How to register a motorcycle without documents: legal norms, legal advice

  • July 30, 2019
  • Automobile law
  • Oksana Yatskevich

How to register a motorcycle without documents? A similar question often arises among modern drivers and car owners. Lack of transport papers can arise under different circumstances. And it doesn’t matter what kind of vehicle we are talking about - a car, a truck or a motorcycle. In any case, a person will have to follow a certain procedure to register a vehicle. And the advice on registering cars will be the same for all cases. Next, we will try to study all possible scenarios. In addition, the guidelines provided will be considered universal. They, as stated, can be used for any transport. The only difference is the cost of registration actions, but we’ll talk about that later.

The legislative framework

How to register a motorcycle without documents? This is a rather difficult question. The point is that a lot depends on the circumstances.

According to the law, the absence of papers on a car is an obstacle to registration actions. If the applicant does not have some certificates, he will either have to forget about registering this or that vehicle, or be puzzled by the restoration of driving certificates.

Accordingly, without documentation it is pointless to think about bringing an idea to life. Therefore, we will next try to find out how to obtain certain papers for a motorcycle, as well as how registration actions are carried out.

What motorcycles and mopeds can you ride from the age of 16?

You can get a driver’s license of category “M”, subcategory “A1” in Russia from the age of 16. To do this, you need to undergo full training at a certified driving school.

To start studying for a license at the age of 16, you need to obtain permission from your parents.

The training course contains several important stages:

  • a thorough study of the theoretical part, which includes familiarity with the rules of the road, the basics of emergency medical care, the psychology of behavior on the road, the design of the vehicle;
  • practicing practical driving skills on a special site, in a real city;
  • passing an internal exam consisting of a theoretical and practical part.

The cadet must have at least 18 hours of driving experience, but at the same time, practical driving must be about 30 hours. In some cases, due to violation of this requirement, the applicant may not be allowed to take the exam. Driving licenses are issued for a period of 10 years. During this time, a person can ride light motorcycles, scooters, mopeds with an electric or gasoline engine both on small city streets and on major highways outside the city.

Thus, regardless of the type of motorcycle transport, a driver’s license is required to operate it in cases where the vehicle is driven on public roads.

Comments 6

In Soviet times, if the author is not in the know and is in a snowstorm, a moped also required a driver’s license, which was issued at the age of 14. Rubber restrictions for boats were easily established by Rostechnadzor, but with various small vehicles, well, that’s a problem. They quickly forgot everything that happened in Soviet times and tell tales about difficulties. The whole problem with regulating these issues is in lobbying the interests of the sellers of all this crap. And drivers of all these bells and whistles, as well as bicycles, need to get it into their heads that across the pedestrian crossing, all these devices should be carried on foot and not rushed along the zebra crossing on them. Then they will stop knocking down. In the GDR, in a group of troops, all cyclists were trained in the rules of safe riding and received a certificate of training and a simplified license plate. What prevents you from doing the same with all this disgrace.

What about a walk-behind tractor, what rights are needed, if any?

Without a generator and lighting, a bicycle with a motor cannot be considered a moped. This is the incompetence of legislators.

Taxi...where is it written that a 50cc SCOOTER must be registered.

The “stool” does not have a PTS by default... and you can’t register it with gasoline under insurance.

Author, why are you misleading your readers?

“The driver will need a license of two categories: “M” and “A”: In the first case, the motor power is 250 W-1.5 kW, and the maximum speed cannot exceed 50 km/h. Subcategory “A1” refers to light motorcycles whose engine power does not exceed 3 kW. However, they should not accelerate faster than 90 km/h. To operate motorcycles with a power of more than 3 kW, you will need category “A.”

But here's how it really is: M - internal combustion engine up to 50 cm3 (without power limitation) or electric motor 250-4000 W - and speed up to 50 km/h; A1 - engine 50-125 cm3 up to 11 kW (without speed limit); A - above the above

The numbers 3 kW and 90 km/h - you dreamed. A moped of such power is, in principle, not capable of accelerating so quickly. An electric motor of less than 250 W and a speed of up to 25 km/h - you can drive from the age of 14 without a license.

No one will make a license for a scooter when they can just as easily do it for a motorcycle. This is the time. two - the battery has run out; refilling it quickly will not work. And you will have to drag it for kilometers. And kind people will treat you to gasoline and off you go... Three - power and cross-country ability and safety as a more massive vehicle allows you to drive more confidently on the road; these are gasoline-powered motorcycles. And in general, they are not right they will give guarantees that in an unknown state in their zinc coffin no one will be knocked down, that it is already scary to drive on 2 wheels... it turns out that on 2 wheels people risk their lives and why do you care about that? Why then do you have to pay for your license? But your license is wrong, if someone hits you, they’ll hit you in Africa too... electric trains, let’s just let it be up to 3 kW, it’s a personal mobile, same phone... power is not always speed, but first of all cross-country ability so that If a wheel doesn’t burn out, for example in mud, the load increases to 3 kW per wheel, while on clean asphalt it simply spends 250 watts at the same speed. Then this unfortunate motor will definitely burn out from this, which is why the motor that uses it becomes more powerful this is the norm...and not drive through that mud? - Excuse me, these scooters and so on have given up. Please let the buses pass through these e.enya...and make the prices cheaper, otherwise you’ll just have to work for travel...and in general, you first need to learn at school (especially physics) before telling people what to do...

What should the applicant have?

How to register a motorcycle without documents? No way. First of all, a person will have to restore car certificates in the established forms. The main thing is to know how to behave. Unfortunately, the corresponding task is not always easy to implement.

What statements should the true owner of a car or motorcycle have? Usually this:

  • STS;
  • PTS;
  • car insurance policy;
  • title paper.

Until the vehicle is registered with the authorized bodies, the owner of the car will not have a registration certificate. In the case of buying a used motorcycle, a person will have to take all the certificates listed above for further registration. But it happens that there are no such extracts. What to do?

What fine will I have to pay for not registering my motorcycle?

After the owner has bought a motorcycle, he must register it within 10 days. The deadline has been approved by the state; for violating it, the owner will be fined 1,500 rubles. Please note that 10 days are allotted for submitting an application to the State Traffic Inspectorate; the STS may be received later. For example, if documents are submitted on the State Services website on the 10th day after the conclusion of the DCT, and the procedure is completed on the 11th day or later, the owner will not be fined.

If a driver is stopped driving an unregistered vehicle, he will be fined 5,000 rubles, and the motorcycle will be sent to the impound lot.

Options for solving the problem

Is it possible to get documents for a motorcycle? Yes, but sometimes you have to try hard to do it.

What life situations do you encounter in practice? Here are the most common scenarios:

  • the car belongs to the applicant;
  • Legally, the motorcycle does not belong to the applicant, but it is known whose vehicle it is;
  • It is unclear whose vehicle they plan to register for each person.

Accordingly, further we will try to consider all the listed situations. Unfortunately, the latter arrangement causes a lot of problems in practice. And it is in this case that it is often not possible to obtain vehicle registration.

How can the traffic police prove your guilt?

If you violated the rules and terms of vehicle registration and were stopped on the road by a traffic police inspector, he will be obliged to issue you a report on an administrative violation. The fact of the offense is established by the traffic police inspector.

If a traffic police officer stops you and demands to see documents for a vehicle that you do not have, he has the right to issue a decision to hold the driver accountable. In this case, a detailed protocol is drawn up containing information about the details of the violation. This document will be necessary if the driver subsequently goes to court to appeal the inspector’s decision.

From the moment the resolution is issued, 10 days are given to challenge the conclusion of the traffic police officer. After the end of this period, the document acquires legal force and is subject to mandatory execution.

As they say: I am aware of my guilt, measure, degree, depth (L. Filatov). Believe me, healthy nerves are much more important than money saved on non-payment of fines.

On the pages of our website you will find important information about other fines for motor vehicles. Read these materials:

  • Penalty for riding without a helmet.
  • Are there any speed limits for motorcycles on the motorway and what do the traffic rules say?
  • What are the consequences of driving an ATV, motorcycle or scooter without a license?

Legally owned by someone else

How to register a motorcycle without documents? The answer to this question directly depends on the specific situation. The only thing we can say with certainty is that, first of all, a person will have to restore their driving certificates. Without them, registration with the authorized bodies will not be carried out. Refusal to register will be considered completely legal and justified.

Let us assume that the motorcycle legally belongs to the citizen-applicant. In this case, restoring auto certificates will cause the least amount of problems. You just have to find out which extracts are missing.

At the moment, the following components may be missing:

  • document on ownership of movable property;
  • registration certificate;
  • car insurance policy.

First, let's look at the process of restoring title paper. As a rule, this is the basis for updating the technical passport of a motorcycle.

To restore the corresponding document, a citizen simply needs to take with him his passport and the extracts available for the motorcycle, and then contact a notary office. To the one where the transaction for registration of property rights was carried out. Or you can contact the motorcycle seller. The relevant persons must have copies of title documents. Let's say, purchase and sale agreements. They will make another copy of the statement, then certify it and give it to the applicant.

It sounds simple, but in reality certain difficulties often arise. As practice shows, it is easiest for citizens to restore their transport title deeds. You will have to put a lot of effort into the rest of the documentation.

Features of customs clearance of motorcycles

Formally, the customs clearance procedure for a motorcycle consists of several stages:

  • filing a declaration and other accompanying documents;
  • checking the authenticity of documentation and the correctness of its completion;
  • payment of customs duties.

The customs value of the motorcycle plays a big role in customs clearance. It includes:

  • price;
  • loading and transportation costs;
  • insurance;
  • brokerage services.

From this amount, customs duty, VAT, and customs clearance fees are calculated in the amount of 150 to 500 rubles (for individuals - 250 rubles). To confirm the stated price, you must present receipts or other documents that allow you to determine the costs of purchasing a motorcycle, such as bank statements. The customs broker independently determines the customs value of the motorcycle from the catalogue. For this purpose, specialized foreign catalogs are used: for motorcycles manufactured in the USA or Canada - NADA, for motorcycles manufactured in Europe - Schwackeliste ZWEIRAD, for other regions - other catalogs. But if the catalog value turns out to be less than the actual value, then the value indicated on the receipt will be used when calculating customs duties.

Such directories provide information on the purchase and sale of vehicles of a specific model and year. Moreover, the older the equipment, the lower the cost. But when determining the customs value from the catalogue, customs does not take into account the condition of the vehicle, and this is important for the buyer. It is clear that a damaged motorcycle is not worth the price indicated in the catalogue. In such cases, it is necessary to undergo an independent appraisal examination, which is paid for by the buyer. Sometimes this does not help to significantly improve the price. For example, due to the fact that all this time the motorcycle will be at the customs temporary storage warehouse, the services of which are paid additionally and are not cheap.

We restore the registration certificate if the vehicle belongs to the applicant

How to register a motorcycle without a title? There is no way to do this. The thing is that a technical passport is the main transport certificate, which reflects the technical parameters of a movable object, as well as information about the owners of the property. It is one of the mandatory extracts for registration actions.

As already mentioned, the owner of the car may not have a vehicle registration certificate. In this case, it is recommended to proceed as follows:

  1. Report the loss or theft of your PTS to the police. You will need to have your ID with you at this time.
  2. Contact the dealership or the traffic police department with available vehicle statements. It is enough to have a title document, as well as a civil passport.
  3. Request PTS from the relevant authority.
  4. Pay for the production of such a document.
  5. Receive a registration certificate for a motorcycle or car at the agreed time.

As a rule, if the title is restored, the citizen will immediately register the car. Accordingly, in the course of the actions taken, the person will also be given an STS. It will be issued even if the applicant has the appropriate documentation. This is due to the fact that, according to the law, changing the PTS entails a mandatory adjustment of the certificate of registration with the traffic police.

Documents for a motocross motorcycle

There are clear recommendations on what documents the owner of a motocross motorcycle should have. This vehicle is considered suitable only for driving on a special track (in other words, it is only suitable for competitions). It does not have turn signals, and the tires are also not suitable for driving on the road. Accordingly, traffic police officers will not require a PTS from the owner. If you bought a motorcycle as sports equipment, you need the following documents to confirm ownership:

  • STS or DCT;
  • certificate-invoice or check with the seller's stamp.

In addition to them, a technical passport issued by the MFR (Motorcycle Federation of Russia) may be useful.

Important! A motocross motorcycle must be transported in a car trailer or using a tow truck. You cannot drive it on the highway.

Registration of a motorcycle vehicle is a procedure that can cause difficulties for legally unskilled citizens. To avoid unplanned waste of time and money, we recommend contacting experienced auto lawyers in advance.

You can find out more information about what documents are needed to register a moped with an engine capacity of up to 50 cc from the following video:


Registering a motorcycle without a document is an unrealistic task. The point is that such a possibility is not provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. This means that you will have to think about restoring the documentation. Without appropriate manipulations, registration actions will not be carried out in order to ensure property security.

Sometimes citizens do not have a car insurance policy. It's easy to restore or order. It is enough to contact the insurance company with a passport, PTS and title paper for a movable object. After paying for the policy and insurance services, you can receive the corresponding statement in your hands.

What documents are required for registration?

To complete this procedure you will need:

  • statement;
  • identification documents (preferably a passport);
  • documents for motorcycle ownership and license plates (if any);
  • OSAGO policy;
  • "Transit" signs for motorcycles imported into the Russian Federation.

If a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have permanent registration, you must provide a document confirming registration at your place of residence

To apply, you must fill out the appropriate form. It can be pre-downloaded from the traffic police website. If the owner of a new motorcycle remembered about the application only when submitting it, then he will have to look for help, for example, a company that, for a certain financial reward, will print out the form and help fill it out.

If a Russian citizen does not have permanent registration, you must provide a document confirming registration at your place of residence.

Does not legally belong, but the owner is known

Is it possible to register a motorcycle without documents? Absolutely not. To register with the authorized bodies, a person must have a certain package of certificates. This is a completely legal requirement.

The next scenario is a situation where a citizen does not legally own the vehicle, but knows who owns the vehicle. Did someone buy a motorcycle without documents? How to make them?

There are several options. Namely:

  • personally contact the owner and make title documents;
  • restore car certificates by proxy;
  • use postal services to prepare documents for the car and communicate with the owner of the vehicle.

Next, we will try to consider all of the above situations. In practice they cause a lot of problems. And therefore it is not recommended to buy a vehicle without documents. This is quite a risky step.

The need to register mopeds (scooters) up to 50 cc with the traffic police

Quite often, drivers of mopeds and scooters wonder whether their vehicle needs to be registered with the traffic police, and if so, what to do and what documents are needed? This is exactly what you should take care of in advance so that there are no problems during operation. The main criteria will be the power and size of the moped itself, since this determines the need for registration or not.

Registration of a title document

How to register a motorcycle without documents? It was said earlier that this is a useless undertaking. This means it’s worth thinking about issuing car certificates.

It happens that legally the vehicle does not belong to the person who wants to register the car. In this case, you need to think about registering the fact of transfer of ownership rights to movable property.

For example, you can use the following instruction:

  1. Find the “legal” owner of a motorcycle or other vehicle.
  2. Agree on a particular transaction.
  3. Collect documents for the relevant procedure.
  4. Draw up an agreement with a notary on the transfer of rights to a motorcycle in one way or another.

After this, the PTS, STS, as well as the car insurance policy are transferred to the potential registrar. In addition, he will have a title document in his hands. It will be used in the future by the traffic police.

Quite often, people enter into purchase and sale agreements or deeds of gift, but with the unspoken transfer of money for transport. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in the corresponding operations.

Important: to conduct a legally significant transaction, the presence of both parties in the notary’s office is necessary.

Complete absence of documents - case No. 2

How to register a motorcycle without documents? The most difficult situation is considered to be in which the citizen has never had the appropriate certificates for the vehicle.

For example, sometimes friends and acquaintances give old vehicles to their loved ones. Suppose a friend decided to give his old friend his grandfather’s motorcycle, which had been sitting in the garage for several decades. Most likely, there will be no documents for such transport. But there is still a way out!

How to register a motorcycle without documents? A person who decides to give away movable property must restore certificates for the vehicle. To do this, you will have to prove that the object belonged to a relative of the person concerned, that the motorcycle is an inheritance.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure through a judicial authority. After a citizen proves ownership of a motorcycle, he will be able to obtain documents for it from the traffic police. And only then carry out the official procedure of transferring ownership of the vehicle to your friend or other person. For example, by donation.

The documents received in the course of the actions taken are the basis for registration actions with the traffic police. The citizen will simply need to register the motorcycle in his name. If you have a PTS, STS and a title document for the vehicle, this task will cause a minimum of hassle.

Restoration of title by owner

How to register a motorcycle without documents? The answer to this question is simple - not at all. It will not be possible to cope with the task until the citizen issues a car certificate.

If the vehicle does not legally belong to the applicant, he will have to contact the owner of the motorcycle for documents. Does the person concerned also lack them?

In this case, you can ask the owner to restore the documentation himself, and then sign a title agreement. Until this moment, there is no point in thinking about how to register a motorcycle without a title.

The second scenario is the independent restoration of transport documentation with the subsequent issuance of title certificates. In such circumstances, the instructions listed above must be followed. Only first you will have to issue a power of attorney for the potential owner of the car. Someone who purchased a vehicle without documents.

To what extent are licenses required for motorcycles and other motor vehicles?

The need for a license is primarily determined by the power and maximum speed of motorcycle transport. The driver will need a license of two categories: “M” and “A”:

  1. In the first case, the motor power is 250 W-1.5 kW, and the maximum speed cannot exceed 50 km/h.
  2. Subcategory “A1” refers to light motorcycles whose engine power does not exceed 3 kW. However, they should not accelerate faster than 90 km/h.
  3. To operate motorcycles with a power of more than 3 kW, you will need category “A”.

People who have a category “B” driver’s license only need to undergo a medical examination and receive a positive conclusion.

Along with traditional motorcycles and mopeds, on Russian roads you can increasingly see vehicles that run on electricity. Such scooters have a number of advantages. Among them are efficiency, noiselessness, and excellent dynamics. In addition, such transport is environmentally friendly.


This type of transport is dangerous due to its speed, therefore, for vehicles with an engine capacity of 50, 125, 250 cubic centimeters, a category “A” driver’s license is required. Ignoring this requirement may result in a fine of 15,000 rubles and confiscation of the vehicle to the penalty area.

Only persons over 18 years of age may operate a motorcycle. At the same time, do not forget about the license plate, the serviceability of lighting devices, and a protective helmet.


This vehicle visually resembles a bicycle with a motor. Everywhere, back in Soviet times, underage children rode them without any rights. Unfortunately, accident statistics involving such vehicles have been steadily increasing.

Starting from 2022, according to Russian legislation, driving a moped with an engine capacity of 50 cc will require an M category license. Violation of the rules will entail a fine of 15,000 rubles.

You can drive this simple-design vehicle in Russia from the age of 16. To do this, you need to undergo training and pass an exam at the traffic police. It is necessary to register this vehicle and obtain license plates. Now drivers bear full responsibility for violating traffic rules and damage caused by road accidents.

Even during the Soviet Union, mopeds became widespread.


Along with mopeds, driving these vehicles requires an “M” license. As a rule, the engine capacity of scooters does not exceed 50 cubic centimeters.

To drive them, you need to undergo training at a driving school and pass exams with the participation of a traffic police inspector. On the other hand, if you have a driver's license "B" for a passenger car, no additional exams are required. In this case, you will need a medical certificate with a positive conclusion, which you must take with you.

In addition, you must register this vehicle and also have a technical passport for it. OSAGO insurance for scooters is voluntary.


Mainly, such a small vehicle is intended for sports driving on various tracks. On the Russian market you can find copies with engine capacities of 50, 110, 125, 150 cubic centimeters. Therefore, rights are needed for any of them.

For the smallest pit bike, category “M” will be sufficient. For other variants of this motorcycle transport, you must obtain an “A” license.

Representatives of the traffic police pay increased attention to such vehicles, since their drivers are most prone to violating traffic rules. Registering a pit bike with the traffic police is quite difficult, since this requires installing a speedometer, reflectors, and turn indicators. Otherwise, you can only ride them on sports tracks.

This vehicle is something between a motorcycle and a moped.

Electric scooters

This vehicle is the most economical and environmentally friendly.

The engine capacity here rarely exceeds 50 cc, and the power is 250-4000 W. To drive this electric vehicle you need to obtain an M category license.

More powerful copies need to be registered and take out MTPL insurance. If this is not done, then the electric scooter may end up in a parking lot, and the driver will lose 15,000 rubles, which will have to be paid in the form of a fine.

If you can't come

Need paperwork for a motorcycle? Without documents of the established form, it will not be possible to register a vehicle. It happens that a citizen cannot personally contact the owner of movable property. How to proceed? How to register a motorcycle without documents?

You can cope with the tasks through mail with receipt notifications. First, the citizen asks for a power of attorney from the owner of the car, then restores the missing car certificates, after which he himself prepares a purchase and sale agreement or other agreement on the transfer of rights to a movable object. Next, you need to send the corresponding statement for signature, and then receive it in your hands. The completed title document (a copy with notarization) will have to be sent to the former owner of the motorcycle. Otherwise, the transaction will be declared invalid.

According to the law, which motorcycles do not require licenses and registration in 2022?

In accordance with Russian legislation, a driver's license is not required to drive motorcycles whose power ratings are less than those required for the "M" category.

In addition, in 2022, a license is not required to drive the following motorcycle vehicles:

  • motocross motorcycles that cannot be ridden on public roads;

  • snowmobiles, which can only move on snow;

  • with an ATV when driving on rough terrain, a tractor license may be required (from 16 years of age);

  • a bicycle with a removable low-power internal combustion engine;

  • mono-wheels - you can ride them only on special bicycle paths, where they are considered equal to bicycles; outside the sidewalk they are equal to mopeds.

Traveling on the vehicles described above is allowed without any documents. In addition, they are not required to register with the traffic police.

It's unclear whose

Registering a motorcycle without documents is a futile task. It also happens that there is a vehicle, but its owner is unknown.

For example, a citizen guesses who owns a motorcycle. Let's assume the owner is dead. In this case, thinking about how to register a motorcycle without documents is also useless. You will have to contact government authorities and then prove the fact that the owner of the car has no heirs. After this, as a rule, the movable property is purchased from the state. It is this that will restore the title and other papers for the motorcycle.

Another very confusing situation is the transfer of a vehicle to the use of a person by the heir of the car, who also does not have papers for the movable object. Let's say a friend gave away his grandfather's old motorcycle. How to proceed?

First, you will have to agree with your friend on the preparation of title papers and vehicle statements for the object. Only after this is it possible to formalize the transfer of ownership rights. For example, by donation. And only under such circumstances will it be possible to successfully register a car.

Is it possible to register an old car?

It is impossible to remove or register a car using a photograph or photocopy of documents. It is necessary to present the original documents and the vehicle itself. For late registration of a car, a fine of 1,500 rubles is provided.

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Authorized Services

How to register a motorcycle? Without documents this is impossible. And we have already found out how auto certificates are restored. By following these tips, you can quickly achieve success.

Now let's look at the vehicle registration process. It is carried out in one of the authorized bodies. Namely:

  • MFC;
  • traffic police;
  • traffic police;
  • MREO.

You need to choose a service at the place of registration of the applicant. Otherwise, the operation will be denied, and quite legally.

If desired, you can register the vehicle through GosGosGosuslug. If a person has an activated account, he can act like this:

  1. Find it in the catalog of options on “State Vehicle Registration”.
  2. Select the option required by the citizen.
  3. Fill out the electronic form following the instructions.
  4. Submit your application for processing.
  5. Pay the transaction fee.
  6. Contact the authorized service with pre-prepared statements.

At this stage you can finish. The traffic police inspector will inspect the vehicle and issue registration certificates.

Never had documents - situation No. 3

How to register a motorcycle sidecar without documents? Is it possible to register a vehicle if there are no certificates for it? Yes, but you have to try.

In Russia, citizens can take advantage of the so-called acquisition right. If a person uses ownerless property for a certain period of time (15 years for real estate, 5 years for movable objects), he can, in court, recognize his ownership of it.

To achieve the corresponding result, you will need:

  1. Prepare a passport and also find witnesses who can confirm the fact of use of the property.
  2. Draw up and submit a claim to the arbitration court for recognition of ownership rights to the motorcycle.
  3. Participate in the meeting and receive a decision from the judicial authority.

Now what? Based on a court decision, the traffic police will issue the citizen with documents for the vehicle, and will also register a motorcycle, trailer or other movable property on it.


How to get a title for a motorcycle without documents? It is necessary to prove the fact of ownership of the property and attach certificates of loss of extracts.

How much do registration actions cost in Russia? It is proposed to focus on the following duties:

  • 800 rubles - new PTS;
  • 350 rubles - correction of the technical passport;
  • 1,500 rubles - license plates for motorcycles and trailers;
  • 2,000 rubles - license plate;
  • 500 rubles - issuance of STS.

Moreover, if you pay through Gosuslugi, you can reduce the amount of duties by 30%. Everyone is able to exercise this right.

How to register a motorcycle without documents? The answer to this question will no longer put a person in an awkward position. Unfortunately, such an operation is not always carried out quickly and without hassle.

Controversial situations and ways to avoid consequences

In theory, registering a motorcycle is not that difficult. But in practice, questions always arise. Let's say you bought your motorcycle in December. Winter and bitter cold are ahead. The use of two-wheeled vehicles is postponed until spring, but registration must be done. What to do?

Together with the main documents, you draw up a storage agreement, which also comes with a transfer certificate and an acceptance certificate at the end of the term. In this case, in the PTS, in the “special marks”, the following entry is made: “The vehicle has been transferred ....” and the date of the act of release from storage is indicated. From this date the 10 days countdown will begin in which you need to register the motorcycle.

The following method is possible in theory, but is rarely used in practice. In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 4.5. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a resolution in a case of an administrative offense cannot be made after two months from the date of its commission.

According to paragraph 14 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2005 No. 5 “On some issues that arise for the courts when applying the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences”, the statute of limitations for bringing to administrative responsibility for offenses for which is provided for by the regulatory legal act the obligation was not fulfilled by a certain deadline, begins from the date of the specified deadline.

Thus, you can contact the MREO 2 months 11 days after the transfer of ownership and avoid imposing a fine due to the expiration of the statute of limitations for the offense. However, this method is best reserved for last resorts. Since not all traffic police officers are informed about the Resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and each representative of this organization may have a different vision of the situation, so you may have to prove your case in court.

Important! If the motorcycle you purchased is faulty, then if the registration is overdue, you can write an explanatory note and attach a certificate from the service confirming its fault, prohibiting its further use and the period of time it will be under repair.

It’s even better to stipulate in the contract that the vehicle is not running and cannot yet be used. This will be a valid reason.

Scooter from abroad

Quite often they buy small scooters abroad because, as a rule, they cost less there and are almost always in better condition. However, all this is suitable for comparison if a person purchases a used moped. If it is new, its condition will naturally be different from a used one.

When purchasing abroad, a special document is issued, which confirms the fact that the moped was imported into the country legally. Do not forget that the customs clearance documents must be issued to the owner of the scooter.

After this, you can go to register the vehicle at the traffic police. There, after the entire procedure, a technical ticket is issued and numbers are issued, which are attached to the back. A technical pass is a document that a driver must always have when driving on the road.

To summarize, it should be said that from 2022, in accordance with the law, scooters are treated as motor vehicles (even small ones), which means that they are registered with the traffic police. This is possible both with the presence of all documents and with their absence. It is worth noting that in the second case the procedure is much longer and more complicated. You should also remember that, in accordance with changes in Russian legislation, you can drive a moped from the age of 16.

Registration of a homemade or converted motorcycle

Before registering a homemade or converted motorcycle, the owner needs to go through the certification procedure at the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation FSUE NAMI.

To do this, he fills out an inventor’s questionnaire, where he indicates:

  • Your personal data: full name and address;
  • Vehicle name;
  • Engine model and number;
  • Chassis and body number (if any);
  • Engine power and displacement;
  • Minimum and maximum weight;
  • The maximum permissible weight of transported cargo.

In addition to the certification form, you must provide the motorcycle itself, photographs of the vehicle (us will tell you how many photographs are needed for the study) and a photocopy of the inventor’s passport. Based on the results of the procedure, the vehicle is assigned an identification number.

Next, the inventor should contact an accredited research laboratory, which will check whether the motorcycle meets all safety requirements and regulations. The following documents are provided to the laboratory:

  • Inventor's passport;
  • Technical characteristics of the vehicle;
  • A document confirming receipt of an identification number;
  • Application from the owner.

If all requirements are met, the owner of the motorcycle is issued a Design Safety Certificate. This document must be presented to the traffic police for registration.

Further steps for registering a homemade motorcycle are no different from those described above.

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