Name three Soviet cars from World War II. This quiz question is easy to answer - a Polikarpov biplane, a T-34 medium tank and an M 72 (Dnepr-Ural) motorcycle. It was the M 72 that marked the beginning of the history of two cars - Dnepr and Ural motorcycles.
Soviet Dnepr Ural motorcycles with sidecars won the love of millions of people around the world. There were enthusiasts even in Vietnam! (photo of a Dnepr motorcycle with a sidecar)
Can any fan of military or classic motorcycles not hear the names M 72, K 750, Irbit, IMZ, Ural or Dnepr?
Impossible. Soviet cars with boxer engines are classics today, although they are still in production. For several years now, both Russians and Ukrainians. Russian motorcycles have tens of thousands of fans around the world, connected to hundreds of clubs. Many such clubs operate on other continents; these cars have enthusiasts even in Vietnam! What was the birth of this legend? To find out, we must go back in time.
History of motorcycles with sidecars, history of the Dnepr motorcycle
The history of Soviet motorcycles with sidecars began in 1938 in Germany. That's when the R 71 left the BMW factory with a 750 cc twin-cylinder engine equipped with a bidirectional engine. The Russians, who had just decided to modernize their army, immediately took this into account.
The official propaganda version says that in Sweden the 5 R 71 were bought by dummies, and designs and technologies were copied. The prototype Dnepr motorcycle was accepted by Stalin's comrade, and construction began.
The truth is completely different. On September 28, 1939, Soviet Foreign Minister Vyacheslav Molotov (real name Scriabin) signed a non-aggression pact with his German counterpart Joachim von Ribbentrop, which would become the fourth partition of Poland a dozen days later. Since Hitler, who intended to attack the country and then France, peace with Stalin was very necessary, he agreed to the terms set by Molotov.
The modern version of the Ural retained the shape of the front wing, but was significantly modernized externally (Ural Dnepr)
The modern Ural has retained the traditional shape of the front wing. Engineers are redesigning the Ural so they can produce up to 41 hp. In the Patrol version there is an additional trunk above the spare wheel. Thanks to the help of the Germans, production was quickly launched near Moscow, calling it M (Moscow) 72. Less than two years later, the Germans attacked their former allies. Like others, the motorcycle plant was moved beyond the Urals. On October 22, 1944, production of the M 72 resumed in the city of Irbit. A total of 9,999 of these vehicles went to the front, to the war. After the war, the plant was modernized and produced 30,000 units in 1950.
Group Club of motorcycle lovers URAL VKontakte
Club of motorcycle lovers URAL 05/31/2014 14:32:11
“Neptune's Day” Motorcyclists of the city of Primorsko-Akhtarsk, with the support of “Koldyri”, present a cheerful holiday with a theatrical, humorous-alcoholic performance, combining hangover parties and biker parties mixed with humorous competitions. Morning exercises with a physical trainer and a hunger specialist. Complete traditional frenzy on stage (holding a rock festival) with more than 30 groups with competitions and jokes. And accordingly, the sun, the beach and alcohol, which warms up a good mood. Venue: Primorsko-Akhtarsk. Dates: 1-2-3 August. Approximate schedule: August 1. Check-in for a traditional glass of cucumber from 16.00 We settle down or set up tents. 18.00 Welcome speeches on stage and the beginning of the festival. 18.30 Beginning of the rock festival with competitive warm-ups, libations for meeting and making acquaintances, caressing the sea and swimming (girls preferably topless) 1.00 End of the first day of the Rock Marathon and transition to DJ music. With the continuation of the disco until 3 am. Then the all-clear horn goes off and the stage falls asleep in anticipation of an explosive Saturday. August 2. 10.00 Climb the forge and begin the morning hangover with the hangover teacher. 11.00-14.00 Show program “In the kingdom of Drunken Glorious Neptune everything is p......!” , with competitions and entertainment on the beach. 14.00-16.00 Independent bathing and libations on the topic: “How great everything is today!” 16.00-1.00 Continuation of the Rock festival with competitions, jokes and gags from the presenters with a classic biker happy ending. 1.00-3.00 Farewell disco. August 3rd. We shed tears over the fact that all good things come to an end... We get a hangover or come to our senses with a rich soup, kebab or coffee... Parting. On the territory of the festival, food outlets and trade will take place from 16.00 on August 1 to 14.00 on August 3. Some food prices: Draft Beer on the festival grounds from 50 rubles per 0.5 liter. In addition to one-time buffets, there is a camp canteen on the festival grounds; upon arrival on Friday, you can purchase a subscription for: breakfast on Saturday - 150 rubles. ; lunch on Saturday – 250 rubles; dinner on Saturday – 150 rubles; breakfast on Sunday – 150 rubles; lunch on Sunday 250 rub. But in the canteen of the camp site, drinking alcoholic beverages is PROHIBITED! Rules of conduct on the festival grounds: STRICTLY PROHIBITED: - Smoking* -Drinking alcoholic beverages* -Swearing* -Being drunk and unkempt* -Music and loud sounds after 23.00* * Children under 18 years old. For everyone else, please follow the ban: on making fires from the Ministry of Emergency Situations (boiling water is free in any quantity in cafes); for the movement of cars around the festival territory (we park cars in the designated parking lot at the entrance); to drunken, motiveless riding around the festival area on motorcycles and a negative attitude towards each other. Hope for your understanding. The cost of visiting the festival, regardless of the day of arrival: - A girl driving a motorcycle is free. — Motorcyclist – 300 rub. -Car driver + parking – 400 rub. -Pedestrians/passengers - 350 rubles. At the base there are wooden panel houses “a la the 80s” consisting of two entrances with amenities on the street. In each entrance there is a common hall for four rooms (one for 2 people, two for 3 people, and one for 4 people) accommodation in houses - 600 rubles for 2 nights. If you do not buy out the entire room, then there will be a move-in. Reservations for cabins begin on June 1st. For those arriving on Friday - payment upon arrival. Places from Saturday to Sunday are booked in advance (300 rubles) by transferring money to the card number sent to you in response to your request. You can also stay in the private sector 4 kilometers from the festival. But even after the end of the festival, those who wish can join us on a trip to dolmens - 1 day overnight in tents, waterfalls - 1 day overnight in tents, swimming in mud volcanoes - 1 day and to Taman to continue the holiday. Koshara reservation telephone Telephone for cooperation, advertising and other business relations, sponsorship, etc. Frolych
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After World War II
On September 26, 1945, by order of the People's Commissar of Mechanical Engineering No. 2435-635S, the armored weapon repair plant No. 8 in Kyiv was transformed into a motorcycle production plant. The K-1B model was initially manufactured here, and in 1952 production of the M 72 began, which was modified a year later (M 72N - rear swingarm instead of slider, aluminum drums). This was a transitional version - the K 750 was released in 1958 with revised suspension and other minor changes. The Kiev plant produced the famous “Kanka” with various modifications (including short rocker arms at the front) until 1967. At the same factories, in 1963-1977, a version of the K 750M (with various modifications) was also manufactured for the army.
The scale of Ural production was colossal: the Kiev plant produced more than 1,500,000 vehicles for the army alone, and Irbit has already produced about 3.2 million motorcycles (Dnepr motorcycle photo)
Meanwhile, at the Irbit plant in 1960, an “adapter” was produced - M 61 with an overhead valve engine of 650 cm 3. A year later, the Dnepr M 62 motorcycle model appeared with a new frame and suspension, which was called the Ural. At the same time, production of the M 72 was completed. In 1963, the Urala M 63 was released with a new engine, the power of which increased from 28 to 32 hp. Factories in Kyiv also developed a 650 cm 3 valve engine.
For the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution (1967), the Ukrainian plant produced the K 650 Dnepr, designated MT 8. In 1971 it was replaced by the Dnepr 9, and in the next three years - the Dnepr 10, in which 12 -volt installation replaced 6-volt, and power increased to 36 hp. In the same year, factories in Irbit produced the Ural M 67, also with a 12 V installation and a 36 hp engine. At that time, a military version with a drive for the basket was produced in Kyiv, which was called "Dnepr 12", with a K 750M engine, frame and suspension from the MT 10. In 1980, "Dnepr 11" received a 32-horsepower engine, and "Dnepr 16" – drive for the basket.
The 1980s were the swan song of the “real” Urals and Dnieper with a sidecar. The plant in Irbitsa was partially privatized in 1992, and in 1998 it was completely privatized. To be in harmony with history, it should be added that the Ural plant also used the names Irbit or IMZ for its work in different historical periods and in different markets. As for the scale of production, the Kiev plant produced more than 1,500,000 vehicles for the army alone, and Irbit has already produced about 3.2 million Dnepr and Ural motorcycles.
Original – BMW R-71
In 1939-1940, partly based on the R-71, an overhead valve engine was built, and this is how the R-75 was built, which went down in history as the “Sahara.”
The Germans prepared for war and reorganized the industry in 1938 to meet its needs. That's when BMW introduced three new two-cylinder models - the R-51, R-61 and R-71. The last two differed only in capacity. Both (equipped with a sidecar) could be found on all fronts of the Second World War. In 1939-1940, partly based on the R-71, an overhead valve engine was built, and this is how the R-75 was built, which went down in history as the BMW “Sahara”. On the other hand, the R-71 became a legend thanks to its second incarnation - as the Soviet M 72.
How are the Ural and Dnieper driving? Dnieper and Urals differences
A motorcycle expert once called the M 72 a sports version of the T-34 tank. Subsequent miners, despite the best versions, have approximate properties. However, there are motorcyclists who use the Ural and Dnieper without a sidecar.
The Ural may not be the most reliable motorcycle, but it will definitely give you driving pleasure (photo of the Dnepr motorcycle)
However, I highly recommend riding a Russian motorcycle with a sidecar because that's what they were made for. When a person understands what and how, it’s great. Especially when you have reverse gear. For example, winter driving on a snow-covered field provides unforgettable impressions. When it comes to travel issues, the stroller can fit the luggage of three people.
Today I finished the story about the spring trip of a team of Czechs and Slovaks on new Ural motorcycles from Irbit to Brno. During their stay in the glorious city of St. Petersburg, they invited our Club to pay a return visit to one of their regular meetings. We didn’t have time for the summer one, having prepared at Mukse’s, which locdog told us about at BP, but we couldn’t miss the autumn one. The story is under the cut. In the spring of 2014, during the Pro Ural Za Ural motorcycle rally (Irbit-Brno) organized by the Czech SovMotCentre, a group of Czech and Slovak brothers and sisters stopped by. The meeting was very interesting and fun. The focus of the meeting was to test the tradition of consolidating handicraft modernizations of motorcycle parts at the international level. Since St. Petersburg became for the guests a kind of border between the titanically difficult section of the journey through the wild Urals and the finish line, the travelers allowed themselves to relax a little. As a result, our new friends invited our Club to the Czech Republic for the next convention. It was impossible not to go, especially considering the Club’s obligation to deliver to the Czech Republic a symbolic bottle of friendship with a magic drink, which our friends unintentionally endowed with political meaning in the development of international relations.
We accepted the challenge together! Moreover, delivery of the bottle, as a fact, greatly simplified our task, since delivering the bottle is not difficult, and having delivered, we received the rest automatically: a strong friendly connection with the European distribution of our favorite motorcycle, new friends and like-minded people.
The props were completed and we hit the road.
A small digression: The first active season became extremely active for the Club. The number of events that required our presence and active participation was greater than the number of members capable of providing it. But we could not jeopardize the planned trip to our Friends. Therefore, we had to complete the mission with a small number of people and literally urgently. The decision was made to fly by plane. Straight from Friday's event to Saturday's Czech event, with the goal of returning for Sunday's event, organized in furtherance of the charitable mission of our MUKS Rally rally. The schedule was incredibly stellar, the logistics were tight: motorcycles to the airport, two planes there, a rented gelding, a new Ural kindly provided by Pavel, a plane back, motorcycles and here we are again at the St. Petersburg Spit. Very fast, but so rich... And so, everything is ready. With you: club uniforms, serious faces, a holy bottle and documents with a bunch of government money. Once!!! And we are there. The strike group, which included Don (president) and Vicar (nomad), successfully completed a responsible task and did not disgrace the honor of the Club at the international meeting of motorcycle sidecar enthusiasts, which was also attended by motorcycle clubs and simply uralists from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria and others in the vicinity of the village of Rozrani, located near Brno. There was also the general distributor of IMZ in Europe (Gary from Austria) and the Czech distributor Pavel (SovMotTsentr), who was well known to us, who actually organized this wonderful holiday. We also met the president of the Slovak Ural Club, also Pavel, with whom we have been friends “by correspondence” for a long time, but we just can’t meet. Just like with Aare from the Finnish club Ural-Roika, who got into a small accident shortly before our Muksa, where the “hot Finnish guys” arrived in an orderly column of a dozen strollers of different years of production, but in excellent condition, accompanied by a safe “penny”. To say that the reception was warm is to say nothing. We were accepted as best friends and there was no physical opportunity to drink everything that was poured for us. It was obvious that Pavel Kuchera, with the direct participation of members of his beautiful and bright family, brought all the brightest and kindest things to the holiday they organized. His daughters and beautiful wife were like pearls and everyone was happy with them.
According to our observations, the attitude of European wheelchair riders towards their brothers from Russia is clearly positive and no recent political events have left their mark on the brotherhood of motorcyclists. Czechs and Slovaks are actually Slavs and speak almost the same language with us... The congress was held in the open air and in a friendly, informal, one might even say family atmosphere. Participants gathered in a tent camp near the SovMotCenter on Friday and the celebration continued until Sunday. A motorcycle with a sidecar in those parts is perceived primarily as a means of family recreation, and therefore many came with their wives, children, and dogs. We have never seen so many aunties and grandmothers on motorcycles.
The two main events of the congress are traditionally the motorcycle race and the beer relay. The motorcycle race was a 40-kilometer cross-country race through picturesque hills and forests around the camp with elements of orienteering and games - participants received a blind map and had to use it to find control points and complete various fun tasks in them.
With a minimal sports component, it turned out to be an excellent collective motorcycle ride. Of course, friendship won! We took part in passing a part of the route outside the classification on a “3rd edition” injection Ural kindly provided by our Czech friends (yes, they already drive them there!). It should be noted that the car is simply a beast and dramatically surpasses all previous Ural models in terms of traction, convenience and control control. It was fun.
The traditional beer relay between the Urals and the Dnieper was organized on a “firefighting” theme and consisted of a lot of running around and tasks such as: rolling up a hose, connecting taps, transporting a friend in a wheelbarrow and similar simple actions, in which movement coordination was of no small importance. Despite the apparent simplicity of the tasks, the relay race turned out to be a serious test for the participants, each of whom had to drink a bottle of beer in one gulp before the start of their stage. This year the Dnepr team won. We did not take part in the relay race, and yes, against the backdrop of extremely strained political relations, it would not have symbolized the confrontation between the fraternal peoples of the countries producing the Urals and Dnieper, but it was still fun.
In the evening there was also live music, a big fire, a lot of delicious meat and beer and a lot of friendly communication. We talked to many interesting and amazing people: seasoned singles, cool couples and families. Positive, optimistic, courageous and very different, but clearly united by an inextricable bond. We believe this connection is a love of travel and a love of motorcycles with side trailers. Surprisingly, this is where we saw her. Here, not in Russia. But that is another topic.
Separately, it is worth mentioning our own service workshop and a local distributor’s store located (of course, purely by chance in the same village - on the shelves there are almost all spare parts and accessories for most Soviet and Russian motorcycles and, of course, all spare parts for the Urals at very reasonable prices, and also literature and tools. The suspicion that initially crept into our heads that motocross was organized specifically in order to break as much equipment as possible of the participants and, thus, provide cash for the store, fortunately was not justified. The organization of the route and traffic safety was at its best and that’s all the cars arrived at the camp under their own power, without injuries or incidents. Everyone was satisfied and happy. Not a single gloomy and important face, and this is the same distinguishing feature of this holiday from many that we have been to. New friends! Thank you for the new pack of invitations , and we are waiting for you in Russia! Jana and Jirka, you are cool and a great example for the entire Ural family. Good luck to you and have time to travel around the few places you have not been to in your Urals!
Dear friend! Thanks for the treat of the power plant! It struck our president on the spot. It’s good that he had enough personal strength to fall on his way back. That was hard. Unfortunately, we did not have time to use your gift, but we appreciated your friendly disposition towards us. Come. We will be glad. We also thank Harry, the Austrian distributor. We talked a lot and established our positions. Everything that was speculation has become clear. Thank you and Pavel for your impeccable and active participation in the development of the Ural family.
Of course, it would not have happened without exchanging souvenirs. The flag of our Muksa is no longer only in Finland, but also in the Czech Republic. It was strange, but nice to receive books in my native language as a gift. General conclusions: 1. European distribution is completely different from Russian. To say that it does not exist in Russia is not correct. But much more can be said. 2. It makes practical sense to promote the Ural as a family motorcycle, and not just as the only motorcycle in the world with a sidecar that can go anywhere. 3. In the Czech Republic (and of course Slovakia) they truly love the Urals and there are many enthusiasts who are ready to support interesting endeavors. 4. In those parts we have friends who are ready to help in trouble and share joy. 5. All European members of the Ural family support each other and interact closely. Participate in the opening of club cells and in each other’s events. This is not the case in Russia. 5. OOMK URAL is known and undoubtedly respected in Europe.
Practical conclusions: 1. You can and should go to all subsequent SovMotCenter events with a strike team in wheelchairs and not return without prizes. 2. Already this year, we can realistically begin organizing a motorcycle expedition in central and eastern Europe to strengthen our international ties. 3. European distributors have removed the last doubts regarding the speculation “who is who” on the Russian site of the Urals, swept away all the “flies” and now it’s time to maximally intensify our activities on the first statutory task, supporting true lovers of the Urals, people and organizations who are selflessly and sincerely trying in the name of the brand and brand, such as Pavel (Czech Republic) and Harry (Austria). And many others. We will also support any undertakings and those who have calmed down today, occupying an “exclusive bump” in the sales and service chain, if their undertakings are good and in the name of the Ural brand first, and then their own brand. 4. Prepare and send the most powerful delegates to the 14th Congress in order to, as part of an international team, take away the challenge cup from Dnepr - it should definitely belong to Ural. A trip to the Czech Republic is an excellent sign of the first active summer season of the URAL motorcycle club!
URAL to everyone!!!
z.y. Guys, Don, Vicar, you are great!
Don't buy these motorcycles!
When it comes to vintage, experts recommend Dnepr and Ural before 1985. New spare parts from the Kyiv plant also do not provide any quality guarantees. Copies made in the years after 1993, when Ukraine and Russia separated the customs border and Kyiv was cut off from some employees, should be especially avoided. However, the quality of Ural production was at its worst at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, when financial problems arose after the transformation of the Irbit plant. Criteria such as the reliability of modern “Japanese” should not be applied to these motorcycles. But you can have fun driving them. And if someone has difficulty with mechanics and minor repairs, with these machines you can quickly learn everything you need.
Video motorcycles Dnepr and Ural: