Shift Lock Release: what is this button on the automatic transmission for?

As you know, an automatic transmission, unlike a manual transmission, in addition to the standard gears for driving forward (D, drive) and driving backward (R, reverse), can also have a large number of additional operating modes.

The fact is that the driver cannot fully control such a transmission, as a result of which automatic transmission manufacturers try to provide for various situations. One of these “helpers” is the automatic transmission shift lock button. Let's take a closer look at the Shift Lock button.

What does shift lock release mean on an automatic transmission?

Automatic transmissions (ATTs) have become standard equipment in modern cars.
Just 10 - 15 years ago, such a transmission was a rather expensive and capricious unit. Today it is a reliable device with a long trouble-free operation life. The automatic transmission provides its owner with maximum comfort, especially when driving on busy city roads. “Shift Lock Release” literally translated into Russian the inscription means: “Lock release switch.” Sometimes the word "Release" is missing, but this does not change the meaning.

Five secret car buttons that many people don't know about

Shift Lock Release Key

As a rule, a small key or groove is embedded into the selector panel of an automated transmission, which is often covered with a plastic plug. The purpose of such an element is to unlock the transmission selector when the engine is off.

This algorithm may be needed when you cannot start the engine, but you need to exit Parking mode (to move or tow the car in the event of a breakdown or accident).

In this case, you press the button (sometimes you have to use the tip of the ignition key or a screwdriver to do this), and without releasing it, move the lever to the neutral position. After this, the button is released so that the car can be rolled or loaded onto a tow truck in “neutral”.

Alarm button (Valet)

In various models, the miniature Valet control buttons are deliberately disguised when installing an alarm system. You will learn about the location of the “secret” button either from the car’s manual, or from the dealer who installed it, or from the previous owner if the car is used. Typically, such keys are mounted under the dashboard, under the steering column, in the glove box, under the ashtray or at the parking brake lever.

Such a button will be needed when a triggered alarm cannot be turned off from the transponder key fob or when the latter is broken. The catch is that the owner must know the algorithm for pressing the Valet button.

The key must be pressed down several times, maintaining the specified pauses. The number of clicks depends on the brand and settings of the security equipment. To disable Valet mode on a car with the engine running, 10-15 seconds after starting the engine, press and hold this secret key for a long time.

Airbag deactivation button

Most often, the front passenger airbag is turned off if this passenger is a small child in a child seat, a pregnant woman, or a person with musculoskeletal diseases.

Sometimes the front airbag is forcibly turned off when a person, for example a photographer, technician, etc. Due to the nature of his work, he must ride in the front passenger seat without a seat belt. In all such cases, the lesser of two evils is chosen and the airbag is turned off to eliminate its aggressive effects in the event of an accident.

To disable the right front airbag, you need to unlock the lock switch in the glove compartment or on the right side of the front panel (at its end) using the key fob.

To do this, first turn off the ignition, insert the key into the corresponding airbag deactivation slot and turn it counterclockwise to the Off position. However, on some models, usually in the premium segment, airbag can be disabled programmatically - through the on-board computer menu. There are also such advanced cars where “smart” electronics detect the presence of a child in a child seat in the right front seat and deactivate the airbag automatically.

Button for opening windows and trunk

Not everyone knows that on most modern models you can remotely open or close all side windows.

This algorithm will be useful if you want, for example, to ventilate the interior, or provide louder sound to the car radio. To do this, press and hold the central locking unlock button for several seconds.

In turn, after holding the trunk release button on the transponder key for a long time, the trunk lid will rise a couple of centimeters, even if your car is not equipped with a door or trunk lid servo.

Child lock button

The rear door locking mechanism will be very useful if you carry small children in the back row. To prevent your child from opening the door (for example, while driving), you should turn the latch at the end of the door with a screwdriver or the tip of the ignition key.

In more expensive models, the rear door locking is activated automatically using keys on the driver's door armrest. You can block both the door lock and the opening of its glass. Activation and deactivation is carried out when the engine is running. When this electronic locking is active, the rear doors can be opened from the outside. Or, alternatively, this can be done through the control panel on the driver's door. In this case, the current setting will be retained even after the engine is stopped.

Why is there a mysterious button next to the gear selector?

In the case of a classic hydromechanical automatic transmission, to the left of the selector you can usually find a small button on which Shift Lock Release is written. Few people know why it is needed, and the fact that when you click on it, at first glance, absolutely nothing happens, only adds to its mystery. In fact, this button is very important, and in emergency situations it is completely irreplaceable!

The inscription Shift Lock Release can be translated as “removing the selector lock” - this is the direct function of this button. Try moving the automatic transmission selector from position P to any other without starting the engine. Did not work out? Now imagine that the engine stalled at the most inopportune moment. How to remove a car from the road or at least move it to clear the way? After all, this is not a “mechanics” in which you can simply engage neutral gear.

This is where that button is needed. By pressing Shift Lock Release, the automatic transmission selector can be unlocked and the box can be placed in neutral, and then the car can be safely towed. Both of these actions must be performed simultaneously. In some cases, by the way, the button may be covered with a plug that protects it from accidental presses. Then you will need a screwdriver or a “sting” of the ignition key.

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The function of removing the selector lock is indispensable and allows you to both significantly save time and money, and avoid additional breakdowns associated with the need to move a faulty vehicle. The Shift Lock Release button was introduced by manufacturers specifically for emergency situations and is a standard solution that does not cause any harm to the gearbox.

What is a kickdown kickdown? Does gas to the floor harm your car?

Why do you need a rain sensor and how does it function?
An automatic transmission is one of the most popular types of transmission today. To make it as easy as possible to use, the developers have provided various modes with which you can achieve both significant fuel savings and increase the efficiency of all engine systems.

Owners of cars with automatic transmission are familiar with such options as Kickdown and Overdrive. They are even often confused. In fact, if you want to achieve professionalism, you need to clearly understand what the differences are:

  • the “Overdrive” option is an analogue of 5-6 gears on cars with a manual transmission, thanks to it you can achieve efficient engine operation when driving, for example, along the highway over long distances and at high speed;
  • The “Kickdown” option is an analogue of lower gears on a car with a manual transmission; it will help you get the most out of the engine when you need, for example, to accelerate sharply to overtake or when driving up an inclined surface.

How does Kickdown work? — we will try to sort out this issue on our website

What it is?

Kickdown is a special device that reduces the oil pressure in the automatic transmission and causes a sharp gear shift from higher to lower. There is a small button under the accelerator pedal (in older models this could be a simple button on the selector or gearbox) that is activated as soon as you press the gas pedal to the floor.

In simple terms, kickdown is “gas to the floor.” The main element of the kickdown is the solenoid. To switch to a lower gear in an automatic transmission, you need to reduce the oil pressure in the system. When you press the gas pedal hard, an electrical load is applied to the solenoid and the kickdown valve opens. Accordingly, a switch to a lower gear occurs.

Driving features and common mistakes

You can often hear that this function leads to rapid wear of the torque converter and the entire automatic transmission. This is true, because with increasing power, any equipment quickly breaks down.

The situation can be corrected only by correctly fulfilling the manufacturer’s requirements, using Kickdown for its intended purpose, namely to quickly gain speed. If you are driving in Overdrive, this function is automatically disabled as soon as Kickdown starts working.

The main mistake many drivers make is that they press the gas pedal all the way and keep their foot on it for a long time. Kickdown is activated by a sharp press, after which the foot can be removed from the pedal - the system itself will select the optimal mode for a given situation.

Thus, the basic rule is to use this option only for its intended purpose. Never overtake if you are not sure that you will be able to overtake, especially if this means driving into the oncoming lane.

It is not recommended to use Kickdown frequently in the following cases:

  • there are problems with the automatic transmission;
  • you have an old car;
  • The box has previously been repaired.

It is also worth noting that on some cars the manufacturer himself recommends using this function at least once a day.

Is kickdown harmful to the transmission?

The automatic transmission “loves” a smooth ride. A kickdown causes the engine to operate at full power, which naturally leads to increased wear. On the other hand, if such a function is provided by the manufacturer, then the machine and all its systems are designed for such loads.

From all that has been written we draw the following conclusions:

  • Kickdown is an automatic transmission function for sharply downshifting and gaining power;
  • you need to use it skillfully, since too frequent use leads to faster breakdowns of the machine.

Do not forget that sharp acceleration on an icy road can lead not only to increased fuel consumption and wear of the automatic transmission, but also to loss of control, and this is a serious risk for the driver and his passengers.

How to use "shift lock"

In order for the button to have the desired effect, you must take the following steps:

  1. Click on it.
  2. Do not release until you have moved the shift lever to the “N” position if you need to tow the vehicle with another vehicle.
  3. Release the button on the machine.
  4. Then you can push the car or transport it on a trailer.

Now you know how and where to use this key. It may look different on different brands of vehicles.

For example:

  • on Toyota cars you will find it slightly recessed into the selector. And it will be called not just Shift Lock, but “Shift Lock Release”;
  • on Kia the switch will be hidden under a special panel. The lid must be opened to use the “Shift lock”;
  • There are no identification marks on the Ford Focus and other modifications of vehicles that came off the assembly line of a well-known plant. On the automatic transmission selector of these cars you will find just a button without a name;
  • on Nissan Shift Lock looks exactly the same as on Toyota.

If you need to replace the button, you can contact any auto store. The cost of a key starts from 130 rubles. For Toyota Camry ShiftLock is sold under catalog number 3356333230.

Write in the comments, have you already changed this key or have you never touched it during the entire time you owned the car?

Solving the “short left shift” problem

Comfort when using the keyboard for long periods of time is an important factor affecting both productivity and hand health.
Often we have to keyboard for several hours without breaks, therefore, in addition to the actual selection of suitable keyboards (height of key travel, travel rigidity, depth of travel from the actuation point to the stop, tactile sensations from the surface of the keys, rigidity of the keyboard case, key layout option, etc.) think of simple tricks that can improve the usability of your keyboard without any effort. In the category “wireless keyboards, with medium or low key travel, with medium hardness, just for intensive work (non-gaming)”, in my opinion, the leaders are Logitech keyboards. Unfortunately, the vast majority of models of full-size keyboards from this company in localized versions (with Latin and second language characters, see note at the end of the article) do not belong to the category “full-size keyboards with a standard layout, two long Shift, large Enter, long Backspace” . The reason for not falling into this category is the persistent desire of Logitech designers and engineers to “shorten” the left Shift by placing a duplicate key with slashes (forward, backlash, vertical bar) to the right of it.

Often, to press the long left Shift, you use either the little finger, which we place horizontally, or the little finger and ring finger, or some other option - in this case, we intuitively assume that the left Shift is long enough, and there is no need to try to press closer to the left edge of the keyboard. Accordingly, erroneous pressing of the left duplicate “slash” key often occurs.

I used to suffer from this inconvenience, especially when I had to change from a keyboard with a long left Shift to a keyboard with a short one - Logitech's. I googled it - which turned out to be difficult, because it is difficult to formulate a query to select solutions for this particular problem, because results like “universal keyboard drivers” are somewhat different.

The solution turned out to be very simple - the KeyTweak utility. As far as I understand, the native site no longer exists, but you can download it from many software portals. No installation is required - which is generally correct, because most likely you will only need to run the utility on a specific computer once (or someone will get carried away with low-level key reassignment).

The essence of the technique is clear from the screenshot:

The low-level code of the left duplicate “slash” key is simply replaced with the low-level code of the left Shift. Accordingly, pressing the duplicate key is now the same as pressing the left Shift.

The setting in the registry looks like this (you can do without the utility):

(registry key \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout)

Since this is a registry setting, the KeyTweak utility is no longer needed - it is not a driver, but simply an interface for the convenience of such settings.


  • nothing has changed with the left Shift itself;
  • to press the left Shift you can press it, you can press the “slash” proxy key, you can press both Shift and the proxy at the same time - as if you were pressing the long left Shift; The deputy perfectly participates in keyboard shortcuts (with Ctrl, Alt and others) similar to the main left Shift;
  • nothing changed with Right Shift;
  • nothing has changed with the correct right slash key (which is located next to Enter) - it still worked;
  • tested not only on Logitech keyboards, but also on keyboards from several other manufacturers;
  • The setting is done once on a specific PC; when changing the keyboard, you don’t need to do anything - if the new keyboard has a left “slash” key, then the setting is used, if there is no such key (that is, the left Shift is long), then the setting simply does not affect anything .

A note about "localized" Logitech keyboards - as far as I understand, the shortened left Shift is a problem only with localized keyboards. For the same model, a keyboard with only Latin alphabet has a normal long Shift (see below for links to official photos), and a localized one has a short one (all keyboards to which I provided links in Russian retail have a short left Shift). I don’t understand what the depth of the design idea is here. Of course, there are exceptions - keyboard models with a long left Shift, regardless of internationalization. Links craft?crid=27

Interpretation of dashboard indicators Hyundai Creta 1st generation

• Some instrument cluster icons shown here may vary depending on the vehicle body type.

About Creta: Hyundai Creta 2022: Photos, specifications, configurations, prices | AutoGuide

• If a question regarding the operation of any indicator remains unanswered, it is worth considering that a green signal usually always indicates the serviceability and normal function of the system, in which the driver can continue driving.

• When a red or yellow indicator is detected on the dashboard, we can conditionally assume that one of the elements of the car system is not functioning correctly; usually, problems with which it is better not to continue driving the car further are indicated in red.

List of situational moments that require turning on the button

However, if the automatic transmission has gone into emergency mode or the engine has stalled in the middle of a busy highway, you can safely use Shift Lock to, for example, set the rocker to the neutral position. It will be easier for another car to tow your box without harm if there is no tow truck nearby.

Now I will describe situations in which the use of “Shift Lock” on an automatic transmission will be useful to you:

  • stopping at a gas station;
  • car breakdown requiring towing, as I wrote above;
  • stopping in front of the turnstile to deposit money.

Thanks to this key, you can always unlock the automatic transmission and put the rocker in the desired position. By the way, on old boxes, instead of a key, the driver found a hole for the key. The key acted as a “Shift Lock” unlocker, by inserting which it was also possible to change the position of the selector lever on a locked automatic transmission.

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