Wiring diagram IZ Jupiter 3, legends of the domestic motorcycle industry

We would like to note right away that motorcycles of the IZH family were the most democratic and affordable form of transport in the 80s, which gave freedom of movement to many young men and adult men. In those years there was no Internet or cable TV, so wiping your pants on the couch was unfashionable . But the wiring diagram for the IZH Jupiter 3 was read to the gills by these same young men, which many adult aunts and uncles recall with nostalgia today.

Legend in factory configuration

How to set up the ignition on an Izh Jupiter

For all Izhovods, there comes a time when their dear and beloved Izh breaks down.
And we fix it and fix it. Not very experienced Izhovods may not know how to adjust the carburetor, change clutch discs, change the piston, or adjust the ignition. In this article we will look at how to properly configure the ignition on an Izh Jupiter. If you have a fault with the ignition, they say it has gone wrong, the engine is not running well, the muffler or carburetor is shooting. It’s not a fact that it’s the ignition, it’s possible that it’s spark plugs, low-quality gasoline, or high-voltage wires, a high-voltage cap or bobbin. First, make sure that all of the above reasons are working properly and only then start adjusting the ignition. You need to start adjusting the ignition from the right cylinder, because The contacts of the right cylinder are located on the large breaker platform. Therefore, it will not be possible to set from the left cylinder. First, you need to set the gap on the breaker cams to 0.4 - 0.6 mm, use a feeler gauge for this. By turning the crankshaft by the armature bolt on the upper breaker (of the right cylinder, since it is located on the larger area of ​​the breaker 6, as shown in the figure), set the maximum opening of the contacts, loosen the bolt 5 and use the eccentric 4 to set the correct gap. After this, fix this gap by tightening bolt 5. In the same way, set the gap on the lower breaker (left cylinder). It is convenient to do all this by first unscrewing the spark plugs from both cylinders. Start setting the ignition timing of the right cylinder by screwing in the indicator that is included in the tool kit instead of a spark plug, or for very precise people you can do it by eye, which thread is used to catch the top dead center (TDC) with a screwdriver. Set the tick marks on the indicator so that the arrow at TDC is at zero. Lower the piston to an interval of 2.4-2.6 mm below top dead center by turning the crankshaft armature bolt counterclockwise. Unscrew screws 2, 3, 7, 8, hook up a 12 volt light bulb, one to ground, the other to the wire that goes to the cam, turn on the ignition, start setting the contact opening by turning the base 6. When the cams open, the light bulb will start to light. You need to catch this moment very precisely. And tighten bolts 2 and 7 to fix this set advance. Set the ignition timing of the second cylinder in the same way, only now turn the base plate 1. Try to set the ignition timing equally on both cylinders. Happy setup :-)


Main disadvantages

All modifications were marked with a quality mark and were generally reliable. Owners of equipment made at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant were given headaches by:

  • A weak generator, the power of which was not enough to power all electrical appliances at night.
  • An ignition system made according to a separate circuit for each cylinder. In general, it is quite reliable, but setting the ignition evenly on the Izh Jupiter 3 is not an easy task.
  • The electrical wiring is not of entirely satisfactory quality. Owners of new cars often complained that the wires were mixed up at the factory.

Nevertheless, the popularity of the model was great, and if anything stopped potential buyers, it was the fairly high price. Over the course of a year, the plant produced over 250,000 cars that went on public sale. The successful design became the basis for the creation of the following modifications, the latest of which was Izh Jupiter-5.

How to properly configure the ignition of Izh Planet 5

You can learn more about the process of setting up the system using a micrometer device from this video (the author of the video is the channel Dmitry Maymeskul).

It is best to produce and regulate the ignition of the Izh Planetka using a special tool that was once included in the factory kit of each individual model. If you do not have such a tool, use an ordinary caliper.

What will you need to set up the launch system on Izh Planetka 5? The following tools will be useful to you:

  • probe, as it is also called a light bulb, operating on 12 volts with two wires;
  • depth gauge (vernier caliper);
  • special feelers for accurately measuring gaps.

To properly install the Izh Planetka ignition, you first need to remove the cover from the generator. If necessary, for convenience it is possible to unscrew the right cover on the crankcase.

Next, to adjust the ignition of Planet 5, you should alternately perform the following steps:

  • turn the crankshaft clockwise without performing a high-quality setting of the moment when the breaker opens very much;
  • loosen the bolt slightly, immediately turning the eccentric;
  • set the required gaps (0.4. 0.6 mm);
  • tighten the bolt again;
  • and again turning the crankshaft clockwise, set the piston to the TDC mark;
  • turning the crankshaft in the opposite direction, place the piston 3.3.5 mm to the TDC mark;
  • loosen the bolts;
  • set the beginning of contact opening;
  • tighten the bolts again and turn on the ignition of Planet 5.

Post-war breakthrough

During the period of hostilities, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant was focused on the production of machine guns and small arms. The revival of the motorcycle industry began almost immediately after the Victory, in 1946. According to the law on reparations, drawings and equipment from German factories were delivered from Germany to Izhevsk, which gave a powerful impetus to development. A new design bureau was created at the enterprise, and preparations began for the production of a new model of the IZH-350 motorcycle, the design was based on the German model DKW-350.

The prototype of the German industry was adapted to Soviet requirements and the capabilities of related production. The assembly of IZH motorcycles began at the arms factory. From this moment on, the Izhevsk Motorcycle Plant became the leader in motorcycle production in the Soviet Union.

Required Parts

In order for the ignition system to work correctly, a number of auxiliary parts are required. They are listed below:

  • Switch for BSZ VAZ cars. You should not choose exclusively from the low price segment. The Astro switch has a lot of positive reviews;
  • Hall Sensor. The best option for Jupiter 5 is a similar manufacturer VAZ. By purchasing it in branded packaging, you protect yourself from counterfeits;
  • Ignition coil with two terminals. You should choose between the gazelle engine number 406 or Oka with an electronic ignition system;
  • A pair of silicone armor wires with rubber caps;
  • The modulator is a butterfly-shaped plate made of iron.


The most difficult stage is the production of the modulator

It is important to maintain the required shape. The more reliably the required dimensions are observed, the lower the likelihood of problems occurring after implementing the system, that is, there will be no need to adjust it using a file

The ignition timing must match on any cylinder used.

The bolt hole must be located in the middle. Otherwise, the engine operation will not be synchronized. It is also recommended to check the integrity of the crankshaft bearings. If you find defects, you should immediately replace it.

The contact ignition is not able to work normally if the bearings are damaged. The thickness of the part should not exceed one and a half millimeters. If it is thin, it will not be possible to avoid deformation, and if it is thick, it will come into contact with the surface of the hall sensor housing.

To create the plate, it is allowed to use any material except steel. Aluminum and others should not be used as they are not magnetic. The drawing that must be followed can be found in the public domain. The presented diagram will be useful to those people who decide to modernize the vehicle ignition device. Below are methods for installing electrical ignition devices in Jupiter. It must be turned by a professional turner. He will make a simple disk and draw on it the markings of elementary distances between the corners. Then, in accordance with it, you will cut out the necessary sectors at home. The cost of the modulator is seventy rubles.

It is not advisable to use an ordinary plate, since its width is less than twelve millimeters. This will not be enough to fully accumulate the energy resource in the coil. Of course, it can be installed, but achieving four thousand revolutions per minute will become impossible.

In addition to the above you will need:

  • A stud with an applied thread of seven millimeters, pitch 1, as well as a pair of nuts with washers of the corresponding parameters. The priority material for these components is brass. This is explained by the least magnetization of the plate from the generator rotor. If you use a standard bolt, then difficulties may arise with the implementation of the ignition. The bolt tends to follow the modulator as it is tightened. However, it is necessary to observe the leading indicator, maintain the same position of the rotor and modulator, and tighten the bolt. It is advisable to use a pin, since many are not able to perform all the necessary actions in total;
  • A set of wires with connectors for ignition without contact from VAZ. This part can be purchased or made with your own hands.

Features of electrical equipment

Models of IZH motorcycles are as unified as possible. The wiring diagram for IZ Jupiter 2 is not much different from later versions of the IZ motorcycle. There are external differences. For example, the Planet 5 bike has one cylinder, and the Jupiter 5 has two.

The first 12-volt motorcycle was the IZH Jupiter 4. The wiring diagram for the IZH Jupiter 5 and the wiring diagram for the IZH Jupiter 3 differ in components.

The bike of the fifth Jupiter has a contact SZ, which is powered by a battery, so the operation of the vehicle is highly dependent on the state of charge of the battery.

If charging is insufficient, the following problems occur:

  • the motor runs intermittently;
  • the engine starts with difficulty;
  • At low speed the battery is discharged.

These problems can be eliminated by switching to BSZ. Any electrician can handle this task (the author of the video is Viter Electronic).

How to make the transition to contactless SZ?

To switch to contactless SZ, motorcyclists use parts from other motorcycle models. When upgrading the generator set, the wiring of the IZH Jupiter 5 remains unchanged. Minor alterations concern the electrical circuit of the IZH. After changes, the battery is used to service auxiliary equipment. To switch to BSZ, parts are taken from Planet 5 and the VAZ 2108 car.

The following changes are being made to the electrical circuit of IZH:

  • install 2 Hall sensors from the eighth VAZ model;
  • 2 VAZ electronic switches must be connected to the sensors;
  • each of the cylinders serves a commutator-sensor pair;
  • You need to add two more ignition coils to the circuit.

On the electrical circuit of the IZH motorcycle, the components are marked with numbers:

  1. Spark plug.
  2. Ignition coils from Planet 5.
  3. Switches.
  4. Hall sensors.
  5. Egnition lock.
  6. Battery.

For the created ignition system, it is necessary to modify the IZ Jupiter 5 generator, the circuit of which will not require major changes.

How can I modify the generator?

The presented modernization option is advantageous in that it does not require the purchase of a new generator that will service the new ignition system.

Recycled generator design

All you need to do is follow these steps:

  • make a modulator-breaker of an electrical circuit;
  • install a breaker on the rotor shaft or generator.

You can create a modulator with your own hands. To do this, you need to take a metal plate and drill a hole in it for the fastening bolt. The manufactured part will serve as a modulator-chopper.

Homemade modulator for interruption

The modulator is connected as follows:

  • install the modulator plate (2) and tighten it with the bolt (3), but not all the way;
  • by rotating the crankshaft, you need to ensure that the piston is at top dead center;
  • Next you need to set the ignition timing;
  • Now you can tighten the mounting bolt on the plate.

Hall sensors (1) are installed together with the modulator.


In order to improve the filling of the cylinders in both engines, the flow sections of the windows have been changed and the valve timing has been increased. This is clearly visible in Fig. 2. where the cylinder developments are presented. The IZH-Jupiter 3 engine uses a two-jet purge scheme, rather than a four-jet one. as it was on IZH-Yu2.

Rice. 2. Cylinder scans: on the left 2a - IZH Jupiter 3, on the right 2b - IZH Planet 3. The dotted line shows the windows of the IZH-Yu2 and IZH-P2 engines, respectively.

The thermal regime of engines of previous models, especially IZH-Yu2, was quite intense. Because of this, if the ignition or carburetor adjustments were violated, detonation sometimes occurred, the piston jammed, and the exhaust pipes darkened. To reduce the thermal stress of new engines and eliminate unpleasant consequences, the cylinders and heads were equipped with more developed fins, and on the Jupiter 3 model, in addition, the length of the exhaust channel in the cylinder was increased. Now the exhaust gases entering the exhaust pipe have a lower temperature.


The owner can independently perform some maintenance procedures:

  • check the motorcycle generator if the battery loses charge;
  • set the gap between the breaker contacts;
  • adjust the quality of the sound signal.

The need to inspect and adjust the wiring arises if:

  • the motorcycle moves in the rain for a long time, as this causes oxidation of the contacts;
  • a motorcyclist rides in an area with a lot of vegetation that damages wiring;
  • The driver rides in snow in winter, which can stick to electrical wiring parts and damage them.

Self-check of the Planet 5 motorcycle generator in case of loss of charge

The cause of loss of charge in the IZH Planet 5 battery is most often a breakdown of the generator.

To check it yourself you need:

  • multimeter device;
  • straight screwdriver.

Step-by-step instruction

The following steps must be followed:

  1. Disconnect the wires from the battery and remove the generator cover.
  2. Disconnect the top 5 wires from the generator, first unscrewing their fastenings. In order not to mix up the wires during assembly, it is worth marking them.
  3. Measure the winding resistance using a multimeter in ohmmeter mode. To do this, you need to touch the body with one probe, and the other should be connected in turn to the 3 wires of the winding. There should be no short circuits, as indicated by the inscription on the multimeter screen.
  4. Test the resistance between the stator contacts: you need to touch them one by one with the multimeter probes. The value on the screen should be 8 ohms.

The presence of a short circuit in the 3rd stage or a discrepancy in the indicators in the 4th will indicate problems with the generator.

Photo gallery: stages of checking the IZH Planet 5 generator in case of loss of charge in pictures

How to correctly set the gap between the contacts of the breaker?

In order to set the gap between the breaker contacts, you will need:

  • straight screwdriver;
  • wrench 10;
  • candle key;
  • probe 0.4 mm thick (+/– 0.05 mm).

Next, you need to follow the steps sequentially:

  1. Place the motorcycle on a stand and place the gearbox in neutral.
  2. Remove the right crankcase cover and unscrew the spark plug.
  3. Using a 10mm wrench, grab the generator rotor mounting bolt and turn the crankshaft to a position where the contacts are as far apart as possible.
  4. Loosen the screw securing the contact.
  5. Place the probe between the contacts and adjust the tightening of the eccentric screw until the probe passes the contacts with little resistance.
  6. Tighten the contact fixing screw.

Photo gallery: adjusting the gap between the breaker contacts

Troubleshooting the audio signal and improving signal quality

Poor sound signal quality is mainly caused by improper adjustment.

The following tools will be needed for setup:

  • wrench 7;
  • a simple screwdriver.

Step-by-step instruction

To adjust, do the following:

  1. Loosen the locknut with a wrench.
  2. Turn on the ignition.
  3. Press the button to turn on the sound signal.
  4. Adjust the sound by rotating the adjusting screw.
  5. When the desired result is achieved, tighten the locknut.

The road version of the IZH Planet 5 motorcycle differed favorably from other domestic analogues by the use of an oil pump, which made it possible to abandon the scheme for pre-mixing fuel with oil.

In addition, subsequent modifications were distinguished by their contactless ignition system, independent of the battery, and modified kinematics.

  1. To set the motorcycle in motion “from the pusher” - by turning on the ignition, the owner engaged second gear and, using his own efforts, pushing the motorcycle forward, started the engine;
  2. Operation without a battery was possible during daylight hours (a battery was still required for the side lights and headlights to operate).

Structural nuances

It is worth noting that the model from the designers of the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant was at one time considered one of the most modern. The developers introduced a new body into the modification, modernized the engine and implemented the best developments in the field of creating two-cylinder “iron horses”.

Considering that a completely new anti-vibration system and a fundamentally different fuel tank configuration were mounted on the old frame, the bike in question became a real breakthrough in the segment of domestic two-wheeled motorized equipment. A more powerful multi-disc clutch can also be considered an advantage of the model.

The Izh Jupiter-4 vehicle, the characteristics of which are given above, has received an updated shock absorption system and electronic equipment. The last node is very similar to the analogue used in the legendary sports version “Planet-Sport”. It is from this variation that the battery and most other elements related to electrical equipment, including the generator and coil, were borrowed.

Setting up contact ignition on Izh Jupiter - 5

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to set up contact ignition on this device:

  1. Align the piston of the desired cylinder: - insert a screwdriver into the cylinder - rotate the crankshaft while holding the screwdriver
  2. Take a ruler and place it next to the screwdriver.
  3. Rotate the crankshaft, holding the screwdriver down with your finger so that it is level. We find a dead point.
  4. Turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction (1.5-2 mm).
  5. A spark is generated when the cam opens, locate the two adjusting bolts.
  6. Take a light bulb with two contacts, connect one to ground, the other to the contact.
  7. Turn on the ignition switch.
  8. You need to find the moment when the light comes on (the moment it lights up, the start occurs), and when it goes out, the contact closes on the contrary.
  9. Turn off the ignition, do and adjust the same with the second cylinder

Technical specifications

  • Overall length 2,115 mm
  • Overall width 780 mm
  • Overall height 1,025 mm
  • Wheelbase 1,400 mm
  • Ground clearance 135 mm
  • Maximum speed 110 km/h
  • Fuel tank capacity 18 l
  • Highway range 360 ​​km
  • Fuel consumption on the highway is no more than 5 liters per 100 km
  • Fuel: Gasoline with auto fuel in a ratio of 25: 1
  • Fording capacity 300 mm
  • Battery: 6V
  • Engine Stroke 85 mm
  • Cylinder diameter 72.0×85.0 mm
  • Number of cylinders 1
  • Cylinder displacement 346 cm3
  • Compression ratio 7.51
  • Maximum power 18 hp at 5,000-5,600 rpm.
  • Air flow cooling
  • Lubrication system combined with fuel
  • Carburetor type K-36I, later K-62I
  • Multi-disc clutch, oil bath
  • The gearbox is four-speed, two-way.
  • Motor transmission rollerless double-row chain, gear ratio - 2.17
  • Transmission from the gearbox to the rear wheel is a roller chain, gear ratio - 2.47
  • The frame is tubular and welded.
  • The front fork is a telescopic spring type with hydraulic shock absorbers.
  • Rear suspension: spring with hydraulic shock absorbers
  • Type of brakes: drum with mechanical drive
  • Wheel type: easily removable, with tangentially arranged spokes.
  • Tire size 3.50-18″
  • Izh Planeta-3K-01 in the countryside

    Speedometer of the Izh Planeta-3 motorcycle

    In what cases is ignition adjustment necessary?

    During the operation of the vehicle, the owner faces many problems. The most serious failure is related to the engine. In order to spend significant funds on major repairs, it is necessary to monitor the technical condition of the motorcycle and carry out preventive work, including adjusting the valves and valves (video author - Hana Rulyu).

    If you do not monitor the SZ, then the motorcycle engine may not reveal its full potential and will not work at full capacity. This can lead to a reduction in its service life. An ignition adjustment is necessary if the engine is running poorly, the muffler or carburetor is firing. True, before setting up the SZ, you should make sure that the cause of the malfunction is in it.

    It happens that the flywheel bolt, which connects the two halves of the crankshaft, comes loose, begins to play and does not work well. Sometimes he even cuts the key.

    Setting up the SZ may be necessary after repairing the ignition switch Izh Jupiter 5. The installation and connection itself are carried out according to the diagram.

    SZ diagram of the IZh motorcycle


    The battery in the motorcycle is low-power. The motorcycle does not have a starter, so its task is only to supply voltage to the ignition system and the generator excitation winding during starting. Thanks to the battery, designed for 12 volts, a stable start of the fifth Planet is ensured; up to the third model, the wiring was 6 volt, and the ignition was not always clear.

    Possible battery malfunctions:

    1. - housings, plates, leakage of electrolyte.
    2. - determined by measurements using a hydrometer.
    3. - detected by measuring resistance.
    4. minus not on the body (frame) of the motorcycle - all the electronics will not work.

    We modernize the electrical equipment of a motorcycle with our own hands

    We have already paid attention to the weaknesses of electrical equipment, so let's look at the main points that should be replaced in a motorcycle for more convenient everyday use

    Ignition system

    From the factory, the motorcycle is equipped with a simple contact ignition system. The system is quite reliable and can operate without interruption for thousands and even hundreds of thousands of miles. It also has significant disadvantages, such as the inability to maintain the lead angle settings for a long time. This is due to the fact that the desired position is fixed using bolts, which are weakened by vibration and the setting “goes away”.

    Energy efficient lamps

    Old incandescent lamps, like ignition, have already outlived their usefulness, so they should be replaced with more productive and economical ones. Each lamp has its own purpose, so this should be taken into account when replacing. For example, direction indicators and a taillight signal our presence or maneuvers; the light from them should be bright, but noticeable only to other road users. Therefore, they should be replaced with LEDs that have sufficient brightness and the lowest power consumption.

    High-quality LEDs for headlights will be expensive, so we will limit ourselves to new halogen incandescent lamps. Here we don’t give a damn about energy consumption, because safety when moving at dusk and at night comes first.


    Frankly, the weakest link in the entire electrical system is the generator. Its power is sometimes not enough even to support regular consumers, which is why when driving at night, over time, the battery may run out and the lighting intensity will noticeably drop, since part of the generated current will go to charge the battery. To prevent this from happening, it is best to install a new generator. With minimal modifications, you can transfer it from 4-stroke Chinese mopeds or purchase a new factory-made generator suitable for Jupiter 4.

    This modification makes sense if you are going to go further and add additional consumers to the motorcycle, otherwise it is better to leave this money for other improvements or for a fresh portion of consumables.

    Additional devices

    Finally, we come to the question of how to do improved wiring on Izh Jupiter 4 with your own hands. It is immediately worth noting that in stores specializing in Soviet technology you can already find various ready-to-install kits, among them:

    • charging stations for smartphones;
    • “music” sets consisting of a compact player and a set of special speakers;
    • tachometers (can be installed after replacing the ignition with a contactless one);
    • digital devices;
    • gel batteries and many other useful elements.

    The above wiring diagram for Izh Jupiter 4 will help you figure out how to connect one or another element from the list, plus each product comes with an installation diagram.

    Familiar problems

    Reviews from owners indicate that, regardless of the version and year of manufacture, the Izh Planet-3 motorcycle had the same disadvantages:

    • Engine vibration associated with its design features. Almost all single-cylinder engines suffer from this.
    • Problematic electrical equipment. Almost identical to the Jupiter of the same years of production, the 6-volt wiring installed on Izh Planet-3 was not of very high quality. An insufficiently powerful generator created problems when driving at night.

    Completely eliminating engine vibrations is almost impossible. Even serious engine tuning does not completely solve the problem. You have to put up with this feature of technology. As for electrics, motorcycle lovers who are interested in tuning Izh Planet-3 often ask the same questions:

    • How to detect ignition system malfunctions?
    • What to do if charging is lost?
    • How to replace the relay regulator?
    • Does it make sense to install electronic ignition?
    • How to replace a failed generator?
    • Where can I find the wiring diagram for Izh Planet-3 at 6 volts?
    • How to install BSZ?

    These questions are countless and it is simply impossible to answer them in one review article. This requires digging deeper. And therefore we will try to answer as briefly as possible.

    1. Since the wiring diagram on Izh Planet-3 was repeatedly changed even depending on individual series, one cannot count on an exact match of its description. Sad but true.
    2. Replacing electrical wiring, switching electrical equipment operating from 6 volts to 12 volts and installing contactless ignition are completely justified steps to improve the performance of a motorcycle. After such modernization, ignition installation is simplified, and engine operation becomes more stable. At the same time, you will know exactly how the electrical circuit of your Izh Planet-3 works!

    But it’s clearly not worth getting down to business without the necessary skills or suitable tools. As for DIY tuning enthusiasts, for them the Izh Planeta-3 motorcycle is an unplowed field for activity. There is room to expand here. Go for it!

    If you found the article useful and interesting, continue to expand your horizons by getting acquainted with the history and structure of popular technology. Find out what might be interesting about tuning Izh Jupiter-5, or what technical characteristics the Ant cargo scooter had. Stay on our website!

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    Motorcycle Izh Jupiter 5 - technical specifications and photos

    Soviet motorcycles today are considered valuable transport, because back then they produced really high-quality and fast equipment. The Izh Jupiter 5 motorcycle is considered one of these legends of the USSR.

    The Izhevsk plant produced several models, including Planet 5 and others. But Jupiter 5 was remembered primarily for its unpretentiousness on roads and maneuverability. With its small dimensions, the model was able to achieve low fuel consumption.


    • powerful engine;
    • sharp at start;
    • spare parts for Izh Jupiter 5 are inexpensive and available;
    • soft suspension;
    • low cost;
    • has 2 cylinders.


    • weak front fork;
    • requires good ignition settings;
    • high fuel consumption;
    • Motorcycles today require frequent repairs.

    Technical characteristics of Izh Jupiter 5

    The design of the motorcycle was created in such a way that in the end Izh could ride equally comfortably both on the highway and on uneven roads. Unlike its brother IZH Planet 5, this model had 2 cylinders, which means more power. Also, the owner of the motorcycle could start the engine more easily, which is explained by the absence of the leg returning when started.


    Classic transport has always been valued since the USSR, and 20 years ago Jupiter 5 was one of the best.

    Today, most riders ride foreign fast motorcycles, but occasionally you can meet a former legend of the 80s and 90s.

    In those years, only his brother Planet 5 competed with Jupiter, but he could not compare with the motorcycle in terms of characteristics. Their main difference was the difference in cylinders, and therefore power.

    If we continue to compare these two competitors, we can highlight the fact that both models had almost the same data.

    For example, they had one tubular frame, and a special subframe was installed to better secure the rear wheel.

    In general, the entire design of Jupiter 5 was quite standard and simple, the engine was attached to the frame, the fuel tank was located above, and the headlight and dashboard were installed on the steering wheel.

    There were also 2 exhaust pipes installed that ran through the entire motorcycle. Sometimes the pipes got hot and could cause a burn, but the manufacturer installed them below the footpegs to keep the passenger as safe as possible.

    Even the first models of the Izh Jupiter 5 motorcycle had simple drum brakes with a mechanical drive, but subsequent modifications received a front disc brake with a hydraulic drive.

    Motorcycle appearance

    When the Jupiter 5 model came out, its design was already well-known, because it was inherited from the Jupiter 4 motorcycle. But soon the Izh Planet 5 appeared on sale, and the developers saw that they could borrow several design elements.

    The first modification had a square-shaped dashboard, which consisted of several indicators, an ignition switch and a speedometer. But soon its appearance was redesigned, and instead of one dashboard there were two. On the first part they placed warning lamps, and on the second part they decided to put a speedometer.

    The design of the fuel tank has also been slightly redesigned, with rubber pads on the knees and the shape of the tank itself has become slightly different. Accordingly, in the new modifications of the Moto Izh Jupiter 5, it received a different, longer seat that ended at the brake light. This innovation is still considered stylish and modern.

    Being a workhorse, the motorcycle had a fairly sporty appearance and excellent top speed. With a power of 25 hp. the motorcycle could accelerate to 120 km/h.

    This is a completely standard indicator, because another representative of the Dnepr could give a maximum speed of 110 km/h. In severe frosts down to 30 degrees, the unit started up perfectly, which cannot be said about the current new products.

    Unfortunately, many owners complain of frequent engine breakdowns due to their long lifespan.


    Today, a motorcycle of this model is not so difficult to find; in Soviet times it was bought in large quantities, so today you just need to find out how much the Izh Jupiter 5 costs. Of course, the price depends on the condition, because over such a long period many parts could become faulty.

    Even during the release of the Izh Jupiter 5 motorcycle, its price was quite high - 1,050 rubles. But this did not stop buyers; they wanted a comfortable and fast motorcycle, which was the best then. But still, compared to other motorcycles, this model had a relatively low price. For example, then new Ural motorcycles had a price of 1,870 rubles.

    If you want to buy a legend of the USSR today, be prepared to pay 55,000 rubles for a new motorcycle. Yes, they are still being reliably produced. If this price is too high for you, buy a used model - its price ranges from 5 to 40 thousand rubles.


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Hai! If you are only interested in the electronics of this motorcycle, then you need our section “Motorcycle diagrams”. Those who are looking for a description with a photo based on reviews and technical characteristics of the Izh Jupiter 2 motorcycle, which you can buy today, then you have come to the right place. The article is devoted to the most important features of this bike, which has survived more than a dozen difficult years. Our team tried to fully reveal the advantages and disadvantages of this two-/three-wheeled vehicle.

    Description of Izh Jupiter Second generation with photo

    The above-mentioned iron horse is a middle-class road bike, the operation of which is designed for roads with a variety of surfaces. The production of this steel horse was mastered at the Izhevsk machine-building enterprise, located in distant Udmurtia. This motorcycle became a continuation of the line of multi-purpose middle-weight motorcycles produced in Soviet Russia. The very first representatives of the mass series came off the assembly line in the mid-1960s. The steel horse was produced until 1972. The bike became the embodiment of the desire of USSR design engineers to create a two-cylinder motorcycle.

    It should be noted that as the first Udmurt iron horse with such a fast engine, the motorcycle turned out great. It had at its disposal a power of 19 horsepower with a rather modest, for that time, engine capacity of 347 cc. In addition, a very good lead-acid battery was installed on the two/three-wheeler.

    Reviews about the Izh Jupiter 2 motorcycle in past years were mostly positive. However, over time, domestic motorcycle enthusiasts changed their views on the reliability of the iron horse. This is all due to the developers' miscalculations in the bike's electronics. His ignition timing was often off. And the bearing under the rotor part of the generator showed accelerated wear, which significantly upset the owners of the motorcycle. Not every village owner wanted to buy a second-generation Yupak.

    It is curious that the above Izh, despite its short production history, was produced in a variety of modifications. Classic singles, models equipped with a sidecar, and even anniversary motorcycles rolled off the assembly line. In the last year of production, the world saw a transitional model that received eighteen-inch wheels, as well as beautiful glove compartments. The latter bore the typical later inscription with the name of the series.

    Izh Jupiter 2 technical specifications

    The maximum recommended speed of the bike is 110 km. at one o'clock. Engine type: two-stroke, two-cylinder, air-cooled. The piston diameter is 61.75 mm. The piston stroke reaches 58 mm. The engine capacity is 347 cc. The compression ratio is 7 to 1. The type of fuel supply is through a K36Zh carburetor. The proportion of gasoline mixed with oil is 25 to 1 (during break-in - 20 to 1). Gearbox - 4 steps. The main drive type of the motorcycle is chain. The brake system is both front and rear drum type. The base of the Jupiter 2 motorcycle reaches 1430 mm. The volume of the fuel tank is 18 liters. Dry weight

    The Soviet motorcycle industry was diverse and replete with various models of motorcycles. The IZH motorcycle brand was produced from 1929 to 2008. The plant where they were created was located in the glorious and old city of Izhevsk. And one of the most popular motorcycles in the USSR was the IZH-2 “Jupiter”. Let's take a closer look at this model.

    Step-by-step guide to installing and adjusting the ignition

    To carry out the setup, you need to prepare a special tool, a tester, and a light bulb with two wires. A caliper will be needed as a depth gauge. To set the gap it is convenient to use a special feeler gauge.

    Setting up SZ on IZ Jupiter 5 consists of the following steps:

    1. First open .
    2. To make it more convenient to work, remove the right cover from the crankcase.
    3. Using the generator bolt, turn the crankshaft clockwise. It is necessary to ensure that the breaker contacts open to the maximum distance.
    4. Unscrew the screw a little and turn the eccentric. It is necessary to set a gap between the contacts equal to 0.4-0.6 mm. After this, tighten the screw well.
    5. Rotate the crankshaft in the direction of movement of the clock hand. The piston should be installed at TDC.
    6. You need to turn the crankshaft in the opposite direction, that is, counterclockwise. In this case, the piston should not reach TDC; a distance of approximately 3.0-3.5 mm should remain. By loosening the screws, you should establish the beginning of the contact closure. After this, the screws must be tightened tightly.
    7. To determine if the contacts are open, use a test light with wires. One wire must be connected to the breaker hammer terminal, and the other to ground. After turning on the ignition, when the contacts are closed, the light should light up.
    8. If BSZ is installed on IZ Jupiter, then there is no need to set the gap. To determine the moment you need to use a tester. The device should be set to measure voltage. The probes must be connected to the 2nd and 3rd contacts of the DC. While the modulator is not in the DC, the voltage reading on the tester should be 7 V. At the moment when the modulator is in the DC, the voltage reading should be in the range from 7 to 0 V. At this moment, a spark is formed.
    9. The procedure must be performed on each cylinder. It is advisable to start adjusting the gap on the left breaker. When the left breaker is configured, you can move on to the right one.

    Installing a contactless ignition system on Izh Jupiter-5 is a fairly current topic. When setting up a BSZ on Izh Jupiter-5 BSZ, it is necessary to take into account a number of nuances that can significantly affect the operation of the equipment used.

    What advantages open up to users who decide to install electronic ignition on the Izh Jupiter are described below.

    Most modern motorcycles are not equipped with cams, that is, breakers. Why did the manufacturer consider them unnecessary for currently sold models? The answer is quite simple. This system is not very reliable.

    Many parts used in the system are sources of trouble. The most common ones are listed below:

    1. The ignition gaps change their original position while driving a few days after adjustment;
    2. A spark occurs every once in a while, since the contacts regularly burn out;
    3. Capacitors are constantly damaged;
    4. Low spark power;
    5. If you add two or three volts to the battery, it is quite difficult to start it. Such ignition is the reason for constant repairs while driving.

    This is noticeable at idle. The speed of their passage has noticeably increased and the unnatural twitching has disappeared. The characteristic knocking sounds of iron components in the crankcase and accompanying detonations also disappeared. The handling of the Jupiter 5 motorcycle will improve simultaneously with the time it takes to gain speed.

    Motorcycle Features

    The IZH Plante 5 motorcycle has the original name IZH 7.107. Just like the IZH 6, it belongs to the middle class of motor vehicles, designed for movement on roads with any surface. The main feature is the use of an oil pump; when refueling there is no need to add oil to the tank, as well as a contactless ignition system that operates independently of the battery.

    It became possible to start a motorcycle from a pusher. To do this, you need to turn on the ignition, second gear and, when pushing the bike forward, the engine starts. True, without a battery, operation is possible only during daylight hours.

    The Fifth Planet can be equipped with a cargo trailer and a passenger stroller. To reduce the clutch release effort, the bike has a clutch consisting of 7 pairs of discs. Vibration dampers are installed on the cylinder ribs. An important feature of this series is the presence of hydropneumatic suspension with disc brakes, which contributed to a smooth ride. The power is 22 horsepower, the maximum possible speed is 120 km/h. The volume of the two-stroke single-cylinder engine is 346 cm3. The power unit has good traction at low speeds.


    1. 1 2 3 4 5 V. Bonstedt.
      “JUPITER” new road motorcycle // “Behind the Wheel”: magazine. - 1961. - No. 8. - P. 16-17.
    2. M. G. Ginzburg.
      Construction and maintenance of motorcycles. — second edition, revised. - Moscow: Mashgiz, 1963. - 319 p. — 215,000 copies.
    3. B.F. Demchenko, G.S. Mikryukov.
      Motorcycles with the Izh brand. - Moscow: DOSAAF USSR, 1982. - 160 p.
    4. 12
      How many and what kind of Izhes? // “Behind the wheel”: magazine. - 1986. - No. 10. - P. 8.
    5. M.P.Isaev, V.A.Zabelin.
      Motorcycles Izh-Jupiter and Izh-YUK. Instructions for care and use. - Izhevsk: Mashinostroitelny Zavod, 1964. - 158 p.
    6. L. Komzikov.
      Side trailer BP-62 // “Behind the Wheel”: magazine. - 1961. - No. 8. - P. 17.
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