Registering a motorcycle from a legal point of view

A motorcycle, like a car, is not a luxury, but also not just a means of transportation.
For many, it is a lifestyle and a symbol of freedom. And seeing the prices for brand new bikes or cruisers, we understand that we are not paying for two wheels and an engine, but for the sensations that they will give us. As an alternative to expensive offers from salons, used models that are sold on bulletin boards, or rare pieces that were given in memory of a grandfather, come to the rescue. In any case, the dream becomes more real, and the feeling of freedom is separated by one question: “how to register a used motorcycle without wasting time and nerves?” The procedure is not much different from registering a car. Here you also need to meet the 10-day deadline from the date of purchase.

Basic steps:

  • Pass inspection.
  • Get OSAGO.
  • Pay duties.
  • Register the vehicle with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (for this you need: the original OSAGO, technical passport, application, receipts for payment of duties, owner’s passport, papers confirming the ownership of the vehicle).

But what if the model being sold does not have a registration certificate? Is it possible to register a bike without documents? Yes, and it won't take much time either.

What documents are needed?

To receive a document on a registered purchase, you need to collect all the necessary papers. Before visiting the branch, we prepare the following documents for registering a motorcycle:

  • MTPL policy for an established motorcycle owner;
  • Vehicle passport;
  • Personal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • Contract of sale.

You can go to the traffic police department with a package of papers. The registration procedure is very simple. Don't forget about insurance! Late registration may result in a fine.

Registration process

The registration procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Submission of documents.
  2. Inspection of the motorcycle by an inspector on site.
  3. Obtaining a registration certificate and numbers.

Collecting a basic package of documents is not difficult. The exception is the MTPL policy. If the motorcycle is new, i.e. issued no more than 3 years ago, you do not need to undergo a technical inspection to obtain a policy. Otherwise, the insurance company will require the owner to conduct diagnostics.

The cost of verification in 2022 is 200 rubles. (in the absence of a registration certificate, the motorcycle must be transported for diagnostics by a tow truck). To apply for the MTPL policy itself, you do not need to bring the motorcycle to a transport company: the technical inspection data is entered into a single electronic database.

Documents can be submitted by the owner in person at any traffic police department or by appointment through the State Services portal. If the vehicle is not registered by the owner himself, a power of attorney will be required.

For inspection by an inspector, the motorcycle must be delivered to the traffic police department. This must be done in a trailer/body or with the help of a tow truck.

At the site, the inspector checks:

  • actual VIN numbers and compares them with the data in the vehicle title;
  • technical condition: operation of turning lights and brake system.

At the inspection site, the owner will not need to get behind the wheel: the inspector will carry out all the necessary actions himself. The procedure takes from a few minutes to half an hour.

After submitting documents and inspection by an inspector, a certificate is issued and license plates are issued. This stage usually takes less than an hour. The owner has the right to ride a motorcycle without the danger of breaking the rules from the moment the license plates are installed on the vehicle.

Registration data is entered into a single electronic database and is used by traffic police inspectors during road inspections.

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Late registration of a motorcycle with the traffic police

Failure to register a vehicle according to the deadlines established by the state may result in a fine. The amount of the amount is determined by law. In 2018, it was necessary to pay about 1,500 rubles. However, in case of failure to register, it is better to clarify the information with the traffic police, since the situation could change in 2022. The best option is to resolve the issue within the first 10 days after purchase.

If you want to save time and not have to deal with everything yourself, then we will help you solve all the problems associated with setting up and registering a motorcycle with the traffic police at optimal costs.

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