15 films about bikers and motorcycles. What to see?

Bikers, singers of freedom, these men in leather on a steel horse, the heroes of heavy metal action films are ideal characters for a heroic epic. They can be both good-natured and romantic, and demons from hell. It seems that the topic is inexhaustible. But not everything is so rosy. Yes, there was a period when there were so many films about motorcyclists and biker gangs that the concept of “biker fusion” even appeared in the press, by analogy with other exploitation films.

The time of rebellion against the life principles of parents who somehow survived the Second World War was marked by the emergence of nihilistic subcultures, the most radical of which was the bike movement. Movies are the best way to describe the life of men in leather on motorcycles, so here is a list of films about them.

  • Easy Rider
  • Wild angels
  • Hell's Angels on Wheels
  • Savage
  • Without love
  • Betta fish
  • Black rain
  • Beyond the Law
  • Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man
  • Ghost rider

Hell's Belles (1969)

Hell's Beauties is another movie that revolves around a revenge plot after a motorcycle is stolen, like Wild Angels. Dan (Jeremy Slate) wins a new motorcycle and plans to sell it so he can have enough money to buy a ranch, but a man steals it.

Dan decides to track down the motorcycle's new owner, Tampa (Adam Roark), and his partner Katie (Jocelyn Lane) joins him in a tale of brutal revenge.

Three Steps Above Heaven

Tres metros sobre el cielo

  • Spain, 2010.
  • Action, drama, melodrama.
  • Duration: 123 minutes.
  • IMDb: 6.9.

Still from the film “Three Meters Above the Sky”
A young biker, Ache, who loves to take risks, falls in love with Babi, a well-bred girl from a wealthy family. Despite the circumstances, a relationship begins between them that will not lead to anything good.

The plot about the love of an innocent schoolgirl and a notorious hooligan, of course, does not sparkle with novelty. But still, the film adaptation of Federico Moccia’s book captivated audiences around the world. And all thanks to the charming actors Maria Valverde and Mario Casas, as well as the gorgeous views of Barcelona, ​​where the main passions are in full swing.

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Easy Rider (1969)

Easy Rider follows two bikers named Billy (Dennis Hopper) and Wyatt (Peter Fonda) as they travel from Los Angeles to New Orleans to find clients and learn more about America. Dennis Hopper also directed the film and brought Jack Nicholson on board. Nicholson plays a happy-go-lucky attorney who the bikers contact along the way.

It's a role that is also credited with changing Jack Nicholson's career trajectory, taking him from B-list to A-list status. He received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. Apart from Nicholson's outstanding performance, the film's amazing soundtrack and beautiful motorcycles also make it a compelling film.

Black rain

  • Rating 6.9 / 6.7 (Kinopoisk/IMDb)
  • Genre Action, Thriller, Crime
  • Country: USA
  • Starring Michael Douglas, Andy Garcia, Ken Takakura, Kate Capshaw
  • Directed by Ridley Scott
  • Duration 125 min. / 02:05
  • Paramount Pictures Studio
  • Premiere date September 22, 1989
  • Screenplay: Craig Bolotin, Warren Lewis

New York cop Nick (Michael Douglas) is obsessed not only with his job, but also with motorcycles. Fly through the city at night on a powerful bike, forgetting about the dirt of its streets and accusations of involvement in corruption. Yes, the local hero is as romantic as he is pragmatic. Biker of the new time, no matter what.

Nick and his young partner Charlie accompany gangster Kogi Sato, who Nick arrested for murder, to his native Japan. But at the airport, the criminal is taken away unnoticed by tough American police. The partners are forced to endure a humiliating investigation of the circumstances of the case, after which they begin their own illegal investigation and search for Sato. It’s not for nothing that Nick is still a biker and a rebel.

Producer and leading man Michael Douglas insisted that the film be a down-to-earth police story, with a minimum of the long-winded discussions of existence that Ridley Scott always loved. And from a box office point of view, the producer knew what he was doing. "Black Rain" at that time became the second commercially successful film in Scott's career. Although it is noticeable that the focus was on a deep story about a real American who found himself in a country that is still trying to comprehend the consequences of that very “Black Rain” (this is the name given to the radioactive fallout that fell after the bombing of Hiroshima). Therefore, Douglas’s hero is a policeman, a man with some power and weapons, as well as a biker, a representative of one of the most freedom-loving subcultures.

The result is a gloomy road movie, during which the main character finds long-lost moral principles.


Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (1991)

Here's a movie where four characters are named after motorcycle brands. In it, two childhood friends, Harley Davidson (Mickey Rourke) and Marlboro (Don Johnson), are tasked with saving a once-beloved club when they learn it is facing closure due to unpaid bank loans.

They are going to steal the bank's armored personnel carrier. However, they are shocked when they discover that the car contains a new street drug called Crystal Dream, rather than money. It turns out that the owners of the bank are corrupt drug lords, and now they want their product back.


When you look at production from the inside, you really learn a lot of new things. Documentaries are not as boring as they seem, and with the way movies sometimes hang cliches and ancient clichés on motorcyclists, documentaries can compete with action films and thrillers.

"Why do we ride motorcycles"

The 2013 American film tells the stories of different people who explain what riding a motorcycle means to them. To look at motorcycle life deeper than showing off at a traffic light, this is a very interesting film. If your family or friends don't understand what riding a bike is because of news reports that only talk about accidents and deaths, show them this picture, maybe they will change their minds.

"Top 10 reasons why people ride motorcycles"

“Family against a motorcycle - what to do?”

"Every Sunday", 1971/2014

A documentary about motorcycle racing suitable for motorcycle racers. Two dates are indicated here, since there is the first film made in the “bearded” years, when motorsports were the lot of rare enthusiasts. The second film was shot as a sequel to 2014 and does not abandon its idea. Today, with the right amount of money, anyone can buy a sports bike, equipment and become an athlete - if only they have the desire and perseverance. Why not see how it all began? You might want to get into sports!

National Geographic Megafactories series

As a nerd, I love the work of National Geographic, including the Megafactories series, which has been in production since 2006. It allows you to look into the factories of various large manufacturing giants. Each episode is dedicated to a specific production or some recognized world legend. You can sit down with this “good” at the beginning of the New Year holidays and review everything in one gulp, learn not only about the creation of motorcycles or Michelin tires, but also about the assembly of sports cars, airplanes, tanks, trucks... even about Lego, Coca-Cola "and production of intoxicating drinks.

In general, if you like smart films, learning how things work, and haven’t watched “Megafactories” yet, then it’s time to brew some coffee and sit down to watch it!

Hell's Angels on Wheels (1967)

Before Easy Rider, Jack Nicholson also starred in this biker movie, which is actually the most similar to Sons of Anarchy. Nicholson plays a gas station attendant named Poet, who impresses the Hells Angels biker gang and ends up being absorbed into their circle.

Closer to our days

"Hooligan", 2014

A social program built on the problem of fathers and children. I can’t promise jaw-dropping action, but there must be something out of the ordinary on this list. For example, the story of a widower who loves to drink from the bottle, even having two sons. But the events are concentrated around the younger generation, where the eldest son, who is also a hooligan, drags the younger one into his “fun”. As a result, the father is deprived of parental rights, and the youngest child is taken away from the family. The drama unfolds against the backdrop of attempts to return his son to society and the older boy’s preparation for the motocross championship, which he wants to win for the sake of his father and younger brother.

"Harley and the Davidson Brothers", 2016

A mini-series that tells the story of the creators of the Harley motorcycle cult - William Harley, Arthur Davidson and his two brothers Walter and William. Don’t ignore this work, the series is divided into several parts, which makes it easier to assimilate the information. But at that time the idea of ​​a motorcycle was truly revolutionary! A good series that won't bore you.

"On the Road with Norman Reedus", 2016

The main character Norman Reedus is familiar to viewers from the series “The Walking Dead,” in which he also rode around on a bike and also shot at everything that moved. In this series, he is more good-natured, and he is not surrounded by zombies. The idea of ​​the series is simple: Norman travels across America and talks about different places that are associated with biker culture.

TV series "Mayans", 2022

A spin-off of the series "Sons of Anarchy", but, let's be honest, the reviews are mixed. Therefore, if you are a fan of “Sons”, there is a high probability of being disappointed, because with “Sons” itself the only thing in common here is the time base, which is shown from a completely different angle. If you don't get attached to Sons of Anarchy, it can be quite good as a crime drama.

The list to watch can grow for an insanely long time, given that different authors attract films into their collections that simply feature a motorcycle as a vehicle. I would like to believe in the emergence of new sensible films that will show motorcycle culture not only as gangster gatherings and shooting from all calibers. We love many films because of the reminder that a motorcycle can be a means of achieving sporting goals, interesting travel and bringing the concept of “freedom” into people's lives.

Savage (1953)

Marlon Brando already looked too cool just standing there, and The Savage upped the cool factor by adding a motorcycle. The film is often credited with popularizing the idea of ​​motorcycle gangs in Hollywood films. Soon after it came out, many more followed.

Brando plays Johnny Strabler, the cop-hating leader of the Black Rebels biker gang. The British Board of Film Classification banned the film for glorifying crime and violence. Some UK local councils later lifted the ban.

Real boars, 2007

William Macy, John Travolta, Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence in the comedy Real Boars
Another biker-themed film comedy. A funny film about four friends who decided to get out of the everyday hustle and bustle and, remembering their youth, set off towards freedom and adventure. “Real Boars” can be watched over and over again. This is a light, kind, hilarious story with a wonderful cast.

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Che Guevara: The Motorcycle Diaries (2004)

Che Guevara: The Motorcycle Diaries, directed by popular Brazilian director Walter Salles, is a film about Che Guevera, but it is not a film about revolution. Based on the revolutionary leader's own memoirs, the film follows him as he traveled to South America in the 1950s as a medical student.

The adrenaline of most biker movies is lacking here, but the film slowly takes you through the small events that shaped the mind of the cult leader. When his bike breaks down, he interacts with the people, thereby realizing how much they suffer from poverty and political oppression.

Beyond the Law

  • Rating 7.5 / 6.5 (Kinopoisk/IMDb)
  • Genre Thriller, Drama, Crime
  • Country: USA
  • Starring Charlie Sheen, Linda Fiorentino, Michael Madsen
  • Director Larry Ferguson
  • Duration 108 min. / 01:48
  • Capitol Films Studio
  • Premiere date April 22, 1993
  • Screenplay by Larry Ferguson

By the nineties, the fashion for bikers in films had almost disappeared. People on powerful motorcycles who reject social values ​​have lost their mysterious charm. But director Larry Ferguson managed to create a film on television that became a cult classic.

The Jackals biker gang does not waste time on intimidating the population of small towns. The police suspect that rebels against the system are, among other things, involved in drug and weapons trafficking. Policeman Dan Saxon (Charlie Sheen) decides to infiltrate the gang under the name Sid. The newly minted knight road quickly earns the trust of leader Blood (Michael Madsen). All that’s left to do is to dig up materials to arrest the spirited motorcyclists.

Yes, the film failed to revive interest in biker rallying, but it showed an unexpected angle for stories about men on bikes. The main character has to make a huge effort not only to balance between the trust of the gang leader and the line of legality, but also simply human affections. Ferguson pushed the ideological component of the bike movement into the background, and brought personal relationships between people to the fore.


Eye of the Tiger (1986)

Imagine Rambo: First Blood, where biker gang members replace the cops, and fans can understand what the movie is about. Eye of the Tiger stars tough guy Gary Busey as a military veteran who returns home from Vietnam to find his town colonized by a biker gang.

Buck (the main character) becomes Super Buck and decides to fight the bikers and drive them away. There's no shortage of action here, with fist fights and motorcycle chases happening every few minutes. And what would Eye of the Tiger be without the classic Survivor song?

Betta fish

  • Rating 7.7 / 7.2 (Kinopoisk/IMDb)
  • Genre: Drama, Romance, Crime
  • Country: USA
  • Starring Matt Dillon, Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane
  • Directed by Francis Ford Coppola
  • Duration 94 min. / 01:34
  • Zoetrope Studios
  • Premiere date: October 7, 1983
  • Script by S.E. Hinton, Francis Ford Coppola

Francis Ford Coppola's youth drama introduced actors Nicolas Cage, Mickey Rourke and Matt Dillon to the world. It is noteworthy that the symbol for the invariably lost generation in Coppola’s film becomes a biker, strange, incomprehensible and generally as if he came from another universe.

Rusty James (Matt Dillon), the leader of a local gang, recklessly starts a showdown with a rival organization. The hapless rebel is saved by his brother Motorcyclist (Mickey Rourke), the legendary king of the city, who has long abandoned his former possessions. Now he speaks distantly and vaguely about the surrounding reality, does not particularly support his younger brother and his ardent impulses, but is not going to stop him either. Rusty himself does not fully understand that the time of gangs is objectively over and that his brother, his hero, humbly realizes this. Where heroin has settled, there is no place not only for the fight for freedom and a place in the world, but for life in general. It is a rare case when a biker in a movie acts as a symbol of reconciliation with reality.


Hell's Ride (2008)

Hell Ride is directed by Larry Bishop, who also plays Prez, the leader of a Southern California gang known as the Winners.

The plot revolves around the gang's efforts to avenge the murder of one of the gang members and how the motorcycle gang members stand up for each other and take revenge - something that fans of Sons of Anarchy are very familiar with.

Lone Hero (2002)

The quiet life of the town is disturbed by bikers, for whom no laws are written. Ruthless savages are ready for any crime. A lot of people died during the daring robbery. All the residents were scared to death. Only one person decided to take revenge on the scoundrels. John works as an actor in a local theater. His character is an invincible and fearless cowboy. The brave man decides to use his acting skills in real shootouts. At this time, ferocious bikers seize the city, taking John's beloved girl hostage.

Without Love (1981)

In one of Willem Dafoe's first roles, he played motorcycle gang member Vance. In the film, a group of bikers gather at a roadhouse on their way to the Daytona race. The management of the diner begins to get nervous, and the customer even becomes hostile towards them.

Hostility soon leads to an endless series of violence. The film was made on a shoestring budget and when it was released it quickly gained a cult following, becoming one of the highest-rated biker films of all time among critics.

Ghost rider

  • Rating 6.3 / 5.3 (Kinopoisk/IMDb)
  • Genre fantasy, action thriller
  • Country: USA
  • Starring Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes, Wes Bentley, Peter Fonda
  • Director Mark Steven Johnson
  • Duration 110 min. / 01:50
  • Columbia Pictures Studio
  • Premiere date January 15, 2007
  • Screenplay by Mark Steven Johnson

The apotheosis of stories about bikers is fantasy and science fiction of various kinds. The animated series “Rocker Mice from Mars” is proof of this. But, as you know, the main exploitative media are comics. And they followed the theme of bikers far and wide. The most popular motorcyclist at Marvel, for example, is the Ghost Rider. Johnny Blaze sold his soul to the demon Mephisto and was supposed to collect the souls of sinners and send them to hell.

The film begins with some backstory about the film's main MacGuffin, the contract for a thousand souls. During the time of the Wild West, Mephistopheles himself (Peter Fonda) sent his servant Phantom Rider to retrieve the scroll. But he decided that it would be painful for the devil and disappeared with the cherished agreement.

A century and a half later, young stuntman Johnny Blaze lives a happy life. He is young, talented and in love. But it turns out that his father is dying of lung cancer. Then Mephistopheles flies up to the young motorcyclist with a tempting offer: he will heal Johnny’s father, but it will cost the motorcyclist his soul. The cancer is gone, but Johnny's father dies during a stunt gone wrong. Now the talented stuntman is forced to leave his beloved so that she does not see how he will work for the forces of hell.

Despite the critics' defeat and unimpressive box office receipts, the film became a cult in its own way. Nicolas Cage, as a man who bears a terrible curse, looks more like an eccentric than a dramatic character. It seems that according to Cage’s idea, Blaze has long gone crazy with his invulnerability. After all, he became a great stuntman and performs such stunts that it is impossible to survive. And if your entertainment for relaxation is watching a show where monkeys do kung fu, while drinking a glass of jelly beans, not everything is in order in your life. Therefore, when Mephistopheles finally appears to his servant and demands to deal with his rebellious son, it becomes clear that Blaze was just waiting for this. With manic gusto, the motorcyclist burns to the bone, jumps on his hellish bike and rushes to administer justice.


Viewer reviews

For obvious reasons, films about motorcyclists, racers and bikers are not of interest to everyone. Many people are simply far from this culture and do not take it seriously. Also, some films are too unusual and not intended for a mass audience. However, in this list we did not specifically limit ourselves to any particular genre. We have selected both action and drama films for you. So, depending on your mood, you can choose the right movie and enjoy watching it. Each film has its own unique atmosphere, but they all have one thing in common - a similar theme. Enjoy watching!

Bikers (2000)

Max is a lone robber. On his motorcycle, he rocks the streets of Montreal, daringly robbing shops along the way. He is also not averse to getting involved in brutal showdowns. His talent could not go unnoticed for long. After another fight, he is offered to join the “Black Souls” gang, which brings fear to the entire city. Max sacrifices his old life by joining their ranks. But he soon faces the harsh realities of gang life. Now he no longer wants to blindly do crazy things with them.

Torque (2003)

After a long time, biker Keri Ford returns to his hometown. Here he intends to live a quiet life with his beloved girl. But fate had a rather unpleasant surprise in store for him. Ford is accused of a murder he did not commit. The brother of the murdered man intends to take revenge on him. FBI agents also begin to pursue him. Keri must restore justice at any cost by restoring his good name. He intends to find the real criminals, putting an end to this unfair story.

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