Bikers: the essence and history of the development of the subculture in Russia

Probably each of us has ever heard the word bikers . For some, a leather jacket appears before their eyes, for others - a brutal man with a beard, while others imagine a beer bar full of rowdy people listening to rock.

But who are they really, since reality is often far from established stereotypes? This is what we will talk about now.

Bikers: who are they?

As Wikipedia says, bikers are a subculture of motorcycle lovers and fans . At the same time, ordinary motorcyclists are somewhat different from the biker category. If the former simply regularly use this type of two-wheeled vehicle, then for the latter the bike has become part of their way of life and culture.

In addition, bikers are united with their like-minded people by their unique thinking, as well as similar spiritual values.

Video overview of who the bikers are:

Entertainment and shows

Bikers hold important events twice a year - the opening and closing of the season. They last for several days, during which motorcycle owners gather in a certain place and talk about their successes.

Holidays take place in a large space - in fields, squares, special sites outside the city. All these days, bikers drink beer and other alcoholic beverages, and eat a lot of meat and meat products. They are surrounded by beautiful girls who are partial to motorcycles and subculture.

Seasoned riders boast about the number of cities they've ridden or the unique features of their bikes. They tell each other interesting life stories and anecdotes.

The holidays are accompanied by competitions. The most popular ones are called “Sausage” and “Barrel”. At the first one, the biker gets on his motorcycle with the girl. While moving, she must eat a sausage hanging on a rope. And when participating in the second competition, the motorcyclist needs to roll a metal barrel as far as possible along a straight road. He can only use his own transport.

What does the movie tell us?

As a rule, most people become acquainted with unknown subcultures through watching cinematic films. If you look at most of the pictures, it becomes obvious that bikers are people who are constantly in trouble with the law. This type involves the use of weapons, drug use and general rudeness. At the same time, reality is very different from such stereotypes.

A modern biker is a clean, tidy and well-mannered person who actively participates in various charitable organizations, supports orphanages, and strives to improve the culture of his homeland. Yes, biker organizations have a number of differences in different countries, but, in general, the principles of each of them can be reflected in three words:

  • honor;
  • Brotherhood;
  • mutual assistance.


The main versions of the origin of bikers existing today are quite contradictory.

For example, Soviet Darwinists claim that bikers descended from the Budenovsky cavalrymen, who in turn descended from three Russian heroes.

American researchers are firmly convinced of the authenticity of the myth known in the United States that the first bikers on Earth were certain Hell's Angels. At first, these citizens apparently lived in hell, where their main entertainment was circuit races around the seven circles of hell. However, due to poor environmental conditions and immoral behavior of certain Hell Demons, they were forced to leave their homeland. One fine day, as the myth tells us, the Hell's Angels crawled to the surface of the Earth in Nevada and immediately began to secretly oversee the entire American illegal business of producing comics, chewing gum and Pepsi.

Basic symbolism

However, although biker politics is very different from the films, the general image more or less corresponds to reality. After all, all these stories were not taken lightly. Their main attributes of a member of such a subculture can be identified:

  • motorbike. And a bike is not just a vehicle. This is a true friend and partner of a biker. It must be clean and well-groomed. Preference is given to tuned models with an original design;
  • Confederate flag. It should emphasize the rebellious nature of such people. At the same time, little attention is now paid to the historical component of this element, so the flag is used by motorcyclists from all over the world;
  • scull. On the one hand, this symbol shows fearlessness before death, on the other hand, it is a kind of protective talisman;
  • club emblem. Quite often such amateurs create large clubs. As a result, the patch may vary greatly. Basically, the emblem can be seen on a leather or denim vest, which is worn over a biker jacket;
  • badge "1". 1 Bikers emphasize their independence. This emblem appeared when the American Motorcycle Association said that the vast majority of motorbike owners are decent and law-abiding people, and only 1 percent spoil their reputation;
  • tattoo. Some even highlight a whole trend of biker tattoos. Mostly, people stuff motorcycles, logos of popular bike manufacturer brands, symbols of freedom, etc.

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History of the movement

In a short report or essay about bikers, you need to write about the history of this subculture. The first motorcycles were created by the Germans Daimler and Maybach in 1885, although in 1884 a similar model was made by the Englishman Butler.

Soon this transport gained popularity among the masses, and motorcycle clubs appeared in America. They included representatives of the lower strata of the population - the unemployed or factory employees. But the bikers subculture had not yet formed; there were only lovers of motorcycles and a free lifestyle.

The movement arose only in the second half of the 40s, after the end of World War II. According to legend, the squadron of American pilots was then disbanded. They couldn't cope with losing their jobs, so they created a motorcycle club.

The first representatives of the biker subculture were considered to be from hell, real demons. They were hunted by the press, law enforcement agencies, even politicians . And later a number of films were made about this movement:

  • "Motor Psycho";
  • "The Wild Angels";
  • "Hells Angels on Wheels";
  • "Wild Rebels"
  • "The Hell Cats"

Although they showed bikers as dirty hooligans, alcoholics and rapists, these films had the opposite effect on the public. New clubs attracted romantics, lovers of a free life and thrills.

What should a biker motorcycle be like?

The bikes that you assemble yourself are valued the most.

As a rule, the equipment belongs to the class of choppers or custom (the latter are assembled by hand, and a large number of tuning components are used). It is worth noting that the final model may differ greatly from the original version. Some clubs have a requirement for a minimum power unit size, brand or color scheme. Recently, organizations have also begun to be created whose members ride sports bikes.


Vintage helmets, bulging visors and bandanas look cool on Instagram.

But all these things are inconvenient, unsafe, noisy and also poorly ventilated. A modern helmet does not slip off at high speed, allows you to enjoy silence on long trips, is cool in the heat, comfortable in the cold, and will ensure your safety in the event of an accident.

Vintage helmets, bulging visors and bandanas look cool on Instagram

If you choose the right helmet, it will look dashing and defiant. New sports helmets, such as the Icon Airframe Pro or Shoei RF-1200, are lighter than standard helmets, smaller in size and have better aerodynamic characteristics.

Main varieties

So, we figured out who the bikers are, now it should be noted that there are quite a large number of subgroups within this subculture. In addition, it must be said that the person who bought the motorcycle is not a biker. Here you still need to be imbued with philosophy.

Among the most common groups are:

  • show-offers. These people may not know what a bike is, but they buy the coolest vehicles. As a rule, motorcycles are used to get to the party, but they appear on the road rarely and reluctantly. At the same time, this type of biker adheres to the rules of the road. But they also love driving. But the main goal here is to demonstrate various tricks at special venues;
  • militant motorcyclists. These are people who grew up watching action movies with an emphasis on bikes. As a result, they behave just like in the films. Mostly, these are either small companies or individuals who very often engage in criminal activities. They are not interested in the philosophy of the subculture. As a rule, parties are avoided;
  • benchers. Such a person gets involved in the culture, attends meetings, knows exactly who a biker is. But this is only in theory. In practice, benchers don’t even have motorcycles for one reason or another. Often, when a person does have the opportunity to purchase motorcycle equipment, he cannot join the organization, since reality does not somewhat coincide with his ideas;
  • talkers. Their appearance is associated with the development of the Internet. Yes, these people have bikes, they use them to get to work, show off in a parade, attend a party. But chatterboxes spend more time discussing biker philosophy on the Internet. Even though talkers are not into the spirit of bikers, they love to flaunt their ideas;
  • real bikers. Since childhood, such people love freedom, the road and, of course, motorcycles. For them, driving along the highway is not just a way to get from one point to another. No, this is the real meaning of life, while the motorcycle turns into your best friend. Real bikers don't like showing off, and if they do something, they know why. Each element of symbolism is part of their life and philosophy. Moreover, such people are always ready to help on the road.

It is worth noting that in recent years many biker clubs have begun to emerge in our country. At the same time, they don’t accept just anyone, the selection is very strict and thorough, so that each member not only has a good chopper or sports bike, but also follows certain principles and codes. At the same time, some people prefer to remain single. After all, a biker is freedom, and any organization, as they believe, can already limit it.

Music and paraphernalia

The biker music style matches their lives. Most motorcycle owners are rockers. They prefer fast and driving music. Popular groups:

  • Iron Maiden;
  • Metallica;
  • Motörhead;
  • Manowar;
  • Led Zeppelin.

These groups look just like the bikers themselves: they wear long hair, dress in leather, and adorn themselves with tattoos, wristbands and chains. Rockers and subculture have a lot in common.

You don't have to buy a biker jacket and combat boots to become a biker. It is enough to be distinguished by a rebellious, aggressive character, love for the iron horse and rock and roll. A biker will remain himself even in a business suit or a ridiculous uniform.

But still it can be recognized by its appearance. Most often, bikers grow hair and beards. Girls dye their hair black or bright colors. Dark clothing, rough shoes, leather or metal jewelry. You can do any activity, but pay enough attention to being a biker - taking care of your motorcycle, communicating with other carefree riders, and complying with the requirements of the code.

[edit] Links

  • Motach - reservation of dvach wolves
  • FAQ on motorcycles from anon. A must read for all aspiring and beginners
  • Ychan's motorbike section, aka THAT
  • CIS bikers swarm
  • Interview with the "Surgeon". Olso, The Oldest, The Largest, The Most Important, The Brutal, The Uncompromising, The One Percenter, and at the same time The Most Orthodox, The Most Politically Correct and The Only Faithful Motorcycle Club of This Country
  • The priests punished the biker for revealing the topic of boobs
  • An Hero
  • Dirty bikers
  • How to beat bikers and metalheads

Increased sensitivity.

A new car means constant stress to avoid getting hurt. Of course, she needs to be taken care of, but she doesn't need to be treated like an egg and a chicken. Oh no, the tachometer needle accidentally hit the red zone! Oh no, I didn't stretch the chain! Tire pressure dropped by 0.1 bar... Relax, your car is designed to handle worse things and all this "horrible" abuse won't cause it to fall apart. Start using it, that's why you bought the motorcycle!


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Greeting others

Online forums offer plenty of advice on motorcycle etiquette, such as how and who to greet on the road. Are you waving to all two-wheeler drivers? A grandma on a scooter, a prickly 125-year-old man, a biker rally?

You can salute whoever you want, but it's smarter to keep your hands on the wheel and make driving safer. Go beyond just waving, learn the motorcyclist's gestures so you don't have to wonder why an oncoming motorcyclist pats his helmet when he sees you. Use them to warn other drivers or let them know about something really important.

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