How to properly lift a motorcycle if it has fallen: a life hack for bikers

The most painful thing for a biker is not falling on a motorcycle, but having to lift his two-wheeled machine. Indeed, whether you are muscular or not, young or old, this is a situation that no one likes to live in, especially when you have a motorcycle with a relatively large weight.

What are the risks of having to lift a motorcycle alone? How do you get there without causing more damage? Fortunately, there are simple solutions to get out of this unpleasant situation. Find out by reading this article carefully.

From the gas or through the clutch?

There are different ways to lift a motorcycle onto its rear wheel.
I call these combinations. I propose to consider a method of lifting the bike onto the rear wheel through the clutch. This method also has different variations, let’s consider everything sequentially. You can often hear a lot of debate, but which is more correct: lifting the motorcycle from the gas or through the clutch? Here you need to understand that lifting the motorcycle off the gas is a very limited range of the engine. Whereas, when working through the clutch, you set the number of revolutions yourself by releasing the clutch and transferring them to the rear wheel. If everything sounds so easy, then why is there this controversy? Because in reality, in reality, everything is somewhat more complicated. Errors that prevent you from lifting onto the rear wheel.

Let's look at the most common ones, based on my experience. The first is the wrong grip. Namely, a grip that is not set or set incorrectly prevents accurate dosing of gas. In turn, the sharp and jerky operation of the gas makes you nervous. The next thing is to simultaneously open the gas and release the clutch. This results in a dip at the beginning of the climb and the bike shooting up after it. Here, slow, smooth release of the clutch. Just like in the previous example, the bike ejects with a delay.

Part seven. What if everything went wrong?

If everything goes wrong, you hopefully feel for the rear brake, apply it, and the front flops down, crushing your balls on the tank (if you're a guy) or (if you're a girl) crushing those mystical parts. If everything goes REALLY wrong and you either miss the rear brake or miss it completely (it happens), the bike will self-explode into many expensive pieces from about a meter and a half height. It may also land on you. Try to fall to the side. If you don't wear protection, you will enter a world of pain, even from thirty kilometers per hour. It can hurt on defense too, okay?

Harley-Davidson knows how to properly lift a fallen motorcycle: video instructions

In most of Russia, the motorcycle season has long ended, but there are places in our vast country where motorcyclists feel at ease even in winter. There, if snow falls, it is considered force majeure. We are, of course, talking about the south of the country: where the city of Sevastopol, the city of Sochi and other southern Meccas for motorcyclists are located, where you can ride two-wheeled vehicles most of the year.

But, despite the favorable climatic conditions, bikers should not relax here either. After all, you never know what can happen along the way; an emergency situation can easily turn into a real accident. This means that the motorcycle will end up on its side. And it’s also good if only the hardware suffers, and not the rider. But here a pressing question immediately arises: how to lift a fallen bike? Harley-Davidson explained how to lift even a heavy motorcycle. It is interesting that even a fragile girl can cope with such a task. So let’s remember it and remember it!

First, make sure the engine is turned off. This may seem obvious, but a person is often disoriented after laying the motorcycle on its side, it may not be clear to him. This way you will prevent engine overhauls due to oil starvation.

Step two. If the motorcycle falls on the right side, lower the stand. This will save you if you overdo it a little when climbing, and the bike starts to fall on the other side too much. If the fall occurred on the other side, where there is no stand foot, control the lifting of the motorcycle more carefully, watch the lifting angle.

The third important detail is to make sure that the gear is engaged. This way, your bike won't leave you anywhere once it's on its wheels.

Attention! Ignoring any of these nuances may lead to another fall!

How to put a heavy motorcycle on wheels, even if you are a fragile girl?

If the motorcycle is lying on its right side.

Sit on the edge of the seat as close to the front edge of the bike as possible. Grasp the steering wheel with your left hand, and with your right hand, grab the frame or structural element from behind that will not come off, such as a seat.

We begin the climb. Important! Never lift the bike with your hands or your back. No force needed here. The idea is to lift the couch potato using the strongest muscles in your body—your legs.

Here's what it looks like in the video:

Video taken from YouTube channel Motorcycle Shows in 4k

Walk backwards with your feet until both wheels touch the ground. The bike will still be at an angle when this happens, so you're not done at this point.

Lower your butt to the center of the seat, grab the grip with your right hand, if you feel uncomfortable, continue to push the bike with your feet.

If you have a tall bike (or are too short), you may need to sit lower on the seat to continue lifting the bike further. Visually control the rise, and once the bike is upright, it will either rest against the kickstand, or, if the kickstand is on the other side, you can easily grab the standing bike and roll it to safety.

As you can see, with this lifting technique, the 7th grade physics course works for you. The simplest system of levers - and how effective!

Good luck on the roads! Don't fall and always stay on horseback!

Part eleven. Options.

Once you've learned how to do all of the above, here are some more things to try.

Getting up. Easily. You stand on the steps and goat. Cool, yeah?

Crossbreeding. Turn the steering wheel and point your knee in the other direction. Wonderful effect.

Welcoming/obscene/other gestures. You take your hand off the wheel (your left hand!) and do whatever you think is cool with it. Adds points when you taunt the cops.

Passengers. If you have a friend who trusts you, do it. It's actually easier to goat with two people due to the redistribution of weight, but the stakes are higher for obvious reasons.

There are more options, but if you can think of them and do them, why would you read this?

Check for synchronization of controls, gas-clutch.

Be at ease with a motorcycle. It's not that I'm sure, I know it's not as easy as most people think. And I see this often when giving students a simple test. Try to stop completely and pick up a little speed again, at least in a straight line. Using the rear brake. In this test, it becomes clear how you work: clutch, gas, rear brake. If the exercise is completed successfully, that is, there are no unnecessary changes in throttle, jerks during acceleration and uncertainty in balance, then the controls are synchronized. You can move on to learning how to lift a motorcycle onto its rear wheel.

Part two. Equipment.

To goat, you first need a motorcycle. Any will do. Personally, I have a friend who rear-wheels his GoldWing. For simplicity, I'll assume you're riding a sportbike, although the process is the same for any bike. Crossbows are good for goats because they are cheap to fall on. In this regard, it is also convenient to borrow motorcycles from friends.

Here are questions to ask your bike: 1. Are you in good shape? 2. Does your throttle turn easily? 3. Does your clutch work well? 4. Do you have a working rear brake in case you save my ass?

If there is even one negative answer, you should find a new motorcycle. If your bike isn't responding, don't worry, they're usually eerily quiet.

Personal experience of lifting a light motorcycle

Considering that I have a ybr 125, which weighs about 120 kilograms. There were never any problems lifting it. We just take it and lift it :-). But it turns out there are whole instructions on how to do it correctly. It may be useful for girls, because... They have less strength.


1) Turn the steering wheel so that the front wheel points upward.

2) Find a fulcrum at the steering wheel, feet shoulder-width apart. We take the handlebars with both hands and slowly lift the bike.

3) Do not overdo it so as not to drop the motor on the other side, because... As soon as the motorcycle is more or less level, set the kickstand and park it.

This is what such a rise looks like in photographs:

Part one. Overcoming mental barriers.

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of being a jerk is the fear of "Busting Your Ass" (BYA), as scientists call it. This is a very real and probable occurrence associated with goat riding, other stunts, and motorcycles in general. Here are some tips: 1. Start small. You are not Harry Rothwell, and you may never be. So don't rush until you know you're ready. 2. Never confuse your intentions with your capabilities. See point one. 3. Wear protection. I always wear a helmet, gloves, boots, jacket, and back protection when riding. In fact, it pays to dress entirely in leather. If you don't wear all these things, and you fail at being a goat, you will become scarred, deformed and unattractive to the opposite sex.

Exercise: stopping the motorcycle completely and continuing to move.

First basic exercise: pick up speed to 5-10 km/h -> release the clutch -> closed throttle -> coast to about zero speed “balance by turning the steering wheel - turning it towards the tilt of the motorcycle” -> reducing the speed to 3-2 km / h , in the absence of strong lateral rolls, continue to operate the steering wheel and quickly press the rear brake until it comes to a complete stop -> release the rear brake -> open the gas and then start working the clutch without releasing it all the way -> slipping the clutch discs -> accelerate on the motorcycle up to 10 km/h -> at the moment of acceleration, the lateral roll will disappear and the motorcycle will be stable -> complete the acceleration by pressing the clutch and closing the gas.

This exercise will give you precise operation of the clutch, gas, brake and steering wheel. Also, the landing and grip of the hands will automatically take the correct position. Otherwise, this simplest basic exercise cannot be performed easily. If you are constrained and do it with effort, with wooden arms and not only, then it’s still worth working on synchronization. And be on your own with a motorcycle. Since accuracy is extremely necessary in order to prevent a fatal mistake when lifting onto the rear wheel.

Part eight. Goating.

After reading all of the above, you are ready to try being a jerk. In short, here's what you need to do. 1. Feel the rear brake. It will stop you from flipping if you go too far. 2. Accelerate at quarter throttle to 30-40 km/h. 3. Depress the clutch. 4. Add gas. 5. Release the clutch.

Steps 2-5 are done almost simultaneously.

Step 1 - The rear brake will save your butt from flipping over. Until you become a pro at bucking, keep your foot on the rear brake.

Step 2 - You must accelerate gently to load the rear wheel. Once you understand how it's done, you'll be able to goat it at any speed, but don't do it yet, okay?

Step 3 - Depressing the clutch makes the engine turn faster and, of course, provide more thrust. You don't have to push the clutch all the way in, just let it slide while spinning the engine.

Step 4 - Adding a little gas helps the engine rev up as outlined in Step 3.

Step 5 - Releasing the clutch is key to smooth shifting. Don't drop the clutch, otherwise the front end will jump up and scare you away from driving for a year. Release the clutch smoothly and quickly as if you were taking off quickly from a traffic light. If you've ever been drag racing and felt the front wheel lift up as you took off, this is the way to use the clutch.

In any case, if you are not a genius or simply without a tower, you will not be able to screw up the first time. You just pull the wheel up slightly. No problem, do it again and add a little more traction by releasing the clutch a little faster. It might not work this time either. Keep adding gas drop by drop and releasing the clutch faster, and the front will start to rise higher and higher. More traction means higher lift.

Going with a turn is achieved by transferring weight. lean to the side - you are going in this direction. Turn the wheel one way, you will go the other way, just like counter-steering. Stick your knee out and you'll go in her direction. But first, sit up straight and keep the steering wheel straight, okay?

The front wheel has a gyroscopic moment, so when it stops spinning, you can't steer it, and when it touches the ground, it will have to spin up again. If you go fast enough, you'll get some screeching noises and clouds of smoke, but let's leave that for later. If you land with the wheel turned, you will feel a sharp impact on the tank and may be thrown out of the saddle. So don't do this unless you like hitting the tank.

Now that you can confidently raise the front end higher and higher, you can move on!

Dangers of the above tips on how to raise an enduro motorcycle

The above tips related to lifting the bike from a relatively flat surface. But if the bike fell into a puddle or mud, or there was gravel and pebbles. Then you won't be able to lift the bike so easily. The wheel may slip when lifting.

Actually, it’s difficult to advise anything specifically. But always think before you act! So that the spendthrift doesn’t crush you. You can somehow fix the wheels so that they don’t move anywhere when lifting and calmly lift the motorcycle.

In general, of course, I wish everyone not to drop their horses!

Part four: Who hates goats.

Cops hate assholes. It evokes a primal reaction in them. They will throw a book at you. This may be called a "miscontrol" or "lost control" or "improper standing start" or "display of acceleration." DON'T MAKE A GOAT TO THE COPS. Mothers also don't like goats. On the other hand, children (especially boys) love goats. Most girls do too, although they usually won't admit it. It's best to make assholes for girls whenever possible. If you're a girl, act like an ass all the time. Needless to say, guys love to get fucked, and a girl rearing a motorcycle on its hind legs can make most men do just about anything.

Correct landing.

The seating position on a motorcycle is also very important. Try to hold on with everything you can and cannot, your knees are pressed in static tension to the tank, but not too much, your left leg is holding on to the footrest, your right is on the brake. Your arms are tense, but it is important to watch your hand and control the amount of gas. This is, perhaps, the very minimum of correct landing. The body, in a good way, should strongly help lifting onto the rear wheel, but it is extremely difficult to immediately put it into operation. Therefore, it is important to follow the minimum landing recommendations so as not to mess up the lift.

Lifting the motorcycle onto the rear wheel through the clutch.

Combination No. 2

The difference and difference when performing the same combination on different motorcycles with a power of 600 cc or 1000 cc lies in the changes in the values ​​​​in the formula, in the form of speed, portions and time intervals. The sequence of actions remains the same in both cases. The values ​​given below are based on a 600 cc motorcycle.


G - Gas portion (1 - weak gas, low speed 3000-4000PM, 2 - medium gas 5000-6000PM, 3 - high gas 7000-10000PM, closed gas -x). *0.5+1.5 for example, such numbers with a hyphen indicate an increase in portion, opening the gas 1.5-0.5, closing the gas, decreasing speed.

V - Time (0.5, 1.2 sec).

C — Clutch (1 depressed, 2 released, 3 smooth release) * do not hold the clutch, quickly release and throw.

S - the speed at which the rear wheel will be lifted (from 1 to 50 km/h)

K - combination, sequence of actions.

> - next action

Formula: K2-> S 15~25 = C1>G1>C2>Gx>G0.5>G1.5 (Clutch release>open the gas up to 1 portion ->release the clutch -> cover and close the gas -> open the gas -> gradually increase the gas for a smooth landing).* in combination, it is important to monitor the time value and portion of the gas and the speed at which the ascent is made.

Bottom line.

Make the first lifts no more than 15-20 cm and work on a smooth landing. For a smooth landing, it is necessary to cover the gas at the moment the front wheel lifts off. If you don’t have time to cover it, which happens most often, close it completely. Even with a hard landing, but without a flip. After a hard landing, control the throttle to prevent accidental reopening. Bring your actions to automaticity at low altitudes. By experimenting with portions and time intervals, you can gain the experience you need.


Before performing the exercises, try to mentally imagine and speak out the entire chain of actions without hesitation. Pronouncing Combination No. 2, stuttering and remembering what to do next, will be much more difficult while moving on a motorcycle.


You need to operate the clutch with one or two fingers, so that you can still hold the steering wheel with the rest. Also pay attention to the free play of the clutch handle. How to feel it? While standing still, fully depress the clutch. With the engine running and the gear engaged, begin to smoothly release the handle and, as soon as the motorcycle pulls forward, squeeze it back. Repeat the exercise without looking at the handle. It is necessary to fix the “starting point of movement” in muscle memory. We don't need free movement at all. We can work with the handle in a range of just five millimeters: from full contact of the disks to the point where they disengage.

To prevent the motorcycle from turning over from the rear wheel.

"Return". The only way to catch the motorcycle if you overdo it on the gas on a climb is to use the rear brake. However, it is not enough to know about this - during a trick, everything happens too quickly to let the actions go over your head. You need to develop a stable reflex to apply the rear brake. Therefore, before going further, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the “return” exercise. The idea is simple: lift the motorcycle and immediately lower it with the rear brake. Gradually increasing the angle of climb, you will come to the point where you will catch the motorcycle in the desired position with the rear brake. From here you can already try slow passages and even get into balance.

Correction of corner control in the passage due to the rear brake.

When the bike starts to lift off the front wheel, apply light pressure to the rear brake and be prepared to adjust the angle with pressure. Repeat the exercise to bring this action to automaticity, but do not rush to rise high. The body is configured for self-preservation and if you go into a negative angle, your legs will be “removed” from the footrests against your desire. In order for the foot to begin to press the pedal at a negative angle, the rear brake reflex is again required. It is better to purchase it on a light motorcycle and preferably under the supervision of professionals.

Stay tuned for the continuation of the article “How to lift a motorcycle onto the rear wheel” and watch my video on this topic.

How to lift a motorcycle onto the rear wheel from the gas.

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