  • You can't drive "more to the right than right." Usually drivers pull over to the side of the road without looking in the mirror, not expecting to see anyone there.
  • It is necessary to move in traffic no faster than 20 km/h from the average speed of the flow, especially in the aisles

Do I need to get a license to ride a cross bike?

In a strictly legal sense, a cross bike is not a vehicle, but a special equipment designed for sports motocross.

The characteristic distinguishing features of a cross bike are the absence of any light indicators (side lights, turn signals, brake lights, etc.).

The conclusion is clear - there is no need to obtain a license for a cross-country bike , and at the same time, a cross-country motorcycle can be operated without a title, which, strictly speaking, does not exist for this type of equipment.

Customizing the Motorcycle and Controls

But before you start learning to ride an enduro motorcycle, you need to at least slightly adjust the motorcycle to suit you.

Steering spacers

Many beginners rush to install steering wheel spacers to make it taller. But I assure you, if you are not Uncle Styopa, height 1.90 or more, then spacers are not needed!

Brake and clutch levers

The brake and clutch levers should be installed slightly below the horizon, along the line of the forearm. Also, these levers should be shifted as far as possible to the center of the steering wheel, firstly, to reduce the pressing force, due to the increased leverage, and secondly, this way there is less chance of breaking them. And if you don’t use handle protection, then you should wrap fum tape under the levers so that when you fall, the levers rotate on the steering wheel and don’t break off.

Brake pedals and gearbox

The gearshift pedal is installed slightly higher than the footrest, primarily for ease of shifting in the stance. The rear brake pedal is set level or slightly above the footrest.

Setting the rear suspension spring preload

You also need to at least slightly adjust the suspension to the rider's weight. If you are a beginner, you are unlikely to change springs to suit your weight. But at least it’s worth adjusting the shock absorber spring preload. It's not difficult to do this. Measure the distance, for example, from the rear wheel axle to the fender on an empty motorcycle. Then, stand on the footrests and ask a friend to measure there. The difference between the empty motorcycle and the weight of the rider in the equipment should be within 8-10 cm. This is how the motorcycle suspension will work best.

Motocross for children - benefits and harm, advice for parents

Motocross for children is an exciting hobby and serious physical training. At school, much attention is paid to physical development, because an athlete must be strong like a cyclist, resilient like an athlete and dexterous like a gymnast.

For teenagers, motorsports often become the real meaning of life, because here they find true friends, learn to overcome obstacles and conquer their fears. In general, motocross can be called an excellent choice for a child who is not used to sitting still, wants to learn new things, has an interest in technology and is not afraid of speed.

Among the disadvantages of motocross are the high cost, especially when training for a section, and the difficulty of combining classes with studies (especially during competitions). Regarding the fears of many parents about the increased risk of injury from motocross, coaches say that this sport is practically safe for children. The risk of injury here is no higher than in any other sport, because the child will not be allowed near the bike until he has mastered safety precautions and basic motorcycle control techniques.

Coaches advise parents not to refuse to allow their child to enroll in the section if he or she wants to do so. But if a child does not show interest in technology, is afraid of speed, and prefers quiet games, it is better to choose another sport for him, where he will feel more comfortable.

To summarize, we can say that parents should not be afraid to send their child to motocross. This sport will bring many benefits and develop qualities that will be useful in adulthood. But most importantly, motocross for children is not only a sport, it is a favorite activity that will help raise a real man and provide the life skills that are necessary for a successful future.

Body position on an enduro motorcycle

Now let's get down to the very basics of learning to ride an enduro motorcycle - correct body position.

You should immediately learn one rule - on an enduro motorcycle you need to sit on simple and flat sections, and stand on difficult ones. And not the other way around, although the sense of self-preservation will completely disagree with this

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