Why do you need a steering damper in a car: what it does and why it is important

  • Why do you need a damper on a motorcycle?
  • How to choose a damper for a motorcycle steering wheel
  • Cost of damper for motorcycles

In the modern world, there are motorcycles with various design features.
Many motorcycle models are far from ideal. After all, manufacturers cannot foresee everything. During the operation of the motorcycle, the owners themselves determine what should be added to their bike so that riding it is comfortable and safe, and so that it lasts for many years. The steering wheel plays an important role while driving. It is allowed to direct the movement of the vehicle along the way. However, in many motorcycle models, this part of the motorcycle equipment has its drawbacks, which consist in poor-quality fastening. For this reason, on the road the steering may fail and an accident may occur. Therefore, you should purchase dampers for your bike.

Steering damper for motorcycle

Riding a motorcycle attracts a large number of people.
It offers great possibilities for travel and general trips around the city. Riding fast can have a detrimental effect on the technical condition of any motorcycle. It leads to the fact that the steering wheel begins to become loose. As a result, the steering may fail. Therefore, it is necessary to use a damper on a motorcycle. It is available in various variants on the market. Motorcycle dealerships offer many options. Dampers for motorcycles are used in situations where:

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  • the driver knows for sure that he will squeeze maximum speed out of his motorcycle.
  • the driver is confident that he will take part in sports motorcycle competitions.
  • the driver sees that his steering is not working well.

In order for the damper to work properly and securely fix the steering, it must be installed correctly. This will make you feel comfortable and safe during the journey.

Installing the damper is an easy task. Any motorcyclist can handle it. For this purpose, detailed instructions are attached to each such product. It will allow you to securely fix the steering wheel so that it does not become loose while driving.

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Well, you are the proud owner of a motorcycle! Care for him, look after him. There is more and more experience, desires and needs are growing every day! There is a need to drive, to test your strength, trying to perform various “tricks”... and then a problem arises, the more you start to drive “restlessly”, the more you are faced with the problem of “sausage”. The motorcycle always “yaws”, only the magnitude of this yaw can be different and depends on many things: suspension geometry, road surface condition, speed, tire wear... The front fork and wheel together perfectly handle uneven surfaces, but the motorcycle suspension works exclusively in the vertical plane. And when hitting an uneven surface, a slight displacement of the wheel also occurs in the horizontal plane. All this is absolutely natural and always happens when the motorcycle is moving. When driving on an ideal surface, all these vibrations are so insignificant that the pilot simply does not feel them. After all, if the gyroscope effect did not force the wheel to return to the neutral position, then there would be no talk of any “hands-free” driving. But all this is so as long as you do not try to turn the steering wheel sharply, and as long as the motorcycle has the correct weight distribution along the axes. The gyroscope strongly resists attempts to change the position of the axis, which is what happens when the pilot turns the steering wheel. The gyroscope effect increases as speed increases, so the higher the speed, the more difficult it becomes to turn the motorcycle.

Common Applications

You can see a damper in action quite often; you just need to pay attention to the little things that will tell you that this is exactly the device.

Dampers of various types can become an indispensable component for measuring instruments and automatic regulators. With its help, you can significantly reduce the risk of current fluctuations, protect equipment from sudden increases in voltage, and much more.

The automotive industry has long been introducing dampers into various parts of the structure; without shock absorbers, the vehicle’s suspension will not last long, and the ride itself will seem unbearably stressful to both the driver and passengers.

Advantages and disadvantages of auto dampers

If you have not yet decided whether you need such a device or can do without it, you should familiarize yourself with their advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with the pros:

  • significant shock mitigation. The wheel axle is the first to take on the load when hitting road irregularities, but standard shock absorbers do not cope with their task completely and not always. A modern damper reduces the vibration force by about 30%, both in relation to the steering wheel and in relation to the engine. Obstacles such as tram tracks, slab joints, wide cracks in the road surface, and even speed bumps will be overcome much more smoothly;
  • Suspension knocks are always an unpleasant sound. Steering/engine dampers allow you to get rid of it, if not completely, then significantly;
  • Vibration of a car during heavy braking is also not a pleasant phenomenon, as is the case when accelerating above 100 km/h. It is also worth mentioning a similar phenomenon with deformed disks, in the absence of proper wheel balancing. Additional shock absorbers will eliminate this problem;
  • A steering damping device can improve vehicle handling when driving at above-average speeds.

But this node cannot be called ideal either, and here’s why:

  • When installing a damper on the steering wheel, at first you will have to get used to the “wobbiness” of the steering wheel, and it is far from a fact that you will come to terms with it;
  • the same can be said about the effort applied when rotating the steering wheel.

However, according to a statistical survey, over 80% of drivers who have installed additional shock-absorbing units on their cars are satisfied with their performance.

At the same time, there is a risk that you will fall into the opposite camp - every fifth car owner either did not feel the difference before and after installing the damper, or was dissatisfied with its performance.

Physics of the process

An important property of the damper

is a decrease in the quality factor of the oscillatory system to which it is connected.
The principle of operation of the damper
is the irreversible conversion of the energy it receives into heat or destruction of the material. For example, oil in the shock absorber prevents its parasitic vibrations after the wheel passes an obstacle. The oil heats up.

Very good damper

is sand: when it absorbs energy, grains of sand rub against each other (
heating occurs
) and are crushed (
mechanical destruction

Steering damper for motorcycle - luxury or necessity - opinions


A damper is a crutch that corrects problems in the geometry and frame.

On our ideal roads it’s just a crutch. Or a motorcycle with the right frame and weight distribution can avoid potholes in corners on its own.

The damper is a crutch that corrects the jambs of the geometry and frame. On the Ninza 250 - an anecdote.

  • Guests

An old worker at a very old cemetery.


The damper is a crutch that corrects the jambs of the geometry and frame. On the Ninza 250 - an anecdote.

I don’t agree with both points; this crutch prevents destabilization of the moto when in contact with uneven surfaces and during hard, high-speed transitions and changes in the road surface; the Ninja 250 is not a joke; no one has made ideal asphalt specifically for this moto in our country

And you need nitrous oxide too. I haven’t seen that they even bet on a penny. And a jumpsuit with a hump. And don’t forget the quick shifter.

Fastening and installation

The best method for installing a damper is to entrust the work to professionals. However, many car owners like to have their own hand in the process of improving personal transport. The damper is installed between the moving elements of the steering system and static, stationary parts of the overall structure such as a bridge, frame or body.

It is important to know that the degree of discrepancy between the axis of the device and the steering rod should be minimal. Compliance with this condition will allow the device to reveal its potential and protect the silent blocks from rapid wear.

New generation cars are already equipped with built-in mounts that make it easier to install the damper. However, models released before 2007 may not have these, which means additional work. In this case you will need:

  • make brackets for fixing the mechanism;
  • install mounts on the rod and damper;
  • coat the work area with an anti-corrosion agent;
  • check the device for restriction of steering wheel turns (there should be no deviations from normal operation);
  • carry out direct installation of the damper followed by anti-corrosion treatment.

This algorithm of actions involves welding work, which can negatively affect the integrity of the metal elements of the system. A safer option is to purchase a damper complete with fasteners, the system of which uses clamps.

Steering column damper, what is its purpose?

This option can be found in factory models of sportbikes, and on the race track you are unlikely to find a model without a damper. Cross-country motorcycles are also equipped with them. Someone will throw up their hands, saying - what, why?

A damper is a device that helps smooth out steering wheel vibrations. This is not a panacea for wobbling, but a useful gadget for short and nimble motorcycle models whose forks do not have much forward reach. Additional help for beginners who, in any incomprehensible situation, begin to either struggle with the steering wheel or distort it.

The principle of operation is close to the operation of shock absorbers; it is not for nothing that Damper is translated as “damper”. One part of the device is attached to a stationary part of the motorcycle, usually the frame. The second part is attached to the steering column, mainly to the yoke. Mounting options vary by manufacturer and model. Before buying a damper, you will have to spend a lot of time to choose the right one and not make mistakes with the fasteners. In any case, the vibrations of the steering wheel are transferred to the damper, which, as it were, absorbs it.

By structure there are:

  • Rod ones, they are also telescopic
  • Rotary
  • Spring
  • Adjustable
  • Not adjustable

Long forks are inferior to short forks in handling, but forks with greater offset and weight suffer less from shaking. Considering the wheels, which on choppers and tourists are much more massive than on sportbikes or cross-country bikes, the heavy steering base itself partially serves as a damper. The weight makes the bike more stable, allowing it to hold up more confidently when the handlebars shake.

Some motorcyclists complain that with the installation of a damper it has become more difficult to control the motorcycle, because the turning radius has increased and the steering wheel is less responsive. A standard complaint when the pilot has poorly configured the system or has not yet experienced it.

The damper is useful because it gives the pilot's hands a rest. Yes, this is exactly the case when you allow yourself the luxury of letting go of the steering wheel and straightening your stiff back, without fear that the axle will turn sharply due to minor shaking or unevenness of the road.

Damper calibration allows you to tune in to a specific driving pattern. The less the damper is tightened, the easier the motorcycle steers. Leaving the settings at minimum is a good choice when driving in dense traffic between rows or when pulling out of a parking lot, as an option when the road conditions are bad and low speed.

A tightly tightened damper takes away the freedom of sharp maneuvers, but they are not needed if you are going to burn a tank of gas and rubber on the track. Smooth movements are all you need. And the turbulence of light shaking will be absorbed by the installed system.

Moreover, the damper dampens shocks and twitches when the wheel hits light uneven surfaces. Of course, it won’t save a crossman when jumping over bumps, but these brave guys also don’t mind using rotary devices to make travel easier and the steering wheel doesn’t turn too much. By the way, it is rotary dampers that are gaining maximum popularity due to their survivability in case of motorcycle falls.

Justified claims of the urban rider will be grievances about the vulnerability of the rod structure during falls and the inability to find the optimal mode, in which it would be comfortable to quickly maneuver and completely extinguish the wobble. Alas, you will have to choose between freedom of movement of the steering wheel and fixations against shaking.

Engine damper

A damping device for damping vibrations of a power unit first appeared in tuning studios as one of the important attributes of sports cars. But, as often happens with many innovations used in motorsports, they gradually migrated to production cars. Today this is still a rarity, but finding a motor damper in the most seedy auto shop is no longer a problem.

It is well known that vibrations with maximum amplitude on the engine occur during gear shifts. This behavior is especially typical on high-speed engines installed in luxury and sports cars. This is largely facilitated by the aggressive driving style, when a sharp change in the amount of torque is followed by a “sharp” pressing of the clutch and an equally rapid gear change. The result in most cases is a very noticeable and at least unpleasant jerk. On a regular car in city mode, such switchings are rare, but on the race track this is quite an ordinary occurrence. Standard pillows are powerless against it, regardless of their design. In addition, frequent jerks accompanied by shaking provoke accelerated wear of the pillows. An engine damper helps to avoid all these troubles.

So if you are asked what an engine damper is, you can safely answer: it is a miniature additional shock absorber that functions exactly like its larger brother, and is tailored specifically for the power unit. That is, vibration damping occurs due to the fact that the rod, together with the upper mount, moves in a chamber filled with oil under decent pressure, according to an inverse exponential relationship: first quickly, and then rapidly slowing down.

The principle of installing engine dampers is the same for all models, although the size and shape of the mounts are slightly different. Typically, these devices are attached to the studs of the body cups, at the location where the support bearing is mounted. The upper end of the damper is fixed to the block, most often in the area of ​​the pillow.

When purchasing such a mini-shock absorber, you should take into account that they are manufactured focusing on a specific model or series, which allows you to take into account the parameters, shape, dimensions and features of the location of the motor. But you can also find universal products equipped with adjusting bolts that allow you to customize the damper to suit your needs.

Since installing a damper assembly is a one-time operation, it is best to do this at a service station. But if you want and have the appropriate skills, nothing prevents you from doing it yourself. The degree of rigidity is adjusted after installation in accordance with the individual preferences of the driver. The installation task is simplified if the kit includes fasteners - such kits are not uncommon.

How necessary it is to install a damping device on your car is up to you to decide. If the problem of vibrations practically does not bother you, if you are not a fan of tuning for the sake of tuning, then you shouldn’t bother buying and installing it. But when you often travel off-road, it’s worth considering.

Important! Before installing the engine damper, make sure that the cushions are in satisfactory condition. If this is not the case, it’s worth replacing them first - perhaps the shaking problem will go away immediately, and then installing a damper will not bring any tangible benefit.

Furniture industry

Any modern design is equipped with a damper, because with such a component things can become much more practical and convenient.

The device is specially designed for each furniture model, the size and load are adjusted. Doors in rooms can open smoothly, the knock from closing is smoothed out as much as possible thanks to such a modern device.

It is no longer possible to imagine flaps without furnished samples, because they not only prevent noise, but can also make use comfortable. All parts are made from high-quality materials, the service life is quite long if the item was produced taking into account technological requirements.

How to install?

Now that we know what device we are talking about, it’s time to figure out its implementation in the automotive system. You can install the damper on the steering rod with the help of specialists or yourself. Since the first method does not need a detailed description, let’s look at how to attach the damper with your own hands.

Most often, the steering damper is installed in the space between the moving rods. But often this device is mounted between the rod and the body. However, with this option you need to be careful. If the mechanism is fixed in a place where the body stroke reaches its maximum level relative to traction, the damper, due to the rigidity of its design, will slightly steer the car on bumps. This is an unacceptable defect.

When installing, make sure that the presence of the damper does not change the amplitude of rotation of the axes. It must remain the same, otherwise it will reduce the ability to control the vehicle.


So, now you are ready to equip your car with a damper. Let's get to work. First you need to take a corner that should be welded to the place where you decide to mount the device. There should be a hole on the corner for fastening.

We weld the same fastener to the rod. Let us remind you that you need to carefully select the welding location. The rod should continue to move freely after installing the damper.


After this we can install the damper. Each end is inserted into a mounting hole and secured there.

If you purchased a universal device, you will not have to weld anything additional. It is enough to attach the clamps.

We remind you that the device must be mounted as perpendicular to the draft as possible.


The Fastway damper from the American company PROMOTO Billet has as many as five adjustments.
You can adjust the resistance at slow and fast steering speeds, the resistance when returning to the center position, the angle of rotation at which the damper force is reduced, and the degree of reduction. Do you need that much? Yes, if instead of training you are carried away by fiddling with the settings. The Fastway damper from the American company PROMOTO Billet has as many as five adjustments. You can adjust the resistance at slow and fast steering speeds, the resistance when returning to the center position, the angle of rotation at which the damper force is reduced, and the degree of reduction. Do you need that much? Yes, if instead of training you are carried away by fiddling with the settings.

Without hesitation: install a steering damper

Single damper

a useful thing when you drive on sand. but if it can spin itself due to vibrations, jam it. etc. it's dangerous.

if the frame and wheels are straight - no need for it IMHO

Do you think the Italians are the most fools the world has ever seen? What the hell. On the 124th Fiat (VAZ-2101) they also added a rubber coupling to the driveshaft to the damper clutch disc, wasn’t it just for fun?

fools, of course, why was it necessary to install 4 wheels when you can get by with 2, well, in extreme cases, three? :))

Then there will be just one (a wooden one from a donkey cart).

Of course, it’s not needed, just like normal suspension and brakes

gee) it seems that not everyone understands what we’re talking about) on a single damper is dangerous! especially on the sand where you need to feel the steering wheel so well.

Do not confuse the steering damper with the damper in the transmission.

And who knows why a steering damper such as the one installed in the Urals is not only unnecessary, but also dangerous when used alone?

On a single wheel you tighten it a little tighter, it turns to the side and boom!!) it’s inconvenient to steer with it both on the sand and on the highway (

On a single driver, the friction damper is dangerous, it has been discussed a million times.

Yes, that's clear

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