Switch faults for decommissioning | livedocuments.ru

We draw up an act for decommissioning of equipment

If the equipment is not suitable for use due to physical or moral wear and tear, damage during installation, or was generally lost for any reason, it must be written off. There is no mandatory form of act for such a case. Therefore, an organization can develop such a primary accounting document independently and consolidate it in its Accounting Policy for accounting purposes. Drawing up a write-off act is usually preceded by an inventory and drawing up an inventory list and a matching sheet (if a shortage of equipment is identified). If it is necessary to confirm the unsuitability of equipment for use, a preliminary report on the technical condition of the equipment for write-off can be drawn up. The technical condition report in this case would be the basis document for write-off. It can be drawn up according to the model of the defective statement, which we presented here. The equipment write-off act is usually drawn up by a commission specially created for this purpose and approved by the head of the organization. The act indicates, in particular, the name of the equipment, its cost, and the reason for write-off. We will provide a sample for the act of writing off equipment.

Spark ignition principle

Currently, the most common battery ignition system contains a current source in the form of a car battery when starting and a car generator when the engine is running, an ignition coil, which is a transformer with a high-voltage secondary winding, to which a spark-producing spark plug is connected, as well as an ignition distributor (switch). . The operation of the switch consists of periodically interrupting the current circuit of the primary winding of the ignition coil. With each such interruption of the current, its magnetic field, existing at the points of space occupied by the wires of the secondary winding of the ignition coil, very quickly decreases. At the same time, in accordance with the law of electromagnetic induction, a very large vortex electric field arises at the same points in space, the intensity of which creates a high (up to 25 kV) EMF in the secondary winding of the ignition coil, broken by the electrodes of the spark plug. The voltage between them quickly reaches a value sufficient to breakdown the air gap, and then an electric spark jumps, igniting the fuel-air mixture.

Top 5 reasons for switch failure: overload and other reasons

Breakdown of switching equipment can be caused by external and internal factors.

Violation of basic operating rules

Trivial carelessness can lead to failure of the switch. The quality of work is affected by various mechanical influences:

  • sudden pulling out of network cables;
  • accidental blows to the body;
  • falling from a great height.

Among the reasons for damage to internal components, it is also worth mentioning the fire of microcircuits as a result of contact with water or any other liquid.

To protect the switch from the human factor, it is enough to follow the rules of safe operation, described in detail in the user manual.

Low quality software

The problem of insufficiently reliable software is faced by owners of budget switches from unknown manufacturers, as well as users of counterfeit network equipment (counterfeits of well-known brands).

Important: Using the link https://www.moyo.ua/comp-and-periphery/network_equip/kommutatory-nastraiv/cisco/ you can purchase an original Cisco switch based on certified software.

If the software malfunctions, re-flashing the switch can restore functionality.

Electrical network instability

An electrical surge or short circuit is fatal to almost any network equipment. Switches, routers, access points and other devices are especially susceptible to damage during a thunderstorm.

To protect devices from short-circuit currents and sudden voltage drops, uninterruptible power supplies and external stabilizers should be used.

Damage to ports for connecting equipment

If the switch itself, according to visual signs, works without interruptions, but you cannot connect any device to it, the problem lies in the network ports. Most likely, as a result of prolonged use, the “inputs” simply wore out and became unusable.

This problem can be solved at any service center. Specialists will quickly replace damaged ports and restore functionality to the device.

Failure of one of the internal elements of the switch

If the switch stops turning on, you should look for the cause of the breakdown inside. The device’s memory board may have burned out, one of the microcircuits has failed, or the built-in power supply has stopped working.

A trip to the service center or independent replacement of faulty spare parts will help eliminate all these breakdowns.

Don’t panic and immediately after a switch malfunctions, look for a replacement. Most problems can be fixed with much less money spent on repairs than on purchasing a new device.

Car switch repair

How to check and repair the switch yourself?

If with some malfunctions in the car you can somehow get to the repair point, then with a faulty switch the engine will not start at all. Some drivers often carry a spare switch with them. In this article we will look at the principle of operation, some malfunctions of the car switch and methods for repairing it.

Possible reasons for switch failure

  • Often the switch fails due to water getting into it. As a result, the Kr1055xp4 microcircuit (analogous to L497B) fails,
  • Due to overvoltage or time, the output transistor type KT8231A1, KT8225A, KT8232A1, KTD8252A, KTD8264A, KTD8267, KT898A, KT8127A1 (analogous to BU941ZP) often fails.

Characteristics of some high-power transistors used in switches.

NameType of shellAnalogueStructurePk max, WUkb max, VUke max, VUeb max, VIk max (imp), Ah21е
KT8127A1TO-218 (KT-43)BU941ZT(ZP)NPN100150070055(7,5)35
KT8231A1TO-218 (KT-43)BU941ZT(ZP)NPN155350-450350-500515300
KT898ATO-218 (KT-43)BU931ZP/BU941ZT(ZP)NPN125350350155400
BU941ZT(ZP)TO-218 (KT-43)NPN1553503501515(30)400

Excerpt from car diagram

Automotive switch test bench

To test the switch, we assemble such a simple stand as in the figure below. We connect a 12 V light bulb instead of the coil.

Normal Switch Operation

When we turn the axis of the distributor with the DH (hall sensor), the light comes on. When we don’t turn it, the light doesn’t light up.

A little about the Hall sensor

A Hall sensor is a magnetoelectric device that takes its name from the name of the physicist Hall, who discovered the principle on the basis of which this sensor was subsequently created. Simply put, it is a magnetic field sensor. There are two types of Hall sensors: analog and digital.

Analog Hall sensors

Analog Hall sensors - convert field induction into voltage, the value shown by the sensor depends on the polarity of the field and its strength. But again, you need to consider the distance at which the sensor is installed.

Reasons for writing off office equipment and computers

The main prerequisite for writing off fixed assets is their loss of useful properties for which they were acquired and used. The reasons for such loss are:

  • physical deterioration;
  • obsolescence;
  • irreparable damage or damage.

Computer equipment, more than other types of equipment, is characterized by rapid obsolescence. The rapid development of computer technology often leads to the fact that the existing fleet of computer equipment, which is in working order, still needs to be updated and modernized for production purposes. Therefore, for computers and office equipment, fairly short useful life periods for calculating depreciation are established by law - from 3 to 5 years.

To ensure that no longer used computer equipment hangs on the balance sheet, it should be written off.

Background of ignition systems

As is known, in each operating cycle of a gasoline internal combustion engine there is a stage of preparing the fuel-air combustible mixture and a stage of its combustion. But for the mixture to burn, it needs to be set on fire with something.

The first solution, used in the earliest automobile internal combustion engines, was to ignite the mixture from a glow tube inserted into the cylinder and preheated before starting the engine. During its operation, the temperature of this tube was constantly maintained due to the mixture burning in each operating cycle.

It is interesting that the magneto spark ignition system was used in parallel with the glow ignition of auto engines, but at first only for industrial gas internal combustion engines. This principle was quickly adopted by car manufacturers, and after the invention of the conventional spark plug by R. Bosch in 1902, the spark system became generally accepted.

Accounting and tax accounting for equipment write-offs

The cost of the equipment, at which it was reflected in the debit of account 07 “Equipment for installation”, when written off is generally transferred to the account for accounting for financial results (Order of the Ministry of Finance dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n): Debit of account 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount “Other expenses” - Credit to account 07 If equipment is written off based on the results of the inventory and identified shortages, its cost is first debited to account 94 “Shortages and losses from damage to valuables”, and only then to the account of the source from which the shortage will be covered : Debit of account 73 “Settlements with personnel for other transactions” - Credit of account 94 - if the guilty person was identified; Debit of account 91 - Credit of account 94 - if there were no guilty persons or if recovery from the employee was refused by the court

If you have any questions, you can consult free of charge via chat with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call 8 800 350-81-94 (consultation is free), we work around the clock.

If the equipment has already been transferred for installation, but is then written off, in the above transactions, instead of account 07, account 08 “Investments in non-current assets” will be used. Expenses for the liquidation of fixed assets being decommissioned, as well as expenses for the liquidation of other property, the installation of which not completed, are taken into account as part of non-operating expenses (clause 8, clause 1, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). If the equipment was lost, then the fact that there were no perpetrators must be documented (clause 5, clause 2, article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Switches are actively used to create a local network and its decentralized segments. The most common switch brands are Edge-Core, D-Link, FoxGate, Zyxel, TP-Link. For switches, repair is an opportunity to restore their functionality after failure. Any problem with the switch can stop the entire office.

Reasons for switch repair

Network equipment is very sensitive to various external factors. Switch failures occur for the following reasons:

  • A sharp increase in network voltage. Particularly dangerous for the switch is a thunderstorm, which causes even minor fluctuations.
  • Mechanical damage. Impacts to the switch casing cause damage to microcircuits and systems. They can be caused either by falling of the equipment itself or by heavy objects falling on it.
  • Inaccurate operation. Pulling out the cable, ingress of liquid, and other factors associated with user actions can damage the ports and internal components of the switch.
  • Software failures. This leads to constant disruptions to the entire local network.

Switch repair: what most often fails?

Preliminary diagnostics allows you to determine the causes of a switch malfunction, only after which can you create a repair plan. The most common breakdowns include:

  • Damage to the memory board integrated into the switch;
  • deformation of network ports, damage to legs;
  • burnout of electronic components, microcircuits;
  • power supply failures;
  • violations in the firmware;
  • constant overheating of the switch;
  • incorrect settings causing constant conflicts on the network.

Repairing this equipment requires special skills and knowledge; it is almost impossible to do it yourself.

Network equipment repair methods

Switch repair requires detailed, correct diagnostics, which will determine the feasibility of subsequent actions. In some cases, the problem is caused by a hardware freeze, which can be resolved by a simple reboot. Possible methods for restoring switch operation are as follows:

  • Equipment firmware. One of the easiest ways to return the switch to working capacity. To do this, you must have an up-to-date, working version of the software and special recording equipment.
  • Correction of the defect that has arisen. In this case, soldering of the torn metal elements is used.
  • Replacement of a failed part. In this case, it is necessary to estimate the cost of repair work and the purchase of new spare parts. In some cases, if the damage is significant, it is more advisable to buy a new switch.

If you have any questions, you can consult free of charge via chat with a lawyer at the bottom of the screen or call 8 800 350-81-94 (consultation is free), we work around the clock.

Features of repair work

To restore a switch, the technician must have the necessary knowledge, skills, and technical and physical means to provide the service. For this reason, it is advisable to contact specialized service centers that will perform the necessary actions. The work consists of the following stages:

  • Diagnostics. It is necessary to determine the cause of disturbances in the local network (in some cases the switch turns out to be working, problems may arise with cables or incorrect configuration). If the lack of communication is caused by a breakdown of the switch, the master must determine which element has failed.
  • Make an action plan. This is required for subsequent determination of the cost of the work, the list of necessary spare parts, and their prices.
  • Coordinate the execution of work with the customer. To do this, he needs to describe the essence of the problem, ways to solve it, the cost of the proposed and alternative methods, and possible risks.
  • Perform the necessary actions to restore the switch's functionality.

Quick restoration of the switch will minimize office downtime, so you should only contact trusted companies working in the field of IT technologies.

Each organization has different office equipment:

  • printers,
  • scanners,
  • copiers,
  • MFP,
  • faxes and other equipment.


equipment becomes unusable

, breaks down or becomes outdated. How to properly dispose of old office equipment? There are two options: simply take it out or take it to a landfill, or officially hand it over to a special organization for further disposal.

You can’t just throw it in a landfill!

According to Russian laws, disposal of large or small household appliances into landfills

punishable by a fine

.Individuals will pay 5 thousand rubles for such a violation, and legal entities will have to pay 200 thousand rubles. And it’s not so easy to throw away equipment that is on the company’s balance sheet. The only correct solution is to recycle the equipment.

How to test the switch yourself

Author: Sochi Auto Repair

The purpose of an automobile ignition system is to create a spark, which in turn ignites the fuel assembly and ensures efficient engine operation. The ignition system includes several rather complex components and the switch is one of them. How to check the car switch yourself?

Let's look at why it is needed, how it is checked and when it needs to be changed.

Device and principle of operation

Switch – Refers to the vehicle's electrical system. It is designed to ensure that the ignition system performs its functions normally.

This device is mounted inside the space under the hood. It is quite reliable and can work in conditions with high loads and strong vibrations. This is important because the switch contains electronic components inside that are sensitive to external influences.

The switch is based on a conventional L 497 circuit that controls an “NPN” transistor. The driver has the opportunity to set the desired delay time in this diagram, the correctness of which directly affects the quality of the cold start of the power unit.

Precise tuning allows you to increase the frequency at which the crankshaft rotates, eliminate dips and ensure good traction.

The main characteristics of the switch are as follows:

  • supported voltage range 6-16 V;
  • voltage – 13.5 V;
  • constant creation of a spark when the crankshaft rotates at 20-7000 rpm;
  • current 7.5-8.5 A.

What are the signs of a broken switch?

How to check the switch yourself? The disappearance of the spark is the most basic sign indicating that the switch has failed. In this case, problems arise when starting the engine; it begins to periodically stall and operates intermittently.

However, you should not rush to change it right away. You need to make sure that the reason for the loss of spark is due to problems with the switch, and not to other faults.

If the diagnostics show that the switch is the culprit of the failure, you need to check its operation. This is precisely where many people have problems, since the switch has a complex design.

How to test the switch yourself

Many car owners do not want to check the switch and replace the faulty unit with a new one. This option has certain advantages. First of all, you need to spend your time on diagnostics; you just need to install a new device. In addition, it helps to immediately find out whether the cause of the bad spark is actually related to it.

In fact, it only takes 2-3 minutes to check the switch and you can do it yourself, right in the garage. To do this, you only need a control lamp (12 V) and standard keys. To test the switch, you need to do the following:

  1. The first step is to disconnect the battery to avoid accidental short-circuiting of the unscrewed wires.
  2. Using a key set to “8”, unscrew the nut and disconnect the wire marked with the symbol “K” from the coil. It is easy to recognize, it is colored brown and fits into the clamp on the switch marked “1”;
  3. The disconnected wire should be connected using a test lamp to the ignition coil terminal marked “K”, then connect the battery;
  4. Now you should turn on the starter and monitor the behavior of the light bulb. The switch is working properly if it starts blinking. If the light does not light up, then the device should be replaced.

We told you how to check the switch yourself. If you have doubts about the operation of this unit, it is better to check it at a car service center using a specialized stand. This will help not only to find out whether the device is working or not, but also to find out the duration of the pulses.

Good luck!

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Primary documents for write-off of fixed assets

All activities of the enterprise are documented with primary documents. The write-off of a company's fixed assets is no exception. The forms of primary accounting documents are approved by the head of the economic entity. As for development, this is done by the person who does all the accounting. The Federal Law of the Russian Federation does not provide for the use of documents that are in the lists of unified forms. But when developing its own primary documents for accounting, a company can use unified forms approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation.

The meaning of the write-off procedure

Any NFA object of an organization may become unusable due to material or physical wear and tear, breakdowns and other factors. It makes no sense to continue to account for unusable fixed assets on the balance sheet. Objects that cannot be used in the future must be written off. Key accounting tasks in relation to accounting for non-financial assets:

  1. Control over property assets from the moment they come into the possession of the enterprise, for example, from the moment of purchase until the moment they are completely disposed of (written off) from accounting. The task is accomplished by conducting a systematic inventory.
  2. Timely calculation of material depreciation in monetary terms. Reliable reflection of transactions in accounting.
  3. Receive reliable information about the property status of an economic entity for the preparation of reliable financial and tax reporting.
  4. Calculation and payment of fiscal payments to the state budget in terms of taxation of the organization’s property.
  5. Control over the effective use of funds aimed at reconstruction, modernization and repair of the company's operating system.
  6. Supervision of the effective operation of facilities in the production cycle or core activities.

The standard procedure for writing off fixed assets does not allow all non-financial assets of a budget-funded institution to be removed from accounting. For some types of objects you will have to obtain special permission from the owner or founder.

What is harmful about old office equipment that ends up in a landfill?

Any electronic device, once in a landfill, becomes a time bomb . After all, the substances released by household appliances cause irreparable damage to the environment and human health. Let’s take a closer look at the environmental hazards office equipment poses:

  1. Computer technology.
  2. The decomposition period of a metal case in nature is more than 10 years.
  3. A plastic panel will take more than 500 years to decompose, releasing toxic substances throughout this time.
  4. PVC, a durable material from which the wires practically does not decompose in natural conditions.
  5. Boards, connectors, and circuits are made of metals that emit hazardous substances when in contact with the environment.
  6. Printers, scanners, copiers and other MFPs.
  7. Aluminum and iron oxide are the filling of seemingly harmless cartridges .
  8. The toner contains cyanide particles that can cause serious allergies and respiratory problems in humans.
  9. When heated, polystyrene plastic
  10. Electronic components contain chemicals, metals and compounds that, when exposed to different climatic conditions, release dangerous poisons.
  11. Faxes and telephones.
  12. Several hundred years is the decomposition period of a plastic case .
  13. The wires consist of polyvinyl chloride, which, when decomposed, releases chlorine, dioxins, etc.
  14. Chemicals and compounds included in boards and circuits are extremely dangerous for the soil and atmosphere.

Old office equipment rotting in a landfill can sit for several centuries, emitting hazardous substances and poisoning the soil and atmosphere. Environmental consequences will affect not only those living today, but also many future generations.

Alternative diagnostic methods

When there is no voltmeter on the dashboard, you can get out of the situation by doing everything yourself. To do this, you will need a 12 V light bulb and two meter wires with stripped ends. The diagnostic work flow diagram is as follows:

There is another simple and reliable way to identify a device malfunction. To do this, you need to install a known-good switch, start the car and check the functionality of the system in all modes. If the system is working normally, then the problem was precisely the failure of this device, and when the same failures occur, the switch has nothing to do with it.

The disadvantage of this method is that you need to have a spare working switch with you. While this is reasonable for long journeys in uncrowded areas, it is exotic for regular city trips.

Write-off of OS as a result of physical or moral wear and tear

Wear and tear can be physical - this can include the failure of equipment due to a long period of use.

Obsolescence can be moral - for example, computer technology often becomes obsolete, so companies write off obsolete computers and replace them with modern ones.

The write-off of OS due to wear and tear is recorded with the following entries:

Debit 01 subaccount “Disposal” Credit 01 - the original cost is written off;

Debit 02 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - accrued depreciation is written off;

Debit 91 Credit 01 subaccount “Disposal” - the residual value is written off.


More details in the table.

And finally, remember that when replacing a powerful switching transistor, it is important to pay attention to the quality of fixation of the part to the switch body. Many beginners make mistakes here or do not apply enough heat-conducting paste. As a result, the device cannot be repaired.

A characteristic feature of the car can be considered its rapid obsolescence, but long life. The most modern car today, in at least two years, will be inferior to other, newer cars with improved characteristics. But even now there are cars from the last century on the roads. Therefore, it is not just interesting, but sometimes necessary, to know at least in general terms what such vehicles are, their structure, features, including such a thing as a simple ignition switch, which significantly changed the capabilities of the car.

Examples of malfunctions of various equipment

The list of typical reasons for writing off computer equipment for this article was provided by Profit LLC.

Profit LLC has been operating in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region since 2005. The cost of work to assess the technical condition of fixed assets with the issuance of a write-off act starts from 250 rubles. for one piece of equipment .

Work with Customers under decommissioning and disposal agreements is carried out by the head of the technical department, Shorin Roman Viktorovich - tel. +7 (921) 352-88-88, E-mail

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to this article, we will definitely answer them.

Computer malfunctions for write-off

  • motherboard failure,
  • significant corrosion of printed tracks,
  • mechanical damage to elements,
  • hard drive is faulty
  • the controller has failed,
  • there are unreadable sectors on the surface,
  • the video card is faulty,
  • processor does not start,
  • the power supply does not start,
  • the pulse transformer has failed,
  • Computer repair is not advisable due to the incompatibility of computer components with modern software.

Printer faults for write-off

  • the power supply is faulty,
  • the power transformer has failed,
  • control board is faulty,
  • the carriage drive belt is torn,
  • broken carriage cable,
  • failure of the printer print head,
  • formatter board malfunction,
  • The motor of the cartridge carriage drive unit is faulty.

Monitor faults for write-off

  • loss of kinescope emission,
  • The switching power supply has failed,
  • the tracks on the printed circuit board are burnt out,
  • oxidation of contact groups,
  • line scan unit is faulty,
  • electrical breakdown of a line transformer,
  • matrix is ​​faulty,
  • failure of the inverter module,
  • malfunction of backlight lamps,
  • there are dead pixels,
  • control board is faulty,
  • the power supply starts up.

Laptop faults for write-off

  • microcrack on the motherboard,
  • the controller power circuit is faulty,
  • hard drive malfunction,
  • the controller has failed,
  • there are unreadable sectors on the surface of the hard drive,
  • the power supply burned out,
  • the pulse transformer has failed,
  • mechanical damage to the power connector, keyboard keys,
  • matrix damage,
  • burnout of the inverter board,
  • the inverter is faulty,
  • short circuit of the pulse transformer.

Reasons for writing off an electric kettle

  • the heating element has failed (broken circuits of the spiral),
  • the seal of the housing is broken,
  • Thermocouple and switch malfunction.

UPS faults for write-off

  • the inverter is faulty,
  • breakdown of power transistors,
  • failure of the pulse converter,
  • control board is faulty,
  • interturn short circuit in a transformer.

TV malfunctions for write-off

  • interturn short circuit in a line transformer,
  • the frame scanning unit is faulty,
  • broken filament of the kinescope,
  • line scan unit is faulty,
  • electrical breakdown of a line transformer,
  • switch board is faulty
  • interturn short circuit of the transformer in the power supply,
  • failure of the backlight lamp,
  • processor board defect,
  • oxidation of matrix control cable connectors.

Refrigerator faults for write-off

  • the compressor has failed,
  • the engine is faulty,
  • The radiator seal is broken,
  • door seals have dried out,
  • damage to freon pipes.

Air conditioner faults for write-off

  • the control unit has failed,
  • The power controller does not start,
  • the pump motor is faulty,
  • the tightness of the supply pipes is broken,
  • broken freon line circuits,
  • damage to heat exchanger radiators.

Scanner faults for write-off

  • the control board is faulty,
  • the control controller is faulty,
  • the carriage drive gearbox is faulty,
  • wear of gear teeth and shaft seats,
  • The scanning element is faulty.

Reasons for writing off a vacuum cleaner

  • the engine failed,
  • the tightness of the hoses is broken,
  • brush wear,
  • damage to the housing and rollers.

Reasons for decommissioning drills and screwdrivers

  • the engine failed,
  • rotor coil breakage,
  • gearbox is faulty
  • gears and drive shafts are worn out,
  • mechanical damage to the clamping mechanism.

Reasons for decommissioning a water heater

  • the heating element has failed,
  • open circuit of the heating element,
  • the control unit is faulty,
  • The seal of the housing is broken.

Reasons for decommissioning a heater

  • the heating element has failed,
  • The radiator seal is broken.

Cell phone malfunctions for write-off

  • The radio channel unit has failed,
  • oxidation of the processor board,
  • processor failure,
  • keyboard is faulty,
  • buttons sticking,
  • microphone is faulty
  • speaker is faulty
  • the display is broken,
  • mechanical damage to the screen matrix.

Malfunctions of a USB flash drive for write-off

  • is not recognized by the computer as a result of failure of the controller chip,
  • mechanical damage to the board,
  • oxidation of contact groups,
  • connector damage.

Reasons for decommissioning a plotter

  • Plotter power supply faulty,
  • control panel is faulty
  • failure of the controller board,
  • the ink supply system is faulty,
  • pump failure,
  • destruction of ink supply tubes,
  • the carriage drive unit is faulty,
  • print head failure,
  • failure of the plotter controller board as a result of ink getting onto the contact groups from a leaking cartridge.

Reasons for writing off the copier

  • the power supply is faulty,
  • failure of the high-voltage unit,
  • The thermoblock drive has failed,
  • wear of the Teflon and rubber shafts of the fuser block,
  • the heater drive motor is faulty,
  • wear of paper path mechanisms,
  • board is faulty
  • formatter board malfunction,
  • broken corotron filaments,
  • oxidation of microcircuits on the controller board,
  • failure of the interface board.

Reasons for writing off printing equipment

  • image transfer tape is worn out,
  • the power transformer of the power supply is faulty,
  • conveyor unit malfunction,
  • failure of the image forming unit,
  • deformation of the main drive shafts,
  • switch board is faulty
  • failure of the control controller.

Reasons for writing off a cartridge

  • the transfer unit is faulty,
  • shaft contacts are destroyed,
  • the axes of the magnetic shaft drive gears are broken,
  • the tightness of the mining bunker is broken,
  • the cartridge chip is faulty,
  • The contact group of the cartridge has failed.

Reasons for discharging the battery

  • the terminals of the contact groups have failed,
  • significant corrosion due to leakage of electrolyte,
  • the seal of the housing is broken,
  • the battery life has been exhausted,
  • increased self-discharge,
  • sulfation,
  • breakage and short circuit of plates.

Reasons for writing off a calculator

  • mechanical damage (keys sticking) to the keyboard,
  • the indicator is broken,
  • The controller board has failed,
  • indicator is faulty,
  • There is no backlighting for some elements.

Reasons for decommissioning a lamp

  • destruction of the lamp socket,
  • significant deformation due to heating,
  • the mounting bracket is damaged.

Reasons for writing off an exercise bike

  • the gearbox has failed,
  • gears and drive shafts are worn out,
  • broken axles,
  • significant deformation of the body,
  • failure of the control and indication board.

Reasons for writing off furniture

  • deformation of furniture elements as a result of moisture,
  • significant surface damage as a result of thermal overheating,
  • deformation of the seats of the connecting elements,
  • mechanical damage to hinges and damage to fastening points,
  • the appearance of a network of cracks on the surface,
  • wear of the fastening elements of the drawers and legs,
  • destruction of elements of supporting structures,
  • deformation of the seat and back,
  • gas lift malfunction,
  • wear of the piastres and the swing mechanism,
  • damage to the crosspiece structure.

Reasons for writing off fixed assets

Sale (sale) of fixed assets Read more: Write-off of fixed assets when they are leased

2.4.4. Reasons for writing off fixed assets.

Buildings, structures, machinery, equipment, vehicles and other property related to fixed assets can be written off from the balance sheet of an enterprise:

if they have become unusable due to physical wear and tear, accidents, natural disasters, violation of normal operating conditions and for other reasons;

in connection with the construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of enterprises, workshops or other facilities.

It is advisable to write off property related to fixed assets in cases where it is impossible to restore it or is not economically feasible, or if it cannot be sold.

To determine the unsuitability of fixed assets, the impossibility or ineffectiveness of their restoration, as well as to draw up the necessary documentation for write-off at enterprises, by order of the manager, permanent commissions are created consisting of:

Power check

In order for a spark to jump between the spark plug electrodes, the commutator capacitor must be charged from something. And it is charged either from a battery or from a generator. Means what? Right! We check whether power is supplied to the switch.

Before you start measuring power, let’s determine what type of switch is on your scooter. Visually, switches of the DC CDI type are twice as large as AC CDI. But this is not an exact criterion. The most accurate criterion is to look at the output of the high-voltage coil of the generator:

  • If it is not activated, it means that your scooter is equipped with a DC CDI type switch
  • If enabled, then vice versa - your scooter is equipped with an AC CDI type switch

The output of the high-voltage coil of the generator is located in the same place as the output of the generator itself: we are looking for where the wires coming from the generator are connected to the on-board network of the scooter and if one of the two wires with round terminals is not connected, then the coil is not activated

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