Bikers are not afraid to ride at a speed of 300 kilometers

In the last century, an SUV was considered a frame car with high ground clearance and all-wheel drive, but those days are gone.

Nowadays, an SUV is considered to be almost any, and not always all-wheel drive, vehicle that has sufficient ground clearance to allow it to drive onto a high curb. Moreover, the very concept of an SUV has become so distorted that manufacturers of cars in this class, instead of competing in cross-country ability, began to compete in maximum speed.

As a result, the technical and dynamic characteristics of some modern SUVs have reached such a level that sports cars can envy them.

Next, I will tell you about serial SUVs that can accelerate to a speed of 300 km. / h. Yes, now there are only two such SUVs, but they exist and it is not a fact that in the near future there will not be more such SUVs.

Bikers are not afraid to ride at a speed of 300 kilometers

My interlocutor is a biker, president of the Rostov branch of the famous motorcycle club NIGHT WOLVES MC (“Night Wolves”). For him, a motorcycle is not a hobby, but an ideology and a way of life, the embodiment of his second self. His view of the world around him differs from the worldview of ordinary people; people like him are treated with caution in society.

When asked to give his first and last name, the interlocutor grins condescendingly:

— In the biker community, they don’t give you your last name, let alone your passport number. In our country, a person is identified by his name, nickname and the type of motorcycle he rides. Sergei so-and-so on such-and-such a motorcycle, Vitya so-and-so, who hasn’t had a motorcycle for four years, but he’s also a biker. In this environment I am known as Pasha the Lizard; I have several motorcycles. Below me now is a Yamaha Warrior, some call it a Chopper.

And I represent a huge army of Russian citizens who have a rather negative opinion about bikers.

- I allow it.

There is an opinion among ordinary people that bikers are hooligans on motorcycles who sleep, drink and inject drugs during the day, and at night they race through the city streets with a terrible roar, not allowing these ordinary people to sleep.

— What you are talking about is, firstly, a myth, and secondly, a very outdated myth that grows from the 60s of North America. Hollywood and your fellow journalists have created a certain aura of gangster romance for bikers. Accordingly, first North American, then European, and then our inhabitants began to think that bikers are certainly members of criminal gangs who make money in drugs and arms trafficking, and relax by racing through the night streets and exciting the same average person. In short, this is all heresy.

What do bikers think of themselves?

— It’s impossible to say for everyone at once. Different people, different goals, different motorcycles. Some people like to travel on motorcycles, for others a motorcycle is an opportunity to go to a bar on a Friday night, show off, and attract girls. For some, this is a way to put on this aura from the 60s, for others it is a way of adrenaline relaxation. Just get on a motorcycle and rush around the city at 200 km per hour, and outside the city you can do it at 300.

Do we really have roads in the Rostov region on which you can drive 300 kilometers per hour? Does anyone really drive that fast?

— In short, yes. Driving at 300, so you understand, is 86 meters per second, and the road must be completely empty. When you are driving at this speed, the minimum distance to an obstacle to which you will have time to react is at least 400 meters. Of course, you can land 300 while driving along a busy three- or four-lane road, but here any movement of the car driver entails danger.

How do you feel at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour?

— This is not a comfortable speed, this is driving on character. There are good motorcycles, on which a speed of 300 km/h can be reached quickly and over a short distance, but riding at such a speed all the time is stressful. It’s more of a man’s game to accelerate and see 320 km/h on the speedometer.

At this speed, can you still look at the speedometer?

- In passing. It cannot be said that everyone drove at such a speed. But I'm sure every biker with an engine power of 180 hp. and I tried it more once to understand whether it could go 300 or not. But for me, the usual speed limit on our roads is 180 - 220 km/h. There are good motorcycles that allow you to ride at this speed comfortably and control the situation.

But do you accept the grandmothers’ claims that you make noise at night? Are you driving through the streets of Rostov at 2 am at full throttle?

- Yes, I come to the garage on purpose, unscrew the muffler and drive it, at two in the morning it’s not even interesting, it’s interesting at four. Seriously though, I just love riding a motorcycle, that’s all! I like it. Moreover, not necessarily at full speed. Just go and feel like you can go. Of course, it’s interesting to ride by yourself, on a good motorcycle, it’s interesting to ride with your friends, not very far, or very far, to your friends, because they’re waiting there, they’ll meet you, they’ll accept you. This is the same way we meet our friends. We can organize a holiday for ourselves. And let the townsfolk look from behind the fence and envy.

There is a joke from Soviet times when the director of a cemetery says to the director of a car store: you sold 100 motorcycles, I buried 99 motorcyclists, one is still riding somewhere. How do you feel about this way of looking at things?

“We must admit that we have a very traumatic way of life. In our community they say that there are two types of motorcyclists: some have already fallen, and others will fall. Scary or not? Differently. The main thing is to have your head on your shoulders. As for your anecdote, I perceive it as natural selection. Although experienced ones also fight. And I’m internally ready for this, although it sounds crazy. I have crashed on a motorcycle many times, received several injuries, but I really want to ride...

Aren't you scared to get back into the saddle after another injury?

- Yes, we can talk about this. There are different ways to overcome fear. Someone changes the motorcycle, speed limit, riding style.

The famous bike show has been taking place in Sevastopol for the third year now. Do you have anything to do with him?

- Yes, the most direct. The bike show in Sevastopol is organized by our motorcycle club, concentrating significant resources in one place. In general, events have been taking place under the NIGHT WOLVES MC banner since the mid-1990s. We started from scratch, doing everything with our own hands, then those who were interested began to help us. No other motorcycle club in Russia could handle events of this scale, and few in Europe. Now a bike show for us is not only a way of self-expression and attracting attention to ourselves, it is also a business, that is, how the motorcycle club makes money.

Recently, some political shades have begun to be noticed in the activities of the leader of your club.

— No, the motorcycle club is not involved in politics. We are not interested in whether America will attack Iraq or not, whether Russia will sell gas to Ukraine or not. Of course, as a citizen of Russia, it bothers me if Russians are being strangled somewhere, but this has nothing to do with the motorcycle club.

They say that bikers are people who do not like to follow traffic rules. Do you follow traffic rules or not?

- You can’t put the question like that. If I were driving an armored personnel carrier, this could be discussed more, but if I’m driving a motorcycle, then compliance with traffic rules is a necessity that ensures my survival. On the other hand, if everything in life was always respected, life would be uninteresting.

We reported that about a month ago, an accident occurred on the M-4 Don highway, in which a group of five motorcyclists participated. Then there was a collision with a passenger car, one of the motorcyclists died, two were seriously injured. Some commentators blamed motorcyclists.

— I know about this case, although I was not there. I can only say that anything can happen on the road, they might not understand each other somewhere, sometimes motorists behave aggressively, deliberately provoking some kind of situation. This is the road, this is life, it happens. Those who gloat need to be smarter.

How much does it cost to become a biker?

— A motorcycle is not a cheap entertainment, people on motorcycles are already accomplished men who can afford it. I myself started in the 80s, with Java. I remember that it cost 1,150 rubles then, and at that time it was not small money for a teenager, but now a good motorcycle starts at 300 thousand rubles. Then the cost of maintaining it is about 50 thousand a year, plus equipment, about 50 - 60 thousand. In any case, the car costs me less.

What advice would you give to young people who want to become bikers?

— What does it mean to “become a biker”? You operate with some images from American films. A biker is a person for whom riding a motorcycle and communicating in this environment are an integral part of life. This is not a hobby, not Sunday walks. What do you recommend? Think about it, do you want to become a biker or do you think you want to become one? You need to be, not seem. For example, a young man saw our show. That's it, tomorrow I'll become a biker! I bought a motorcycle, revved it up, scared the grandmothers, received inner satisfaction and told my friends and girlfriends. Such people may be driving through the streets of Rostov at night, not letting people sleep. And there is a road that both beckons and stresses me, I can’t live without it. Try whether you need it or not. Secondly, you need to know how to ride a motorcycle. Those who suffer most often are those who just purchased a motorcycle and four weeks later received road star syndrome. You need to have a head and remember that a motorcycle accelerates quickly and easily, but it is quite difficult to control it at high speed. This is the second tip. And then - ride, communicate, have fun.

What is the average age of a typical biker?

- There is no typical biker! I've been riding a motorcycle since I was 15, I know people who are over 60.

And 60-year-olds drive at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour?!

- Some travel.

Interviewed by Pavel Gubsky

How much horsepower does it take to drive 300 km/h?

EpHu 25 Apr 2008Judging by experience, the power is at avlu.
Alexandr83 Apr 14, 2008where is the table from? power in the table at the rear wheel?
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Aprilia RSV4 RF

Top speed: 298 km/h

Here is the Aprilia RSV4, which has won the world championship five times. The latest model of the bike has received updates. As a result, after modification, the motorcycle received 201 hp.

The maximum torque is 115 Nm. The bike weighs 180 kg. But the main value of a sportbike is its maximum speed, which is almost 300 km/h.

Kawasaki Ninja ZX 14R

Top speed: 335 km/h

The Kawasaki Ninja ZX 14R is equipped with a 1441 cc engine. The power of the power unit is 200 hp. This is one of the heaviest bikes in our rating.

Its weight is 264 kg.

In 2013, behind the wheel of the Ninja ZX 14R, Ralph Nichols set an Australian speed record, accelerating to 335 km/h.

About the features of using bikes

Motorcycles are different from cars in GTA 5: the features of use are completely different. The category of two-wheeled vehicles is divided into classes:

  • bikes;
  • scooters;
  • sports models;
  • civil transport;
  • choppers.

On the one hand, it will seem that on a two-wheeled vehicle it is easy to quickly accelerate and hold the bike. However, most beginners cannot cope with skidding and get into accidents. This situation applies to most motorcycles with the exception of scooters. This is explained by the fact that the maximum speed of scooters does not allow the character to crash.

Difficulty in management arises only in the initial stages. As you use the bike, the vehicle becomes responsive in handling. The main advantage of a two-wheeled vehicle is its miniature size. It easily passes through various road obstacles and gets through traffic jams in Los Santos.

But the developers of each version of GTA 5 maintain a balance. Therefore, for every advantage there is a disadvantage. A motorcycle is an unprotected vehicle that is easy to shoot at along with the hero. There is no reverse, which means you will have to make manipulations when traveling backwards. Because of this, many gamers refuse a two-wheeled horse.


In fact,
the Double-T
is Akuma's younger brother, it has a better braking system and equally good handling. The main disadvantage of the Double-T is its lightness, which is why it jumps on any bump. Thanks to the wide wheels and acceleration, this motorcycle can be used not only in racing, but also in overcoming mountains and hills. In general, the Double-T is just right for those who like fast and dangerous driving.

You can find Double-T at Del Pierro Beach or on Highway 68 near Sandy Shores. You can buy Double-T only in GTA 5 online for $40,000.


It is worth noting that the two aforementioned motorcycle models are the leaders among the vehicles from the original game. With the advent of The Last Team Standing add-on, in most cases Akuma and Bati 801 fade into the background, inferior in many respects to Hakuchou. With all the installed modifications, even with full equipment, the two above-mentioned prototypes are inferior in speed. Only this all applies to routes where there are no too winding turns. Hakuchou is not very good at maneuverability due to its heavy weight. At the same time, the motorcycle’s handling is far from the most responsive. It turns out that it is not recommended to take it on particularly winding roads. When turning, the player will either lose his advantage or crash.

Fast but not maneuverable

You can buy a vehicle for 82 thousand dollars. The second motorcycle from the alternative options is the Double-T model. In its category, its main advantage is decent braking and good grip. There will also be no problems in control, and therefore even beginners can try the equipment. This applies not only to racing, but also to driving in mountainous areas. All that remains is to get used to the incredibly light weight of 200 kilograms. Because of it, motorcycles react sharply to even a small bump in the terrain, which often ends in an accident.

There are a huge number of motorcycles in GTA 5, but not all have any interesting features. Most can be classified as average, but not Vindicator, which was added in one of the latest additions. It is equipped with a special KERS system, which allows you to greatly benefit from acceleration by pressing the horn button. This futuristic model has great looks, but is not suitable for racing. In them, the KERS mode is disabled, and in single-player mode it is completely absent. To purchase a motorcycle you will need 630 thousand dollars.

Motorcycle for fast overtaking

Interesting models can also include the Faggio scooter. It is one of a kind and, due to its concept, naturally loses to other motorcycles in all respects. You should take a ride on it at least to get an interesting experience in driving a scooter. For true bike fans who consider motorcycles to be art, it is recommended to add the Western Daemon model to your collection. The bike is distinguished by the possibility of extensive modifications, which turn it into a unique form of transport. It will not offer anything supernatural in terms of characteristics, but from a visual point of view it is worthy of attention first of all.

MTT Turbine Superbike Y2K

Top speed: 365 km/h

What do you think is the safest and most convenient place to test the fastest motorcycles on the planet? Of course it's a runway. This is especially an ideal place if you are planning to test a gas turbine motorbike.

For example, the MTT Turbine Superbike Y2K is also convenient to test on the runway. This motorcycle is capable of accelerating to 365 km/h thanks to its 320 hp power.

Yamaha YZF R1m

Top speed: 299 km/h

Yamaha YZF R1m is another bike that can send you into space. With a weight of 200 kg and a 998 cc engine, the motorcycle produces 165 hp. and 112.4 Nm of maximum torque.

This allows the bike to accelerate to 100 km/h in 3 seconds. But the most amazing thing is that pressing the gas from a standstill, the bike does not slow down for a second to a speed of 299 km/h. Then the electronic lock will work.


Crazy speed, but a lot of very heavy weight reduces the maneuverability indicator. It would be worth pumping up the equipment at a car dealership before the race. But even after the improvement, the motorcycle cannot be used on winding roads. By the way, the mass of the motorcycle is quite large, which is why the impulse is high, which allows you to maintain a high level of speed for a long time, unlike other motorcycles, but if you lose control for a second, there is a high probability that a fall cannot be avoided. To each his own.

It is best used only by experienced players, as it will be difficult for a beginner to control on turns and winding roads in rural areas.

Simply put, the equipment is very heavy, and for beginners, due to lack of practice and knowledge of small nuances, it will be very difficult to cope with an unmaneuverable motorcycle. It should be mentioned that in the game itself, as they say “original version,” there is no transport of this type. Appears in the garage only after downloading the additional add-on “The Last Team Standing”. Afterwards you will be able to purchase this miracle for 82 thousand dollars, getting a powerful motorcycle that is faster than Akuma and Baty-801.

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