What to do if the Alpha moped does not start, causes of failure

Very often on various forums people ask questions like “Why does my moped stall and won’t start?”, and often receive a bunch of advice on what needs to be replaced, even advice to change the moped to a “cooler” one. In fact, even a technically untrained person can diagnose the main engine malfunctions. Let's sort it out in order.

So, for stable operation of the engine, three conditions are needed:

  1. A good spark on the spark plug electrodes, at the right moment.
  2. The presence of the “correct” working mixture in the combustion chamber.
  3. The presence of “compression”, that is, a working cylinder-piston pair and properly functioning valves.

You don't need to be an experienced mechanic or have a bunch of expensive tools to diagnose your moped. Let's look at simple methods for finding a fault.

Correct operation of the moped

For proper operation of the fuel system of the Alpha moped, you should fill in A-92 gasoline.
You need to learn how to fill the tank correctly, remember that you cannot fill it to the brim. It is necessary to leave 5-7 centimeters from the neck. The first time you should change the oil is after the first thousand kilometers, if the moped was new, then after two thousand kilometers. A well-run-in engine works flawlessly, with a complete oil change, reaching five or even six thousand kilometers. If any questions arise regarding the operation of the Alpha moped, instructions will be provided to help the driver. It clearly presents information on the operation of a moped, contains answers to questions that periodically arise from the owner of the vehicle, provides many examples, and has clear illustrations.

As a rule, many minor problems can be fixed on your own. The instructions are transferred from the previous owner to the new one when buying or selling a moped. Plus, specialized stores always have a book on repairing motorcycles on sale. The book is also available on Internet resources

It is important not only to start a moped and ride it skillfully, but you should also respect other road users and during rides try not to mislead them with your dubious actions

Electrical diagram of Delta 50 mopeds without tachometer

The photo below shows a schematic diagram of the Alfa, Delta moped and other mopeds that do not have a tachometer.

Electrical diagram of Delta 50 mopeds without a tachometer. Download from the link below

Generators can also be different:

As a result, the relay regulators will differ.

However, any electrical wiring diagram for the Alpha and Delta moped given above will be useful when repairing and tuning the electrical connections of the scooter.

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With the development of trade relations between Russia and China, in addition to traditional knitted goods and consumer electronics, various auto and motorcycle equipment began to be imported en masse to our country. And since the domestic motorcycle industry was experiencing a decline, the new items were to the taste of motorcyclists and began to be purchased en masse for their own needs.

The driver of any vehicle may encounter a malfunction such as a non-working engine. The inability to start the power unit, in particular on mopeds and scooters, may be due to failure of the starter device. What to do if the scooter does not start, the starter does not turn - the main recommendations for diagnosing and repairing the mechanism are described in this article.

What could cause

The reasons why mopeds no longer start may be the following:

  1. fuel system
  2. ignition system
  3. compression
  4. engine oil.

Each of these categories includes many details, which we will learn about below.

Fuel system

Nothing to burn, or lack of fuel in the combustion chamber, is the main reason why the moped will not start. Below are a number of common breakdowns and ways to fix them.

  • Low quality fuel. Diluted gasoline or old fuel will not allow the engine to start. A particularly pressing problem is when the delta or alpha does not start after winter. The fuel in the tank has lost its combustible properties and may not even ignite.
  • Faulty fuel valve. If fuel from the tank does not flow into the carburetor, the fault lies in the fuel tap. If you have a scooter, then immediately change the tap, first checking the presence of the supplied vacuum. You can try to clean the faucet on a moped.
  • A dirty fuel filter can prevent gasoline from entering the carburetor. The filter must be clean.
  • Carburetor. If the moped starts and stalls, there is an 80% chance that the cause is in the carburetor. To clean it, you can use a carburetor cleaner, but the safest thing to do is disassemble it and wash it yourself. The shut-off needle must be free of defects and the fuel jets must not be clogged!
  • A clogged air filter is another reason why the moped has difficulty starting. After all, for an engine to operate, it requires not only gasoline, but also air. Remove the air filter and try to see if the moped starts. If it starts, then the problem was in the air filter - clean it.

Advice! Only the serviceability of all components of the fuel system will ensure normal engine operation.

Ignition system

There is nothing to set fire to, or the lack of an ignition spark is the second most important reason when a moped has trouble starting

Pay special attention to the following details:

  • Candle. First of all, make sure there is a spark. Unscrew the spark plug, put the tip on, and then rotate the engine with the starter, pressing the electrodes of the spark plug against the metal of the engine. If there is a spark, it means that the entire ignition system is working properly. Otherwise, clean the spark plug, warm it up and try again. In case of failure, we look for a deeper reason.
  • High voltage wire. If the wire is exposed, at least in one place, it will pierce the body, and the spark plug will not work. Insulate the wire or replace it with a new one.
  • Ignition coil. If the coil does not work, there will be no spark. The ignition coil is checked using a multimeter. It is necessary to measure the resistance on the primary and secondary windings of the coil. The optimal resistance value can be found for each moped individually.

For example, the primary winding of the ignition coil (between the two coil contacts) of a Delta or Alpha moped should have a resistance in the range of 0.1 to 1.0 Ohms. The secondary winding (from the spark plug contact to the end of the wire) with a spark plug cap should resist with a force of 7-9 kOhms, without a cap - 3-4 kOhms.

If there is no resistance in the secondary winding, measure the resistance of the wire to ground. It should be within 2.5 kOhm.

Battery. The reason that a moped does not start when cold is often a discharged battery. To get a good push-button start, be sure to install a new battery in the scooter.


Motorcycles, scooters and mopeds start successfully from the stand only if there is sufficient compression. Compression above 7 kg per cm3 is considered sufficient. The optimal value is 10 atm.

You can measure the degree of compression with a compression meter. This device is inserted into the spark plug hole and then the motor rotates. The compressometer scale will show the exact value of the compression ratio.

Advice! To ensure that your Alpha starts like a clock, change the piston group parts on time, ensuring the necessary compression.

Engine oil

This reason can only be considered in the winter season. The engine oil may thicken and prevent the crankshaft from turning. In this case, you should warm up the engine crankcase with a heater so that the oil becomes less viscous and the shaft can rotate.

Checking whether the timing belt on the scooter works correctly

Sometimes it happens that the gas distribution mechanism does not work correctly, the valves do not open or close at the right time, or the valves are burnt and do not maintain the pressure in the cylinder at the proper level, then the scooter will not be able to start in this case. In order to check whether the timing belt is working correctly, we take the most common disposable clean bag and put it on the air supply pipe going to the carburetor. In the 150 scooter, to do this, you need to open the air filter and place the bag on the tube, tying something around the bag around the perimeter to prevent air leaks.

If the timing belt is working normally, then air should be sucked into the engine through the pipe and the bag should deflate and burst, allowing air to pass normally into the combustion chamber.

In order to more clearly see why a 4t scooter may not start or does not start well, reasons and ways to eliminate them, watch the video on our channel.

"Delta" (V-50M) does not pull. / Help / MotoScoot - motorcycles and scooters

Such a thing, I took a Soviet Delta (used). I didn't go from the very beginning. The former owner said that he had just changed the rings and were getting used to them. I drove it around a bit, but it didn't get any better. When replacing the crankcase (the old one was cracked), I replaced the piston and rings with new ones (there was a small groove on the piston, apparently from a grain of sand; one ring was broken), it still doesn’t work. The clutch doesn’t slip, it just stalls on a flat road in first gear from lack of traction, it only goes uphill and then you have to push it with your feet.)) The carb (K60) has been adjusted. The only thing I don’t like is the jet, the hole in it is too large and somehow crooked.)) Does anyone have any ideas on how to make it go at least 40-50 km/h? PS I did not set the ignition (perhaps too early). Can anyone tell me how to do this correctly? It starts with just a click, the engine runs smoothly without load, and picks up speed well. When starting, when I slowly lower the kick starter, I hear some hissing, as if air is being sucked in. Is this how it should be or is there still a leak in the cylinder?


First stage

The scooter that you decide to constantly use must undergo technical inspections to eliminate undesirable consequences during the period of active use. In this case, you should not save, since the driver’s health very often depends on the condition and quality of the vehicle.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that the vehicle’s maneuverability, controllability and predictability directly depend on the correct and high-quality technical condition of the moped. Before starting the journey, it is recommended to check the level of each fluid in the moped. Carefully monitor the amount of oil so as not to provoke the process of engine jamming. Start the scooter on a central support or stand - this will prevent incorrect and accidental movement while the engine is warming up.

Where is the starter on a scooter?

Finding a starter on a scooter engine is very simple: remove the front plastic hood of the engine and the seat tank, inspect the engine and find a small cylindrical part on it (approximately the same as in the photo) located perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the engine to which a thick power wire fits - this will be the starter.

On most scooter models, the starter is mounted at the top of the engine, just behind the cylinder. In rare cases, the starter is installed at the front or bottom of the engine.

Ignition coil

If everything looks intact, check the ignition coil. To do this, disconnect it (remembering how the wires are connected) and use a multimeter to check the resistance of the windings.

The primary winding is made of thicker copper wire. Its terminals are connected to two terminal connectors at the end of the coil. It has a small number of turns and therefore its resistance is low, approximately 0.5-5 Ohms. One wire of the coil is connected to ground - you need to check it, attach one multimeter probe to the nearest metal part of the moped, and the second to the coil connector. The resistance should be close to zero.

The high-voltage coil consists of several thousand turns of very thin copper wire, so its resistance should be on the order of 2-5 kOhms. The resistance must be measured between the coil contact connected to ground and the core of the high-voltage wire.

In this way, we will check the coil for a break, but without special equipment we cannot check for other coil faults, for example, an interturn short circuit, so we will leave the coil alone for now, also because a coil without visible mechanical damage is most likely working.

Why the scooter does not start with the button - we identify the reasons

A scooter is a practical vehicle, economical and easy to drive. Modern models are reliable and easy to maintain, but various problems may arise during the operation of the scooter.

One of the most common breakdowns is the failure of the scooter to start with the button.

As a rule, at first the scooter starts from the button every other time, and then does not start at all using the electric starter. How to be in this case?

To fix a problem, you need to identify the cause of its occurrence. As practice shows, there can be many such reasons, but there are also quite common ones.

We list the most common reasons and give ways to solve them:

Fuel sensor malfunction. No matter how trivial it may sound, this happens quite often: the sensor shows that there is still gasoline left in the tank, and the owner of the scooter looks for the cause of the “breakdown” in a completely different place. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to first look into the gas tank and make sure that there is fuel in it. The battery is low. This often happens when equipment is idle for a long time. To solve the problem, just charge the battery. Old fuel. Many scooter owners face this problem after winter. There seems to be gasoline in the tank, the electric starter seems to be turning, but something is missing to start the engine itself. The cause of this problem may be old gasoline, try draining it and adding fresh fuel. There is no spark in the spark plug. To check this version, you need to unscrew the spark plug, apply it to an unpainted part of the engine (for example, to the cylinder), and use the kickstarter to crank the crankshaft

At the same time, you should not neglect precautions: you should not hold the candle with your bare hands. If there is no spark, the spark plug must be cleaned of moisture and carbon deposits, sanded with fine sandpaper and dried

Ideally, the spark should be white. Poor contact at the battery terminals - over time they can become covered with oxide, which is a dielectric. To get rid of this problem, just clean the contacts with the same fine sandpaper. The fuel tap and/or fuel line is clogged. If gasoline does not flow into the ignition system or is supplied intermittently, the scooter will not start either from the kickstarter or from the button. To fix the problem, these elements of the fuel system need to be cleaned. The carburetor is clogged. Difficulty starting the engine, “floating” speed, failures in engine operation - all this indicates that the carburetor needs cleaning. To remove the carburetor, you need to unscrew the inlet pipe and the air filter pipe, disconnect the terminals of the starter enrichment, remove the gasoline supply pipe and drainage. Then you need to disconnect the throttle cable and you can remove the carburetor. Next, you should carefully disassemble the power system assembly, clean it and put it back together. After cleaning the carburetor, do not forget to adjust the floats to a horizontal position! No compression. Inspect the piston group. When the piston moves to top dead center, pressure should appear in the cylinder. This can be checked using a special device - a compression meter. To do this, screw the compression gauge fitting in place of the spark plug and turn the crankshaft using the kickstarter. On 2-stroke scooters the compression should be 7-8 kg/cm2, on 4-stroke scooters - 9-10.

How to make brushes for a scooter starter?

There are no problems with the rotor commutator: they cleaned it, washed it, dried it and that’s it. But what about worn brushes? They are not on sale and never have been, and a new starter is very expensive, what should I do? There is a way out: make the brushes yourself, or rather, not make them, but remake them from others.

To make new brushes, a set of new brushes for the dynastarter of the Soviet Ant scooter is ideal for us. This kit costs only 150 rubles and includes two pairs of brushes, enough for exactly two starters. You can buy such a set at any store selling spare parts for Soviet motorcycles. Why exactly from “Ant”, and not from a drill, for example? Because ant brushes are designed for high current and are very resistant to abrasion, while brushes from conventional power tools are soft and quickly burn and wear out.

We take a brush, it is initially much larger than the original one, and we grind it on all sides using sandpaper so that it fits easily into the socket and at the same time does not dangle there too much. Ideally, you should try to sharpen the brush so that it sits in its socket as tightly as possible and at the same time walks in it without the slightest, even barely perceptible resistance.

We insert our freshly ground brush into the socket and check its mobility without fail.

Solder the wire of a homemade brush to the power terminal

We install our homemade brushes in place.

That’s the whole secret and the most important thing - with such homemade brushes, which also cost a penny, you can completely restore the operation of the starter. And for many many seasons. And this has already been tested on more than one copy. At least I have never received any complaints about the operation of the starter with brushes from “Ant” implanted into it.

Alpha does not pump gasoline

Alpha does not pump gasoline

03 Nov 2022, 06:42

Hello everyone. Guys, I have a real 50cc

Zs50f alpha. The problem is that gasoline does not pump from the tank. The essence of the problem. This has happened before, but somehow it was solved by itself. Here again this problem, there is a spark, there is light, I poured gasoline into the bottle, the tap was broken, I cleaned the carb and this problem remains. While in the air I put a drop of gasoline in it and it works fine, but there are failures in operation, I replaced the spark plug and it didn’t help. Then I adjusted the needle, it didn’t help, in a word, as long as you close the carb with your hand, it works fine, as soon as I threw my hand off the carb, the gasoline ran out and the moped stalls, but yesterday it erupted again, and it starts normally without closing the carb, but if the speed is below 5 k, then in order to increase the speed you need to give the gas very slowly, if you give it faster not very quickly, it will start to stall, I think I’ll look at the piston, maybe the pressure It’s weak and can’t pump. The ignition and valves are fine. But for some reason it doesn’t draw gasoline.

Re: Alpha does not pump gasoline

03 Nov 2022, 08:58

Re: Alpha does not pump gasoline

03 Nov 2022, 09:04

Re: Alpha does not pump gasoline

03 Nov 2022, 09:51

Re: Alpha does not pump gasoline

03 Nov 2022, 09:59

Re: Alpha does not pump gasoline

03 Nov 2022, 10:05

Why would she be wet?

Clean the gas valve by unscrewing it from the tank. Controlling the air blowing. Check the gas hose by blowing air. Collect and check the leakage of gasoline from the gas hose. Assemble the hose and try to start it. If it doesn’t help, remove the carburetor and figure it out.1. The shut-off needle for supplying gasoline to the float chamber 2 is stuck. Some hole and/or jet is clogged.

Business for 20 minutes leisurely with a smoke break and coffee.



We unscrew the bolts holding the body together; there may be two of them, or maybe more, depending on the design. We pinch the shaft protruding from the housing with our fingers and, as carefully and slowly as possible, separate the halves of the housing.

We remove the rotor from the housing and carefully inspect the commutator and brushes. If the collector is dirty, then it must be cleaned and washed with clean gasoline.

Dirty collector

Worn brushes

Brushes in normal condition should be no shorter than 5-6 mm.

The moped has lost spark, what should I do?

Very often the reason that the engine does not start is the lack of a spark at the spark plug. This is diagnosed very simply:

  • you need to unscrew the spark plug from the engine (or take a spare one),
  • put a candle cap on it,
  • turn on the ignition,
  • press the spark plug to ground
  • crank the engine with the starter, or better yet, with the kickstarter.

If a spark does not jump between the electrodes of the spark plug, the engine will not start.

But fortunately, the ignition system on Alpha mopeds is quite simple and you can find the fault on your own.

I always try to follow the principle “from simple to complex” when troubleshooting. That is, before disassembling half of the moped, you need to try to check everything that is easy and cheap to check.

First, remember what preceded the malfunction: some work may have been carried out or there may have been mechanical damage (for example, the moped fell). If something like this happened, start troubleshooting from there. There is a high probability that upon inspection you will find a broken wire, damaged insulation, a damaged connector, or something else.

Be sure to try cranking the engine with a kickstarter; it happens that the starter turns too slowly and there is no spark.

Checking the generator and its windings

It is the generator that allows you to produce a spark, so if the spark on the alpha moped disappears, look at the generator. First of all, look at all the contacts and wires adjacent to the generator. They can be either bare or broken off. After checking the contacts, diagnose condensates; they should work correctly on all mopeds.

In some cases, mechanical damage to the generator is possible; to do this, you will have to carefully inspect the winding for defects. If a problem is identified, it will be easier to replace the generator with a new one.

Alfa moped no spark

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  • Publicado em 14 Out 2014
  • After work we were going to go home, but my friend’s moped didn’t start. He unscrewed the spark plug, there was no spark, replaced it with another one, the same result. Since it was one o’clock in the morning, he pushed his moped to my garage, and I drove him home ( he lives in a neighboring village). In the morning I decided to see what the reason was. First, I checked all the contacts, then I rang the armor wire with a multimeter, then I changed the coil (I have it in stock). There was still no spark, then I changed the switch (I removed it from my moped) , but the spark never appeared. But when I checked, the current from the armored wire began to flow and I decided to try to install my own spark plug, as it turned out the whole problem was in the chip from the switch, the contacts went loose there, but when the spark disappeared, the owner changed the spark plug to a non-sparking one working. His second spare one was also not working. In the end, of course, I found a malfunction, but it could have been found faster. I concluded for myself that in any case it is necessary to check the functionality of the spark plug (even if they only installed another one before your eyes)) ), well, the owner didn’t draw any conclusions and I’m waiting for him again in my garage soon))). Naturally, not everything was included in the video, since it would have turned out to be a very long video, so I had to cut something out.
  • Automoveis
  • Moped (Product Category)Auto Show (Event)moped alphamoped deltaalpha rulitchina rulitalfa 120km/hrotates for alfemoped alpha tuningmoped alpha repairchinese moped alfairbis viragoalpha phantomirbis virago

Second phase

Knowledge about braking will help preserve your health while moving. How to drive a moped? Learn thoughtfully and at the moment when the situation on the road requires it. Braking may not seem like a difficult task, but even a small mistake can cause serious injury and danger to others.

To avoid unpleasant incidents, follow certain points:

  • Start the braking process in advance, when you have calculated the end point of your stop.
  • Use not only the rear brake, but also the front brake.
  • There is no need to perform sharp braking, as this creates a danger for other active road users.
  • Constantly monitor the technical condition of the entire brake system. Wet or faulty pads can interfere with braking performance.
  • Consider weather conditions - they affect the braking distance, as well as the full effectiveness of the braking system.
  • Remember that on poor quality road surfaces it becomes much more difficult to calculate the trajectory and the braking distance itself. Therefore, be careful when you see changes in the asphalt or other road surface along your immediate route of travel.

If simple rules are not followed, a moped can easily hit curbs, collide with other vehicles or pedestrians. Sometimes dangerous skidding occurs and even the driver falls. When your successful movement is over, it is recommended to turn off the engine

Pay attention to the future parking space. Professionals do not advise leaving your scooter on slopes or on poor road surfaces.

A helmet for cycling is not required, but is advisable.

According to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, a helmet is required only for moped drivers. But traffic police inspectors, when issuing licenses to schoolchildren, check for the presence of a helmet. The exam is accepted only if it is available.

They also warn parents about the responsibility of children riding without helmets and the risk of serious injury. A helmet protects the bicycle driver during impacts and falls. It reduces the likelihood of traumatic brain injury by 63-88%.

A child can ride a bicycle on the roads from the age of 14, but a license is required and protective equipment is desirable: a helmet and special glasses. If you explain all the dangers of Russian roads, you can easily convince your child to use what is necessary.

Checking the engine power system

First of all, you need to make sure that there is enough gasoline in the gas tank. There is a small tube inside the gas tank that takes gasoline not from the bottom of the gas tank, but a little higher. Therefore, it may turn out that there is still gasoline in the tank, but it does not flow into the carburetor. Therefore, if possible, add gasoline to at least half the tank and try to start the moped again. Perhaps this is the reason.

You also need to know that the gas tap of the Alpha moped has two positions: in one, it takes gasoline closer to the bottom of the gas tank, and in the other, a little higher. If you don’t know in which position the gas tap is open, try installing it in a different position, maybe this will help.

It is very convenient to check the gasoline supply if you have a transparent tube from the gas tank to the carburetor, or have a replaceable gas filter installed. In this case, you can immediately see whether there is gasoline or not.

There is also another simple check of the power system: take a small amount (5-10 ml) of gasoline into a syringe, remove the air intake tube from the carburetor and pour gasoline directly into the carburetor. If after this the moped starts up, or as they say “catch,” then the reason is definitely in the gasoline supply and you need to check the fuel supply and carburetor.

If after all the described checks the problem is not found, there is one more check left - checking the engine compression.

Carburetor clogged

The symptoms of the problem are the same as in the previous case - you can start the moped, but then it stalls. That is, there is a spark, there is gasoline, but the moped does not start. In order to check whether the carburetor has broken down, you need to check how gasoline flows from it into the cylinder.

Take the spark plugs and wet their contacts with gasoline. Then screw the spark plug being tested into the cylinder and try to start the moped. If the bike starts this way, it means the carburetor will have to be repaired.

If you are on the road and need to quickly get to your destination, you can clean the supply hoses by blowing them with a pump. If this does not work, then you need to completely clean the carburetor.

Why is there no spark?

The second most common problem is why a scooter won’t start - there is nothing to ignite the fuel, or there is a spark - but there is nothing to ignite. To check the spark, you need to remove the spark plug cap and unscrew the spark plug. It must be dry and clean. The gap between the electrodes is needed 0.6-0.7 mm. The first sign of a lack of spark is that the spark plug is wet and smells of gasoline. This means the fuel did not burn in the cylinder and remained on the spark plug. Dry and clean it, then insert it into the cap and lean it against the cylinder mass.

At the same time, press the starter button for a second or the kick starter a couple of times. The spark between the spark plug electrodes should be clearly visible. If there is no spark, then replace the spark plug with a new one, most often this is the problem.

The quality of gasoline in Russia is not very good, this quickly kills spark plugs, especially iridium ones. If a spark does not appear with the new spark plug, we look for a fault in the wiring. A broken wire or oxidation connecting the ground between the frame and the engine is a common problem. Another reason could be a burnt-out resistor in the spark plug cap. It can be checked with a multimeter; the resistance should be about 5 kOhm. If this is not the problem, then check the ignition coil, this can also be done with a multimeter. In this case, the resistance of the primary and secondary windings is checked. The resistance of the primary winding, as a rule, tends to zero. Well, the resistance of the secondary should be several kOhms. There shouldn't be a break.

It is also worth checking the switch by replacing it with a known good one.

The next possible malfunction is a break in the wire coming from the ignition switch or the wire coming from the switch. Check the wires for breaks or abrasions. Check the reliability of the female-male plug connections. If no visible damage is found, a wire break can be detected by testing each wire with a multimeter. If the above manipulations did not produce results and a spark never appeared, the last reason for its absence is failure of the generator, pulse sensor or generator windings, which happens extremely rarely. The generator windings can also be checked with a multimeter.


In conclusion, let's talk about such an interesting situation as starting the engine in a situation where there is no key. Of course, this is not a guide to theft at all; this instruction may be useful to you if you have lost your keys. What to do in such a situation if you need to go urgently? In this case, the simplest solution would be to disassemble the ignition lock down to the cylinder itself and take it to a mechanic so that he can make you a new key. It doesn't take much time, you can do everything in just an hour.

You can try to start it if you don't have the key. However, the problem is that for this, most likely, you will have to disassemble the scooter almost 50% in order to start it. You need to remove the front shield and gain access to the lock. Then you can start the engine. Find the contactor, remove the screws. Disconnect the contactor. Expand the core? does it have to be clockwise? so that it rests on the extreme position. Try starting it or look for the contact pair on the ignition switch itself.

Here's how to start your scooter without a key. The circuit is not complicated, and if you did everything correctly, your scooter can now be started without stalling.

Now you know what to do in situations if the scooter does not start. Especially how to start it if there is no spark. We are glad that now your scooter starts normally and does not stall. We wish you that the spark on the scooter does not disappear, and that the ignition is excellent.

Alpha moped will not start: causes of breakdowns and diagnostics

Most Chinese mopeds are produced using the same technology; the models differ only in technical characteristics, such as power, design and additional equipment. It will not be difficult to find a breakdown in a moped, because the design of different models differs little from each other. Troubles can happen to different models, the Alpha moped is no exception; to save your budget you can find the fault yourself. Next, we’ll look in more detail at why the Alpha moped won’t start and what malfunctions there may be.

Popular causes of moped malfunction.

Almost all experienced moped owners know that there are two main malfunctions due to which the moped stops starting: ignition and problems with fuel supply. There are a number of other, more serious breakdowns that you cannot fix on your own, but in this case we will focus on these most common breakdowns.

Diagnostics of candles.

The spark plugs in the Alpha moped are standard, and the spark supply is also no different from other models. To check the spark plug for malfunctions, you first need to carry out a little diagnostics. The first step is to exclude all kinds of mechanical damage; perhaps something damaged the spark plug while driving, in which case there will be no full spark.

Another common reason why a moped will not start is heavy carbon deposits on the spark plugs, so if there are no visible defects or damage, the spark plug may need to be cleaned. You can remove accumulated carbon deposits with regular sandpaper; after these simple manipulations, the moped should start.

You can also test the operation of the spark plug by trying to start the moped from the foot; if there is no spark, then the cause of the breakdown is something else. Very often, Chinese mopeds are equipped with low-quality ignition coils; they fail very quickly.


Alpha has good compression, which can be checked by simply placing your finger in place of the spark plug. When the moped starts, powerful pressure is generated, the finger will be pushed out under pressure, but if not, then the cause of the malfunction may be in the engine or piston parts.

It is necessary to carefully check the piston; it must be firmly fixed to ensure full compression. You can also check all the gaskets; perhaps the cylinder is leaking, which is why it is leaking air and the pressure drops.

Carburetor malfunctions.

A fairly common breakdown is a carburetor malfunction. The carburetor ensures fuel circulation; if there is a malfunction, the fuel simply will not circulate normally, and without fuel, not a single moped will work.

To troubleshoot problems, sometimes it is enough to simply clean the carburetor of dirt; often debris and other third-party substances get into it, interfering with normal operation. You can safely wash the carburetor of the Alpha moped with plain water and dry it well; if this was the cause of the malfunction, then the moped will start soon.

The Alpha moped is not the worst option for Chinese-made mopeds; most often it starts with a half-turn and, if used correctly, works for many years. Sometimes it is enough to carry out a little maintenance or simply recharge the battery to get the moped to start. If the preventive maintenance carried out does not produce results, it is worth taking the moped for diagnostics; no one is immune from problems with the engine.

A professional will probably find out the cause and eliminate it; there is no point in trying to check the engine yourself, so as not to completely ruin it. Any equipment will last longer if you regularly carry out diagnostics and monitor its condition.


Reasons for lack of spark

Often, owners may encounter cases of starting failure in the cold season, although the moped drove well in the autumn. Initially, you need to unscrew the spark plug and carefully inspect for spark, oiliness and color.

Carbon deposits on the electrode

There may be no spark, if the electrode is covered with carbon deposits, then they are cleaned with a metal brush. If there is even the slightest doubt about the serviceability of the spark plug, you should replace it immediately, thereby making your life easier in the future.

Acidification of contacts

If the external signs of the spark plug correspond to suitability, and there is also no spark, then you need to check whether there is a discharge. It is worth noting that you need to be extremely careful, as it can give you an electric shock. If there is no spark and the external signs of the spark plug are normal, then the scooter is checked electronically for acidification of the contacts.

Insufficient fuel

If there is a spark, but the moped still has difficulty starting from the starter in cold weather, you should pay attention to the fuel tank. If it is empty then it is filled

It is worth noting why old gasoline pours out of the carburetor float chamber. How to do it? There is a bolt at the bottom of the carburetor; it is unscrewed, and after all the fuel has flowed out, it is screwed back in. Before putting the moped in the garage in cold weather, fill the tank full of fuel.

Unscrew the bolt and pour out the old gasoline from the carburetor float chamber

If the above has been checked and done, and the scooter does not start well from the starter, then you can make the following repairs:

  • The carburetor is removed and the air filter is cleaned;
  • The carburetor is cleaned, the jets and channels are purged;
  • Everything is coming back together.

Possible faults

Someone may think that there are 159 reasons, and it is unrealistic to do everything yourself. However, repairs and diagnostics can be done independently. The reasons why a scooter does not start can be divided into several categories:

  1. Ignition problems
  2. Fuel problems
  3. Starter problems
  4. Problems with the electrical circuit.

To fully check the moped, you should carry out a comprehensive diagnosis, checking each of these categories in turn.

Fuel problems

In this category, several parts may be faulty. The most common breakdowns are a failure of the fuel tap, a clogged air filter or carburetor.

Remember! If the scooter starts easily from the foot, then this step can be skipped. Go straight to electrical faults.

Fuel tap

This element of the power system can have two malfunctions: fuel does not flow, or gasoline flows continuously. The fuel tap can be diagnosed very simply:

  • Remove the fuel supply hose from the carburetor and the vacuum hose from the cylinder head cover. Pull air into yourself through the vacuum hose with your mouth, thereby forcibly creating a vacuum. Gasoline should flow from the supply hose. If this does not happen, the fuel valve should be replaced.
  • If fuel flows continuously from the supply hose, the valve should be replaced immediately.
  • If fuel flows with difficulty, then replace the fuel filter or clean the vacuum valve.
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