How to break in a new bike? How to break in the engine after capitalization? One of the most popular questions on any motorcycle forum. Now we will tell you how not to “put down” the engine during run-in and what tips are best not to

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How to properly break in a new motorcycle?

The first 2-3 thousand km a new motorcycle requires a break-in. At this time, the grinding in of new parts occurs. Compliance with the running-in driving regime during this period of time will provide the motorcycle with greater wear resistance of individual parts. The engine life will also be increased.

New motorcycles must be operated in a gentle manner, since the engine, gearbox and partly the reverse gearbox heat up more than those of run-in motorcycles. More heat is not the only reason. Oil seals immediately after the conveyor may leak lubricant slightly, the engine does not develop full power, and acceleration is not sufficient. These visible reasons do not affect the motorcycle itself, but an increased content of metal shavings in the engine oil or stretching of brake hoses, or weakening of some connections, on the contrary, are not visible to the eye, but affect the life of the motorcycle and the safety of the pilot.

The first 2 thousand km can be considered the standard break-in period for any motorcycle. During this time, the maximum driving speed specified by the manufacturer for the break-in period must not be exceeded. You cannot ride passengers or carry cargo with you in a stroller; you must avoid traveling through mud and sand.

During the break-in period, many processes occur in new equipment that are designed to reduce friction losses, wear of some units, and also increase the service life of the motorcycle as a whole:

  1. The chains stretch slightly.
  2. Threaded connections, gaskets, control cable sheaths, etc. settle.
  3. Some of the bolts are loosening slightly.
  4. There is freer movement of the levers responsible for clutch and braking.
  5. The components of the engine-transmission unit can become quite hot.
  6. A slight leak of lubricant may appear in the oil seals.
  7. Acceleration and engine performance may be poor.

Speed ​​mode

During the first 2 thousand kilometers traveled on newly purchased equipment, you should follow a number of rules that will allow you to run-in correctly and without significant losses for your motorcycle in the future.

Before you get behind the wheel, carefully read the operating instructions from the manufacturer. Remember that at first you should not accelerate the motorcycle above the maximum permissible speed specified by the manufacturer.

Permissible load capacity

If you purchased a single-seater motorcycle, forget about riding with a passenger during the break-in period. For two-wheeled vehicles with a sidecar, there are also restrictions - you cannot transport cargo, as well as more than 1 passenger. A motorcycle at the break-in stage is not suitable for driving lessons, traveling on rough roads (potholes, mud, clay, sand), in heavy traffic, or on long steep climbs.

Engine and fuel

At this time, you should take maximum care of the engine of the new motorcycle, adding a little more oil to the fuel and mixing the resulting mixture well before pouring. For example, a mixture for a 4-stroke engine should include, in addition to gasoline, 2% oil, as well as 0.02% colloidal graphite.

Before driving, it is necessary to warm up the engine, not allowing the crankshaft to make a large number of revolutions.

When operating a motorcycle, change gears in a timely manner, trying to prevent the vehicle from overloading the engine in high gears, as well as from prolonged driving at high speeds, but in a lower gear. You should also not turn on the gas fully, at least in the first 1500–1700 kilometers. During the entire break-in of the motorcycle, it is necessary to coast, periodically with the clutch disengaged.

Kilometers and distances traveled

Driving an untested vehicle for a long time without stopping is unacceptable. To maintain the condition of the engine and prevent it from overheating, you should proceed according to the following scheme:

Up to 100 km – stops after every 10 km traveled;

200–1000 km – every 25 km.

It should be noted that after driving the first 1000 km, you can exceed the speed of movement on your motorcycle indicated as the maximum in the instructions, and after 3 thousand kilometers the running-in is actually completed, and you can already start riding for fun.

Despite the fact that after break-in the maximum speed increases, it is necessary to develop it with caution. For example, you cannot travel long distances at high speed without harming the engine. In this regard, it is worth adhering to the rule - smooth acceleration and average speed.

About oil during break-in

It is a generally accepted opinion that when breaking in an engine you should use regular motorcycle oil, not synthetic, because synthetic is too “slippery” and will not allow the internal parts to rub in properly. IT IS NOT TRUE!

Let's compare modern motorcycles with old ones. The materials and their quality have improved significantly. The materials used now are much more durable than those used in the first Triumphs, Nortons, Harleys and even Hondas. In the 1920s, you would be glad if you didn't need to do an engine overhaul after 5,000 kilometers. In the 1960s, Triumphs required new valves, rings, etc. after every 40,000 km. The Honda Hawk of those times could travel 80,000 km on the rings alone, which had a very negative impact on Triumph sales. Now the engines can operate for 250,000 km before major overhauls.

In those days, the accuracy of engine assembly and refinement was much worse than that of modern engines. Engine break-in is the process of removing small bumps, protrusions, and small excess metal between moving parts. The whole point of running-in comes down to minimizing damage from these “imperfections.”

If there is perfect lubrication between moving parts, we essentially have no wear. If we have a “breakdown” of the lubricant - the oil film separating the rubbing parts allows contact and friction, the result is jamming of the piston and destruction of the engine.

Two (2) qualities of motor oil that are needed to prevent this from happening are film stability and temperature stability. The mineral oil film can withstand 17,000 atmospheres and temperatures up to 150 C. Synthetic oil - 35,000 atmospheres and 260 degrees Celsius, respectively. So which oil do you prefer?

Synthetic oils do not interfere with break-in and do not prolong engine break-in time. They reduce damage that can occur between unpolished surfaces.

Good advice

If, after completing the first 1000 kilometers, you come to the conclusion that the engine and other components of the motorcycle do not heat up much throughout the trip, you can increase the speed to 10 km/h, while not forgetting to monitor the condition of the engine. If the temperature rises, you should slow down without trying to test the strength of your new motorcycle.

Not only novice drivers, but also new motorcycles cannot withstand long trips at high speeds. To reduce engine wear while driving a significant distance, maintain the speed limit and shift gears according to the following pattern:

before covering the first thousand kilometers: 20, 35, 50 and 70 km/h = 1, 2, 3 and 4 gears, respectively;

after driving 1000 km: 20, 40, 60 and 80 km/h = 1, 2, 3 and 4 gears.

Check out the fuel and lubricant requirements for your new motorcycle - such data is usually indicated in the operating instructions.

After you drive the first 500 km, change the oil. During the break-in period, the oil in the motorcycle quickly becomes saturated with metal particles from engine parts, which can harm the unit. That is why it is worth changing the oil regularly and not only during break-in.

Good advice

If, after completing the first 1000 kilometers, you come to the conclusion that the engine and other components of the motorcycle do not heat up much throughout the trip, you can increase the speed to 10 km/h, while not forgetting to monitor the condition of the engine. If the temperature rises, you should slow down without trying to test the strength of your new motorcycle.

Not only novice drivers, but also new motorcycles cannot withstand long trips at high speeds. To reduce engine wear while driving a significant distance, maintain the speed limit and shift gears according to the following pattern:

  • before covering the first thousand kilometers: 20, 35, 50 and 70 km/h = 1, 2, 3 and 4 gears, respectively;
  • after driving 1000 km: 20, 40, 60 and 80 km/h = 1, 2, 3 and 4 gears.
  • Check out the fuel and lubricant requirements for your new motorcycle - such data is usually indicated in the operating instructions.

    After you drive the first 500 km, change the oil. During the break-in period, the oil in the motorcycle quickly becomes saturated with metal particles from engine parts, which can harm the unit. That is why it is worth changing the oil regularly and not only during break-in.

    If the engine of your two-wheeled friend has been running flawlessly for 1,500 kilometers, you can start practicing riding with passengers. The only requirement is that the equipment should not be overloaded or exceed the speed limit. If there is no overheating or sagging of the motorcycle, you can further experiment with increasing the speed, but within reason.

    Regularly contact the service to identify and eliminate equipment shortcomings that appeared during break-in. By following these simple rules and having a little patience, you will make riding your new motorcycle comfortable and as enjoyable as possible.

    How many hours can it take to drive 1000 km by car?

    Author of the question: Ermakov N. Created: 01/03/22

    The distance Moscow - Rochegda along the highway is 1000 km, in a straight line - 834 km. In English countries, the length of this route is 622 miles by road and 519 miles as the crow flies. A trip from Moscow to Rochegda by car will last approximately 14 hours and 17 minutes. The route Moscow - Rochegda runs along the following route: The road map is highlighted in red on the map and passes near 17 settlements.

    Answered by: Tarasova E. 01/05/22

    What is break-in?

    Among motorcyclists, the first 1.5–3 thousand kilometers are considered to be the break-in period of a new motorcycle, during which all equipment units grind against each other, and therefore it is especially important to observe the speed limit, take into account overheating of parts and not drive the engine speed too high.

    If, after purchasing a new or used motorcycle that has undergone a major overhaul, running-in does not occur, then the likelihood of rapid wear of parts and components of the equipment is very high.

    During the break-in period, many processes occur in new equipment that are designed to reduce friction losses, wear of some units, and also increase the service life of the motorcycle as a whole:

    1. The chains stretch slightly;
    2. Threaded connections, gaskets, control cable sheaths, etc. settle;
    3. Some of the bolts loosen slightly;
    4. There is a freer movement of the levers responsible for clutch and braking;
    5. The components of the engine-transmission unit can become quite hot;
    6. A slight leak of lubricant may appear in the oil seals;
    7. Acceleration and engine performance may be poor.
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